Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Either Cinderella doesn't believe we have separated from the Privateers, or she was not listening. Either way, it's a pity. I hope Snow White is a little more appreciative that we didn't leave her to die lying on a street.
Cinderella is scared and hurt and mad, and that means she isn't thinking straight. One of her closest friends almost died, and even though she's still alive (probably), she's in hero custody. It doesn't help that Taylor is telling her that the Privateers are a hero group/gang fighting capes without capes of their own, because in what twisted version of Earth Bet are regular people capable of almost killing capes all on their lonesome?
I suppose telling them our house was bombed with crystal BS would have hurt more than helped?
Yeah, if for no other reason than it narrows down the possibilities for who Calamity Witch is in her civilian identity.
And? Tim's expertise in trauma surgery is likely not that good, so that was not a viable choice. Better to trust in the actual medics/doctors on the Protectorate's staff.
Unless the author chimes in well never know for sure. But i dont think the option would have been there purely as a trap to fuck us over. Tim might not spec into it, but he could probably have managed something and giving them their friend back, even wounded, would probably have done us more favours than swooping in like a vulture and capturing her while wounded. Its why they are pissed off now... looks very 'convenient' that we just happened to show up in time to hand her over to the PRT.
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And? Tim's expertise in trauma surgery is likely not that good, so that was not a viable choice. Better to trust in the actual medics/doctors on the Protectorate's staff.
Unless the author chimes in well never know for sure. But i dont think the option would have been there purely as a trap to fuck us over. Tim might not spec into it, but he could probably have managed something and giving them their friend back, even wounded, would probably have done us more favours than swooping in like a vulture and capturing her while wounded. Its why they are pissed off now... looks very 'convenient' that we just happened to show up in time to hand her over to the PRT.
Taking Snow White to Tim was a viable option. The surgery itself would have been messy, and she would have greatly benefitted from being taken to an actual surgeon once her life was no longer in immediate danger, but she would have lived.

It also would have meant a greater drop in the Privateers' respect for you and a huge one between them and Tim. The kind of drop that makes them more likely to try taking their frustration out on you.
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We should have broken from the Privateers a long time ago...
We should have invested more in the privateers a long time ago... It would have pushed the creation of Tim, the update of Lacy and probably the recruitment of Police and Firemen into the Mage Circle. Imagine us still in BB with a gang bigger than E88...
Pity I wasn't here to vote, though I suppose it wouldn't have made too much impact...
There are four because you don't have to build the Boost Device this week. If it takes too long to do that, however, you might sour a social connection.
Oh, there were lots of things people planned on building. LOTS.
Boost device takes 2 slots, right? Pity we don't have time for 3 socials, because Mac and Lacy would have covered that well enough.
Yeah, if for no other reason than it narrows down the possibilities for who Calamity Witch is in her civilian identity.
That's about what I figured...

Me being an asshole; We know Devices cut a persons connection to their shard in a way that they shards cant just act on their own or reattach (read Bonesaws experiments, removing the tumor only sets the shards free to wreak havoc) but can we do this without turning them into a mage? Sorry if this has already been discussed, I read the first half of the story on FFN.
Clearly, we need Tim to whip up some sort of magic apartment to deal with the Privateers knowing our personal identity. Interdimensional or possibly moon based(it's a short commute with teleportation!)

Though Gingerbread or Chicken Legs theme?
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Boost device takes 2 slots, right?
Me being an asshole; We know Devices cut a persons connection to their shard in a way that they shards cant just act on their own or reattach (read Bonesaws experiments, removing the tumor only sets the shards free to wreak havoc) but can we do this without turning them into a mage? Sorry if this has already been discussed, I read the first half of the story on FFN.
No, you can't. Reason #1: it's the bonding process that burns out a parahuman's powers, and if they don't have a Linker Core, the Device won't bond. Reason #2: once the Device has bonded with them, it will want to stay with them, and even separated by a good distance a bonded Device can communicate with its mage. Reason #3: if (more like when) it got out that you had done this, any other prospective mage would be very doubtful about your offer to "help".
Though Gingerbread or Chicken Legs theme?
Definitely chicken legs. Stories about witches who live in gingerbread houses don't end in the witches' favor, and even if Taylor can't be burned up in an oven, being stuck there would still give her a massive cramp.
Right then, tech slots...
Say we take up two for the device for Mac, being nice to him. That will give us two more to play with. We already have the point to pad teleportation device set up, but do we have many of the (to probably be used in next endbringer fight) teleportors that go with it? Or just the pad that can be locked onto? A slot for setting up an emergency evac pack for multiple friends if possible and needed would definitely be worth a vote in my mind. Give out the emergency porters to people on our side, set up the pad somewhere safe but not in one of our very important places, and it would be a lot of help on the current local issue, and a field test to get it approved for the next endbringer fight.
Other than that, I know that the idea of a rust grenade was discussed, but what about a field effect? A device that, when activated, would act more as a reusable mine that would trigger when someone got near it, or when a large enough group did? Rather than having to get close to toss the grenade, set a field generator that would act as a mine that could be reclaimed and reused afterwards, and that could be used to trap enemies trying to be smart and flank our groups?

