We are only on the 4th day of the 5 days we allotted ourselves for the Shaitan escort mission, and we have 2 more days of wiggle room after that before we cut into anything else scheduled.

We can easily spend 2 days here now. There is stuff we want to get done; visit a holy place and get healed, look into curse breakers, do some shopping, etc.
Curse-breakers and shopping are way up there for me.

I want to make that Cornugon's Spiked Chain 100 % safe to give to Valaena. And I'm super excited about what DP'll let us encounter in the market.
Or he pays through the nose for it. I'm completely against charity on this subject and will fight to the death over it.
Rhaenys is ours, though, not Doran's. She's a Targaryen and thus under our jurisdiction, not the Martell's.

EDIT: It's only charity if we're giving her to the Martells, and we most certainly are not.
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[X] Yes (All your trade goods totaling 27,000 Gold worth of trade goods for 30,000 Gold worth of various reagents and 6,000 Scepters)
Curse-breakers and shopping are way up there for me.

I want to make that Cornugon's Spiked Chain 100 % safe to give to Valaena. And I'm super excited about what DP'll let us encounter in the market.

Rhaenys is ours, though, not Doran's. She's a Targaryen and thus under our jurisdiction, not the Martell's.

EDIT: It's only charity if we're giving her to the Martells, and we most certainly are not.

He can wait for Dany. It's not just the money, it's the time aqquiring the scroll.

Frankly, she is not worth the expense, and I'll fight resurrecting her just as much if anyone decides we need yet another person to sponge up our valuable time and resources.
Who said anything about Doran? Rhaenys is a Targaryen. But mostly I was putting the cash reward for this huge planar market into context, not actually suggesting we get another scroll.
Yes Rhaenys is a Targaryan, which is why we will resurrect her at cost once Dany learn resurrection, but there's no reason to hurry with her resurrection, she's almost surely in a good afterlife, and there's no political pressure on us to resurrect her, so she can wait until Dany is high enough level.

Heck if Doran wont pay I will vote to pay for the diamond ourselves, but it's not time sensitive, so there's no need to get a scroll.
I am very confused. Having read the last two updates, I don't see where this voting option came up or where scepters became a thing?
So, is it just me, or "To Trade in Halls of Gold" is showing up as "Lady of the Silver Tower"? The threadmark reads I'm looking at "To Trade", the page is the correct one. But the text is a copy of "Lady of the Silver Tower".

This is the weirdest bug.
[X] Yes (All your trade goods totaling 27,000 Gold worth of trade goods for 30,000 Gold worth of various reagents and 6,000 Scepters)
Frankly, she is not worth the expense, and I'll fight resurrecting her just as much if anyone decides we need yet another person to sponge up our valuable time and resources.
Most likely Doran will pay for the resurrection, and she will live with Elia in Dorne, I doubt Doran would think 2000 IM is too much to pay to get his niece back.
[X] Yes (All your trade goods totaling 27,000 Gold worth of trade goods for 30,000 Gold worth of various reagents and 6,000 Scepters)

Are we capable of forging dragonglass dust into useful items? Better to take a monthly trip through the mirror with a dustpan and brush* than show up at the bazaar again.

*air elemental and wheelbarrow
So, we'll be using resurrection scroll next turn of this turn? A single-day action if I ever saw one, but then again, we'll likely need a lot of time to get Dorne into being a sensible ally.

[X] Yes (All your trade goods totaling 27,000 Gold worth of trade goods for 30,000 Gold worth of various reagents and 6,000 Scepters)
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