[X] We would need some months in case new talk of dragons stirs the southern magisters, but in principle I'm willing to rent out fire and magic for clerks and administrators.

Planting the seeds is fine but the above is a bit blatant. A better tack would probably be talking about educational exchange, maybe hint at lowering certain customs barriers both ways and how it might increase profits.

OHHHH! Is this where we can re-absorb the Silver Eye? Taking control of a cities premiere magic group seems like a good first step imo.
Taking over another state's secret services/military seems more like a last step than a first one.

We (well, Garin), built said services, and their specific function can be greatly enabled by joining the Scholarium. I'm not gonna argue that this is feasible or not, 'cuz this is way outside my area, but I wanted to float the idea :)
I think, within a generation Braavos could be nominally independent - except for everything that matters.
Think there would be a market for sheafs of 'paper' made through Fabricate a volume of wood into perfect slices?

Actually would a Knowledge Nature check allow us to Fabricate paperpulp out of wood? Just add glue...

Atleast in MP if not PoE?
Interlude CCLXVIII: On the Crimson Trail
On the Crimson Trail

Seventeenth Day of the Third Month 293 AC

As rust red crests of the mountains began to show about the horizon to the north, Vee wondered when these lands had seen any rain. Not only hadn't there been a cloud of a wisp of fog since they'd come to this land, but the folk hereabouts seemed downright proud of the fact. To hear Kira go on about about Dornish songs, these mountains got their name from drinking more blood than water from all the fighting way back when. If I had to live 'round here maybe I'd sell my soul to Hell too, the girl thought. Can't be that much hotter.

"We are coming close to Yronwood soon," Tyene's father called. "There's a tavern down in town we can rest up in, the Eel's End they call it."

"Tavern, is it? Not how I remember it," Ser Richard shot back, though with none of the venom he might once have used. That feud had long since had its fangs worn down to nubs, not that it had been their feud to begin with, just one of those highborn things where they were supposed to be angry over blood of kin hundreds of years in their grave even though no one really kept it up in the meantime.

"Alright, so there may be a few whores about," the Dornishman replied. "You could do with a visit 'r two."

The knight rolled his eyes. "Business before pleasure the Braavosi say, and it's one of the few things to come out of that lot that makes sense," came the reply.

"Now see here, there's no call for that," Kira said, putting her hands on her hips in a way that looked particularly silly ridding a horse.

"You've never been ta Braavos," Vee reminded her, setting the spirit woman on another go at explaining how the memories she'd inherited from Lya worked and what they meant.

Teana gave Vee a mildly chiding look, not that the girl cared that much. It was a lot more fun to listening to Kira carry on about memories and souls than it would have been hearing the prince and the knight arguing for the next five leagues.

The sharp sound of an arrow striking the stones in front of them cut off Vee's thoughts and Kira's rambling all at once. Aradia flying unseen far above had seen something, maybe even the brigands they were out here to try and bait into the open.

"There's your business then," the Red Viper said cheerfully. "How about a wager: if I kill more of than you do, we rest up at the Eel. Otherwise you can pick another place."

Vee wasn't sure if she should laugh or scold him, so she settled on something in between: "We're supposed to catch the bastards since they might know something about the witches we're after, remember?"

"Right, riddles an' smoke an' swirling needles," the prince waved the notion away. "We don't need the whole bunch of them to talk, and there's mages who can get answers out of their bones if there's need."

"Let us use the least number of spells to achieve our ends," Teana said with the air of something oft repeated. Probably advice she gave her apprentices, good advice at that. You never knew when you might need the spell you'd just tossed out, same as with anything else really.

"I think we should introduce ourselves first," Kira said as the sand plume of bandits started to show in the distance, to Vee's eyes at least. "Best way to find their leader is to give him a chance to brag and make much of himself. "

"Just as long as we don't end up hiring them," Vee grumbled. Those sorts of deals always made her twitchy even thought they all turned out well in the end.

"No hiring the brigands," Ser Richard agreed, looking as relieved as she felt.

"Not unless one of them happens to b..." the Red Viper started to counter.

Vee had never been so happy to hear a thief shout a threat.

OOC: No, Oberyn does not actually want to sleep with the bandits, he just enjoys bantering with Ser Richard, and the feeling is at least somewhat reciprocated.
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Canon Omake: Boyhood Adventures
Boyhood Adventures

Robb Stark, despite being a boy of only ten years, did not live a simple life. Of course being the son and heir of the Warden of the North would make that rather obvious to the vast majority of people, however his life was even more special in that it involved spending it alongside his brother who could use magic!

