Fall of the Citadel, a Mass Effect and KanColle crossover (crossposted for the sake of archival

Thinking about other species Ship Girls. Here are some of my thoughts:

Batarians got the short end of the stick. If they even manage to summon one, their ship girls are going to be: depressed, monsters, zealots that believe everyone should serve them (including the barbarian government itself), zealots that believe that since they have more eyes (sensors) that all batarians are beneath them or backstabbers that only care about themselves.
With the batarian crews consisting of slaves and batarians. That's going to really screw with the ship girls psyche. Not to mention how other races see batarian ships.

Quarians are probably going to have extremely motherly elder grandmas that just want to hug them and feed them and never let them out into the dangerous and cruel world. Not to mention them being super obsessed with keeping everything sterilised.

Salarians. If they ever manage to get one are probably going to be ones that want to study everything! And possibly have a couple stealth ships that think they are the best and are grumpy about the newer ships replacing them.

Turians are going to probably be most similar to human ship girls.

Asari are going to be just like all the young maidens. They aren't even 10 000 years old! They aren't stuffy matriarch thank you very much! Probably have a hidden superiority complex as well. With the exception of a ship girl that knows the truth and is just depressed about how the matriarchs are liers and Asari didn't achieve anything of value by themselves. Stifling progress instead.

Hanar are just going to try and get a ship girl of the enkindlers instead. Which if they succeed are going to be so disgusted in everything the citadel council is (a possible religious schism) and especially the Asari.

Volus are probably going to be more about the economy and commerce than war. And hide behind Turian ship girls who they try to bribe to do their work.

Now Krogan are most likely going to get a Krogan Rebellion ship girl.
Hmmm, so the obvious second ally is the Quarians but, but who else is even around that would side with them? It isn't the Batarians that's for sure, and I don't think they know the arachnid are even a thing still.
man, seeing the restrictions Citadel wants to put on AI is going to cause Humanity to nope out- that sounds like enslaving AI to various rulesets, which is an easy way for humanity to just... leave the table and be friends at a distance.
How is it that suddenly the Kaiserreich diplomats and later tge System Alliance know about what the Councilors are talking about? That doesn't make sense.

Also, without any heavy spoilers, let me guess: the MC is gonna be a human male or female with the former more likely sense Ambience A Fleet Symphony is your inspiration. Right?
How is it that suddenly the Kaiserreich diplomats and later tge System Alliance know about what the Councilors are talking about? That doesn't make sense.

Also, without any heavy spoilers, let me guess: the MC is gonna be a human male or female with the former more likely sense Ambience A Fleet Symphony is your inspiration. Right?
In the case of the former, neural uplinks. Mass Effect: End of Days laid the groundwork for my own story, after all.

In the case of the latter, it's still undecided, really. I'm banking more on the former with some OP abilities mashed in, however (Seraph of the End moment)
That bit between Javelin and Fubuki was amusing<3

Honestly, I'm very glad the humans are ignoring the council. Hopefully they can also point out the idiocy of their power cores/drives getting shut down with too much static build up?
… why did my mind make a connection between Geth's fragmentary programs and the Fleetgirl's crews?

Are fleetgirl-crew inside a 'ship the spiritual equivallent for Geth programs in a platform?
Edit: Except the ship-girl has a bit more self-identity that the crew dying doesn't auto-kill them?

Or am I mixing the two different series with ship-girls together and these ones had no crew?
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… why did my mind make a connection between Geth's fragmentary programs and the Fleetgirl's crews?

Are fleetgirl-crew inside a 'ship the spiritual equivallent for Geth programs in a platform?
Edit: Except the ship-girl has a bit more self-identity that the crew dying doesn't auto-kill them?

Or am I mixing the two different series with ship-girls together and these ones had no crew?
I've mostly side-lined that part for now, but AFAIK, the KanColle lore for fleetgirls has this thing called 'faries', which are basically chibii dolls that serve the purpose of crew; but there is a secondary ability for them to control their own rigging (as mentioned in Azur Lane); with engine controls, helm settings, and navigational data being nested inside of their minds like trivial thoughts before a breakfast.
Geth ships however are crewed by platforms, and while normally the clusters would be networked together into the ship's mainframe, the ship in question would still have backup manual controls so that platforms can pilot the vessel in case of an emergency. Methinks.
Shouldn't it have been Ayanami rather then Javelin she is the sleepiest one of all :)
Haven't brought Ayanami into the plot much yet save perhaps in that dreadnought boarding scene (she wasn't a member of Szurdok Fireteam). Might implement her later down the line, however.

Think of it: Laffey/Ayanami/Javelin sleeping contest
The Asarii must be panicking. Those upstarts are showing them to be stupid! They can't even use their normal strategy of outliving the opposition and slowly sabotaging their work so that they look like wise mentors who were sadly ignored by the stupid young upstarts.

Meanwhile, the scientist Asarii are probably realising that their whole superiority thing is built on lies. I highly doubt that they can be as effective as the Salarians when it comes to reverse engineering human tech. They are lacking the cheat sheet! This will probably make a lot of intelligence services look at the past and try to discover how they were able to keep their technological lead for so long.
To be fair the fact these subjects nearly never came up in the game is rather shocking, humanity over all should have taken one look at the krogans and the Quarians and become very very careful in how they dealt with the council.

Humanity as a much weaker power should of been scared to death of the council considering there history of dealing with "problems" the only reason humanity didn't become a client race probably had more to do with the other two powers not wanting the tutrains to get a new client race.

