Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Visiting Meizhen's new lodgings
[X] Assisting Cai Renxiang with party set up

Switching to approval vote, the blocs for this one being pretty clear.
In that moment, Ling Qi felt like she had finally understood the lesson of Sable Crescent's Grace, of motion without motion and presence without presence. She found the moment of understanding fading quickly, and yet some knowledge remained. She leaned barely to the side, avoiding the flung corpse of a rat thing with hardly a thought, and her flute sang again of winter. Even through their armor and bolstering qi, a dozen beasts died.
Hmm, "presence without presence", "motion without motion"... I kinda feel like that could mesh quite well with ENM's concepts maybe?

At the same time, I'm not sure how well it meshes with PLR and dance...
Hmm, "presence without presence", "motion without motion"... I kinda feel like that could mesh quite well with ENM's concepts maybe?

At the same time, I'm not sure how well it meshes with PLR and dance...
Well, SCS is dance, and those concept comes from it. Also:
Phantom of Bamboo Forest: D
Duration: Short
In the twisting realm of the labyrinth, the first lesson taught to navigate its depths is presence without presence
Though I am not a fan of DLS.
Originally I was going to approval Cai and Archive, but I'm switching to this, entirely in the hopes that we cultivate Harmony first.

If we have Harmony, the possibility of playing our Flute in Meizhen's garden at "so loud it's almost rude" levels inside the <800 housing area with the additional narative weight of being on screen could be a veritable goldmine of Intel on people we'll be able to spot Meridian,cultivation level on with Harmony.

[X] Visiting Meizhen's new lodgings
The beast she had landed on was pounded to the ground, but its fellows were not so impaired, claws flowed through her and fangs snapped and gnawed at the hems of her gown and legs, failing to break through where they touched her at all, bony spines skimmed across her skin, deflected by her Thousand Ring Technique alone.
Ice crusted flesh cracked and squished beneath her feet as she slipped directly into dodging, dancing atop the carpet of bodies as she felt the tendrils oily qi brush across her spirit, drawing her eyes to the knife wielder, whose twisted face seemed to be showing a growing alarm. Inside her mind, Sixiang let out a tittering laugh, and brushed away whatever the effect was with contemptuous ease.
So, it seems that for a good portion of the fight, we were actually dancing and dodging on top of the corpses of these spirit beast like things. Which just brings to mind the image of creating a hill of bodies that our opponents have to climb in order to reach us.

That didn't seem to happen here, but probably because we kept moving and killing. Effectually laying down a carpet of corpses in our wake. I don't know how many of the reds and yellows we killed, but it was enough to carpet the whole area.

Also, I just want to mention how awesome it is that Ling Qi faced down 4 green spirit beasts (1 by itself and 3 with an army to support them) and came out fairly well for herself. Killing two of the spirit beasts, and likely killing the rest if the weird tool user hadn't thrown his entire stash of weird reanimation gunk upon the carpet of corpses we had left behind.

Only slight minor injuries for that entire experience is amazing.

And the next time we go down here, we'll have a green Zhengui along for the ride. Don't know how his spontaneous root generation will fare down in the impurity infested zone, but fire and ash in small tunnels will be devastating.
Speaking of which, what's the availability of dungeon crawling with Li Suyin? Is it now our default social act for her? Once a month? Only when she's ready? Can we go without her (although we shouln't)? Narratively, she goes in by herself frequently, and only goes deep when she has backup, right?
And there is a small chance of Hanyi as well, though I have no idea when that might happen. At a guess, probably after Zeqing's Trial.
And probably a Green Li Suyin, with possibly a Peak Yellow Zhenli and a second spirit beast for her.
We'll also have a more active Sixiang! She's working on something, and I can't wait to see what it will be.

But yeah, if we go down again, I expect that Li Suyin will have three or four green level constructs to provide for some basic guarding and excavation functions, with even better tools at dealing with the creatures we might find here. One thing I think she'll work on is to someway counter-act the corpse devouring thing that forced us to flee. Figure out a way to deal with stuff like that, and we can descend even deeper into the chasm.

Also, she'll probably have better storage. After all, the real reason we didn't just keep on going down the planned down route was that we didn't have the room for materials. Even having two yellow constructs carrying a huge spatial box between them to store a whole bunch of stuff would be incredibly useful for doing deeper and longer dives in the area.

Speaking of which, what's the availability of dungeon crawling with Li Suyin? Is it now our default social act for her? Once a month? Only when she's ready? Can we go without her (although we shouln't)? Narratively, she goes in by herself frequently, and only goes deep when she has backup, right?

I'm not sure what the availability of doing dungeon crawling with Li Suyin is, but we do have this tidbit here.

She nodded happily. "Yes! I've acquired so much more than I could have hoped for! And it was amazing, seeing you fight like that. I'm sure, once I break through that we'll be able to go even deeper!"

So I don't think that we'll be going down again until Li Suyin has broken through to green, which might take months depending on how diligent she is regarding it. However, I would find it unlikely that it is going to be a regular occurrence, for either of us. The tools that are needed to keep one safe from the environment are consumables, which means that you need to make them or buy them each time you want to go down there. That takes time, resources, and effort that could be spent doing other stuff with the goods you've already retrieved.

Given the preparation needed to go down into the caverns, which is likely to be more significant than we know given the various consumables that Li Suyin prepared and used (Fresh Air bombs, Disposable Skeleton Bird Delivery Systems, all of the explosives she used, and what looked like a drill/fresh air dispenser), I find it more likely that the game plan is infrequent deep dives. Prepare the team as thoroughly as possible, and then dive as deep as possible and try to get the maximum amount of material from each dive. This way, Li Suyin can build up the needed supplies gradually without taking up large chunks of time that could be spent on other things.

In other news, I've been thinking about the bandolier that Ling Qi grabbed for Li Suyin, and I'm getting more excited for that piece of loot than even the knife or necklace. If there are still consumables in it, then Li Suyin can figure out what materials exist down in the chasm. Materials that she might not know about unless she stumbled upon them, or an independent source verified their existince.

Depending on how exicited Li Suyin is for the materials, she might look to invent a means of scrying and locating valuable minerals down in the tunnels, so that we can go for valuable veins right away rather than relying on luck and providence to find the more exotic materials.
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As much as I wanna see best snek, voting for archive. I'm hoping for more Ji Rong interactions here.
[X] People watching at the archive
Honestly, Meizhen has already gotten a ridiculous monopoly in the story.

I want to give the mystery box option a chance to shine.