Also that heist? The dice deities have blessed our Spy Ministry, and with a possible Omake bonus applied? Yeah, Maretonia's Nobles are about to be BROKE AF.
You do realize being cocky as hell like this is practically begging for murphy to look down and fuck us over, right? Also, Plan YO HO, a peaceful compromise also covers both the wall and the rail system while stacking the deck in our favor for doing the heist in the future. You plan has us doing it now without bothering to horde every advantage.
Look, the train and wall options are going to take long enough (4 and 3 years) without Imperial Orders to speed things up (especially if we need to do other things, like overtimes or other Personal Actions) we Need to start them now otherwise we'll get locked into double imp-ordering something because we procrastinated. And as an experience procrastinator, I can tell you that cramming the Wall or the trains will be no bueno, but especially with the Hardbeak wall.

So again, my plan 'YO HO BITCH' covers for that all. Also that heist? The dice deities have blessed our Spy Ministry, and with a possible Omake bonus applied? Yeah, Maretonia's Nobles are about to be BROKE AF.
I believe that doing the Heist now risks attracting too much attention right now for not enough gains. We also know NOTHING of the people the Maretonian's are trading with.

I'd prefer to investigate a bit, getting Libertalia more firmly allied to us, and possibly strenghten their navy by trading our cogs to Hoofbeard before really considering it.

For the walls... well, right now we're in a good position to completely avoid an invasion, and the double imperial order IS an option if it's truly necessary.

For trains i simply want to see the consequences of building the first line before proceeding with the second, especially when it would only take a year and we have many valid alternatives anyway.
We could even have more towns, or cities appear in the future that are far from any railways so it would be better to see what we can learn first before we make our own.
[X] Plan Enjoy The Peace While We Can
-[X] Dog Knights: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.
-[X] Elder Statesgryph: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Elva Retires, New Diplomacy Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
-[X] Ahoy me Buckos!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%.
-[X] Rail Network: Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.
-[X] Sea Mines: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Naval Mines Developed.
-[X] Crystal Heart Studies: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Crystal Heart, Additional Actions Unlocked.
-[X] Arming the Abolitionists: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists gain access to quality weapons and armor. Chance of Success: 60%
-[X] Stirring up Trouble: You've gotten your people back, but you're not quite finished with Maretonia. You and your people aren't comfortable sharing a border with a kingdom of slavers, and the abolitionists, riding high on their success, are jonesing to take further action against the Maretonian nobility, with or without your support. Ravenburg and Ambrosia have been sending a flurry of secret missives back and forth, exchanging ideas and opinions, and have come up with a complicated series of interlocking plans meant to spread disorder and discord throughout Maretonia by spreading misinformation and sowing strife between the rival noble houses of the realm. If the plan works, Queen Mareia and her vassals will be too busy searching for traitors and schemers amongst themselves to worry about you and their escaped property. You might even be able to leverage the situation to get some of the Abolitionists into greater positions of power and usurp some of the biggest slaveowners in Maretonia. It's worth a shot at least. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Maretonian nobility discredited/at each other's throats, Abolitionists gain more power and influence, Maretonia becomes less concerned about Gryphus. Chance of Success: 55%
-[X] Crystal Pastimes: Pearl, much like her siblings before her, has found her attentions divided and her passions unfocused. She's in need of a hobby to occupy her time. What manner of time-sink shall you guide her towards, and what skills shall she gain from it? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl gains a Hobby/Stat Modifier
-[X] A Question of Faith: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.
-[X] Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)
—[X] Isabelle Brissette: Brochard's Niece is not what you'd expected...then again you're not really sure what you'd have expected her to be like. You're proud of your son for looking beyond her family's past. Hopefully he can help her come out of her shell a bit.

Instead of going to War with Maretonia, let's make it tear itself apart on the inside. We're objectively an bigger threat to Maretonia than Maretonia is to us, so unless we directly provoke them, I don't think they'll be wanting to go to go to war while their nobles are at each others throats.

Plus, I want to drop another reason I think the Heist shouldn't be done until we've discovered and talked to these allies of Maretonia. We have no idea if Maretonia is an ally, just a trade partner, an ally of convenience, or what.

By doing the Hiest, we are putting a chip on our back in regards to future dealings with this new civilisation. It would nuke our relationship with them if they ever found out we helped raid one of their ships.

