Chapter 15
I grumbled to myself as the Energon was poured into my open mouth. They still weren't removing the muzzle, so I couldn't even lap it up properly.

So here I was instead being fed like some helpless pup or sparkling. But... I needed the Energon to let my self repair work, so I just had to put up with it. My right foreleg was still twinging occasionally after I landed on it awkwardly from that last big shock, and my comms system should hopefully be fixed soon too.

And… I wanted to be mad at this Vehicon for going along with it, but… call it deep-seated instincts, or just not wanting to alienate the one 'ally' I had right now, I couldn't bring myself to do so.

Was… Was this how you got some Beastformers just accepting being pets? I-I don't want to get like that, but… I don't want to keep being hurt either…

But now I'd thought of it, I couldn't help thinking that assigning two such completely opposite Vehicons to guard me was intentional, to force me to look to the 'good' one to protect me. And if Soundwave finished whatever he was working on, or Megatron decided to try his hand at the Cortical Psychic Patch…

… Ravage, please come soon...


Ravage watched her instruments carefully she she flew in a clear search pattern, "Come on, I'm right here, just a little oblivious kitty cat..." She said quietly, "You know you want to..."

The proximity sensors blared out a warning at the same time as the controls suddenly shifted, the Nemesis' flight deck computer taking control of the craft's autopilot through a back door she had 'missed' while the warship flew in above her. Clearly they meant to surround and capture her the instant she landed.

Waiting until the fighter passed beneath the Warship, Ravage triggered the manual release for the cockpit window, then for the ejection seat.

The ejection mechanism launched her straight up, and Ravage fought her instincts for a moment to orient herself upside down and run her magclamps to full power as her paws hit the underside of the ship, even as the now empty fighter continued on towards the hangar, systems already in stealth mode as she made her way to a maintenance hatch.

Now, she could try to hack it, or simply short out its control circuit, but long experience told her that competent enemies usually had someone watching for unauthorised openings or damage reports. Soundwave was nothing if not competent at his task. Even if he was likely busy as the only mech that could decode the Relic Data fast enough to keep up with Orion, she'd bet on him having subroutines set up to alert him to that kind of intrusion.

But maintenance hatches were there for a reason, and it was much harder to track someone when they were making use of authorised openings. Ravage settled herself into position 'behind' the hatch way in low power mode.

Every circuit of her being longed to rush out and damn any who stood in her way, but it was her patience and focus that had always given her the best results.

Sure enough, a few doors later a Vehicon emerged from the hatchway carrying a toolkit, Ravage slipping inside just as it closed followed by diving into a maintenance/ventilation duct. She didn't dare connect to any networks or try to get a signal out, but she had an inkling of where her target was likely to be held...


The Vehicons had mostly left me alone after my… 'feeding', and I'd taken to curling up as far in the corner as the chain leash would allow me to move.

Partly because the slightly darker spot was actually more comfortable for me… Partly because it let me turn away from the door enough to start trying to cut through the chain with my claws. More to feel like I was doing something than any expectation it would work.

I hadn't made much progress, beyond my pedes starting to ache and the claws wearing down more than they already were. Ravage could have sliced through the chain by now, with those wild claws of hers. Without my weaponry, I… Wasn't quite so capable as that. My beastmode was a pet breed, after all. Not a wild predator like a Cougaraider.

Not to say I didn't enjoy hunting some smaller mechanimals, and I generally liked my sleeker frame. But in situations like this, it did have its issues.

My audials twitched as a new sound came over that of my claws quietly scraping against hardened metal, and I went still as I focused on it. It was a soft hum, coming from the ventilation duct. That got slowly louder until I saw a few tendrils of data-cables snake through the cover and carefully remove it.

The unmistakable sound of a small antigravity impeller filled the room as Laserbeak hovered out of the vent, turning his unmoving face to look towards me.

I looked up at the other Minicon nervously, chain clinking slightly as I shifted away from them. Scrap, did Soundwave finish his 'improved' collar already? Had he sent Laserbeak to install it?

Laserbeak hovered in place for a few moments impassively, and it was all I could do to maintain optic contact as my body language parser repeatedly errored out on the unnatural shape, unable to pick up anything of use. It felt… weird. But they hadn't done anything yet…

My self repair had indicated my comms system should be back online again a few Joors after I'd been returned to my cell. I hadn't risked sending any signals yet given I knew none would escape the ship and I didn't want to let them know so they could break it again, but… This felt like it could be worth the risk. At the very least, I so very badly wanted to find out why Laserbeak was like this, and if he was even still Laserbeak.

+Laserbeak?+ I sent a weak, directional comms signal to the other Minicon, using an old code I remembered Ravage teaching me so long ago. One the Recordicons had used among eachother to pass messages and gossip under the Senate's noses.

The 'drone' bobbed up and down slightly in what I tentatively classified as an affirmative.

+Spitfire.+ He responded using the same protocol.

+Did Soundwave send you?+ I asked, hating how weak and fuzzy my voice sounded. I still... wasn't in great shape. My comms array was functional, but it was not happy.

