Fall of the Citadel, a Mass Effect and KanColle crossover (crossposted for the sake of archival

So the Batarians are going to attack someone. I am unsure if that's going to be the Raloi or humans. It could also be the Council because unlike humans they have been consistently showing themselves as a joke. Their response to slaver raids, their response to the humans and their response to the Krogans leaving. Then the argument for attacking humans is that they made the Batarians look weak and vengeance must be taken. Additionally, gaining their technology would open up a lot of star systems.

If it's the humans I expect the human response to consist of VIOLENCE (and the destruction of the Batarians as the Council knows them) and by somehow blaming the Council for the Batarian's attack. After all, Council citizens made those weapons and ships and gave them to Batarians for free. What do you mean by slaves? The Council doesn't allow slaves and your past statements make it 100% clear that those slavers weren't part of the Batarian government.
Ohhhh look the Citadel was short sighted again. Thought I am worried about what problems will appear since currently both the humans and the citadel are in the set up stage and shit hasn't yet hit the fan.
While I kinda sorta am....grumpy....about the Blue bitches = Space America, I'll leave it at that. Mild grumpiness.

Meanwhile the revelation about the Drell?

Oh that is hilarious as to how badly that will crap all OVER the Citadel.


Although, as a suggestion?

Have the QUARIANS be the ones whom supply 49% of the evacuation ships.

Then you aren't just hitting the Citadel, but you're hitting way way way below the belt w/ a knuckleduster. Their media would crucify anyone for even daring to apply a negative light to that situation.


And I saw that Azur Lane cameo...

I did insert an Azur Lane cameo? Sorry for this weird response, but I didn't have any recollection of sticking Azur Lane into this chapter...
...you mean that time where Anderson was referring to the SSV Zuikaku?
The quartz 'cubes', and the fractal layout inside of them, sound awfully like a certain item from Azur Lane, needed to summon shipgirls.
The quartz 'cubes', and the fractal layout inside of them, sound awfully like a certain item from Azur Lane, needed to summon shipgirls.
Oh, sorry. I totally forgot Wisdom Cubes existed lol
...however, navitasium/gravitite is a nod to Hieda no Ankyū's work Ambience: A Fleet Symphony (navitasium cubes in there also have similar properties btw, but they were made out of literal magic spells). Blud probably did take inspiration, for his cubes, in turn, from Wisdon Cubes...lol

Unreliable, jams at the drop of a hat, expensive, and stopped dead by modern body armor?

You're talking the M16, especially the first couple ones that had a direct intake piston. Although any 21st century gun would be a joke to 23rd century equipment for that matter, yeah
I am unsure about how the lawsuit is going.
Are the Quarians actually stating that their goal is the deletion of geth? Or is it geth PLATFORMS? Because from what I understand it's the Asari that are saying that the Quarians are saying it. Especially with the Quarians refusing to comment to the news. Additionally if it was what they said inside the Citadel then there is good evidence that it was an ultimatum given by the Council (e.g. as long as the Geth exist you won't be a council race. Also no planets for you). This is further supported by the original disaster being partially caused by the Citadel and it's stupid laws. Which if I remember correctly the Geth have evidence of (including evidence showing that some Quarians were fighting with them against the action).

Both the Humans, Geth and Quarians are going to have amazing PR from what they are currently doing with the Drell evacuation. If the Quarians and Geth are able to work together it will also be evidence against the would be lawsuit.
I am unsure about how the lawsuit is going.
Are the Quarians actually stating that their goal is the deletion of geth? Or is it geth PLATFORMS? Because from what I understand it's the Asari that are saying that the Quarians are saying it. Especially with the Quarians refusing to comment to the news. Additionally if it was what they said inside the Citadel then there is good evidence that it was an ultimatum given by the Council (e.g. as long as the Geth exist you won't be a council race. Also no planets for you). This is further supported by the original disaster being partially caused by the Citadel and it's stupid laws. Which if I remember correctly the Geth have evidence of (including evidence showing that some Quarians were fighting with them against the action).

Both the Humans, Geth and Quarians are going to have amazing PR from what they are currently doing with the Drell evacuation. If the Quarians and Geth are able to work together it will also be evidence against the would be lawsuit.
The Migrant Fleet is stating that their ultimate goal is the deletion of Geth as a whole, IIRC, in canon, largely because they wanna revenge themselves upon their creations for driving them out of their homeworld in the first place (ayo RECLAIMATIOOOOON!!!!).
Why the quarians went ape shit on the Geth in the first place remains kinda suspect, however. The Council could force the quarians into it, or the quarians got cold feet and jumped the gun, or even both. I'll be looking at your points as I craft the next chapter, though

And yeah, the drell operation is going to be a very OP PR sensation indeed...

