He does not actually know more than he told you. It's not like he talked to them personally.If he had been in that position he would have hanged them.
Ah, my mistake. I should have worded it more clearly.

How's this?

[X] Speak more with Stannis
-[X] We have no interest in brigands and cutthroats excusing their crimes by playing at being loyal to the Dragon Banner. If Stannis wishes, we can offer assistance in removing those who are operating in the Stormlands.
--[X] If they are truly loyalists fighting in our name and their crimes not worthy of death under our legal code, they will be brought into the fold and financial compensation will be offered to their victims. If they are merely opportunists trying to legitimize their crimes by using our name, they will be brought to him to face justice as he sees fit.
@DragonParadox, with a ton of help from @The Magpie Avenger (he did all of the work, actually... :whistle:), I've compiled what we know of the Yi-Ti expedition fleet.

So far, that means we sent 16 ships in total; the Queen Rhaella, the Hunter's Moon, two Large Galleys, six Medium Galleys, and six Small Galleys.

In addition to our investment of 1,000,000 IM worth of treasure, trade goods, and other assorted stuff, there was a further investment of 1,037,000 IM from friends, allies, and business asociates;

Doran's Investment:
  • 200,000 IM in Gold
Garin's investment:
  • 130,000 IM in Luxury Trade Goods
Wyla's investment:
Hermetia's Investment:
  • 60,000 IM in Luxury Trade Goods
Ferrego Antaryon:
  • 190,000 IM in Gold and Silver
Uthero Argalys:
  • 240,000 IM in Gold and Silver
Dorera Phassen:
  • 95,000 IM in Luxury Trade Goods
House Brune of Dyre Den
  • 12,000 IM in Gold and Silver
  • 3,000 IM in Trade Goods
House Royce of Runestone
  • 19,000 IM in Gold and Silver
House Velaryon of Driftmark
  • 16,000 IM in Gold and Silver
  • 15,000 IM in Trade Goods
House Darry
  • 9,000 IM in Gold and Silver

EDIT: And according to DP, in addition to our own 16 ships, Braavos sent eight (Large Galley x2, Medium Galley x6) and Dorne sent five Small Galleyes.
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You are right but I do not think I ever gave numbers. I'd say the Sealord would have sent another 2 large Galleons and 6 Medium ones while Doran sent 5 small ones.
Ah, thanks.

29 ships, more than two million IM in treasure and trade goods, and a small army's worth of sailors, crew members, soldiers and creatures...

That will get some attention when the fleet sails into port.
@DragonParadox, I forgot last night, but with the chapter right before this one, didn't we hang Guyard Morringen for slaughtering smallfolk when we passed by the Stormlands way back? Or is it a different brother?
A wonderful set of updates with stannis. I think you did an excellent job of humanizing him and even showing the part of him at the center that is slightly softer than adamantine.

"Then I will pay you as my assistant and the pay shall be placed towards making another to aid a clerk of your choosing, with permission from both myself and the king of course," the lord of Storm's End replies.

At that Dany gives Stannis a brilliant smile which leaves him unsure of just how to respond.

I especially enjoyed this part. The whole thing has been very interesting and satisfying.
Yesterday's all-nighter didn't do me any good.
Going to movies first thing today wasn't a great idea either.

Am going to sleep now.
@Goldfish, have Stannis set on researching stuff about Storm God until our next meeting please.
Thank your lucky stars Stannis isn't king. If he was we would have been forced to kill him to take back the continent.

This way at least the main people who need to die are Robert and Tywin.
If Stannis was king, we would probably have ended up not conquering Westeros, there's an endless amount of other stuff to conquer, and if Westeros had a good and competent king, we would never be able to justify waging war on them, so it would probably have ended with years of diplomacy, to convince Stannis that joining the Imperium would serve Westeros well.
@DragonParadox, if you're planning an interlude, how about a Red Keep/Westerosi rumour post one? We still haven't seen how the Small Council reacted to the Festival, Mirrors, the dragons, then Braavos declaring for us.

Echo a scene from the series perhaps? Baelish and Varys discussing chaos in front of the Iron Throne?
@DragonParadox, if you're planning an interlude, how about a Red Keep/Westerosi rumour post one? We still haven't seen how the Small Council reacted to the Festival, Mirrors, the dragons, then Braavos declaring for us.

Echo a scene from the series perhaps? Baelish and Varys discussing chaos in front of the Iron Throne?

I'm actually planning to do a double research one since I rolled the results already, I can definitely do the Westeros one next though.
If Stannis was king, we would probably have ended up not conquering Westeros, there's an endless amount of other stuff to conquer, and if Westeros had a good and competent king, we would never be able to justify waging war on them, so it would probably have ended with years of diplomacy, to convince Stannis that joining the Imperium would serve Westeros well.
No, our "justification" is the fact that the throne is rightfully ours, and that the Baratheons are actual usurpers. It would have been the most OOC decision of the quest bar none for Viserys to throw away a pillar of his identity and decide that he doesn't want to take back the Seven Kingdoms.
We dont actually want to take tho. We just want to protect the people. I see no enthusiasm by viserys when he talks about conquering westros. It is like a chore to him.