+No.+ The blunt denial brought me up short for a moment, +This is... It's wrong. I... I can't leave Soundwave, he's been... Different, since Rumble and Frenzy were offlined, but I still...+ He twitched and seemingly abandoned that chain of thought, +... I can still help you.+

And before I knew what to make of that, the hidden manipulators and data cables extended from his chassis and quickly and efficiently removed the collar and muzzle via simple expedience of undoing the locks I couldn't reach.

I worked my mouth open and closed a few times, just enjoying the feeling for a moment before I turned back to him. "So, what now?" I asked.

"Yes, what now? I hope you weren't planning on just unleashing poor Spitfire here into the middle of the ship and considering that your good deed for the Orn." Came a voice I had hoped against hope to hear again, as Ravage dropped down out of the vent into the cell, landing almost silently with her customary feline grace.

Only to by immediately tackle-hugged by myself as I yipped and nuzzled into her excitedly, the pain in my foreleg forgotten for the moment, "Ravage! Y-You came!"

"Of course I did, Little Wolf." She replied softly, "I promised didn't I?"

"You did, but I... I just-"Anything else devolved into a happy whine as I reassured myself that this was real, Ravage was Here and it suddenly felt like everything was okay now as I did my best to merge into her plating.

A foreleg wrapped around my backplates and a gentle squeeze came as her response to that, and I belatedly realised that the Cougaraider was maintaining optic contact with Laserbeak still, who had not left.

And I'd just been behaving like an excited cyberdog puppy again.

Bah. Worth it. I couldn't pretend not to be excited to see Ravage again. I closed my optics and just relaxed and enjoyed her presence for a few moments, paying attention only after I realised the vibrations I could feel were the Cougaraider talking again.

"Laserbeak, if you know this is wrong, then come with us." Ravage was saying, "Maybe Ratchet can figure out something for your frame..."

+It's probably too late for that, but… I appreciate the sentiment.+ Laserbeak replied softly, +My old frame was destroyed in the same battle that lost Rumble and Frenzy. And I doubt Ratchet has the components to build a new one. And besides, I can't leave Soundwave. This frame was never designed to have a Cybertronian in it, and Soundwave is the only one with the support components for it. I'm going to try to get through to him, but...+

"I see." Ravage nodded thoughtfully. "… Then thank you. And I wish you luck. Even if I doubt it will work."

+Of course. Now go on. I'll try to stall, give you a head-start.+

I only reluctantly stepped back away from Ravage, but he was right. Inside a cell was not a good place to stay. "Thanks for coming to let me out at least, Laserbeak. I'll make sure to tell everyone you said 'hi'."

Laserbeak's transmission came with a soft chuckle, +You do that. And tell the kid I don't blame him… Too much. That was a smart little program, and I've had worse hack attempts than a worm that doesn't actually cause any damage. As for Ratchet… Well, not so much. But the Wrecker's plan was to just blow me up, so I suppose it was preferable.+

"Of course." I nodded before Ravage and I mag-clamped our way back up to the ventilation duct and inside it, Laserbeak slowly following to replace the vent grating before hovering off in another direction.

Of course, my aching forelimb complained more at the sudden movement and Ravage glanced back as I started limping again, slowing down to keep pace with me, "Spitfire?"

"Just landed awkwardly. I'll be fine." I assured her quietly.

She didn't seem convinced, but didn't push it as we continued moving as stealthily as we could to whatever her destination was. I could just ask, but… I winced as another actuator complained. Focusing on keeping moving was more important for now.

The alarms finally going off as they noticed I was missing came shortly afterward, and I focused more on keeping pace.


A few Astrominutes later we were peering out of a closed vent at the squad of Vehicons that were guarding the obvious means of exit.

"Ravage, I don't think I'll be much help in a fight right now…" I said quietly. My bad leg was worse now than it had been when I was last fed, and trying to aim on three legs was… iffy, at best. "And that's a lot of Vehicons even for you."

"Don't worry, they're about to have a much bigger problem to deal with." Ravage replied, "One last gift from my ship." She added, bittersweet but with a hint of viciousness as my comms system picked up a brief databurst from her own...

Followed by a distant explosion and the whole ship shuddering as entirely different alarms started sounding.

"Energon fire in main hangar bay! All crew report to firefighting stations!" The intercom sounded out, as most of the Vehicons raced to contain the inferno currently spreading through their hangar bay.

It wasn't like the Vehicons, even the flyers, lived in the hangar, but it was still a space with a large Energon buffer tank and munitions storage for rapid refuelling and rearming of combat sorties. Not that they really did that much anymore, but the Nemesis had been designed back when carrier operations were an important consideration.

In this case, it meant the Vehicons that had earlier been ordered to block any way out now had to choose between that, or risk letting an Energon fire blow up half the ship when it reached the tanks, most of the Vehicons rushing off to their new positions.

Ravage just looked unbearably pleased with herself as she smiled at me, "Now we should be able to get past them. Can you run?"

I tried putting my weight on my right foreleg again and shook my helm, "Ngh... Sorry, think I'd just slow you down..."

She just lay down next to me and tossed her head back, "Then climb on and hold on tight."

So I climbed onto her back and tucked myself as low and small as possible while keeping the magclamps on my paws in contact. Loafing was a lot less fun when you were trying to avoid compromising your partner as they carried you away.

Once I was in position Ravage burst out of the vents and gunned down the two remaining Vehicons before rushing into the row of escape pods.

"Which one are we taking?" I asked quickly.

