User Fiction

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Original Fiction

For original works
Original Mature Fantasy 


For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

Weird History

Historical timelines and stories of a supernatural, futuristic, or simply "weird" type!
Timeline Post-1900 Supernatural 

Fanfiction Discussion

Want to get a discussion going about the fanfiction? This is the place.


For archived stories without any other posters cluttering the thread.


When Hilda brings Gene & Jim to Blue Heaven, the enigmatic outlaw decides to hire some extra muscle from a new company that only recently opened up a storefront there. But while those working for Shadow Phoenix are definitely competent, just what sort of effect will their additional presence have on our heroes' familiar journey through space? And just what IS Shadow Phoenix after?
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"We always wanted to make contact with 'extraterrestrials'...we just weren't aware of the consequences…" First, contact. Then, conflict. When a curious Earth sends peacekeeping forces to observe a medieval civilization on a sister-like planet called Roana, their diplomatic mission takes a startling twist with every bizarre revelation. But when they land on Roana to verify the existence of magic and establish relations with the only other intelligent beings in a cold, lonely universe, the...
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Alex Vane has been a fan of the Sunset Stars books for most of his life, and when he was chosen to be one of the many beta-testers for the first ever Sunset Stars based VR video game, using the latest generation of Immersion Pods, he jumps at the chance. And when offered more money if he plays a female character, he jumps at that chance too. But these new Pods are so advanced that even after he leaves the game, things linger in his mind, and he slowly finds himself adopting the mannerisms...
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An imagining of the Metroid Saga focused on the stories of Samus and Sylux from the day destiny was thrust upon them onwards. The universe is dark and full of terrors, but it's also filled with those willing to shine at least a little light into it. This will probably not be entirely canon-compliant with Metroid Prime 4 unless I have access to the Lathe of Heaven. Also, this is a reimagining of Metroid that I use for the basis of my personal canon anyway.
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Book 1: Alpha Strike: [An interstellar Weapon Platform's Guide to Cultivation] (B1 - Lessons 1-70) Book 2: Alpha Strike: [An interstellar Weapon Platform's Guide to being a Dungeon Core] (B2 - Ongoing) ———————————————————— =============== Reader's Warning! - Side-effects of this story may include, but are not limited to, [Insomnia], [PTSD], [Anasaphilia], [Cachinnation induced asphyxiation], [Paranoia that you're being constantly watched by an Omnipresent interstellar intelligence of...
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A Lancer TTRPG x Mass Effect Crossover What began as a routine inspection of Relay 314 becomes a bloody introduction to an unknown species that has proliferated in the Orion Spur of the galaxy. Completely Isolated from the Relay Network, and seemingly ignorant of the Protheans and Mass Effect technology, these "humans" have nevertheless costructed a vast interstellar civilization and advanced their technology along utterly divergent paths. As governments vie for dominance, companies sniff...
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In October 2022, the Japanese company Argus released what was expected to be one of the killer apps on the NerveGear - ACES Online. A true multiplayer online experience, and a campaign set in the world of Strangereal during a Cold War... What players weren't expecting, was for ACES Online to become a death game, trapping the players inside in a fight for their survival, during the conflicts of the Strangereal Cold War of the 1960s.
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Well, I finally got here. This is a rehash of a fanfiction I've been writing with Zaru for some...
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What does it mean to be a hero? Daniel Evans Tries to answer this question as he embarks on a self-imposed mission in a familiar, yet unfamiliar world. Being a hero has never been easy, but even if the world tries to crumble around him, he will stand firm, because no matter how difficult or dangerous it is, he will remain Defiant. SI-OC, MC-hero, MC-viltrumite, MCU-AU, DC Comics AU. Marvel AU.
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In the years before the Great War and the collapse of civilization, many in the United States Government's highest ranks would come to believe that nuclear armageddon was inevitable. Rather than seek in vain to stop this, they sought to take advantage of the collapse of civilization and created many secret projects intended to re-establish American supremacy in the ruins of the world that would follow. Isabel Cruz, once known as the Mechanist, seeking to atone for her past crimes in service...
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The death of the Hero reset the timeline. That wasn't what Lucy had intended when she made that last soul attack while dying. But she returned to Earth and tried to do the obvious thing: use her knowledge of the future to dominate the System's five realms. Except A: She messed up and got this 'Shard of Totality' thing stuck in her eye. B: Her Status is broken. And C: The Hero remembers everything, and has his own agenda involving her other identity, Adrianna RIftmire. She could be...
