Keeper of Totality [Time-Travel LitRPG]

Chapter 79 (2 of 2) In which Raegan is abducted by two(?) magic fanatics.
"Squad Leader Zhang Mingxia reporting for duty, Captain!" the Sect Heir announced loudly. Palin Zoc'uraghets stood calmly beside her.

Adrianna gazed dully at her. "Do you have to be like that?"

Mingxia blinked. "I apologise for not understanding what you mean, Captain Riftmire. Like what?"

"Acting so energetically this early in the morning," Adrianna replied with a sigh, standing up from behind her desk in her cabin. "Do you think I want to have to deal with you right now? …no, forget it. Let's just get a move on." The woman with streaked curly dark hair pulled on her coat and walked out the door.

Zhang Mingxia turned wordlessly to Caspian leaning against the wall to her left, looking for an explanation.

Caspian groaned and straightened up to follow after his superior. "Ignore the Captain, Zhang. She always makes an effort to complain about her tasks but she ends up completing them to perfection." Caspian held the door out for Mingxia and Palin. "She doesn't have anything against you, she just has something against the whole Tower."

"…as you say, Vice Captain."

They followed her out onto the main deck. Adrianna took out her spyglass and scanned the horizon before turning back to them as she tucked it into her belt.

"Have you heard anything from Head Officer Stanhope about our task for this trip?" she asked seriously.

Mingxia shook her head but Palin saluted. "I've heard sparse details of the need to cull a few species of monsters in the outer fringes of the central zone," he informed them. "But I wasn't able to hear enough about whether that was our task for this trip."

Adrianna nodded and walked over to the stairs of the forecastle. She sat on the bottom step and gestured to them to sit down on the barrels and other crates nearby. "The Distorted Depths' Navy culls monsters on a strict ten-year rotation schedule. This is to prevent the more difficult monster species from gathering too much strength but also to allow some species to gain enough strength for their materials to be valuable." The woman reached into her dimensional skill and withdrew a piece of rolled-up parchment.

She spread it on the deck boards and placed a small canteen on top to hold it into place. Palin, Mingxia and Caspian leaned forward to look at the map, which also depicted a diagram of the monster they would be eradicating.

"A… flying fish?" Caspian asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Sword-Edge Wind Fish is the name of the kind we'll be hunting," Adrianna replied as she lit a cigar and placed the end in her mouth. "They hunt in schools but don't aim for large prey, so they hardly ever target the magic warships of the Navy. Additionally, their agility means that attempts to ambush their home Lair islands have been met with difficulty. The Commander said their instinct to flee is particularly strong."

"And yet the M.W.S. Dawnlight has the agility and strength to chase or escape these airborne predators," Zhang Mingxia mused as she studied the map, taking note of the razor-thin edges of their fins. "They do not sound like a threat to the Navy, I have noticed."

Adrianna leaned back and took a puff of her cigar. "They're barely more than a slight annoyance to the fleets when major combat occurs due to their tendency to steal away kills and monster cores. Now that the Dawnlight has set sail again, the Commander has told Wharifin and me that he's looking forward to fighting without being interrupted by those opportunists." A slight huff escaped her lips as she crossed her arms. "Apparently, the scales are used as glitter on many noblewomen's dresses when they're ground down too."

"How will we approach this task, Captain?" Palin asked seriously.

Adrianna glanced at him and then gestured to Caspian. The demi-Atlantean took out a duplicate map of the archipelago on the White Squall Fortress's side of the Distorted Depths, this one annotated in red pen.

"The Captain and I have been discussing using this opportunity to test the crew against some of the other monsters in the areas bordering the central waters," he told them, tracing a circle around the island labelled 'Sword-Edge Wind Fish'. "We've both agreed that we'd like to accustom the crew to combat with monsters on the crew's own terms, but we didn't want to do anything without talking about this with you two. You'll be the ones responsible for leading the fights against the monsters."

Palin opened her mouth but Adrianna pointed at him before he could say anything. "Yes, we know you'd prefer to give the position to someone else. Unfortunately, all of Wharifin's colleagues were Squad Leaders themselves before coming here and my task is to give everyone experience. And I'm undecided about Griffin."

Zhang Mingxia glanced at the outlined path on the map and pointed to the islands surrounding the flying fish island. "If we are to lead our crewmates into battle, I suggest granting us the opportunity to enhance our strength through levels utilising these less protected monster species. Our inexperience will cause fewer issues if we have the strength to make up for it."

Caspian nodded thoughtfully while Adrianna looked at the ocean behind her. "The System will impose penalties on experience gain if we only attack monsters that are easy to slaughter. We'll adjust our course for that if you need, but gather information from the crew to determine what order we should target the Lairs in to limit the penalties."

Mingxia looked up. "Gather information from the crew?"

Caspian nodded. "Some of us, like Ruel, can throw elemental spells and cause devastating damage to the enemy frontlines with that method. But others like Dais fight through purely melee. The Captain and I will still be here to discuss anything you might need to about fighting the monsters, but you need to organise these plans with your squads yourselves."

Zhang Mingxia and Palin Zoc'uraghets trades looks. "Then I suppose we begin that now?" Mingxia asked.

Adrianna gestured to the stairs descending to the lower decks behind them. "Yes. It's time to wake up the others, anyway. Arventiel needs to get some rest."

They all looked up to see the half-fae in the crow's nest, barely able to keep levitating in the air through her sleepiness.

"Captain Riftmire, I have been somewhat curious…" Mingxia glanced at the curly-haired woman. "Are you aware of the reason why she calls you the 'false one'? It feels as though all reasons for her fear of you stem from that."

Adrianna frowned slightly but stood up and didn't address the question. "Stop asking about irrelevant details. It's likely just her fae instincts responding to my Superior illusion affinity."

Mingxia narrowed her eyes.

But I have already asked Noirel Arventiel that, having come to the same conclusion myself. She has told me that it is not so.

"Arventiel called Griffin something like a 'Distortionist' or similar too, didn't she?" Palin mused.

"Yes, 'Distorter'," Mingxia agreed.

"That doesn't sound like a good title," Caspian said with mild bemusement. "Then again, 'false one' doesn't sound the greatest either. Maybe Noirel has nicknames for everyone she keeps secret and only mentions the ones for Adrianna and Conlan."

Palin stood up and straightened out his uniform's sleeves before walking off. "I'll go wake the men. Officer Zhang, you should wake the women."

"I will do as you suggested." Mingxia stood up and waved to Caspian. "I foresee that I will want to discuss things further with you about our tasks, Vice Captain. Could you leave an opening in your schedule for us to meet again today?"

Caspian smirked and crossed his arms. "Cathy still hasn't managed to get you to stop being so formal. Maybe we should give Ruel the task instead."

She smiled and shook her head. "If he can persuade my fellow disciples then perhaps he would have a chance to persuade me as well. However, that remains to be seen." She saluted to Caspian. "I shall wake the women of our crew up, Vice Captain Wharifin."

He waved goodbye to her and Mingxia smiled as she descended the steps.

The longer I spend among my crewmates, the more I feel ill-suited to the life of a successor to my clan and Sect. Nonetheless, the differences between them and I are still clear. I only wish that… part of this life would stay with me when I return to my realm…

I can feel that Griffin's up to something, but what I don't know…

Adrianna frowned as she put away her spyglass and spun the wheel. Silenis Vima was busy charting their designated path in the map room below deck, so she had the responsibility of steering for the morning. Her gaze caught on the three people she had talked to this morning but then she refocused her attention on the horizon.

Arventiel's reaction to me is making the crew curious. I'll need to talk with her about this before she begins to reveal a bit more to the rest of the crew and create difficulties.

She inwardly sighed as Zhang Mingxia began to walk up the steps to the quarterdeck. The cultivator never seemed to run out of conversation topics. Adrianna sometimes wondered if she should've worked harder to ignore the girl, but she hadn't thought it would be an issue because Zhang Mingxia and her company ended up leaving them at the end of the year for unknown reasons. That choice was coming back to bite her because now the Sect heir seemed to think she made a good conversation partner.

"Captain, am I disturbing you?" the girl asked with a calm smile.

Adrianna stared at her and then turned away to look at the horizon again. "Yes."

"Then I will have to apologise beforehand," the Sect heir claimed without an ounce of shame. "I wanted to ask you something."

Adrianna's expression twitched and she tried to avoid looking at Zhang Mingxia as the cultivator stood next to her.

"Officer Zoc'uraghets has a sensible and collected character so I understand your reasons for selecting him as one of our Squad Leaders," Zhang Mingxia began with her hands held behind her back. "However, I cannot help my curiosity about why you selected me as a Squad Leader."

Adrianna glanced at her with a slight frown and tilted the wheel slightly to use the headwind to speed up their sailing. "I thought it should be obvious. You're here to learn about the Navy of the Mystical Realm and our interactions with the Beast Realm. I'm required to provide you with the opportunity to gain experience in leading others."

"That may be so, yet would it not suit you better to select a member of the Mystical Realm?" Zhang Mingxia asked curiously. "You were the one to inform me of my inability to utilise spiritual energy to deal significant damage to the monstrous creatures in the realms of magic."

"You mean when you tried to make Stanhope give you a different sparring partner but your tantrum didn't work?" Adrianna stated flatly.

Zhang Mingxia's expression froze and she turned away to cough. "I was… young and immature, but-"

"You think you've gained that much maturity in barely seven months?" Adrianna asked dubiously. Zhang Mingxia avoided her gaze and Adrianna gained a brief smirk before it disappeared. "You're overthinking this. You've demonstrated that out of the members of our cadet camp, you're genuine about wanting to fulfil your responsibilities. You also know what is required of a member of the military. That's enough to make you a Squad Leader."

Zhang Mingxia narrowed her eyes at Adrianna, clearly not believing that it was such a simple reason. Adrianna hadn't exactly lied per se, but…

The cultivator sighed and gave her a salute. "As you say, Captain. I presume that even if I press here, you would refuse to answer. You're that kind of person." She turned around and began to descend the stairs, but looked back to say one more thing. "Although, Captain Riftmire… I must say that I am impressed by your impeccable soul control. If you were a cultivator, I'm sure my own Sect would wish to take you on as a disciple."

Adrianna eyed her with mild suspicion. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

Zhang Mingxia blinked. "It was a sincere compliment. I didn't mean anything else outside of that."

She left Adrianna to her own devices, guiding the M.W.S. Dawnlight through the frigid, cold grey waters of the Distorted Depths.

Impeccable soul control… ah, she must've reached a new level in the cultivation of her Soul Art. The Longevity Vast Glacier Sect is known for being the Sect with the strongest Soul Arts and Scriptures. Is she able to perceive my surface-level emotions now?

There had never been a time that Zhang Mingxia had approached her like that in the past, though. She looked through her memories to think of what the difference could've been, and…

My strongest emotions during that first year of being in charge of the Dawnlight were… fear and anxiety. I didn't want any of them to find out my secrets and I was already treading a fine line by showing the talent I had.

There was also Griffin. After I saw him survive my first attempt to kill him, even if he didn't know about my involvement, I didn't kick him out because I wanted to observe him. I was on edge the entire time to make sure Griffin didn't think I was showing him any specific attention…

Adrianna sighed and pressed a hand to her temples.

After that first attempt, he gained strength at an exponential rate. I had my suspicions about why I was able to gain strength at an unnatural rate, but he was an anomaly. My Origin Skill excels at analysing cause and effect but he defies all their laws.

And then I discovered that any attempts to harm him only served to strengthen him…

Her fingers twitched on the steering wheel when the subject of her thoughts himself walked out onto the main deck. As was his habit, the first thing he did each morning was search for where she was. He eventually found her behind the wheel and smiled and waved, but she ignored him as she always did.

A burst of fierce wind rushed over the ship and she ran a hand through her messed-up hair in an attempt to get it back into its normal position.

I was originally thinking about Zhang Mingxia. I shouldn't think about Griffin any more than I have to.

Consistently, ever since the crew was officially formed, Zhang Mingxia had been approaching her everyday to talk to her. It wasn't a major issue, but Zhang Mingxia wasn't in any of Adrianna's plans and she intended for it to remain that way.

Zhang Mingxia was a short-term member of the crew and in comparison to the others, Adrianna didn't actually know much about the Sect heir. She wasn't aware of any of the girl's past. The real reason why Adrianna had selected Zhang Mingxia to be a Squad Leader was actually that the girl was a 'neutral' force that never got pulled into Griffin's crappy orbit.

Adrianna didn't want to interact with her other crewmates very much because she expected them to leave and join Griffin's Guild when he created it. As for why she was going to allow that…

Griffin's ability to distort events meant that the people who joined him would be protected by his abilities and benefit because of it. She was perfectly happy to ruin the members of Griffin's Guild who weren't part of her original crew, but she wanted the members of her crew to stay safe.

The true reason behind her actions in the Navy was to ensure that Griffin's worse personality traits could be revealed and plant the seed of conflict within his forces but let the crew benefit from being his 'allies' for as long as possible. She had confidence Griffin would find a way to screw things up on his own as he had done the exact same thing in the past, and she had her way of planting ticking timebombs to spice things up.

So, her role in this timeline would be to ensure they survived and had enough friction with Griffin to face issues when the time for the Millennium Chapter came around. Because any of her crewmates who began to confront Griffin had the risk of being deemed 'enemies' by his Origin Skill and Class. That would spell disaster for them.

And if she was going to get the revenge she wanted, Griffin needed to place his trust in the crew before they all abandoned.

It's fine. Griffin will probably stay here for another year and a half before leaving to create his Guild. I can enjoy this peace for a while longer before doing anything.

…she still had to deal with that annoyingly outgoing Sect heir, though. Adrianna looked at Zhang Mingxia and then clicked her tongue. Silenis Vima soon arrived on the quarterdeck and took the wheel from her with a calm nod.

Then Adrianna walked down the steps with her coat loosely slung over one shoulder, ready to look for her equally annoying second-in-command.

I need to sort things out with Arventiel…

"During the fights, you can either choose to join Officer Zoc'uraghets group, with officer Griffin being part of them or my group, commanded by Officer Zhang Mingxia," Adrianna informed the half-fae coolly. "Take your pick."

The ashy-haired girl was staring at her with a pale face and wide eyes. She looked like she might faint. "I-I need to be part of the same squad as the Distorter?" she stammered.

Adrianna tilted her head with her arms crossed. "Or with me, the one you claim is the 'false one'."

Noirel Arventiel took a step back from her and Caspian, who was watching from the side. "I don't want to do either!"

Adrianna narrowed her eyes. "You are required to be part of a group, Arventiel. As a member of this crew, you need to be led by someone, and that can either be Zoc'uraghets or Zhang Mingxia. Unfortunately or fortunately, Griffin and I are in two separate groups. Would you rather be in a group with both of us? I could arrange that."

The half-fae's face paled even more and she quickly shook her head. "No, I'll choose. Between the distorter and the false one…" She hesitated for a moment and then grimaced. "…I'll join your group, Captain Riftmire."

"Good." Adrianna turned on her heels and marched off. "Stop bringing up anymore of this 'false one' business. I don't care about your opinions of me but I am still your Captain."

Arventiel slowly nodded as Caspian walked after Adrianna, having to jog a little to catch up to her pace. "Adrianna, are you not curious why she calls you that at all?" Caspian asked.

"No. I already know why she calls me that," Adrianna replied indifferently.

Caspian's eyes widened. "Really? What's the reason then?"

"I don't recall that being any of your business."

He scowled and acting on impulse swept a leg out to try to kick her chin. She didn't even react and continued walking. Caspian's expression twitched and he walked over to the edge of the ship.

Adrianna looked back. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? I'm sulking!" Caspian angrily exclaimed, leaning his arms on the edge of the ship.

"…okay," Adrianna said with a strange expression. She came up beside him. "Why exactly are you sulking?"

"Oh, I wonder why!" Caspian shouted with indignance, looking incredibly irate. "I have a ridiculous superior who refuses to call me by my first name, she just loves to keep me in ignorance, and she does whatever she pleases while expecting me to do whatever she tells me to!" He buried his head in his arms. "I might just quit, I swear."

Adrianna studied him for a brief moment and then she placed a palm on his head. Caspian stiffened.

"There there," she said tonelessly while patting him.

"What-" Caspian stared at her with wide eyes.

"Or at least that's how I think I'm supposed to treat someone shorter than me." And with that, Adrianna walked off.

Caspian shouted after her with anger, "Hey!"

Caspian rested his head on the table he was sitting at. "And then she just pats my head, saying 'There there', and claims she did it because I'm shorter than her!"

His conversation partner, Maeva, smirked and patted him on the head. "There there."

He looked up and glared at her. "Not you too!"

Maeva paused when she felt his hair and walked forward to ruffle it. "Your hair has a really interesting texture. It's surprisingly soft and fluffy."

He groaned and swatted away her hand. "I'm not some pet for you to pat!"

"Can I come in?"

Caspian looked up and glared at the speaker when he heard the familiar voice. "No."

Ignoring his response, Adrianna walked down the stairs below the main deck and pulled up a chair near a porthold. "I'm coming in anyway."

"Why did you ask me if you were going to ignore me?" Caspian retorted.

Adrianna marginally raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm the Captain of this ship. I can go anywhere I please. I was only asking for politeness' sake."

Caspian slammed his head on the table again. "I haaateee youuu…"

"That's what Ross tells the Commander everyday yet I hear he still hasn't quit," Adrianna replied while looking out of the porthole.

Her Vice Captain just groaned as Maeva smirked and patted him on the head again. "There there, Vice Captain. Things will get better soon."

"Stop treating me like a kid!"

"But you're younger than me, Caspian."


By the way, I know I haven't actually explained this properly, but Lucy doesn't consider herself and Adrianna as two different beings. The Alter-Ego skill gives her a second body, and while she can use her soul constructs to alter her own thought patterns, it's still her. The second consciousness just means the clone will move around if they're disconnected. The only reason why I use the name 'Adrianna' instead of Lucy when she has internal thoughts is for less confusion.

Hey, 'Adrianna' even had internal conflict over that back around chapter 30-something ish!

P.S. Sorry about Wednesday. Younger siblings are finishing up school this week, so it got too hectic for me to post on Patreon, and it's unfair to give free chapters out if I don't post there. The M-W-F schedule IS STILL PLANNED!

Patreon (x10 chapters!):


Discord (Come get your Qualified Scytale Feeder role!):


Honorary mention of my first Plebeian: Purplexa

[Title: Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

DoomByCookies, getthepoptart21, znarken, skywatchwolf, Omega, Oxylus, lagia1614, whoknows, sesse4880, rain6295, augustus63.

[Title: Rank-5 | Type: Discord/Role]


Inzuris, Kabi, Malahadiel, Starfall20, Shoutloud, ChaosOmega98, deathbunnies, wind.celestial, Spacemanspiff, Hibou Ronchon, eroth, magicaltaliyah, arcanorum042, Mitchell, sami027, bali123456789, Lars, Aria, Prince007, Abdulaziz, Jonathon, Albert Ng, phoon, Frostyflame66, Drowsy Golem, timelestime, mr7, Que Tea, kinokomasha, Sparxy, Death2moo, Tzeneth, Sara, Cyko, harrisonv, Kasper, arcanedeath, m0r1tz_hf, Name, viridian, Michael, Sebgatot, Pam Cakes28, Orange Thistle, Zane, acausal, Alex, konodias, hamkaas420, wumpycz, attackgnome, erikas, Patrick, Lilly, Talespinner Lore, schal_, aaa11, bram, dndsharky, snakesden, kiphea, jacowyn, infinitespy, navango,

[Title: Demon Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

Moon Winchester

I guess exposing Griffin's character flaws and trying to thread the needle of 'make his groupies to be not fall fully into his cult, but don't make them anti-Griffin enough to not get his 'hero' plot armor' is some decent reasoning...

But, the thing is she already explained why Riftmire is a thing a long while back, and setting up Conlan's future supporters to split away from him was only an incidental goal (mostly in the sense of keeping them from getting killed by his antics and shameless disregard for the concept of 'negligence').

Her goal was to keep Conlan thinking that nothing had really changed, and he was the only returnee from the previous timeline. And by dangling a Captain Riftmire that had yet to be 'corrupted from the light' in front of him, she could keep him focused on the futile task of trying to woo her alter-ego instead of seeking out power in more efficient ways, assembling his old allies before Lucy can get to them, playing planar-politics like she is, and just generally causing a mess in the rest of the Planes and making her own knowledge of the 'future' less reliable because there's a Distorter bumbling around to mess everything up.

Comparatively, right now he's stuck on an isolated navy-boat in the middle of nowhere, where his reality distorting 'luck' only has finite targets that she already knows about, and where as his Captain she's got some control over what he does. Well, all that and while it's becoming more and more obvious Conlan is a delusional narcissist, it hasn't been outright shown just how intelligent or clever he can be sans his nearly all-consuming blinders. And if he's not innately critically stupid...well Captain Adrianna Riftmire not showing up where she is supposed to isn't just a lack of convenient bait for his attention... it's a massive red flag that something is wrong with the timeline, and he needs to be proactive and cautious in finding out what's going on. At that point, forget formulating the perfect revenge versus merely killing her old nemesis, Lucille's plans are actually outright at risk ff Conlan is going around causing chaotic waves and deliberately growing his bullshit power as fast as possible.
Any way you look at it, Adriana is a vastly different character from the original timeline.