In terms of armor, their ships utilize SmartSteel, which is essentially titanium (the name is kinda misleading here) alloyed with a whole load of nano-materials inside, allowing for the armor to regenerate after taking damage. In short, SmartSteel can 'regrow' back like tissue, or something similar. This does have an energy cost, however, and it can only regenerate against so much damage, but it's far ahead enough compared to our alloys that, even though ours are more resistant to damage, their armor can still outweigh us in the aforementioned department. And they have already outweighed their inferior armor damage resistance by armoring their ships to ridiculous levels already; nobody armors shit like they do except the krogans, and those guys haven't built anything ever since the Rebellions.
Why on Earth would they use Titanium instead of steel in space where there are no weight or volume restrictions?! Do they want weak armor?!

Titanium as strong as steel pound for pound. Not stronger. It is less dense than steel, meaning five inches of titanium armor is radically weaker than five inches of steel. You use it when there are both weight and volume restrictions on a project preventing you from using pure steel. You alloy it with steel to reduce weight at the cost of strength, and alloy it with aluminum when it needs to be ultra light but not completely helpless. Using it on a star ship, particularly a capital ship, means the armor needs to be dramatically thicker for the equivalent strength in steel. You're making the construction of the ship unnecessarily complex, more expensive, drastically increasing the volume of the ship, all for negative gain when you could use pure steel.
Why on Earth would they use Titanium instead of steel in space where there are no weight or volume restrictions?! Do they want weak armor?!

Titanium as strong as steel pound for pound. Not stronger. It is less dense than steel, meaning five inches of titanium armor is radically weaker than five inches of steel. You use it when there are both weight and volume restrictions on a project preventing you from using pure steel. You alloy it with steel to reduce weight at the cost of strength, and alloy it with aluminum when it needs to be ultra light but not completely helpless. Using it on a star ship, particularly a capital ship, means the armor needs to be dramatically thicker for the equivalent strength in steel. You're making the construction of the ship unnecessarily complex, more expensive, drastically increasing the volume of the ship, all for negative gain when you could use pure steel.
It's not truly titanium, per se, but rather, it's more of an alloy composed out of titanium and a bunch of other elements and components that allow it to resist damage to some ridiculously high levels compared to modern armor materials. Think Titanium-A battleplate from Halo, but with the ability to regenerate against battle damage.
Also, there is the issue of mass. Sure, in space, there's no weight issue, but mass still is a problem. One that might translate to
some serious acceleration problems, btw

They were referring to the honeycomb armor layout when they said that "armoring their ships to ridiculous levels" part, after all, literally nobody else makes a literal honeycomb cross-section out of armor for the interior of their ships, and the krogans had only built their ships with decks and bulkheads the thickness of the outer armor.

Addendum: titanium has superior heat resistance, and thus better performance against plasma-based attacks, so it has that going for it. Better ablative performance (Abyssals use plasma armaments btw)
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The completely different methods of going about uplifting a species really show the different priorities and resources available to both. I really expect the Raloi to take over the Citadel (what does it matter if they are reliant on citadel exports if they can take over the production or resource gathering facilities). It would be interesting for the Asari matriarchs to be humbled, especially if the key of their success is taken over by an upstart race who fully exploit it.

It's probably important to note that the near post-scarcity society of the humans leads to a completely different view of cooperation and what is important.

Amusingly the Asari aren't really learning from their past uplifting efforts or looking as long term as the young humans.
Now that I have the time to swipe my mother's phone (lol) for a second and snap a photo of my log-notebooks, lemme put into display my currently-WIP Ethosian alphabet for a second:

forgive the crappy handwriting, it's skill issue on my part
It's the Khufji script, btw. I took inspiration from the Japanese hiragana alphabet when making this one, and based it's asthetics on Chinese, Korean, and Japanese script, plus a little bit of Traditional Vietnamese (Chữ Nôm) symbols in there...

...yep, imma finish the kanji-equivalent script soon.
The Citadel purpose in uplifting a race is to use them as tools, so made it know that the new race owes them. The humans want partners, so they also build up the race's self confidence while secretly uplifting them.
The Citadel is going to be stabbed in the back sometime in the future.
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Youch! That WMG analogue charging time is crazy. Probably more of a siege weapon. I can't see how it can be used against a mobile fleet since that kind of energy buildup would be very detectable. It can cause a gas giant to go supernova (probably destroying the star system it's located in), what about a star? It's more a system/star killer than a planet killer. Probably need a different power system for the engines and FTL so the ship can run away and not get caught up in the blast.
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Youch! That WMG analogue charging time is crazy. Probably more of a siege weapon. I can't see how it can be used against a mobile fleet since that kind of energy buildup would be very detectable. It can cause a gas giant to go supernova (probably destroying the star system it's located in), what about a star? It's more a system/star killer than a planet killer. Probably need a different power system for the engines and FTL so the ship can run away and not get caught up in the blast.
It can be used as an anti-fleet weapon if used in Dispersion mode (think the Saturn scenes in 2202 where the WMG shots just split apart into a giant umbrella of mass destruction). Although, yes, it has it's long charging time, it is still possible for plenty of ships to pin the enemy into position (alternatively, they can be cold charged and fired in volley fire).

No, it can't blow up a star, unfortunately. The amount of matter in a gas giant can be compressed to detonation, but in the case of a star, the sheer amount of mass would just cause another solar flare as opposed to a detonation. The blast radius is usually enough to make that gas giant and everything within a 300,000km radius (largely from the extra mass being fused) dissappear, but it won't be anywhere enough to bust a star system.
...speaking of which, what if humanity made a Mass Relay with a detonator and put that onto a missile?