Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

;p What about a roughly human sized hard light box? Only six shapes! As opposed to the multi-poly of a weapon. Or one depending on how the projectors work.
I was supposing one drone Its entire purpose is a 6 poly box as opposed to however many dozens it takes to make the Hammer we were offered at one point for vista. Both should be doable by a single projector each, as I understand things. Though the size of the box may change that. Any cape that could break out of it would break the shields or hardlight weapons as well.
I'm assuming this is to project a shield around someone? It would be possible if it was inside the box too. Trying to trap someone inside the box that the drone is projecting while outside the box? That wouldn't go so well because the person you're trying to trap is blocking some of the light and thereby interfering with the projection.
Question. Can we make bondage drones? As in, ones that would fly around the enemy and then try to immobilize them? Kinda like that cage-harness-thing in Doctor Strange, only automatic. And can we make them brute-proof?
You could do something very similar with mechashift, yes. That drone would be complicated enough that it would take two build slots per drone, though.
Nanohaverse has quite a bunch of remote drones, flying weapons, funnel-like crap and such, so I'd assume that the answer to that is "ofc".
The next question would then be "Is it really worth the resources and time needed to do it?" I'm skeptical of that since using swarms of drones is not really our standard practice (and I am having enough of that style with other quests, don't really want to see yet another iteration of it here).
Because no amount of personal power will beat the ability to be in several places at the same time even limited to something small. And drones controlled by PS will handily allow that.
Can PS even do that? I don't remember.
I said earlier that any drones built will be controlled primarily by the AI Tim built to take over most of Danny's coordinator role. Taylor is a bombardment mage, not a drone warrior, and even though drones like this are seen being used by the main characters of Nanoha, they are always treated as supplementary weapons that are rarely brought out.

Or, in short, Taylor is a Calamity Witch, not a Transcendent Gadgeteer. She fights like Nanoha and Fate, not like Jail. If your goal is to make her act like Jail, you'll be wasting your time.
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Personally I'm more interested in what Silently Watches would come up with. Sure still put 2 slots for Mac's Device and leave the rest for Silently Watches to decide.
Oh yeah, one thing. @Silently Watches, a not so small request, if it's not too difficult. Could you make a list of "stuff we've proposed that Tim can build" with the amount of days it would take? Because I feel like we've forgotten more things that we've proposed at this point.
Vote 9.20

24 hours on the dot, baby. Tim has four build slots. Go nuts. Remember to use plan format.

[ ] Plan name
-[ ] Project 1
-[ ] Project 2, etc
-[ ] BUY skill
-[ ] BUY skill 2, etc
[X] Plan Three Slots
-[X] Boost Device for Maclibuin
-[X] Shock spear/multi-tailed whip for Sam

I thought about shielding drone or radio for Vista, but decided it will be more interesting to see what QM thinks will be useful for us.
Why are we even building drones btw.

Because being having the biggest gun in the world doesn't help much if you're too busy doing meatperson things to know where best to point it.

Vote 9.20

24 hours on the dot, baby. Tim has four build slots. Go nuts. Remember to use plan format.


[X] Plan Valkyries
-[X] Mac's Boost Device
-[X] Heavy Impact Grenadier Hammer for Sam
-[X] BUY Dimensional Transit

EDIT: I just realized the initialism I was going for was an acronym. Yay coincidence! Also, it occurs to me that Mac's device is Celtic styled, not Nordic. So the plan name makes less sense, but it's still catchy.

EDIT2: And now I have Boop stuck in my head. I have no one to blame but myself.

EDIT3: Oh glorious misrememberance! It WAS a Nordic design! Plan Valkyries is go!
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@Silently Watches

Can we have Tim construct us a few remote-controlled and/or VI-controlled drones for overwatch and disabling the opposition?
What weapons can we mount on them (assume at least one with non-lethal capability should be included)?
How well-defended will they be (as in, how easy it's to shoot them down, and can they auto-create hardlight shields or something similar for us when we fly)?
How large will they be?
Can they be controlled via Perfect Storm?

And how close in functionality would that be to those flying spearpoints Nanoha used in StrikerS when dealing with Vivio?
Blaster System are extremely high tier device tech that is a double edged sword. After using em Nanoha could barely walk even using Raising Heart in staff form as a clutch. And there was visible cracks on Raising Heart after Blaster Three was used.

Blaster System puts incredible strain on the user and the device themselves. Which is understandable in that Nanoha managed to cast *five* Starlight Breakers at the same time using Blaster Three.
[X] Plan Three Slots
-[X] Boost Device for Maclibuin
-[X] Shock spear/multi-tailed whip for Sam

I thought about shielding drone or radio for Vista, but decided it will be more interesting to see what QM thinks will be useful for us.

[X] Plan Three Slots
-[X] Boost Device for Maclibuin
-[X] Shock spear/multi-tailed whip for Sam

Any reason you want a whip functionality?