She's not really trying to push everyone away, and actually understands far more how to communicate. Plus, not dealing with all those negative emotions and fears changes quite a bit.

Then you get the point where she is the same person as Lucy, so has the same ludicrous soul density. Which puts her on par with a serious cultivator.

I do wonder about the "false one" part though.
Any way you look at it, Adriana is a vastly different character from the original timeline.

She's not really trying to push everyone away, and actually understands far more how to communicate. Plus, not dealing with all those negative emotions and fears changes quite a bit.

Then you get the point where she is the same person as Lucy, so has the same ludicrous soul density. Which puts her on par with a serious cultivator.

I do wonder about the "false one" part though.

She and Scytale piggy-backed "our intrepid hero"s regression due to unknown system interference back in Chapter 1, that'd be a good source for the title.
Chapter 80 (1 of 2) Reconciliation != Cooperation
The polished marble floors let out a dull echo as Lucille's boots walked across them. In the absence of anyone else nearby, her expression was cold and devoid of emotion.

This wasn't just because she had turned off her expression regulator as she normally did when going there, but because it accurately expressed her emotions about being in that place. Unfortunately, her Transmutational Conduit picked up on the presence of another person's mana nearby – as she didn't use her spiritual energy within the Archduke's presence – and so she had to turn her expression regulator back on and become her normal calm, happy self.

The sound of the footsteps approaching her was recognisable, so she paused for a bit but then continued walking. She peeked around the corner and then blinked when faced with the view of Count Bentsen frowning at the pages in his hands. Other officials of the Ducal Palace were standing nearby, looking nervous.

Count Daymar Bentsen sighed and passed the pages back to the subordinates. "This will do for now. Don't go to His Grace with them, just pass them to me when they're finalised."

The two officials slowly nodded and swiftly walked off. Count Bentsen turned around and stopped when he saw Lucille there.

"Count Goldcroft. It's a pleasure to see you again," he said with a weary smile.

"The same to you. You look…" She tilted her head. "Tired, Count."

"Ah…" He glanced behind him and then carefully approached. He bent to talk into her ear. "I'll only warn you because you know… what he's like, but His Grace hasn't been in a good mood for a while now. He's been distracted and gazing off into mid-air whenever I see him." He stepped back and dipped his head to her. "Use this information as you see fit. I only ask you don't irritate him… for the good of everyone in the Aethereal Palace."

He walked off, leaving Lucy to gaze after him in thought.

Mid-air? That sounds like system notifications. And of course, he's in a bad mood. He's always in a bad mood.

She shook her head and took the flight of steps to the Archduke's floor where his study was.

She paused in front of the two blue-painted doors and considered how she was going to go about entering this time. Eventually, Lucille shrugged and pushed them both open with two hands.

"Your Grace!" she began with obnoxious cheerfulness. She walked forward and leaned her hands on the back of the couch facing his desk. "It's been a while since we last met! I hope you haven't missed me too much, because I certainly have not missed you!"

He gazed silently at her for a long while, but in a shocking turn of events, he barely showed a reaction besides letting out a slight sigh and returning to his work.

Lucy stared at him.

No killing intent? Is he seriously not mad at me anymore? I thought he'd still be angry, if not even more furious at me for my actions two months ago.

The Archduke suddenly turned his head to glare at something off to his left. His eyes turned a bloody crimson. He didn't seem to care that she saw his actions in the slightest.


The only other explanation she could think of was that…

…he found someone else he was more angry at than her.

For some reason, the Archduke clicked his tongue and scratched his ear as if to rid himself of an irritating noise. His crimson gaze faded as he glanced at her and then indifferently pointed at the couch as he scanned a new page. "Well? Are you going to sit, Goldcroft?"

She watched him for a second longer and suppressed a huff as she walked around to sit down on the couch with her arms crossed.

It doesn't matter what his reasons are for not being angry at me anymore. It seems this might be the first step towards having a more cooperative relationship, so I'll take what I can get. Maybe I'll have the chance to bring up the contract.

"So, Your Excellency, what is on the agenda today?" she asked in an upbeat voice.

He gave her a slightly dubious look. "Excellency?"

"That is the title afforded to an Archduke, isn't it?" Lucille replied. "Or do you prefer Your Grace? If so, then I can call you by your preferred-"

"I don't care what you call me. Don't speak to me at all if you can help it." The white-haired incognito Demon Emperor tapped a pile on his desk and it teleported in front of her.

Lucy refrained from rolling her eyes and picked up the pile. "Ah, the month after the mid-annual merchant consolidation month. I suppose this is something to do with the ties between the Commission and your Duchy, Your Grace? With the tribute reports having been submitted to the Empire, the merchants will be rushing to arrange deals as early in the new business semester as possible."

"If you know, then work," he stated curtly.

Lucy was used to that response by now and set to work reading the proposals. It seemed they were submitted by government officials of the Duchy and they all had to do with the Aurelian Commission, so he just left them for when she could arrive to sort them out herself.

Some of the proposals made her hesitate and she looked up at the Archduke. "Would you permit me to go to Count Bentsen and request information on these reports? I want to know the selection criteria for the proposals that were rejected before these were gathered."

He tilted his head at her and then blinked. "It's done. He's coming here instead."

that was not what I asked.

The doors behind her opened to reveal the brown-haired Count with several binders in hand. He glanced between them curiously. "Your Grace, you called for me?"

The Archduke pointed at Lucy, who sighed. "I requested to meet with you to know the selection criteria for these business proposals. Instead, His Grace summoned you." She smiled brightly before silently mouthing, 'Sorry'.

Count Bentsen paused and then smirked. He deposited one of the binders in front of her and then turned to the Archduke. "I see. Then I will make good use of this opportunity to pass these highly important, urgent documents to Your Grace as it is a rare occasion that you send for me."

The Archduke scowled as the work was placed on his desk but the Count let out a chuckle. "Even as your aide, I often wonder what makes you so busy. Why, often I come to your office with urgent work and yet I find the doors locked and not a sound to be heard inside! It's almost like you become deaf to my words!"

The superior and subordinate had a stare-off as the Count smiled brightly and the Archduke's expression twitched.

Lucy held her chin as she looked between the two of them and then shrugged. She picked up the binder with the selection criteria. "Thank you for retrieving this for me, Count Bentsen. I know as a member of a different Faction that it's a great deal of trust that you're placing in me, letting me read these documents."

He smiled and showed as he walked towards the exit doors. "Not a problem, my lady. Not a problem at all." He shut the doors behind him, leaving the Archduke and Lucy alone once more.

It was her expectation that after the hour of nothing occurring between them, she could determine that because the Archduke had finally lost his anger towards her, they could cooperate to achieve her aims, but that expectation was proven a senseless hope when the Archduke stopped working and began to stare at her as she finished up her work. It was getting on her nerves too, as he didn't show any other reaction when she made eye contact with him.

It was when she had finished writing the last line that his neon blue eyes narrowed. She stood up, shook the pages so they fell into a neat pile, and then walked forward to place them on the white-haired incognito demon's desk. "It appears I've finished early today," she began pleasantly. "It may take some time for you to work through the rest of your documents, but I'm sure that as the Archduke you're familiar with doing this quantity of work each day."

Archduke Stolas seemed to frown slightly but Lucille stepped back and lightly shrugged. "Of course, I have to return to my work once I leave the Aethereal Palace. I do quite a lot too, Your Grace. I usually wake up at six and return to bed after midnight. Is your schedule similar to mine?"

He glanced at her and then sent her a dismissive wave as he picked up a scarlet pen. "Why should I reveal this to you?"

"No reason. Only minor curiosity on my part." She tapped on her chin as she looked behind herself to see the exit, then glanced at the Archduke. "Considering that I came across you sleeping during the middle of the day, I have been wondering if Your Grace may… have the trait of wishing to avoid work wherever you can." She smirked slightly and placed a hand on his desk. "It would explain the long periods of rest you seem to take in between each cycle."

He narrowed his eyes. "Goldcroft, if you have something to say, then say it. I don't have the patience to play your games."

She lost her smile and snapped her fingers. A projection of the terms of their shared System Contract appeared above her gloved palm. "The contract. Please finish it."

He studied the projection and let out a sigh. "I'm not doing that."

She placed both her hands on his desk. "Your Grace, I'm not asking for much. I just want the clause about Quests to be added. It would benefit you too if you gave me an incentive that would make me more motivated to achieve the intention of your goals and not just the written word of them."

The white-haired individual intertwined his fingers and rested them on the desk. "I am not required to give you anything, Goldcroft. May I remind you that our first contract to aid your revenge against the 'Hero of Light' is still in effect? But that only applies to my main body." He tilted his head. "As the 'Archduke', I am not required to do anything."

Lucille narrowed her eyes at him. "Then why do you not inform me of any of your plans for this timeline? There have to have been many changes you've made now that you know how it turned out. And I'm sure there is information you need from me about the past timeline."

"I don't need you for anything," he retorted coldly. "And I am not doing anything about the contract."

"Then will the contract ever change?" she asked quietly.

He frowned but some notification made him click his tongue. "…not now at least," he said as he dipped the red pen in an inkwell.

Lucy watched him for a moment and then huffed. "Fine. It's a better answer than I was expecting, anyway. Well then, Your Excellency, as I've finished my work I'll take my leave and-"

"Wait." Something about his gaze became sharp as he stared at her. He scanned the room and pointed to a high cupboard directly behind her on the other side of the couch. "Go get me a second inkwell from that cupboard."

She turned around to see where he was pointing and looked back with a marginally raised eyebrow. "…that cupboard, Your Grace?"

"I don't like repeating myself." He rested his chin on his hand and gestured to it again. "Fetch it, Goldcroft."

After a moment of consideration, she walked around the couch and came to a stop in front of the cupboard. It was attached to the ceiling above a packed bookshelf.

Lucille hesitated. She glanced back. "…Your Grace, are you sure it's this cupboard?"

He rolled his eyes. "I've told you this already."

"Well, yes, but…" She looked at the cupboard and then at him again. "I can't reach it."

He didn't say anything besides tilt his head, so she continued to explain, "I barely even reach your shoulders, Your Grace, and this was clearly built for a person of your height. My fingertips won't clear even the bottommost floor of the cupboard."

He continued to remain silent so she gestured to it. "And… I'm not sure if you're aware of this yet, Sir, but I can't cast spells in your presence. Your affinity means non-elemental mana is the most dominant mana type in your vicinity and you also have high authority over it. I require domination of mana nearby with my skillset so… I can't use magic to obtain the inkwell. But you can teleport objects."

She glanced back when she still received no reply. "Your Grace?"

He crossed his arms and leaned back. "I fail to see your point, Goldcroft," he said with mild disdain.

Lucy stared at him. She stared at the cupboard, then at him again.

This sonuva- he's doing this on purpose. He's irritated that I've finished my work before him so he's intentionally giving me this troublesome task as petty payback. 'Fail to see your point', yeah right. What he really wants to say is 'That's your problem, not mine'.

This time she scowled without care for whether he was watching.

That's it. It's settled. This damned demon will never be getting another moment of peace whenever I visit. He can't kill me and we're bound by a contract, so I have nothing to fear. I'll make him rue the day he decided to think of me as an easy target.

Lucille marched off towards the side of the couch and swung her boot against it. It made a dull thump.

"…Goldcroft, what are you doing to my property?" the Archduke asked with suspicion.

She turned to him and beamed, making him frown. "Why, I'm problem-solving!" she replied brightly. "If I can't reach it and must use magic, then I obviously need something to stand on to reach the cupboard. I'm testing to see if this is fixed to the ground or not."

"…it's not, but-" His words were interrupted by a sharp squeak as the couch slid across the ground. Lucy paused and looked at him, while he scowled. "Don't."

She picked up one edge of the couch and happily began pushing it as an ear-piercing screeeeech sounded as it slid from its position. Whenever it caught on the edge of a rug or similar, she would put in the effort to stop completely and veeeery slowly push the couch to 'not damage the precious belongings of His Grace'. That was what she told the Archduke as he glowered at her.

"Goldcroft, put that do-"

Another screech sounded. She blinked innocently as she lowered it slightly and turned to him. "My apologies, did you say something?"

"I said to put that down-"

It screeched again. She covered her mouth with mock shock as he angrily stood up. "Sorry, that was a mistake."

His expression twitched and he finally snapped his fingers. The couch teleported back to its original position. "Don't use the couch," he warned.

"Not the couch? Then…" She pretended to look around for another chair and then her eyes fell on his armchair.

The Archduke scowled and sat back down on the armchair. She clicked her tongue and walked over to the bookshelf. "Fine then. I'll use this."

The incognito Demon Emperor's eyes narrowed. "And just what do you think you're doing now, Goldcroft?"

"Making a ladder." She grabbed a stack of books and 'carefully' threw them onto the couch. "I won't have any footing to climb if I don't remove these. By the way, Your Grace, do you actually read these? I feel like it's more likely that these are only here to give your study the appearance of an important place. One of these might be empt- oh."

Their eyes fell on one of the books that landed open, revealing blank white pages. Lucy gained a faint smirk. "I see, Your Grace. You put as much effort into decorating your study as you do your work!"

He glared at her as she hummed contentedly, removing the last books from the shelf. Then she placed a boot firmly on the bottommost shelf and hoisted herself up. "There. Now, what do we have here…" She opened the cupboard and her gaze went flat when she saw that what was inside was not inkwells. She hopped down from the bookshelf and gave the Archduke a tight smile. "Surprisingly, it appears the inkwells aren't within this cupboard, Your Grace. Do you happen to know where they might be?"

The corner of his lips twitched slightly as if he wanted to smirk and he pulled out a drawer of his desk. One small black glass pot was taken out and placed on his desk. "It appears I must've forgotten they were here."

She watched the inkwell for a moment and then looked up at him with wide eyes. "Your Grace, are you suffering memory loss?"

He frowned. "What?"

Lucy covered her mouth in 'worry'. "I hope not. Memory loss is a key symptom of dementia, after all."

The Archduke's eyes narrowed. "Are you claiming that I have dementia?"

"Well…" She looked to the side. "It's known to occur in individuals who have progressed considerably in age. Considering your long history, it wouldn't be unexpected that your memory would finally be failing you after all these year-"

Something shot past her cheek and stuck itself in the wall behind the empty bookshelf.

"Goldcroft. Shut. Up," he growled.

A wet substance trickled down her cheek and she pulled away her hand to observe the fresh blood dying her gloves. Lucille observed it curiously and then turned around to see a blue ballpoint pen sticking out of the wall. It was one of the pens he had in a stationary box on his table.

Lucy took the pen out of the wall with a bit of effort and noticed it was perfectly unharmed. She whirled around and waved the pen cheerfully. "Thank you for the free pen, Your Grace! I can't believe you gave me such an honour as your own pen for a gift!"

"What? No." He scowled and gestured to her. "Give it here."

She held it against her. "Don't worry, Your Grace. I'll make sure it will remain unharmed. I'll use your gift every day and ensure it's in perfect condition every hour."

"I- When did I ever say I was giving you that pen as a gift?" he said with mild incredulity. "Goldcroft, I said to give it back."

She clicked her tongue and walked to his desk. Before she placed it in his outstretched hand, she raised a finger. "Your Grace, if you feel like I may be burdened by receiving a gift so freely from you, then I can buy it from you."

"Goldcroft." His eyes narrowed dangerously. "The pen."

Lucy rolled her eyes and slowly passed her hand over the table where the red pen he had been using lay next to his documents. She placed the blue pen in his hand and retracted her hand. "Happy, your grace?" she replied pleasantly.

He shot her a flat look and then pointed at the exit. "Take your leave now, Goldcroft."

Her smile grew wider and she gave him a low bow that made him frown because she never acted so respectfully. "As you wish, Your Excellency. I dearly look forward to our next meeting." She straightened up and saluted him. "May the Eternal Emperor's favour be with you."

A look of incredulity passed over his face again as she left with a slight bounce in her step, inwardly smirking. The Demon Emperor himself didn't need any favour from the Emperor of the Eternal Empire. She met with Count Bentsen in passing and made polite talk with him, before finally departing.

It was only when she was safely in her carriage at the bottom of the Aethereal Palace's hill that she grinned and took the ruby red ballpoint pen out of her dimensional bag to admire it.

It's fine. I like this colour better anyway.

[There, that wasn't so hard, was it? Not everything that annoys you needs to die]

The Archduke shot the message an annoyed look but returned from his position by the window and sat down in his armchair. He reached forward for the pen he had been using and…

…paused when he realised it was no longer on his desk. His perception, which he normally kept closed off, expanded and he discovered it was no longer in the Aethereal Palace at all. He turned to stare at the door of his room and slowly narrowed his eyes.

[Ha! That will teach you not to keep your perception active just because it irritates you!]

The Archduke scowled as the culprit immediately became obvious and he sprung up to march over to the window and slam his hands on the windowsill. In the distance, a small blue carriage engraved with the white crest of the Aethereal Duchy was close to leaving the Palace gates. His fingers twitched slightly as he raised them but…

[Are you going to use your almighty powers of teleportation to teleport that girl back here with your pen? That would be petty, Alectis. Really petty.]

He glared at the notification, but it bobbed as if enjoying his anger.

[And how are you going to prove that she took the pen in the first place?]

"I don't need to prove anything," he hissed.

[Really? Are you going to threaten her? But she already knows you can't kill her. And she's smart. She's aware of me. So what are you going to do?]

"I…" He hesitated and then realised that he didn't know how he was going to resolve it.

[And why are you so upset about a pen anyway? I thought you didn't care about material objects. You have another pen exactly the same colour.]

"…it's my pen."

[Wow, isn't this a sight? The scary Demon Emperor getting annoyed because a girl took off with one of his pens. What are you, six?]

He scowled at the notification and then sat back down. "I'm not going to threaten her to get the pen back."

[Yeah, well, you don't want to kill her anymore anyway. Now you're going to have to find some other way to resolve the contract conflict. You might have to… shock! Horror! Astonishment! Get along with her!]

"Over my dead body." The incognito Demon Emperor got back to work, but a sense of annoyance couldn't help but surge whenever his gaze fell on the blue pen in his hand.

"Lucille, here are the- oh?" Vincent blinked when he noticed the way she was smirking at the object in her hands. He came closer and pushed up his glasses to peer at the red pen. "That's an expensive-looking pen, Lucy. Where did you get it?" He frowned as he observed it for longer. "I don't think we have any pens of that style within the Commission. Knowing you and myself, we'd both think of it as a waste."

"This is a trophy," she announced proudly.

"A trophy?" Vincent asked with mild confusion.

"Yes. A trophy obtained from the treacherous dragon's den itself." Her smirk grew wider as she dipped the pen in an inkwell to refill it and then began to use it to complete the paperwork Vincent brought it. "I risked my life for this, you should know."

"I… see?" Vincent still looked bemused but walked around the desk to begin explaining the new records she was reading. "This is some things to keep in mind when visiting the Counties. Noticeably, Clanlord Krovehearth has requested to be your personal guide for three days during your stay in the Alichanteu's domain. This can only be because he intends to invite you to the plane that the airships are being constructed on…"

A hard time limit has finally been placed on her System Contract with the recent Patreon chapter.
Patreon (x10 chapters!):


Discord (Come get your Qualified Scytale Feeder role!):


Honorary mention of my first Plebeian: Purplexa

[Title: Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

DoomByCookies, getthepoptart21, znarken, skywatchwolf, Omega, Oxylus, lagia1614, whoknows, sesse4880, rain6295, augustus63.

[Title: Rank-5 | Type: Discord/Role]


Inzuris, Kabi, Malahadiel, Starfall20, Shoutloud, ChaosOmega98, deathbunnies, wind.celestial, Spacemanspiff, Hibou Ronchon, eroth, magicaltaliyah, arcanorum042, Mitchell, sami027, bali123456789, Lars, Aria, Prince007, Abdulaziz, Jonathon, Albert Ng, phoon, Frostyflame66, Drowsy Golem, timelestime, mr7, Que Tea, kinokomasha, Sparxy, Death2moo, Tzeneth, Sara, Cyko, harrisonv, Kasper, arcanedeath, m0r1tz_hf, Name, viridian, Michael, Sebgatot, Pam Cakes28, Orange Thistle, Zane, acausal, Alex, konodias, hamkaas420, wumpycz, attackgnome, erikas, Patrick, Lilly, Talespinner Lore, schal_, aaa11, bram, dndsharky, snakesden, kiphea, jacowyn, infinitespy, navango,

[Title: Demon Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

Moon Winchester

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Minor note, but are you sure you meant to say ballpoint pen? That's a very explicit piece of tech that requires stupidly high precision to manufacture.