"We're not taking a pod." Ravage shook her helm, "They'd all have trackers on them, just like Smokescreen's did."

I paused, "Then... why did we go here?"

"So that I can do this." Ravage said, sweeping her forepaws across a control panel to launch all the escape pods in this set to random coordinates, "That should keep them guessing. Now we leave." She said, turning towards the doorway…

Which opened to reveal Soundwave.

"Scrap, change of plan!" Ravage shouted, skidding to a stop just short of where a heavy data cable slammed into the deck plating and running back to the escape pod launchers.

The now empty escape pod launchers.

"Uh... Ravage, neither of us can fly..." I pointed out nervously as she slammed a paw on the manual override to open the inner doors.

"We're over water, we'll survive. And its either this or both of us getting caught." Ravage said quickly, darting into the launch tube just ahead of a grasping cable and slamming the inner door shut on the other mech, the communications officer immediately grabbing the two halves of the door and starting to force them open again. Another couple Astroseconds and he would have enough free space to zap us with his data-cable tendrils.

… I couldn't go back. Not again.

"Do it."

Ravage rammed her own data cable tail into the control console and forced the outer hatch to open, and then we were gone, my optics catching an almost-desperate extension of Soundwave's Data-Cables as he finally forced the doors open and stretched his arms out towards us.

Then we hit the atmosphere outside of the Nemesis' shields and the ship and Soundwave were suddenly retreating figures in the distance, the air resistance feeling like getting punched in the chest again as Ravage shifted to keep us upright and I felt her plating warm slightly as every one of her E-War and jamming suites ran to full power to avoid Soundwave GroundBridging us back in.

Attempting to ping the Autobot comms network got no response, but I queued up a message to send as soon as my systems registered a connection again.

"Ravage…" I said quietly, as the water started getting closer, "If you have some kind of parachute or antigravity gadget, now would be the time…"

"Sorry, no luck there." She said quietly, "Stay on my back. When we hit, I should absorb most of the impact."

"W-ha- Ravage, you can't-!"

"I'm improvising. Just… promise me, okay? I'm sorry if this doesn't work out. But I couldn't leave you with Megatron again. If this is the price…"

She knew the impact might kill her. And she'd jumped anyway, because otherwise Soundwave would have had us.

"… I promise." I said quietly. Because what else could I do now? But I felt sick, and not just because of very firmly land-bound systems complaining about my current state.

The water came rushing up all at once, and everything went black.


I came back online feeling like I'd been punted into another wall, opening my optics slowly and trying to blink away the condensation… Only to freeze as I realised it was inside the lenses.

'Oh, that's not good.' Water wasn't usually much of a threat to a Cybertronian, we didn't exactly need to breathe after all – but if your seals were compromised and it actually got inside you…

And then my memory bank fully rebooted and I stifled a scream as I realised the hard surface I was standing on was Ravage, her frame dented and cold even as I could see bubbles escaping from compromised seals and her optics were dark. But… She wasn't greying.

And… My navigation system had gotten a few seconds of GPS signal just before the impact. It wasn't much, but… Land should be… This way.

Ignoring the aches and twinges in my own frame, I bent down to start dragging the other Minicon towards the nearest island. I had to force myself to use my bad forelimb, the actuator shuddering and complaining as I forced myself to put weight on it, but I wasn't leaving her.

I couldn't. I wouldn't just leave her to rust.

Walking backwards as my mouth firmly clamped onto Ravage's tail, I forced myself to move, relying on my secondary sensors to warn me of many obstacles. Just keep moving. One paw in front of the other. Don't stop. Never stop. Keep Moving.

One, Two, Three, Four. One, Two, Three, Four. One, Two, Three, Four.

Not long after I'd started, my optics finally shorted out, but vibrational and auditory sensors gave me enough to keep moving, and my inertial guidance was still working after that original GPS fix. Keep moving.

One, Two, Three, Four. One, Two, Three, Four. One, Two, Three, Four.

Extraneous systems powered down as my systems tried to preserve warmth and power for my core. It was fine. I could keep moving.

Water intrusion sensors were going off in my other actuators now. It was displacing the oil from the joints, removing precious lubrication and risking a short. I overrode the circuit breakers. I had to keep moving, no matter what. Get to dry ground, get in contact with… Somebody. Get Ratchet. Ravage needed me.

Get to Dry Ground. Keep Moving. Don't Stop. Stopping is death. One paw, then the other.

The last of my external sensors failed. But my inertial guidance was still running, and my limbs could still move. Disable pain receptors. Keep moving. There is nothing but where I am, and where I must be.

I am dragging something. It is slowing me down, but it is important. Keep moving. Do not let go. Divert all non-critical power to locomotion and navigation systems. Set remaining systems to extreme power saving. I don't remember why I am moving, but it is important. Move to set coordinates. Do not let go. Do not Stop.

Photovoltaic panels registering light input. Inertial guidance now indicates 300 metres from destination.


Right forelimb has ceased movement. Disable connections and divert power to remaining systems.

I kept moving, now dragging a seized limb as well as my cargo. What small fraction of my navigation systems was left told me that dropping the load would increase my chances of reaching land by fifty percent… But some deep part of my refused. It was… Important. I couldn't remember why, but bringing it to shore was the only thing that mattered right now. Keep holding on. Keep Moving.



