1. Would be too huge and unwieldy if we merged that. Though I'm open for other name suggestions for those places. Northern Crownlands and Southern Crownlands could work...
Considering their there ones, I wouldn't say so. It's all Narrow Sea focused and fairly close to us.

It's essentially Targ Lands.
They are also sparsely populated and poor as dirt.
Yeah, I was thinking "in a hundred years it will be bonkers".
I know, but we also can't have unlimited slotless items. I asked about Rings of Freedom of Movement for everyone and that was what I was told in regards to it. I brought this one up a few months ago, so when I saw Ser Richard's sheet without it I just thought our existing ring had been dismissed in favor of a Ring of Prestidigitation.
Freedom of Movement isn't really a concern any longer. Several of our eligible casters now have the Periapt of the Sullen Sea effect added to their gear, which allows them to convert 4th level spell slots into Freedom of Movement spells, and even more of them will receive it next month. We can easily buff any party with Freedom of Movement now, though it certainly won't hurt for Richard to have it in effect constantly due to the ring.
Being aberration touched isnt really equivalent to being from the Old Deep though is it, there are plenty of Old Deep citizens who never suffered that effect.

Seems an odd way to draw the distinction, especially considering if anything Old Deep non-aberration touched are probably some of the more wary in relation to them, seeing as they lived under Damphair.

Thanks you for pointing that fact out. I didn't intend to communicate that. I only intended for him to be aberration-touched, and that being the cause of the perceived discrimination. I'll see what I can correct about the omake so that it makes more sense.