Like countries can build a nukes, but can't build one from scratch levels of high precision.
Minor note, but are you sure you meant to say ballpoint pen? That's a very explicit piece of tech that requires stupidly high precision to manufacture.

Like countries can build a nukes, but can't build one from scratch levels of high precision.
If they have the design at all, I'd be surprised if a craftsman with a level in the 400s couldn't build one by hand, just going off what we've seen of stat scaling and mundane skills. Actual Skills could easily make it viable earlier. Which makes it a luxury item and a point of showing off, that you can have that high level a craftsman work on something as insignificant as a pen.

Meanwhile, even ignoring his secret identity, even the known position as an Archduke is powerful enough that doing so wouldn't even register, he just gets the best office equipment.
Chapter 80 (2 of 2) Reconciliation != Cooperation
"Is this the one?" Lucille's bond asked as he squinted at the crimson writing utensil, peeking over the edge of her desk.

Lucy nodded with her arms crossed. "This is the pen I stole from the Archduke."

"It practically oozes villainy," Scytale said as he picked it up. "Nothing screams 'pen of a demon' more than the colour of fresh blood."

"Wouldn't that be a pen of a vampire?" Lucille pointed out.

Scytale considered it and shrugged. He picked the pen up and tossed it in the air. "Doesn't matter. You sure you're not going to get killed for taking this?"

"Please." She gave him a dismissive wave and sat down in her armchair. "If he was going to kill me, then he would've done it before now. At most, he'll be mildly irritated by me." Lucy took the pen back from Scytale to stow away in her desk and then raised an eyebrow. "Considering his new ambivalent attitude towards me, should I take you along next time?"

Scytale turned into his beast form with a flash of gold mana and dived underneath Vincent's armchair. "Nope! No, thank you! I will ceaselessly continue to perform the role of your humble freeloader!"

"Oh, don't you worry. I have plenty of tasks for you to complete in the coming years once you've gained strength." She pulled out her pocket watch, checking the time. "In approximately five seconds…"

Scytale stuck his head out from beneath the chair as a notification chimed for them both in sync.

[Realm Sub-Quest - Ancient Dungeon Exploration Tier IV (Dusky Undercroft Dungeon of Synadis): COMPLETE]
  • Synadis Monster Slayer IV:
  • Defeat 2000 monsters in the Dusky Undercroft Dungeon of Synadis: COMPLETE (2000/2000)
  • Slay 30 Zone Bosses: COMPLETE (30/30)
  • Synadis Treasure Hunter IV:
  • Obtain Epic materials x100 in the Dungeon: COMPLETE (100/100)
  • Obtain Legendary material x1 in the Dungeon: COMPLETE ]
[Rewards: +2000 xp (Ancient Dungeon Discovery bonus applied), Blank Common Skill Book]

[Realm Sub-Quest - Ancient Dungeon Exploration Tier V (Dusky Undercroft Dungeon of Synadis) Unlocked]

[Faction Quest – Adventurer's Guild Ancient Dungeon Exploration (Dusky Undercroft Dungeon of Synadis) Monthly Report]
+ 1000 xp
Crystalline token x2]

[+3750 xp]

[Level Up! x7]
[+7 levels]
[+35 Free stat points]

[User has reached Level 87]
[Xp: 128/549]

Scytale sat on her desk once he had turned back to his human form. "4k-ish experience? Shouldn't we be receiving more?"

Lucille shook her head as she studied the notifications. "Not necessarily. We haven't been contributing to the Dungeon exploration, so this is as much as the System will allow us to gain. Many of those monsters wouldn't even be at our level." She tapped her fingers thoughtfully against the desk. "At this stage, it would be more profitable for us to begin killing monsters above level 70 purely for the experience gain…"

Scytale clicked his tongue. "Pathetic. It's eighty or up!"

"Not possible in my case." Lucy frowned as she glanced at her Status screen. She collapsed the notifications and stood up. "My strength won't be enough."

"Uh..." He crossed his arms. "Didn't you say you had a solution to that ages ago?"

"Well…" Lucille smirked. "Sedric should've almost finished it, so yes." She walked up to her bond and gestured for him to get off the table. "Scytale, come down for a bit."

"Okay?" He raised an eyebrow and jumped off. He blinked as Lucy used her hands to gauge their height difference. "What are you doing?"

"I think… yes." Lucy stepped back. "You've grown around four centimetres taller. You're approaching the height of the average 14-year-old."

His expression brightened and then he scowled. "Why am I happy about this? It just proves I'm still short for my age."

Lucy smiled and turned around to leave her study. "You'll get there eventually. But back to what I was saying about our levels, it's been half a year and we're still ten levels away from the halfway mark of Rank-1. While we can complete the stages and unlock our third main skills before reaching the level cap for Rank-1, I don't want to build up too much of a level 'debt'."

"You were complaining about your lacking stats," Scytale said in response, following her out of her room.

"Yes, which means my priority right now is thinking about my 'stat debt' instead of level debt." They ignored the bowing servants they passed as Lucille continued to explain, "The Casket of Boons artifact will be valuable, but I can't rely on only the item. I don't have Aspects that can take advantage of its abilities to their highest potential yet either."

"I bet you could do something crazy with that Titan Aspect of yours, but…" Scytale looked around. "Where are we going?"

"Where else? To pick up my final items from Sedric," she replied with a smile.

They entered the hallway that the crafter's workshop was in but came to a stop when they heard loud crashes from behind the reinforced door. They exchanged glances with eyebrows raised and Lucy walked forward, swiftly opening the door to enter the top floor of the workshop.

A spray of ice shards made them cough and splutter, and they realised a massive wall of ice had extended up from the floor in front of their faces. Lucille walked forward and leaned over the railing. "Roa? What's going on?"

The snow elf mage, who had a faint scowl on her normally cold face, looked up and then pointed at Sedric and a certain navy-haired mage.

Sedric was hastily grabbing an assortment of glowing gems from the table, pulling them away from Marellen. Magical sparks were flying across the floor and random pieces of furniture burst into blue flames that disappeared barely a millisecond afterwards.

"Hey, mage! Look at the mess you've made!" Sedric shouted.

"I don't know what happened to cause some of the gemstones you hold to explode, but I sincerely apologise. I only want to observe those spellcraft models within the jewels in closer detail, as they appear to be wholly distinct from any magical school I'm familiar with-"

"Quit your jabbering! I don't care!" Sedric shoved the gems into a chest and slammed it shut before he sat down on it with his arms crossed. He scowled at Marellen. "The mana in this room has gone completely haywire! Some of my instruments might've been destroyed! How are you going to compensate me?!"

"Compensation for a room you don't own, Sedric?" Lucille spoke up in a dry voice.

He flinched and looked up the flight of stairs to see her descending. Scytale was sitting up on the top level, his legs dangling over the railing.

She placed her hands on her hips and scanned the chaotic happenings around her. Then she sighed and waved a hand. Her spiritual energy forcefully reverted all the mana into a calm state, and she used her Transmutational Mana Conduit to change the mana ratios so there was less chance of another explosion. Lucy glanced behind her to look at Roa. "That wall is there… because…?"

Roa was looking somewhat wary, likely because she felt the change in the mana and possibly spiritual energy, but she still replied, "To protect the rest of the room against the conflicting mana. I was worried the structural supports of the staircase would fail against the force of the mana."

Lucille nodded. "Thank you for that." She turned back to the two young men. "So, now that we're all no longer in danger of having another rogue fireball sent our way, do either of you mind explaining what occurred here?"

Marellen, as if he hadn't heard her, quickly came up to her and peered at her through his round gold spectacles. "Lucille, how did you control all that environmental mana so effortlessly? And you converted the elements so seamlessly too! If you could spare the time, I'd love to have a discussion about-"

"No way, mage guy." Sedric glared at Marellen and pointed at him. "You don't get to change the topic and run off. No, I'll tell you what's going on here, Lucille." He stood up and turned around to unlatch the chest. Taking out one of the glowing gemstones, he walked up to the nearest bench and placed it in the centre. "Your 'precious mage' was trying to steal one of these," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lucille raised an eyebrow when she recognised the gemstone as one of the gems she had passed to Sedric after fiddling with it using her Gemstone Processor skill. She turned to Marellen. "Marellen, if you wanted to study this, then you could've just come to me. I can create one of these any time I want."

The navy-haired mage looked star-struck. "You made this?! This wasn't a gemstone containing ancient magic?!"

With a strange smile, she picked the gemstone up and compared it to the shattered shards of one she picked up from the ground. "These contain a customised version of the spells I wanted Sedric to use in one of the items he's made for me. Although from what I can see, these are only the prototypes for testing."

"Yeah, well…" Sedric scratched the back of his head. "I've already finished that armguard you wanted with the good versions in it. These are just the leftovers."

The clacking of heeled boots on the workshop floor drew their attention and they looked back to see Trisroa approaching the workbench. She studied the gemstone Lucy had placed back down with a frown. "Is the spell contained within this precious stone… truly a spell?"

Lucy smirked. "It's been modified by a skill of mine. I could've used the original for the same purpose, but… my modified spells are more powerful and unique. It would be hard for any individual to nullify them." She turned back to Sedric. "If the gemstones are in the item… then shall I take it as being finished?"

Sedric nodded. "Yeah. I'll bring it out." He walked up the stairs and left the workshop, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Commission Head… there has been something about you that I am curious about," Roa said.

Lucille turned to her with interest. "Oh? About me?"

"I have received word that you wield two weapons, but the way you exercised your abilities earlier suggests you are highly familiar with magic," the snow elf explained. She gestured to the gemstone on the workbench. "Even more so with how you have gained a skill to alter magic in such a fashion. You must be familiar with spellcraft."

"Correct." Lucy smiled and leaned against the workbench. Trisroa walked around to face her. "I know how to cast spells, yes. You could call me more of a spell blade."

"…and your control of environmental mana?" Roa asked unsurely.

"It's not environmental mana." Lucille snapped her fingers and thousands of minuscule sparks of light mana showered down to be swallowed by shadows. "My mana passively flows through the air around me, so I can externalise any element I want. To control that haywire magic from earlier, I just needed to brand it with my spiritual signature."

Roa blinked. "Oh… so it wasn't a manifestation of your domain?"

Lucy grinned, knowing what the elf had been thinking. "Roa, I'm Rank-1. It's impossible for me to have a domain already."

Roa hesitated and opened her mouth to say something else, but Sedric re-entered the workshop with a protective case held in his arms.

"It took a bit of time because this was in my room, but here it is," he said with a sigh as he placed it on the table in front of Lucy.

"Your room?" Lucille asked.

Sedric shrugged. "This is the most complex item I've ever worked on for you, so I kept it in my room to observe and ensure everything was in working order."

"Oooh, what is it, what is it?" a boisterous voice interrupted. Scytale slid down the staircase railing and changed into his snake form to fly onto the table. "Is it powerful? Wait, never mind. This is Sedric we're talking about."

Sedric scowled, but Lucille tapped on the case before he could reply and slid it towards him. "It's tradition for the crafter to introduce their masterpiece to the one who commissioned it personally."

He hesitated and then nodded. Sedric unclasped the two locks on either side of the custom-made brass case. Inside were two armguards cast out of interlocking black metal gears, decorated by gold along the edges. Beneath the armguards were a pair of black leather gloves releasing strong dark element mana into the surroundings, intended to be put on beneath the metal. Seven slots were arranged in a spiral around the armguards, a gold mana circuit connecting them all. In each slot of a different shape was a different kind of gemstone, corresponding to the six essential elements. The only difference was the two violet gemstones in the inner wrist section of the armguards. Each gem contained a slowly rotating spell.

Lucille took the leather gloves from Sedric with a smile on her face and put them on after removing her white pair. Then, grabbing one of the armguards, she placed her forearm into it. Sedric helped her by pushing a button and the gears spun and locked to snap the armguard tightly in place. She repeated the step with the other one.

"They fit… right?" Sedric asked carefully.

"They fit perfectly. The shock-absorption effect of the dark element gloves probably contributes to that," she replied.

"Yeah, I'm glad you got me that leather from a Scion," he said with a sigh. "Because we can't have the armguards shattering on you, they're designed to have the impact pass to your hands. The gloves should help protect you against that, but I can't be sure until they're used in combat."

"Good." Lucy tapped on the violet gemstones in her inner wrists. "And are these functional?"

"They should be, but…" Sedric gave her a strange look. "Where in the realms did you learn spatial spells? I don't know a single crafter who's not a mage who has access to spatial spells… actually, I thought they were only ever used in staffs!"

"Ideally, these should be tested, but…" Lucy let out a sigh while Sedric glared at her for ignoring his question. "Due to how the armguard works, all these precious stones are disposable objects. The emergency teleportation spell and spatial lock spell in these stones have to be used very carefully."

Scytale flew onto her shoulders and squinted at the glowing gems on the armguards. "How exactly does this thing increase your strength?"

"Hmm…" Lucille looked at her armguards, then at the nearby wall. She glanced at Sedric. "To enhance one stat I'm supposed to activate a pair, correct?"

He nodded. "Yeah, both gems of the same element. And you can only have a maximum of three stats – or six gems – activated."

"Alright then." The scarlet gemstones on her armguards gleamed with the force of fire as she prepared to throw a punch at the wall. "Time to see if the custom magic was worth it."

Lucille approached the wall and pulled back her hand. The wind whistled past her ears as she sent her fist flying – and slammed it into the wall. Stone crushed beneath her hand and when she stepped back, everybody stared at the small crater left in the wall.

"Hey, this is my workshop!" Sedric complained.

"Uh…" Scytale jumped off the table and turned back into a human. He pointed at Lucy's fist. "You're bleeding, Lucy."

The dark element leather glove was slowly repairing itself over torn skin and visible bone. Her fresh blood was dripping onto the ground. Lucy tilted her head and tried to uncurl her fingers, but they wouldn't respond. Her hand was broken.

"So it would seem," she replied with nonchalance.

Scytale facepalmed as Marellen, Roa and Sedric stared at her. Lucy just shrugged under their gazes and took a healing potion out of her dimensional bag. After downing it in one gulp, the broken flesh of her fist knitted itself back together and she stretched her hands out for the others. "See? All done. I should've activated the earth element set as well as the fire set for CON."

Scytale put a hand on his hip. "So… did it have the result you wanted?"

She smiled as she began unclasping the armguards and peeling off the gloves. "Yes. My stats have been enhanced massively."

Scytale, I don't want to reveal it to them yet, but… this didn't just give me additional stats. The spells that I modified with my skill have multiplied my stats by two times.

Scytale froze.

'…you can only have three stats amplified at any one time though, right?'

Yes. And these gemstones will shatter sooner the more frequently I activate the amplification. These Epic-grade gemstones will last me two months. But if I use Ancient or higher… the multiplication bonus will increase, as will their lifespan.

"Lucille, are you going to find someone to fix my wall?" Sedric asked.

"Why? It's not like you've ever cared about your décor," she replied, packing the armguards back into their case.

Sedric gestured vaguely to the damaged wall. "Even I don't want to work in a structurally compromised room, okay?"

She waved him off. "Fine, fine. I'll get someone to fix this place."

"Good." He crossed his arms and nodded with satisfaction until a thought hit him. "Did you want to see your other finished item?"

Lucille turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "The sheaths? They're done?"

"Sure, let me just…" Sedric walked over to a locked cabinet which he unlocked and brought out two dagger sheaths, one black with blue gems and the other silver with red gems. "I made sure they'd fit onto the belt I made you too."

Lucy picked one up and tapped on it. The metal rang with a sound as clear as a bell. She withdrew Apophis and Ouroboros to let the snake-swords inspect their new 'homes'. "These are made to passively recharge my weapons' mana?"

Sedric nodded and walked closer to point to them. "Yes, but because making mana-conductive sheaths for weapons that only rely on atmospheric mana is pretty simple, I took it upon myself to add some modifications. Which, uh, I hope is fine with you."

Lucy nodded and gestured to him to give him the go-ahead to explain.

"So… I heard a bit from Scytale, but your demonic blade can drain mana, right?" Sedric gestured to the sheaths. "With the mana storage of the sheaths, excess mana can be put in there for the weapons to use at a later time. Also, the storage is shared across both sheaths, so if the demonic blade drains mana, your spirit blade can use it too."

Lucille stared at him, then at the sheaths.

Sedric… doesn't know about the stat gain effect of my weapons. So he couldn't have known that this would mean that Ouroboros could reconstitute stats and skills when I'm not fighting…

"That is… more useful than you'd expect, Sedric," Lucy replied after a moment. "Well done."

He scratched his neck. "Uh… thanks."

A navy-haired mage, who had been suspiciously silent for some time, approached to observe the two weapons with wide eyes. "Don't tell me that these are… sentient?"

Roa placed a hand on her chin and narrowed her eyes. "So it would seem… but a demon and a spirit with no enmity towards each other…"

"Their origins are… unique." Lucy picked the sheaths up from the workbench and began to attach them to her belt. "I'll use these right away, Sedric. It looks like I'll have to come up with something else for you to do now."

He crossed his arms. "I'll look forward to it."

"Right then. I'll take my leave." With Scytale in tow, she walked back up the stairs and said goodbye. It was when she entered her living room that a familiar but unexpected presence was outside her door.

"Count Goldcroft, it is me," Roa called out.

Lucille tilted her head. "Come in."

The snow elf walked forward with a slightly complicated expression on her face. She clasped her hands and dipped her head at Lucy. "I would like to have a discussion with you, if you can spare the time."

Lucy considered it and looked over at her bond, who was stuffing his face with food.

"What?" Scytale asked with a frown.

She sighed and pointed at the door. "Please leave for the moment, Scytale."

He glared at her and put another scone in his mouth. "Why? I know everything you're going to talk to her about. I should be fine if I stay to hear-" The flat look on Lucy's face stalled the rest of his words and he scowled as he stood up with the plate of snacks in his arms. "Fine, I can tell when I'm not wanted."

Lucille rolled her eyes and then the door shut, leaving her alone with Trisroa, who sat down on the couch opposite Lucy.

"Commission Head Goldcroft, I came because I have a question to ask you," the snow elf began solemnly. "What do you know of me, outside of my affinities?"

Lucy smirked. "Hmm… you're a daughter of a distant lineage of the Vel-Winteridge Duchy on Glenheim, there are multiple rumours surrounding your bloodline due to your unusual pairing of affinities and…" She grinned. "You're the ex-fiancé of Elven Prince Midárn."

Trisroa gained a very slight bitter smile. "You know my past well, it seems. Even about the prince who so cruelly abandoned me when my Origin Skill awakened and rumours began to abound of my heritage."

"Those who can't see past bloodline to perceive only talent are worthless fools," Lucy claimed with a shrug. "As your new superior, I will do my best to ensure that the life you live outside of Glenheim will be more fulfilling than in that stuffy environment."

"…thank you for your kind words." Roa clasped her hands together and leaned forward. "Then I wish to ask another question… why do the elements of mana as well as their spirits avoid you?"

Lucy smirked again. "There is a simple answer, Trisroa. Simply put, I was born unfavoured by elemental mana. I have no elemental affinity and therefore am avoided by them all. Any contract I tried to form in the past has failed too."

"Then… your weapons?"

Lucy placed a hand on the pommels of Apophis and Ouroboros. "I named these two, and neither one of them have affinities. It's quite possible they attained that nature because I was the one who named them."

"My final question is…" The elf's cold face grew more solemn. "How old are you?"

Surprise cat sitting sprung upon me! So, that's why I didn't post on Wednesday. Sorry.
But man, this house of my family friends is fancy. It's practically an air bnb and I get to stay here for another 8 days!
Patreon (x10 chapters!):


Discord (Come get your Qualified Scytale Feeder role!):


Honorary mention of my first Plebeian: Purplexa

[Title: Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

DoomByCookies, getthepoptart21, znarken, skywatchwolf, Omega, Oxylus, lagia1614, whoknows, sesse4880, rain6295, augustus63.

[Title: Rank-5 | Type: Discord/Role]


Inzuris, Kabi, Malahadiel, Starfall20, Shoutloud, ChaosOmega98, deathbunnies, wind.celestial, Spacemanspiff, Hibou Ronchon, eroth, magicaltaliyah, arcanorum042, Mitchell, sami027, bali123456789, Lars, Aria, Prince007, Abdulaziz, Jonathon, Albert Ng, phoon, Frostyflame66, Drowsy Golem, timelestime, mr7, Que Tea, kinokomasha, Sparxy, Death2moo, Tzeneth, Sara, Cyko, harrisonv, Kasper, arcanedeath, m0r1tz_hf, Name, viridian, Michael, Sebgatot, Pam Cakes28, Orange Thistle, Zane, acausal, Alex, konodias, hamkaas420, wumpycz, attackgnome, erikas, Patrick, Lilly, Talespinner Lore, schal_, aaa11, bram, dndsharky, snakesden, kiphea, jacowyn, infinitespy, navango,

[Title: Demon Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

Moon Winchester

"My final question is…" The elf's cold face grew more solemn. "How old are you?"

Things that aren't really a secret from anyone who spends time with her:

* Lucy's real age.
* That she's a time traveler.
* She's broken into all the secret libraries.

