@Goldfish I guess this is up to you again, don't forget we also have access to the Greater Fire Elementals though think they would be best for boarding operation.
Well now, we have some nice options available to increase the effectiveness of the entire crew.

A Magic Army spell to give everyone's weapons a +3 Enhancement bonus, seige weapons included, Searing, Agonizing Mass Fire Shield on a significant portion of the crew, and Fickle Winds to render the party and several crew members immune to projectiles, gases, and similar threats. It's too bad we weren't able to rest, or a lot of Tina's buff spells would have been helpful, too.
Needless to say, we're also going to be walking away with the entire ship and the winged snake since we'll be doing the brunt of the work here. We'll see how the treasures pan out, but those are the top two priorities given what we know.

With each ship captured the Grand Vizier of the Shaitan gives us a bounty, so it wouldn't even matter if we have to sacrifice a bit of our share of the treasure to get the ship.
@DragonParadox can't they simply bring the ship within 300-400ft of the enemy while veiled?

True Seeing, and various extra senses, shouldn't reach that far.

Then we just attack simultaneously. Viserys can sweep the decks with searing breath, pull back and let the ship rain attacks from the opposite side.
So, what about Arcane Spellsurge, then flying over to hit everything on the ship with a Quickened, Searing, Agonizing Firebrand, then following it up with a Maximized, Searing, Agonizing, Dispelling Fire Breath?

Then Dany and Tyene each Teleport a strike team to the ship, composed of Richard, Waymar, Rina, and Yrten with four of his most effective combatants? While the Devil's are distracted, the Golden Wind flies in to support the assault?
So, what about Arcane Spellsurge, then flying over to hit everything on the ship with a Quickened, Searing, Agonizing Firebrand, then following it up with a Maximized, Searing, Agonizing, Dispelling Fire Breath?

Then Dany and Tyene each Teleport a strike team to the ship, composed of Richard, Waymar, Rina, and Yrten with four of his most effective combatants? While the Devil's are distracted, the Golden Wind flies in to support the assault?
I don't want to do anything that might destroy the entire ship.

Not only would we be denied a ship, we might accidentally kill the winged snake which was Yrten's goal in the first place.

We tend to underestimate our firepower quite a bit and just go full HAM on everything.
I don't want to do anything that might destroy the entire ship.

Not only would we be denied a ship, we might accidentally kill the winged snake which was Yrten's goal in the first place.

We tend to underestimate our firepower quite a bit and just go full HAM on everything.
We are only targeting enemies, not the ship itself, well, except for the Firebreath, but energy attacks do less damage to objects anyway. It'll survive.
We are only targeting enemies, not the ship itself, well, except for the Firebreath, but energy attacks do less damage to objects anyway. It'll survive.
@DragonParadox, how much does Viserys expect the following plan:
So, what about Arcane Spellsurge, then flying over to hit everything on the ship with a Quickened, Searing, Agonizing Firebrand, then following it up with a Maximized, Searing, Agonizing, Dispelling Fire Breath?
to damage the ship? Would the Firebrand in particular focus damage on the crew, or would the ship take heavy collateral damage?
@DragonParadox - do we (our hosts) have any idea how many devils to expect on our target ship, and any idea about the backup?
@thread - chained turtling might work if the numbers aren't too high.
Keep in mind, chained spells have -4 to their DCs for anyone not the original target.

Granted, that's still quite a lot for Viserys.
Was mainly thinking about the lower level 'sailors' manning the stationary weapons, so the other party members/pirates can concentrate swording the higher ups. Cuts down on collateral damage - if it's feasible.
@DragonParadox - do we (our hosts) have any idea how many devils to expect on our target ship, and any idea about the backup?
@thread - chained turtling might work if the numbers aren't too high.
Not possible today, unfortunately, as we have already used Ancestral Awakening. Viserys learned Snowsight in order to give everyone the ability to see unimpeded despite Rina's Blizzard spell.