Yes, but having it as a domain spell is just more convenient. It's pretty fitting, too. Even if she's not a Cleric of Freedom (we all know Draconic Glory is so much better), she'll have the Liberation Domain.

And I think liberation is a thematic as all get, but she gets mb as part of her divine magician spell list, unless that's not domain available?

Anyway, my point is that we should add Heart of Earth to her prepared spells after this level up. Obviously not what is started meaning to convey, but I noticed HoE on her modified list :D

Edit: wouldn't mind reading a bit of interactions with Rhaella, just what she wants to do for a few hours.

And get Lya back into the narrative
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Attention conquest planners, and tactics voters.

The map of Tyrosh from DP's update is gone. Image is broken. The only way we can view it now is with @Azel's powerpoint.


Orange: Temple of Trios
Light Blue: Fountain of the Drunk God
Red: Temple of R'hllor
Violet: Sellsword Quarters
Dark Blue: Archon's Palace
Dark Brown: Known Entrances to the Catacombs (Cultist Presence)
Light Brown: Cultists

Missing: Bleeding Tower (Naval Headquarters?)

[X] Goldfish
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Yes, that's what she has Burning Hands for. She warms the egg with magical fire every night. I'm actually a bit surprised it hasn't hatched already.

I wouldn't be surprised if it requires a minimum CL so it actually starts doing anything but keeping the egg alive.

Remember that Ritual Canon Dany did, she threw herself, the corpse of a PC ranger, their unborn mutated child, and the witch responsible for it. That's a lot of HD and CL pur together
is anyone else for never allowing dany to marry? as the big brother we are danys future husband must be at least as strong as us. :p

the unborn dany baby is what made me think of it.
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Those are total skill mods, like in most statblocks.

Here are her current skills, minus her Intelligence bonus and the Skill Focus(Religion) feat. It totals up to 36 points, but as a 3rd level Archivist with a +2 Intelligence bonus she should have 42 points.
Knowledge Religion: +6; Diplomacy +6; Knowledge Local (Westerlands) +4; Knowledge (Arcana) +7; Heal +7; Spellcraft +6
On top of that, she shouldn't be able to have a +7 bonus in the Knowledge(Arcana) or Heal skills. And that's without assuming the +2 bonus from her Lore Mastery class feature hasn't been added to one of her Knowledge skills, which would mean she actually only has 34 points.
I wouldn't be surprised if it requires a minimum CL so it actually starts doing anything but keeping the egg alive.

Remember that Ritual Canon Dany did, she threw herself, the corpse of a PC ranger, their unborn mutated child, and the witch responsible for it. That's a lot of HD and CL pur together
Counterpoint: that was to enable the rebirth of magic (I.e., the dragons). So she sacrificed her unborn Ghengis Khan on top of everything else to do it.

Now, well, peasants can pick up magic.

But this makes me think: where does Relath come from? Did he fall from the plane of water or what?
Counterpoint: that was to enable the rebirth of magic (I.e., the dragons). So she sacrificed her unborn Ghengis Khan on top of everything else to do it.

Now, well, peasants can pick up magic.

But this makes me think: where does Relath come from? Did he fall from the plane of water or what?
The Deep Ones brought him over, through their own portal most likely.
Edit: Which we should ask the location of, he has to remember right?
The Deep Ones brought him over, through their own portal most likely.
Edit: Which we should ask the location of, he has to remember right?
He was through mindfucked during that time, so unlikely.

You know, it's funny to think about how a single extreme encounter roll of Dany and Viserys just flying around changed a lot. Relath was supposed to be Damphair's mount, or at least the mount for his simulacra.
Counterpoint: that was to enable the rebirth of magic (I.e., the dragons). So she sacrificed her unborn Ghengis Khan on top of everything else to do it.

Now, well, peasants can pick up magic.

But this makes me think: where does Relath come from? Did he fall from the plane of water or what?
You know, on second thought, this can be interpreted as an amazing Bloodborne reference.
Have we tried to look for the plane of water above us?
Oh mother Kos grant us eyes!
What a 20th level Dany would look like? Cleric 5/Dreamweaver 10/Contemplative 5?

Contemplative past 1 is kinda meh. I'd rather go for Divine Oracle, Loremaster, or Dracolyte.

(there's also Divine Disciple, Church Inquisitor, Earth Dreamer, and *sigh Dweomerkeeper but not really fitting)

[X] Artemis1992
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Sorry about not having the full legion write-up ready for Tyrosh. I was going to finish it, format it, and double check the math, yesterday and today, but our cat got ill, and we've had three vet visits in the last two days for her. She seems to be doing better, but between that and our house guests this weekend, I just don't have many free moments.