100 metres. A jolt of electricity arced across the control lines for both rear limbs as a seal failed, both legs becoming little more than dead weight.

Keep Moving. Adjust movement to account for remaining limb. Dragging forward, but the surface is getting finer, the remaining forelimb pushing it to the side instead of moving me further. My photovoltaics were starting to feed power back into my systems as more light started filtering through, bringing my processor partially out of emergency survival mode.


75 Metres. Extreme Energon contamination detected due to water ingress. Power systems failing.

I was… So Close…

My last remaining method of movement went still 61 metres from shore. I couldn't even see if we were actually there, or if my inertial guidance was damaged and we'd been walking in circles. Autonomic systems diverting power from my photovoltaics to keep my processor running even as my Energon pump started to stutter. I remembered… 'I'm… Sorry, Ravage. I tried…'



"Servo, fetch!" A blond haired young teen shouted, throwing a metal disc across the beach as the robotic dog barked happily and ran across to catch it, stubby tail wagging happily as it turned to bring the toy back to the boy… Only to freeze and drop it, suddenly looking intently towards the sea waves.

Cody ran over to the Cyberdog, "Servo? What is it boy?"

Servo barked quickly and ran off into the surf, grabbing something and trying to haul it back towards shore. Like… Like he did during a Rescue!

Cody pulled out his communicator, "Dad, Servo's found something on the Eastern beach, I think you should come take a look at this."

The greying chief of police replied quickly, "We'll be there as soon as we can son."

EDIT 15/08/2024: Edited the escape pod scene to flow better and include a moment of reaction from Soundwave. Edited the underwater section to mention why Spitfire remembers Ravage at the end and removed an earlier mention before it made sense.
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Cody pulled out his communicator, "Dad, Servo's found something on the Eastern beach, I think you should come take a look at this."

The greying chief of police replied quickly, "We'll be there as soon as we can son."
Looks like Spitfire is gonna meet the Rescue Bots and their partners the Burns Family, a family of heroes in Griffin Rock. And I'm excited to see how he interacts with them.
It kinda requires you have a chance to scan the new mode. Ravage was in kind of a rush.

Her fighter would have been ideal, but Ravage can't mass shift enough for that.
Ahh, I see. Well, the Rescue Bots are about to find out about it a lot sooner than Optimus expected them to I guess.
Rescue Bots yeah!
and i wonder if Ravage could have used her booster to slow her fall a bit?
And man Spitfire and Ravage got lucky as all hell.
And now Spitfire is in the care of the Rescue Bots. You know I think Heatwave would be peeved that he and his team won't join the fight with Team Prime yet Spitfire and Ravage were allowed.

Back in Episode 1 of Rescue Bots, Heatwave was ready to volunteer to join the fight but Optimus told him no and work with the Burns family in Griffin Rock instead.
And now Spitfire is in the care of the Rescue Bots. You know I think Heatwave would be peeved that he and his team won't join the fight with Team Prime yet Spitfire and Ravage were allowed.

Back in Episode 1 of Rescue Bots, Heatwave was ready to volunteer to join the fight but Optimus told him no and work with the Burns family in Griffin Rock instead.
Probably will be easy enough to deflect with both being defectors (Spitfire only by technicality, but still) from the decepticons. Optimus clearly wants to keep an eye on them.
Probably will be easy enough to deflect with both being defectors (Spitfire only by technicality, but still) from the decepticons. Optimus clearly wants to keep an eye on them.
Fair enough. Spitfire would definitely point that out to Heatwave during the conversation.

On the other hand, I do hope that in this story, the Rescue Bots actually do have arm cannons like Team Prime, but only for self-defense just in case compared to their show counterparts.
Chapter 16 New
The sirens of a fire engine and police car, alongside the sound of spinning helicopter blades, signalled the arrival of the rest of the Rescue Bots, a bright green bulldozer following the two emergency vehicles while overhead a white and orange helicopter hovered low over the beach and deployed an underslung cable winch as the other Rescue Bots transformed and between them quickly pulled the two sodden Minicons out onto the beach, water draining out from cracked plates and damaged seals as they laid unresponsive on the sand.

Heatwave grimaced as he felt the crumpled plating around the midsection of the larger, feline minicon he had pulled out from the surf, being as careful as possible to not cause further damage.

That... was a lot more than could just be buffed out. And the thin trail of diluted Energon and oil being left behind said... bad things about the state of their internals. And also required him to action that separately, because Optimus has been very specific about not allowing liquid Energon to come into contact with humans during one of their meetings.

Charlie Burns had clearly had the same warnings given to him, "Heatwave, can you and Blades handle these two while Boulder and Chase deal with this spill?" He said quickly. Years of being the de facto leader of Griffon Rock's all-in-one Emergency Services team even before the bots, as well as the Rescue Bots having to keep to their cover of being non-sapient helper robots, meant he usually ended up giving the general orders.

But he knew what he was good at, and Cybertronian first-aid wasn't that. Better for him to make sure the chemical spill was as contained as possible – that was something he knew how to do, only took one careless boater running aground to realise it was important to have a plan for that.