Plus, if attacking a trade ship will serve as a valid reason to go to war for Maretonia, then it sure as hell will serve as one for the actual owners of the ship.

I know pirate heists are cool guys, but this option is the ecquivlant of seeing a diamond in a raging fire and sticking our hand in the fire to grab it. Sure we could get out with only a few tiny burns, but there is a higher chance of us coming out with an heavily burnt hand and no diamond. If we're going to stick our hand in the fire, I want to go in prepared.

That means putting Maretonia into dissarray internally and figuring out who these traders are. Like... for all we know we could be stealing a potential future allies stuff. Like, what if it turns out that this trade partner of Maretonia is actually an military power? We could very easily be jabbing a tiger in the eye here, resulting in us fighting against another nation as well here.

Please hold your ponies on the Heist until we've done basic intel gathering and recon on this new factor. Next turn we'll send out scouts in the direction of these Allies of Maretonia, all the while laying the groundwork for the Hiest with more intrigue options setting Maretonia into internal chaos. If these allies also turn out to be slave traders or hostile, then we can go ahead with the Hiest. If they turn out to be more neutral, we can try and turn them against Maretonia, making it a 4 V 1 situation rather than a 3 V 2. But that option will be jeopardised by us helping literal pirates steal their stuff and inevitably attack their citizens on that trade vessel.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Enjoy The Peace While We Can
-[X] Dog Knights: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.
-[X] Elder Statesgryph: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Elva Retires, New Diplomacy Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
-[X] Ahoy me Buckos!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%.
-[X] Rail Network: Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.
-[X] Sea Mines: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Naval Mines Developed.
-[X] Crystal Heart Studies: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Crystal Heart, Additional Actions Unlocked.
-[X] Arming the Abolitionists: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists gain access to quality weapons and armor. Chance of Success: 60%
-[X] Stirring up Trouble: You've gotten your people back, but you're not quite finished with Maretonia. You and your people aren't comfortable sharing a border with a kingdom of slavers, and the abolitionists, riding high on their success, are jonesing to take further action against the Maretonian nobility, with or without your support. Ravenburg and Ambrosia have been sending a flurry of secret missives back and forth, exchanging ideas and opinions, and have come up with a complicated series of interlocking plans meant to spread disorder and discord throughout Maretonia by spreading misinformation and sowing strife between the rival noble houses of the realm. If the plan works, Queen Mareia and her vassals will be too busy searching for traitors and schemers amongst themselves to worry about you and their escaped property. You might even be able to leverage the situation to get some of the Abolitionists into greater positions of power and usurp some of the biggest slaveowners in Maretonia. It's worth a shot at least. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Maretonian nobility discredited/at each other's throats, Abolitionists gain more power and influence, Maretonia becomes less concerned about Gryphus. Chance of Success: 55%
-[X] Crystal Pastimes: Pearl, much like her siblings before her, has found her attentions divided and her passions unfocused. She's in need of a hobby to occupy her time. What manner of time-sink shall you guide her towards, and what skills shall she gain from it? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl gains a Hobby/Stat Modifier
-[X] A Question of Faith: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.
-[X] Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)
—[X] Isabelle Brissette: Brochard's Niece is not what you'd expected...then again you're not really sure what you'd have expected her to be like. You're proud of your son for looking beyond her family's past. Hopefully he can help her come out of her shell a bit.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Aug 28, 2019 at 4:36 PM, finished with 111 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan Preparing and Delaying the War
    -[X] Dog Knights: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.
    -[X] Elder Statesgryph: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Elva Retires, New Diplomacy Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Ahoy me Buckos!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%.
    -[X] Skill-Training Programs: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Slightly Increased Tax Income, Crystal Protectorate no longer dependent on Imperial Expertise.
    -[X] Sea Mines: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Naval Mines Developed.
    -[X] Crystal Heart Studies: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Crystal Heart, Additional Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Arming the Abolitionists: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists gain access to quality weapons and armor. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Stirring up Trouble: Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Maretonian nobility discredited/at each other's throats, Abolitionists gain more power and influence, Maretonia becomes less concerned about Gryphus. Chance of Success: 55%
    -[X] Overtime:
    --[X] Flying without Wings: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] A Question of Faith: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.
    -[X] Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)
    --[X] Isabelle Brissette: Brochard's Niece is not what you'd expected...then again you're not really sure what you'd have expected her to be like. You're proud of your son for looking beyond her family's past. Hopefully he can help her come out of her shell a bit.
    [X] Plan: YO HO BITCH
    -[X] Crystal Knights: Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Establishment of Crystal Knightly Order. Will Finish This Turn
    -[X] The Hardbeak Line: Cost: 2500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Constructed using new fortification techniques. Southern Border Secured.
    -[X] Elder Statesgryph: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Elva Retires, New Diplomacy Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Ahoy me Buckos!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%.
    -[X] The Crystal Line: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Rail Line connecting Crystal City and Central Gryphus. Increased Income, New Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn.
    -[X] RailNetwork: Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Sea Mines: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Naval Mines Developed.
    -[X] Crystal Heart Studies: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Crystal Heart, Additional Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Arming the Abolitionists: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists gain access to quality weapons and armor. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Hoofbeard's Heist: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years (Cannot be hastened by Imperial Priority). Reward: Maretonian Nobility's Finances Ruined, Maretonia loses face with Trade Partner, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 40% (Roll to be made at conclusion of Action)
    -[X] Overtime: Dog Knights: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.
    -[X] A Question of Faith: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.
    -[X] Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)
    —[X] Ki Seong: The Cultured Qilin is exactly what you'd expect the daughter of Neighponese Nobility to be...and that might actually be a problem. Gawain tells you she likely feels pressured by the expectations of society and her family to hold herself to a high standard at all times. Hopefully he can convince her to let her hair down around him.
    [X] Plan Enjoy The Peace While We Can
    [X] Plan: YO HO, A Peaceful Compromise!
Eh, I'd wait until we see the result of the first railway at this point, though i can understand your decision.
We know what the result of trains is. We can look at the real world for that. Trains make it possible for everyone, not just the rich, to travel. Trains make industry on the order of days instead of weeks possible. Trains mean that we can respond to an invasion of our territory from any direction more or less instantly, at least compared to a pre-trains schedule. Trains are the backbone of an industrial nation. Since we don't have magic we need to double and triple down on the industrial revolution and that means we need to throw our enthusiastic and full bodied support behind trains.

