So we're doing that then, obviously.

You could do that in addition to something else. She is fine with multiple ceremonies

I don't suppose we can get any info on the Storm God right away here?

I'd like to know at least general tenets and alignment, if possible, to know if it's worth it to further research into his places of power and such (like that one shrine/slab of adamantine OGs remembered for us).

It's past midnight for me. I'll do Father Storm and Mother Earth's tenets in the morning I promise.
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Huh. I guess we should arrange a meeting between the priesthoods when planning the temple for SD so that they can talk things out. This is the right recipe for a stupid schism, so we should establish both practices as valid to prevent one side declaring itself orthodox and the other heretics.
They have a far-reaching problems with R'hllorites (or rather the other way around) due to original version of the faith being too... Death-connected in the eyes of R'hllorites.

We certainly need to sort them out sooner rather than later.
They have a far-reaching problems with R'hllorites (or rather the other way around) due to original version of the faith being too... Death-connected in the eyes of R'hllorites.

We certainly need to sort them out sooner rather than later.
We have the Merling King, the Old Gods and Yss. They should better listen when Azor Ahay explains to them that death-gods aren't the same as undeath-gods.
We have the Merling King, the Old Gods and Yss. They should better listen when Azor Ahay explains to them that death-gods aren't the same as undeath-gods.
Ah... Not so much this, but rather this:
Since then the Weeping Lady has lost most of her connection to death at least in Lys and much of the Disputed Lands. In He'Nekar priests still call to her to ease the suffering of the dying and her statue still stands in the House of Black and White in Braavos
I feel like that's the schism-material unlike any other, and certainly way worse than what wedding ceremony is practiced.

We don't want the church of WL breaking apart because of this, do we?
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Ah... Not so much this, but rather this:
I feel like that's the schism-material unlike any other, and certainly way worse than what wedding ceremony is practiced.

We don't want the church of WL breaking apart because of this, do we?
I know, I just forgot about that difference until it came up again now.
[X] Plan Wrapping Things Up For Now
-[X] Speak with Erren Florent
--[X] Inform him about the involvement of the Fey in his uncles actions unless Dany already took care of that.
--[X] Give him the broad overview that the Tyrells are in cahoots with the Court of Stars and wrapped tightly in some unspecified bargain with them.
--[X] Ask him to buy the title to the loan his uncle has given to the Tyrells.
---[X] Loan sum: 550,000 IM
---[X] Interest for 1st year: 69,753.77 IM
---[X] Total cost: 619,753.77 IM
--[X] See if you can prod him into pledging his support for the invasion.
-[X] Speak with Lady Uraka of the Iron Bank
--[X] Inform her about the Tyrells financial troubles, so that the Iron Bank won't give them any loans they would default on.
--[X] Buy the title to the loan the Iron Bank has given the Tyrells.
---[X] Loan sum: 810,000 IM
---[X] Interest for 1st year: 102,728.27 IM
---[X] Processing Fee (1%): 9,127.28 IM
---[X] Total cost: 921,855.55 IM
--[X] Inform her about the meeting on the 15th. We need their most warded room. If that happens to be a vault, that's fine.
-[X] While you are in Braavos, visit the Orphne court.
--[X] Have some small-talk first to find out what they have been up to lately.
-[X] Also collect Day of Change sacrifices from the Silver Eye. We haven't done so for 3 months.
-[X] Loan totals:
--[X] Total money spent: 1,541,609.32 IM
--[X] Total Tyrell debt bought: 1,532,482.04 IM
For reference, this was the vote that included Braavos. Going to add the first half of the Tyrell balls debt to the sheets now.
I am filled with boundless enthusiasm.
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Side (beforesleep) note: I feel like having Red Priests oversee a wedding ceremony will be straight up weird/awkward.

Considering just what the legend has Azhor Ahai do to his wife, and many see us as one :V
You could do that in addition to something else. She is fine with multiple ceremonies

It's past midnight for me. I'll do Father Storm and Mother Earth's tenets in the morning I promise.

If you're going to do that, can we have at least one scene with Ceria introducing her research on this subject to Viserys PoV, or at least an interlude?
Oh, she did research on it? :D We're totally taking her to see the old altar in the Brune lands.

After the circumstances which caused her to awaken to magic passed, she put all possible speed on gathering as much lore as possible, seeing as how it was literally a matter of life or death for her.

Fully sincere, I think the only one who could officiate our wedding in a more interesting manner would be Brynden, and that because he would be doing it from like thousands of miles away. And no one would know it was him doing it.

Extra hilarity if we have B!Arys doing it in disguise but not under glamour.
@Azel With the end of the month rapidly approaching, we need to firm up our plans for the Yi-Ti expedition. Here's your original manifest, I believe;
[X] Plan "We come in peace. Shoot to kill!"
-[X] Yi-Ti Bureaucrats:
--[X] Make them gear bodies for now in exchange for their services. Keep them at arms length from research not related to themselves, government information and other vital areas.
-[X] Yi-Ti Expedition:
--[X] Participants:
---[X] The Hunters Moon and crew (Moonsong, Theon, Asha)
---[X] The Queen Rhaella and crew (Diana, Lothos, various Leshy, six Advanced Druid Seaweed Leshy, Little Valyrians, etc)
---[X] Valeana and Dawnfyre
---[X] Nuri
---[X] 2x Large Galleon, 6x Medium Galleon, 6x Small Galleon
---[X] 16x Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy // with our new production run, I want one of them on every ship for buffs
---[X] 3x Erinyes
---[X] 6x Verdant Wolf
---[X] 6x Giant Fungal Darkenbeast
---[X] 12x Minotaur Fighter, organised in two squads
---[X] a few Bulabar and human shipwrights for repairs on the way, aided by the Leshies Shape Wood spells
---[X] 1x Herald
---[X] 2x set of Elemental Wyrmlings
---[X] 48x Lesser False Ravens for comprehensive scouting (We have several hundred now) // 3 per ship
---[X] 16x Greater False Ravens for scouting, spying, and coordinating Lesser Ravens // 1 per ship
---[X] 1x 5th level Wizard
---[X] 1x 4th level Wizard
---[X] 1x 5th level Archivist
---[X] 1x 4th level Archivist
---[X] 1x 5th level Sorcerer
---[X] ask Yrael if he has some Archons who want to come along, especially Codex Archons or maybe a few fighters
---[X] Breath Taker and Blight's Bane will be invited to join
---[X] at least 32x Triton warriors
---[X] as many traders as the Tritons want to send with the expedition
---[X] 2x Colossal Advanced Fungal Manta Rays
---[X] 2x Whispering Brazier // if we deal with Devils, better have backup communication
---[X] 16x Inquisition members to keep a lookout for Devils
---[X] 32x unofficial Inquisition members that will secretly monitor the fleet for infiltration