Though technically they were cousins Robb saw Jon more as a brother in every way.

When Asha revealed the truth of Jon's birth it had been quite a shock but also made sense since he knew father was much too honorable to have a bastard as his mother believed. He didn't like how it had to be kept a secret but he understood the reasons, though it still didn't seem fair that Jon had to hide who he was just because the king did not like who his father was. Also it seemed unfair that his own father would get into trouble for protecting Jon, one shouldn't be in the wrong just for helping others.

Jon at least seemed a little happier to know the truth, and he was later able to talk with aunt Lyanna, his mother, even if sometimes it made him sad as well.

Robb made it his mission to always support him and do what he could to help him combat the saddness, which nearly always meant going on adventures.


The kitchens were one of their most common destinations in order to snatch lemoncakes and other goodies that Gage and the other cooks would make. They had to make sure to sneak into kitchens without being seen and Jon would use his magic to float their targets to them with none the wiser.

Of course while Gage never caught them he did learn quick to hide the sweets away and guard the kitchens near constantly.

It was then that they met and enlisted his daughter Turnip on their missions in exchange for some of the stolen snacks which Robb and Jon thought only fair. It made things both easier and harder as Jon couldn't use magic in front of her but her knowledge on how her father acted made up for it.

Robb was pretty sure they were driving Gage up the wall but at the same time he kept trying to find inventive ways to slip up their thiefs. Turnip assured them that she was sure her father even found the whole thing a little fun since he never got too mad about it and had a pretty good idea it was them already but had no idea how they pulled it off.

If they were ever caught in the act he would likely report it to mother and father but till then it was a constant back and forth they have yet to lose at.


Robb and Jon also spent a good bit in the library, though sadly for maester Luwin it was more to read about the old legends and tales of magic in general. Considering Jon's, and Arya's since it was an open secret at this point, abilities Robb figured there might be some truth to the old tales in the dusty books and told by Old Nan that they should be aware of.

Most the tales were things regarding the North and Beyond the Wall, but there were a small selection of tales from across Westeros and even across the Narrow Sea in Essos.

Of course even reading tales of magic will get boring after awhile so they took much inspiration from said stories to play games and ideas for more adventures. Robb might not like reading in general but he could understand a little bit the joy one can get from it.

Jon liked reading much more so Robb considered it a good thing at least.


The Godswood of Winterfell was one of the best places to play in with three acres of forest enclosed in keep walls for the boys to explore. All the trees packed so close together making a roof of branches and leaves that colored the light as it passed through it.

It was here that Robb and Job played pretend the most.

They would go on epic adventures in far of lands, battle men and monsters in equal measure, save the innocent, and all manner of things. They would climb the various branches and roots to explore the enclosed forest, and Jon could more openly use his magic without risk being seen since most those that entered the godswood didn't move past the heart tree.

Said heart tree was quite strange to the boys. They could feel it staring at them but at the same time it didn't feel like bad staring like Robb seen Septa Mordane gave Arya during the girl's lessons.

Jon was certain the tree was magic and Robb could hardly argue, he already assumed that was the case even without Jon's words confirming it. It made sense since heart trees were important to the Old Gods and thus should be magical by default.

Robb and Jon made sure they gave respect to Old Gods whenever they arrived since even they they don't take worship like the Seven father taught them you should still be polite.


Even during their lessons with Ser Rodrik Cassel Robb and Jon found ways to have fun.

While they took arms training serious, lest they suffer Ser Rodriks wrath, it didn't mean they didn't enjoy their friendly spares with each other. Also they had a promise to keep to Asha to keep up their training since they knew she certainly wasn't taking it easy in the Narrow Sea.

Jon had his magic so Robb wanted to be as good with a sword as possible to fight against it if need be.

Arya nearly always found a way to escape her studies to watch them spare and they welcomed it since Sansa was too into girly things and Bran was too young to care about it. Robb hoped they could include Bran in their adventures when he was older but till then it was just him and Jon. They would invite Arya since she was kinda like Asha in how she acted and had magic but mother prevented anything like that from happening most of the time.

While Ser Rodrik taught them Robb had asked him if he could take extra lessons for weapons besides swords since he wanted to be able to fight in any way. Ser Rodrik said he would be glad too if he got good enough with a sword first and was willing to work extra hard for it.

Robb was up for the challenge.


