Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
5. Upon receiving a official challenge, a disciple may choose to refuse it. If they do so, a number of points equal to the collateral will be deducted from their total, and the collateral will be refunded to the challenger.

If we challenge someone and they refuse the challenge, do we get the points they forfeit or do those go to the sect?

You get the collateral refunded, which means you neither gain nor lose total CP from where you started. The defender just loses the points back to the sect. An accepted challenge is CP neutral overall, a refused challenge is CP negative overall; that's how CP exit the system.
We get the points I believe.
You get the collateral refunded, which means you neither gain nor lose total CP from where you started. The defender just loses the points back to the sect. An accepted challenge is CP neutral overall, a refused challenge is CP negative overall; that's how CP exit the system.
As it is clear to see, there is consensus on the issue, so I'd like to see a ruling from @yrsillar.
You know what would be totally logical to be in the archives?

A cool moon/wood summons/offensive support art inspired by the wild hunt. It could be a traditional Emerald Seas hunting party art!

That would be great and we should get it :V
So, as we are approaching a possible challenge, as well as being a bit ambitious, there are some thoughts I've been having with what challenges Ling Qi is most likely to succeed in: Duels, Squad v. Squad, Stealth/Larceny, Music, and speed/racing.

We are actually pretty good at duels surprisingly. We were able to edge out a victory against Ji Rong and put a good fight against Sun Liling. The key for picking a person for dueling, in my opinion, would be to pick someone who is trying to play a summoner build. We are exceptionally strong against mass units with FVM, especially if they don't have good perception and keep doubling back around. While we don't have Zhengui, who would be a massive power swing in our favor, I believe that we could pick the right person to duel and have an excellent chance at victory. An opponent needs a silver bullet to really deal with us, and that is a dispel art.

Squad v. Squad
We have some powerful support arts and our signature art does a lot of work against groups of people. While we do not have a great war skill, I feel that we could possibly eke out a win because of our strong support arts as well as our strong debuffing arts. It would be risky picking a person who specializes in group tactics to challenge, but should a person who doesn't specialize in group fights pick group fights on a mistaken assumption regarding our ability, then I think we can win.

This is possibly our strongest chance of success. When challenging someone, I would envision that this competition would be them protecting an item and us trying to steal it. Our tournament would not give a good indicator of our stealth capabilities, and it is quite hard to communicate how effective we can be in this area. Additionally, we are getting CDE, a level or two apparently, which will dramatically increase our ability to bypass traditional security measures as well as identify security measures. All in all, I feel the most confident in our this aspect of our capabilities.

I feel that we are exceptionally good for our level at music. While we don't really have the happiest or upbeat songs, our ability to communicate emotions, concepts, and even locations is apparently excellent, given Shen Hu's reaction to our song during the party. Our tutelage under Zeqing has catapulted our ability to express emotions through song, and with Sixiang's help in composing songs we should be very strong in this area. My only fear is that since this is such an esoteric field for the Argent Sect, that the people we challenge won't pick this option because they know how good we are at it. And if they do pick the option, then it's because music is their specialty as well.

Now, I know what a lot of people are saying right now, "but Thor, we aren't actually all that fast. How can we beat a dedicated speedster who would choose a race as their competition?" An excellent question with a very simple answer. We cheese them. The next level of SCS allows "One with Shadow" to last for a "persistent" amount of time. "One with Shadow" allows us to merge and occupy with shadows. If we can successfully merge with our competitor's shadow then they can take us all the way to the finish line with no effort on our part, and then at the last minute, we can teleport across the finish line. This can really only happen, though, once we have leveled SCS and not before, which can be a bit tricky timing wise. If that doesn't work, for whatever reason, then our ability to teleport to any shadow we can see of moderate size and CDE allows us to ignore almost all obstacles. Our gown which enables flight would also be of great help avoiding the obstacles on the course entirely.

I think that picking the right opponent will be crucial to our success, which is how the system is set up. Should we pick someone who is more likely to engage in personal duels, then we would want a summoner/debuffer as Sixiang and FVM dramatically swing such fights in our favor. A person competent in squad v. squad should probably be avoided as they are more likely to choose squad fighting, which we have the arts for but are woefully lacking in any skill for tactics/strategy to back those up. If we pick someone who is more likely to be a security specialist, then we should challenge them after we get CDE but before we demonstrate such knowledge publically. Music is going to be an unlikely pick, but I feel we have a strong advantage there, especially if we get to Green 2. A person who is likely to choose a race is also a possibility, but we should choose someone who lacks in perception abilities to leverage SCS's cheesy capabilities against them.

All in all, I think we have a good spread of possible challenges that we can succeed at, and should we challenge after reaching Green 2, SCS 7, and acquiring CDE then we should have even better odds at many of our possible challenges.
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Music wouldn't necessarily only be applicable in a specifically music contest. In theory there could be a general "performance" duel.
Music wouldn't necessarily only be applicable in a specifically music contest. In theory there could be a general "performance" duel.
True, which makes our capabilities with music more likely to be tested. We should still be cautious about challenging a person who does performances, however, given that it will likely be their strong suit as well. Sixiang should be able to assist us in grading a performer's performance and how it stacks up to us which should provide additional insight into our capabilities of winning a challenge against them. We should probably be careful, though, in making sure the person we are challenging is also proficient in something we are proficient in (ie. music) or is proficient in a category of the arts that we have almost no capability in (ie. poetry). That way it is more likely to be either specifically a music performance or a more general performative art competition.
We should still be cautious about challenging a person who does performances, however, given that it will likely be their strong suit as well.

Strange that you bring this argument up for music but don't do so for stealth and larceny. If anything we are more likely to find uber specialists in that field, I think.