Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Hey @yrsillar is there a reason we got 40 yellow stones rather than a green stone and 20 yellows as income from the sect in month 1?

Inner Sect reward tiers
951-1000: 25 yellow stones
901-950: 1 green stone
851-900: 1 green stone, Least Argent Vent
825-850: 1 green +20 yellow, basic lessons, Lesser Argent Vent
801-824: 1 green +40 yellow. Second floor access reduced to 30 points
Month 1
You have 20 AP to spend this month
Ling Qi's Income
40 Yellow Stones(Sect)
1 Green Stone(Cai Renxiang)
Month 2 (correct values)
You have 20 AP to spend this month
Ling Qi's Income
20 Yellow Stones(Sect)
2 Green Stone(Cai Renxiang, Sect)
Tbh, for people wanting to play it somewhat safer I'd almost be tempted to write in something like [] Disciples 810-820.

The thing is that challenging anyone below 820 is sort of not really worth it anyway because it's so close to the edge of the tier.
Edge of the tier is only relevant is we don't challenge someone in the follow up month(s). Which would only be a possibility if 1) we need to hide our skills, for whatever reason 2) challenges take AP.
Edge of the tier is only relevant is we don't challenge someone in the follow up month(s). Which would only be a possibility if 1) we need to hide our skills, for whatever reason 2) challenges take AP.
You want us to challenge idk #823 this month, and then #816 next month? Because that's the only way that reasoning works.
Emm... guys, do we plan to actually challenge someone? I thought we were only talking about scouting them? We can totally scout them now and wait for Zhengui to come back.
Edge of the tier is only relevant is we don't challenge someone in the follow up month(s). Which would only be a possibility if 1) we need to hide our skills, for whatever reason 2) challenges take AP.

This is actually a very good question. @yrsillar , can we do a 0 AP challenge without research in a future month (for example using research we got in a previous month), or do we need at least 1 AP of research in any month where we challenge?
Whoever Ling Qi challenges will determine what the challenge is, so it's important to pick people who have skillsets that are similar to hers but that she might have an edge in. Being forced to fill out paperwork is unlikely to work out for a former street rat.
I think there's an important extra factor you are not considering: the Elder that provides the list of options. My bet is that the list is varied based on what the Elder feels would be most educational or otherwise advantageous for the sect
[X] Disciples 802-814

Higher rankings seem like theyll be more interesting, even if theres no functional benefit.
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I thought that this was a good update, and I'm glad that we were able to talk to Meizhen a bit about the struggles that are plaguing us. I also think that Meizhen has hit the problem on the nose,
Ling Qi, it seems to me that you must make it clear to yourself, where your limits lie, your trouble lies in a lack of surety."

Additionally, I think Ling Qi has begun to hammer down on the problem at least. There appears to be two questions that she needs to resolve before she can come out of her stupor and be less shaken up about things.
Who was a friend, and what counted as betrayal?

These are going to be some difficult questions for Ling Qi to answer. Not every acquaintance can be a friend, and not every action against the interests of a friend is a betrayal. She is going to have to develop some nuance to her answers that only Ling Qi can provide.

If Ling Qi wasn't a cultivator with super enhanced memory, then I would suggest writing a journal with these thoughts and struggles just to record and organize her thoughts. As is, perhaps creating a private melody to help would be more beneficial. Create a piece of music that expresses her struggles with this situation, and use that piece to really start working out her feelings regarding the issues. At the moment, it seems like Ling Qi is making little headway internally on these issues, and is simply organizing them.

Interesting little facet about some Bai being aligned to the Bloody Moon, but it does make sense. The Bai can be very vengeful, and I imagine that after the Sun's little rebellion there would be a lot more Bai interested in exacting vengeance and their own justice. It's also interesting that Bai Meizhen, and presumably other Bai's who are part of the Leader Caste, observe the effects of not properly governing the towns under their protection. The emotions one feels when watching the event play out and actually being forced to participate are probably very different from one another though.

Cai again demonstrates her dominance in the field of administration, defeating a cultivator whose whole domain seems to revolve around the handling of paperwork. Cai loves her paperwork, and it certainly showed when she didn't even have to use the reference material in order to know what she was doing with 100% accuracy.

As for the vote proper, I believe that going for the 802-14 range is probably the best for us. I'm not sure whether the two options are the two ap we spent on it, or what, but I feel that getting closer to the 700's can only serve us when we do the next challenge research option. Getting the 2 GSS from the Sect will allow us to consistently do 6-7 GSS months just on our passive income from Cai, EPC, and the Sect, which should dramatically help the speed at which we cultivate.
If Ling Qi wasn't a cultivator with super enhanced memory, then I would suggest writing a journal with these thoughts and struggles just to record and organize her thoughts.
Writing it down to get her thoughts organized would still be helpful though. Just because she has super memory doesn't mean they can't be a confused jumble.
Does anyone know how many places a disciple can be expected to 'slip' during a month, assuming they don't successfully challenge anyone? I could've sworn I read something about yrs saying it was only 5-10 places, but I can't find the comment anymore..
Does anyone know how many places a disciple can be expected to 'slip' during a month, assuming they don't successfully challenge anyone? I could've sworn I read something about yrs saying it was only 5-10 places, but I can't find the comment anymore..
Uhhh... I don't think he's ever talked about that. It would be essentially random based on how many people challenge in a month at any one time.
I put together a very primitive cash ledger here, mostly for the purposes of double entry bookkeeping, and also so it's easy to tell what our funds are at different points in the future.

As people can see, if we win a challenge into the next bracket, our income in month 3 will increase such that we will have just barely 8 GSS available for month 3 expenses (we are projected to have 7/32/9 without that boost), which would be fortuitous since that is going to likely be a heavy cultivation, GSS-burning turn for math reasons relating to EPC, Physical cultivation, and pills.

That being said, even without that, the remaining Imperial Eight set of 2nd realm cores we have is of questionable utility for our next set of gear (sometime a ways in the future), so we could always sell that for 400 RSS to make up the difference too if need be.
I put together a very primitive cash ledger here, mostly for the purposes of double entry bookkeeping, and also so it's easy to tell what our funds are at different points in the future.

As people can see, if we win a challenge into the next bracket, our income in month 3 will increase such that we will have just barely 8 GSS available for month 3 expenses (we are projected to have 7/32/9 without that boost), which would be fortuitous since that is going to likely be a heavy cultivation, GSS-burning turn for math reasons relating to EPC, Physical cultivation, and pills.

That being said, even without that, the remaining Imperial Eight set of 2nd realm cores we have is of questionable utility for our next set of gear (sometime a ways in the future), so we could always sell that for 400 RSS to make up the difference too if need be.
Do we have enough for 8GSS plus high pill option ?
Also, if we do not enough for 8GSS could be use "low pills" to pocket the difference between medium, that CRX pays for us, and low (or even no pills at all) ?