"As the relevant arguments have been already presented and debated, we, the Supreme Court of the Systems Alliance, will withdraw to..." How began, only to trail off as a notification popped into the computer terminal (basically a laptop on his desk) in front of him. He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before looking up. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to inform you that we have an interruption."

"An interruption?" Rael'Zorah, Admiral of the Migrant Fleet, repeated. "What sort of interruption? What is the cause?"

How ignored him. "Prosecutor Barents, I don't think that it is appropriate to request an additional witness at this stage."

"Yes, I understand," Mark Barents, Prosecutor, responded as he rose to his feet. "Despite that, however, I offer my objection to this; the reason why is because the witness has information that is pertinent to the case, and could potentially affect the judgment, and thus, the outcome."

"Very well, I will review it. Ambassador..." How trailed off mid-sentence as he read the name—and title—of the witness in question as her name and profile came into full view. "We will allow it."

Barents smirked, while the defense counsel shot the Prosecutor a look of annoyance.

"I'm sorry, but may I ask who is the witness in question?" Tali asked.

"You'll see, Miss Zorah." How nodded to the guard. "Please show her in."
Aight, obviously I don't know how the Systems Alliance legal system is structured, but if this has happened in the US, this would be what we would call a Constitutional Crisis, necessitating extreme, unprecedented measures to resolve if it were at all possible, such as the forceful replacement of the entire Supreme Court and redoing the entire trial with a new set of Justices. Which might not be possible because no branch of government has the authority to undo the supreme court blatantly ignoring basic, centuries old judicial procedures.

You cannot under any circumstances introduce new evidence in any form mid trial, and certainly not just before final deliberations. This is not a quirk of the US legal system, it is a deliberate response to the millenia old trick of tyrants jailing people they want jailed by introducing new "evidence" without warning or review if it looks like they're losing. All evidence must be gathered and entered into the record before the trial even begins, with both sides having the opportunity to view all evidence and make their objections up front. Any deviation from this is grounds for declaring an immediate mistrial. This is particularly galling because the technology available ensures Eve should have been contacted long before the trial began and arrangements been made months in advance, with multiple plans to present testimony depending on her availibility.

The Supreme Court doing this would be completely unprecedented and throw the entire legal system into doubt, and there is no formal mechanism to undo such blatant, open, unrepentant corruption at that level. Hence, Constitutional Crisis. There is no resolution that does not involve further breaking of the law and setting dangerous precedents. The Supreme Court needs to be immune to any and all retaliation from the other branchs of government to fulfill it's often antagonistic role, yet allowing the government to perform one of the oldest judicial tyranny tricks in history is utterly antithetical to the Judicial System's purpose.

Maybe the Systems Alliance is structured differently. I don't know. I do know that the reasons the current system is structured the way it is will not change.
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Maybe the Systems Alliance is structured differently. I don't know. I do know that the reasons the current system is structured the way it is will not change.
That's a valid point; I myself based this chapter roughly off it's counterpart in The Fourth Council Race (as I explained before) and was mostly at a loss otherwise as to this particular bit regarding trials. I'll keep this in mind later on, and perhaps rewrite that segment later on as I find the time to.

Thanks for the R&R, that proved quite helpful~

EDIT: I edited the chapter lol
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I'm a bit rusty regarding Mass Effect. Does Collector technology have the same corrupting effect as Reaper technology? I remembered the Batarians getting corrupted, but it was by a Reaper.
It's good that the Salaraians able to detect the mind control signal, but it seems the Batarians doesn't have the same ability.
I'm a bit rusty regarding Mass Effect. Does Collector technology have the same corrupting effect as Reaper technology? I remembered the Batarians getting corrupted, but it was by a Reaper.
It's good that the Salaraians able to detect the mind control signal, but it seems the Batarians doesn't have the same ability.
They don't, AFAIK. But apparently they do have something meant to indoctrinate others, although their tech doesn't actively mess with one's mind
Just started reading. Great story. Noticed some mistakes and inconsistencies in first few chapters
Yep, I might head back and fix them later down the line. The most notable one might be the timestamps in the first chapters, btw. Should've been September for the events of FCW, not July
Once from a wrench and once by dismissing
They actually deliberately dropped the cloakfields as they were escorting the HVT out, since they needed to cover her effectively, and if they cloaked themselves, everyone would've focused their fire on what they saw as an unarmed slave who was suddenly walking around the base as if she owned the place. Decloaking meant that there would be five humans with rifles trained upon them to escort the HVT, thus prompting everyone else to focus their fire on them as opposed to the HVT...