By the way, even if the smaller whaling ships don't strictly qualify for bounties, we still have standing offers from the Shaitan to buy all of them if we don't want them. :D

I love having rich contacts who want to pay us to loot.
It would probably be more effective to just sell them and buys crafting supplies that way.

Night guys, see you tomorrow with likely some very unfortunate whalers.
Yeah, that'll work out fine.

I want at least a dozen or more ships by the end of the day.

Along with unlucky Efreeti who decided to go hunting for sport. Those guys get special treatment.
I'm trusting @Goldfish when he shot that down as too risky without a different party composition.

Nuking a military base sounds like a good high note.
I have nothing against assassinating the Bey and taking all of his stuff, so long as we plan it out properly and have a fully Mind Blank'd assault party.