If we had Viserys learn it by retraining something on his next level up, it would have a caster level of 20 when used.

It creates one tentacle per caster level. Viserys could use all twenty of them as a Standard Action against a single target within 15 feet, potentially inflicting 40d6 damage while giving himself an equal number of Temp HP.

That's pretty damned nice, IMO, especially considering that the tentacles don't allow a saving throw or Spell Resistance. If you hit with them, you're golden, and since it uses BAB + Charisma bonus, chances are most of them would it.

This means that we can basically out-tentacle Illithids, right?

Not sure if awesome or scary as hell.
I've argued against it before, but upon reaching 18th level, I think Viserys should retrain Teleport into something else. Blood Tentacles would be nice.

We can add the Boots of the Wide Earth effect to Viserys' Anklets for use when he needs to Teleport but doesn't want to use Greater Teleport.
the image is kinda gruesome, though :/

A dragon from whose chest burst 20 tentacles that thoroughly fuck up whatever he's in close combat with?
That's some DS/Bloodborne-level shit.

For additional pants-shitting points, have that be an aerial fight, with Viserys utilising Perfect maneuverability to its fullest
Make it happen.
We could retrain entire feats in the early days of the quest by using the dragon dreams, so I don't see the issue with using them to retrain a superfluous spell.

Also, next level is Miracle time.
Sorry Goldie but I'll have to fight you on this one, I absolutely despise this kind of retraining and I don't care for arguments of mechanics optimisation or replacing it with an item, don't care he has GT either.

It's narratively painful to me.
It's an old, obsolete spell Viserys has outgrown, though one whose effects can be emulated via a cheap magic item. It makes sense to retrain it in that case.
*beforesleep though, likely overthinking stuff*
On second thought...

If DP fluffs Blood Tentacles as giving temporary HP by siphoning off blood/life-force of a struck enemy, using it against pretty much anyone at our CR is a horrible idea.

Aspect of Tiamat - instant way-too-high-to-safely-pass willchecks and a probability of a divinity.
High-ranking Devils/Demons/Daemons - horrifically corruptive blood, probably a lot of damage regardless of a save.
Aberrations - I'd rather not even think about it.
Undead - what life to siphon off them? Probably un-life then, which is a bother to deal with in of itself, although way less than anything else in the list.

Hopefully its not happening this way... although I kinda don't see any other reasonable approach to this spell :/
It's Necromancy spell, after all.
*beforesleep though, likely overthinking stuff*
On second thought...

If DP fluffs Blood Tentacles as giving temporary HP by siphoning off blood/life-force of a struck enemy, using it against pretty much anyone at our CR is a horrible idea.

Aspect of Tiamat - instant way-too-high-to-safely-pass willchecks and a probability of a divinity.
High-ranking Devils/Demons/Daemons - horrifically corruptive blood, probably a lot of damage regardless of a save.
Aberrations - I'd rather not even think about it.
Undead - what life to siphon off them? Probably un-life then, which is a bother to deal with in of itself, although way less than anything else in the list.

Hopefully its not happening this way... although I kinda don't see any other reasonable approach to this spell :/
It's Necromancy spell, after all.
Fluff is just that, fluff; the appearance, sound effects, or other unimportant flavor of the spell. What you are talking about is a full on alteration of the spell's mechanics, and DP doesn't do that.

Blood Tentacles is no different than Vampiric Touch, except it's much, much better.
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Yeah he does. He doesn't do it like, maliciously or anything, but he absolutely has altered how spells work mechanically to fit fluff wise or how they make sense to him.

He's the DM, it's his perogative.
I mean he doesn't let us choose a spell then spring unknown side effects on us. If Blood Tentacles was going to have the kinds of effects @egoo feared, he would tell us before we learned it.
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I really hope he doesn't, it's a very cool spell and I'd appreciate Viserys having it, he is actually a bit of a Blood Mage at this point and also a good duelist, makes great thematic sense.
Honestly, I find it completely out of theme.