Another lesson in not permitting myself to procrastinate.
That way lies the maiden Vault, not the best targaryen to copy.
We can always use the tried and true "casually load a shotgun/play with the skull of a cornugon" when you meet his boyfriend.
we dont need a maiden vault she just needs a husband who is as strong as a dragon who will most likely be at least in epic levels if not divine rank 0 by the time shes the age to marry.
4th 6 4 2

She would normally only learn one, but someone we messed up her last level up, or DP left something off, because at level 4 she should know two 2nd level spells but only knows one currently. This level up is fixing that issue.

Also, she should only have three 1st level spells, but currently has four. Since she would be learning a new one at 5th level, leaving her 1st level spells alone this level up also fixes that.
She gets spells as a Pathfinder Bard, meaning two level 2 at 4 is correct. I'm not sure which table you are reading?

[X] Prepare for Tyrosh
-[X] Begin implementing previously planned preparations.

[X] Dany Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Dragonspeaker
-[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(the Planes), +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft

[X] Richard Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Spellcraft, +3 Knowledge(War)
-[X] Stance: Hearing the Air
-[X] Maneuver: Emerald Razor -> Moment of Alacrity
--[X] Change loadout: Swap Ruby Nightmare Blade for Moment of Alacrity

[X] Vaelana Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Magus
-[X] Skills (6 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Spellcraft, +2 Handle Animal
-[X] Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Focus(Spiked Chain)
-[X] Spells:
--[X] 2nd Level: Wraithstrike

[X] Theon Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Mystic Ranger
-[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge(Nature), +1 Knowledge(Religion), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Profession(Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Survival

[X] Asha Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Rogue
-[X] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Climb, +1 Intimidate, +3 KNowledge (Geography), +1 Profession(Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim,
-[X] Retrained Feat: Mobility >>> Two-Weapon Fighting

[X] Leila Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Archivist
-[X] Attribute: +1 Intelligence
-[X] Skills Rebuild(42 points; @DragonParadox, this is to fix her skills, which were pretty jacked up; she didn't have the correct number of points and they appeared to have been distributed incorrectly): +7 Concentration, +1 Craft(Leatherworking), +1 Craft(Metalworking), +5 Heal, +7 Knowledge(Arcana), +7 Knowledge(Religion), +7 Knowledge(The Planes), +7 Spellcraft
-[X] Retrained Feat: Skill Focus(Knowledge[Religion]) >>> Extraordinary Artisan

So, some differences:
Asha gets Knowledge Geography to prepare for her own eventual captaincy.
Valaena gets only one spell.
Dany starts on Dragonspeaker because otherwise she won't finish before 21.
Do we have enough for mass combat, given the currently stripped down state of the Legion?

