We're about to double its body mass in a single turn.

Has Malarys ever interacted with the Seeker?
Yep. He commented that it was more upgraded than most he'd seen, but that we'd need to upgrade its base at a functioning Flesh Forge (our Fungus Forge doesn't count, unfortunately) before we can upgrade it more.
To keep away from the temptation of listening in on the conversation, you set out in search of Vee... and of course the Seeker and its latest donor, the most wiling one it has had yet. Beneath Bloodraven's gaze carved in bone-white wood you find her, fiend and servitor set upon identical slabs of stone side by side. Oddly she is joined by more than Ser Richard playing guard.

"Curious about flesh-crafting?" you ask Malarys. The Sorcerer looks poised and watchful as ever, never fully taking his eyes off the seemingly unconcious fiend.

"Somewhat... mostly cautious in such matters, and I thought I would assist the young lady with my own sorcery in case something were to go awry," he answers honestly, you think.

Vee snorts, but she does not deny the help unasked for as she might once have done, instead keeping to her task. "So what do you want me to cut?" she asks, then looking to Malarys she adds, "It's probably not safe to add too much."

"Indeed," the ancient sorcerer says. "I have only once seen a servitor this... improved upon, and I was told it was nearing the limits of what its form could bear without reinforcement of its base form at a flesh-forge."

"This sort of enhancement was common in the days of the Freehold?" you ask startled.

"I would not precisely call it that, but it was a favored sort of vanity project for a certain set of wealthy noble scions who were not quite bold enough to improve upon their own flesh." He hesitates a long moment, looking almost embarrassed. "Generally the base form was not a Seeker, but one with a more recreational purpose."

"I can't precisely say I am glad to know all of that, but thank you for sharing it nonetheless," you answer, unable to keep back a grimace of disgust. If that was the main purpose of the Flesh Forge under Lys then you are almost glad you had found it in near-total ruin.
We're totally upgrading it more when we find a Flesh Forge.
Assuming Joffery doesn't end up murdered, what if we kidnapped him?

We basically have free run of the place so the only thing that's preventing us from straight up murdering the entire Usurper's Court is PR and trying to cover the various on death contingencies, so all that's preventing us is a targeted Grested Dispel to knock out any retrieval effects they probably put on him to protect from a kidnapping.

Once we get more information IC it should be fairly obvious that Cersei Lannister is a horrible influence on Joffery and likely a significant influence on his sadistic and sociopathic tendencies, so removing him from that horrible situation and making Robert's heir our hostage/ward is definitely the Goodly thing to do here with absolutely no alternative motivations. The issue is figuring out who to directly care for him while he's our hostage/ward. If Mom had more time in recovery then I'd be inclined to see if she'd be interested, but as it is...

For some reason I'm seeing No Nonsense Vee, Master of Handling The Weird And Difficult, as a solid choice in making him buckle down and make something of himself. Maybe get him an apprenticeship with the Crafter Fey.

Edit: If you can't tell, I've been awake for 16+ hours on 3 hours of sleep.
I'm actually hoping Joffrey becomes king after Robert gets himself killed via Cersei. Having that madman on the throne would be an absolute boon for us. Instead of being seen as the evil sorcerer conquerer from the east, we'd be the savior, the returning king.

Joffrey and Cersei are the best enemies we could ask for. I just wish there was a way we could provide remote divine insights to their moronic ideas so that they know exactly the best way to propagate their stupidity without actually realizing that it's stupid.
In the regard of Cersei and Joffery I suggest the plan of a rumour of Cersei Lannisters infidelity being suspected by Robert. Cersei, rather than confirm it, will escalate to murder placing good old King Joffery on the throne. Then the rest is history.
[X] Resolve to interrogate all captured fiends over the course of the next month that you may further sunder their plans in Prime Material
-[X] Get an accounting of all the gear that you've confiscated from them (like the Bag of Holding you saw the Harvester Devil with in White Harbor)
-[X] Continue to personally check up on your Sarnori vassals in Sallosh, get a report from them, see the state of the undead and how they interact with the new settlers, see what they might need, etc. You'll decide on the details once you have eyes on the situation.
Yep. He commented that it was more upgraded than most he'd seen, but that we'd need to upgrade its base at a functioning Flesh Forge (our Fungus Forge doesn't count, unfortunately) before we can upgrade it more.

We're totally upgrading it more when we find a Flesh Forge.

I'm actually hoping Joffrey becomes king after Robert gets himself killed via Cersei. Having that madman on the throne would be an absolute boon for us. Instead of being seen as the evil sorcerer conquerer from the east, we'd be the savior, the returning king.

Joffrey and Cersei are the best enemies we could ask for. I just wish there was a way we could provide remote divine insights to their moronic ideas so that they know exactly the best way to propagate their stupidity without actually realizing that it's stupid.

I mean he's like 7.

I know it's ASOIAF, but chances are he's done less harm at this point than some of the people we've hired and actually get along well with. And he won't be King for more than a day if I have a firm idea of what'll happen in the course of our invasion, and only "technically King" since he certainly won't have time for a coronation.

He'd be like... oh my.


Someone to finally haul ass for him! :evil:
I mean he's like 7.

I know it's ASOIAF, but chances are he's done less harm at this point than some of the people we've hired and actually get along well with. And he won't be King for more than a day if I have a firm idea of what'll happen in the course of our invasion, and only "technically King" since he certainly won't have time for a coronation.

He'd be like... oh my.