He comes from the Old Deep anyway, but I didn't mean that that particular fact was bad.
It would probably leave more hard feeling since instead of being lesser but independent lords, the Starks would be ceremonial figureheads in that setup. Also, it would disgruntle the denser loyalists, since it looks as if the Starks weren't punished despite being part of the core traitors, and it would terrify the cleverer loyalists, since it sets precedent for a noble house being completely neutered in favor of the bureaucracy taking over all their duties.
We could just declare our intention. To denser houses. How many are there a few hundred. It woupd a few weeks work. And the cleverer would also see that real power is in trade and money and they could be appeased that way.
We could just declare our intention. To denser houses. How many are there a few hundred. It woupd a few weeks work. And the cleverer would also see that real power is in trade and money and they could be appeased that way.
1. We will have to explain a lot of stuff to the denser houses already, like why the Imperial Tax Collector and the Legion are not in fact under their jurisdiction and yes, those laws do in fact apply to them. I see little point in adding to that.
2. Being marginalized as a lord means that all this fancy trade isn't soothing anything, as you are not getting any of the benefits.
3. Keeping it all together doesn't fix the fact that the North is too large and would be vastly too powerful in a few decades. It needs splitting and the best moment to do so is right now.
4. Once we are done with the Lannisters, the Tullys and the Arryns, Ned Stark will look at that deal and thank the Old Gods for it.
@Crake, since you asked and @LonelyWolf999, since you mentioned Glorious Map Painting earlier.
I like the asphetic, the whole thing looks much prettier than the last map. Some suggestions:
Can you describe what exactly you have in mind for the 'Crowlands?'
Dreadlands, Whitelands, and Winterlands all look great. The Dustins are now out from under Stark, which was the last one's biggest snag.
What happened to 'Greater Darry?' The Bay of Crabs is okay, but I really liked that name and it made things rather explicit. Also, you're snagging a bit of the Vale, although that's probably intentional. Once again the geography doesn't make much sense, although the area is fairly wealthy which is probably why the Arryns clung to it.
Maybe rename Dragonstone to Duskendale? They're probably going to be the ones running it as Dukes, with the Narrow Sea islands and houses being directly under the Crown.
... Oceanlands? I'm gonna consider that a placeholder until we figure out who'll be calling the shots, but naming it after the central lake is also an idea.
-[] Maege Mormont of Bear Isle
-[] Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort
Probably best to let the Umbers act as an intermediary for them, or with the Bolton's, to let them come to us. Going to them sets the stage in a way we don't necessarily want.
-[] Shella Went, last of her line, of Harrenhall
This I'm in support of. Dywen could do some work here, possibly breaking the 'curse of Harrenhal' ... although that's probably a real thing, ain't it?
-[] William Mooten of Maidenpool
Willaim's a craven. We're better off speaking to his firstborn son and heir, Reynald.
Or my pet favourite: Malarys emerges too early from the sleep, and travels to Volantis. Scornful, goes to the Alchemists of King's landing to find some "real magic and Valyrian nobility", possibly during the reign of Aerys. Or maybe during the dance?
I've never seen a 'Valaryians without dragons wake up and interact with pre-Dance or DofD Targs' before in fanfiction, despite it having so much potential. Honestly considering writing it myself.
Edit: Though in my defense, all I hear about him is from my roommate, who tried to get through The Way of Kings and was bored to tears.
Brandon's a slow-burn kind of author. I personally found the plot and characters enticing enough to sit through the long build-up, and he has enough books so that if ones' not for you, another probably will be.
I like the asphetic, the whole thing looks much prettier than the last map. Some suggestions:
Can you describe what exactly you have in mind for the 'Crowlands?'
Dreadlands, Whitelands, and Winterlands all look great. The Dustins are now out from under Stark, which was the last one's biggest snag.
What happened to 'Greater Darry?' The Bay of Crabs is okay, but I really liked that name and it made things rather explicit. Also, you're snagging a bit of the Vale, although that's probably intentional. Once again the geography doesn't make much sense, although the area is fairly wealthy which is probably why the Arryns clung to it.
Maybe rename Dragonstone to Duskendale? They're probably going to be the ones running it as Dukes, with the Narrow Sea islands and houses being directly under the Crown.
... Oceanlands? I'm gonna consider that a placeholder until we figure out who'll be calling the shots, but naming it after the central lake is also an idea.
1. I just dialed down the opacity of the borders. It now looks less... harsh...
2. That depends a lot on how things shake down after the Others are defeated. For now, I want to tear Bear Island and Skagos from the nothern Duchies, citing the need as staging grounds for the Long Night, and placing them directly under Imperial control. After the war, we need to divide up the land there and depending on how the Night Watch will dissolve, we could grant this Duchy to Jeor Mormont or maybe Alisser Thorne. Or we have that part ruled from Skagos. It's a bit hard to say, but this area is mostly "post-Night Watch order and left-over land not going to the Thenns".
3. Actually, the borders there haven't changed, except for Bear Island and Skagos. The Dustins would have been out from under the Starks one way or another.
4. I felt the other name a bit more fitting, though I'm ambivalent about naming it Greater Darry again.
5.1. I'm decently sure that House Rykker is among those who took a Lannister bride and money, so it seems unlikely to me that they will get something except a boot to the head.
5.2. So you want to keep Dragonstone and Driftmark directly under Imperial rule? Fine by me, but then I'm sorely tempted to also snag Tarth to complete our set of islands.
6. That would be "Red Lake" then, which was my other option. The area contains most of the Ocean Road, so it felt decently fitting.
Probably best to let the Umbers act as an intermediary for them, or with the Bolton's, to let them come to us. Going to them sets the stage in a way we don't necessarily want.
This I'm in support of. Dywen could do some work here, possibly breaking the 'curse of Harrenhal' ... although that's probably a real thing, ain't it?
Willaim's a craven. We're better off speaking to his firstborn son and heir, Reynald.
