[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)


[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)

We have a portion of the Guilds causing problems by attacking the new Crown Corporations. The masses need no placating. If anything, there is widespread support against the Guilds because we pinned our troubles during the war on them and they are literally firing in the streets.

It's not the thing with the guilds that is my problem. It's that Militancy is 4x happiness right now.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
I supported UMP option at first, but it's time to change my vote.

[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)

[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
Anything other than the Khem, Volis, or UPM is going to be bitterly resented, which creates too much of a danger of future problems. Meanwhile, the Khem are ancient allies with no love for the Syfranites. Get in with their officer corps and hand them a heroic leader and they'll clean up their slave problems before conquering half the continent, wedging the Mediterranean open, and using their position on the trade winds to limit European influence on the Americas, India, and the far East simultaneously.
Fuck it.

[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisorseffect (-1 Armies, +1SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri(0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisorseffect (-1 Armies, +1SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Isolated island (1.5x)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by HanEmpire on Mar 18, 2018 at 3:48 AM, finished with 4631 posts and 26 votes.
Didn't Napoleon escape his first exile to the island, return to France, take over again, and fight in the Battle of Waterloo before getting exiled again? It'seems more useful to send him to someone we want to be strong. Like maharatha.
Yes he escaped and fought at Waterloo, but how politically relevant was he after his initial exile? He wasn't. Once he was exiled to the middle of nowhere, nobody really cared about him anymore.

I don't really understand why you want to make any of these secondary powers strong. It isn't like this guy is just a instant strength bonus. He's a political exile, and anyone we send him to will take on his political views to a certain degree. That's a bad thing, because he was, you know, an enemy. It doesn't matter that he might escape and fight in a battle. That doesn't matter. Political isolation is the key here. Keeping his political views and machinations minimized as much as possible and removing a major variable from the board.

And don't spout the BS about enemy of my enemy or keeping your enemies closer. We have a good chance to shut him out of world politics and it should be taken. In ten years he will be irrelevant and in 20 entirely moot.
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[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisorseffect (-1 Armies, +1SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Isolated island (1.5x)

He must die bitter and alone.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisorseffect (-1 Armies, +1SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri(0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
I'm all for making the Khemetri a bit more Humanist. We ourselves are becoming more Humanist, and without that influence the Khemetri are going to become alien for our people. Let's change the Khem to be similar to us. Stewardship ho!
And if we are at 5 happiness then I may vote for a constitutional convention. Its just that we are at 2 now.

I can see where the fears are coming from. Our happiness is in the gutter.

Effin' 2.

Again: while currently true, this will stop being the case literally as soon as the new turn starts. We'll be at either 4 or 5 Happiness, depending on whether we get the boost from SoL > Consciousness (by 2+) before or after temp stats iterate. No action is needed on our part to bring this about.
It's the loss of armies that requires us to increase armies. The King was worried our armies would be too low if we sent help to the Khem. Better to be safe than sorry and address his worries.

Ah, okay, I follow. I don't agree, I think it's a relatively minor priority when the front page lists our current armies as "massive," but I see what you're saying. Your use of "so" in the initial statement was confusing, is all.
Aaaand anyone we send him to will also take on his political views to a certain degree. That's a bad thing.

Uh...why? The government he established seemed quite well-designed, all things considered. We only ended up at war with him because of a communication clusterfuck & excess Militancy. I mean, unless you're seriously saying that we should try and quash all ideological opposition to monarchy, which...why the fuck?
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
It's not the thing with the guilds that is my problem. It's that Militancy is 4x happiness right now.
Our Temp Stats have not regenerated/decayed yet. Our militancy will decrease due to decay and losing Humiliating Loss. Our happiness will regen. Our Consciousness will decrease significantly due to decay and Recent Integration finally ending, and our Standard of Living will be increased to 6, which increases our Happiness even further.

We could end up at 5-6 Happiness come Main Turn.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)

Our officers might learn something and we loose little, as prestige is very good.
I mean, unless you're seriously saying that we should try and quash all ideological opposition to monarchy, which...why the fuck?
Of course not. Opposition to us as Ymaryn in general?

Yeah. I see little point in letting the man amass power again when we could easily just exile and be done with him.

Wherever he is, he will be a focal point for Tortun resurgence, and whether or not he hates us, the Tortun people are certainly not happy with us. If he is exiled to an isolated island it is simply less opportunity for him to be made a rallying point.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)

I like to think that he'll sit there tapping his foot and in the end won't be able to resist correcting our guys.

Very excited about the guilds getting up to blatantly illegal stuff. Between that and the precedent we just established, we should be able to hit them hard.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)

Khemetri shall rise! I hope. We should send them DO sometime.

Also, folks, what do you think about sending Diplomatic Outreach to Nohon when we've dealth with the guilds to talk about colonies and whether they really care about them?

Alternatively, secure and alliance with New Hespanxaria and Rival Nohon, but tbh I do not want to rival them, seeing as they are on the other side of the planet and our supply line is literal ~6000 kilometers of wilderness.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)

Khemetri shall rise! I hope. We should send them DO sometime.

Also, folks, what do you think about sending Diplomatic Outreach to Nohon when we've dealth with the guilds to talk about colonies and whether they really care about them?

Alternatively, secure and alliance with New Hespanxaria and Rival Nohon, but tbh I do not want to rival them, seeing as they are on the other side of the planet and our supply line is literal ~6000 kilometers of wilderness.

I want to do DO to be best bud with Hung and do DO with Khem.

We should probably do DO with Khem first for maximal effect since we're hopefully sending Faron to the Khem along with our advisors.