Thinking about other species Ship Girls. Here are some of my thoughts:
Batarians got the short end of the stick. If they even manage to summon one, their ship girls are going to be: depressed, monsters, zealots that believe everyone should serve them (including the barbarian government itself), zealots that believe that since they have more eyes (sensors) that all batarians are beneath them or backstabbers that only care about themselves.
With the batarian crews consisting of slaves and batarians. That's going to really screw with the ship girls psyche. Not to mention how other races see batarian ships.
Quarians are probably going to have extremely motherly elder grandmas that just want to hug them and feed them and never let them out into the dangerous and cruel world. Not to mention them being super obsessed with keeping everything sterilised.
Salarians. If they ever manage to get one are probably going to be ones that want to study everything! And possibly have a couple stealth ships that think they are the best and are grumpy about the newer ships replacing them.
Turians are going to probably be most similar to human ship girls.
Asari are going to be just like all the young maidens. They aren't even 10 000 years old! They aren't stuffy matriarch thank you very much! Probably have a hidden superiority complex as well. With the exception of a ship girl that knows the truth and is just depressed about how the matriarchs are liers and Asari didn't achieve anything of value by themselves. Stifling progress instead.
Hanar are just going to try and get a ship girl of the enkindlers instead. Which if they succeed are going to be so disgusted in everything the citadel council is (a possible religious schism) and especially the Asari.
Volus are probably going to be more about the economy and commerce than war. And hide behind Turian ship girls who they try to bribe to do their work.
Now Krogan are most likely going to get a Krogan Rebellion ship girl.
Batarians got the short end of the stick. If they even manage to summon one, their ship girls are going to be: depressed, monsters, zealots that believe everyone should serve them (including the barbarian government itself), zealots that believe that since they have more eyes (sensors) that all batarians are beneath them or backstabbers that only care about themselves.
With the batarian crews consisting of slaves and batarians. That's going to really screw with the ship girls psyche. Not to mention how other races see batarian ships.
Quarians are probably going to have extremely motherly elder grandmas that just want to hug them and feed them and never let them out into the dangerous and cruel world. Not to mention them being super obsessed with keeping everything sterilised.
Salarians. If they ever manage to get one are probably going to be ones that want to study everything! And possibly have a couple stealth ships that think they are the best and are grumpy about the newer ships replacing them.
Turians are going to probably be most similar to human ship girls.
Asari are going to be just like all the young maidens. They aren't even 10 000 years old! They aren't stuffy matriarch thank you very much! Probably have a hidden superiority complex as well. With the exception of a ship girl that knows the truth and is just depressed about how the matriarchs are liers and Asari didn't achieve anything of value by themselves. Stifling progress instead.
Hanar are just going to try and get a ship girl of the enkindlers instead. Which if they succeed are going to be so disgusted in everything the citadel council is (a possible religious schism) and especially the Asari.
Volus are probably going to be more about the economy and commerce than war. And hide behind Turian ship girls who they try to bribe to do their work.
Now Krogan are most likely going to get a Krogan Rebellion ship girl.