1. I think the Mormonts are as primed to our cause as they can be and Roose Bolton will be on board with whatever we propose as long as it gets him out under the Starks thumbs. I get your concern, but those two people are unlikely to cause much issue if we come to them themselves. Especially as the Mormonts are a marginalized border house and the Boltons have that whole feud.
2. That's the reason I want to go there. Shella Went couldn't stop 20,000 Lannister levies in canon, so the odds of her even attempting to hold Harrenhall against 25,000 Legionaries with 1,000 Darkenbeasts and multiple dragons are... let's say low. However, I'm worried that the curse is very much real and would be troublesome for us. Also, if we flip her, we can hide enough supplies for two armies in that castle. Once the Invasion actually starts, we port over a small contingent with Titan Tools to patch up the castle and suddenly we hold one of the greatest strongholds on the continent.
3. Fair enough, though speaking with The Dragon in the flesh might be all the more convincing to a craven man.
1. I think the Mormonts are as primed to our cause as they can be and Roose Bolton will be on board with whatever we propose as long as it gets him out under the Starks thumbs. I get your concern, but those two people are unlikely to cause much issue if we come to them themselves. Especially as the Mormonts are a marginalized border house and the Boltons have that whole feud.
2. That's the reason I want to go there. Shella Went couldn't stop 20,000 Lannister levies in canon, so the odds of her even attempting to hold Harrenhall against 25,000 Legionaries with 1,000 Darkenbeasts and multiple dragons are... let's say low. However, I'm worried that the curse is very much real and would be troublesome for us. Also, if we flip her, we can hide enough supplies for two armies in that castle. Once the Invasion actually starts, we port over a small contingent with Titan Tools to patch up the castle and suddenly we hold one of the greatest strongholds on the continent.
3. Fair enough, though speaking with The Dragon in the flesh might be all the more convincing to a craven man.
Ah the conquest is going to be quite fun.
2. That depends a lot on how things shake down after the Others are defeated. For now, I want to tear Bear Island and Skagos from the nothern Duchies, citing the need as staging grounds for the Long Night, and placing them directly under Imperial control. After the war, we need to divide up the land there and depending on how the Night Watch will dissolve, we could grant this Duchy to Jeor Mormont or maybe Alisser Thorne. Or we have that part ruled from Skagos. It's a bit hard to say, but this area is mostly "post-Night Watch order and left-over land not going to the Thenns".
So basically a broad strokes kind of thing, and we'll figure out the details once the Long Night's over.
3. Actually, the borders there haven't changed, except for Bear Island and Skagos. The Dustins would have been out from under the Starks one way or another.
Huh, must've gotten things mixed up.
4. I felt the other name a bit more fitting, though I'm ambivalent about naming it Greater Darry again.
Probably, I just like Greater Darry as a name.
5.1. I'm decently sure that House Rykker is among those who took a Lannister bride and money, so it seems unlikely to me that they will get something except a boot to the head.
Duskendale may have fallen far, but it's still one of the most powerful houses by the Crownland's standards, so they'd be in less of a position where you either sucked up to the Lannisters or died like a lot of others are. The Gaunts being a prime example of when the latter sticks to their principles. Not to mention the Rykkers were raised by the Targs, and westerosi remember that kind of thing. Plus, they very well what happens when you piss them off. Ultimately up to DP's judgment but I had them as one of the houses Monford was able to sway in my omake and on the Chart.
2. That's the reason I want to go there. Shella Went couldn't stop 20,000 Lannister levies in canon, so the odds of her even attempting to hold Harrenhall against 25,000 Legionaries with 1,000 Darkenbeasts and multiple dragons are... let's say low. However, I'm worried that the curse is very much real and would be troublesome for us. Also, if we flip her, we can hide enough supplies for two armies in that castle. Once the Invasion actually starts, we port over a small contingent with Titan Tools to patch up the castle and suddenly we hold one of the greatest strongholds on the continent.
Sounds like a solid plan, although the Curse is probably a more 'face of entropy' kind of thing rather than an army stopper.
3. Fair enough, though speaking with The Dragon in the flesh might be all the more convincing to a craven man.
Yeah, intimidating him would be trivial, but there's nothing stopping the next terrifying figure from making him squeal. It's ultimatly not that big a deal, but seeing as Reynald's participating in the joust it'd probably be a lot simpler to just talk with him.
Anyone else think Lord Tarly's defense to Mace was not that good? Storms End falling wouldn't have done much in my opinion. Robert would have no choice but to wait to get it back and he would need the Tully, Stark and Arynn armies to face the Reach army if the Reach army picked to fight them(don't believed Mace would have). Don't believe Robert would face the Reach army alone and the Stormlords would of stayed with Robert even if Storms End fell. Didn't have much choice.
Duskendale may have fallen far, but it's still one of the most powerful houses by the Crownland's standards, so they'd be in less of a position where you either sucked up to the Lannisters or died like a lot of others are. The Gaunts being a prime example of when the latter sticks to their principles. Not to mention the Rykkers were raised by the Targs, and westerosi remember that kind of thing. Plus, they very well what happens when you piss them off. Ultimately up to DP's judgment but I had them as one of the houses Monford was able to sway in my omake and on the Chart.
Alright, then I'm fine with giving that area to the Rikkers. There will be plenty of traitor houses to make sure old Brune get his just rewards.
Sounds like a solid plan, although the Curse is probably a more 'face of entropy' kind of thing rather than an army stopper.
Eh... I'm kinda expecting undead Ironborn when we bring a dragon there. Or some left-over squid-fuckery in the cellars.
Yeah, intimidating him would be trivial, but there's nothing stopping the next terrifying figure from making him squeal. It's ultimatly not that big a deal, but seeing as Reynald's participating in the joust it'd probably be a lot simpler to just talk with him.
Well, if Reynald is here, might as well do it now.