At night Robb and Jon would sneak out of their rooms and climb the broken tower to practice Jon's magic in peace since no one went up there in over a hundred years. The climb could be dangerous but Jon's magic made it safe even if they were to fall from the very top, though they didn't want to risk people seeing that so stayed careful.

Whenever they met up like this Robb couldn't help but feel a little jealous about not having magic himself but got over it and instead worked hard with Jon to learn what kind of magic he could do. Sadly they hadn't found anything particularly amazing like in the stories but magic was never boring.

They would also take this time to look at the stars and just talk as brothers with one another.

Mother still wasn't very nice with Jon most of the time so Robb thought he should make up for it whenever he could. In the future, when Robb became the Warden of the North, he would make so Jon didn't have to hide and be wrongly labelled as a bastard. Give him and keep everything!

Till then though Jon would not be any lesser in his eyes and no matter what happened he would be there for his brother.

Wolves stuck together after all.
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Boyhood Adventures

Robb Stark, despite being a boy of only ten years, did not live a simply life. Of course being the son and heir of the Warden of the North would make that rather obvious to the vast majority of people, however his life was even more special in that it involved spending it alongside his brother who could use magic!

Though technically they were cousins Robb saw Jon more as a brother in every way.

When Asha revealed the truth of Jon's birth it had been quite a shock but also made sense since he knew father was much too honorable to have a bastard as his mother believed. He didn't like how it had to be kept a secret but he understood the reasons, though it still didn't seem fair that Jon had to hide who he was just because the king did not like who his father was. Also it seemed unfair that his own father would get into trouble for protecting Jon, one shouldn't be in the wrong just for helping others.

Jon at least seemed a little happier to know the truth, and he was later able to talk with aunt Lyanna, his mother, even if sometimes it made him sad as well.

Robb made it his mission to always support him and do what he could to help him combat the saddness, which nearly always meant going on adventures.


The kitchens were one of their most common destinations in order to snatch lemoncakes and other goodies that Gage and the other cooks would make. They had to make sure to sneak into kitchens without being seen and Jon would use his magic to float their targets to them with none the wiser.

Of course while Gage never caught them he did learn quick to hide the sweets away and guard the kitchens near constantly.

It was then that they met and enlisted his daughter Turnip on their missions in exchange for some of the stolen snacks which Robb and Jon thought only fair. It made things both easier and harder as Jon couldn't use magic in front of her but her knowledge on how her father acted made up for it.

Robb was pretty sure they were driving Gage up the wall but at the same time he kept trying to find inventive ways to slip up their thiefs. Turnip assured them that she was sure her father even found the whole thing a little fun since he never got too mad about it and had a pretty good idea it was them already but had no idea how they pulled it off.

If they were ever caught in the act he would likely report it to mother and father but till then it was a constant back and forth they have yet to lose at.


Robb and Jon also spent a good bit in the library, though sadly for maester Luwin it was more to read about the old legends and tales of magic in general. Considering Jon's, and Arya's since it was an open secret at this point, abilities Robb figured there might be some truth to the old tales in the dusty books and told by Old Nan that they should be aware of.

Most the tales were things regarding the North and Beyond the Wall, but there were a small selection of tales from across Westroes and even across the Narrow Sea in Essos.

Of course even reading tales of magic will get boring after awhile so they took much inspiration from said stories to play games and ideas for more adventures. Robb might not like reading in general but he could understand a little bit the joy one can get from it.

Jon liked reading much more so Robb considered it a good thing at least.


The Godswood of Winterfell was one of the best places to play in with three acres of forest enclosed in keep walls for the boys to explore. All the trees packed so close together making a roof of branches and leaves that colored the light as it passed through it.

It was here that Robb and Job played pretend the most.

They would go on epic adventures in far of lands, battle men and monsters in equal measure, save the innocent, and all manner of things. They would climb the various branches and roots to explore the enclosed forest, and Jon could more openly use his magic without risk being seen since most those that entered the godswood didn't move past the heart tree.

Said heart tree was quite strange to the boys. They could feel it staring at them but at the same time it didn't feel like bad staring like Robb seen Septa Mordane gave Arya during the girl's lessons.

Jon was certain the tree was magic and Robb could hardly argue, he already assumed that was the case even without Jon's words confirming it. It made sense since heart trees were important to the Old Gods and thus should be magical by default.

Robb and Jon made sure they gave respect to Old Gods whenever they arrived since even they they don't take worship like the Seven father taught them you should still be polite.


Even during their lessons with Ser Rodrik Cassel Robb and Jon found ways to have fun.