Side note, but I'm guessing that no one was looking at her palm when she took her gloves off. She does have a demonic contract on one of them.
Chapter 81 (1 of 2) Lucille used magic distraction. It was very effective.
"How old are you?"

Lucy tilted her head. Not because she was surprised at the question, but because the Trisroa she had heard about wouldn't have asked her so frankly. Lucille never knew her personally, but…

She was supposedly a rather closed-off and cautious individual. She would've ensured that her hypothesis was correct before approaching me about it, and while approaching me she'd have something prepared in case I see her as a threat to remove.

"I thought it was common knowledge that I've yet to turn twenty. I'm still nineteen at the moment," Lucy replied nonchalantly.

Trisroa studied her silently and frowned. "I am not referring to your biological age. I want to know your mental age."

Lucy smirked and leaned back. "Well, I'm certainly more mature than Scytale, so I must be at least mentally older than him."

"That is… not what I meant."

Lucille blinked, pretending to be ignorant. "You're not talking about my maturity?"

The snow elf eyed her suspiciously. "Do you mean to say you are unaware of the characteristics of your soul?"

Lucy looked down at herself. "I have a unique talent for the soul if that's what you're wondering about. I'm no cultivator though, so if that's what you've heard, you're wrong. But how does this relate to my age?"

"I- No, that's not…" The elf hesitated, looking perplexed. "Maybe I'm not entirely certain what I'm asking myself…"

Lucy studied her, mildly confused. Trisroa wasn't one to approach someone without evidence. She had been the Vice-Guildmaster of the Hero's Guild in the past and was their strategist. With her years of experience, she led some of the most powerful Users in the Tower into battle against worse creatures than Aberrants and –

Trisroa is younger than Marellen right now. She's not the Frostfire Sorceress of the past.

She hadn't faced nearly enough trials to gain the cunning and indifference of her future self. Nor did she need it yet.

Lucy hummed and crossed her arms, with Roa looking on oddly.

She wanted to meet me because she was curious about me. Roa only became fixed on the topic of my age because of intellectual curiosity. This snow elf finds me a puzzle to figure out.

Lucille smirked slightly.

Then to keep her distracted, I should add another layer of complexity to the equation.

"It seems like you might need more time to think about what you want to discuss with me," she noted calmly. "I suggest sitting tight for the moment. We haven't known each other for nearly long enough to discuss our Origin Skills with each other."

"…indeed." Trisroa sighed as she stood up and dipped her head. "I apologise for coming to meet you. I've jumped to a conclusion about a detail I should research before addressing it."

She's not apologising for prying into my secrets, but coming here without verifiable proof. Truly a mage, through and through.

Roa turned to leave Lucy's living room but paused when Lucille clicked her tongue and waved her back over. "Don't leave just yet. It would be a waste for us to split up so soon after having this rare opportunity to converse. You are the only member of Marellen's party I didn't meet beforehand, after all."

Roa raised a white eyebrow. "But what shall we discuss? I have not considered anything else we could discuss."

Lucy stood up and smiled, picking her cane off the coffee table. "What else besides magic? Personally, I wish to ask about your knowledge of spirit magic. I have an interest in it because of my spirit weapon."

"I am a mage, a wielder of logical mortal-made phenomena," Roa refuted. "I intentionally avoided taking the path of a sorcerer and spirit summoner due to my adversity to the incomprehensible nature of fae and spirits."

"That's perfect then!" Lucille remarked cheerfully. "What better way to learn about it than through the perspective of another mage?" She walked past the blank-faced snow elf and hooked her cane around her arm, dragging her along. "Let's take a walk as we discuss it. I'm sure it would interest you to see the streets of Gilded Seat. I would also like to check on the construction of the Protection subdivision I authorised."

"But I…"

The bemused elf's words trailed off as she was pulled along by Lucille. A smirk never fell from Lucy's face because she knew exactly what she was doing – pulling the elf into her flow of events to keep her from thinking too much about Lucille's soul.

I'm not prepared to let any member of Marellen's party learn I'm a time traveller yet. I can't risk Trisroa learning this.

Because out of all of the Hero's past party members, there was no doubt that he'd do anything to contact Roa again, regardless of her current motivations.

"Fascinating, isn't it?"

Roa peered at the glass orb filled with psychedelic mana and marginally raised an eyebrow. "I see nothing extraordinary about this low-rarity elemental detector."

"Exactly. It's fascinating how such a poor-quality item managed to land in a shop owned by the Commission." Lucy tossed the item back onto its shelf. The shopkeeper winced as the two women left the store, leaving the other customers to judge the items suspiciously. "I'll have to arrange for an investigation into the current suppliers for the Commission's stores. For a magical item shop on the main street, it's severely lacking."

Roa shook her head and followed behind as Lucy scanned the outside, thinking of where to go next. "Does the Commission own all the shops in Gilded Seat?"

"All? No. But certainly all the ones on this street," Lucy replied. She stopped when she noticed two people and narrowed her eyes as she gazed at them. She pulled on the sleeve of the elven woman next to her and pointed across the road. "Look, your two friends seem to be putting their positions as my employees to excellent use."

Roa spotted the Barbosas siblings laughing amongst several armoured warriors standing outside of a Chavaret-owned armoury shop. Garthe was pointing at the three-coin insignia on his shirt with an obnoxiously broad grin.

"Ah. Bragging once again," Roa stated dully.

Lucy glanced at them once more and then shrugged, walking away with Trisroa beside her. "I'll just have to ensure he works for his benefits." She looked at the elven woman. "Moving on – spirit magic."

"What would you like to know first?" Roa replied politely.

"How was the Pale Lady of the Sleeping Lake able to become an undead while retaining her spirit magic?" Lucy asked abruptly. "I believed that due to spirits being existences most in tune with nature, they'd be averse to death mana, but it's well known that she managed to keep her power of Eternal Rest that she stole from the Winter King when she became an undead."

"The… the P-Pale Lady?" Roa stiffened up slightly. Her pace sped up, revealing her hidden nervousness. "You wouldn't be referring to… to the Queen of the Banshees, Clíodhna?"

"That is the name the fae refer to her with, yes," Lucy continued brightly. "Acalypha, the Fae Damned Elven Sorceress. You seem uncomfortable?"

"She is… a forbidden name in Glenheim." The elf fell silent as she walked beside Lucy, thinking over her words. Eventually, she replied, "Acalypha was technically a spirit guardian before she became a banshee of Tartarus."

"Ah, yes. If she had the gift of Eternal Rest from the Winter King, she would've been part of the Unseelie Court when she returned from the spirit realm to become a… what was it again?" Lucy contemplated as she tapped on her chin with a gloved finger.

"Fomorian," Trisroa supplied, her arms crossed. "That is the name for the Unseelie version of a former mortal who returned from the spirit realm and chose to become a fae after being a spirit. A choice only mortals may have, as true spirits have no connection to the mortal realms, unlike fae."

"As opposed to the Tuath Dé of the Seelie Courts," Lucy noted. "But then a banshee?"

"Due to being 'Fae Damned' after slaying the Winter King, Acalypha never gained any fae magic unique to her when becoming a fae," Roa continued slowly. "As such, 'Eternal Rest' was her only spirit magic after becoming a fae and-"

"…Eternal Rest kills someone, preserving their body to appear as if they are merely asleep," Lucille finished. "So, her aptitude for death-related magic caused her to learn how to use death mana, where she became a Sluagh of Tartarus instead of her former race of bean-sidhe."

Roa nodded. "Yes, a Sluagh. 'Evil spirits' that aren't ghosts or spectres and who can wield death mana."

Lucy lightly clicked her tongue. "So it was a coincidence. That's unfortunate. I wished to know how she combined an ability intended for mana with the death mana of Tartarus."

"Do you have a reason to know such a thing?" Roa asked with a frown. "Acalypha was exiled from all the courts and is the sworn enemy of spirits and fae alike."

Lucille glanced at the elf but just smirked. "I have both a spirit weapon and a demon weapon. I'm curious about all applications of their abilities."

So, if I wanted to materialise the element I'm thinking of at Rank-3, I'd need an Unseelie or Fomorian ability. Something that would go against nature for long enough that something impossible will be conceptualised… would Winter work?

But Lucy's priority for spirit magic was to find a way to include it in her second main skill so that she could defend against and reflect it like spellcraft.

"Well, I'm satisfied with that much for now," she announced, speeding up. "But this makes me curious… why have you not formed a contract with a fire or ice spirit? Or even faerie?"

Roa shook her head. "I do not desire to become a sorceress or summoner. I would detest having to rely on others for strength."

Lucy glanced back and cocked an eyebrow. "The highest tier of contract may require you to give up your runic model and magecraft, but couldn't you form a low-tier contract with them? The spirits themselves don't even need to be powerful. A contract like that would enhance your affinities' strength."

"I had not considered it," Roa announced with surprising straightforwardness. "In Glenheim, a contract with a spirit or fae is synonymous with sorcery. I wished to avoid all relations to the world of sorcery expected by my peers."

"I'd suggest you put some thought into it," Lucy suggested. "Mages and wizards frequently visit Glenheim in hopes of forming a contract with a spirit because of the basic magic enhancements it gives you. Human mages aren't looked down on by elvenkind, are they? The only benchmark of significant status in Glenheim is a contract with a powerful spirit of some kind." Lucille shot her a knowing look. "If you ever want to be able to hold your head high in Glenheim, you can compromise without forsaking your passion."

The snow elf looked awkward, so Lucille shook her head and changed the topic. "I was only making a suggestion, as I don't want to see you become a sorcerer either. But I think it's time for us to do something else." She walked into a store and came up to a shelf, studying the items displayed. "Roa, if you had obtained a dimensional artifact made of cloth and wanted to change its body, what would you choose?"

The elven woman looked surprised and glanced at Lucy to check if she was serious, then held her chin as she considered it. "Cloth is a difficult material. If this item was to be used when travelling, I'd have to disguise it somehow. This would be easiest if the object the cloth became was mundane in appearance."

"I agree." Lucille picked up a pouch made of leather before placing it back down. "But it can't be too large or conspicuous. However, the larger the frame, the more stably anchored the dimension would be to the artifact. Even better would be if this object could be locked somehow as an added security measure."

"An item made of cloth yet still fairly large, that can be locked, and mundane enough to not draw attention," Roa summarised. "With that much, it will be difficult to find something to it your preferences."

Lucille shook her head and planted her hands on her hips. "No, there is still one aspect that must be considered above all else. Even if I compromise on the other elements, this one element must not be compromised."

Trisroa eyed her curiously. "And what would that be?"

Lucy raised a finger. "Aesthetics," she stated seriously.


"Yes. I'm not going to go around with an item if it doesn't have style." Lucy looked around but then her gaze landed on a specific object carried by someone. She smirked. "And I think I found what I want my dimensional artifact to become. Roa, do you think turning the fabric dimensional artifact into the lining of an antique briefcase would work?"

"Ha! Take that, you violent, heavy as a truck, stupidly tall mercenary!" a silver-haired snake shouted as he sent a punch flying towards his opponent's face.

The red and blue-haired man grabbed Scytale's fist with a strange expression, then swept his feet out from under him with his spear. "What's a truck?"

Scytale groaned from his spot on the floor and sat up. "It's like a carriage but one that drives on its own. It's on Lucy's home world." He squinted at his opponent. "By the way, blue doesn't suit you. You look weird."

Hargrave eyed him strangely for one more moment and then shook his head as he walked off to the side to undo his armour. "I prefer my hair this way. I don't match my bounty poster image anymore."

"Yeah, well you look like one of those wannabe esper kids from Lucy's world!" Scytale argued, pushing himself off the floor. "At least it's natural in your case." He began to snicker to himself. "Forget the Spear-Fiend, time for everyone to be scared of Attack Parrot! Those who see his striking hair will be defeated before they know it as they fall to the ground laughing!"

Hargrave sighed and proceeded to ignore the snake as he stowed away his armour and spear. He walked towards the exit of the hall, Scytale tagging along.

"Is that enough for you?" the man asked as he glanced at Scytale.

"I guess." Scytale yawned and shifted into his snake form so he could twirl in the air and do fancy tricks. "I just wanted to brush up on my hand-to-hand combat, not that I think I'll need it anytime soon."

"Scytale… you gained a human form in January," Hargrave replied. "Where would you have time to learn hand-to-hand combat before this?"

The amphiptere stopped spinning through the air and turned around to stare at Hargrave while he flew backwards. He coughed and turned back to fly off so that Hargrave couldn't press.

Hargrave shook his head, expecting that response, and continued on his way to Sedric's workshop, which he was sure Scytale was heading. Then something set off his senses and he frowned. He stayed still and looked around as he worked out what he was sensing that made him feel like something was off.

He slowly kept walking and then stopped when he noticed Scytale was on the ground, looking up. He looked up and didn't see anything. "Scytale?"

"Did you feel that too?"

Hargrave nodded, his expression solemn as he realised that if even Scytale could sense it, then something was definitely wrong. "The mana hasn't been disturbed in the Commission, so it can't be attributed to Marellen or Sedric doing something."

"Well, that's because the person isn't using mana…"

Hargrave fixed a stare on Scytale and dropped to a crouch. "Person?"

"Yeah, uh… I'm not as good as Lucy at doing this, but just let me…" Scytale swayed from side to side a little as something swept over the floor, making Hargrave shiver as he sensed the spiritual perception of the serpent brush over his soul. "Okay, so… yep. We've got an intruder."

Hargrave silently withdrew his spear from his dimensional skill. "Location, strength and characteristics."

"The floor below us, the strength of a dry twig, and shady as hell with all those black robes covering him," Scytale announced.

"…dry twig?" Hargrave asked, confused.

The serpent shuffled his wings in a shrug. "No joke. I'm ninety per cent certain that all his stats went into stealth because his cultivation level feels around… early Spirit Reflection? Maybe peak Nascent Soul. Something like that."

Hargrave racked his memories for the cultivation stages of the Heavenly Realm. "Above Level 150. So, a cultivator…"

Scytale nodded and looked up again. "Yeah. Lucy knew that something funny was going on with their lot and her, but this is the first time one of them snuck in here. It might have something to do with that flute thing she got as a gift, but I don't know."

Hargrave slowly nodded, tightening his grip on his spear. "Do we kill them?"

"Uh… I don't-" Scytale paused as a message was sent through his bond with Lucille. "Lucy says we need to go and make sure Sedric is safe. The intruder is making a beeline for the nearest stairwell to his workshop and we can't have them using him as a hostage."

"I've got it." Hargrave shifted to change the distribution of his weight. "What about the others?"

"The Barbosas siblings are out, Lucy is with Roa, Marellen is at a café with Efratel, and Vincent is off the premises."

"So we only need to consider ourselves. Alright then." Hargrave glanced at Scytale. "Ready?"

He nodded. "Let's go."

Scytale and Hargrave crept around the corners of hallways, aware that they could be caught in a confrontation now that the intruder was on their floor. The snake had enlarged his form but cloaked the two of them in his invisibility spell. It was clear that something was definitely wrong when as more time went by, they still hadn't met another servant of the Commission.

The intruder had yet to enter Scytale's perception, but if it did, that meant he was too close. Scytale's perception was only the length of one hallway and they needed the intruder to be as far away as possible.

"Are you sure he's heading this way and hasn't taken a route to search the Commission Head's quarters?" Hargrave asked in a hushed voice.

"Certain." Scytale let out a soft hiss. "My spiritual perception may be small, but the sense of smell of a magical beast is never weak. I can tell he's approaching."

"He didn't disguise his scent?"

Scytale and Hargrave stiffened up as they heard voices, but a look through the closest window revealed it was only some people on the balcony several stories below.

"He couldn't. I recognise the scent. He's using a type of powder that prevents spiritual beings detecting him for a limited amount of time. It's a costly and rare Seven-Star Xuan-Grade substance. I reckon it's to avoid attracting Ashale'viaf's attention."

Hargrave nodded. They kept silent until they entered the hallway of Sedric's workshop. Trading looks, they approached the door and slowly entered. When the door locked behind them, they dashed down the stairs.

Sedric frowned when he heard them enter and looked up. "Really? Both of you? Let me have some peace for an hour or two, please-" He yelped as he was hauled off his feet by Hargrave and then pushed under a table. Hargrave slid next to him. "What the hell are you-"

"Sedric, I know your opinions of me, but you need to take me seriously in this instant," Scytale hissed as he guarded their little hiding spot. "There's an unknown intruder on this floor and he's heading this way. Lucy knows but won't be here for another ten minutes."

Sedric stared at him. His gaze slowly drifted to Hargrave, who nodded. "It's true. They're a cultivator, so spells can't detect them easily."

"The good thing is that Hargrave or I could easily kill them," Scytale grumbled. "Bad news is that this guy is probably from some hidden assassin Sect and they're a hired hand. He'll kill himself if caught and is willing to die for his goals."

Sedric gulped and shakily backed up into the wall. "O-Okay… what do we do?"

Hargrave and Scytale looked at each other. "Nothing for now," Hargrave replied solemnly. "We don't know if they want to find you or if they're just scouting out the Headquarters. It's possible they intend to kill a target in this building."

Scytale hissed. "I know that whoever they are, they waited until Lucille left the building before doing this. That means they know part of her true abilities."

Sedric winced. "This is for real, isn't it? I don't think I've heard you call her Lucille… ever."

Scytale rolled his eyes, but the crafter seemed to shrug off his fear for a second and began looking around, pulling the closest chests and boxes towards himself.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to be helpful. I know I can't do anything in a fight, but I'm not completely useless. Here." He threw Hargrave a small ball of coiled-up wire mesh with a button on the front. "This is a trap I made. It will wrap the target up in a net made of metal. And this…" He placed a brass canister of… something in Hargrave's hand. "I was thinking of what I could use to defend myself one day and had the idea of a device that could spray stuff in people's eyes. That one's full of pepper."

Scytale glanced back. "Wow, reinventing the wheel, huh? Never thought I'd get to see the day that magitech pepper spray was made."

Sedric raised an eyebrow. "What?"

The soft sound of footsteps outside the workshop made them still and Hargrave covered Sedric's mouth up. The door handle slowly turned and Scytale reacted on instinct. He enlarged his body and activated his camouflage spell and Incongruity Inversion, pouring most of his mana into the later of them. The two men under the table were hidden by his outstretched wings that blended in with the background.

The intruder crept down the stairs with light footsteps. When he was at the bottom, the air rippled slightly, revealing the activation of his spiritual sense. Scytale spread his spiritual power to cover Hargrave and Sedric, whose weak souls would hopefully be shielded by his own. The silence was tense when the intruder slowly turned to scan their section of the room, and Scytale waited as he trusted in the effect of his Incongruity Inversion to work.

Eventually, the man took a small jade pendant out of his pocket and it lit up with a green glow. The air pulsed once as the spiritual message was sent out, and then the man swiftly ran up the stairs. The door shut behind him.

The three of them didn't move an inch until Scytale finally nodded, the man having exited his perception. Sedric let out a long sigh, pressing his hands to his chest. "I felt like my heart was about to explode."

Hargrave patted his shoulder. "You did very well for someone unused to these experiences." He looked at Scytale. "What was that about?"

Scytale continued watching the door for a second longer, and then he shrunk with a golden glow. He turned into his human form and sat cross-legged in front of them. "A bloodline spell called Incongruity Inversion. It makes the watcher pass over minor mistakes in illusions and stuff. I used it to make sure he glossed over the spiritual signature of someone here when Sedric is a crafter with no knowledge of the soul."

Sedric crossed his arms with a grimace. "So… what now?"

Scytale shrugged and leaned on his arms. "We wait, I guess. Lucy knows where he is and she'll get back to us with any info. But I doubt that even she can get anything out of him."

The black-clocked man silently snuck past the porters of the Commission responsible for delivery and crept into the back of a work coach. With a mental message to the coachman, the coach set off, taking a detour through the quieter and less frequented alleyways of Gilded Seat.

The sudden flare of orange light seared the eyes of the coachman and startled the horses. The coach toppled over as its base exploded into flames. The cloaked intruder stumbled out while coughing and quickly looked around for his enemies.

The smoke scattered to reveal the form of a white-haired elven mage holding out an ash-grey staff topped with a flaming stone, her elegant face frozen in icy indifference.

Beside her, a dark-haired woman with one violently violet eye and a black mask held in one of her hands slowly stepped forward. She tilted her head at him, the magic array in her right eye slowly rotating. "How interesting. I never expected the Five Heavenly Sects out of all the factions of the Tower to be interested in me."

The figure stiffened and then prepared to run. As soon as the first motion to move was made, ice-encased his feet to the ground and he gritted his teeth as he toppled backwards, burning pain in his lower legs. Two shards of razor-sharp had shot through his shins and pinned him to the ground.

The dark-haired woman marched up to him expressionlessly and kicked him hard in the chest. She leaned forward and placed the blade of a pitch-black serrated dagger next to his neck. "Who was it?" she asked coldly.

