Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
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[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
- [X] Have Dragon park the Sybaris somewhere nearby but really unobtrusive; assume that Coil has someone on hand who might be able to spot it. (*coughcoughTattletale*)
- [X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-- [X] Any capes that show up in the field with you need to be found and neutralized first. And Vista would appreciate the exercise. (moo hoo ha ha ha)
- [X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.

Edited for new battle plan
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Did we know we could just seal all of the bombs? I didn't but it may have been common knowledge to the others. I'd have made a vote for us being inside and doing that rather than attacking outside had I known. Much more loot and a possibility to capture Bakuda herself.

You couldn't do it from inside Recursion Field. Trying it without capturing Bakuda first would have been a great way to have a bomb or ten explode in your face.

In Nanoha canon, sealing is only done AFTER the threat is neutralized. There's a reason for that. :)
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.

While I don't think this is Coil's only secret base. The guy is a master at manipulation and fast talk. I don't think attacking him on his strongest aspect is going to work well. Especially without solid proof that he couldn't contest. So Calvert probably won't work unless we do something really risky.

This base may produce exactly the proof we need. Unless he caught wind of it with his time shenanigan.

PS: Changed my vote to include Myrddin
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[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
Vista is vicious.
Chevalier, you sure you want to keep her? :p

"The Sybaris is still there in the real world. When the barrier went up, I found myself falling out of the sky. It's a very good thing I can fly. Otherwise the results would have been… messy."
It's also very good the Sybaris didn't fall when its pilot suddenly disappeared.

"Where's Bakuda?"

Samantha points at the ash pile. "Right there."
For a moment here I thought she managed to create Oni Lee grenade and teleported away.

[X] Calvert – The PRT administrators should still be in their meeting, weird bombs going off or not. Head back to the PRT base and bag a traitor where he least expects you.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.

Would rather go after the actual villain and not have to deal with potential backlash from storming a PRT meeting... Plus if TT really is still involved with Coil this is where she's likely to be.
Soooooo… This is my fault for not saying this earlier, but I was at work all day and haven't had a chance to get on the board since this morning. It might behoove you to come up with an actual battle plan if you're voting to go after Coil's base. Or a general "plan of attack" if you're going after Calvert.

You know everything Taylor would reasonably know plus some, so make your best assumptions.
Soooooo… This is my fault for not saying this earlier, but I was at work all day and haven't had a chance to get on the board since this morning. It might behoove you to come up with an actual battle plan if you're voting to go after Coil's base. Or a general "plan of attack" if you're going after Calvert.

You know everything Taylor would reasonably know plus some, so make your best assumptions.

To try jumpstarting discussion, how do we want to get inside Coil's base, first off? Semi-quietly by busting open an access door/hatch, or very loud by employing a Masterkey in the form of a full power Solar Wrath through the Shelter's roof?
We will want to use Recursion Field since that will isolate Coil from his goons (though he will get to keep some of the parahuman muscle he undoubtedly has), prevent him from using body doubles, and prevent him from escaping if he is present.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.

For Coil's base:

Recon first, as much as possible. Can Dragon get us any info on the blueprints? By the time we get there Coil will probably have them on alert anyway so it probably won't cost us anything to use wide area search.
For the entry, I'd say shock and awe but done in a way that still keeps collateral damage down (if we don't break it too badly maybe Coil's base can be re-purposed as an actual endbringer shelter or PRT base afterwards). Better not to give Coil too much time to react. Yes to recursion field - do we want to leave someone on our side outside of it to scoop up the mercenaries or are they an acceptable loss if we can nab Coil and his capes?
We will want to use Recursion Field since that will isolate Coil from his goons (though he will get to keep some of the parahuman muscle he undoubtedly has), prevent him from using body doubles, and prevent him from escaping if he is present.
Similarly, using the go to Coil, call Myrrdin vote could be used to trick Calvert if he's there, and get him to head to base.
Recursion Recon all day, every day.

Question! Does pulling a 'normal' human into a power that only works on (most) parahumans count as proving he's a para in any meaningful legal sort of way?