While they took arms training serious, lest they suffer Ser Rodriks wrath, it didn't mean they didn't enjoy their friendly spares with each other. Also they had a promise to keep to Asha to keep up their training since they knew she certainly wasn't taking it easy in the Narrow Sea.

Jon had his magic so Robb wanted to be as good with a sword as possible to fight against it if need be.

Arya nearly always found a way to escape her studies to watch them spare and they welcomed it since Sansa was too into girly things and Bran was too young to care about it. Robb hoped they could include Bran in their adventures when he was older but till then it was just him and Jon. They would invite Arya since she was kinda like Asha in how she acted and had magic but mother prevented anything like that from happening most of the time.

While Ser Rodrik taught them Robb had asked him if he could take extra lessons for weapons besides swords since he wanted to be able to fight in any way. Ser Rodrik said he would be glad too if he got good enough with a sword first and was willing to work extra hard for it.

Robb was up for the challenge.


At night Robb and Jon would sneak out of their rooms and climb the broken tower to practice Jon's magic in peace since no one went up there in over a hundred years. The climb could be dangerous but Jon's magic made it safe even if they were to fall from the very top, though they didn't want to risk people seeing that so stayed careful.

Whenever they met up like this Robb couldn't help but feel a little jealous about not having magic himself but got over it and instead worked hard with Jon to learn what kind of magic he could do. Sadly they hadn't found anything particularly amazing like in the stories but magic was never boring.

They would also take this time to look at the stars and just talk as brothers with one another.

Mother still wasn't very nice with Jon most of the time so Robb thought he should make up for it whenever he could. In the future, when Robb became the Warden of the North, he would make so Jon didn't have to hide and be wrongly labelled as a bastard. Give him and keep everything!

Till then though Jon would not be any lesser in his eyes and no matter what happened he would be there for his brother.

Wolves stuck together after all.
T-T its good to see blood-relative-loot is still doing ok
On the Crimson Trail

Seventeenth Day of the Third Month 293 AC

As rust red crests of the mountains began to show about the horizon to the north, Vee wondered when these lands had seen any rain. Not only hadn't there been a cloud of a wisp of fog since they'd come to this land, but the folk hereabouts seemed downright proud of the fact. To hear Kira go on about about Dornish songs, these mountains got their name from drinking more blood than water from all the fighting way back when. If I had to live 'round here maybe I'd sell my soul to Hell too, the girl thought. Can't be that much hotter.

"We are coming close to Yronwood soon," Tyene's father called. "There's a tavern down in town we can rest up in, the Eel's End they call it."

"Tavern, is it? Not how I remember it," Ser Richard shot back, though with none of the venom he might once have used. That feud had long since had its fangs worn down to nubs, not that it had been their feud to begin with, just one of those highborn things where they were supposed to be angry over blood of kin hundreds of years in their grave even though no one really kept it up in the meantime.

"Alright, so there may be a few whores about," the Dornishman replied. "You could do with a visit 'r two."

The knight rolled his eyes. "Business before pleasure the Braavosi say, and it's one of the few things to come out of that lot that makes sense," came the reply.

"Now see here, there's no call for that," Kira said, putting her hands on her hips in a way that looked particularly silly ridding a horse.

"You've never been ta Braavos," Vee reminded her, setting the spirit woman on another go at explaining how the memories she'd inherited from Lya worked and what they meant.

Teana gave Vee a mildly chiding look, not that the girl cared that much. It was a lot more fun to listening to Kira carry on about memories and souls than it would have been hearing the prince and the knight arguing for the next five leagues.

The sharp sound of an arrow striking the stones in front of them cut off Vee's thoughts and Kira's rambling all at once. Aradia flying unseen far above had seen something, maybe even the brigands they were out here to try and bait into the open.

"There's your business then," the Red Viper said cheerfully. "How about a wager: if I kill more of than you do, we rest up at the Eel. Otherwise you can pick another place."

Vee wasn't sure if she should laugh or scold him, so she settled on something in between: "We're supposed to catch the bastards since they might know something about the witches we're after, remember?"

"Right, riddles an' smoke an' swirling needles," the prince waved the notion away. "We don't need the whole bunch of them to talk, and there's mages who can get answers out of their bones if there's need."

"Let us use the least number of spells to achieve our ends," Teana said with the air of something oft repeated. Probably advice she gave her apprentices, good advice at that. You never knew when you might need the spell you'd just tossed out, same as with anything else really.