What other ideas might be useful?
So, idea time!

Starting to think scouting drones might be pretty useful for providing both the heroes and villains with intel, becoming the bridge between them with our amazing usefulness.
We already have one drone, and I heard mention of a drone charging station? Not sure how much that's needed with only one or two drones, though.

Dragon can already mass-produce trackers for use with the emergency teleporter, right? So we don't need Tim to make a batch?
Still might want a spare port pad, though. One for Dragon to take around to big threat fights, and another for personal use?

Clearly, we need Tim to whip up some sort of magic apartment to deal with the Privateers knowing our personal identity. Interdimensional or possibly moon based(it's a short commute with teleportation!)

Well, we'll have the points to buy Dimensional Transfer at the end of this phase (It takes 4, have 3 now) so we could see if that leads anywhere near a dimensional bunker?
but do we have many of the (to probably be used in next endbringer fight) teleportors that go with it? Or just the pad that can be locked onto? A slot for setting up an emergency evac pack for multiple friends if possible and needed would definitely be worth a vote in my mind. Give out the emergency porters to people on our side, set up the pad somewhere safe but not in one of our very important places, and it would be a lot of help on the current local issue, and a field test to get it approved for the next endbringer fight.
Dragon is working on this since she already has Endbringer-approved armbands ready. And also because you'd be surprised at how few people protest deploying "untested" Tinkertech in the field when everyone knows it was made by the world's greatest Tinker.
Dragon is working on this since she already has Endbringer-approved armbands ready. And also because you'd be surprised at how few people protest deploying "untested" Tinkertech in the field when everyone knows it was made by the world's greatest Tinker.

Speaking of the teleport pad, I don't remember any mention of what the effective range is, or really how big the thing might be? It's probably just me not remembering, but the way I read it at the time, it seemed like the sort of thing that probably had a max range (Albeit a big one, maybe a medium sized US state?), and was small enough to be transported wherever needed, but big enough that you'd only bother if they knew they'd need it?

Unless my thinking's wrong, my take on current priorities would be
Mac's Device > Port station 2 > Lacy's template device (if we convince her to take it) > drones for days
In whatever order we can fit the bigger priorities in. I'd also be all for buying Dimensional Transfer for Tim.

EDIT: If the port range is crazy huge or effectively infinite, we can drop that down in priority.
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Speaking of the teleport pad, I don't remember any mention of what the effective range is, or really how big the thing might be? It's probably just me not remembering, but the way I read it at the time, it seemed like the sort of thing that probably had a max range (Albeit a big one, maybe a medium sized US state?), and was small enough to be transported wherever needed, but big enough that you'd only bother if they knew they'd need it?
The teleport pad is about 8ft x 8ft (roughly 2.5m x 2.5m for you metric users). Dragon designed it with plans for it to be used for Endbringer fights, so it's big enough that a couple of bodies laying flat and people standing or crouching next to them could all fit at the same time.

Nanoha teleporters are capable of going from space to a planet's surface at the very least, and possibly (probably) across dimensions, so range is… expansive, let's say. Assuming the Arthra was in realspace and had to stay above the geosynchronous satellites in seasons 1 and 2 to keep from being seen, we're talking about 26,000 miles or so at a minimum. About the same distance as the circumference of the Earth. And you'd only need to go half that distance at the very most to get anywhere in the world from anywhere else in the world.

There's a reason Taylor could just hop all over the world with Vista and not even notice the strain. I'm assuming it's something in the detailed mechanics of the spell that I'm not even going to bother pretending I've made up an explanation for.