[X] Plan Three Slots v2
-[X] Boost Device for Maclibuin
-[X] Shock spear/multi-tailed whip for Sam
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Ideas for Tim to Build
Oh yeah, one thing. @Silently Watches, a not so small request, if it's not too difficult. Could you make a list of "stuff we've proposed that Tim can build" with the amount of days it would take? Because I feel like we've forgotten more things that we've proposed at this point.
I can give it a shot, I suppose. It'll be nice to have that all in one place. All ideas are those suggested during the build discussions since 9.12 or that really stuck in my head.

  • Mechashift weapons. Mostly inspired by RWBY. 1 slot each. *
    • Milo-expy. Sword -> spear -> rifle.
    • Neptune's weapon-expy. SMG -> halberd.
    • Magnhild-expy. Grenade launcher -> warhammer.
    • Harbinger-expy. Shotgun -> collapsible sword -> super-scythe.
    • Sword -> multi-tailed whip.
    • Staff -> chain whip.
  • Shock baton. 1 slot. *
  • Shock meteor hammer. 1 slot. *
  • Shock… greatsword? Okay, whatever. 1 slot. *
  • Lightsaber for Samantha. 1 slot.
  • Hardlight weapon. 1 slot.
  • Sharkskin blade (think Samehada from Naruto but with hardlight scales). 1 slot.
  • Laser firearm. 1 slot. *
  • Wireless/projection taser, AKA lightning gun. 1 slot. *
  • Pain beam gun. 1 slot.
  • Mechashift armor, plus/minus ability to unfold onto target in midair. 2 slots, plus 1 slot for each active system (max 4 slots). *
  • Mechashift motorcycle to power armor. 2 slots, plus 1 slot for each active system (max 4 slots). *
  • Elemental bullet press. 1 slot. *
  • Pseudo-magical effect bullets. 10 elemental rounds per slot, 5 non-elemental rounds per slot. *
  • Goo grenade for capturing villains. 1 slot.
  • Rust-mana grenade, rechargeable. 1 slot.
  • Storage Device. 1 slot.
  • Intelligent Device, Armed Device, or Boost Device (collectively called Advanced Devices). 2 slots each.
  • Unison Device. 5 slots, plus vote to determine spell list.
  • Autonomous Unison Device to look for potential mages and help them create Guardian Beasts. 5 slots.
  • Prosthetic limb. 1 slot to build, plus 1 slot for 2 active systems. Max 3 slots total.
  • Amputate a limb or limb remnant and attach a connection plate for a prosthetic. 1 slot.
  • Implant a sensory suite. Eye or visor or lens, telepathic radio. Would require another generator. 4 slots total (1 for each piece of tech and 1 to implant them all).
  • Serum to create a beneficial but monstrous mutation. 1 slot.
  • Mutagenic serum with restricted range of possible deformities for a given benefit. 2 slots.
  • Serum to give a specific cosmetic feature with at most a mild sensory benefit, such as unnatural hair color or animal ears. 1 slot.
  • Serum to give a Linker Core to a non-mage; please see Informational post for details. 1 slot.
  • Strike Boost serum to give someone enhanced strength or speed. 5 serums per slot.
    • Make a permanent strength or speed serum with a minor mutation. 1 slot, plus 1 to specify the mutation in question. Max 2 slots total.
  • Physical Heal serum to quickly heal the recipient of mild to moderate injuries. 5 serums per slot.
    • Make a serum to reverse previous mutations. 5 serums per slot.
    • Make a serum that gives the recipient the ability to regenerate on their own. This induces a mild mutation. 1 slot, plus 1 to restrict the possible mutations, plus 1 to choose from a small range (3-5) of options for the mutation. Max 3 slots.
  • Flying drones with lasers. ("Funnels"). 1 slot each.
  • Drone charging station. 2 slots. *
  • Scouting drones with active camouflage. 1 slot each.
  • Mechashift capture drones. ("Bondage drones", thanks DestinyPlayer). 1 slot each.
  • Shield-projecting drones. 1 slot each.
  • "Guardian angel" drone with shield and laser weapon. 2 slots.
  • Spy drone with interdimensional radio to spy on other worlds. 2 slot.
  • Pro-healing injection. 5 doses as a free action after surgical procedure. Otherwise 5 doses per slot.
  • Anesthesia beam gun. 1 slot.
  • Unidirectional teleporter pad. "Push" or "pull". 1 slot.
  • Bidirectional teleporter pad. 2 slots, or 1 slot to convert an existing Push or Pull pad.
  • Teleporter beacon. 1 slot.
  • Teleporter armory to send weapons from rack to their owner and back. 1 slot.
  • Interdimensional teleporter. 2 slots, or 1 slot to convert an existing spatial teleporter. Interdimensional teleportation is pad to pad only.
  • Teleportation portal. Can be either spatial or interdimensional, but travel can only be portal to portal. 3 slots.
  • Antigravity flight harness. 1 slot.
  • Flight-capable RV. At least 2 slots depending on what else goes on it.
  • Magical flying apartment. Slots I don't even know.
  • Disassemble and analyze captured Tinkertech. 1 slot each.
  • Duplicate Tinkertech. 1 slot unless it is extraordinarily complicated.
  • Convert Tinkertech to mana. See duplication rule.
* Can be built by a Gear working independently of Tim. Doing so does not give Tim any tech points.
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