Right now, we're surrounded by water and to countries, severely limiting our options of expansion right now, and in the future.
Sure we could go the colonial way but then our lands would be separated and we'd need a strong navy to keep them so it would take a lot of time.
And don't forget that our lands don't have luxury goods so we'd need to import them eventually while at the same time we've other resources (like iron) they're a lot more suited for war (with our development level) than anything else.
This is not an immediate problem, but if we don't address it now it'd become a lot more severe in the future, and we've chosen Protectorate for the CP so until we get them to join us (if we even are, because apart from helping with the reconstruction we can't do anything else because it's a Protectorate) we're gonna be severely limited in our expansion.
It's, for this reason, I think we should
conquer the Yaks. They're having an internal fight right now so it's both the best time to do so and the only time we'd be able to.
So I propose for this to help both groups (although I suppose helping the Modernist would do the same as they are weaker right now) at the same time, balancing the help so no group is stronger than the other and covering our tracks so it seems the help comes from Nobles of our Empire instead of the Empire itself, increasing the tension until a Civil War starts.
Then while we let it run out we "create" a third group that wants nothing more than the war to stop (although probably refugees would serve, creating a leader among them could be ideal), and comes to the Empire for help (casus belli get).
So we intervene to stop the war (as both forces should be a lot weaker by now it should be easy) and this time we annex it (partially or totally).
Of course, we'd do this while helping the Crystal Ponies as much as we can, keeping up that good reputation. Actually, the CP could even join our army and fight in the war for more integration.
So my ideal plan would be this:
The Great Hunt
To clean the monsters and get our army (the new recruits) some experience.
The West Wall-Watchtowers
To increase the tension and have a safe line in case something goes wrong and because seeing us build a fortress when we're their allies could incite some interesting rumors if all goes well.
Crystal Hearts and Minds
Helping the CP to max affection.
Immigration Campaign
I'm aiming for synergy with my other options when the war starts, that and getting more immigrants can't be bad.
The Bronzeclaw Plan
Again helping the CP.
Cannon Ships
We need to start getting our Marine in some shape and right seems like a good time to do it.
Fanning the Flames
Helping the Modernist gain more Influence so to increase the tension that could lead to a Civil War in the future if we want. Well, at least that is how I'm interpreting it given its name if
@Questor could confirm it'd be nice.
Gleaming Pearl gets Schooled
We need to educate her soon. She's lived all her life under Sombra's rule so she has a lot of cath up to do.
Waving the Flag
And more for reputation with the CP. We need to strike while the iron it's hot of we want them to join us eventually, and given our inability to intervene in their domestic policy this is our best chance. In fact, it could even become a tradition to pass our vacations in the CE.
Although I'd really like to get our dragon daughter a pass time, especially because she will live for a long long time so she should end being an extremely important member of our Empire.
[X]Plan Helping the Crystal Ponies and Increasing Tension.
The Great Hunt
The West Wall-Watchtowers
Immigration Campaign
Crystal Hearts and Minds
The Bronzeclaw Plan
Cannon Ships
Rotative Beam Engine
Fanning the Flames
Gleaming Pearl gets Schooled
Waving the Flag
Just in case but would the plan I'd done work for what I want in case it goes well? (Increasing tension which in a few turns we could use to cause a Civil War) I ask because there's no explicit option for that...
@Questor, would it be possible to make a Knightly Order in the Crystal Empire (admitting Crystal Ponies of course)? We can use the pretext that it's for their own protection (which it'd be) in case of another nation attacks if they don't accept.