Instead of answering, a wild grin appeared on the intruder's face and his veins began to bulge. Hissing energies pooled out of his body as his foundation collapsed, willing dissolved to grant him a quick death. A vein on his neck bulged and burst, spraying blood everywhere. The figure collapsed.

Roa walked up to Lucille and studied the figure. Lucy knelt and placed two fingers near his nose to feel for breathing. "He's dead." She stepped back up and used her cane to slide his shirt up, revealing the black tattoo of a serpent above his left hip. She frowned.

"Someone you recognise?" Roa asked.

"No." Lucy whirled around and swiftly walked in the direction of Ravimoux's Black Lily Casino. "Come with me. A certain Count has a lot to answer for right now."

Trisroa wordlessly nodded and followed her, only stopping when Lucy paused and took one look back at the body. Lucille absentmindedly tapped the spot on her left hand where her contractual sigil was burned in, thinking of the person who offered to remove it.

It's about time I pay another visit, isn't it?
Chapter 81 (2 of 2) Lucille used magic distraction. It was very effective.
The dark-haired man in front of Lucille gave her a deep bow. "I will personally rectify this oversight with my own hands. I give you my sincerest apologies that such an incident occurred to a guest under your care."

Lucy didn't immediately reply to Count Ravimoux as he straightened up. Trisroa was standing behind Lucy's couch to her right. It seemed she had taken it upon herself to act the part of an escorting mage.

Count Regulus Ravimoux sighed and straightened his ascot. "If there is anything more you would like me to do for you, I will take it upon myself to-"

"The intruder waited until I had left the building to trespass," Lucille interrupted.

Count Ravimoux narrowed his dark green eyes and slowly nodded. "We have a traitor."

"Yes, but that's not the important part." Lucy looked to the side, her face expressionless. "Ruling out the Counts and the others at our first meeting, I can count on my hands the number of people aware of my spiritual perception."

"That-" The words died in his mouth as he realised that she meant that they entered when she couldn't detect them with her perception, and he frowned as he held his chin. "…there is no possibility that they discovered it recently?"

Lucy sighed and shook her head as she rested it on the back of the couch. "My bond told me that the powdered substance the intruder carried on him prevents soul beasts from sensing him with their spiritual sense. As a spiritual being as well, Ashale'viaf wasn't able to detect him. A Seven-Star Heaven-grade substance like that is costly and difficult to prepare as it requires months of refining. They were prepared."

Count Ravimoux ran a hand through his hair. "And he killed himself when you caught him. Any recognisable features?"

Lucille pointed down. "A tattoo. Above his hip."

That attracted his attention. He leaned forward, studying her seriously. "Please describe it."

She traced a pattern in the air. "A pitch-black snake with the character for 'Silence' drawn on its head."

The Count stared at her and then scowled. "Blighted cultivators-"

Lucy checked her pocket watch. "The most powerful hidden espionage Sect subordinated to the Heavenly Sects got put to this task, so it will be extremely difficult to track this back to its origin."

"But not impossible." Count Ravimoux narrowed his eyes as he gazed at the floor, then suddenly stood up. "Once my subordinates have reclaimed the body, we will do our best to track any and all clues. It's one thing for it to be a spy from the Empire, but a powerful force of the Heavenly Realm… this could become a major diplomatic issue."

She put away her pocket watch and stood up. "It won't. Not until they attack me directly. As of yet, we still don't know their full intentions." Lucy looked over her shoulder at the door. "Nor why they would act so boldly when they know the high likelihood of getting caught…" She turned back to him. "I'll take my leave. I have somewhere I need to go to check up on something related to this, and I'll inform you of the information once I get it."

Count Ravimoux raised an eyebrow. "Somewhere related to this? You don't need guarding, do you?"

Lucille shot him a wry look. "Not a single guard of the Commission could protect me against the Wordless Observers, Count Ravimoux."

He stiffened when he heard the unexpected name of the infamous organisation out of her mouth, and then hurriedly coughed as he stepped away. "Of course, of course. I will… leave you to your business." He bowed and backed out of the room, leaving Lucy and Roa alone.

Lucille shook her head and walked out. "Let's go back."

"Wordless Observers?" Roa repeated, curiosity plain in her voice.

Lucy gave her a dismissive wave. "Their talents lie in martial prowess."

"Ah." When the elven mage heard that they weren't related to magic, she nodded, all interest waning.

If there was one thing Lucille appreciated about most wielders of magic, it was their tendency to refrain from asking about subjects not related to magic.

A long-haired man with thick leather gloves and strange goggles above his eyes stared at Lucille, who was sheathing her two snake-swords. He nudged the silver-haired magical beast beside him. "She's angry, isn't she."

Scytale slowly nodded. "Someone's going to die this week," he whispered back. "But it's not going to be me and Hargrave is too strong so you're the only option," he added in a normal voice.

"Hang on, this whole thing is a problem because I was in danger of getting killed-"

"Is she really planning on going after the cultivators who intruded?" Hargrave asked with a frown.

"Hm? Oh. Nah." Scytale glanced at him. "She's just going out to meet a friend."

Sedric, Hargrave and even Roa on the other side of the room turned to stare at him. "…friend?" Hargrave repeated.

"Lucille has friends?" Sedric asked, looking stunned. "I thought she only knew the people who stick around the Commission. Like us."

Hargrave tilted his head, hesitating. "…where does she get the time to meet people when she's always working?"

Scytale shrugged. "She makes the time. The real reason she's meeting the guy is because he knows a bit about this whole cultivator thing though, so she wouldn't have gone to meet him ordinarily."

Lucy let out a long sigh. "Could all of you please stop commentating on my motivations as if I'm some spectacle?" She pointed at Hargrave. "Hargrave, I don't have any authority to order you around, but if you could just make sure nothing happens to Sedric or the others while I'm gone, I'd be grateful."

The blue and red-haired man nodded. "I planned on doing that even if you hadn't asked."

"Hey, am I really that weak in all of your eyes?" Sedric complained. He scowled when they all gave him sceptical looks. "Oi!"

Lucy ignored his question and walked towards the lift. "I'll be back before dinner. Sedric, ensure that you brief Vincent on what happened when he asks where I've gone. Marellen, Efratel, Garthe and Larena will be back soon, so tell them they're not to leave the Commission again until I get back."

"Who are you to order us around?" Scytale argued.

"The person who pays for every aspect of each of your living expenses," she retorted flatly. She glanced at her watch. "I'll get going. I've wasted enough time as is."

The others watched her take the lift and traded looks. The silence was broken soon after by Scytale gaining an evil grin. "So… I know of a certain spirit who's just landed himself in a lot of trouble with this intruder business. Anyone up to interrogating him with me?"

In a flourishing peaceful garden, a man with dark wavy hair was humming as he clipped a bush with gardening shears. He stepped back and placed his hands on his hips as he observed his handiwork with satisfaction.

The vague form of a shadowy humanoid materialised behind him and a monotone, baritone voice spoke out, "My lord."

Lucius didn't immediately reply as he studied his sculpted bush, and then he turned to his subordinate. "Eidolon, what is your opinion of the artistic elements of this sculpture?"

No facial features could be seen on the misty figure's head, but the slow turn of the head to face the bush, and then face Lucius again accurately portrayed the owner's literal blank-faced reaction. "…what?"

Lucius held his chin as if he were pondering over a complex puzzle that had fooled sages throughout all of time. "Is the horn too pointy for a cerapter? Mortal books portray horned Pegasi as elegant, noble creatures in contrast to the fierce beasts of war the horse beast ruling race truly is, but I don't want to ruin any of my children's dreams. Should I make it less sharp in appearance?"

The figure remained silent. There were only three possibilities when it came to a question like this – it was a test, he was being messed with, or Lucius was sincerely asking a question to get another point of view.

Because two impossibly ancient creatures materialised from the energy of death didn't have much affinity with living plants shaped into fantasy creatures for the joy of small mortal children.

"…I think if you removed the fanged teeth it may appeal to the children more, my lord," Eidolon hesitantly suggested.

"Hmm…" Lucius considered it deeply. "Perhaps. Even if it is anatomically correct, it may be too scary for them." He blinked and turned to look at his subordinate with what looked like innocent curiosity on his face. "Eidolon, do you find this scary? Is that why you suggested I remove the fangs?"

"…no, my lord."

"It's alright. I understand." Lucius patted Eidolon's shoulder in comfort. "Pointy teeth can be scary for even a being of death such as yourself. Even when you're capable of destroying this plane with just a mere thought, we all have something we're 'deathly' afraid of. Like spiders. Or snakes."


It was now clear that Lucius was just messing with him, but Eidolon couldn't say anything to the ruler of his realm.

Lucius turned back to his bush sculpture and removed his gardening gloves with a calm smile on his face. "So, what did you come here for, my chief advisor?"

"The girl who negotiated a deal with us has come again. But I'm sure you're aware of that."

Lucius's movements slowed, then hastened again. "Yes. I would say you can let her in, but…" He looked over his shoulder. "It seems my guest has let herself in already."

Eidolon's form disappeared as Lucille turned a corner of the rows of hedge bushes and then stopped when she saw Lucius. She approached him and then paused when she saw his life-sized topiary work.

"Do you like it? It's a cerapter," he asked pleasantly. "It's taken the better part of the hour to complete this."

Lucy stared at it for a moment longer. "That's a helhest," she stated.

Lucius looked between her and the bush. "Really?"

She pointed at the stub at the front, revealing a missing leg. "It's three-legged and I can see through its ribs. This is an equine undead."

Lucius tilted his head. "But it has wings and a horn."

"The wings are skeletal and the horn is jagged and crooked, looking more like a deformity than any natural occurrence," she told him with mild exasperation.

"Harsh. But accurate." The bush crumbled into ashy dust which flew away in the breeze. Lucius dusted his palms and smiled. "I was always going to kill it. That species of magical plant is poisonous, and I can't risk something like that being in the garden my children play in."

"I see." Lucy eyed the pile of ash and then slightly shook her head. "I'll take it that I'm not interrupting anything important then?"

"Well, it was my scheduled day for gardening. I only get a chance to tend to my garden once a fortnight. But…" Lucius glanced behind him at what looked like nothing. He grabbed the gardening shears off the top of a flat hedge bush. "Eidolon."

Lucy blinked when the shadowy figure appeared.

"…my lord."

"Eidolon, use this chance to gain a hobby," Lucius remarked cheerfully. He placed the gardening shears in his subordinate's vague hands and stepped back. "I have one final bush that needs sculpting, but it seems I'll be busy. I'm sure my favourite subordinate will meet his master's expectations and surprise me with his topiary skills when I return."

Lucius turned around and walked off with Lucy following after him, glancing back at the shadowy figure. The figure lifted the shears and snipped them, watching how they worked.

"When you said his name is Eidolon…" Lucille began slowly.

"Yes, he's Eidolon, my chief advisor and ruling Regent of the Tartarus Realm," Lucius replied brightly. "He's always been obedient, but seems to make it his life's work to be incapable of developing a sense of humour."

Lucy glanced around her. There were signs of other bushes having been sculpted into mythical creatures, all of them expertly made. It seemed only that the so-called 'cerapter' was the exception. "So… gardening."

"I thought I might try my hand at something I hadn't done in a while," Lucius commented offhandedly. "Perhaps I'll attempt painting tomorrow." He raised an eyebrow at her. "But while you know me as the master of the Tower's most powerful information agency, I must say that not even I expected your visit today."

"Really? Even though you were the one to warn me about the Heavenly Realm's involvement in the first place?" she asked doubtfully.

He raised a finger. "Ah, then I must say that I did expect your visit. Just not necessarily today. Those ignorant ones have been trying all sorts of moves for a while, so it was going to happen eventually."

Lucius led her inside to his quarters and they both sat down on the armchairs of his living room. He picked up a book on the table next to him and set about reading it.

Lucille, aware of the high mental faculties of a Paragon Anomaly and how they could do a million things while having a conversation, wasn't offended. She was the one who arrived unannounced. Instead, she opened her dimensional bag and took out her brass jug and a mug to pour herself some coffee. Lucius didn't comment on it.

"Hm. Why do mortal male authors consistently write such ill-conceived female characters?" he suddenly asked, making Lucy cough and swallow her drink before giving him an odd look. Lucius turned the book to show her the cover, revealing it to be some poor-quality fiction novel – the type where the main character ends up being surrounded by a preposterous quantity of wives, partners and concubines. "In all my time, I have never seen a woman such as these who has been born into prosperity willing to elope with an unfaithful, lower-class man."

Lucius tilted his head. "Not to say that they don't exist, but surely it's an impossibility for so many of them to be born in one world that all happened to meet this one male mortal."

"The simple answer would be that it's wish fulfilment for the author," Lucy answered with mild bemusement.

"Then how come these are being sold in bookstores if it was purely the author's fantasy?"

Lucy rubbed her temples. "Because the author knows others have the same impossible daydreams and they will read his story."

Lucius propped his chin up. "Then that would mean he has intelligence high enough to use his talents, and by that estimation, he would know how to write intelligent female characters."

"But then his stories wouldn't appeal to those who have those daydreams," Lucy refuted. "Is there a particular reason why you're asking me this? I'm sure it's something simple enough for you to understand."

Lucius smiled. "You see, I can draw quite a few parallels between this novel and your own situation."

Lucy stared at him as he continued, "The main character of this novel, while martially talented, also shows greed in substantial amounts and continually travelled to 'collect' women of varying fame and aesthetics. This is very common among young masters of the Heavenly Realm."

Her eyes widened when he pointed at her. "Imagine then, that a powerful young master of a Heavenly Sect heard rumours of an attractive young lady who has gained significant financial power in the Eternal Empire. A marriage between the Aurelian Commission and their Sect would certainly bring fortune and-"

"You have to be joking!" she interrupted, staring at him with horror. "Please tell me you're not being serious, because if that is actually the reason why the Heavenly Realm is trying to involve itself with me then I…" Her words trailed off and she narrowed her eyes at him.

Lucius calmly gazed back. Then he smirked. "I'm not serious."

She buried her head in her hands and tried very hard to focus on what the consequences of punching the Death Monarch in his smug face would be.

He chuckled and crossed one leg over the other, looking relaxed. "Suffice to say that none have yet to see you as a potential partner in an arranged marriage. That's not to say that you don't have an issue on your hands," he continued seriously. "From what I've seen and heard, no concrete plans regarding you have been made. But I highly recommend you keep an eye on the relationship between the Archduke and the Heavenly Sects."

She paused and looked up. "The… Archduke? I've never heard of there being an issue between them, though… the Emperor has been very pleased with how smoothly the peace treaties have been implemented."

"Archduke and not Aethereal Duchy," he stated, shaking his head. "Or should I say, Stolas Septamere Eterial. And I doubt that if you asked him, you'd get an answer – because he wouldn't know this."

Lucille frowned and rubbed her temples. Lucius eyed her and shrugged. "As I said, no concrete plans have been made. This means the people around you are in no immediate danger. You'll become a scapegoat if you're not careful, however."

"Hm…" Lucy sighed. "Thank you for your help. You didn't need to answer me when I turned up uninvited either."

"Nonsense." He waved her off. "Turn up whenever you wish. I enjoy your visits and our conversations." Lucius paused and narrowed his eyes at her. "As a Realm Ruler, I order you to continue to visit me. You're not allowed to cut off all contact if the Malediction Society is dealt with."

She huffed a short laugh and crossed her arms. "Okay. I'll keep visiting."

He gave her a satisfied nod and stood up from his chair. "Right. Now, I wish to see how well my chief advisor has done sculpting my last hedge bush, so if you wish to stay longer to see the results, you may."

"No, I won't take up your time any longer." She gave him a bow. "Thank you once again."

"It is nothing," Lucius said with a smile.

And for him, it probably was. Lucius walked her to the front door and they said their goodbyes. But just as Lucille reached the front gate, Lucius, who was standing on the top step in front of the front doors, said something.

"Lucille, how familiar are you with the Heavenly-Demonic War before the Heavenly Realm's assimilation?"

Lucy glanced back and stared. Her expression began to twitch. "Unfortunately, more familiar than I want to be right now," she stated stiffly.

Lucius chuckled. "You have my sympathy."

She slowly nodded and shut the gate. Lucius went back inside, and Lucy stayed staring at the gate in silence.

Then she scowled and kicked the gate. Her foot was rebounded with immense force and she stumbled back and landed on the ground as an automatic protective dome over the estate formed. The burst of faint laughter she heard coming from inside the manor revealed that Lucius had seen her epic failure.

This blighted demon is causing me trouble even when it doesn't involve me.

What am I supposed to think when he mentions 'Archduke' and Heavenly-Demonic War in the same conversation?!?

Instead of returning straight away to the Commission, she went to a café to cool her head for a bit. When she finally returned, she went straight to her room and lay down on her bed, staring at the roof.

He said the Archduke doesn't know about… whatever the issue is yet and actual conflict hasn't occurred, so it's probably a situation of the Heavenly Realm having minor clues but not understanding anything yet.

It's possible it may only be one Sect that's the issue too. I can't imagine Leng Xiuying would've given away information about me to the other Sect Leaders too easily.

She threw an arm over her face and sighed.

And Lucius helped me once again, even if it wasn't as much as last time. I don't like feeling indebted.

But it was quite possible that she'd never be able to rid herself of her debt to him for her entire life.


Thick, bitter mist. Gnarled burnt trees whipped at her cloak and robes as she flew past. She should've chosen a better place to hide, but it wasn't worth regretting. The Hero had found her too fast for her to make use of her location anyway.

She landed behind the ruins of an ancient necropolis palace of some kind and pulled her black cloak further over her disguised hair – illusion mana that even the Hero couldn't see past had giving her short auburn hair and emerald green eyes.

After she had faked her death on an expedition, she had never expected the Hero to be so relentless in finding her. She never believed he would truly think she had managed to die there, but one small misstep, and now he thought her current identity had clues to where 'Adrianna Riftmire' had gone.

But it was now far more dangerous for her to be someone else other than Adrianna Riftmire right now.

Her blood ran cold when a beam of light blasted through the necropolis's rubble, generating a massive sinkhole that dragged everything within it, including her. Her mana was split between maintaining the illusion of her current appearance that had been damaged by the attack as well as pushing out the continuously damaging effects of the death mana in the environment, so she couldn't fly right then.

She gripped onto the edge of the sinkhole's cliff and began to haul herself up. Then a gleaming blade planted itself in the ground only inches away from her fingertips.

The Hero crouched and gave her a mocking smirk. "It seems I've caught you, little thief."

She glared at him. "I'm no thief."

"Yes, you are. You are if I say you are." The Hero narrowed his piercing, cold gold eyes at her. "But that may change if I hear the words I need to from you." He gripped her throat and pulled her up. "Where is Adrianna Riftmire?" he hissed.

"I don't know who that is," she retorted. She spat on him.

The Hero hoisted her up and threw her against the ground. He kneeled down on her back, the blade of his sword close enough to her neck that she could feel its coolness.

"That was the wrong answer," he stated coldly. "I'll only give you one more chance, otherwise I'll throw you into this pit and you'll never be seen again." He leaned close and his voice gained a menacing, cruel tone. "And I won't stop there. Rumours say you're working to feed your family. Well, if word gets out of your 'betrayal'… your family will have more worries to deal with over what food they can eat that night."

She didn't have a family, but that didn't make his words any less sickening. The Hero tightened his grip on her neck. "So, what will you say?"

She stayed silent for a moment, then smiled widely. "Go to hell."

He removed his hand from her neck with indifference. "So be it." Instead of kicking her into the sinkhole like she expected, he plunged his blade into her. She coughed up blood as she stared at him.

The Hero smirked. "Just for that extra bit of pain on your way down to the bowels of death. This is what you get for lying to me."

Then he kicked her off. Or… tried to.

Something else stopped her from rolling off the cliff. Wincing through the pain, she noticed the outline of a man cloaked in pitch-black robes from his shoulders down. The grey pallor of his skin and the bitter black mist coiling around him made it clear that he was a member of the strongest race of Tartarus. A wraith.

The Hero scowled. "Who are you?"

The robed figure didn't answer and instead looked down. He glanced between the Hero and her.

"So… you're the Distorter in the Tower," the wraith said.

The Hero raised his sword and pointed it at the wraith. "Distorter? What… no, who are you? Why is a wraith, a member of the death race getting involved in mortal business?"

"Mortal business?" The wraith blinked and looked down at her, then chuckled. "This goes far beyond pure mortal business, boy."

An immense force shoved the Hero back. The unidentified wraith flew above where the Hero was lying, breathing heavily as he glared at the wraith.

"As a price for your arrogance, I'll be taking one of your lives," the wraith stated cheerfully. "Don't hate me too much, you have more than you ever should've had."

The wraith only pointed one finger at the Hero, and then a jet-black spear shot into the Hero's chest. He instantly burst into black mist, and his proud armour and weapons turned to mere particles.

With a snap of his fingers, she found herself in a new place, on a cold pale marble floor and in an open-roofed temple of sorts with stormy skies in shades of only white, black and grey. Clutching at her open, bleeding wound, she rolled onto her knees and looked up to see the wraith sitting on a throne of solid black metal above a staircase formed of ivory. Bronze pillars topped with black flames lined both sides of the throne room hallway.