"I think we should introduce ourselves first," Kira said as the sand plume of bandits started to show in the distance, to Vee's eyes at least. "Best way to find their leader is to give him a chance to brag and make much of himself. "

"Just as long as we don't end up hiring them," Vee grumbled. Those sorts of deals always made her twitchy even thought they all turned out well in the end.

"No hiring the brigands," Ser Richard agreed, looking as relieved as she felt.

"Not unless one of them happens to b..." the Red Viper started to counter.

Vee had never been so happy to hear a thief shout a threat.

OOC: No, Oberyn does not actually want to sleep with the bandits, he just enjoys bantering with Ser Richard, and the feeling is at least somewhat reciprocated.

It's never come up before, since they're a recent acquisition, but Teana knows the Ghost Wolf spell now. It's like Phantom Steed, but better. She could have the entire party riding on them, with a 4th level spell slot to spare, rather than using muggle horses.
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Since Vee is free to assign other tasks, does that mean she completed the Ancient Tree action, or is the trip to Dorne just a sanity trip for her?
I don't think the Tree study action is finished, but we still need to take a day out and get those devil corpses taken care of so we can free up Ser Richard's corpse-ferrying bag for more corpses. Fortunately this will only take one day out of Vee's time.

We can have Naria step in and continue the study action if necessary.
It seems like Oberyn is trying to angle in on the Buddy Cop genre while its still in its infancy. I can't blame his taste, Ser Richard is someone you can bounce outrageous comments off of and expect prime dry deliveries in turn from, all while pulling off action movie stunts at the same time, or alternatively Road House-esque tavern brawling.
It's never come up before, since they're a recent acquisition, but Teana knows the Ghost Wolf spell now. It's like Phantom Steed, but better. She could have the entire party riding on them, with a 4th level spell slot to spare, rather than using muggle horses.

I know however it is a tad conspicuous to use in a populated area.

Night guys, See you in the morning with more from Braavos.
[X] Plan Cultural Offensive
-[X] Joint military operations:
--[X] "I'm not denying you the aid you seek, but neither can I give it right now. The magisters in the south sleep uneasily at the thought of dragons in the skies. To stir them now when the peace in Tyrosh is a fragile thing would be not in either of our best interests."
--[X] "Let us plan for the move and prepare for it, but not yet commit to the details. To see other cities fall would be just the signal for the masters of others to burn this world just to spite us. We should plot further as things develop to make sure that our enemies have no time to react when the blade falls."
--[X] "In the mean time, I've meant to send some people to Pentos to look for any signs of an infestation and make some contacts. If the Silver Eye can spare the men, we could do so together."
-[X] Lore Exchange:
--[X] Finally cash in on the access to the Sealords archives. For every book we copy, he gets one copy from our library in return.
-[X] Cultural Exchange:
--[X] Offer to turn the Weirwood behind the Wind House into a full Heart Tree, using any tainted contraband that the Silver Eye has in stock and not yet destroyed.
--[X] On a more whimsical note, ask if the Sealord would object to a few of the companions (Xor, Kira, Moonsong, Velen, Rhealla (disguised)) giving a performance in Braavos. Their last one in Sorcerers Deep was very well received and they would certainly love to give one here, but their connection to Viserys is hardly a secret to anyone paying attention to such things.
-[X] Military Exchange:
--[X] Assuming that a joint investigation into the state of Pentos gets approved, propose an exchange of agents between the Silver Eye and the Inquisition, once the latter is no longer spread so thin with having to eradicate the last remnants of the Tyrosh infestation.
--[X] Mention the plans to build drydocks in Sorcerers Deep to better service our own fleet and launch our own ships. Braavosi expertise for these docks would be great and in return, we would install any advancements made by magic in the Arsenal at a reasonable fee for the time of the crafters involved. //They get the military tech for free and just pay us for building it. What they don't get is an in into our plans for steel ships.
--[X] In case they are not already doing so, the Silver Eye could buy cheap +1 gear from SDs smiths. The procurement could be simply coordinated by the ACSEC office.
-[X] Economic Exchange:
--[X] Due to some magical farming improvements we are soon going to roll out in the Disputed Lands, there will be a lot of workers that would be available for other businesses. It would be appreciated if he mentioned the opportunities in certain Braavosi circles.
--[X] Due to our hunger for steel and other metals, we are especially looking for prospectors and mines. There are also some plans in the drawer for magical aids to make such endeavors more productive, so approaching us directly and being willing to settle for a reasonable share of the business we would set up there would probably be more rewarding then keeping the location for themselves.
--[X] We are planning to build a series of roads and bridges to link the Stepstones and Tyrosh. After some 'reasonable readjustments' to the political landscape, we could expand it towards Braavos.
-[X] Odds and Ends:
--[X] Ask for permission to look for dragon-eggs in Braavos. Offer to teach 10 mages in the Scholarium on our own dime in return and two more for every egg we actually manage to turn up.
--[X] Ask if he knows any regions in the north of Essos that have problems with piracy or who could otherwise profit from the Hunters Moon passing through. //Pretty much offering to stomp a few problems for him and I think Moonsong would appreciate it if we dangle something fancy into her face after her boring patrols.
-[X] Quid pro Quo:
--[X] Ask him about the situation in Braavos and what he has been up to lately.
--[X] How are the Orphne doing?
--[X] Any super-weapons we should be aware of? Can we borrow them?