THAT SAID, the teleportation pad Dragon has right now only teleports something from a set signal to the pad. It can't teleport anything from the pad. You need a second pad to do that.
Lacy's template device
If you want to give Lacey a template, her Device would be made while Taylor's stuck in IAE for three days. Providing a pre-made Device won't change that time requirement.
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I'm fairly annoyed that Coil's responsibility for the bombing wasn't brought up (it's not like we needed to tell everyone present that we lived there). It probably wouldn't have changed much about things worked (or will have worked) out, but not bringing it up makes it feel like we're being railroaded. Honestly, if the whole "Coil trying to kill us by blowing a building" thing is getting glossed over until the next arc, it should have happened at the end of the current arc or at least at a point where we are actually allowed to do something about it.
I'm fairly annoyed that Coil's responsibility for the bombing wasn't brought up (it's not like we needed to tell everyone present that we lived there). It probably wouldn't have changed much about things worked (or will have worked) out, but not bringing it up makes it feel like we're being railroaded. Honestly, if the whole "Coil trying to kill us by blowing a building" thing is getting glossed over until the next arc, it should have happened at the end of the current arc or at least at a point where we are actually allowed to do something about it.
Why would it be brought up in the first place? Nobody else mentioned that event specifically. Saying it was for sure Coil wouldn't have mattered in the slightest. Coil, someone else; from the perspective of keeping outside villains out of Philadelphia, there's no difference, so there's really no point in bringing it up.

The thing about Coil? While we as Worm-readers have a special hatred towards him, to the characters themselves he's just a random name.

As for why things are being glossed over? Perfect Storm is trying to figure out exactly where he is and who he is. I'll go ahead and tell you now: this is the third to last chapter in this arc. One more Taylor chapter, then the interlude, then the AAR, and then Arc 10. I introduced Coil at the end of week 3 instead of week 4 because even for a supercomputer, digging up all Coil's dirty secrets takes time.
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If you want to give Lacey a template, her Device would be made while Taylor's stuck in IAE for three days. Providing a pre-made Device won't change that time requirement.

Ahh, yeah. Sorry, really tired and forgot that template devices aren't a thing Tim builds, IAE takes care of the physical device, too.

Still, good to have the pad's specs nailed down. Building Pad #2 is still a medium priority, I think.

The more I think about those rust grenades, the more I'm convinced they need to be fairly mass-producible to be worth the time slots. The drones should hopefully survive their fights for reuse, but the grenades seem pretty obviously self-consuming, so anything near a one per slot ratio wouldn't be worth it. Besides, we have Rust Shot, so the grenades would be most useful given to others. What's the problem with handing the idea off to Dragon after we make a prototype batch, to outfit the PRT with additional nonlethal options? But they already have the foam, so it's a less pressing need for them. Hrm. It'd really depend on how big the batches would be, or how quick they'd streamline if repeated.

Plus we have Sam's mechashift weapon to build too, don't we? I don't remember how many slots that'd be, but we could easily go-
Mac's Device > Telepad > Sam's stabbity gun > a round of rust 'nades to test the idea > dronepocalypse
Or any mix of those middle three, really.
Plus we have Sam's mechashift weapon to build too, don't we? I don't remember how many slots that'd be, but we could easily go-
Probably one slot, though I might make it two depending on how weird and crazy her weapon is.
but the grenades seem pretty obviously self-consuming, so anything near a one per slot ratio wouldn't be worth it. Besides, we have Rust Shot, so the grenades would be most useful given to others
I'm unsure how many grenades would be able to be made per time slot. I know I mentioned that I'm open to creating magic pseudo-Dust bullets so we can really make this an unofficial Worm/Nanoha/RWBY crossover, and grenades aren't much more out there especially considering Nora's ammunition of choice, but exactly how long it would take to make how many rounds is something I have not decided on.
No, you can't. Reason #1: it's the bonding process that burns out a parahuman's powers, and if they don't have a Linker Core, the Device won't bond. Reason #2: once the Device has bonded with them, it will want to stay with them, and even separated by a good distance a bonded Device can communicate with its mage. Reason #3: if (more like when) it got out that you had done this, any other prospective mage would be very doubtful about your offer to "help".
The idea was more doing this to parahumans who aren't mage potentials. It would still cause all sorts of shit, assuming they ever figured out who, which because story drama is of course inevitable, but you're making different assumptions than me. It was more an idea to help the PRT lock up villains they capture on a more practical basis than the Birdcage. Because of the Fairyland crisis atm. I consider it less weird than anime Befriending and less brutal than killing them in battle.
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Yeah, two slots for Mac's device, because he is cool and deserves it.
Sam should probably get a weapon soon, if only to expand her capabilities a bit. Figure out how many slots we want to spend on that.
Rust grenades sound like a useful tool for dealing with any situations like the MS13 nonsense, since that should cut down on the gang firepower.
The idea was more doing this to parahumans who aren't mage potentials. It would still cause all sorts of shit, assuming they ever figured out who, which because story drama is of course inevitable, but you're making different assumptions than me. It was more an idea to help the PRT lock up villains they capture on a more practical basis than the Birdcage.
Well then…
No, you can't. Reason #1: it's the bonding process that burns out a parahuman's powers, and if they don't have a Linker Core, the Device won't bond. Reason #2: once the Device has bonded with them, it will want to stay with them, and even separated by a good distance a bonded Device can communicate with its mage. Reason #3: if (more like when) it got out that you had done this, any other prospective mage would be very doubtful about your offer to "help".
Parahumans who don't have Linker Cores are safe from a Device burning out their powers.
Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha) | Page 563