Heatwave nodded, "Blades!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" The helicopter ran over and pulled out a handheld scanner. Unlike Ratchet he didn't have built in medical tools or scanners – being the team medic was just the job he had, not something he had been forged or refitted for. One of the big medical centres on Cybertron would never have allowed for that, but the Rescue Bots (and most of the Colony worlds besides) had always been fairly autonomous about their hiring and training, and they cared more about results than whether someone was technically the 'right' fit for the task.

"We've been around Energon before, why is it such a big problem now?" Kade asked, folding his arms while Heatwave somewhat helplessly watched the medic work.

"Crystalline Energon is fairly inert. Well, up to a point anyway. Liquid Energon, like we have inside us? It... doesn't tend to play well with organic structures." Heatwave said quietly, "We've been fortunate so far that none of us have been damaged badly enough to start leaking. We can't do too much about what's already in the ocean, but we can stop any more from getting into the water supplies around the island."

"We have some floating barriers for oil slicks, I'll calculate the best way to deploy them. For now, Boulder, could you build up a sand barrier to keep the Energon up here, rather than getting into the water?" Graham asked, pulling out his tablet as the bulldozer set to work.

"I'll tell the mayor there's been a chemical spill and the area's off limits until it can be cleaned up." Chief Burns agreed quickly as he pulled out his phone. "Just… Let me know if there's anything else we can do to help."

Blades had pulled out a pair of emergency Energon Patches, slapping them on the Beastformer's chestplates over their Sparks, "Emergency patches should keep their Sparks lit for now. But their fuel systems are clogged up with water, we need to flush them out with fresh Energon before we can even think about doing any repairs. And we need somewhere sterile. Their self repair systems are completely shot, and if they get a rust infection…" The helicopter-bot rambled nervously.

Normally, slapping on the Energon patch and stopping any gushing leaks would be about all he'd be expected to do. His job was to keep someone from offlining before an actual medic got to them or they could be put into Stasis. He had some training for longer term treatment, but even before coming to Earth he'd not used that in… well, since his initial training, other than minor team maintenance tasks that mostly consisted of telling bots to stop straining themselves while their self repair worked.

Cody could admit to not being fully sure what some of that meant, but if they needed somewhere clean… "What about Doc's clean room? He designed it to work on sensitive electronics after all. And his lab has all kinds of equipment!"

"That would be perfect!" Blades agreed, "But we still need to get actual Energon in their systems, too, more than the emergency patches can handle. Saltwater is not an approved fuel source. Or lubricant. Or… Anything, really."

"The Sigma has more than enough Energon in storage to flush out a couple Minicons." Heatwave said, glancing around at everyone doing their jobs and nodding to himself, "Kade and I will grab some and meet you at the lab."

"Hey, since when are we the gophers!? I didn't sign up for lugging fuel around." Kade protested, though he walked over to Heatwave anyway.

"You see any fires around here?" Heatwave hissed as he transformed, "This is a medical emergency now, a Cybertronian one, which means it's Blade's job. And our job now is to get him what he needs to work with."

"Okay… Okay, Dani, can you help me get them into my cabin? We need to get to the lab as soon as possible. I don't have the tools with me to do much more than staunch the bleeding and… Well, they need a lot more than that." Blades said quietly.

"Right!" The Paramedic agreed quickly – this part at least being something she fully understood the need for – as she, and after a few moments Chief Charlie Burns, when he noticed her struggling with the cat-bot – hefted the two Minicons into the rear of Blade's cabin, the helicopter quickly taking off while making an urgent call to Doctor Greene, the islands resident… eccentric scientist and inventor. His heart was always in the right place though, and he knew about the team already so seeing a couple extra Cybertronians shouldn't be a problem.

Being called on for urgent medical care was a bit outside his normal wheelhouse, but the scientist immediately agreed to the use of both the clean room and whatever tools and resources they needed.

It was only fair after all, since a lot of it had been based on Cybertronian tech Boulder had shared with him in the first place – and if that meant he happened to have the best equipped medical bay for Cybertronians on the island? Well, then they were welcome to it.

Heatwave arrived carrying multiple cubes of ready-to-go Energon as Blades was landing by the lab's main entrance, and the Beast-Minicons were quickly moved into the airlock for the clean room.

"Ah, there's a solvent spray before the airlock will open, should I..?" Doc Greene asked from his console as Blades watched from outside the building.

"No, that's perfect, they have to be as clean as possible. They'll need fresh oil but they needed that anyway." Blades shook his helm, "You have the scan results I sent to you? As soon as they're in the clean room, hook up the Energon lines to the emergency fuel ports, and turn on the pumps. Don't worry about any leaks, right now the important thing is to get pure Energon into them, and get all that saltwater out."

Fortunately the Clean Room was fitted with a large assortment of tools, waldos, cleaning equipment and anything else an eccentric scientist could think to install in there. It was used for everything from examining potentially dangerous artifacts to building and repairing sensitive equipment after all. And, also fortunately, equipped to handle cleaning up anything that happened due to that, because the floor was quite quickly becoming very UnClean.

That was mostly ignored as Blades, doing his best to pull up half-remembered medical textbooks and resolutely ignoring his discomfort, stood at the window outside the lab building and gave directions as damaged plates were removed to get access to crushed and pinched fuel lines, to get a better look at damaged actuators and to clean out the residue and crud that had managed to coat an uncomfortable amount of their internal systems.

