Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 2, 2018 at 5:59 AM, finished with 202123 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Cultural Offensive
    -[X] Joint military operations:
    --[X] "I'm not denying you the aid you seek, but neither can I give it right now. The magisters in the south sleep uneasily at the thought of dragons in the skies. To stir them now when the peace in Tyrosh is a fragile thing would be not in either of our best interests."
    --[X] "Let us plan for the move and prepare for it, but not yet commit to the details. To see other cities fall would be just the signal for the masters of others to burn this world just to spite us. We should plot further as things develop to make sure that our enemies have no time to react when the blade falls."
    --[X] "In the mean time, I've meant to send some people to Pentos to look for any signs of an infestation and make some contacts. If the Silver Eye can spare the men, we could do so together."
    -[X] Lore Exchange:
    --[X] Finally cash in on the access to the Sealords archives. For every book we copy, he gets one copy from our library in return.
    -[X] Cultural Exchange:
    --[X] Offer to turn the Weirwood behind the Wind House into a full Heart Tree, using any tainted contraband that the Silver Eye has in stock and not yet destroyed.
    --[X] On a more whimsical note, ask if the Sealord would object to a few of the companions (Xor, Kira, Moonsong, Velen, Rhealla (disguised)) giving a performance in Braavos. Their last one in Sorcerers Deep was very well received and they would certainly love to give one here, but their connection to Viserys is hardly a secret to anyone paying attention to such things.
    -[X] Military Exchange:
    --[X] Assuming that a joint investigation into the state of Pentos gets approved, propose an exchange of agents between the Silver Eye and the Inquisition, once the latter is no longer spread so thin with having to eradicate the last remnants of the Tyrosh infestation.
    --[X] Mention the plans to build drydocks in Sorcerers Deep to better service our own fleet and launch our own ships. Braavosi expertise for these docks would be great and in return, we would install any advancements made by magic in the Arsenal at a reasonable fee for the time of the crafters involved. //They get the military tech for free and just pay us for building it. What they don't get is an in into our plans for steel ships.
    --[X] In case they are not already doing so, the Silver Eye could buy cheap +1 gear from SDs smiths. The procurement could be simply coordinated by the ACSEC office.
    -[X] Economic Exchange:
    --[X] Due to some magical farming improvements we are soon going to roll out in the Disputed Lands, there will be a lot of workers that would be available for other businesses. It would be appreciated if he mentioned the opportunities in certain Braavosi circles.
    --[X] Due to our hunger for steel and other metals, we are especially looking for prospectors and mines. There are also some plans in the drawer for magical aids to make such endeavors more productive, so approaching us directly and being willing to settle for a reasonable share of the business we would set up there would probably be more rewarding then keeping the location for themselves.
    --[X] We are planning to build a series of roads and bridges to link the Stepstones and Tyrosh. After some 'reasonable readjustments' to the political landscape, we could expand it towards Braavos.
    -[X] Odds and Ends:
    --[X] Ask for permission to look for dragon-eggs in Braavos. Offer to teach 10 mages in the Scholarium on our own dime in return and two more for every egg we actually manage to turn up.
    --[X] Ask if he knows any regions in the north of Essos that have problems with piracy or who could otherwise profit from the Hunters Moon passing through. //Pretty much offering to stomp a few problems for him and I think Moonsong would appreciate it if we dangle something fancy into her face after her boring patrols.
    -[X] Quid pro Quo:
    --[X] Ask him about the situation in Braavos and what he has been up to lately.
    --[X] How are the Orphne doing?
    --[X] Any super-weapons we should be aware of? Can we borrow them?
I think the only two things that Moonsong could truly love are herself and the sea.

Meaning it will be threesome between her, the Nereid and a simulacrum of herself.
Love isn't sex, you know.
But yeah, her love story will be with a simulacrum.
I don't think there is a difference for Moonsong. She doesn't have the physical need as it doesn't tangent her story.

Teasing? Sure.
Spreading rumors about it? Definitely.
Actual intimacy for the sake of it? Nope.