Someone to finally haul ass for him! :evil:
Counterpoint: He was raised by Cersei. And at age seven, Cersei would be his regent. Words cannot describe how amazing this would be for us. Stupid Evil would be highly displayed all across the Seven Kingdoms.
In the regard of Cersei and Joffery I suggest the plan of a rumour of Cersei Lannisters infidelity being suspected by Robert. Cersei, rather than confirm it, will escalate to murder placing good old King Joffery on the throne. Then the rest is history.

Too easy. I am firm in the belief that Viserys simply cannot make the leap in logic that the Lannisters are just that fucking daft and horrible at politics and basic human decency as to follow their oaths and given word. He probably expects some of them to be shitty people, but only marginally moreso on average. He only really hates Tywin, and maybe has a firm dislike for Cersei since she is inhabiting a position that by rights doesn't belong to her any more than the Iron Throne to the Usurper.
Too easy. I am firm in the belief that Viserys simply cannot make the leap in logic that the Lannisters are just that fucking daft and horrible at politics and basic human decency as to follow their oaths and given word. He probably expects some of them to be shitty people, but only marginally moreso on average. He only really hates Tywin, and maybe has a firm dislike for Cersei since she is inhabiting a position that by rights doesn't belong to her any more than the Iron Throne to the Usurper.
He also hates her for being moronic and rebuffing the Pointsmen when they tried to warn the Iron Throne about the Deep Ones and petition them for aid.
Joffrey and Cersei are the best enemies we could ask for. I just wish there was a way we could provide remote divine insights to their moronic ideas so that they know exactly the best way to propagate their stupidity without actually realizing that it's stupid.

There's Dreamlands ops that Dany could run, but I feel like we don't want our sister to be a Dream Devil tempting people into Evil.
Too easy. I am firm in the belief that Viserys simply cannot make the leap in logic that the Lannisters are just that fucking daft and horrible at politics and basic human decency as to follow their oaths and given word. He probably expects some of them to be shitty people, but only marginally moreso on average. He only really hates Tywin, and maybe has a firm dislike for Cersei since she is inhabiting a position that by rights doesn't belong to her any more than the Iron Throne to the Usurper.

Man Viserys should really stop having such high expectations about people. I mean first he though the maestars just wanted a monopoly on magic and this happened. Then Aurane was a thing, then Aedon. Viserys may need to lower his expectations a tad
There's Dreamlands ops that Dany could run, but I feel like we don't want our sister to be a Dream Devil tempting people into Evil.
We could always hire dream monsters to do this stuff for us. We're going to try to conquer Prime Material dreamlands as well, so we might as well get started.

But honestly, Cersei and Joffrey truly don't need help for their stupid. I mean, look at her. She has access to magic items, she slew Boros Blount when we enchanted him to try to seduce her, and then all of a sudden she's acting like she's an expert or something. :rofl:

Granted, she might be a warlock pacted with the eldritch thing under the Red Keep, but DP said that even it had standards.
Man Viserys should really stop having such high expectations about people. I mean first he though the maestars just wanted a monopoly on magic and this happened. Then Aurane was a thing, then Aedon. Viserys may need to lower his expectations a tad

He's a perfectionist. He expects people to strive to be better if not meet the same standards he sets for himself.
Things we need to do:

1) The Silver Eye in Braavos owes us our monthly stockpile of cursed items (I think we actually have three months of items due this time, I'll have to check).
2) We need to pick up our commissions in the Opaline Vault and make more commissions for Mind Blank items (I believe we'll also be getting Amrelath's commissioned items).
3) Go around growing overdue Weirwood Heart Trees in various places (3 in Basilisk Isles, 1 in Myr, upgrading the Tree of Lys, etc).
4) Drop off a set of Soulfire Mithral Bracers (+1) for Bloom up on Skane as a precaution against Others and check on how she's doing, and see if there's anything else we can drop off for her or build for her.

But mainly #2. Now that we have such a large cash reserve, we should get every last Companion and strategic asset equipped with Mind Blank. The war with the Deep Ones will probably start off in the next few months.
The war with the Deep Ones will probably start off in the next few months.

Man, but what if the Deep Ones actually intend to follow the letter of the truce for the full duration. There's a nonzero chance that their raiding allowed them to get a breeding population of humans for experimentation, and the three years was so they could maie sure that their breeding stock was viable before deciding to commit one way or another on the Dragon issue.
Man, but what if the Deep Ones actually intend to follow the letter of the truce for the full duration. There's a nonzero chance that their raiding allowed them to get a breeding population of humans for experimentation, and the three years was so they could maie sure that their breeding stock was viable before deciding to commit one way or another on the Dragon issue.
If I was a Deep One, after I made a ceasefire agreement with the little halfdragon shit who somehow destroyed a fortress and killed a goddamn Ulitharid in open combat, and then I turned around to find out that holy shit, he's a True Red now and he's conquered the Three Daughters, the Stepstones, the Basilisk Isles, and Mantarys and Tolos and Sallosh openly declare for him, then I'd panic. Under the terms of our agreement, they have to stay out of all water that's claimed by us... and here we are rapidly conquering the world. The only option that makes any sense on their part is to attack ASAP, truce be damned, otherwise they get overrun.
The mechanic gurus shall not be constrained from even hypothetical non-canon scenarios. Even when it involves other magical systems. :V
Quick thought -- next month can we make sure to do two things?

1. Buy Hippogriffs in bulk, which should be easy now that we're allies of the Djinn
2. Have Waymar spend the entire month building his Griffon Rider Knightly Order, possibly with Tyene helping to root out the bad eggs

Of course, if the alchemy needs more work then that comes first, but after that he should work on the order.