--[X] Cargo:
---[X] 1 million IM in luxury tade goods // filling up a whole fleet with fancy shit is expensive, but so will the profits be
---[X] 200,000 IM in gold, for purchases, bribes and tribute // we will most likely need to offer tribute to the Azure Emperor
---[X] 300 pounds of Valyrian Steel weaponry
---[X] bring a copy of the celestial lore Yrael gave us, as a small glimpse of the great library of SD and as a personal gift to the Jade Emperor (on top of more substantial bribes)
---[X] goods to take:
----[X] alchemical goods, exotic woods, steel goods, fine clothing and jewelry made in the Stepstones
----[X] Tyroshi dyes and pear brandy
----[X] pelts and exotic woods from the North and the Wall
----[X] Myrish glass wares
----[X] Ibbenese wale products
----[X] some amount of Tolosi saffron
----[X] Nathene silk
----[X] sea silk and pearls from the Tritons
----[X] exotic fruits and pelts from our holdings near Sothoryos, especially Painted Lizard skins and feathers
----[X] gems and rare metals from the Plane of Earth
----[X] luxury materials from the Plane of Air
----[X] Summer Island goods like chocolate
----[X] Fey goods from Braavos and Lys
----[X] Fire Whale gems
--[X] Route:
---[X] from SD, go towards the Basilisk Isles and stop there to take up the remaining goods and fresh provisions
---[X] sail on for a stop in Vahar, Port Moraq and Zhabad in that order
---[X] sail on to Yin
--[X] Other Preparations:
---[X] take all Raise from the Deep scrolls currently in stock, to keep ships afloot if they risk to sink
---[X] take the Dragonbane spear along we got from the limp noodle, just in case
---[X] take 16 of the water-elemental-spheres the Nereid gave us along, so that the ships can easily navigate the unknown waters
---[X] lend one Wayfinder to the fleet for navigation
---[X] make a generous sacrifice to Yss and the Merling King for a blessing and Divinations for the fleet
---[X] the fleet should be sent off during the festival with much fanfare
---[X] if Maelor and Xor are done with their tasks by then, they will go along with the fleet
The only real issue I see is that I think you were planning to assign Nuri to a different task next month? Maelor is going to be occupied on the Plane of Fire, but Xor should still be available.

The 5th level Sorcerer is definitely Baelys, who has now advanced to 6th level.

I think it would be a good opportunity for Anya and Mia, too. They're both 6th level now and have abilities that would be genuinely helpful in various situations. They will probably earn some XP, too.

As part of preparing for the expedition, I had our crafters scribe some potentially useful scrolls. We now have Raise from the Deep (x26), Tail Current (x20), and Unseen Crew (x10). DP buffed the Unseen Crew spell a long while back so that it produces 10 crewmen per level rather than just one. We should take additional crewmen to man any sunken ships we find and salvage along the way.
The only real issue I see is that I think you were planning to assign Nuri to a different task next month? Maelor is going to be occupied on the Plane of Fire, but Xor should still be available.

The 5th level Sorcerer is definitely Baelys, who has now advanced to 6th level.

I think it would be a good opportunity for Anya and Mia, too. They're both 6th level now and have abilities that would be genuinely helpful in various situations. They will probably earn some XP, too.
We can't really spare Nuri, Anya or Mia. Our intrigue action budget is still tremendously overstretched.

And I would rather have Xor go on that trip to the Astral Plane. He really needs some XP.
I wonder if Bahamut will attempt to contact Shireen or has already. He missed out on Dany when she first started dreaming.

Maybe he'll take this opportunity.

Makes you wonder if Tiamat hasn't smelled new blood as well.
[X] Plan Fey and Loaning in Braavos
-[X] Speak with Lady Uraka of the Iron Bank
--[X] Inform her about the Tyrells financial troubles, so that the Iron Bank won't give them any loans they would default on.
--[X] Buy the title to the loan the Iron Bank has given the Tyrells.
---[X] Loan sum: 810,000 IM
---[X] Interest for 1st year: 102,728.27 IM
---[X] Processing Fee (1%): 9,127.28 IM
---[X] Total cost: 921,855.55 IM
--[X] Inform her about the meeting on the 15th. We need their most warded room. If that happens to be a vault, that's fine.
-[X] While you are in Braavos, visit the Orphne court.
--[X] Have some small-talk first to find out what they have been up to lately.
--[X] Ask them what they know about the Court of Stars and what their relationship is with each other.
--[X] Ask them what they know about the Fey king.
-[X] Also collect Day of Change sacrifices from the Silver Eye. We haven't done so for 3 months.
-[X] Ask Dany to visit Shireens dreams to talk to her a bit. What should be done then is up to her.
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