SilentlyWatches commenting on a bunch of my ideas from the last build discussion, for reference (many tragically shot down , others good)

Clearly, we need Tim to whip up some sort of magic apartment to deal with the Privateers knowing our personal identity. Interdimensional or possibly moon based(it's a short commute with teleportation!)

Though Gingerbread or Chicken Legs theme?

For example, we were told that we could totally make an airship to live on :V Far more sensible now that our (Danny's) house got attacked anyways, and we're worrying about Coil and Pirates (the rogue privateers) and possibly Disneyland. Almost a shame Tim's already built a relocated lab, as it'd be pretty sweet to put it on there (admittedly we probably don't want Dragon and Tim using it as a command post during Endbringer fight unless its remote from the scene, since that sounds like a giant target). Though it could be a place to launch Dragon's drones from , because seriously why use Tim's time and expertise on something we already have an accomplished master specialist for?

Just not sure how to get a good Baba Yaga theme to airship other than Chicken-Leg Landing Gear :p

Other build ideas are of course the rust grenade, and I do wish we could think of a decent Timtech restraint option that isn't a knockoff of containment foam (sad my Mechashift Bola wouldn't work, but anyone got other ideas?).

Another random idea, more for equipping mooks almost which we currently lack, is a Deutrium-Flouride-Laser or similar methods, for a pain inducing nonlethal option. Assuming Brute's don't block it with a forcefield or some other means, it might be a way of taking down sturdy types who resist physical damage but aren't immune to pain or neural stimulation? (Looks like its mechanism is ablating surface to plasma...which somehow is a non-lethal application >_> and its radiation that applies pain to nerves, so might not work on sturdy types...any other DNI options for pain-based disabling to bypass Brutes?)

There'd been talk of Combat Drugs, maybe a potential reward for working well with Jotunn in this (I'm a bit sad he didn't say anything in passing as he left to Us, after Chevalier all but blew off his proposed plan)......... how can we leverage Tim and Dragon into some sort of enterprise that'd be able to poach Winter Hill from a life of Crime? Angel Dust is obvious for any sort of pharmecutical nonsense we think up, but Jotunn/Caileach/Firegirl/Catgirl all seem like mercenary security at best... and the Protectorate didn't much appreciate the Adepts doing that. Maybe taking their "more civilized crime boss" angle down to Africa to set up Wakanda in place of the warlords stated to be messing that region up? xD

The thing about that prior stuff though is we reaalllly reaallllly REALLY need to get Tim Exotic Physics like yesterday. But I think we'd need to do Four projects here, and Maclibuin's Device takes up 2 slots so we can only do 3?

Anyways, other topics..... gear! External equipment!! I've been dearly wanting to get Samantha some sort of upgrade to her bone-harpoon thing, and theres a lot of shiny shiny toys we could tempt Vista with rather than implant (though we have to consider PRT response.....may be a good idea to see how they react to her new arm xD) .

@Silently Watches could we pair a Meteor Hammer to maybe some sort of gauntlet-based generator, to electrify it with a Brute-quality stungun on impact? (Paired with Shredding Claw, naturally). And of course, theres still the Taser-Gauntlets option for poor Vista since we didn't give her force lightning built-in, as well as a proper Helmet to replace her current outfit's one (that could even be done subtly, would any but a Tinker notice most upgrades to it? Did Armsmaster never even share any toys?).