She would need a Grand Love Story around it to have any actual desire in that regard.
Without that, any man or woman would have the same appeal to her as a dead halibut.

Edit: Joke aside, Moonsong x Nereid is now my OTP. Having an affair with the personification of the sea is just what her story needs.
I think the only two things that Moonsong could truly love are herself and the sea.

Meaning it will be threesome between her, the Nereid and a simulacrum of herself.
She's a pirate captain fey, it's rather a part of the natural narrative for a pirate captain to be promiscuous, and seeing as she's a fey she follows the narrative, so I expect that she will though time have many one night stands, simply because the narrative for the beautiful pirate captain, tend to be that she will seduce any man that really catch her eye, so I expect that sooner or later, she will in this regard act like a female Oberyn.
She's a pirate captain fey, it's rather a part of the natural narrative for a pirate captain to be promiscuous, and seeing as she's a fey she follows the narrative, so I expect that she will though time have many one night stands, simply because the narrative for the beautiful pirate captain, tend to be that she will seduce any man that really catch her eye, so I expect that sooner or later, she will in this regard act like a female Oberyn.
Since we got told that she never followed up on her teasing, it seems far more likely that she is going for a "Unreachable Beauty" narrative and those always end with a "Great Love Story".

Mind you, that doesn't rule out that Theon has a chance.

The Oberyn X Moonsong ship isn't that bad either though. She was quite smiten with him after their first meeting...
Since we got told that she never followed up on her teasing, it seems far more likely that she is going for a "Unreachable Beauty" narrative and those always end with a "Great Love Story".

Mind you, that doesn't rule out that Theon has a chance.

The Oberyn X Moonsong ship isn't that bad either though. She was quite smiten with him after their first meeting...
Yeah so it might just be that her narrative in that part isn't decided yet, but whether she do a great love story, or decide to go with the a man in every port narrative, she knows that she wants Oberyn to be her first and maybe only man, and he hasn't been around since she got the ability to change size.
You guys aren't thinking about the most obvious ensemble dark horse romance prospect... TORMUND GIANTSBANE.

"Well... not with her yet... but have you seen the way she looks at me?"

"Like she wants to tie you to her ship's prow and ram you into an enemy?"

" do know her!"

"We've met."

"I want to make babies with her. Think of them. Flying monsters who can be giants or tiny people! They can conquer the world, or steal a nice highborn wife without anyone the wiser... or a husband!"
You guys aren't thinking about the most obvious ensemble dark horse romance prospect... TORMUND GIANTSBANE.

"Well... not with her yet... but have you seen the way she looks at me?"

"Like she wants to tie you to her ship's prow and ram you into an enemy?"

" do know her!"

"We've met."

"I want to make babies with her. Think of them. Flying monsters who can be giants or tiny people! They can conquer the world, or steal a nice highborn wife without anyone the wiser... or a husband!"
I still dearly hope we can snag Tormund.

Imagine him and Bron in the same team.
We need Bronn, Tormund and the Hound in one party. That's the dream team. Bonus points if we can toss F!Renly in too. He would be so out of place, but that's why he'd be perfect.
Part MMCXXV: Stepping Closer
Stepping Closer

Seventeenth Day of the Third Month 293 AC

I had expected this, but not so soon, the words spoken in the dramatically exaggerated voice of a mummer playing the oft used part of the surprised soon-to-be father echo through your mind. Perhaps one day you will be able to share the jest with the Sealord. "I'm not denying you the aid you seek, but neither can I offer it soon," you explain, wondering if a disclosure of your plans for Myr and Lys might be of use. "The magisters in the south sleep uneasily at the thought of dragons in the skies. To stir them now when the peace in Tyrosh is a fragile thing would be not in either of our best interests."

"An invasion is not conjured from thin air, nor ships in a moment gathered," Ferrengo Antarion agrees easily. "I ask not for you to name the day and the hour, but only a pledge to the deed."

