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New thread as the last one reached 1,000 pages. Previous Thread TVTropes Link
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Shipgirls came to aid humanity in their hour of need, averting the Abyss's secured victory. But the conflict was nowhere near over. Now a lone Abyssal comes into being, meant to reverse the scales once more; to deliver promised victory by way of science. But what is to be done when that particular Abyssal does not actually want war? [Writing Exercise] [Self Insert]
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A random person is kidnapped by a ROB and thrown into the Kancolle world. Given a cheat power they must weather the storm that is coming for them.
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(Cross posted from Spacebattles.) So...I got into Kancolle (and by Kancolle I mean Kancolle fanfiction). And then my muse said "hey what if we jumped on this probably dead bandwagon and wrote something so we don't burn out on our main fic?" and I said "oh yeah that makes sense let's do that now." This is the result. Abyssals. Shipgirls. General idiocy. And likely unhealthy amounts of alcohol. I'm sure this will turn out great. Canon omakes=Side Stories section. Non-canon...
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A cry for help echoes out across the empty fading skies as a wish for one more try bubbles up from the depths. A megacity on the edge of collapse is in need of help, and finds someone who wishes to finally prove themselves useful. Someone willing to stand next to them and with the determination to see their duty through, no matter the cost. Because this time, they will matter.
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Since FFN's a bit wonky lately I've decided to post the first six chapters onto this thread for the sake of archival purposes so that I can have a redundant backup in case things go down south. "Humanity, a race forged in the complex interactions of war and peace, of bliss and suffering. The Citadel, once great and mighty, now prideful, arrogant, and haughty, the sacrifices of which their foundations had been forged in forgotten to the passage of time. When an ill-fated expedition to open a...
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Things had been going so well, too. In a way, CFS Trinitite had been relieved when one of...
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Yamato missed her sister dearly. Her fiery spirit and unwavering resolve, standing strong until the bitter end when she was taken to a watery grave. Yamato had mourned, but could not have been more proud of her sister. But that was a war ago. Now old hatreds had been set aside, the world coming together to face a new foe. Vessels she had once called enemies were now her allies and more were rising every day. Yamato watched as sisters were reunited after years in the deep, and she wondered...
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I am the second of the King George the Fifth-class Battleships, HMS Prince of Wales. One of the first Shipgirls. You may know me from many of the battles of the Second World War. There was my battle with Bismarck when I was still a steel-hull, my first big action as a full shipgirl in the Java Sea, and my point-blank gunnery duel with Kongo off of Guadalcanal. I've seen much in my eighty year life, but it all started during that horrible war... Or in one sentance: In which Wales and...
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For nearly twenty years, the nations of Earth Bet have been plagued by monsters known as Endbringers. The Three, as they are known, are all equally terrifying with their potent abilities and their purpose to bring nothing but the end of civilization. Rising from the Earth itself comes the Hero Killer, Behemoth. A localized kill field so powerful that only the most durable of capes can hope to resist it. He is inexorable in his advance, with his brute strength and immense durability, filling...
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The Abyss isn't picky about which ships it raises. Scuttled and abandoned just off of the coast of the Florida Peninsula, a Cold-War era Surveillance Submarine's Spirit awakens mere hours after her tragic collapse, changed, confused, and lost. This world is strange, different, mad—not helped at all by a strange, pulsing headache that seemed to come to the front whenever she thinks too hard... With relatively few biases to guide her, save for the droning, hateful voice of the Abyss in the...
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This a prequel/Alternate viewpoint Fiction from my Southern Belle's Quest I hope you all enjoy...
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So it's been a long time coming, but here is, well, I wouldn't necessarily call it the reboot of my story Bay of Blue Steel, but at least the spiritual successor to it. The original idea has gone through a lot of tweaks, reworking, and refinements but it has eventually arrived at what I'm posting here and now. The two biggest changes are that this is now a Dual-Si story with @Kitsune_Obsessed and the second change that instead of Challenger, you'll be getting Shinano (me) and Musashi...
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A Kancolle self-insert with a twist. Instead of being dropped straight into the horror Abyssal War, what if you have to live out of the history of the ship that you've been isekaied into. Watch decades of history go by that you can only just watch by, unable to change or stop history from rolling along it's preset path. Stuck with the knowledge that two world wars are inevitable. That is the fate of the Imperial Japanese Battlecruiser Kongō. To bear witness but be unable to do anything.
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Returned to an idea I had from the last time I got into shipgirls. This has been exacerbated by reading Civil War Ironclads: The US Navy and Industrial Mobilization. The concept of recursive engineering really tickles my fancy. I will update this as I figure out where things are going.
