Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

So would a PC with no wireless, WiFi or Bluetooth, but that does have a network ethernet card that isn't plugged in be hackable?

So what I'm hearing is that Dragon has to insert her wifi dongle into the closed off mainframe. Or plug in directly with his fingers.
I mean, as long as the dongle, with a remote access program, gets into the usb port, and there is a router huh. Maybe it's not that simple. But ey, she's a tinker, she'd figure it out. Maybe there's some tinker router inside the dongle as well that connects directly to a satellite or something.

There are ways to get in. she doesn't have to be the one to do it, no need to be present.
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So what I'm hearing is that Dragon has to insert his wifi dongle into the closed off mainframe. Or plug in directly with his fingers.
I mean, as long as the dongle gets into the usb port, and there is a router huh. Maybe it's not that simple. But ey, he's a tinker, he'd figure it out. Maybe there's some tinker router inside it as well that connects directly to a satellite or something.

There are ways to get in.

*blinks* ...his?
[X] Cut off the Head

Security is isolated from internet.

Range to hack a node WITH some way of being remotely accessed in the first place is a few feet. No more than ten. If there isn't a possibility to remotely access it, it can't be hacked. Storm can't hack a toaster.
Also I figure even if it IS networked, if the interface is too limited(like a video camera) there just plain isn't enough give to hack.
You'd need a working terminal or computer level interface.
Storm can't hack a toaster.
Then you need a better quality of toaster.

Jokes aside, if there's no wireless, best bet is either a SQUID (Super Quantum User Interface Device, interfaces with computers just by being attached to the case) or a pre-loaded USB device with an autoboot of the requesite hacking programs and their assorted inputs. Failing that, just rip out the hard drive and take it home to crack in your own time.

And, of course, there's always the tried and true method of rubber hose cryptanalysis:
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What about when he did a man-in-the-middle attack on the PRT systems? I thought the whole point was that he never actually interfaced with the computers.
Duh wut? I don't know what you mean, but both times PS hacked the PRT it was via internet connection.
Also I figure even if it IS networked, if the interface is too limited(like a video camera) there just plain isn't enough give to hack.
You'd need a working terminal or computer level interface.
Folks voting for Smash the Base. @Silently Watches has confirmed that we cannot remote hack the facility security. As such the entire point of that plan of trying to lock the facility down before RF and breaching is moot.

To access the security system we need to physically breach the facility beforehand. Thereby alerting the defenders.

Please change your votes.
Folks voting for Smash the Base. @Silently Watches has confirmed that we cannot remote hack the facility security. As such the entire point of that plan of trying to lock the facility down before RF and breaching is moot.

To access the security system we need to physically breach the facility beforehand. Thereby alerting the defenders.

Please change your votes.
Even if trying to hack the base ends in nothing, the rest of the plan is still better, I think.

For once it doesn't restrict the characters in one direction they could figure out themselves in-story, it doesn't outright disregard if there'll be any opposition in the base and how to deal with it and doesn't have Taylor and Co. confront the mercenaries for no reason whatsoever.

EDIT: So right now is 9 to 9. Anyone that hasn't voted willing to contribute?
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 25, 2018 at 4:39 PM, finished with 16184 posts and 18 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 25, 2018 at 4:53 PM, finished with 16184 posts and 18 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 25, 2018 at 7:15 PM, finished with 16185 posts and 18 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 25, 2018 at 11:05 PM, finished with 16186 posts and 18 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 26, 2018 at 3:13 AM, finished with 16190 posts and 19 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 26, 2018 at 2:42 PM, finished with 16199 posts and 21 votes.
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Edit: Vote changed.

[X] Plan Cut off the base
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
-[X] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.
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Dragon should have the ability to make a device that can be plugged in for access and connect to the web- if it has no wifi or Internet protocols.

And if the usb ports have been removed, she'll figure something out. Hmm, I wonder how she'd get past the password, look under the monitor?

She'd veto the plan if she had no ways to get past their defenses, right?
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Dragon should have the ability to make a device that can be plugged in for access and connect to the web- if it has no wifi or Internet protocols.

And if the usb ports have been removed, she'll figure something out. Hmm, I wonder how she'd get past the password, look under the monitor?

She'd veto the plan if she had no ways to get past their defenses, right?
Still doesn't change the fact that the 'hack first, then breach' plan doesn't work.

Plus, other than that 'try to remote hack' part there's no other action with regards to the hack.

Unless the GM decides to just follow the discussion and put it into the actions I'd feel much better putting at least a minimum of guideline for what we are going for in terms of the hack and what we are doing once we breach the base.

IIRC wasn't there a instance when the plan that we voted for was too vague and we got burned for it?

Also, been in more than one quest where too vague plan screwed things up as GM can't read our minds.
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[X] LancerisDead

How far down the shadowrun hole do we want to go on this one step of the plan? And how detailed into the depths of tinker-tech scientific rationale?

Just imagining ways to hack into a shelter from the outside....does it have security cameras to monitor the perimeter? How about copying Watchdogs 1 and transmitting data via optical imput that causes one of the usual hacking tricks (overflow with bad or specially-formed data, causes error, allows command imput to be accepted) , since the camera would clearly be sending data into the larger security network (even better if theres anything like IFF to manage alarms or turrets).