Yeah, "blood".

But "sprouting tentacles from your chest to hit your enemies with" is not "Viserys" by a damn long margin.
I'd expect this from Deep One casters.

But in any case, it sounds more of a theorycrafting situation to me, actually. We usually have better things to do than cast this. Potentially nice damage... But inferior to just attacking, or casting a different spell. Or both, with Dark Sister.
I mean he doesn't let us choose a spell then spring unknown side effects on us
No he's done that too, though not in a good while admittedly. Last time I can think of something like that happening it was all the wonkiness around how Fire Shield worked and it's interactions with blink effects, but that was ages ago, so yeah fair.

If Blood Tentacles was going to have the kinds of effects @egoo feared, he would tell us before we learned it.
That I agree entirely on, he might not be specific on what side effects would be, but he'd probably mention that there would be some, if they were that severe.
I'd expect this from Deep One casters.

But in any case, it sounds more of a theorycrafting situation to me, actually. We usually have better things to do than cast this. Potentially nice damage... But inferior to just attacking, or casting a different spell. Or both, with Dark Sister.
It could be cast pre-combat. The duration would be at least two minutes, so there would be some leeway. Viserys could cast it then wait for the proper time to attack.

He could even do so outside of his normal actions using his belt.

Monk's Belt of Healing Vigor (3 charges/day):
  1. Wearer gains the AC (Wisdom bonus + 1) and Unarmed damage of a 5th-level Monk.
  2. Battle (3 Charges/Day): 1 Charge (gain a Move Action), 2 Charges (gain a Standard Action), 3 Charges (gain a Full-Round Action)
  3. Healing (3 Charges/Day): 1 Charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 Charges (Heal 3d8), or 3 Charges(Heal 4d8)
No he's done that too, though not in a good while admittedly. Last time I can think of something like that happening it was all the wonkiness around how Fire Shield worked and it's interactions with blink effects, but that was ages ago, so yeah fair.

That I agree entirely on, he might not be specific on what side effects would be, but he'd probably mention that there would be some, if they were that severe.
You'll have to refresh my memory on that, because I am coming up blank on that one.
Again, it'd beg the question of "why not do something better with your action"?

Yes, it's a nice spell.

But besides the obvious, radical thematic shift of having a dragon sprout tentacles from its chest, on purpose... I don't really see it being worth it.

We can honestly do without the horrid break in aesthetic, especially for questionable benefit.
The spell's okay, and I think that it would be alright to take it, but what about something that stays in theme for Viserys?

He is all about ridiculous charismatic or fearsome, awe inspiring auras and debilitating effects (paralysis, petrifying, freezing, entangling, binding) and unlimited firepower. In a game system where blasting falls off hard for anyone else, so no one plans for a blaster at high CR because blasting is not optimized normally.

That is our shtick. We are the Prime Blaster, and the Master Diplomancer.
Again, it'd beg the question of "why not do something better with your action"?

Yes, it's a nice spell.

But besides the obvious, radical thematic shift of having a dragon sprout tentacles from its chest, on purpose... I don't really see it being worth it.

We can honestly do without the horrid break in aesthetic, especially for questionable benefit.
Hence the reskinning. Rather than burst from his chest, a nest of barbed chains could shoot from his outstretched hand.

And I don't think the effect is questionable at all. Maximized, it would inflict up to 240 points of damage while all but being guaranteed to max out Viserys' Temp HP. That's a huge damage buffer.
Hence the reskinning. Rather than burst from his chest, a nest of barbed chains could shoot from his outstretched hand.

And I don't think the effect is questionable at all. Maximized, it would inflict up to 240 points of damage while all but being guaranteed to max out Viserys' Temp HP. That's a huge damage buffer.

That does sound cool.
@TotallyNotEvil - I'm not nessesarily agreeing with getting the spell, but it has been pointed out that we can trivially refluff the spell to fit Viserys, so you may want to base your argument on something other than it's aesthetics.