Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Anyway, that was really cool. The 3rd realm not!cultivators worked as a threat that was outclassed by us, but was also strong enough that we couldn't steamroll them and who had challenging tricks to deal with.

And Suyin at the end was just nice and warm and fuzzy :)
Semi permanent. Suyin will replace the consumable bits as needed for the forseeable future
Does it apply to meridian scrunching actions as well? Or just opening because that's the part that involves removing impurities?

Also, do we roll for each meridian? Or is it a single roll and we need enough successes for both? (not that it matters with our current dice :p)
Ayyy Nice work.
Bit of a shame that the expected Giant Enemy Monster showed up and cut our adventure short, but I am 10000% pleased.
Good adventure to let our girl stretch her legs again and get back some confidence.

She's been facing slight or clear superiors for too long in a row, its good to remind her what she can do.

[X] Visiting Meizhen's new lodgings

Ay listen Cai, you can make me play music at the party, but you can't make me help set it up. (I mean, you can but I'd rather go hang out with Meizhen for a bit pls thanks.)

All the options are interesting though, and I'd be fine with any of them.

For some reason I didn't see the moratorium, but yea thats my thing.
there we go
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Does it apply to meridian scrunching actions as well? Or just opening because that's the part that involves removing impurities?

Also, do we roll for each meridian? Or is it a single roll and we need enough successes for both? (not that it matters with our current dice :p)
Just opening them

You roll once then apply the number separately to each meridian.

You'll hit the soft cap and it'll get difficult again soon :p
The wand is really good. We're coming up on a time of popping lots of meridians soon too.

Since there's a moratorium, the three votes to me basically seem to be:
-Meizhen Scene
-Renxiang Scene
-Mystery Box

We haven't had a Meizhen option lately, but we did talk to her about the unfortunate Dream incident so it's not like she's been neglected. I think we could do any of the three without sweating it.
Glad that we succeeded in helping Suyin along on her tinker path, though I am a bit curious as to what her original target resource was, considering that the gathering party got sidetracked by the impure antlion goodies.

Oh, and hey, social link is up to 4. Really happy about that.

Sixiang seems to be nearing her own advancement in cultivation(not sure that's the proper term for spirits).
The last fights in the last two updates were pretty cool all around. In the first part it was neat seeing Ling Qi in her element against a vast horde and proceeding to horrible bully the gribbles.

It's neat seeing Ling Qi assess her targets and which one has priority. Seeing her be confident about tanking the spear user, and mostly ignore the buffer since she's killing most the beasts anyway and focus on the one with all the pouches since she didn't know what it could do was a nice touch. I do wonder if the purple acid blob and the mist coming from the spear played any part in the inspiration for AE.

Inside her mind, Sixiang let out a tittering laugh, and brushed away whatever the effect was with contemptuous ease.
As they reached the top of the antlions tunnel and Li Suyin stopped to gasp for breath, she saw a little bit of a grin in the other girls expression as well.
As they fled the cavern at Suyin's top speed, the roar of explosions and collapsing stone at their back, Ling Qi could not help but laugh.

It's nice to see everyone had fun.
Hmm, so probably need to get better regs later. Suyin mentioned that her tool only worked on the first 54 meridians so that makes sense.
She nodded happily. "Yes! I've acquired so much more than I could have hoped for! And it was amazing, seeing you fight like that. I'm sure, once I break through that we'll be able to go even deeper!"
Aww, we are a role model.
Yeah, Ling Qi decided, she had to think about what it meant, to protect your friends.
friends make sure their friends are able to stand by themselves, so when they work together they are twice as strong!

what was in the stolen bandoleer? anything we can learn to do or just reagents for Suyin?
Dammit, I want Meizhen scene so bad...

But I also want to hang out with Renxiang... But on the other hand, the Renxiang scene isn't personal enough. On the other other hand, showing us working with her is kinda important and is the kind of thing that should happen more on screen.

On the other other other hand people watching sounds really interesting, and is a character trait that should arguably be developed on screen as well, especially given our last conversation with Renxiang. Ling Qi coming to realise more that knowledge is indeed power, and that she should pay attention to her fellow cultivators is important I think.
Suyin's formations are going to be an unholy mess for people to try to make sense of. A basis in the Imperial styles, but then heavily influenced by finding both a Barbarian death-crafting manual and creations from whatever these things were right as she's putting together her own personal style? That's got to be pretty unique.
Well, it seems mass slaughter is a good activity to do if you wanna have fun with your friends. Let's remember it for next time! :p

The fight was great! Ling Qi is a butcher in mass combat and we gained so much loot for Suyin. I definitely want to see what she will make out of it.

For our action next turn, I would like to go spy in the archives: Ji Rong was doing suspicious stuff, let's see what he's up to. Plus we didn't do any spying since we came to the Inner Sect and as a maybe future Spymaster, we should test ourselves.
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For our action next turn, I would like to go spy in the archives: Ji Rong was doing suspicious stuff, let's see what he's up to. Plus we didn't do any spying since we came to the Inner Sect and as a maybe future Spymaster, we should test ourselves.
Mmm, yeah, the more I think about it the more I think that that's something that's important to do on screen. It would be a significant character development for little miss "there are other commoners?", and that kind of thing should be fleshed out properly.
Li Suyin got more than she ever hoped for, which means that she can make some incredible progress on her inventions, medicines, and all around production work. I've got to wonder what she is going to use those eggs for. Unlikely that they would survive outside of their proper environment, but it could give her hints as to how the creatures develop and give her insights on how to develop some of her own products.

Man, she is going to have so many specimens and so much material to work through. Hopefully her excitement to work on the materials doesn't delay her breakthrough to Green. Either way, Li Suyin got an amazing haul, we got a pretty powerful meridian tool assist, and this was an amazing adventure for both of us.
To me it sounded more as a low impact, choose what you like vote, rather than something with mechanical / story implications. So best snek it is for me