As the sun began to fall, Blades declared they were it least not in imminent danger anymore after three full flushes, manually clearing larger blockages and trapped sediment from under their plating – both Minicons were now just their endoframes and core components, in order to get the access needed to make sure nothing was left – sending specially calibrated Scrubmites to remove any remaining sediment or organic matter and hooking them up to a constant-feed Energon line to take the load off their damaged systems, and both he and Doc Greene promptly passed out where they stood.


The next day, the entire team, plus Doctor Greene and Frankie, had been called to the Firehouse for a meeting about the status of their new guests.

"Well, they're... stable." Blades said quietly, "For now, anyway. This is… Kind of beyond what I'd usually manage. Are you sure we can't call Ratchet in?"

"Tried. No answer from other other Autobots. Which means we also can't ask Prime if they're with him." Heatwave sighed. It had been a recurring problem since they first set up here – they had a full comms suite, but Optimus… wasn't always available. At his last meeting, after they had landed Griffin Rock from its unexpected teleportation, he had mentioned he would likely be busy for the near future, but still.

"We just have to do the best we can." Charlie nodded reassuringly to Blades, "And now they're stable, we can start to ask some other questions."

"Yeah. First of which being, who the hell are they?" Heatwave asked, "Optimus' team should be the only other Autobots here, and he didn't mention anything like them last time we spoke."

"Maybe they're helperbots like Servo?" Cody asked, "Though… If that was the case, where would they have come from?"

"Not like Servo, they've got full T-Cogs." Blades shook his head, "They probably had a ship and crashed into the water – a lot of their damage looks impact related, along with some electrical damage. Which… Then broke all their seals and let saltwater in."

"Uh, what do you mean full T-cogs? Servo can transform too, can't he?" Cody asked.

"All Cybertronian lifeforms have some form of T-Cog. But mechanimals don't have full altmodes. Usually, they just use it to allow for greater articulation, or to emphasise one aspect like a Cyberhawk streamlining itself to fly faster. Trained ones like Servo can approximate a lot of equipment, but you always see where his head is and which bits are his limbs just twisted around, right?" Boulder said, continuing once Cody nodded, "If these two have full T-Cogs, they're Cybertronians, just like me and the rest of the Rescuebots, alt modes and all. The processing load of running a full altmode basically requires a Sophont-grade processor."

While the big green mech had been explaining, the rest of the conversation carried on.

"If we want to know who they are and where they came from, can't you just… Jack in and download some files or something?" Kade asked, pausing as all the bots turned to stare at him with varying levels of discomfort, "What? I know how computers work."

"No, we can't do that. For one thing, if their processors are able to run well enough to do that, we could just ask them. And for another, unless its absolutely medically necessary, hardlining into a stranger's processor is just… Eugh. No, we're not doing that." Blades shook his helm, "Look, asking them is probably going to be our best bet, to do that we need to get at least one of them operational again… Doctor Greene, I think we're going to need access to your 3D printer."

It had made mostly-functional subscale copies of the Rescuebots after all, including the ability to Transform. It should be able to make mostly-to-spec parts given the proper designs.

At least enough to have the Minicons boot up and complete the repairs themselves.

"Of course, I would be happy to help in any way I can." Doc Greene nodded, smiling a bit, "Even the glimpses I have had so far are truly fascinating. And well worth whatever time this takes up from my regular schedule."

"Just remember to actually eat your lunch this time, daddy." Frankie said, hugging her father with a giggle, "And go to bed too. Your experiments always get a little… Weird, when you're working on less than six hours of sleep."

"I have noticed that my little Somnologist." Doc Greene smiled back at her, "I promise, sweetie."


The next few days passed with the two Minicons being slowly reassembled from their core frames while damaged parts were logged and fresh replacements queued into the 3D printer. The Miniature Cyberwolf had a lot more core parts needing replacement than the Cougaraider, including having completely shorted out their Optics and main actuators, almost certainly due to forcing themselves to remain active even with their seals failing while the feline had been offline the entire time.

The Cougaraider's internal parts meanwhile had been mostly de-energized at the time, and so just needed rinsing out with distilled water and re lubricating joints where seawater had displaced the oil – but had clearly taken the brunt of whatever impact had knocked them out and had a lot of damaged armour and structural components.

On the one hand, clearly self-inflicted damage through sheer stubborness that now meant almost every bearing, actuator and even the optics of the lupine Minicon required replacement. On the other… Well, they might have taken damage slower if they'd gone into stasis, but stuck underwater and damaged as they were, without anyone looking for them?

They'd have both slowly rusted away without ever waking up again. And the wolf had clearly known it, with the effort they'd clearly taken to drag their larger companion out of the water. If they hadn't done so they almost certainly would have made it out of the water… But the Cougaraider would have taken even worse damage by now due to the prolonged exposure and completely mangled outer plating.

Still, with the limited throughput of their replacements – the 3D printer could, just about, produce reasonably compatible replacements, but couldn't do so at full speed, and the structural pieces were faster to make than complicated moving parts – it had been decided to get the Cougaraider back online first so they could find out what had happened and where the pair had come from.

The Cougaraider looked a bit patchy with grey titanium-allow plates in place of their damaged dark purple ones, and they had yet to reinstall their weapons – mostly to reduce the strain on their systems, but keeping the guns away until they had a better idea what they were dealing with seemed prudent – but their systems were stable, and Blades announced it should be safe to wake them up.

