Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I think the idea that Coil is being autopiloted in the timeline he keeps is rather silly. There is simply no need of it from the purely deterministic Worm perspective. His power has already perfectly plotted out what he would do. What he would end up doing on his own and what the autopilot would make him do are identical. Having be "zombiewalking" is basically just another way to bash him.
Yes, but it's hilarious when an OoCP makes it give an incorrect prediction.

It happens in A Question of Values from To Walk in Shadow.
Am a bit sad that Dragon lost it's techopathic abilities. The chains and limiters replaced with different ones.
I'm not too sure of how it worked in cannon, but I got the impression that dragon was flexing very little of her might cause of the limits. Where the new body is a downgrade where that potential has been removed. Like the software limits, where replaced with hardware ones. Tough in exchange she can figure out magic and do magic.
Canon Dragon didn't have technopathic powers. She had access to the internet and could perform (limited) hacking, and her factories and ships were remote controlled. That hasn't changed since conversion to Device-hood.
Canon Dragon didn't have technopathic powers. She had access to the internet and could perform (limited) hacking, and her factories and ships were remote controlled. That hasn't changed since conversion to Device-hood.

I see, well that was how I interpreted it here at least. Her moving her mind trough the machines. It just seemed a fitting thing to call it.

Is her having massive restrictions and limiters on what she's allowed to do fan canon. And did she have any of them in your cannon?
There are significant differences in your world, so I'm hesitant to take things granted.
What are the odds that coil is a bloody wizard in this world and trumps our dear protagonist with his ultra cognition. Nothing is as it seems-
I see, well that was how I interpreted it here at least. Her moving her mind trough the machines. It just seemed a fitting thing to call it.

Is her having massive restrictions and limiters on what she's allowed to do fan canon. And did she have any of them in your cannon?
There are significant differences in your world, so I'm hesitant to take things granted.
She had multiple restrictions in what she was able to do, yes, and even more in what she was allowed to do. Her built-in limitations were things like a set maximum processor speed, an inability to run multiple trains of thought, not being able to design her own A.I., only being in once place at a time, etc. The things she wasn't allowed to do were all built more around having to follow all legal decisions of a country's authority, regardless of whether she thought of them. For instance, in the Canary situation, she was not allowed to tell the PRT that no, Canary's sentence was an obvious and gross injustice and that she would not carry it out unless she was retried by a different judge.

By conversion, Dragon hasn't lost anything. Rather than move her mind into a ship or suit, she can design a subordinate A.I. to handle the details of the orders she gives it, or she can create multiple trains of thought to control it directly. She can now use her full hacking potential. She can now use her own influence to help people. If anything, Dragon has gained a great deal. The only thing she has actually lost is that she does not have a backup to reboot from when she "dies", but from a practical standpoint, she no longer has to "risk" herself by moving her consciousness into a vehicle, so that limitation is kind of a moot point anyway.
I think the idea that Coil is being autopiloted in the timeline he keeps is rather silly. There is simply no need of it from the purely deterministic Worm perspective. His power has already perfectly plotted out what he would do. What he would end up doing on his own and what the autopilot would make him do are identical. Having be "zombiewalking" is basically just another way to bash him.
Same thing, in the end, I guess.
Same thing, in the end, I guess.
Until something changes everything from what his power originally predicted, then it becomes very different. Like is probably going to happen here.
The two coils can communicate right?
If it is so. Than it could be that the shard creates a simulation, the simulated coil picks witch future is chosen. Meanwhile the real coil, is being fed information from the shard about the not chosen reality. There's just one coil, with a weird precognitive power that tricks the user.

How far off am I of your interpretation?
That's basically the accepted canon version of his power now, yes.
Until something changes everything from what his power originally predicted, then it becomes very different. Like is probably going to happen here.
Do you know what will happen? Will a counter agency power activate? Like a failsafe, or redundancy designed for just this occasion. Some restrictions lifter? Or will it be like any other cape that runs into their manton limit and being frustrated how arbitrarily useless their power is? hah
Do you know what will happen? Will a counter agency power activate? Like a failsafe, or redundancy designed for just this occasion. Some restrictions lifter? Or will it be like any other cape that runs into their manton limit and being frustrated how arbitrarily useless their power is? hah
I'm not Silently Watches, so no :p . Personally, my take on it would be that it'd run as normal, except Coil is stuck in the 'actual' regardless of whether he'd want to be, while his other timeline feeds him dubiously correct information. But Coil would act as he'd want to act: Coil being forced by his power to do things to make it seem like he'd want to choose that timeline anyway (if that's what you're saying by counter agency?) seems like a really bad idea to me. I've seen fudging it done well though (on the simulated side): not something I'd believe/want in general though.
I'm not Silently Watches, so no :p . Personally, my take on it would be that it'd run as normal, except Coil is stuck in the 'actual' regardless of whether he'd want to be, while his other timeline feeds him dubiously correct information. But Coil would act as he'd want to act: Coil being forced by his power to do things to make it seem like he'd want to choose that timeline anyway (if that's what you're saying by counter agency?) seems like a really bad idea to me. I've seen fudging it done well though (on the simulated side): not something I'd believe/want in general though.
I was thinking of a subset of his powers activate. A different kind of modularity. Powers change to fit the situation. But I suppose other peoples powers don't get a boost when pushed into a corner, or when their weakness is exploited. Or do they? I feel like this could be handwaved into, well he did not know he had this sub power cause he has never been in a situation where the shard could not model the future. Tho what are the odds that the shard would predict and prepare for such an unlikely outcome. Minuscule I imagine.
I was thinking of a subset of his powers activate. A different kind of modularity. Powers change to fit the situation. But I suppose other peoples powers don't get a boost when pushed into a corner, or when their weakness is exploited. Or do they? I feel like this could be handwaved into, well he did not know he had this sub power cause he has never been in a situation where the shard could not model the future. Tho what are the odds that the shard would predict and prepare for such an unlikely outcome. Minuscule I imagine.
We actually know how Thinker powers react to this.
Abort out of the precog and give the user a big headache. Simulate any mental-only effects on the host.
Happened with Roulette in the theoretically canonical PRT Quest.
Okay, this is my fault.

You're going after Coil in his base, and you're calling up Myrddin to try pinning down whether Calvert is at the PRT base. We'll see how that goes considering he already told you that might be an issue, but oh well.

Now how are you actually going to attack the base itself? There are some ideas here, but few enough that this will be another vote. If you already voted and still like your plan, you can do a copy-and-paste job with just a little modification to give it a parent vote.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Jun 23, 2018 at 8:54 AM, finished with 16138 posts and 29 votes.
Last edited:
[X] Smash the base
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.

@Silently Watches Like this then? Assuming we don't need to add in the Myrddin vote as you said it won already.
[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.
OK, I like @Spectral Waltz vote better. Changing.

[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.
[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.
[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.
...what you did there, I see it. Well, fine then.

[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.
Eh, works for me.

[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.