Here are the results for the rest of the melee match-ups
  1. Sandor vs Chun Ting Lo -> Sandor
  2. Oberyn Martell vs Ser Benjicot Brown -> Oberyn Martell (Mostly by dint of magic tricks. Mirror Image works surprisingly well to make someone waste attacks for such a low level spell)
  3. Scarbrand vs Legion Minotaur -> Scarbrand (Second verse same as the first)
  4. Nizuta of House Adjar vs Nine Fingers Nakapho -> Nizuta of House Adjar (If they had been a more interesting opponent I might have written this one up since a Shaitan's ability to manipulate the environment and stone glide makes for some interesting strategies, maybe the next one)
  1. Valaena vs Belos the Bold -> Valaena
  2. Thoros vs Ser Criston Storm -> Ser Criston Storm (He has mage slayer which Thoros learned the hard way, not to mention very good AC which the cleric relatively low strength could not get though enough)
  3. Asha Greyjoy vs Sorlo the Shield breaker -> Asha Greyjoy (It's a good thing she had cure potions on her, a lucky crit was almost the end of her)
  4. Jobolar Za vs Tregano Pahren -> Jobolar Za (I'm going to have to actually flesh out his background story now since he made it so far)
So the semi-finals are:

Large and Bold
  1. Sandor vs Scarbrand
  2. Oberyn Martell vs Nizuta of House Adjar
Medium and Small
  1. Valaena vs Ser Criston Storm
  2. Asha Greyjoy vs Jobolar Za
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I don't really see the issue with the clock rolling over at noon. Most people on Planetos don't even track the passage of time in any measured fashion, beyond days and larger periods.

People will become accustomed to the system in time. What's most important is that they have a method to track time at all. They can set appoints, make note of the time events occurred, time a workday, etc.
Large and Bold
  1. Sandor vs Scarbrand
  2. Oberyn Martell vs Nizuta of House Adjar
Medium and Small
  1. Valaena vs Ser Criston Storm
  2. Asha Greyjoy vs Jobolar Za
1. I guess Sandor couldn't ask for a better opponent to test how he does against large empowered enemies.
2. Either way Oberyn will so try to get into this guy's pants, and it might work.
3. Valaena may meet her match if he is mage slayer.
4. Don't know enough about Za to guess how he will do against Asha.
Here are the results for the rest of the melee match-ups
  1. Sandor vs Chun Ting Lo -> Sandor
  2. Oberyn Martell vs Ser Benjicot Brown -> Oberyn Martell (Mostly by dint of magic tricks. Mirror Image works surprisingly well to make someone waste attacks for such a low level spell)
  3. Scarbrand vs Legion Minotaur -> Scarbrand (Second verse same as the first)
  4. Nizuta of House Adjar vs Nine Fingers Nakapho -> Nizuta of House Adjar (If they had been a more interesting opponent I might have written this one up since a Shaitan's ability to manipulate the environment and stone glide makes for some interesting strategies, maybe the next one)
  1. Valaena vs Belos the Bold -> Valaena
  2. Thoros vs Ser Criston Storm -> Ser Criston Storm (He has mage slayer which Thoros learned the hard way, not to mention very good AC which the cleric relatively low strength could not get though enough)
  3. Asha Greyjoy vs Sorlo the Shield breaker -> Asha Greyjoy (It's a good thing she had cure potions on her, a lucky crit was almost the end of her)
  4. Jobolar Za vs Tregano Pahren -> Jobolar Za (I'm going to have to actually flesh out his background story now since he made it so far)
So the semi-finals are:

Large and Bold
  1. Sandor vs Scarbrand
  2. Oberyn Martell vs Nizuta of House Adjar
Medium and Small
  1. Valaena vs Ser Criston Storm
  2. Asha Greyjoy vs Jobolar Za
When will we have the archery competition?

And what about the mage duels?
So the semi-finals are:

Large and Bold
  1. Sandor vs Scarbrand

Sandor: "Fuck me, are they all nosy bastards?"


Sandor: "We both do."

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Yay for Oberyn! Good job on your win!
Level-wise and optimisation-wise, this wasn't a cakewalk. But magic gear and tricks carried the day!

Ah, dashing rogues. This is Jarlaxle all over again :D
Actually, hmm. @DragonParadox the 3.5 version of Mage Slayer specifically states that a caster is aware that they'll fail concentration checks for casting defensively if they're threatened by someone with the feat. Seems a bit weird for Thoros to be surprised by it.
My dream final would be Oberyn vs Valaena. Half fight, half seduction - all magnificent!
Seriously though, imagine Monford's reaction upon hearing that his daughter is besotted with the Red Viper :D :D :D
Otherwise, Oberyn vs Asha would be nice.

Still, Oberyn would crush Valaena (he has Globe of Invulnerability + reach, she relies on low-level spells + reach)

Does anyone still have a link to Oberyn's stats and/or gear ?
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My dream final would be Oberyn vs Valaena. Half fight, half seduction - all magnificent!
Otherwise, Oberyn vs Asha would be nice.

Still, Oberyn would crush Valaena (he has Globe of Invulnerability + reach, she relies on low-level spells + reach)

Does anyone still have a link to Oberyn's stats and/or gear ?

They're in different brackets...
Actually, hmm. @DragonParadox the 3.5 version of Mage Slayer specifically states that a caster is aware that they'll fail concentration checks for casting defensively if they're threatened by someone with the feat. Seems a bit weird for Thoros to be surprised by it.

I know, the game also states that someone who just attacked into wings of cover is instantly aware and can change his attack target, but that does not really make sense. People do not have an aura of 'danger to mages' that you can just read and pulling ones weapon/spell from dissipating against the giant force wings should not be posibile. Now if one knows the opponent has the option, either by observation or knowing his reputation then the standard rules work.
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@DragonParadox curious, what is Scarbrand's personality? People love making jokes about the Warhammer version but it would be funny if he does rage sometimes as well.:p
Can't a man let his quests die in peace? :cry:


I know, he game also states that someone who just cast into wings of cover is instantly aware and can change his attack target , but that does not really make sense. People do not have an aura of 'danger to mages' that you can just read and pulling ones weapon/spell from dissipating against the giant force wings should not be posibile. Now if one knows the opponent has the option, either by observation or knowing his reputation then the standard rules work.

So we can expect Valaena to be aware, then, I expect. She seems like the type to pay attention. And also has the example of (I think) having seen Ser Richard train.
I know, the game also states that someone who just attacked into wings of cover is instantly aware and can change his attack target, but that does not really make sense. People do not have an aura of 'danger to mages' that you can just read and pulling ones weapon/spell from dissipating against the giant force wings should not be posibile. Now if one knows the opponent has the option, either by observation or knowing his reputation then the standard rules work.

Thoros won a lot of fights in canon using fancy tricks, so having his magic taken away from him in this melee is ironic and appropriate. :lol
Criston has more than one trick up his sleeve.

For example, she may be aware he has Mage Slayer, but "just backing up" isn't going to be easy with Stand Still.

Tumble checks. Or just taking 5' steps. Stand Still should only trigger if she provokes an AoO during the move phase. He'd need Step Up to get around her reach, assuming she only uses 5' steps. I'd need to check her Tumble modifier to see if just wolololing her way out is an option.