"I fear magic tangles the matter here Serenity," Lya interjects with the quiet confidence she always carries with her when speaking of lore she has studded and found sound. "A pledge would cast a shadow into the unborn future, for spirits and gods to read and give warning to those who would call upon them. Plan and scheme if you will, but make no binding oaths."

The Sealord places a hand to his temple, likely trying to push away a gathering headache. "So now one must be concerned not only with the possibility faithless allies or hidden eavesdroppers, but the notion that the future itself will betray one's plots from the mouth of some prophet. I might yet find some sympathy in my soul for the bloody Iron Bound in their idiocy."

"Iron Bound?" From the manner the Sealord spoke the words it sounds like more of a nuisance than a threat, but the latter can too easily shroud the former or grow into it.

"A society of thinkers that has sprung up opposed to fey influence and sorcery in general," the Sealord explains. "They are mostly funded by those who have either suffered from sorcerous improvements or fear they shall in the future."

"And you just let them function unopposed?" Lya asks, clearly upset at such blind mistrust taking root in her childhood home.

"They have so far broken no laws," the Lord of Braavos explains. "Rest assured, they are being watched closely."

"Excellent," you nod, satisfied. "On to more productive matters. An investigation into the state of Pentos would be far easier to coordinate if the Silver Eye and the Inquisition knew more of each other. Perhaps an exchange might be in order to solidify the partnership, once the latter is not so thinly spread eradicating the remnants of the Tyroshi infestation."

The Sealord accepts readily, perhaps expecting the offer or something like it, just as he had the exchange of lore, though he ruefully notes that if his mages are to be believed on the variable and oft unpredictable use of old tomes the trade might be more akin to gambling than aught else.

Other more substantive offers including the use of dry docks and the construction of ships by sorcerous means and the improvements of agriculture that you have introduced to the Disputed Lands take more time to hammer out, though simply because changes of that magnitude will upset quite a few far-reaching financial interests if they are introduced without warning. From the determined gleam in the Sealord's eye, however, you have no doubt Braavos will take advantage of both come hell or high water.

"... on the matter of these partnerships for mining and prospecting expertise, I can give you a list of names to check with. Right now, though, I cannot afford to push the matter myself, considering the amount of goodwill I will have to burn to get some of my more ponderous peers to understand the dangers of this new wold," he continues regretfully.

"Understandable, Serenity, and if I may say so... admirable," you add slyly.

"That I do not steal a march on the competition to advance my own family's fortunes?" he shakes his head warily. "It has less to do with virtue and more with sense. It will be difficult enough to forge an alliance as comprehensive as this is shaping up to be without being seen making coin hand over fist in the bargain beforehand." The implication that he would not be adverse to profit once the alliance becomes public does not go unnoticed.

The first of your offers at which he raises an issue hinges perhaps not unexpectedly on a matter of bureaucracy. "I have no objection to... a tree being grown," he explains obviously still knowing relatively little about the Old Gods. "However, if it is to perform miracles for any who would offer some manner of sacrifice, there shall have to be some manner of priest responsible before the law for any deeds performed under the auspices of these Gods."

"The Old Gods do not have priests," Lya explains. "They care nothing for mortal worship, only sacrifice and keeping to their strictures."

"Are they violently opposed to the notion?" the Sealord asks. Upon hearing Lya's denial he simply shrugs and says, "Then appoint one. One could only wish the Red God or other powers who have seen fit to bless their worshipers with miracles were this accommodating."

What do you reply?

[] Write in plan for the Tree of Braavos

OOC: This can include the effects as well as the matter of who to name as a priest. The matter of Dragon eggs, pirate hunting, and so forth will be handled in the next update. The theater isn't really something that would need the Sealord's approval for, so unless you just want to invite him to the performance you can leave that out.
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@DragonParadox, we're going to need to postpone the vote for the Tree of Braavos because we need to figure out what effects the Silver Eye wants. We can't really decide without talking to them.
I'm thinking a druid philosopher leshy.

Also, can we please not forget to ask permission to learn the class progression of the Silver Eye mages?