Or how about something like a Chain-Whip/Nine-Section-Whip, possibly a trick of mechashift letting it go from its flexible whip-format to a rigid stick? ( I don't suppose theres any way to do that with "Hard" Light, given the name....otherwise I'd suggest something like Lumiya's Lightsaber Whip for the hope of a more versatile spectrum between cut and bash or lesser weight).

Built-in-Radio (as close to Telepathy as we can get, since she isn't a Mage) , a coordination-AI like we made Tim specialized towards area-analysis and target-tracking (discount WAS), some "visual" sensors like Terahertz Radar or Ultrasound.... and of course theres still a possibility of giving Vista a Hard-Light-Spear like people had wanted (would it do much good in her non-brute arm though, paired with Shield?).

Really, anyone who doesn't already have a barrier jacket could stand to benefit from Power Armor, and possibly those with? (At times I think SW said that it'd be redundant and uneeded, but then that recently said it could be worn over the skin-tight-forcefield of the Jacket, soooo). But that definitely needs to wait until we poach Vista find a way to get the PRT to let her play more.

Maybe Samantha's Meteor Hammer, Vista's Combat Helmet, and Maclibuin's Device, for projects? I'd rather save Tim's tech points for buying Exotic Physics, even if we are one sad little point shy of it.... maybe someone could write a series of Omake-style-reactions of the Protectorate to increasingly crazy Tinkertoys Vista shows up with? :p Or a Tim-and-Dragon teleport date testing out her new body and possibly ability to eat and taste etc, while also testing teleport pads Or Tim working with Maclibuin on specifics of his Device, and Epoch's reaction to their struggle to make the barrier jacket not look like some mahou-shoujo outfit and similar antics?

Think of how much Exotic Physics might offer between Dragon and the potential to work closer with Angel Dust, or to rub Armsmaster's face in how much better a Tinker-pal we are for Vista and Dragon! :V
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Just not sure how to get a good Baba Yaga theme to airship other than Chicken-Leg Landing Gear :p
Well, Baba Yaga flew around in a cooking pot, so maybe that…? IDK
@Silently Watches could we pair a Meteor Hammer to maybe some sort of gauntlet-based generator, to electrify it with a Brute-quality stungun on impact? (Paired with Shredding Claw, naturally). And of course, theres still the Taser-Gauntlets option for poor Vista since we didn't give her force lightning built-in, as well as a proper Helmet to replace her current outfit's one (that could even be done subtly, would any but a Tinker notice most upgrades to it? Did Armsmaster never even share any toys?).
Yes, you can electrify a meteor hammer. Yes, you can apply Shredding Claw to it, though I would be less likely to allow that if it came with a gauntlet attachment.

If Tim were subtle, no one would notice immediately at least.
Or how about something like a Chain-Whip/Nine-Section-Whip, possibly a trick of mechashift letting it go from its flexible whip-format to a rigid stick? ( I don't suppose theres any way to do that with "Hard" Light, given the name....otherwise I'd suggest something like Lumiya's Lightsaber Whip for the hope of a more versatile spectrum between cut and bash or lesser weight).
The lightsaber whip is cool, but unfortunately hard light is rigid.
Or Tim working with Maclibuin on specifics of his Device, and Epoch's reaction to their struggle to make the barrier jacket not look like some mahou-shoujo outfit and similar antics?
:lol :rofl:
Mac: Hey, don't judge. I can rock a skirt like nobody's business.

Epoch: The skirt's fine. It's the lacy panties that worry me.
@Silently Watches : for the rust grenade idea, there really isn't any reason that a magical "grenade" has to be single use. We're not packing it with high explosives that will tear apart whatever it's made out of: Rather, it could generate a field or pulse from it that wouldn't effect itself, but would everything in the area, and then be out of charge until it's given time / a recharge hookup to replenish its energy. That would let you give one item for one slot, but have it be used one/fight rather than single use only. Or more than one/fight if someone has a way to recharge it quickly, such as one of Taylor's cartridges. Even if we were making a force/fire grenade, it could work the same way - if it actually detonated, there'd be no way to set it to non-lethal, after all, since shrapnel. We're just thinking single use object due to conventional ideas of grenades, and Bakuda going the same route as conventional bombs. Do you think that would work for it, or would you rather some number x of single use grenades that could be used in one combat or spread out / horded for a rainy day?