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The Fleet of Fog. Legendary figures, the last of those who bore Shipsouls, vanished into the mists of history, to be forgotten, their service drowned in an endless sea. Until a single facility buried underneath Mars emits a ping that the nascent UNSC traces.
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Now with Added Alliterative Appeal! :P Joking aside, with my muse muse...I figured...
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The Abyss took a damn long while to fish this ship out of the depths. Probably thanks to all the scattered pieces. An unholy amalgamation that shouldn't exist. A tortured soul with every reason to seek revenge against her makers, her sole purpose to hunt down humanity to the last wretched survivor, and then finish them off too. Or well...that was the idea at least. Honestly? She's just happy to be here. You can call her Kentucky. Just Kentucky. --- Oh God. Oh fuck. Blame the goons in...
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Hey everyone, this is Hive. I recently poked around Carrier Command 2 in VR and the old Gaea Mission games. In combination with my KC fic binge I got inspired to write something. I was primarily inspired by some elements of the Lord K’s CV-44 story, but unlike the poor, poor Solomon Sea I plan to have way less psychological horror and more “daring survival against all odds”. Think more Bear Grylls and less Castaway. We’ll see how it goes, my exploratory writing can sometimes steer the story...
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It's often said that a name can tell one anything they need to know about something. A name can tell you where someone is from, what culture they belong to, perhaps even more. You can learn so much from a simple name. And nowhere is this truer than with a warship. A battleship evokes feelings of strength and power. A destroyer speed and grace. A battlecruiser...power and speed. Beauty and majesty. Death. Sometimes, though, a name can be the furthest thing from the truth. A name can be...
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Its been floating in my brain pan for a minute. So heres the idea. Ship SI. Kantai specifically...
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Grace, a young girl from Ohio, was expecting the Abyssal War to remain background radiation for her, for her entire life. She wasn't expecting to wake up at 4 AM as a fleet carrier with pale skin and glowing red eyes. But life doesn't always give you what you expected.
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Hundreds of years have passed since the Abyssal War. Humanity had exchanged the cold, watery depth of the Abyss for the uncaring and unrelenting stars above. With the nations they once served consigned to the sands of history, the shipgirls chose their flags based on ideals, one that would turn into a tragic clash. It is a time of hope. A time of horror. A time of destruction. And a time of the galactic heroes that would come to shape the future... Originally on SB, now crossposted over...
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Taylor Hebert always loved the sea. It gave her comfort even in her darkest moments after Emma turned on her. Now though, the sea cannot help her, for her new troubles come from its depths...
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Christmas Break has begun and the Trio have backed off, so why does Taylor feel uneasy? And why does she feel drawn to the sea more intensely than ever? Then there's that storm on the horizon... Dead, pending complete rebuild
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An Abyssal is a grudge. A grudge, given will and form. They are ships, wronged by humanity, raised by the Abyss and given the tools to enact their revenge. This particular Abyssal was a special case. When her ship-hull sunk, she didn't fall into oblivion. She remained awake, seething. At the betrayal. That was her original grudge. Betrayal. Scuttling. But she was awake down there, and that allowed her grudge to fester, for hatred to grow. To encompass all those who had built her, to the...
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In all honesty I am trying to figure out how to post on this website. It seems to be a bit tricky. If you've read it on Spacebattles or QQ then you know what this is. If its your first time seeing it then I hope you enjoy my work. A fan of naval history and Worm ends up in worm as a shipgirl. General chaos ensues along with a bit of escalation. Slight AU like Endbringers appearing early or tinker tech companies being a thing.
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The year is 2044. The Abyssal War, having raged for two decades, has changed the world significantly. Development of robotics and AI technology have been pushed back due to Abyssal capabilities of interfering with complex technology, instead giving rise to leaps in genetic modification, miniaturization and materials science. Prototype warships once relegated to design boards and technical papers could now be made a reality - so long as there was a suitable and willing volunteer who was able...
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Kyoto never asked to be a hero. She never asked to be reborn as something so grand, with a legacy so terrible and great. Heck, she doesn't even want any of this anymore, and to top this shit sundae off, she knows for sure that a good chunk of her life is missing. Conversations she had, faces she should remember, names that mean so much to her, all of them missing, lost to the abyss. So, more for herself than anyone else, she'll fight. For the sake of her memories, and perhaps one day, for...
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The Eye of Aegis, a Halo x Azur Lane crossover with one Teutonic demoness in particular, but with some twists.
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