Again as a precaution they were moved to the offsite warehouse, to avoid anything that could cause damage to the systems still keeping the Cyberwolf alive and keep them out of sight of the townsfolk, and Blades initiated the reboot process.

For a few seconds nothing seemed to happen, then a soft hum sounded as the Cougaraider's cooling fans and fuel pumps started up and they shifted slightly, audial struts twitching for a moment before a pair of yellow slitted optics lit up, purple biolights flickering on over their joints as the feline minicon slowly got up and stretched before seeming to notice they weren't alone and immediately dropping low, tail flicking out behind them as Heatwave felt an active scan wash over his frame.

Optics flicking – well, the small indicator displays that Cybertronians with that style of optics often included to allow for things like eye contact – down to the symbol on his chest, the minicon relaxed fractionally again. "Rescue bots…?" A feminine voice mused softly as they likewise scanned over the rest of his team. "Huh. I assume I have you and your team to thank for my not slowly rusting on the bottom of this planet's ocean?"

Heatwave nodded and stepped forward, "I'm Heatwave, this is my team. Boulder, Blades and Chase. And your Cyberwolf friend deserves a lot of the credit. By the looks of things, they dragged you close enough to shore for us to find you."

The Cougaraider softened some at that, "Spitfire, you noble idiot…" She said quietly, "Where is he?"

"Still getting repaired, it's… Not pretty. He blew out a lot of internal systems getting here, and we're not really equipped for that. You were a lot quicker to fix up. And we were hoping you could answer some questions, like who you are and why you're here." He said, folding his arms.

"I will want to see him regardless, I think." She mused, "Oh, but of course, where are my manners? My designation is Ravage, and we were just escaping the Decepticon warship."
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the Rescue Bots (and most of the Colony worlds besides) had always been fairly autonomous about their hiring and training, and they cared more about results than whether someone was technically the 'right' fit for the task.
That's a surprise considering the Functionist government and their corruption and want to control everything that follow their way or the high way.

"Oh, but of course, where are my manners? My designation is Ravage, and we were just escaping the Decepticon warship."
Hopefully Heatwave won't aim his Energon arm cannon (he and his Rescue Bots don't have weapons in the kids show but there won't be such limit) at Ravage if he had known her reputation since she was dreaded in her own right in the Decepticons, and hear her story out.
Honestly also this time with the rescue bots is what both minicons need to recover and sorta upgrade themselves should be good.
Oh, yeah, for sure. Also some character development I'm planning for Spitfire about how he'd like to have functions that don't revolve around killing things.

Also, something like this may become relevant at some point:

That's a surprise considering the Functionist government and their corruption and want to control everything that follow their way or the high way.

Hopefully Heatwave won't aim his Energon arm cannon (he and his Rescue Bots don't have weapons in the kids show but there won't be such limit) at Ravage if he had known her reputation since she was dreaded in her own right in the Decepticons, and hear her story out.
The Rescue Bots were something of an exception. And that's actually one reason I don't think they'd be carrying guns, other than them basically being civilians.

They're basically like the Cybertronian version of the Thunderbirds - completely neutral and deliberately not carrying anything beyond nonlethals because part of their job requires that no one can legitimately see them as a threat. I'm talking about things like a natural disaster happening in a warring state and both sides let the Rescue Bots get on with things, or digging survivors out of collapsed structures regardless of side because that's just what they do. RBA isn't as good as RB, going even further into little kiddie stuff - but the idea that Rescuebots help everyone, regardless of faction or previous actions, is something I really like.

And the Decepticons mostly wiping them out or at least forcing them to pick a side and fight is one of the greatest tragedies other than the fall of Cybertron itself, because that's the reason Sigma-17 can be called the last proper Rescuebots.

Also, I don't really think they'd know about her other than anything they got briefed on. My assumption was that they'd basically skipped out on the war entirely, since I don't think they'd have been as carefree if there was an apocalyptic war on at home.
And the Decepticons mostly wiping them out or at least forcing them to pick a side and fight is one of the greatest tragedies other than the fall of Cybertron itself, because that's the reason Sigma-17 can be called the last proper Rescuebots.
So that's why Optimus Prime refused Heatwave's volunteering to join Team Prime because it would spell the end of Rescue Bots and their legacy, and he is trying to preserve any pre-war Cybertronian culture (with the obvious exception of Functionism).