[X] Artemis1992
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Apr 29, 2018 at 1:43 AM, finished with 184740 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Prepare for Tyrosh
    -[X] Begin implementing previously planned preparations.
    [X] Dany Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Contemplative
    --[X] Bonus Domain: Liberation
    -[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(the Planes), +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft
    [X] Richard Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
    -[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Spellcraft, +3 Knowledge(War)
    -[X] Stance: Hearing the Air
    -[X] Maneuver: Emerald Razor -> Moment of Alacrity
    --[X] Change loadout: Swap Ruby Nightmare Blade for Moment of Alacrity
    [X] Vaelana Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Magus
    -[X] Skills (6 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Spellcraft, +2 Handle Animal
    -[X] Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Focus(Spiked Chain)
    -[X] Spells:
    --[X] 2nd Level(x2): Stone Discus, Wraithstrike
    [X] Theon Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Mystic Ranger
    -[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge(Nature), +1 Knowledge(Religion), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Profession(Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Survival
    [X] Asha Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Rogue
    -[X] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Climb, +1 Intimidate, +1 Profession(Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim, +1 Tumble, +2 Listen
    -[X] Retrained Feat: Mobility >>> Two-Weapon Fighting
    [X] Leila Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Archivist
    -[X] Attribute: +1 Intelligence
    -[X] Skills Rebuild(42 points; @DragonParadox, this is to fix her skills, which were pretty jacked up; she didn't have the correct number of points and they appeared to have been distributed incorrectly): +7 Concentration, +1 Craft(Leatherworking), +1 Craft(Metalworking), +5 Heal, +7 Knowledge(Arcana), +7 Knowledge(Religion), +7 Knowledge(The Planes), +7 Spellcraft
    -[X] Retrained Feat: Skill Focus(Knowledge[Religion]) >>> Extraordinary Artisan
    [X] Prepare for Tyrosh
    -[X] Begin implementing previously planned preparations.
    [X] Dany Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Dragonspeaker
    -[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(the Planes), +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft
    [X] Richard Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
    -[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Spellcraft, +3 Knowledge(War)
    -[X] Stance: Hearing the Air
    -[X] Maneuver: Emerald Razor -> Moment of Alacrity
    --[X] Change loadout: Swap Ruby Nightmare Blade for Moment of Alacrity
    [X] Vaelana Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Magus
    -[X] Skills (6 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Spellcraft, +2 Handle Animal
    -[X] Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Focus(Spiked Chain)
    -[X] Spells:
    --[X] 2nd Level: Wraithstrike
    [X] Theon Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Mystic Ranger
    -[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge(Nature), +1 Knowledge(Religion), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Profession(Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Survival
    [X] Asha Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Rogue
    -[X] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Climb, +1 Intimidate, +3 KNowledge (Geography), +1 Profession(Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim,
    -[X] Retrained Feat: Mobility >>> Two-Weapon Fighting
    [X] Leila Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Archivist
    -[X] Attribute: +1 Intelligence
    -[X] Skills Rebuild(42 points; @DragonParadox, this is to fix her skills, which were pretty jacked up; she didn't have the correct number of points and they appeared to have been distributed incorrectly): +7 Concentration, +1 Craft(Leatherworking), +1 Craft(Metalworking), +5 Heal, +7 Knowledge(Arcana), +7 Knowledge(Religion), +7 Knowledge(The Planes), +7 Spellcraft
    -[X] Retrained Feat: Skill Focus(Knowledge[Religion]) >>> Extraordinary Artisan
    [X] Visit Amrelath and speak with him about the lore of dragons of old, ancient magics and knowledge brought through his unjust imprisonment.
    -[X] Ask him to start writing down the lore he knows
Do we have enough for mass combat, given the currently stripped down state of the Legion?

[X] Artemis1992

Yup. 2200 combat capable, less the 100 in Lys, and 100-200 left in SD (I forget what I argued there for deployment). Should be about ~2000 men in combat, then adding the sell-swords. Definitely mass combat, and we have the infantry and crossbow builds and how they fight in formation pretty firmly hammered out.

We're lacking the full plan and sheets for the whole legion and some details, particularly for describing the ideal "field" battle for a full legion, but Tyrosh isn't a field battle. I think DP has enough info to work it out. If my cat's condition doesn't worsen tomorrow, I plan on working on this right after my houseguests leave and can likely get a good draft up.

Also, are we sure we want to ignore Sarah? She's a level 7 Sorcerer, not an inconsequential asset at all.
@Diomedon Since you're talking about the starting drafts for the Legion, want to post those in-thread to be discussed as you start going over them? It might help you, but also, we sort of promised to do so.

Edit: As to Sarah, she said she didn't want to hurt people anymore, so I'm assuming she'd remain a non-combatant from this point. Though I get the point about her being optimized for noncombat roles.
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so out of the entire legion are we not going to get at least a few pc's cause extraordinary people have to appear every once in a while and what about our army leaders and our generals and the commander of the entirety of the legionaries what about them?

also not talking about capable people we put in a position of power just people who occasionally becoming extraordinary have to happen without any interference from us right?
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@Diomedon Since you're talking about the starting drafts for the Legion, want to post those in-thread to be discussed as you start going over them? It might help you, but also, we sort of promised to do so.

Oh, I was just going to post a draft to the thread once it's readable (we're so close to go time that it's not really workable to do most of it in the PM). Right now though it's one, giant, ungainly wall of text only formatted with some paragraph breaks with all context labeling in my head, followed by the sheets (which I think are lacking TNE's latest minor tweaking he was doing in the PM, and thus need updating again). Formatting it so it's readable on a forum (nested spoilers acting as headers, basically), making sure I'm TNE compliant and throwing up what I have so far is what I plan on doing first, (though I have a lot that I worked out on paper, or in my head and am in the process of typing up, so it'll seem like there's more work to be done still than there actually is, at first appearance). That wont be for...another 12 hours at best, more likely 16 hours.