Trains. Trains.
Seeing as there is discussion of setting Hardbeak up with someone, does anyone have suggestions? Maybe we can look at female members of Gabriella's old group, the Valkyries was it? Or perhaps a fellow knight?

Actually. Speaking of making sure great minds reproduce, does Archimedes have any partner or offspring? I imagine he's probably even more married to his work than Hardbeak though.

While I wish we could keep Elva on and look for a protege for her instead of outright replacing her, since we weren't offered that option, I want to muse on potential replacements instead. I wonder if she has any offspring? If not, then I think it'd be neat if we had a non-Griffon advisor, but what happens happens.

Although, I do wonder if a non-Griffin advisor would ruffle the nobles feathers. I do hope that some sort of Diamond Dog and Crystal Pony nobles spring up soon, to balance things out. I guess we could start handing out titles to war heroes. Lord Captain Carl Kaboom, first of the House of Kaboom, here we come! /jk

Speaking of nobility though, I wonder where Princess Cadence comes from in this timeline in the future. Offspring of distant members of the Royal Family that were caught up in Equestria maybe?
Speaking of nobility though, I wonder where Princess Cadence comes from in this timeline in the future. Offspring of distant members of the Royal Family that were caught up in Equestria maybe?
Her ancestors are probably still in the city since the two sisters were not the ones who defeated him and sealed away the empire save a few remnants who went back with them.