- Dragonstone and Driftmark stay under direct Imperial rule
- Tarth taken from the Stormlands since it's a juicy island linking up our other islands
- incidentally, in this plan, we have absolute control over the Narrow Sea and the major shipping routes, even more so then before
- renamed some stuff:
-- Bay of Crabs -> Greater Darry
-- Oceanlands -> Red Lake
-- Dragonstone -> Northern Crownlands
-- Crownlands -> Southern Crownlands
Alright, then I'm fine with giving that area to the Rikkers. There will be plenty of traitor houses to make sure old Brune get his just rewards.

Eh... I'm kinda expecting undead Ironborn when we bring a dragon there. Or some left-over squid-fuckery in the cellars.

Well, if Reynald is here, might as well do it now.

- Dragonstone and Driftmark stay under direct Imperial rule
- Tarth taken from the Stormlands since it's a juicy island linking up our other islands
- incidentally, in this plan, we have absolute control over the Narrow Sea and the major shipping routes, even more so then before
- renamed some stuff:
-- Bay of Crabs -> Greater Darry
-- Oceanlands -> Red Lake
-- Dragonstone -> Northern Crownlands
-- Crownlands -> Southern Crownlands
It's not really a big deal, but the Northern provinces still seem too large to me. The Whitelands, Winterlands, and Dreadlands could each be halved with the resulting provinces still being among the largest in Westeros.
Alright, then I'm fine with giving that area to the Rikkers. There will be plenty of traitor houses to make sure old Brune get his just rewards.

Eh... I'm kinda expecting undead Ironborn when we bring a dragon there. Or some left-over squid-fuckery in the cellars.

Well, if Reynald is here, might as well do it now.

- Dragonstone and Driftmark stay under direct Imperial rule
- Tarth taken from the Stormlands since it's a juicy island linking up our other islands
- incidentally, in this plan, we have absolute control over the Narrow Sea and the major shipping routes, even more so then before
- renamed some stuff:
-- Bay of Crabs -> Greater Darry
-- Oceanlands -> Red Lake
-- Dragonstone -> Northern Crownlands
-- Crownlands -> Southern Crownlands

You know that extensive plan to give us ample farmland for our city so we wouldn't have to import from afar? (That and terrace farming, anyway).

