For the first time your words seem to resonate. The angel hesitates. "The evils of the past do not deserve to be echoed yet that is what they will do, the Gods of the North and of the howling clansmen. These are the allies you have chosen for yourself."
[X] "Do they not deserve one who will speak for them and be heard in southern courts? Do they not deserve one to counsel them against senseless bloodshed and revenge?"
-[X] "True, I have spilled much blood at the roots of their trees, yet it is the blood of winterborn and monsters, fiends and those that sold their souls to them. How many have you slain in Lucans service?"
-[X] "What would he do then, if he came to hold sway in the Vale and have the power to act in the North? I have little love for Rhllor the Red, yet I have not closed a single of his temples, instead raising one in the Deep greater then all others for the sake of those who follow him. Neither can I claim much love for the Seven, yet a great sept is being wrought in my name as we speak. Will Lucan do the same? Or will he do as in the old days and make kindling of the trees and built septs on the bones of those who do not kneel before his gods?"
Not if they intend to take the place of those tools. I think the long game here is an order of Paladins, godsworn mages and clerics, with a hefty dose of extraplanar support in the form of summoned angels.

That's all well and good but the evil is here, now, and hungry. Saying "oh don't worry we'll have an army of Godsworn ready and willing to help a year from now" does no good to the poor fucker getting his brain sucked out by a squid.

People don't need godsworn later, they needed them 2 years ago and if the Seven were actually on the fucking ball this wouldn't even have to be a selling point, they'd already be here or the foundation would have already been in place.

If the Old Gods had best uncle then there are no excuses for these jokers, on the ascendancy, to not have at least 1 person similar who could have done so.

I will not excuse inefficiency.

[X] Azel
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That's all well and good but the evil is here, now, and hungry. Saying "oh don't worry we'll have an army of Godsworn ready and willing to help a year from now" does no good to the poor fucker getting his brain sucked out by a squid.

People don't need godsworn later, they needed them 2 years ago and if the Seven were actually on the fucking ball this wouldn't even have to be a selling point, they'd already be here or the foundation would have already been in place.

If the Old Gods had best uncle then there are no excuses for these jokers, on the ascendancy, to not have at least 1 person similar who could have done so.

I will not excuse inefficiency.

[X] Azel

And if @DragonParadox had chosen to have the Seven work together as One in our view, to have their chosen act together and in unison towards a greater goal, then Westeros would be almost entirely lost to their power. If they had a memetic hivemind directing tactics and abusing metaknowledge, then it would require a war on the scale of Old Valyria to bring them down. There would be septs training Godsworn and the thread would be a fucking saltfest every single time that it came up, because the competition would actually be capable of challenging us.

So don't give me this. People would be objecting either way. Just appreciate that DP has fridged the Chosen so hard that they can't stand a chance against us when time comes due. One of my largest longstanding issues in the handling of the quest has been this, but there's little point in complaining about it because god forbid we have an enemy who has the manpower and magical firepower to effectively challenge us in Westeros.
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[X] Azel

Not quite, it's recruit, die, or stop using magic.
What's the punishment for unlicensed magic practice in our empire again? I don't want to say death...

Licensing is also a lot less personal (and pointless) than making them switch religions though.

And I still think you're being overly paranoid with this.

Allow me to explain...
You have said, that to you this feels too easy.

But is it really?

In DnD-terms we have a fuckload of advantages that allow us to summon devils as we do.
We have True Names, which are really hard to get unless you have mind-breaking magics we have access to, or such a devil as Uniila (who learned over a hundred names throughout millenia of service).
Any other mage? Would have serious trouble summoning as selectively as we do.

And then there's the summoning itself.
We get to call onto an Outsider... but they get to have a willsave.
And again, for almost all mages without Viserys' WBL, overcoming that willsave will be a challenge.

Then there's also the fact we're applying every single measure sensible (and some not) to ensure the safety of the process and that noone escapes.
That single case where the Snare got outsmarted? That's thanks to a PC-quality Artificer-devil being really agry at us, and spending a boatload of money and time to make something specifically to overcome our defenses.
Which still wasn't enough, and we upgraded the place even further after that.

...Speaking of that, @Goldfish, any chance of us applying the Spellbane (and the ususal "No Disjunction, other Spellbane, or AMF"-setup) to the Snare? :V

My point is, @zxzx24, that it is only "profitable" because Viserys is not your usual run-of-the-mill mage, because it'd cost Mammon too much to shield every servant of his in the way that Brachina was, and because we can summon in stupid amounts thanks to Bloodwish and Mythic power. Also Lya.
And it's only "easy" because we (specifically Goldfish) have spent a fuckload of time designing the kind of trap almost no devil will ever be able to leave, and then layering defenses on top of that, and doing all summoning via characters that force almost impossible willsaves onto the Devils they summon.

