When Dark-Scar-Sly-Gnarler of the Bronze-Hills Pack first meets a Griffon, he's Twelve Winters and hiding himself behind the trunk-like legs of his father as the pack leader dumps a chest full of the pack's previous riches at the great claws of the King of Griffonia. The King's shinny coat draws his eyes and for a moment the smallest dog of his litter is jealous of this giant bird-lion who sits upon a high throne, with feathers that gleam in sunlight compared to his own coat that attracts the shadows around him. His father has explained to him that they need the Griffons if they are ever to return to the land on their ancestors, driven away by vicious monsters.
He doesn't see how it would be possible for the large birds to accomplish this, if the greatest the pack fell to such creatures. Then the King looks at him, well he looks at everyone, but to Dark-Scar-Sly-Gnarler of the Bronze-Hills Pack he can feel the Griffon looking at him. The King is not impressively strong in body, but when he stares back into the King's eyes there is a strength there, a cunning calculating mind that he has only heard tales of Rex, the first dog to roam the Bronze Hills.
He inspires to find the secret that strength.
At Forteen Winters, Dark-Scar-Sly-Gnarler-Slate-Talker has changed quite a bit. The Bronze Hills Pack has moved into the Griffon town of Virgilia, or rather under it, digging underground dwellings under the houses. Here the Pack enjoy a quality of life that would have been seen as paradise in the woods.
Dark-Scar-Sly-Gnarler-Slate-Talker learns with other young Griffons by the wisdom of a Griffon Matriarch called Misses Vind. It is here that he learns to speak, read and write in the Griffon Tongue or Griffonese. He takes to his studies like mushrooms to the damp and before look he has mastered the art of fancy writing and expanding his vocabulary to articulate his thoughts. Some of the older pack members frown on this, but he doesn't care playing with his new friends. He likes new clothes that make him seem less black, he likes that his friends are willing to play rough with him, his runtish frame filling out from good meat and the enforced training of Virgilia's leader. They give him a new name after the difficulty of pronouncing his full one.
Sly likes them a lot.
Sly is Sixteen Years old when he joins a trade caravan a few days after unification. It's a chaotic mess and he's practically the only Diamond Dog there, his brothers having joined either in the mines or into the military as they open their doors to the mass of paws looking to fight. The lead merchant looks at him funny, but he can't turn away a bright young mind, especially one with the skills to do the fancy writing that looks regal next to his chicken scratching. Not to mention it's helpful to have an extra crossbow to deal with the beasts.
Sly sees the Empire as he travels, from highest peaks to the shores oceans and marvels at it. He takes in the music of Enrico Chivaldori, the culture of Aquline, the cheerfulness of Wingbard and the somber feelings of the ancient capital of Griffonstone. In changing world as Winter and Darkness flood the land Sly adapts to the new and the strange, keeping track of finances and speaking with traders from far off lands and occasionally actual customers. He's fortunate that though relations between species are calm, more than a few noble brats underestimate the 'scruffy looking mongrel' and leave with their pockets significantly lighter.
Of course after a while his boss notices. He doesn't tell him to stop, being extremely careful with words, but does suggest that a merchant called Sly might be picked out by those with sharper minds and frugal pockets. So the Diamond Dog grabs a register of names and attempts to find one as close as he can. After all he's an Imperial, a Citizen of the Empire and he needs a name to reflect this.
Sylvester 'Sly' Bronzetail.
At Twenty-Three romance is found with the most unlikely of figures. Sylvester is attending a ball at a estate on the outskirts of the city of Aquline, celebrating the defeat of Sombra and end of Winter. It is after he has drunk his third glass of fine wine when he meets her, a vivid purpule dress, grey and white feathers, big soulful green eyes and a sense of humour that has him laughing till it hurts. She is just as sharp witted as he is with a love of music, plays and romance novels. The pair decide to skip the stuff celebration and share more than a moment of passion in the thick depths of the hedgemaze. Sylvester learns that his date likes those romance novels for more than just their literary work.
It isn't until morning that he learns her name, Viviane-Rosemarie Discret and quite unfortunately for Sylvester she is the favourite child of the Baron Moriset Discret, a avid hunter and the host of the celebration. It doesn't help that he only learns this as the Baron has a sword pressed against his neck and from behind the silken sheets of her four-poster bed Viviane exchanges a heated argument with her father. The Baron is eventually convinced to lower the sword and not have Sylvester's head removed from his shoulders, but that he will not see his 'Precious Rose' soiled by consorting of someone of 'his class'.
