- Location
@Snowfire why should they entertain our questioning if we aren't interesting, and are instead just asking for a veiled report ? We aren't the King, here.
@DragonParadox, where can we find a Crag Linnorm? It's been a while since we had a nice dragon creature to kill. Sothoryos, maybe?
What I like about our Erinyes is that they have a proper sense of scale.He would see this city fall and watching its walls crumble, its mockery of law undone, would be worth inestimably more than the entertainment of one fool's death.
So we could stumble across one Beyond the Wall?Those are generally more northern so either untamed lands of the north or the feywyld since they are primal dragons aid to have originated there.
Easier to do when law isn't being constantly twisted into a parody of itself to serve others interests.OOC: My first time writing from the perspective of an Erinyes. @Crake suggested that I might want to broaden my horizons there and with the discussion this morning I figured the IC perspective of one of them might be interesting to show. They are not unhappy with their current outlook on life generally, but it is also not wholly impossible that their appreciation of law and fairness might slowly push some of them into being LN.
So we could stumble across one Beyond the Wall?
Also, if there was a dragon to hunt, Bloodraven would immediately let us know, right?
@Snowfire I expect the angel will ask after our identity/agenda after we go after Lucans. If not so bluntly, do we have a reason for why we are so heavily, and expensively warded despite appearing as a simple begging brother?
Damn, Wyla, Sarell is hooking you up.
@DragonParadox What sort of Nightmare is it? A Cauchemar maybe?
City of Brass is the gift that keeps on giving.
I see splintering them as the way Bloodraven had set it up. Multiple denomination of faith and different ideas of what the Seven are and represent. You make the assumption that civil war will occur immediately after they split. How long until we invade Westeros again? Last I remembered it was a couple of months till we would be ready. Unless they can gather the resources to fight a holy civil war immediately after this conclave then I simply do not see it happening as we will have taken over by then and do everything in our power to stop it including calling another conclave to hash it out.
As for the notion of directly using the Seven Chosen to humble the Seven. It is an interesting concept but not only would you have to turn Lucan who has a divine order to kill us, but you would also have to convince the Seven themselves (including the God who sent the order) that he was wrong to have committed the atrocities that put them in power and pay the Old Gods reparations that will satisfy the Old Gods. Unless our Diplo score is good enough to convince gods I don't see this plan working. After all the people who pray to them don't see the Andal Invasions as wrong. Not only that but it leaves a united faith to play politics whenever it needs to and I would rather have them squabble rather than deal with their politics.
I see the splintering as the best way because 1) It makes it so that a dominant religion in the region is too busy squabbling amongst itself rather than try to make political maneuvers on the crown. 2) Will give the Old Gods vengeance and peace of mind as they now don't have to worry about squabbling people cutting trees en mass because they are too busy squabbling( and because we are ruling). 3) Make it a whole lot easier to push for religious acceptance and tolerance as the dominant faith is so busy squabbling with it self that they won't attack the other minority faiths at the risk of being seen as unjust or having lost their way.
@Snowfire I expect the angel will ask after our identity/agenda after we go after Lucans. If not so bluntly, do we have a reason for why we are so heavily, and expensively warded despite appearing as a simple begging brother?
Please tell me how he's meant to be able to tell that we're warded? Mind Blank just makes us look completely, well, blank. Nothing special here, no sir.
Unless Lucan has done divinations on us, in which case I expect @DragonParadox to insert a break so we can format an answer.
Does Lucan have major artifacts?You are indeed warded against direct observation of anything short of a major artifact or a god.
You have touched on what I think are some of the base differences of our assumptions here. I don't think the civil war will start immidiatly in blood, but it will start in the form of arguments, it will start small and be enflamed by deep ones and devils, enemies of the faith of the seven that are not the OG.
I think that breaking the faith will cause more resentment and anger than not doing so will cause, and to a greater degree than you seem to think, by (abstract) orders of magnitude. I think that what you frame as "squabbling" will easily be turned to violence by bad actors as people who follow the mother will feel betrayed those of their Kith and kin that cleave to the father or the crone instead.
Define "Turn"
No, seriously, 'turn' is something I read as "getting an enemy to sign on with Viserys" we don't need to do that. We just need to get Lucan to look at what his gods have done. He is not a rabid fanatic. He might be a fanatic, but that considering he is fanatic about his ideals, all we have to do is point him
Do what Syrax did to Viserys to him, but, with his gods as the focus of the mirror. Not to break his faith, but so that he can help them
Do the same to their outsider servitors.
Get the support of the chosen, the outsiders then talk to the seven. Force them to confront the actions of the past and ask them to take responsibility . (And if you think Goldfish can whip a surprisingly awesome Diplo vote, I'm gonna blow your mind on that one if I get the chance). No need to "turn" the chosen and outsiders, they just have to agree with this one thing. And we have so many levers to help with that.
"Make it a whole lot easier to push for religious acceptance and tolerance as the dominant faith is so busy squabbling with it self that they won't attack the other minority faiths at the risk of being seen as unjust or having lost their way."
I'm trying to be nice, I really am, so take these words and multiply the force with which I say them by like a lot:
"When people start "squabbling" (and it escalates to killing) about things, espically faith, espically when it is kin against kin, AND faith, a sub-set will not care about looking nice, being seen as fair. They will be hurt, confused, looking for someone to blame. This subset will cause greater fear and hate and grow over time, and the scars will linger, will pass down.
Viserys did this! He's the cause! Him and his snake and tree! He needs to pay for his crimes against us, against those we love that he has hurt!
"Yes" ,say the devil's, "yes", say the mind flayers.
"Yes" says the pain in humans hearts, turned to anger because it hurts less, because you can do something to what you blame, at least try, and then they attack what they can. Those local mages, those weirwood's in the village over.
No need for fiends or gods or Abberations for that last one.
Squabbling is reframing to the point of deception, neighbor, it is only true for the first two weeks or so.
Spit the pantheon, sure, if that's the best path we find, but do not let the faith know that we have done so. And no matter what, I do believe that if we split the seven as gods, we can convince them to, all, speratly, try to keep the peace between the different sub-faiths. But go for the church directly and... Well, DP plays this shit straight, no matter weather you asset that "squabbling" is an accurate discriptor or not
...I honestly don't see what seems to be the problem with Bloodraven's approach to this :/I obviously can't give Viserys' perspective on this, since it's for you guys to decide and evolving, but the reason bloodraven went for this is because he is counting on a strong state to keep the religious violence down. That is not to say he is not expecting that harm comes of this, schisms are always going to be mentally damaging to the faithful. Bloodraven is not playing to minimize human suffering, but to nesure the Seven Kingdoms are safe and secure as well as a place where he can grow the power of the Old Gods though Blood magic without Septons being able to complain effectively. His objective is primarily to stop the Long Night from wallowing all life.