Of Gods and Spirits
Twentieth Day of the Fourth Month 293 AC
Rather than offer any deals or meddling in the affairs of gods whose character you knew yet little of, you decide to take a more cautious approach to both the necromancer and the sorcerer-priest, to see how well they would fit under your rule. The answers you got seem encouraging as far as they go. The death mage is in Dany's words 'astoundingly sane and courteous for one who makes his life and work of raising the dead, and yet one cannot escape the fact that he did so.' In the end you would sooner trust Wyla, for all her currently unliving nature and many crimes, for at least she has a personal stake in Garin's happiness.
By contrast the sorcerer-priests of Meraxes are far easier to read. Many are younger sons of the Volantine aristocracy who would have dreamed of glory in battle, of conquest, and the days when the armies of Volantis marched across half of Essos, banners waving proud. Having witnessed the pointless skirmishes of the slave armies, little more than a grindstone for the blood and flesh of the Unsullied hosts, they sought solace in a creed that reflected their dashed hopes, while also being seen as 'honorable' enough that they would not close off all paths to power and influence. Indeed the ranks of the priesthood are even a way for one to rise up from less distinguished roots without causing too many whispers.
There is even an order for noble girls who might wish to take up arms, the Daughters of the Dragon, whose task it was to protect the holiest sanctum of the Goddess as well as ride out to serve as her voices in times of great peril for the city. Over the centuries the position had grown more ceremonial and few indeed came to aspire to it. 'To take the Spear or die upon it' had become an oft used saying for Volantine noblewomen forced away from their kin and inheritances to be forgotten in some dusty corner. That is until the goddess they served decided to make herself known. From what you have been able to piece together the resulting feuds and recriminations were one of the main causes of discontent with the cult of Meraxes, though Zherys was quick to use the resulting scandals to undermine some of his rivals.
Twenty-First Day of the Fourth Month 293 AC
It has been years now since you first recovered the seed of the sentinel tree in the shadowy realm of the Orphne Court from the hand of their lord. During that time you had many fates in mind for it and the newborn fey guardian whose soul slumbers within, having studied all of them not only for what might be gained but also for the the risks involved.
From the whispers of the land, from the lore of Singers, older than mankind, much was learned, and onto the spirit unborn questions in dreams were asked. Would she rather swim in the seas, stand sentinel over the holy place of the Old Gods, or instead dwell in peace among the Children of the Forest?
To speak of her nature alone, the guardians of the woods desires quiet solitude and contemplation, only rarely seeking the company of mortals, but every fey is a tale in the telling, none more easily shifted from its path than one not yet begun. Should you choose to bind her to the timbers of the Queen Rhaella, the spirit promises to fight when she is tasked and guard all others who dwell upon the ship or within it. However, she will not lightly accept a sailor in the ship's company, having little love for those whose passions flare too bright or those who hold darkness in their hearts.
Of the Old Gods the spirit learned from Vee's ministrations and counts them a goodly power, a guardian for all that grows, walks, flies and swims upon the earth, though the young spirit shudders at the harshness gained through ages of suffering and trials. Still, she vows to guard the great tree when the day comes as she would guard all untainted wilderness, for in her heart of hearts the guardian is not unmoved by power's song.
Last among all the choices before you is the simplest, to bury the seed in the fertile earth where the Singers made their home and let their songs teach her more of the world that the guardian may in time grow into her own, friend and companion to the elder kindred, perhaps in time gathering others to her side.
Where do you plant the Dryad seed?
[] The Queen Rhaella, awakening the ship to life
[] By the roots of the Tree of the Dawn Age that it may serve as its protector
[] Beside the homes of the Singers, that its guardian may serve as their ally forever more
[] Write in
OOC: And we are finally here.