If cadence does come into existence she is likely going to be a pure crystal pony
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Shadowhope on Aug 28, 2019 at 6:42 PM, finished with 123 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X] Plan Preparing and Delaying the War
    -[X] Dog Knights: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.
    -[X] Elder Statesgryph: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Elva Retires, New Diplomacy Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Ahoy me Buckos!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%.
    -[X] Skill-Training Programs: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Slightly Increased Tax Income, Crystal Protectorate no longer dependent on Imperial Expertise.
    -[X] Sea Mines: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Naval Mines Developed.
    -[X] Crystal Heart Studies: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Crystal Heart, Additional Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Arming the Abolitionists: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists gain access to quality weapons and armor. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Stirring up Trouble: Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Maretonian nobility discredited/at each other's throats, Abolitionists gain more power and influence, Maretonia becomes less concerned about Gryphus. Chance of Success: 55%
    -[X] Overtime:
    --[X] Flying without Wings: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] A Question of Faith: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.
    -[X] Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)
    --[X] Isabelle Brissette: Brochard's Niece is not what you'd expected...then again you're not really sure what you'd have expected her to be like. You're proud of your son for looking beyond her family's past. Hopefully he can help her come out of her shell a bit.
    [X] Plan Enjoy The Peace While We Can
    -[X] Dog Knights: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.
    -[X] Elder Statesgryph: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Elva Retires, New Diplomacy Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Ahoy me Buckos!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%.
    -[X] RailNetwork: Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Sea Mines: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Naval Mines Developed.
    -[X] Crystal Heart Studies: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Crystal Heart, Additional Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Arming the Abolitionists: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists gain access to quality weapons and armor. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Stirring up Trouble: You've gotten your people back, but you're not quite finished with Maretonia. You and your people aren't comfortable sharing a border with a kingdom of slavers, and the abolitionists, riding high on their success, are jonesing to take further action against the Maretonian nobility, with or without your support. Ravenburg and Ambrosia have been sending a flurry of secret missives back and forth, exchanging ideas and opinions, and have come up with a complicated series of interlocking plans meant to spread disorder and discord throughout Maretonia by spreading misinformation and sowing strife between the rival noble houses of the realm. If the plan works, Queen Mareia and her vassals will be too busy searching for traitors and schemers amongst themselves to worry about you and their escaped property. You might even be able to leverage the situation to get some of the Abolitionists into greater positions of power and usurp some of the biggest slaveowners in Maretonia. It's worth a shot at least. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Maretonian nobility discredited/at each other's throats, Abolitionists gain more power and influence, Maretonia becomes less concerned about Gryphus. Chance of Success: 55%
    -[X] Crystal Pastimes: Pearl, much like her siblings before her, has found her attentions divided and her passions unfocused. She's in need of a hobby to occupy her time. What manner of time-sink shall you guide her towards, and what skills shall she gain from it? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl gains a Hobby/Stat Modifier
    -[X] A Question of Faith: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.
    -[X] Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)
    —[X] Isabelle Brissette: Brochard's Niece is not what you'd expected...then again you're not really sure what you'd have expected her to be like. You're proud of your son for looking beyond her family's past. Hopefully he can help her come out of her shell a bit.
    [X] Plan: YO HO BITCH
    -[X] Crystal Knights: Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Establishment of Crystal Knightly Order. Will Finish This Turn
    -[X] The Hardbeak Line: Cost: 2500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Constructed using new fortification techniques. Southern Border Secured.
    -[X] Elder Statesgryph: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Elva Retires, New Diplomacy Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Ahoy me Buckos!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%.
    -[X] The Crystal Line: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Rail Line connecting Crystal City and Central Gryphus. Increased Income, New Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn.
    -[X] RailNetwork: Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.
    -[X] Sea Mines: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Naval Mines Developed.
    -[X] Crystal Heart Studies: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Crystal Heart, Additional Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Arming the Abolitionists: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists gain access to quality weapons and armor. Chance of Success: 60%
    -[X] Hoofbeard's Heist: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years (Cannot be hastened by Imperial Priority). Reward: Maretonian Nobility's Finances Ruined, Maretonia loses face with Trade Partner, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 40% (Roll to be made at conclusion of Action)
    -[X] Overtime: Dog Knights: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.
    -[X] A Question of Faith: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.
    -[X] Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)
    —[X] Ki Seong: The Cultured Qilin is exactly what you'd expect the daughter of Neighponese Nobility to be...and that might actually be a problem. Gawain tells you she likely feels pressured by the expectations of society and her family to hold herself to a high standard at all times. Hopefully he can convince her to let her hair down around him.
    [X] Plan: YO HO, A Peaceful Compromise!
Huh, well damn. It looks like Plan Enjoy The Peace While We Can and Plan Preparing and Delaying the War are tied right now with 11 votes each. Going from almost dead last to a tie at the top isn't half bad at all. Might be a dark horse victory.... or dark pony victory perhaps.
Huh, well damn. It looks like Plan Enjoy The Peace While We Can and Plan Preparing and Delaying the War are tied right now with 11 votes each. Going from almost dead last to a tie at the top isn't half bad at all. Might be a dark horse victory.... or dark pony victory perhaps.
There's only two differences between the two. It whether you prefer getting the railroad and Pearl getting a hobby or a skill or skill-training program and getting airships.