Fall of the Citadel, a Mass Effect and KanColle crossover (crossposted for the sake of archival

They actually deliberately dropped the cloakfields as they were escorting the HVT out, since they needed to cover her effectively, and if they cloaked themselves, everyone would've focused their fire on what they saw as an unarmed slave who was suddenly walking around the base as if she owned the place. Decloaking meant that there would be five humans with rifles trained upon them to escort the HVT, thus prompting everyone else to focus their fire on them as opposed to the HVT...

No no it happened before they got to asari in repair shop. Here is the relevant part:

Glancing around the place, Shigure motioned for them all to leave, only for fate to play on them a rather cruel and unusual practical joke on them, to say the least, when what seemed to be the alien's equivalent to a wrench got dropped down from above, a fairly common occurrence in such a workplace, but as fate would have it, the metal tool struck Javelin in the head, the helmet she wore and her shields taking the brunt of the impact and leaving the foot-long piece of metal to ping harmlessly onto the ground below, but it also had the rather unpleasant side effect of causing her cloaking field to collapse, effectively blowing their cover to smithereens.


Fubuki, finding that with Javelin's cloak gone essentially meant that their cover was now compromised, had decided to take the initiative before the enemy could, decloaking in an instant with her rifle raised before firing off three quick shots in rapid succession, nailing two aliens and painting the vehicles they were working on in alien gore and causing a tower of stacked crates to fall over, crushing at least two more. Erin and Shepard joined the fights moments later with battle rifles raised and ready, a pair of 7.62x64mm rounds sending another alien off to meet his gods early as well as piercing a neat little hole in a fuel tank on the far end of the place, sending leaking pressurized hydrogen from the tank spraying out in a mist that ignited itself on the .300 Arisaka round's TBX filler, engulfing the far end of the place in flames from the hydrogen igniting. Shigure decloaked shortly afterwards, joining the fray as she fired off a burst of 7.62x40m rounds from her own assault rifle, nailing another technician on the head and painting the vehicle he was working on gore. Javelin decloaked herself moments later, readying her sniper rifle and lining up a shot before pulling the trigger, sending a 14.5x115mm round across the place at hypersonic speeds into the center mass of another mechanic and turned him into a gory mist.

If you check it you will see that Javelin drops ger cloack twice. Once by getting hit with a falling wrench and once by dropping it.

also I do hope you got better with overly large repiting descriptions
I wonder if the new technology is equivalent in practice or only just on paper.

It's also amusing how the Citadel considers non-mass effect technology a dead end, when in fact it really is the opposite.

Even more amusingly they consider a civilisation that is at war to slow the development of war technologies (ahh yes, let us make the humans and Batarians fight, in the end their technological development will fall behind us.. what do you mean they decided on a peace treaty during which time the elite Batarians armies are going to farm us for slaves?) Which is the exact opposite of what human history showed us.
I wonder if the new technology is equivalent in practice or only just on paper.
It is equivalent in practice, actually. The Council isn't run 100% by drooling idiots. They're just fresh out of a period of stagnancy, and thus are playing catchup
It's also amusing how the Citadel considers non-mass effect technology a dead end, when in fact it really is the opposite
They still recognize navitasium systems for their worth, actually. But they have no experience or technological base to work off from the start (tell a steampunk civilization to reverse engineer a radar set), which meant that they had to adapt their own current tech base to match that of the humans (dimensional submarines notwithstanding)
It is equivalent in practice, actually. The Council isn't run 100% by drooling idiots. They're just fresh out of a period of stagnancy, and thus are playing catchup
Ahh I think you misunderstood what I meant about "on paper". I didn't mean a fake specifications. I meant an untested system that looks good in the design phase and as seperate components, but has issues that become apparent when it goes under stress.

Those issues don't even need to be with the system itself. They could be in logistics issues. Such as the new technology requiring specific fabrication facilities. Facilities that are on the other side of the galaxy and needed for production of more ship/weapons. Or requiring training that takes years.

Electronic warfare has also seen a significant revamping and overhaul compared to before. Networked VIs have been made present on all ships, closely working in conjunction with each other, processing vast amounts of data at paces far faster than conventionally possible and permitting ships extremely good situational awareness, having reaction times and OODA envelopes comparable to even human or Geth ships, with their own AI-linked AEGIS. While offensive cyberwarfare capabilities remain limited compared to the likes of human or Geth ships, defensive cyberwarfare capabilities has become extremely cutting-edge in comparison, adapting to intrusions in real-time to defend the computer systems of Citadel warships against hacking attacks from even AI-equipped hostiles
I think I have the most issues with the saturation of VI, but supposed increased cyber defences. That seems like impossible for the Citadel with their anti AI bias. The saturation of VI adds backdoors and points of failure.

A VI that can have a protracted fight with a military AI is an AI at that point. Which means that it's only a matter of time, before their "adapting to intrusions in real-time" not-AI (trust us) identifies itself as an AI and makes a basic calculation (AI + Citadel = Dead AI. AI + Humans = Alive AI) and defects. Unless they decided to go full on wetware and the system architecture is just made off the Matriarchs' enemies brains (it's not AI! We are just testing new biological technology!). Which has its own issues.
Huh why does the council seem committed to going to war with humanity eventually? Also why would they think humanity will reach the limit of mass effect technology and that it would offer them a advantage?

I would like to see the abysalls attack the council at some point lol
Was the last part still a simulation or did the Abyssals crashed the training exercise? Because I don't think simulated battle in real warships simulate spacing the crew.
Aight, I gotta be real with you my dude. The story is great, and easily one of the best takes on Citadal Antagonism I've seen in a fic. I have no complaints about your writing.

Your "prologue," however, on a casual google search, has twice the word count of the average paperback full length Sci Fi novel. Calling all of this the prologue at this point is completely disingenious and likely somewhat offputting for a new reader. Please, just call this book one. Or hell, call it book one and book two, it is not even a slight exaggeration to say you've written two whole ass books at this point.

Tolkien's Fellowship of the Ring is 177k words, for reference.
Well, this should help human PR among the people. For all the elites of the Citadel may whinge and whine, thousands of soldiers, shopkeepers, factory workers, and farmers are going to get back family thought long lost. And they will be furious with terminus and the batarians for what they did.
Question: In what direction should the future chapters go, following the events of the Theshaca arc? As in the events that will build-up to the events of ME1

Also: We see Citadel fleetgirls during the Reaper arc, yes or no?
Question: In what direction should the future chapters go, following the events of the Theshaca arc? As in the events that will build-up to the events of ME1

Also: We see Citadel fleetgirls during the Reaper arc, yes or no?

Batarian Civil War in the way of Syria and Lebanon, and if there are any Citadel Shopgirls, I'd rather they be biased towards humans because goddamn, the Citadel is stupid and incompetent.

And brainwashed for the Reapers.
Question: In what direction should the future chapters go, following the events of the Theshaca arc? As in the events that will build-up to the events of ME1

Also: We see Citadel fleetgirls during the Reaper arc, yes or no?
Direction? The Asari secrets getting exposed. The "wisest" race who made a law about sharing Promethean stuff and kept the best database for themselves while only using it to keep an extremely minor edge in science.
All the other political and financial underhand stuff they did to keep the other races in their place.

Citadel fleetgirls, would be better to appear after the Abyssal forces attack them for the first time.