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Isha escaped the Fall and Slaanesh, turning to the dubious aid of the Emperor of Mankind for protection. But as it turns out, escaping may have been the easy part...
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Waking up on Cybertron as a robot gun-wolf was one thing. Getting stuck as a gun for most of the war after trying to talk down Megatron was not exactly how I planned on things going, but if I'm here now I plan to make the most of it. Mostly by shooting things. I am a gun after all.
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A retelling of the Honorverse's Solarian League arc.
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(This is my first time using this site for anything other then reading. So be aware I'm quite new to this whole thing.)
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Warning; contains fluffy WAFF, AxS Prologue - [1] Chapter 1: Snowflakes, Snowballs, and...
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Plot bunnies and ideas in raw, unedited (i.e, has NOT gone through Scrivener), format.
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Exploring new ideas and bringing some short stories to SV
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From the same motion picture studio that brought you JASMINE STARR AND THE MAN WITH AN IRON HEART and JASMINE STAR IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH comes a new serial starring America's most spectacular heroine in... JASMINE STARR AGAINST THE EMPEROR OF SPACE! THRILL to rocket battles so real you swear you are in the clammy depths of space! SWOON to love both forbidden and desperate, burning bright against the evil of the EMPIRE OF SPACE! DELIGHT as American values are pitted against the evil...
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The year is 2079, and the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. Corporate, political and gang warfare operate indiscriminately - killing thousands; drugs, disease and pollution kill even more. The world's economies are close to collapse, and the gap between the insanely wealthy and the desperately poor grows ever wider. Worst of all, an ages-old conspiracy bent on world domination has decided that the time is right to emerge from the shadows and take control. With the world on the brink of...
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"Many years have passed since our great victory. But as we rejoice in light of what the future has for us, we also equally weep, shed tears of sorrow, for the dearly departed who have fallen for this victory to be a reality. But what was our suffering to the innocent? What was our morals to the haughty? What was, our efforts, our sacrifices, to the complacent?" Attempt #2 at writing a Mass Effect/Kantai Xover. Kek
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In a war-torn world where monsters roam the wilderness and nations choke their people with oppression, one woman keeps a journal—her last tether to sanity. But this is no ordinary diary. It's a collection of scraps, fragments, and forgotten stories from those long dead, sewn together in a desperate attempt to make sense of the chaos. As she wanders through dystopia after dystopia, torn between rebellion and despair, her voice grows louder, more isolated—until the silence of truth is all that...
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In the Twilight of her existence, the Princess of the Moon wishes to live her life having happy memories of the people who helped shape it. Along the way, she meets a similarly pained soul that reminds her of one of those people and what follows next is a tale of hope, love, and light amidst the closing curtains...
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Now you know! Just a little fun scenario where all those SI and Portal Fantasy stories come from ;)
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22XX. A young woman, comatose 25 years, opens her eyes in the care of an enigmatic reploid scientist who works for Lagrano Laboratory in Giga City. She tries to get her bearings in a strange yet familiar place, unaware those around her are on the path of war. Forces array to bring tragedy. The reyvateil sings for hope and understanding, granting endless courage.
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Created by Leighton White After a battle, a damaged spacecraft entered hyperspace. It was a...
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GENERAL QUARTERS! An Imperial Officer journeys through the perils of service to the Empire, irrevocably changing the fates of the galaxy in ways she couldn't possibly imagine.
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In which a college student from our world becomes Count Dooku with a mysterious system called The Attraction System.
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Hello everyone! It's been a while. Since I have all these old writing projects on the computer I decided to start positing them here and clear out some files. Please enjoy. Also I now have a patreon account! NitroNorm's Patreon. So if you wish to support me than please do so.
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Neo Zeon rises again, with myself at its helm. Help.
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