It's only after Viviane unleashes a torrent of accusations and most likely several words not supposed to come from the beak of a noble lady that the Baron clarifies. It's not the fact that her possible eloper is a Diamond Dog (if anything the Baron delights in the idea of causing the veins in the head of some rival family to burst at the news), but that he's a merchant and all merchants are greedy, cowardly swindlers who would bankrupt the Barony if given half a chance and who couldn't stand up to a good punch let alone a manticore.
It's at this moment, fresh off the passions of making love for the first time, that Sylvester claims that he could kill a manticore by himself. Both Griffons turn to look, one in surprise and the other with excited glee; the Baron has found the best way to rid himself of a problem.
So Sylvester 'Sly' Bronzetail left the merchant caravans and joined Baron Discret's Hunting Retinue.
The Great Hunt is a wild and energetic affair, Moriset is a bold and adventurous sort, attempting to relive his youth in the dark forests and his retinue spends just as much time chasing after the Baron as they do hunting monsters. Sylvester learns pain in places he didn't think pain could be, many nights of keeping watch are spent trying not to nod off from exhaustion, but he pushes himself out of love for Viviane. Again and again he proves himself a hunter as arrow after arrow strikes at the beasts.
The Baron even agrees to participate in the liberation of his Pack's ansestorial lands. The Bronze Hills are home to many a packs of manticore and time and time again him and the Baron fight back to back. Victory is delicious... and so are the manticores, drained of poison and roasted over a spit with a healthy drizzling of honey. It's a shame how expensive they'll be afterwards.
Sylvester returns to Viviane, battered, bruised and with a few more scars, but with the approval of her father. There's a problem though, several other suitors who wish to marry the captivating beauty don't take well to the idea that they've been beaten and worse by a Diamond Dog. Of course Sylvester is smart enough to avoid being goaded into a duel. However, the Aquilian nobles are determined enough to bring up an old law from before unification.
Viviane must marry a noble.
For an agonising week Sylvester stresses, for a week he seeks a loophole or a exception. He can't find one... but there is one way. Become a noble. The rest of the nobility won't accept him buying one like a Featherisian and neither would Moriset. So there's only one solution, go to the capital and directly petition the Emperor to ennoble him.
Getting to Gryphus Peak is easy, a little pricy, but simple compared to getting an audience with the Emperor. 'He's too busy' is a constant theme and to be fair Sylvester understands the need to run an Empire, but he soon runs out of patience and decides to cut through the Imperial bureaucracy by slipping into the palace. Fortunately he catches a break when a new minister is being looked for. His fancy writing comes in useful as the guards take one look at the Diamond Dog in the finest clothes with a letter with writing that could only have come from a high official and let him in. He spends two hours searching before the adorable Princess Pearl runs up and excitedly asks what she believes to be a new servant for a piggyback ride.
Sylvester can't find it in his heart to say no.
It's a good thirty-nine minutes before the Princess' tutor, who questions where the pony princess has slipped off to this time, finds her charge playing Go-Fish with the intruder. Only after one loud scream, fives guards in full armor tackling and an overprotective Empress flaring wings and promising untold horrors upon him, does the Emperor finally arrive, pulled from a meeting that from the look on his face he really didn't want to be in.
He's bigger than Sylvester remembers, which is impressive considering that last time he'd saw him Sylvester had been twelve. It takes all his charm and wit combined with all of the Princess' adorable expressions and jumping hugs to explain that he just wanted to petetion the Emperor on a matter important to his heart.
He tells the whole story, clearly and with no embellishment, the Royal Couple listening with a stony expression and the Princess making awing noises. When it ends the Empress bursts into laughter, while the Emperor orders the guards to get off the intruder as he obviously meant no harm go the Princess.
Sylvester rises to his feet, dusts himself off and kneels before the Emperor asking what task he can perform as an Imperial, as a citizen of the Empire to accomplish his goal. The Emperor draws his sword, for a moment Sylvester fears the worst, before the blade taps his shoulders.
There's going to be a formal ceremony for this later, but for the moment this will do. The Emperor tells him that he will personally marry him and Viviane, for he has proven willing to go will any lengths to earn her talon. The Princess squees, jumping up and down begging all the adults in the room to be a bridesmaid before the Emperor coughs loudly, adding more.
Since the Great Hunt had opened up so much land that it would be impossible for the current borders to administrate and renovate a new set of baronies, counties and Duchies would be opened up. Sylvester may serve the Empire by administrating one of these and the Emperor had one in mind of his loyal citizen.
Count Sylvester 'Sly' Bronzetail of the newly formed County of Bronzehill returns to the Disrect Estate to give his wife to be the good news. The loud sounds from the bedroom that night showed that she was more than pleased.