I can see Miko Nakadai asking Optimus about not letting the Rescue Bots join the fight, thinking that Team Prime would get new members to kick Decepticon butt, only to be told that they're actually noncombat civilian group. Which Jack Darby would see the comparison with the Red Cross, who won't use weapons and focus on helping people regardless of side.
Also, I don't really think they'd know about her other than anything they got briefed on. My assumption was that they'd basically skipped out on the war entirely, since I don't think they'd have been as carefree if there was an apocalyptic war on at home.
Yeah I think they might have been in stasis the whole time
Also, something like this may become relevant at some point:
I am ecstatic on this subject, a sniper with the high ground is god and master of all he surveys and there is no higher ground than SKY
How's this gonna work, is Ravage gonna turn into a drone and Spitfire clamps on to a gun mounting, is the military gonna give Spitfire a drone he can attach to, interface with, and control, thus achieving discount seeker status, is spitfire just gonna full-on turn into the drone himself?
I'm absolutely giddy, I greatly enjoy the concept of sniping and I am, as the vast majority of my demographic are, a sucker for planes, combining them is probably my kryptonite.
Unrelated side note, unsure if this has been asked but what sort of guns can Spitfire turn into, can he do a railgun or coilgun? Those would probably be more energon-efficient at the cost of the weight of ammo, railgun might have a negative impact on overall efficiency due to parts wear though. May be useful for either long scouting patrols or making a very long-range shot.
So that's why Optimus Prime refused Heatwave's volunteering to join Team Prime because it would spell the end of Rescue Bots and their legacy, and he is trying to preserve any pre-war Cybertronian culture (with the obvious exception of Functionism).

I can see Miko Nakadai asking Optimus about not letting the Rescue Bots join the fight, thinking that Team Prime would get new members to kick Decepticon butt, only to be told that they're actually noncombat civilian group. Which Jack Darby would see the comparison with the Red Cross, who won't use weapons and focus on helping people regardless of side.
Something like that yeah. Another reason given Ratchet's limited resources could well just be the fact they're all still using civilian grade armour too.

Well, maybe better to say industrial grade? Basically they're armoured for protection from fires, corrosive gases and things falling on them, not blasterfire.

Yeah I think they might have been in stasis the whole time
Yeah I was thinking something like that.

Guess Heatwave and his squad were sent away from Cybertron, dodging the bullet of not getting caught in the middle of a war between Autobots and Decepticons.

Of course, despite being noncombatants, they still sport the Autobot insignia.
True, though am not sure yet if that's the autobots going back further, or just a small nod to practicality that right now they're effectively with the autobots because the Cons would off them on sight, and the Prime is still their ultimate leader.

Hm. Did they have that insignia before arriving on earth? Might have to check a few episodes again...

I am ecstatic on this subject, a sniper with the high ground is god and master of all he surveys and there is no higher ground than SKY
How's this gonna work, is Ravage gonna turn into a drone and Spitfire clamps on to a gun mounting, is the military gonna give Spitfire a drone he can attach to, interface with, and control, thus achieving discount seeker status, is spitfire just gonna full-on turn into the drone himself?
I'm absolutely giddy, I greatly enjoy the concept of sniping and I am, as the vast majority of my demographic are, a sucker for planes, combining them is probably my kryptonite.
Unrelated side note, unsure if this has been asked but what sort of guns can Spitfire turn into, can he do a railgun or coilgun? Those would probably be more energon-efficient at the cost of the weight of ammo, railgun might have a negative impact on overall efficiency due to parts wear though. May be useful for either long scouting patrols or making a very long-range shot.
For the Drone, remember that Spitfire is power-limited, his firepower is already limited when he has his Root mode systems powered up, never-ending a jet engine. Ravage however is a lot larger relatively speaking and has more available power to spend.

Plus them working together is fun to me lol.

For alternate weapons - not unless he can scan them. Spitfire turns into a specific model of cybertronian combat rifle, he can adjust himself and bypass the fiddling that would normally be required to change modes and he's an Active Mass Shifter, he can make some small changes to connect to a gun mount, but he's still that same gun.

He may well figure out some alternate firing modes and such here though.
Hm. Did they have that insignia before arriving on earth? Might have to check a few episodes again...
Ep 1 is on youtube so i checked.

Before they got their alt mode they were totally blank, back to protoform by the look of it.
No insignias i could see.
wonder why that is?
would protoforms use less energy?
Instead of relocating processing power and energy to control the alt mode stuff, they can use the energy for other things?

For the Drone, remember that Spitfire is power-limited, his firepower is already limited when he has his Root mode systems powered up, never-ending a jet engine. Ravage however is a lot larger relatively speaking and has more available power to spend.

Plus them working together is fun to me lol.
i do kinda hope he at least gets a parachute or something installed.
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Something like that yeah. Another reason given Ratchet's limited resources could well just be the fact they're all still using civilian grade armour too.

Well, maybe better to say industrial grade? Basically they're armoured for protection from fires, corrosive gases and things falling on them, not blasterfire.
True, Ratchet is similarly like the Rescue Bots albeit still capable of kicking butt and that he might have eschewed his own Energon blaster cannons (which he had knife hands for surgery or slicing up enemies) so that he can preserve the limited Energon supply in Autobot Outpost One since he rarely gets out of it while Optimus and members of Team Prime are in active patrol and engagement against Decepticon activity.

True, though am not sure yet if that's the autobots going back further, or just a small nod to practicality that right now they're effectively with the autobots because the Cons would off them on sight, and the Prime is still their ultimate leader.

Hm. Did they have that insignia before arriving on earth? Might have to check a few episodes again...
Nope, I checked. Even their ship has no insignia, which means the Rescue Bots were a Neutral organization but the Decepticons won't care as we see how they treated Neutrals in the Decepticon Campaign of War For Cybertron game.

After Heatwave and his comrades scanned new vehicle alt-mods, they now automatically bear the Autobot insignia when they transform. But Optimus had them assigned to be with the Burns family and perform their duties as Rescue Bots in Griffin Rock.