As for distrusting devils... Hey, I agree with you wholeheartedly :V
I'm just preferring to larder/diplomance Mammon's servants to slow down various operations of his to allowing him act against us later.
This does make me feel better yes. Thank you :)

@DragonParadox, random theory -- this was someone Azema knew. Perhaps even a relative of hers.
This reminds me. We should tell him about the super evil ball in Valyria .his expression will be priceless.

-[X] "True, I have spilled much blood at the roots of their trees, yet it is the blood of winterborn and monsters, fiends and those that sold their souls to them. How many have you slain in Lucans service?"
he's newly summoned so probably not much. If Lucan continues unrestrained he's going to be killing a LOT of people though.

Also. Ahem.

I just realized the Planetar might not have been summoned to... Help. Lucan.

So much as steer him away from said wild massacres.

Which is awesome!
That's all well and good but the evil is here, now, and hungry. Saying "oh don't worry we'll have an army of Godsworn ready and willing to help a year from now" does no good to the poor fucker getting his brain sucked out by a squid.

People don't need godsworn later, they needed them 2 years ago and if the Seven were actually on the fucking ball this wouldn't even have to be a selling point, they'd already be here or the foundation would have already been in place.

If the Old Gods had best uncle then there are no excuses for these jokers, on the ascendancy, to not have at least 1 person similar who could have done so.

I will not excuse inefficiency.

[X] Azel
I would give this a funny a like and an insightful :V
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@Snowfire, there would have been no war then though. The thread wouldn't be able to stomach the methods necessary to break a Faith Militant when it can't hide behind pretending the other side is pure Evil and needs eradicating.
That's all well and good but the evil is here, now, and hungry. Saying "oh don't worry we'll have an army of Godsworn ready and willing to help a year from now" does no good to the poor fucker getting his brain sucked out by a squid.

People don't need godsworn later, they needed them 2 years ago and if the Seven were actually on the fucking ball this wouldn't even have to be a selling point, they'd already be here or the foundation would have already been in place.

If the Old Gods had best uncle then there are no excuses for these jokers, on the ascendancy, to not have at least 1 person similar who could have done so.

I will not excuse inefficiency.

Keep in mind Bloodraven is rather unique in a lot of ways and the only reason the Old Gods have him is because they had a system in place to keep him alive far past his natural lifespan even in a low magic world.
That's all well and good but the evil is here, now, and hungry. Saying "oh don't worry we'll have an army of Godsworn ready and willing to help a year from now" does no good to the poor fucker getting his brain sucked out by a squid.

People don't need godsworn later, they needed them 2 years ago and if the Seven were actually on the fucking ball this wouldn't even have to be a selling point, they'd already be here or the foundation would have already been in place.

If the Old Gods had best uncle then there are no excuses for these jokers, on the ascendancy, to not have at least 1 person similar who could have done so.

I will not excuse inefficiency.

[X] Azel

Well I have a theory as to why they aren't so effective. The reason is twofold for me. 1st is that Bloodraven exists and he is capable of plotting so far ahead and predicting so well that he frankly is most probably hampering any efforts towards the Chosen of the Seven acting in tandem. For example he could have set up a scenario where Danielle saw the dickery and treatment of mages from Lucan and said hell to the naw. Bloodraven is just too competent a plotter to be discounted. The second reason is how the religion is right now. And I am not taking about their anti-magic stance thought that certainly does not help. Each god, by the wide populace, is seen as three separate gods rather than one. And since gods are influenced by the populace it means that the gods themselves have changed to be more separate gods than aspects of one god. Meaning that the conflicts between the gods own aspects and said god's personality. An example would be Mother's mercy and the Father's Justice conflicting with one another making it hard to work together.
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@Snowfire, there would have been no war then though. The thread wouldn't be able to stomach the methods necessary to break a Faith Militant when it can't hide behind pretending the other side is pure Evil and needs eradicating.

:facepalm:...I think I'm starting to understand the threads of cynicism you inject into your voting patterns when setting up for something. And yeah, you're right. It's just that the Faith Militant, or some order of Seven-affiliated holy warriors like them, could have been a really interesting narrative challenge to overcome if they'd gotten some solid roots in Westeros as I really believe they should have. Now we're just going to end up shanking Lucan and the entire thing will devolve into minor acts of cleanup, most likely.