Well, 700+ words. Anything I missed?
Last edited:
[X] Plan Cultural Offensive
-[X] Joint military operations:
--[X] "I'm not denying you the aid you seek, but neither can I give it right now. The magisters in the south sleep uneasily at the thought of dragons in the skies. To stir them now when the peace in Tyrosh is a fragile thing would be not in either of our best interests."
--[X] "Let us plan for the move and prepare for it, but not yet commit to the details. To see other cities fall would be just the signal for the masters of others to burn this world just to spite us. We should plot further as things develop to make sure that our enemies have no time to react when the blade falls."
--[X] "In the mean time, I've meant to send some people to Pentos to look for any signs of an infestation and make some contacts. If the Silver Eye can spare the men, we could do so together."
-[X] Lore Exchange:
--[X] Finally cash in on the access to the Sealords archives. For every book we copy, he gets one copy from our library in return.
-[X] Cultural Exchange:
--[X] Offer to turn the Weirwood behind the Wind House into a full Heart Tree, using any tainted contraband that the Silver Eye has in stock and not yet destroyed.
--[X] Ask for permission to grow another one on the Isle of Gods and to set up a shrine for Yss there.
--[X] On a more whimsical note, ask if the Sealord would object to a few of the companions (Xor, Kira, Moonsong, Velen, Rhealla (disguised)) giving a performance in Braavos. Their last one in Sorcerers Deep was very well received and they would certainly love to give one here, but their connection to Viserys is hardly a secret to anyone paying attention to such things.
-[X] Military Exchange:
--[X] Assuming that a joint investigation into the state of Pentos gets approved, propose an exchange of agents between the Silver Eye and the Inquisition, once the latter is no longer spread so thin with having to eradicate the last remnants of the Tyrosh infestation.
--[X] Mention the plans to build drydocks in Sorcerers Deep to better service our own fleet and launch our own ships. Braavosi expertise for these docks would be great and in return, we would install any advancements made by magic in the Arsenal at a reasonable fee for the time of the crafters involved. //They get the military tech for free and just pay us for building it. What they don't get is an in into our plans for steel ships.
--[X] In case they are not already doing so, the Silver Eye could buy cheap +1 gear from SDs smiths. The procurement could be simply coordinated by the ACSEC office.
-[X] Economic Exchange:
--[X] Due to some magical farming improvements we are soon going to roll out in the Disputed Lands, there will be a lot of workers that would be available for other businesses. It would be appreciated if he mentioned the opportunities in certain Braavosi circles.
--[X] Due to our hunger for steel and other metals, we are especially looking for prospectors and mines. There are also some plans in the drawer for magical aids to make such endeavors more productive, so approaching us directly and being willing to settle for a reasonable share of the business we would set up there would probably be more rewarding then keeping the location for themselves.
-[X] Odds and Ends:
--[X] Ask for permission to look for dragon-eggs in Braavos. Offer to teach 10 mages in the Scholarium on our own dime in return and two more for every egg we actually manage to turn up.
--[X] Ask if he knows any regions in the north of Essos that have problems with piracy or who could otherwise profit from the Hunters Moon passing through. //Pretty much offering to stomp a few problems for him and I think Moonsong would appreciate it if we dangle something fancy into her face after her boring patrols.
-[X] Quid pro Quo:
--[X] Ask him about the situation in Braavos and what he has been up to lately.
--[X] How are the Orphne doing?
--[X] Any super-weapons we should be aware of? Can we borrow them?

Well, 700+ words. Anything I missed?

We should inquire into the matter that was set in motion several months back. It was intended to smoke out dissenters and possible traitors in Braavos, IIRC?