EDIT: for the sake of, say, dropping RF on the meeting and telling the others "don't be alarmed, new anti parahuman infiltration tactics, go back to your meeting for now." Wondering if it has enough standing to hold up to that.
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Soooooo… This is my fault for not saying this earlier, but I was at work all day and haven't had a chance to get on the board since this morning. It might behoove you to come up with an actual battle plan if you're voting to go after Coil's base. Or a general "plan of attack" if you're going after Calvert.

You know everything Taylor would reasonably know plus some, so make your best assumptions.
Hm. Okay, so I think the main things we know that Taylor doesn't (player knowledge) are Coil's power and that it's RF-compatible. So if we drop the base into RF there's a 50/50 shot that we draw Coil in, which makes the op that much more difficult.

If Coil's in the base and not at the PRT meeting, he'll know something's up the moment Recursion Field goes live. And we'll probably know as well, too. So treat it like the sewer level from Arc 8: Set up Recursion Field and then fire off a Wide Area Search, get a functional map of the base as quickly as possible. If Coil (or any other capes he might have) pop up, go loud and grab them. Coil cannot escape so long as we have the field up, that's our primary advantage. Once we've got Coil secured, head for the control center, drop RF, incapacitate anybody inside and let Dragon and Perfect Storm have their wicked way with his computers.

If Coil's not in the base, follow a similar script to the Bakuda strike: RF, scout, find the control center and drop the RF. Incapacitate whoever's there and start hacking with abandon. Coil being the control freak Bond villain he is the control center will be the most easily defensible place in the building, and we'll have access to everything from there.

As a side note, there's a chance we lose Tattletale if she's not chained up in the dungeon. Recursion Field won't pick her up (player knowledge, I think; can't remember if Taylor knows the whole list of RF dos and donts.) and any sign that we've come for her boss she'll be in the wind as fast as she can possibly go. That may or may not be an issue further down the line, but it's something to remember.
The other advantage that Recursion Field gives is getting rid of all the mercenaries, which changes how a fight will go significantly.

There's also to remember there's a good chance that Grue, Rachel, Regent and maybe Aisha are all still on his payroll and that they would get sucked into Recursion Field.

And if Coil is in the PRT building then he's still surrounded by less people on his side than there aren't.

I propose that Storm and Dragon access as much of the base as we can, deploy WAS and then RF, and then blow open the base with Solar Wrath.

After that, going in with Taylor and Chevalier on the front, with Sam and Vista covering from behind.
We must not forget we are here incognito. Even from other heroes point of view. We need to have Myrdinn either sending reinforcement or at the very least alert the local we aren't some villain causing trouble.

The last thing we need is heroic cape shooting at us because of some miscommunication. Especially if thing get loud (as they will certainly be. Just look at our track record.)
Recursion field first thing we do. Remember that due to taking a 'snapshot' of the target area, stuff like tinker tech bombs and other shit are rendered inert in the RF. That may well also apply to any self destructs that Coil may have planted in his base.

We RF and blast in like with Bakuda base. Scout for every little escape route and traps that exist. Map out the facility. Pin point command centers and other locations where Coil may be hiding.

If Coil gets drawn in, all the more easier. The RF is 4 miles wide. We can run him down quickly.

So. Basic plan is:

1. Recursion Field the facility. Blast in, ala Bakuda take down.
2. Scout out the facility (Scout the facility for armories, command center/control room, holding facilities, etc., especially make sure that escape routes are found), focus on whether anyone else is drawn into it.
3. If any capes get drawn into the RF within the facility, focus on neutralizing them as a threat first.

Remember folks. We can just blast into the facility while in RF and do whatever the hell we want in the facility and no normals will be the wiser.
[X] Calvert – The PRT administrators should still be in their meeting, weird bombs going off or not. Head back to the PRT base and bag a traitor where he least expects you.
-[X] Take Myrddin with you. Nothing says "I have a right to do what I'm doing" better than two Protectorate leaders accompanying you.
-[X] Deploy Recursion field around the PRT base. Use WAS to check whether Calvert was pulled in and is there other people who were pulled in (if they have one officer who's secretly parahuman, they easily could have several).
--[X] Apprehend everybody who was pulled in.
---[X] If Calvert wasn't pulled in, go to the meeting room he should be, drop the field and Ring Bind Calvert. Let Chevalier and Myrddin to explain what's going on.

I like these scenes when it seems that everything is good for a bad guy and he attends an absolutely mundane meeting, but suddenly officers come in to arrest him.