And that's assuming my cat is doing okay. She seems on the mend, but still isn't eating which is concerning given how small she is and the fact she hasn't eaten since Thursday. Fingers crossed and all that jazz.
@Azel @Duesal @Massgamer @Takesis @Mormont @das_slash @Snowfire @TotallyNotEvil @Helo89 @bigbow
Just for information, if Dany doesn't start on Dragonspeaker now she won't finish it within regular levels.
Assuming we want to finish the Dreamer of course.
So please consider that before voting for Contemplative.

Also, are we sure we want to ignore Sarah? She's a level 7 Sorcerer, not an inconsequential asset at all.
It's not that we want to ignore her, just that making a vote for every level of 4th grade sidecharacters is a bit much.
I think for her it would make the most sense if someone just proposes a sheet that works for her and DP accepts it or not, it's not important enough to bring democracy into it.
It's not that we want to ignore her, just that making a vote for every level of 4th grade sidecharacters is a bit much.
I think for her it would make the most sense if someone just proposes a sheet that works for her and DP accepts it or not, it's not important enough to bring democracy into it.
I did that already. No-one seemed to have much of an issue with the final sheet.
Here's a sample build that she could have after a few months in Sorcerer's Deep (time spent healing and in the Scholarum where she might teach and she might learn some things from our Divine Casters and maybe even Lya (who's doing great at blending Divine and Arcane Magic). I'm giving her the Elite Array because she's level 7, which probably indicates an exceptional life).
Retraining needed: She'd have to retrain a few skill points and feats and then take the Domain Access ACF. Still, although doing this probably makes her pretty busy (and therefore unusable) for the next few months it's probably way faster than retraining 7 levels into Cleric levels.

Sarah the Healer: Human Sorcerer 7
HP: 26, Initiative: +0,
AC: 10, Touch: 10, buffed 22 (+8 natural armor from Alter Self, +4 Mage Armor)
Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +7,

STR 8, DEX 10, CON 13, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 16,

Feats: Able Learner, Still Spell, Flaw (noncombatant), Flaw (shaky), Versatile Spellcaster, Sculpt Spell, Touch of Healing, Arcane Disciple (Renewal),
ACF: Metamagic specialist (4 times per day, use Metamagic without increasing casting time), no familiar.
Skills: Concentration +11, Heal +7, Profession (Healer) +7, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Spellcraft +9,
Equipment: Everyday clothing, dagger,
Attack: N/A, BAB is +3, Flaws= -2 to melee and ranged attacks,

Spells Known (Spontaneous Caster):
Level 0: Arcane Mark, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Message, Mending, Read Magic, Prestidigitation (6/day)
Level 1: Grease, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Sleep, Charm Person, (7/day)
Level 2: Alter Self, Glitterdust, Lesser Restoration (Renewal Domain spell), (7/Day)
Level 3: Deep Slumber, Remove Disease (Renewal Domain spell) (5/day),
Note: Each day she can cast a maximum of once Renewal Domain spell of each level. They are Wis-based. As long as one is uncast, Touch of Healing can be used as an at will standard action and up to 1/2 of target's max HP. Each use heals 3 points of damage per level of the highest-level conjuration (healing) spell available.

Focus: She's a passable healer with a focus on AoE control/save-or-suck spells - she has a good selection of those and can use Sculpt Spell as a full-round action if needed. Mage Armor and Alter Self (and the Knowledge skills to know that Humanoids with +8 Natural Armor exist) give her a good AC for a long duration.
She's a decent AoE control sorcerer who can also heal all day and has access to some great healing spells in an emergency (Lesser Restoration, Remove Disease, even Reincarnate soon). And having a minor caster with access to Reincarnate means being able to sell de-ageing services to those rich enough to pay for components but too poor to pay for us to Bloodwish them into a human. But a young gnome is better than an old human, after all... And if they're lucky they'll land "elf" and get 300 extra years to live!

No, the real question was whether or not we should try to sacrifice something to turn her into a Cleric, or give her to Dany for training or whatever.
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Wait, actually Sarah is relevant. If DP accepts my new Scholarum mechanics, then an extra level 7 Sorcerer like Lya's Arcanums or Sarah for example could be very useful there. Extra full-time teachers enable either far larger student bodies (so more rolls) or better teaching of those we have (so bonuses to rolls like "how many level").

Although IC she mostly wants to heal, and so that might stop her from teaching. Damn. Well, we can always make a teaching Arcanum or two sometimes. Or have her come in as a guest teacher for a few weeks - DP said that she was looking for a job (well, for money) in SD after all, and that would also give us a small bonus to number of sorcerers trained.