By the way, we now have another achievement:
- wrecked the Illyrio-Tiamat alliance

I doubt he is going to be keen on rekindling that association after what it has cost him.
  1. Either with the company or out on smaller exploratory missions
  2. No idea about Illyrio's boltholes. Further Mudd certainly does not have a deep understanding of divination.
Alright. I am satisfied with the information we've gotten.
THere were two in here in Sallosh and we didn't kill any mages in Essaria.
Yep. We can send the Archons a gift basket for killing one mage, but there are still at least five running around at Illyrio's whims.

[X] Azel
So, neither he, nor any of sellswords left here have ever seen other wizards?
Welp, off a short plank he goes.
[X] Azel
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@DragonParadox, does Mudd know about any treasures that were stored here that weren't taken by Illyrio? And does he know anything of the nature of the undead of Sallosh, like what exactly the High Priest the Battlemage Cleric was trying to summon is?
@Duesal what was that spell that made a map of the most valuable thing something knew of?
@Azel i do want this guy dead, but maybe the plan should Also include talking to the men? Just to move things along.
Oh oh oh, @Azel we can also use him to make a preliminary check through remaining sellswords here - simply have him name least trustworthy, those with most crimes (or really heinous ones), basically reducing amount of time we have to waste by checking whom we can "trust" (they're sellswords, duh) and whom we cannot.
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"Not to mention the small matter that admitting how your extracted said confession will do your reputation little good"

Lie: Had him tortured. If we need to 'do magic' to make it believable, we took away his ability to lie first. There, no full on mind-control.

[X] Azel

With regard to the arbatairy: This man worked willingly with friends (true-ish: quasit), gave himself in truth to Tiamat (lie), and was a rapist. For the first two, he shall die. For the third crime, amnesty is offered to any who would [drop golden company banners/swear to me/something sensible], but know that any who do so again will be hanged, as is the law (not Viserys' law; the law ;) ).

Just some ideas.

Create Treasure Map – d20PFSRD

Yeah, don't cast near Waymar. It'll set of his allergies ethics.
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Also, @DragonParadox, there was mention of a power struggle between Illyrio and the Tiamat clerics, but there are only to Essarian clerics and they're both turtled. Are there any other clerics that Mudd is aware of? Perhaps a cleric that led them to Essaria in the first place? Or did Tiamat only rely on the Abishai for a time?
... Not sure. I probably would have remembered if we ever used it, but we haven't. I just know that it exists. @Goldfish @Artemis1992?
Ok, ty, i'll see if i can find It, i just wanted to see if we could a)Cast It vía Blood wish and b) if the remains of the Smith are a viable target.
Create Treasure Map – d20PFSRD
It seems we only need a part of the body, preferably from its skin. So... Maybe? @TotallyNotEvil did DP ever answer your question about restoring the body?
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"No, he kept away from such dangerous knowledge for his own safety." Ugh.

Does that actually work? I mean, I thought that only applied to sensitive information that people might want to rip from your head and the Far Realm...

Wilful ignorance in the belief the it will keep you safe. Damm, that's a greater enemy than quasits, imps or even the broad-sides-of-barns

edit: again:
Create Treasure Map – d20PFSRD

the remains of the smith are a nice idea. Make whole and Ancestral Awakening should do it if possible.
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@Azel a little theatre might be better than disappearing him. Having him name the worst among the company present (there are always a few) and those most enthusiastic about Tiamat, bind him and order him to be silent and walk as if injured, and hang him with the rest would work, both with the GC, and with our party. Dany knows we're interrogating him, and Lya in particular will wont miss it.
"Not to mention the small matter that admitting how your extracted said confession will do your reputation little good"

Lie: Had him tortured. If we need to 'do magic' to make it believable, we took away his ability to lie first. There, no full on mind-control.

[X] Azel

With regard to the arbatairy: This man worked willingly with friends (true-ish: quasit), gave himself in truth to Tiamat (lie), and was a rapist. For the first two, he shall die. For the third crime, amnesty is offered to any who would [drop golden company banners/swear to me/something sensible], but know that any who do so again will be hanged, as is the law (not Viserys' law; the law ;) ).

Just some ideas.

Create Treasure Map – d20PFSRD

Yeah, don't cast near Waymar. It'll set of his allergies ethics.

Would that work with the dead wizard's ashes/dust/remains?
Mantarys embassy? Some sand for long distance communication. In case they find some mysterious army of looters we should known about.
I vote we call It "embassy of his Royal majesty viserys targaryen, savior of the city, you ungrateful birds"
Certainly. You might even be able to organize a magical exchange since they have probably gotten a training system for clerics up and may be branching into arcane magic, according to what Xor saw last.
It's not like we don't plan on annexing Mantarys anyway.

The archons are sorely mistaken if they think we just let them take all the credit for our hard work just like that.
It's not like we don't plan on annexing Mantarys anyway.

The archons are sorely mistaken if they think we just let them take all the credit for our hard work just like that.
They seems to be doing a good job of looking after our city, they should stay in charge once our borders reach them.
The only real change should be the sudden and unwelcome return of the taxman.