"Now," the wraith began calmly, his smile pleasant but his dark eyes unnervingly deep. "I will offer you one chance to explain why Adrianna Riftmire, who everyone thought was dead, entered my realm and led the Hero of Light to one of the bottommost layers of Tartarus. If you answer well, I'll reward you with the opportunity to ask me a question of my own."

She answered. After contemplating her answer, he nodded. "I see. I understand. I'll grant you the opportunity to ask a question of your own."

"I… okay." She grimaced as she released her illusion, and placed a hand on her injured chest as she looked up at the oldest being in the Tower.

"Death Monarch Azaexabelath, do you have any idea… what I am?"

Sorry. I got a cold with bad brain fog so couldn't write for a bit.
I've made progress on the Discord stickers too!


Just Hargrave sulking about his new hairstyle and dragon traits. Nothing to see here.

Maybe his nickname at the moment should be Colgate toothpaste dragon guy instead of future rainbow dragon guy.
Patreon (x10 chapters!):


Discord (Come get your Qualified Scytale Feeder role!):


Honorary mention of my first Plebeian: Purplexa

[Title: Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

DoomByCookies, getthepoptart21, znarken, skywatchwolf, Omega, Oxylus, lagia1614, whoknows, sesse4880, rain6295, augustus63, V9

[Title: Rank-5 | Type: Discord/Role]


Inzuris, Kabi, Malahadiel, Starfall20, Shoutloud, ChaosOmega98, deathbunnies, wind.celestial, Spacemanspiff, Hibou Ronchon, eroth, magicaltaliyah, arcanorum042, Mitchell, sami027, bali123456789, Lars, Aria, Prince007, Abdulaziz, Jonathon, Albert Ng, phoon, Frostyflame66, Drowsy Golem, timelestime, mr7, Que Tea, kinokomasha, Sparxy, Death2moo, Tzeneth, Sara, Cyko, harrisonv, Kasper, arcanedeath, m0r1tz_hf, Name, viridian, Michael, Sebgatot, Pam Cakes28, Orange Thistle, Zane, acausal, Alex, konodias, hamkaas420, wumpycz, attackgnome, erikas, Patrick, Lilly, Talespinner Lore, schal_, aaa11, bram, dndsharky, snakesden, kiphea, jacowyn, infinitespy, navango, eobmaster, Momongama, BrokenStorm, Mr Nobody, Chaya, Hayden, viking020p, AvaArisu, catawk42, Signspace, battlinggalaxy, ptichondrius, Michael, awesomeotj, Deagel, Lilith, Moon Winchester,

[Title: Demon Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

Thinking about it, the Demon Emperor hasn't actually realized that she was being serious when she said she couldn't sense Killing Intent.

Both because, everyone with a soul should be able to, and because it makes the first stages almost impossible.
Chapter 82 (1 of 2) Paladin’s puzzlement.
Slightly off-tune whistling floated through the carriage. A dark-haired boy frowned and put his hands over his ears. "Annaliese, can you shut up? You're hurting my ears."

The blonde-haired girl shot her brother an annoyed look. "Why? What's wrong with my whistling? I think it's perfectly fine."

"It's worse than when you sing," he replied with disdain. "I get that you're happy that we're finally back at the Commission, but I don't share your enthusiasm."

Annaliese gave Raegan a surprised look. "You don't like coming here?"

"It's better than being stuck at our house I guess…" He hesitated and then jabbed a finger at her. "It doesn't matter. I just said I'm not as excited as you are."

"Hmm…" Annaliese let out another whistle and then smiled. "Maybe if you say please then I'll stop."

Raegan narrowed his eyes at her. "Fine, your noble 'Prophetess-ness'. Please."

"Say it like you mean it."

He groaned. "Please."

Annaliese blinked. "I didn't hear you. Could you repeat that?"

Raegan buried his head in his hands. "Please."

His sister grinned. "Nope." Then she returned to whistling.

Raegan scowled and the tired guardian of the two teenagers let out a sigh. "Stop annoying Raegan, Prophetess Verdon. We are barely five minutes from the mansion, so I think it would be simple enough to sit in peace for only several minutes more."

The Prophetess blew him a raspberry but huffed and looked out the window.

Jasten Albrecht rubbed his temples and then paused to stare at his armoured hand, realising that behaviour was becoming a frequent habit.

…he still sometimes wondered what the Great Sage saw in him to place those two troublemakers under his responsibility.


The look of resignation on the face of the Aurelian Commission Head made Jasten feel a sense of commiseration oddly similar to his self-pity. While he had his suspicions and scepticisms about the strange young woman, he could understand her desire for peace when she ran an organisation as large as the Commission.

"I see you have returned," Lucille Goldcroft stated blandly.

Annaliese blinked. "Why wouldn't I?"

Jasten raised an eyebrow when Lucille gave him an unreadable look.

"…I suppose I expected things to be different after recent events," she replied. "If you're here, the Citadel must've not heard anything important. Never mind." She turned on her heels and walked off. "Scytale's been messing around in the sitting room with Garthe and Larena if you want to see him."

"Then let's go!" Annaliese went to grab Lucille's hand and drag her off.

Lucille gently removed it and shook her head. "No, I have work to do. You'll see me at dinner."

"Awww…" The Prophetess looked briefly disappointed until she spotted the red and blue-haired figure of Hargrave coming out of a room. She regained her energy and picked up her skirt to run after him, who had flinched and tried to back away before she noticed him. "Hargrave! You need to tell me how you got your bloodline!"

"And she's off," Raegan stated. He looked around and then shrugged, heading in the direction of Lucille's quarters. "I'm going to go mess with whatever game they're playing. It'll keep me entertained I guess."

Jasten automatically began to follow after Annaliese until Lucille walked up to him and snapped her fingers. A silencing spell of some kind was cast, preventing anyone from hearing their conversation.

"Sir Albrecht, I need to speak to you," she began seriously. "If you don't mind, I'd like for us to go in the room next to your Prophetess and Hargrave to speak privately."

He looked in the direction of his ward, who could be easily seen in his mana sight. Jasten nodded… because it was about time he asked the young woman in front of him something as well.

"I hope you'll excuse me for not offering you a drink as is customary when having an important discussion, but I didn't intend for this to last long," Lucille said, sitting down on the couch opposite him.

He frowned and crossed his arms, not liking how this was beginning. "This does not appear to be a normal conversation, Count Goldcroft."

She crossed one leg over the other and rested her gloved hands in her lap. "I'm sure you've noticed I… haven't particularly welcoming towards you. The reasons for that are numerous, but I apologise for that."

He stared when she gave him a slight bow, wondering what scheme she was up to now. For Jasten, it had been easier knowing she was confrontational because then he didn't have to pretend to be friendly. "…why apologise now?" he asked suspiciously.

Lucille Goldcroft sighed. "Because I need a favour or… information from you. I need to ask: why did you bring Annaliese here after what happened?"

"…what happened?"

She waved a hand. "It's not great for the Aurelian Commission head to spell this out, but I'm referring to the intruder that came here two weeks ago. They slipped past our defences and entered my floor, nearly coming in contact with Sedric."

"I have no recollection of hearing of this," he refuted. "If I had, it would've been due to the Sages informing me, and they undoubtedly would've withheld the Prophetess from returning here so soon." Jasten scowled. "If this is true then I need to discuss this with them when we return."

It was Lucille Goldcroft's turn to stare. "But the Citadel has one of the widest-reaching information networks in the realm. They must've told you something, especially if it's regarding cul-" She didn't finish her sentence and furrowed her brow, holding her chin with a hand.

"…Count Goldcroft?"

She blinked and then shook her head. "Ah… if you haven't heard about it then there's nothing more we can do. I'm sorry for requesting to speak about something so minor."

Something was definitely going on that Jasten needed to find out more about, but he didn't want to get mixed up in any complicated situations. "Why is it so important that you know why the Prophetess returned? Others would take this as a sign of trust from the Great Sage," he pointed out.

"What? No, that's ridiculous." Lucille Goldcroft firmly shook her head. "It's far better for Annaliese to stay near the protection of her private guards. Raegan too. It's too risky for those two to be here right now."

"And I don't understand why you care." Jasten leaned forward, observing her solemnly. "If your dislike towards Prophetess Verdon's monthly visits is true and not a scheme, then you would've pushed her away more firmly. But if this is a scheme to draw her closer to your side, then you would risk having her be here so soon after… whatever event happened with this 'intruder'." He narrowed his steel-grey eyes. "Your actions don't reflect your attitude."

Lucille stayed silent. Then she tilted her head. "Are you an idiot?"


"What person in their right mind would be willing to let two high-profile teenagers return to where someone may harm them?" she asked with disdain, gesturing to the wall behind her where Annaliese was on the other side. "She's just a sixteen-year-old girl, not even mentioning her brother, so why would I let them happily prance around the Commission? I'll end up in even more trouble if something occurs to them while under my protection."

She's not treating them like members of her generation.

"If you're doing this to protect them, explain your dislike of their visits," Jasten retorted.

"Because I need to work," Lucille argued back. "I have a job to perform as the Aurelian Commission Head. Just like how even though everything is perfectly fine here, you're not willing to abandon your post beside Annaliese for even a minute." She scoffed and gave him a dismissive wave. "You should've noticed I've given up trying to prevent her from coming here. All I'm doing now is keeping her distracted through my other guests so she doesn't get into trouble."

She stood up, and Jasten Albrecht did the same. "…then what changed?" he asked quietly.

Lucille frowned as she looked at him and then shook her head. "I'm just… taking responsibility for introducing her to the truth of her situation. It's too late to let her and her brother remain in ignorance."

Before he could respond, she opened the door to where Hargrave and Annaliese were outside. After a brief discussion with Annaliese complaining about Hargrave's reluctance to answer her, they set off. Soon, Annaliese and Hargrave were walking ahead again – the one-sided conversation being fully carried out by the energetic Prophetess.

"Still, I would've thought that the Sages would've sent one of their own to meet with me," Lucille murmured beside Jasten. "Knowing what they would about my knowledge of Raegan and my 'anti-fate' physiology…"

"Why would they know anything about that?" Jasten interrupted, overhearing her. "The Prophetess and her brother wouldn't have told the Sages."

"But there's still you," Lucille said with mild bemusement.

"Me? I haven't said a thing." He shook his head. "It would make things complicated and they wouldn't believe me unless I pushed. It's too bothersome to deal with complex situations like that and I can't protect the Prophetess and her brother to the best of my ability in those situations."

Lucille stared at him for a second and then smirked. "You seem to care more about those two than I thought. Hiding things from the Sages so that you can perform your job better… I suppose only the highest-ranked Paladin can think of things like that."

He coughed lightly.

Lucille shrugged and walked off. "I guess the Paladin who gained his title by conquering a city for the Citadel through crawling through its sewers must have a particularly creative mind."

Jasten stiffened and walked forward to place a gauntleted hand on her shoulder. "How do you know about that?" he asked in a low voice. "The Sages hid that fact because they deemed it 'dishonourable'."

"I know just like how you heard me say I snuck into the Great Sage's library," she replied blithely. "And you might want to stop discussing this."

"Lucy?" The Prophetess looked back. "What are you talking about with Sir Albrecht?"

The Paladin scowled as Lucille smiled brightly. "Nothing. Just discussing the logistics of the new Protection Subdivision."

"Ah." Finding the answer sufficiently boring, Annaliese nodded and returned to chatting with Hargrave.

Jasten Albrecht scowled deeper when Lucy patted his shoulder and grinned. "Cheer up, Sir Albrecht. As long as you keep doing what you have, I won't reveal anything."

Lucille absent-mindedly spun her pocket watch around her finger by its chain as she read the book in her hands, lying down on the couch. It was a geographical compendium of some of the lesser-known regions of the Beast Realm. Her plans for each of the Counties were progressing, but she needed to take the next step relating to Chavaret.

When the Dark Wizards of the Dark Tower arrived, several members of the Violet Order would visit with them to discuss the private dimension with Count Ravimoux. Evisenhardt was busy working to strengthen the Commission's authority among central nobility and its Aeternus families, while the dwarven craftsmen had begun to build the first prototype mana engines for the locomotives.

But only the Spirit Seer region of the Kitsune wasn't enough for her plans for that realm. And she needed to access the Beast Realm without the military might of Chavaret's mercenary legions to back her up.

"What are you doing, Lucy?" Annaliese asked curiously. She was sitting at a table, playing cards against Raegan, Hargrave, Marellen and Roa. It seemed the magical card set artifact that Marellen's party had brought back from the Sundown Continent was giving them plenty of entertainment. Raegan was sitting there with bright pink hair, trying to peek at his sister's hand.

"I am considering which region of the Beast Realm to visit," Lucy replied, flipping a page. "I need to establish ties with another region's enclaves, but if they're too strong, their pride will make it difficult to trade with them. They can't be weak either, however, as they'll become our protectors when transporting goods convoys through the realm."

"Sounds complicated." Annaliese placed a card down and punched the air. "Two scores of four!" The air above her head lit up with magical fireworks as she won the round and eagerly took a card from each of the other players' hands.

"Could you not form alliances through trade with several dispersed but independent enclaves?" Roa spoke up. She calmly placed her card down and skipped Annaliese's next turn. "You will gain a greater variety of natural resources."

Lucy shook her head. "No. Even with the Commission's size, we don't have the manpower to reach across zones as expansive and treacherous as the regions of the Beast Realm. I need us to form ties with an independent, large Supreme Enclave that will command all the surrounding enclaves to support the deal." She frowned and closed the book. "However, I also need to consider what resources the Commission has available to trade. All of this would be sorted if I just formed connections with an emerging powerful clan. Preferably a young one."

"You mean like my clan?" The sound of paper hitting her couch above her head drew her attention and she looked across the room to see Scytale concentrating with his tongue sticking out of his mouth. He threw another paper plane and watched as it lazily slid to a stop on the floor, a good metre away from her couch.

Scytale flopped on his couch with a groan and gave up. "All these other nobles get bonds from Supreme Enclaves just so they can trade and stuff, but you're the first bond I've ever heard of who are barely interested in their bond's Supreme Clan." He sat up as he held his chin pensively. "Hey, Lucy? Could you buy the Supreme Serpent's Silent City for me?"

Lucy paused as she realised where her bond was going with this. She sat up too. "I suppose if the City Lord accepted my offer of joining the Commission. Why?"

"Well…" Scytale twirled a finger in the air. "People began to know about my home because of you, right? Lots of people are going to start heading there when they know about my Ancient Clan. It's the only city close enough to my enclave for it to be worth it, so if you just went and bought the place, you'd be good." He shrugged and leaned back. "I'll admit that it's being selfish on my part. If anyone discovers who I am, they could use the city to threaten my clan. It'd be better if you just bought it first."

She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "But I thought you promised Verdilast that you wouldn't return until you reached Rank-3 at the very least."

"Eh." He waved off her answer. "I'll be visiting the city, not the enclave."

"Hmm…" Lucy considered it and then rested her chin on her hand. "Is there a condition you have in mind for essentially granting me full control over all your enclave's imports and exports?"

Scytale opened his mouth to say no, but then an idea came to mind and he grinned wickedly. "Actually, yeah." He jabbed his two thumbs at himself. "Transfer the City Lord title to me."

"To you?!" Annaliese abruptly spoke up, forgetting about the game in her astonishment. The others turned around to hear the snake explain himself.

"Yep. Always wanted a fancy title of some kind." Scytale smirked. "City Lord sounds like a good starting point."

Lucy wryly shook her head. "But you don't actually want to rule it, I take it." She thought for a bit longer and then nodded. "Alright. If we can convince the City Lord to sell the city to the Commission, I'll give you the City Lord title and appoint the present City Lord as Governor. There's no benefit to inciting hostility by replacing the current capable leader with someone unfamiliar."

"Nice!" Scytale lifted his hands to cheer and then dropped back on the couch. "It's not a noble title, but I get bragging rights, so it's good enough."

"While I'm at it, I may as well purchase all the other cities in the Violet Luminosity Jungle region," Lucille commented offhandedly. "That way all the trade routes will be under my control, including the connecting borders. With the Supreme Enclave backing me, there'll be little complaint."

Scytale frowned. "Hey, wait a minute. That's going to diminish the value of my own!"

"It's a frontier region, Scytale." Lucy shrugged. "You'll be one of five City Lords anyway." She opened her dimensional bag and began taking out leaflets of paper and ballpoint pens. "If I want to monopolise an entire region, I'll need to put effort into this. The first would be constructing efficient routes to the enclave itself with monster-repelling materials, and then expanding the Supreme Serpent's Silent City into the Capital… I'll need to put aside crystalline tokens for the upgrades."

Scytale clicked his tongue and pulled a pillow over his eyes. "Just tell me when you're ready to go there. I won't miss the chance to be back in my home realm."

"Okay." Lucille nodded. "I'll take you and Sedric in about a week."

Her serpent bond paused. "That's soon… no, wait. Why Sedric?"

Lucy glanced at the five playing card games and smiled. "It will be good for Sedric to learn to select the best materials himself. He's going to be working on my artifact in a couple of weeks."

Roa and Marellen paused and then traded looks. "Lucille, do you need protection?" Trisroa asked. "Marellen and I would be willing to come, if only to visit that particular region once more. It is always spectacular to study the wild mana of the Beast Realm."

"Sure." Lucy narrowed her eyes at them. "Would you two be opposed to re-exploring the location of the avalanche afterwards?"

They slowly shook their heads. "If Larena and Garthe are willing to come, then we want to check it out," Marellen said.

"That's sorted then." Lucy gave a satisfied nod.

"Lucy! Can we come to?" Annaliese asked brightly.

Her guard sent her a flat look as Lucy gave her a deadpan stare. "No."

The girl pouted as Raegan snatched the victory from her while she was distracted. "Ha! Take that, Anna, with your cheating Fate powers! I win this game!"

"I believe you are mistaken, young master Raegan," Roa calmly replied. She placed down her entire hand. "For I have a full run."

The boy's face fell and Annaliese began to laugh.

"Right, well…" Lucille checked her pocket watch. "I'll update Vincent on our plans for the following week. Sedric too, although that shall be kept until last minute so he doesn't have time to protest."

"Oh, wait! Lucy, Lucy!" Annaliese jumped up and ran over to hook Lucy's arm in her own. She pulled her out the door. "Let's go together! I want to hear more about your magic."

Lucille sighed as she was dragged along by the girl barely more than 5% of her age. "As you wish. I'm not sure how explaining it this time will make it any clearer for you."

"I'll get it eventually. Hearing you talk to Marellen and Roa about magic makes me want to learn how to use my Fate essence better!"

It was midnight when Lucille heard the knocking on her balcony window. With a strange expression, she slid off her bed where she had been sitting while reading and then stood in front of the glass door. She crossed her arms.

The dark-haired phantom dressed in black clothes to mask his identity scowled and started gripping the door handle. The glass pane rattled with force but didn't budge.

After a silent staring contest, Lucy stepped forward to open the balcony door.

"Could the honourable Count Goldcroft allow me to enter her room and relay a message?" Kozzazan asked sarcastically. Said message seemed to be the black envelope in his coat pocket.

"If you're irritated about your peaceful day job being disturbed to be the point of contact between the House and me, then take it out on your superiors," she stated blandly. She stepped back to let him in. "Don't forget that you're the suspicious figure climbing up to the fortieth floor to enter the private quarters of the Aurelian Commission Head."

Grumbling to himself, the phantom took out the letter and passed it to her. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Do you think you can deal with demons?"

She paused midway through cutting the envelope open with a letter opener and looked up. "Demons?"

He gestured to the city outside. "Some fool got himself possessed and now the demon's parading around the Malediction cesspit, with collecting Heretic items having become his new obsession. I'm sure you're aware of demons and their fixations on things."

"They can be loosely described as a collection of sociopaths and psychopaths, yes," she replied, unfolding the letter. Uniquely, she couldn't use her spiritual perception to scan-read the letter before taking it out. "And the solution is to deal with the root cause in the Demon Realm?"

"Yes." Kozzazan crossed his arms and frowned. "The Mystical Realm is fine, but… we have strict orders to not enter the Demon Realm unless necessary. For some reason, there's someone among the higher-ups who believes you'll be heading there and have a chance to deal them a devastating blow on our behalf."

"…I see." Lucille folded the letter, put it back into the envelope, and both crumbled into dust, never to be seen again. "But what's this about 'liquorice'?"

"Er…" He hesitated. "I'm not sure. Apparently a superior wants you to bring some of this liquorice stuff with you the next time you visit them. The information I was given mentioned 'one of their children liking it'."

I didn't know Vessel was part of the orphanage. I had heard from him that once one of them turns sixteen, they never meet again.

Lucy smirked. "I'll see what I can do. About both the Demon Realm and the liquorice."

"Sure." Kozzazan walked out onto the balcony and began climbing over the edge. "I'll see you around sometime, Count Goldcroft. Please take as much time as possible before calling me to deliver any messages."