Is it completely isolated with its own water and power systems? (it is an endbringer shelter after all.... BUT we were told it was identified as a target because its drawing on city power right?) ? If not, use that connection to 1. overload power systems, or cut them 2. use the simple "electrical feed into device" as a connection that could then bridge from the PSU to the CPU (that level of fine-detail electrokinesis, sending intelligible data signals along the same line as raw AC/DC power, might require Exotic Physics on friggin Behemoth or something, but Simurgh would get a Tink-on the moment she heard the idea :p) to seize the system that way

How thick are the protective walls? (Yeah its a shelter, but noones trying to tank a directed blast from Behemoth, maaaybe a non-targeted Tsunami from Leviathan if it pops up from the Great Lakes or something). Can Vista use her space-warping to get us access to the electrical wiring of the base from the outside? Or even better, can Vista allow Perfect Storm/Dragons "Within a few feet" limitation to be manipulated to "safely far" while say they access whatever security-panel is used to enter the base in the first place? (Assuming thats not just a dumb keypad linked only to the door... but a paranoid villain likely wants access logs and alerts when the place is entered right? Even moreso failed attempts setting off the alarms)

@LancerisDead if @Silently Watches likes any of these ideas to not kindly shoot down for us, maybe add them in? (Or is that necessary, compared to say leaving details to the actual experts once we've voted for it to happen and given QM an explanation of plausibility? The last few updates have had everyone but Taylor suggest the things we voted on, seemed like)
[] LancerisDead

How far down the shadowrun hole do we want to go on this one step of the plan? And how detailed into the depths of tinker-tech scientific rationale?

Just imagining ways to hack into a shelter from the outside....does it have security cameras to monitor the perimeter? How about copying Watchdogs 1 and transmitting data via optical imput that causes one of the usual hacking tricks (overflow with bad or specially-formed data, causes error, allows command imput to be accepted) , since the camera would clearly be sending data into the larger security network (even better if theres anything like IFF to manage alarms or turrets).

Is it completely isolated with its own water and power systems? (it is an endbringer shelter after all.... BUT we were told it was identified as a target because its drawing on city power right?) ? If not, use that connection to 1. overload power systems, or cut them 2. use the simple "electrical feed into device" as a connection that could then bridge from the PSU to the CPU (that level of fine-detail electrokinesis, sending intelligible data signals along the same line as raw AC/DC power, might require Exotic Physics on friggin Behemoth or something, but Simurgh would get a Tink-on the moment she heard the idea :p) to seize the system that way

How thick are the protective walls? (Yeah its a shelter, but noones trying to tank a directed blast from Behemoth, maaaybe a non-targeted Tsunami from Leviathan if it pops up from the Great Lakes or something). Can Vista use her space-warping to get us access to the electrical wiring of the base from the outside? Or even better, can Vista allow Perfect Storm/Dragons "Within a few feet" limitation to be manipulated to "safely far" while say they access whatever security-panel is used to enter the base in the first place? (Assuming thats not just a dumb keypad linked only to the door... but a paranoid villain likely wants access logs and alerts when the place is entered right? Even moreso failed attempts setting off the alarms)

@LancerisDead if @Silently Watches likes any of these ideas to not kindly shoot down for us, maybe add them in? (Or is that necessary, compared to say leaving details to the actual experts once we've voted for it to happen and given QM an explanation of plausibility? The last few updates have had everyone but Taylor suggest the things we voted on, seemed like)

[] Cut off the Head

Also I figure even if it IS networked, if the interface is too limited(like a video camera) there just plain isn't enough give to hack.
You'd need a working terminal or computer level interface.
Duh wut? I don't know what you mean, but both times PS hacked the PRT it was via internet connection.


Read the posts.

Cannot hack unless we have physical access to a outright data port.

Serious overestimation of our capabilities going on here.
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Frankly, I don't even understand why is hacking so important.
Recursion Field will prevent Coil from using self-destruction, WAS and Dragon's drones will prevent anyone from hiding or getting away.
After we apprehend Coil and whatever parahuman support he may have, I believe we can call it a day and let the PRT worry about the base and mercenaries.

My opinion aside, both plans have good points, but both also have piecemeal approach. The fight will have two stage: inside the Recursion field and outside of it. [] Smash the base concentrates on the first stage, ignoring the second, while [] Cut off the Head does exactly the opposite. It would be beneficial to combine them.
...But I feel too lazy to do it and it's too late to suggest a new plan anyway.
...But the last time I felt so all the Evil Fantastic Four got away.

[X] Plan Cut off the base
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
-[X] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.
[X] Plan Cut off the base
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
-[X] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.

Well, Shaseyu convinced me.
[X] Plan Cut off the base
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
-[X] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.
[X] Plan Cut off the base
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
-[X] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.
Adhoc vote count started by Shadowkragg on Jun 26, 2018 at 2:20 PM, finished with 16199 posts and 21 votes.