We should do the same for Dragonstone and Driftmark. That way 1) Dragonstone can use its natural volcanic soil which we can just scoop into place as we produce arbitrarily large amounts of farmland for islanders and settlers and be the food provider for the Narrow Sea houses at royally privileged cheap prices. And 2) Driftmark can use its new ample soil to grow trees. Lots of trees. To make lots of ships. Valaena could be in charge of our Merchant Marine at some point when she comes of age, and take those skills and turn her House into a powerhouse again as in the days of the Dance, only this time they aren't relying on having Dragonriders to retain those rewards, and those gains won't evaporate in later years.
It's not really a big deal, but the Northern provinces still seem too large to me. The Whitelands, Winterlands, and Dreadlands could each be halved with the resulting provinces still being among the largest in Westeros.
Maybe like this?
That would be Umbers to the north-east, The Neck under Reed in the south and probably the Tallharts in the west.
Maybe like this?
That would be Umbers to the north-east, The Neck under Reed in the south and probably the Tallharts in the west.

That's what I'm talkin' about. The North is as big as the rest of Westeros put together, and three Ducal tier titles would have more power and influence (and population if managed well) than any two or three equivalents put together in the South.

With that delineation, they would be about equal. Maybe better in some cases, Winterfell still has fuck-tonnes of timber and those mountains that the clansmen rule from probably have some decent ores and minerals.
You know that extensive plan to give us ample farmland for our city so we wouldn't have to import from afar? (That and terrace farming, anyway).

We should do the same for Dragonstone and Driftmark. That way 1) Dragonstone can use its natural volcanic soil which we can just scoop into place as we produce arbitrarily large amounts of farmland for islanders and settlers and be the food provider for the Narrow Sea houses at royally privileged cheap prices. And 2) Driftmark can use its new ample soil to grow trees. Lots of trees. To make lots of ships. Valaena could be in charge of our Merchant Marine at some point when she comes of age, and take those skills and turn her House into a powerhouse again as in the days of the Dance, only this time they aren't relying on having Dragonriders to retain those rewards, and those gains won't evaporate in later years.
Eh. Maritime trade as a whole will decline somewhat and iron ships will soon replace wooden ships, as the price of steel is plummeting.

Also, DP brought forth the idea to pacify The Marches by installing an outsider lord who can keep the whole mess in line. Namely Valaena. I'm not married to the idea, but it's neat and the marcher lords will definitely grow a lot quieter when they have a dragon flying overhead.
Eh. Maritime trade as a whole will decline somewhat and iron ships will soon replace wooden ships, as the price of steel is plummeting.

Also, DP brought forth the idea to pacify The Marches by installing an outsider lord who can keep the whole mess in line. Namely Valaena. I'm not married to the idea, but it's neat and the marcher lords will definitely grow a lot quieter when they have a dragon flying overhead.

I like the idea, though I would have thought she'd want to rule from a Port...

Meh, we can always ask her what she thinks.
Maybe like this?
That would be Umbers to the north-east, The Neck under Reed in the south and probably the Tallharts in the west.
@LonelyWolf999, your opinion on this?
That's what I'm talkin' about. The North is as big as the rest of Westeros put together, and three Ducal tier titles would have more power and influence (and population if managed well) than any two or three equivalents put together in the South.

With that delineation, they would be about equal. Maybe better in some cases, Winterfell still has fuck-tonnes of timber and those mountains that the clansmen rule from probably have some decent ores and minerals.
Mind you that the easy PoE access we've established means that mineral wealth will be less valuable in the future. I think overall that the Umberlands will, despite being the largest governorship of Westeros, be among the poorer, as they lack population and good farmland. We can obviously magic something up there, but they will always play catch-up with the south. So nominally large and powerful, but actually mostly wilderness. Much of central Essos will be in the same boat.