With that, he left, and Lucy returned to her bed. She cleared away the documents on top of it to consider the new task she had.

Lucius… wants me to ask the Demon Emperor for permission to let some of his forces eradicate the demons supporting Malediction. Does he even know what relationship we have?

She placed her hands behind her head and closed her eyes.

Well, if I can give a satisfyingly convincing reason as to why this will preserve the integrity of the Tower and its realms, I'm sure he'll let anything happen. As long as he doesn't have to do it himself.

The following month would be September, nearly a full year since she had met the ruling demon for the first time.

I went to the One Piece symphony thing. As such... I forgot to post.
But hey! it was worth it!
Patreon (x10 chapters!):


Discord (Come get your Qualified Scytale Feeder role!):


Honorary mention of my first Plebeian: Purplexa

[Title: Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

DoomByCookies, getthepoptart21, znarken, skywatchwolf, Omega, Oxylus, lagia1614, whoknows, sesse4880, rain6295, augustus63, V9

[Title: Rank-5 | Type: Discord/Role]


Inzuris, Kabi, Malahadiel, Starfall20, Shoutloud, ChaosOmega98, deathbunnies, wind.celestial, Spacemanspiff, Hibou Ronchon, eroth, magicaltaliyah, arcanorum042, Mitchell, sami027, bali123456789, Lars, Aria, Prince007, Abdulaziz, Jonathon, Albert Ng, phoon, Frostyflame66, Drowsy Golem, timelestime, mr7, Que Tea, kinokomasha, Sparxy, Death2moo, Tzeneth, Sara, Cyko, harrisonv, Kasper, arcanedeath, m0r1tz_hf, Name, viridian, Michael, Sebgatot, Pam Cakes28, Orange Thistle, Zane, acausal, Alex, konodias, hamkaas420, wumpycz, attackgnome, erikas, Patrick, Lilly, Talespinner Lore, schal_, aaa11, bram, dndsharky, snakesden, kiphea, jacowyn, infinitespy, navango, eobmaster, Momongama, BrokenStorm, Mr Nobody, Chaya, Hayden, viking020p, AvaArisu, catawk42, Signspace, battlinggalaxy, ptichondrius, Michael, awesomeotj, Deagel, Lilith, Moon Winchester,

[Title: Demon Nobility | Type: Discord/Role]

Oh boy, some Demon is about to have a very bad day.

Meanwhile, revealing an Ancicnet Clan to the world isn't something that happens every day.
Chapter 82 (2 of 2) Paladin’s puzzlement.
Lucille flicked through the pages and looked up at the man opposite her. "This is everything?"

Count Ravimoux bowed his head. "Everything we could obtain since the 'attack'."

She pondered the contents for a moment longer and then placed the pages on her desk. "It's more than I expected. I appreciate you coming person to pass the information on the intruder to me."

"Truthfully, I have another matter to discuss," The Count replied. "But…"

He looked at the door, which opened to reveal a certain Prophetess accompanied by Sir Albrecht.

"Lucy, Sedric is asking to discuss the Beast Realm trip and- oh." She blinked when she noticed the Count. "Sorry, were you busy?"

The dark-haired man observed Annaliese and then smiled. Placing a hand on his chest, he bowed respectfully. "Count Regulus Ravimoux, my lady Prophetess. It is an honour to meet the one closest to our mutual friend. I lead one of the Commission's four Counties."

"Friend?" Annaliese looked at Lucy with surprise.

Lucy just raised an eyebrow at the Count, making him smirk. He straightened up and gave the Prophetess a relaxed shrug. "Well, our acquaintanceship is certainly stronger than that of the other Counts. As such, I believe the term 'friends' should apply to us, no?"

"Whatever you say." Lucille sighed and turned to Annaliese. "Tell Sedric I'll meet with him after this. And before he asked – no, he doesn't have a choice. He's coming with me."

Annaliese nodded and left Lucy's study. Once again left alone, Lucille turned to Count Ravimoux. "Another matter?"

"Yes. That of your visits to the four Counties," he replied with a nod. He gestured to the spare armchair. "May I?"

"Of course." Lucy sat behind her desk and rested her intertwined fingers on her lap as she listened closely to what he had to say.

Count Ravimoux gestured to the pages on her desk. "As of yet, the agenda of the intruder and the force or forces behind them is indeterminable. Nobody has come forward to take advantage of this lapse in our defences, so we've decided to hide news of it for now. Because of this, your visit to the Beast Realm and hopefully our Counties will go on unimpeded."

Lucy nodded thoughtfully. "The vassals and family branches must be getting increasingly curious about me since the attack at the external debut. Otherwise, I you wouldn't have come forward to push me like this."

"Yes, Count Evisenhardt and Count Chavaret requested for me to bring the topic up with you," he agreed. "They never would have done this without your expressed desire to visit us, though."

Lucy rested her chin on her hand. "Have you three decided which County I'm to visit first? I don't have a preference."

"Is that so? Well…" Count Ravimoux held his chin as he considered it. "As the more affluent County among us, Evisenhardt will wish to have time to formally prepare for your visit. Their County is the closest to the Capital City and requires certain traditions due to that status. Count Chavaret only wishes to meet so that he may study your weapons… do you wish to visit my County?" he asked with a strange smirk.

"I heard that Ravimoux had no fiefdom on the Aeternus plane," she pointed out with a quirk of an eyebrow. "Unless you have some grand secret to reveal to me?"

"Ha, there's no such thing," he chuckled. "I could always invite you to the ancestral estate, but I haven't been there for several years, so there wouldn't be much meaning." The Count nodded to himself. "I will organise for Alichanteu to welcome you first. That will limit the opportunities for their factions to employ schemes."

"Any news about that?"

"About Radical and Olden?" Count Ravimoux questioned. "Nothing major. Their ambivalent attitude is making me wary, considering the recent intrusion event, but there's nothing to be done if they haven't shown any moves. Although, I must ask." He tilted his head. "Do you truly mean for Sir Rouzet's city to be the first to undergo redevelopment?"

Lucille smirked and crossed her arms. "I've seen that he's more capable than he appears. He's got the perfect disposition, attitude and status to rub the factions wrongly, and redeveloping his city first will give him a good test."

"I see." Count Ravimoux glanced behind himself and then nodded to her. "Alichanteu it will be, then. I'll get back to you with the week once it's decided. I should be taking my leave now."

"I'll contact you soon," Lucy replied politely. Then she had a thought and raised a hand to stop him. "Ah, could you relay my request to Vincent to purchase a chain called the Magisterial Treasure Emporium? It's a chain of stores that has expanded into the frontier regions of the Beast Realm which I think may be useful for my purposes."

"Sounds interesting," Count Ravimoux replied with a wicked smirk, no doubt aware of what had occurred between her and the store. With a bow, he shut the door behind him, leaving her to sigh and kick her legs onto her desk.

I want to go somewhere and level up. Will I be able to do that more next year?

Something on the edges of her perception field caught her attention and she rolled her eyes.

Time to deal with Sedric's complaints. I'll add him to the list of 'people who need to develop social skills', after Hargrave.

"-and I've never worked with raw materials before. So yeah, I just don't see how I could be of any help," Sedric argued with his hands on his hips. "I bet those mages of yours would be more help… hey, are you even listening to me?"

Lucy gazed off to the side with her arms crossed, idly watching her bond cajole Raegan into another plan to prank Ashale'viaf.

Is there anything else I should purchase while I'm in the Violet Luminosity Jungle Region? Maybe Hargrave would appreciate access to water natural treasures…

"Hello? Am I talking to a brick wall?"

…but water natural resources in an illusion region would be more expensive and of lower quality than what it's worth. I'm also unsure how his bloodline advancement works as a former human. Scytale said he can't be considered in the realms of an advanced or superior beast but closer to something in between.

Sedric narrowed his eyes at her, thinking. "Time for me to start looking for employment under the Coalition instead, I think," he suddenly announced.

Lucy whacked him on the top of his head with her cane. "Don't give me such an unbelievable lie if you're going to speak falsehoods. Also, I still haven't changed my decision about bringing you." She walked over to her couch as the crafter glared at her, one hand pointing at her and the other rubbing his sore head.

"So you were listening!" he complained. He marched over and sat on a nearby seat, scowling. "At least give me several day's warning! Annaliese told me you decided on this only yesterday!"

"It was an arbitrary decision," Lucille replied as she sipped her coffee.

Sedric gripped his hair. "Look, I just don't want to go anywhere with that darned snake!"

They both glanced at the silver-haired teenage boy, who had successfully gripped Raegan in a headlock. Scytale looked up. "Hm? Did someone mention me?"

"He is the most irritating person to exist," Sedric muttered.

Lucy shrugged. "True."

"Hey, don't lie!" Scytale said, pointing at Sedric. "Just the other day you were telling me how much you loved me and never wanted me to leave!"

Sedric stared. "What-"

"Awwww, how sweet," Raegan snarked.

Sedric scowled and jabbed a finger at him. "You shut up."

Lucille sighed and sat her coffee down. "I'll stop him from bothering you too much. You forget, Sedric, that this trip to the Beast Realm won't be more than a single-day event for us three. Obelisk teleports are instant. It's only Marellen, Roa and the other two who will be staying for a week."

He stared at her. "Really? But…" He slowly turned to look in the direction of a certain Prophetess who was lying on a couch, reading a book.

Annaliese shiftily looked away. "I-I may have gotten the details wrong when I told him more about what you said…"

"Ugh." Sedric buried his head in his hands. "That makes me feel better then. Having to go everywhere with that snake…"

"You say that like you don't already deal with him every day," Lucy pointed out. "I don't understand the problem here."

He considered it with a strange expression. "I… huh."

Lucy watched him and then stood up with a huff. "If that's the end of this issue, I'm going to see Hargrave. You two over there, don't antagonise Ashale'viaf anymore," she warned, pointing at her bond and Raegan.

Scytale pulled down an eyelid and stuck out his tongue to mock her with a stupid face. Raegan just scoffed.

With unusual swiftness and dexterity for a man of his build and height, the ex-mercenary swung his demonic spear through the air while cloaked in his new draconic aura. It cut through the air like thunder and when the sound of footsteps approached, he whirled around and pointed his spear at the newcomer.

"Impressive moves. Nice and flashy," Lucille remarked dryly. She put a hand on Eolith and pushed it away. "However, I'd prefer it if you didn't aim your weapon at my throat as your blade is uncovered, unlike the first time we met."

He stiffened as memories of that event threatened to overwhelm him, and then Hargrave hurriedly pulled back the spear. "…is there something you need to tell me?"

"In a way." She tilted her head. "Do you know what's happening?"

He nodded. "You're going to the Beast Realm with the others." Hargrave turned to the side and held out his spear to practice his forms again. "To purchase the cities in Scytale's home region."

"Good, you know." Lucy nodded. "I'll be back by roughly nine at night, but if I'm late then don't-"

"Departing at eight in the morning and then splitting from the sponsored party," he murmured, throwing his spear at the opposite side of the training room. It plunged into the white stone wall and then shot back to him with a gesture of his hand.

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "You're unusually well-informed-"

"The Supreme Serpent's Silent City in the Violet Luminosity Jungle Region." He punctuated his statement by spinning the spear in his hands but then Hargrave paused when he noticed Lucy's gaze.

She held her chin as she observed him. "Hargrave…" Lucy began. "Is something wrong?"

"Wrong? Ah… no." He blinked, looking distracted. "I don't think so."

"Are you sure?" she pressed, almost certain there was something on his mind. "This isn't like you. You didn't notice me until I was already close. You're acting off and seem to be focusing on my excursion a little too much."

"Maybe…" Hargrave looked down at his hand and frowned. "I'm… not too sure what might be the matter myself. It doesn't feel like anything is different…"

Lucille pressed a hand to her temples, feeling frustrated at the quantity of emotionally underdeveloped individuals running around her. "Tell me if you work out what's the problem, okay Hargrave?" she ordered, pointing at him. "If you keep acting like this when another intruder appears, who knows what will happen."

That seemed to make him react and he straightened up. He nodded solemnly. "I'll get over this soon."

I doubt it. If emotions were that easy, I would've chosen to abandon my revenge and make 'Adrianna' not exist in this timeline.

Truthfully, revenge against the Hero wasn't the only reason why she needed to be close to him.

Lucy left the training room and placed her hands behind her back, feeling a bit weary after everything that had occurred and what needed to happen. Her mind was busy planning how to persuade the Demon Emperor to let the House of Wordless Observers infiltrate the Demon Realm and eradicate the Malediction supporters, busy working out whether he would even care to refuse her in the first place and busy thinking of how she could obtain a demonic spellcraft-related skill during the fight. It was her best opportunity to obtain one.

Now she had Hargrave and whatever was going on with him to deal with too. And keeping in contact with the members of Ravimoux the Count had employed to covertly guard Marellen's party when they investigated the location of the avalanche.

At least she wasn't Vincent. He had hardly seen her at all that week due to all the nobles requesting to meet with him. The few hours before midnight were the only times they met to catch up.

I'd almost feel sorry for him if I didn't know he worked better under pressure. He seems to be enjoying himself in that strange, work-obsessed way of his. But what to do about Hargrave…

A blonde-haired figure snooping around rooms of the Commission while trying to hide from her guard caught Lucy's attention. Lucille slowly narrowed her eyes.

Operation Prophetess Sleeper Agent begins.

She quietly walked up to the girl and placed her hands on her shoulders. Annaliese yelped and spun around, only to let out a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.

"Oh, it's you, Lucy!" she replied, a hand on her chest to calm her heartbeat. "You scared me!"

Lucy smirked but then shook her head and grasped the Prophetess's shoulders again. "Annaliese. I have a very important task for you," Lucille began seriously.

Annaliese blinked and then excitement seemed to make her eyes gleam. "Really? An important task for me?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"Very." Lucy nodded and leaned forward to whisper into her ear, "I need you to go talk to Hargrave and find out what he's hiding from me. Here's what you'll do…"

"He's moping because he feels left out," Annaliese announced half an hour later. "I'm pretty sure he really wanted to go with everyone to the Beast Realm so he was waiting to be asked, but nobody did."

Lucy stared at the girl. Then she groaned and ran a hand down her face. "Really? He's upset about that?"

"Hargrave doesn't know he's upset about that, though." Annaliese leaned forward to pick up a jam biscuit. "He did mention something about how he promised to 'make it up to you' and thought you might need protection after the intruder incident, whatever that is."

Lucille pinched her nose bridge.

Is he only experiencing 'normal' relationships for the first time after coming here? Not that contractual relationships can be considered normal.

I'm more impressed that Annaliese was able to get that kind of reasonable answer out of him. I suppose that goes to show what happens when someone with high EQ meets someone with EQ in the negatives.

She paused and shot the Prophetess a sceptical look.

Does Annaliese actually have high EQ? I always thought of her as the type of person to make things worse with misunderstandings. If she has high EQ, then how much of her naivety and personality is an act?

Lucy watched as the girl tried to lick the jam off her fingers at the irritation of Sir Albrecht, who demanded she clean them properly using a handkerchief. She facepalmed.

Annaliese, put on an act? I must be ridiculously exhausted. She just has a way with people, and Hargrave is exceptionally weak to her. That has to be it.

"The reason why I didn't choose to bring Hargrave was because it was going to be a short trip," Lucy said, crossing her arms. "Hargrave has his own goals and I don't want to take away opportunities for him to obtain them. That includes taking away his time."

Annaliese tucked her knees under her chin. "Hmm… I don't know what these goals are, but they must be super important if you think so, Lucy. He's still upset though. Did you say you have a contract with him too?"

"I did, yes."

"Then maybe he feels abandoned," the blonde-haired girl suggested, poking one of the glowing natural treasures in the fruit bowl on the table. "Like he's not useful to you because you didn't ask him to guard you like when you went to the Dungeon."

"Well, even I have figured that out now, but…" Lucy gave the girl a deadpan look. "Hargrave isn't some sad little puppy I abandoned in the rain. He's a fully grown adult man who can knock both of us out before we realise it."

Annaliese blinked, then suddenly covered her mouth to stifle the noises coming out of it. Lucy raised an eyebrow as the Prophetess suddenly threw her head back and began laughing.

"And what is the matter with you?" Lucille asked.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just… pfft." Annaliese descended into laughter again. "I'm imagining Hargrave with his wings out, looking all droopy and sad. I think it would fit him."

"If you say so," Lucy said with scepticism. "I don't see how that imagery fits a warrior who wields a demonic spear but suit yourself."

Annaliese grinned. "You know, the more I get to know him, the more I see him as just a big teddy bear!"

"A what?"

Hargrave, king of inopportune moments, entered the room just in time to hear that description. Annaliese glanced back and then quickly turned away. "Nothing."

"Hargrave, next time you want to go somewhere, just ask," Lucille casually told him while straightening out her gloves. "I was trying to be considerate of your plans by not requesting you to follow me, but if that's what you want..."

Hargrave stared at her. "How…"

Lucy pointed at Annaliese. The girl shot Lucy a dirty look for the betrayal and then beamed at Hargrave. "You never told me not to tell her, so I answered her questions!"

"Did you put her up to this…?" Hargrave slowly asked Lucy. Lucy looked away.

"That's not important!" Annaliese interrupted. She pointed at the scarlet and blue-haired man. "Hargrave. Lucille was only trying to be nice by not asking you, so don't be upset anymore, okay? No more sulking!"

"But… I wasn't…"

"No more sulking!" Annaliese stated crossly.

"I…" He scratched the back of his neck. "Okay…"

"I'm off to find my bond," Lucy said as she stood up from the couch. "I have to make sure he's not up to anything disastrous."

"I'll come too!" Anneliese stood up, making Jasten Albrecht in the back of the room sigh and stop leaning against the wall.

Hargrave hesitated, and then slowly began to follow them. "I… guess I'll come along."

Lucille shrugged. "They're in the Pavilion's biomes. This will be a good time for you to learn to sense natural treasures, Hargrave."

He nodded and the four of them left, beginning the search for one mischievous serpent and the second angsty tagalong.

A stern-looking man with white sideburns and a red tie scanned the holographic reports shown in front of him. He shut the projection down and looked opposite at the blonde-haired man in his early thirties. "No contact from Williams yet?"

"Edison Williams hasn't contacted Lucille, no," Stephen Lawrence awkwardly replied. He shuffled in his seat, still not used to talking so frequently with Marvin Goldcroft.

"She told me he'll be in contact soon," Marvin murmured, frowning slightly. He shook his head and straightened up. "Rumours?"

"No rumours about this 'Simulacrum' have been heard yet, sir," Stephen said. "Harold McGuire's plan to cut off the pathways of communication between people who've received the 'sign' worked, from what we can tell. Even with some of the memories Lucille showed us, they haven't been able to confirm if there's anything unusual or supernatural about them."

"A traceless ability…" Marvin huffed. "My niece is luckier than she deserves. For her to gain that sort of ability." He shook his head. "Has Lucille requested for you to do anything recently?"

Stephen shook his head. "She says everything is progressing well. We just need to keep planning for the reveal in two months where they'll all be gathered without notice." He rubbed his neck. "For that plan to work though, we need Edison Williams to contact us…"

"He'll be wary, knowing some power has been activated on him without any of his guards or energy shields protecting him against it," Marvin remarked, pulling up another projection to read. "As the World Government President, Williams was also one of the strongest ability users when the rift catastrophe occurred. His ability to summon the weapons of mythical gods is incredibly strong, but Lucille's ability pierced the invisible armour he always has summoned."

"…she's an incredible girl," Stephen carefully replied.

Marvin huffed and crossed his arms. "Obviously. She's my niece and the only heir of me and my brother, an entrepreneur who built this empire from scratch after changing our last names." He looked off to the side in reminiscence. "She's always been special, ever since my brother's son and his wife showed her to us for the first…" His words trailed off and his brow lowered in concentration.


Marvin tapped his fingers against his desk in mild agitation.

"…sir?" Stephen carefully repeated.

"Hm? Oh, right." Marvin turned back to him. "My… nephew? My nephew and his wife turned up with her and we soon learnt she was a genius."

Stephen rubbed his chin, wondering if it was okay to ask something he wanted to know. "Sir, why did she always have such rumours about her incapability, then?"

Marvin waved his question off with a dismissive scoff. "Her doing, of course. Not out of dislike for me or Medallion, however. My no-good brother tried to push his duties onto her so she acted to prevent his subordinates from allowing it." Marvin smirked. "First time I got a good laugh at my brother's expense in a long while."

"I'm glad you seem to have a good family dynamic," Stephen said with surprise.

Marvin stood up and turned around to gaze out at the view of the World Government's sky-rings projecting news and broadcasts into the atmosphere. Images of the missing thousand, including his niece, were shown up there, interspersed among the numerous advertisements and posters of esper celebrities.

"Good family dynamic… and here I thought we didn't," Marvin murmured. "I didn't think she could show emotions until we met again in the Simulacrum…"
Well well, interesting phrasing there. Show emotions or not have emotions. Those are two very different things, and I wonder which one he meant.
Chapter 83 (1 of 2) A skulking acquaintance.
"Create a party with the name: Commission's Ambassadors," Lucille announced in front of Gilded Seat's Obelisk.