Makes me sad.
And if @DragonParadox had chosen to have the Seven work together as One in our view, to have their chosen act together and in unison towards a greater goal, then Westeros would be almost entirely lost to their power. If they had a memetic hivemind directing tactics and abusing metaknowledge, then it would require a war on the scale of Old Valyria to bring them down. There would be septs training Godsworn and the thread would be a fucking saltfest every single time that it came up, because the competition would actually be capable of challenging us.

So don't give me this. People would be objecting either way. Just appreciate that DP has fridged the Chosen so hard that they can't stand a chance against us when time comes due. One of my largest longstanding issues in the handling of the quest has been this, but there's little point in complaining about it because god forbid we have an enemy who has the manpower and magical firepower to effectively challenge us in Westeros.

And you missed my point. I'm not mad that they're an ineffectual enemy. I'm mad that they're using their ineptitude as an excuse to be even more inept.

Planetos is undergoing multiple extraplanar invasions by diabolic and demonic elements, Fay incursions, and it has its own homegrown horrors on top of all that.

The Seven don't have the time or the luxury to pick and choose their tools like a child picking out all the green Skittles.

This is crunch time, do or die time, because as of this moment we have an ever fleeting window of Summer before Winter rolls up with its spiked asskicking boots on and every asshole from here to the Abyss hears the dinner bell ring to the all you can steal Soul Buffet.

The damn Squids are already here trying to steal a table.

I'm more than happy to let them fuck up, we're here to pick up the slack, but I refuse to let them use said fuckup to justify even more fuckups.

When the Horde is about to crash against the gate is not the time to be whiny about the arrows.
So don't give me this. People would be objecting either way. Just appreciate that DP has fridged the Chosen so hard that they can't stand a chance against us when time comes due. One of my largest longstanding issues in the handling of the quest has been this, but there's little point in complaining about it because god forbid we have an enemy who has the manpower and magical firepower to effectively challenge us in Westeros.

Just to be clear the Seven are not handicapped by authorial fiat, it's a combination of metaphysics being staked against them and Bloodraven moving against them time and time again. He's killed 9 Chosen so far and every time they die the Seven have to start from square one since they can't just conjure the skill and experience to make high level mages.
Just to be clear the Seven are not handicapped by authorial fiat, it's a combination of metaphysics being staked against them and Bloodraven moving against them time and time again. He's killed 9 Chosen so far and every time they die the Seven have to start from square one since they can't just conjure the skill and experience to make high level mages.
Holy shit, best uncle indeed. XD
Just to be clear the Seven are not handicapped by authorial fiat, it's a combination of metaphysics being staked against them and Bloodraven moving against them time and time again. He's killed 9 Chosen so far and every time they die the Seven have to start from square one since they can't just conjure the skill and experience to make high level mages.

Send down angels early on to protect and train and teach. Give proper guidance to their Chosen beyond the vague dreams and direction which is all we've seen being offered. Actually recognise Bloodraven and the Old Gods as a threat and act to neutralise them in a way that isn't slamming a hammer against a stone wall and hoping it'll break. I'm not trying to say authorial fiat is in play here, I understand that they've been fighting an uphill battle in some ways. But they're gods, and with far more faith available to them than any other group in Westeros. They should be able to whistle up extraplanar bodyguards for their Chosen within the land which is Theirs.

I just...I look at the entire Seven's Chosen plotline and I see immense amounts of wasted potential. And that sounds harsh, and I don't mean it to, but I can't help that feeling. I wish the threat they posed was actually, you know...a threat?

As it is they're not. Not even slightly. And unless you've been hiding something big from us, more power to you if you are, they never will be.
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Early on the beginning of the plot an Outsider reaching the Material Plane was quite difficult; if in Essos which is far more magically active it took a while imagine Westeros which has hated magic for a long long while.

Also, I'm sure people would consider leaving Lucan alive if he didn't get a Vision which painted Viserys as the biggest bad since the guy that made Harrenhall
Send down angels early on to protect and train and teach. Give proper guidance to their Chosen beyond the vague dreams and direction which is all we've seen being offered. Actually recognise Bloodraven and the Old Gods as a threat and act to neutralise them in a way that isn't slamming a hammer against a stone wall and hoping it'll break. I'm not trying to say authorial fiat is in play here, I understand that they've been fighting an uphill battle in some ways. But they're gods, and with far more faith available to them than any other group in Westeros. They should be able to whistle up extraplanar bodyguards for their Chosen within the land which is Theirs.

Hence what Lucan has been doing it just took him some time for him to break though to the point where he could call angels (and they do have to be called angels are no more exempt from that rules than fiends). As for stopping Bloodraven, the problem there is you have to send an expedition out Beyond the Wall to find him. That cave is just as well defended against the eyes of the Seven as the Others.