Cases involving magic rarely make it as far as needing your personal attention these days, the Scholarum prefers to deal its own members before any transgressions grow large enough to come to your attention and the inquisition takes it as a point of pride not to involve you in their cases and work instead thought the local magistrates, for discretion after all is as fundamental to their mission, however neither institution truly holds sway over the case that comes before you today.
It begins, as to many headaches do, with a wedding. Glyllo Argolys had not only managed to lose an eye and a hand an an eye to a painted lizard recently, the healing of which had bought his support in the recent conquest of Myr but he had also fallen in love and married a young woman while in his sickbed. The bride was of considerably lower birth, though not impossibility so, such that his peers argued that the lizard had rattled his wits, or that missing an eye had made him blind to her scheming. There had even been a rumor that young magister was feverish and thus in no fit state to make the decision. He wed her regardless, hand an eye restored... and then the tale turns from the stuff of third rate ballads to something requiring royal judgement.
It seems the lady Nesora did use magic to seduce the magister, nothing so overt as a charm or compulsion but she had bargained with the fey to make her more charming, to grant her for a time that spark of grace and confidence as could match a lady of faerie. On the third day after the wedding that gift was spent, leaving Glyllo claiming that he had been bespelled, which under the laws of the realm would grant him an annulment. The issue arises from the fact that no magic had directly touched him. Were you to simply argue that all magic that enhances charm and glibness of tongue is enchantment then you are yourself enchanting the whole court in this very moment. On the other hand you could simply hold the fey bargain responsible, cast the onus upon them... save that you have many fey in your employ and it would ill serve you to demonize them.
What do you decide?