- Location
- Germany
We can just pop home and let Lya throw one up.
We can just pop home and let Lya throw one up.
Another thing to note is that, should we make trade deals, we should definitely bring up the Xorn and make sure they get a decent cut.
Standing by your allies and being fair to them is always good in negotiations, especially with Lawful Lawful Shaitans.
I don't think this is a good moment to ask for directions. We can just ask the majordomo on our way out.
Zanira: "I know it's a bit rude, but... your soul seems slightly singed."Yeah, we can do that later. Though uh... our burny-ness is probably pretty obvious, given the bad voodoo attached to it.
I can't imagine she'd allow her guest to sit through a dinner while being half crisped defending her House's interests and scion.
I don't get the "lamps set to daze in" phrasing.Rather than lamps set to daze in with the glitter of gold, silver, and gems there aretorch scones holdingthere are
though that is hard to read given the heritage of the spirit touched._His clothes
"Pierced by", maybe?
rich and vivid history: portraits and sculptures, broken weapons taken from foes, and even illusory images of great triumphs and honors
DragonParadox said:Perhaps to help draw attention from her closest friend, or perhaps simply because however changed she still enjoys attention Glyra takes her true shape and introduces herself grandly: "Glyra, Greatest Gremlin in the World... Worlds," after a short pause she adds. "Probably the nicest one too."
Heh. Can't say I'm happy with the outcome of that vote myself.Finding yourself at last in need of introductions you are struck by indecision uncommon to your nature.
I would like to add that I'm inordinately proud that we can go even to the Opaline Vault, a major planar metropolis, and still weird out the locals with our party.
Heh. Can't say I'm happy with the outcome of that vote myself.
@Azel I like your phrasing on the new vote but I find it lacking in substance. We decline material rewards, reveal that we're a ruler in our own right (of an unspecified realm), and say all we want is friendship. Which we should already have, though I understand that stressing it carries different connotations. But what form is that friendship going to take, other than not being an outright alliance? This feels like we're deferring any real decisions to the next vote... again.