[Party Created: Commission's Ambassadors. Do you wish to invite Users to join? Yes/No]

She pressed on [Yes] as a brown-haired crafter eyed her sceptically.

"Ambassadors? Us?" Sedric said.

"Officially, that's what we are. Representatives on behalf of the Aurelian Commission," she replied. She swiped at a notification that had popped up. "Anyway, you two accept this so if anyone uses an Inspection skill on you guys, they'll know you're with me."

The party invite appeared in front of Sedric and Scytale. Scytale shrugged and accepted it while Sedric let out a long sigh. "Are we going then?"

Lucy nodded. "Let's go into the Obelisk. Sedric, as I told you earlier, you need to specifically say 'Take me to the Supreme Serpent's Silent City in the Violet Luminosity Jungle Region of the Beast Realm."

He looked away. "I really don't want to use one of my realm teleports for this."

Lucille pinched her nose bridge. "Sedric, when was the last time you went to another realm? You're Rank-2, so was it when you did the Demon Realm's Stages?"

"Uh…" He hesitated. "Maybe… I was seventeen…"

"So, five years ago," Lucy stated flatly. "That would mean you have nearly eighty realm teleports saved up, including the ones you gained the year before. If you aren't going to use them for this, what will you use them for?"

Sedric smugly raised a finger. "I used them for teleporting between Obelisks in the Mystical Realm. Sometimes I couldn't afford the teleportation arrays, in case you weren't aware, Commission Head."

She placed her hands on her hips. "Ignoring that abominable waste of realm teleports only to move planes," she replied dryly, "How many teleports do you have left?"

He paused as if considering coming up with a fake answer. Then he slumped as he sighed, the big rucksack containing his crafting equipment weighing him down. "Sixty…"

Lucy gave him a flat look and then turned around. "I see. Then we'll see you on the other side, Sedric."

"Sure, sure," he grumbled, following after Lucy and Scytale.

She appeared with her bond beside her, but Sedric had been taken to his private Obelisk space by the System. Lucille looked at Scytale. "Just making sure… but do you really want this City Lord title?"

He pretended to consider it. "Yup," he said. "I mean, I'll probably forget I have it after a while but it'll be fun to brag about. And I can always give it to you or something if I want to."

"Sure," she sighed. She shook her head and prepared to go to the Beast Realm. "Don't cause any trouble. And make sure to use your illusion abilities to appear as a Truth-Seizing Serpent."

He looked down at himself. "Right, I should probably do something about my human form too." He snapped his fingers and suddenly black-green chromatic colour bled into his formerly silver hair. Instead of the brilliant gold it used to be, his eyes became a luminous, large indigo that pulsated uncannily. Ordinarily, he wouldn't be able to cast any spell within the Obelisk, but using internal illusion mana to change his features was closer to a biological ability as an illusion serpent.

"You're nearly unrecognisable from your former timeline self," Lucy said with approval. Then she smirked. "Of course, you're much shorter than you were then."

Scytale glared at her. "Just take us to the Beast Realm already!"

"As you wish." With the command relayed to the System, their bodies splintered into white light and they reformed across endless space in the new realm.

Sedric stared at the humanoid snake next to Lucille. "Who are you?"

"I know, I understand." Scytale held his chin and nodded sagely. "When I look in the mirror, sometimes my handsomeness surprises even me."

The crafter scowled. "Never mind. Maybe my question should be why does your bond look so creepy?" He shuddered. "Those eyes are way too similar to Lucy's."

Lucy narrowed her eyes at him while Scytale stuck his tongue out. "This is what all Truth-Seizing Serpents look like in their human forms. I'm just making sure I won't stand out. And my eyes are way cooler than Lucy's! She only has one eye like that anyway!"

Lucille sighed and turned around to face the rest of the plaza. "Before we head to the City Lord's manor, I want to look around a bit and inspect the situation. It's always better to get first-hand information before an important discussion."

"Sure." Sedric gripped the straps of his rucksack and glanced at the mixture of brick and wood buildings, colourful silks draped over balconies and doorsteps. He followed Lucy as she went towards the marketplace. "This place… looks kind of weird. There aren't any magic engine carriages and they use beasts to pull the coaches, but I see a ton of decent-quality equipment."

"It's a simple case of viability trumping efficiency," Lucy replied, ducking under the tusks of a massive horned beast covered in bags of supplies. "You could buy a magic engine carriage to use in the city, but there wouldn't be many workshops that could service it. Replacement parts and alchemical components would be hard to come by, and the specially bred low-ranked beasts here have been trained to be useful in combat as well. A magic engine can't protect its owner."

She put a hand over her eyes and peered up. "It's more crowded here than before. Taller buildings have been constructed too. News of the Supreme Enclave has spread to the surrounding regions." Lucy placed her hands behind her back and hummed. "But just news can't have caused this response. The enclave must've made formal contact with the City Lord."

She ignored the rude yawning coming from her bond when Sedric stopped, becoming distracted by an interesting array of leather hides hanging up from ropes outside a storefront. "These are… only a few days old? But the tanning process is supposed to take at least a month."

"That's because the dense mana of the Beast Realm preserves their strength," Lucy explained, walking up to him. "The leather we obtain in the Mystical Realm has had its mana slowly leached out the longer it remains in stock. While mana attracts mana, that rule only applies depending on a certain mana ratio per cubic metre."

"Stop nerding out on me, you two," Scytale complained.

Sedric thought about it, completely ignoring the snake. "So these only seem a few days old because the leather I'm used to obtaining has partially lost its strength."

Lucille nodded and turned away as he followed. "Correct, but sometimes it needs to lose its mana before it can be used. Dense mana will strengthen its properties such as hardness and firmness, but the leather is unworkable during that time."

She took out her pocket watch. "We have around two hours before I need to visit the manor. Let's look around for anything of interest in the meantime, primarily materials for the new frame of my dimension artifact." She held up a finger. "Just for this day only, though… if there is anything else you see of interest, then I'll buy it for you."

"Okay, but…" Sedric frowned and glanced around. "I don't get why you think this place will have what we need. The most common element here is illusion, which doesn't have anything to do with space mana."

"We need some way of disguising my dimension when I open my briefcase, don't we?" Lucy asked while tilting her head. "I don't want just anyone opening the case and having access to the dimension. Not to mention I'd like it to have camouflage properties when I need to leave it alone for a while."

"I guess…" He shrugged. "Fine then. I'll head into the leather shop to see if they have any good materials for the outside. You'll be able to find me, right?"

She smirked and crossed her arms. "I'll always be watching."

Sedric scoffed. "Whatever. See you later."

He left them alone, while Scytale turned to his bond. "What are we going to do?"

"Us?" Lucille smiled and spread her hands. "I'm going to resolve some unfinished business I have with someone. Do you want to come along?"

"…does it involve ruining someone's life?" Scytale asked with suspicion.

She grinned. "Potentially."

He grinned back. "Count me in!"

Opposite a low building with the opulent gold on royal-blue sign spelling out 'Abbott Everett's Magisterial Treasure Emporium', Lucy and Scytale stood leaning against a wall. Lucy was spinning her pocket watch by its chain, whistling as she observed the bony figure bumbling around the shop. "I'm impressed he's still well enough to work. I thought he might've gained some kind of deadly heart condition after his incident with me."

"Did you have anything to do with him in the former timeline?" Scytale asked with an eyebrow raised. "Is there any real reason why you want to keep picking on him?"

She blinked at him. "Does there have to be?" When Lucy saw his dull look she smirked and shook her head. "I'm tying up loose ends. It would be best to displace a witness to the fact that Larena and Garthe were here just before the avalanche. They're passing through here to go back to the Permafrost Glacial Abode Region and investigate the destroyed convoy." Lucy nodded in Abbot Everett's direction. "He has the highest chance of recognising them."

Scytale screwed up his nose, trying to understand her actions. "…why now? Shouldn't you have done this earlier?"

"Nope. I could've asked Ravimoux, but an assassination or sudden death would've been suspicious so close to the avalanche." Lucy shook her head. "I just need him out of here before he sees the mercenaries again. More eyes are on me now after the two debuts. I need to take extra care with my actions."

"Such as coming out here all alone without a guard from the Commission?" Scytale pointed out. "I don't get why the Counties allow that."

She raised an eyebrow. "If I couldn't prove I can protect myself without relying on their aide, I couldn't have proved myself as someone worthy to lead them. What reincarnated Archmage needs a few little Rank-4s to tag along when I'm going out for petty errands?" She put a hand up to her face and took of her characteristic half-mask.

Ravimoux always has hidden guards nearby for me, Scytale.


A distant chime alerted them to the fact that Everett's few remaining customers had left. With a smirk on her face, Lucy walked forward and confidently entered the shop.

"Good day to you, sir," she announced brightly, drawing his surly gaze. "Do you take returns?"

His scrutinizing gaze took in the brilliance of her clothing's colours and the fine materials they were made out of. The balding man's face broke out in a slimy smile as he recognised her status and bowed deeply. "That is not among our policies, lady, but for someone of your status I may be able to make an exception." He winked.

Off to the side, Lucy's use of an invisibility cast on Scytale was undetectable by the mana circles as she controlled the atmospheric mana with her Transmutation Mastery

Has he forgotten me so soon? No, I should be understanding of his advanced age. He's someone who never attempted to defeat the Demon Realm's stages and wasted his life away, so his mind must be failing. Plus, I thought this might happen if I took off my mask.

"You see, quite some time ago, more than a year, I purchased a large quantity of objects from this establishment," she continued amiably. "I never put them to their proper use though, so I felt sorry for keeping them on my person any longer when other excellent warriors may require them."

Abbott frowned when he heard 'large quantity'. "If too many objects need to be returned, you may have better luck going to another branch store. This store doesn't keep that much capital on hand," he replied, giving her a strained smile.

Lucy narrowed her eyes. "After I wasted an Obelisk teleport to come here? Tell me, sir, how you'll compensate me for the realm transfer if I go to another branch?"

His pandering expression shifted into a grimace. "As you wish, my lady, I'll allow you to return what we can afford."

She huffed and marched forward up to the counter. "Yes, you will. Come have a look at these." Lucille began to pull out the items one by one. "These items have been barely used, so I'm sure they have resale value. Here, this is an extendable rope I obtained to climb high cliffs. As you can see, no fraying can be seen. And this water flask hasn't a speck of rust!"

Something about Everett's expression became increasingly strange as she placed a magically protected bag on the counter and pulled more items out of it. "And here's a wire net I bought to trap any monsters that may fancy me as a meal. And this…" She pulled out another ten items until only one remained.

"And I have one final object that I would like to see if you're willing to purchase," she murmured in a low voice. "Because you see, this used to be wielded by a famed Mythos of Glory Pantheon. I'm certain that only the Magisterial Treasure Emporium can deal with such a high-profile object."

Out of her dimensional bag, she withdrew a bronze dagger, with a gaudy sapphire the size of a pigeon's egg fitted in the handguard. She slowly lowered it onto the counter, waiting 'eagerly' for his response.

Abbott Everett's face slowly turned mottled purple, and then bright red. His pale hand roughly swept aside all the items on the countertop and pointed his knobbly cane at her.

"Are you mocking me?!" he shouted, drawing looks from others just outside the shop. "Where does it say 'owned by a Mythos' in its item description? My shop is not somewhere for you to mess about with your foolhardy antics! Unless you prove to me which Mythos owned this object, I'll call the city guard on you!"

"But sir, I can't do that." Lucy leaned forward to whisper, "It'll ruin the weapon's power if I tell you."

"How utterly ridiculous," he stated curtly. "There is no power at all to be found within that glorified butter knife."

"Really?" Lucille stepped back and made a show of admiring the light glinting off of its surface. "I could've sworn that was what you told me when I bought it, though."

"I have no memory of you," he retorted sharply. "Leave this place before I use my system-given authority to force you from my shop."

She shrugged and dropped the knife on the ground. "Oh well. This was about as much as I expected for our reunion. You can keep all the trash I left in your shop. It was yours to begin with."

Lucy walked out before the storekeeper could reply and instead turned a corner to walk into an alleyway out of sight of the Magisterial Treasure Emporium. She lowered her hand near the ground to allow her bond to slither up her arm, where she removed the invisibility spell from her bond. Scytale swayed to let the keys hanging from the ring around his neck jangle.

"The serpentine thief extraordinaire, the Great Scytale, has returned with the old fogey's keys," he announced proudly. "For I am a master of decept-"

"Give me those." Lucy pulled the keyring off her bond's neck and held them up to observe them. "Good. I can use these when I meet with the City Lord later."

"Hey! Where's my thanks!" Scytale said with injustice. "That was my reward, not yours!"

"And who distracted him? Never mind." She set her bond back down so he could revert to his human form. "You're just being as obnoxious as always."

Scytale sat on the ground, gazing sourly at her. "When I become City Lord, I'm going to imprison you," he complained.

"You can try." Lucille pocketed the keys and walked off. "I want to see if there are any souvenirs that the others might like." She looked back and contemplated her bond's attitude and normal behaviour. "Scytale, I give you permission to free-roam the city until it's time to meet the City Lord."

"Really?" He stared at her to make sure she was telling the truth and then he bolted upright. "Nice!" He held his hands out. "Money please."

Lucy shot him a flat look and then rolled her eyes as she fished out a rose crown, enough for whatever it was he wanted to buy. "Don't cause trouble."

"You know me, when have I ever caused trouble~" He ran off down the alley, where she knew he was already searching for food.

She shook her head and sighed. Then she spread her perception field to find the first place she wanted to go. Lucille nodded to herself after a moment.

If souvenirs are what it takes to stop the future Prismatic Dragon Ruler from sulking, then it's a small price to pay.

Annaliese would whine if she didn't get anything, wouldn't she?

Two guards in full-body armour protected a dark oak door, a blue crest on their chestplates. They looked up when they heard heavy footsteps marching towards them. They quickly bowed. "Captain McGarrod."

"Let me in," he growled, flipping his visor up. "The Lord called for me, didn't he?"

They obediently opened the door and stood to the side as the City Guard Captain marched in.

"Beric!" Captain McGarrod shouted, walking up to a table and slamming his armoured hands on it. "Please reconsider the selling of the City Lord! We don't know what these people will do!"

The City Lord, the swarthy bearded man sitting in the chair opposite McGarrod, frowned and placed down the page he was reading. "How disrespectful, Darvis McGarrod! Kneel down this instant!"

Caught off guard by the normally easy-going City Lord's apparent change in temperament, he got down on one knee and lowered his head. "I-I apologise. I was overly emotional."

"In the first place, nothing has been decided yet. You shouldn't have panicked." The City Lord looked down at the page in his hand and then dipped his head in the direction of the windowsill. "And you're disrespecting my honoured guest. If I hadn't known you were acquainted, I would've had to order your punishment."

The City Lord stood up from his chair and walked over to the window. He bowed to the figure there. "I give you my sincerest apologies for this incident, Commission Head. I don't know who leaked the information."

"It's alright. As you said, we're acquainted."

Darvis McGarrod looked up and his eyes widened as he saw the dark-haired young woman waving to him.

"Hi Darvis," Lucille told him brightly, a green-black mottled snake with indigo eyes resting on her shoulders. "It's been a while."

"I can't believe it," Darvis began, looking dumbfounded. His helmet rested on the floor beside his chair. "Aurelian Commission Head. Of all the possibilities…"

Lucy calmly sipped her drink and placed the teacup down. "I became Aurelian Commission Head after meeting you, so don't think I intentionally fooled you."

"I… see…" Darvis looked at Scytale, who was sitting cross-legged in his own chair. "And… you must be her bond I saw last time. You're definitely a Truth-Seizing Serpent."

Scytale gave him a thumbs-up while a cookie was stuffed in his mouth.

Darvis turned to Lucy. "But this talk about purchasing the City Lord title? Is this true?"

"I've been meaning to expand the Commission's services into the Beast Realm for some time now," she explained. She gestured to her bond. "He was the one who suggested for us to come here, though. And he's the one who wants the City Lord title. Not me."

Scytale swallowed and then nodded. "Yep. I figured that if someone was going to be a City Lord between us, then I wanted to be the City Lord of the place closest to my enclave."

"Would your enclave appreciate someone as young as you being their neighbouring city's lord?" the City Lord queried.

"Not a problem." Scytale shrugged. "I have a higher status than most of them. I'm the only grandson of the Truth-Seizing Matriarch."

Darvis and the City Lord stared at him, and then at each other. The City Lord turned to Lucy. "Do you mind if we…"

She nodded. "You can go ask them if this is true. We don't have anything to hide."

"Then if it's for the purposes of improving relations between us and the Supreme Enclave, this would be a good move," Darvis murmured. He frowned. "But I don't like the idea of you giving up everything our fathers worked so hard to build here, Beric. This city has only seen its second genera-"

The City Lord pushed the page he had been reading over to Darvis. "This is the proposed contract, Darvis. Finish that thought after seeing this."

Darvis picked it up and scanned it. Slowly his eyes grew wider and he lowered it to stare at Lucy and Scytale. "Governor…?"

"This contract will be signed before the City Lord title is transferred, obviously," Lucy replied nonchalantly. "Benefits you'll have are the support of the Aurelian Commission Head herself, access to a chain of a franchise that will supply high-quality items to your adventurers, and you'll have a direct route of contact with the Supreme Enclave through Scytale. A decent opportunity, don't you think?"

"May I ask what this chain is?" the City Lord spoke up.

Lucille leaned back and gave them a wide shrug. "I received the official receipt of the purchase of the Magisterial Treasure Emporium yesterday morning. Granted, I have some cleaning up to do of the business, but it'll soon be up to the standards I outlined."

Both Darvis and the City Lord began to smile, but then a thought dawned on them and they exchanged bitter looks. "It might not be possible to obtain Everett's store," the City Lord said.

Lucy tilted her head. "Oh?"

"This Ascendent City is still… relatively new," the City Lord began slowly. "Our laws are rapidly developing, but at the same time can't be changed easily. While Everett is an employee of the Magisterial Treasure Emporium, he purchased the building under his own name and the shop is run under his own name instead of that of the Magisterial Treasure Emporium. That is often the standard in frontier regions of the Beast Realm."

The City Lord sighed. "As such, unless he hands over the keys to his shop himself, you won't-"

"These keys?" Lucille held up the keyring and let it dangle for the two men.

They stared at it. Darvis slowly raised a shaky finger to point at them. "A-Are those-"

City Lord Beric coughed. "I apologise, Commission Head, but without an official reason for you to have those I can't authorise the change of ownership-"

"I got these in exchange for returning an item I purchased," Lucy said with a broad smile. "You can even head to his shop to see the item yourselves. Both of you will be familiar with it, especially you, City Lord. I recall a story of your son selling it to Everett."

"The bronze dagger?" Darvis murmured.

The City Lord glanced between them. "Will that excuse work?"

"Why of course!" Lucy replied, blinkingly innocently. "Even the owner of the Magisterial Treasure Emporium has recognised Abbot Everett's method of exchanging one item of merchandise for another. While the shop was registered under his name, as you say, the Magisterial Treasure Emporium still owns rights to the shop, and they've authorised this trade."

Darvis burst out laughing as the City Lord smiled. "I see. Then I'll have to summon my head of law and officialise the exchange. Then the last matter is…"

The four of them looked down at the contract. With one last nod, City Lord Beric picked up a pen and signed it. The magical contract glowed as the deal was sealed. He stood up and held his hand out to Lucille. "I look forward to our future cooperation, Aurelian Commission Head," he said as she shook it. "And…" He turned to Scytale and dipped his head. "I look forward to serving you as the Supreme Serpent's Silent City's Governor, City Lord Scytale."

Scytale grinned and instead gave him a fist bump. "I like the sound of that title. Just keep doing what you've been doing and everything will be fine."

"Then I'd best take my leave," Lucy replied, nodding to the two men. "I have other places to be."

"If you don't mind me asking, where are you intending to go?" the City Lord asked politely.

Lucille looked back and smirked. "Well, I have another four cities in this region to buy. Only then can I claim I 'own' the region."

Darvis smirked. "Are you sure you don't want to stay for a little longer to see the illegal resident of your shop be evicted?"

Lucy considered it and turned back. "On second thought, I can spare the time."

Sorry. Uni Semester 2 starts on Monday and I've been reading all the material.

I made a cool thing on Procreate tho.
Chapter 83 (2 of 2) A skulking acquaintance.
"No! Unhand me, you low-born ruffians! I swear, once I meet that Captain of yours I will demand for him to fire you-"

The two city guards dragged Abbot Everett out in front of the shop in full view of all the curious observers. He tripped when they threw him to the ground and he ended up laying sprawled at the feet of another armoured guard. He looked up as Darvis McGarrod lifted his visor with a vicious grin and kneeled before the old man.

"Getting a taste of your own medicine, eh? Well, that's karma for you." Darvis straightened up and then unfurled a long scroll. "Listen up, all you folks!" He shouted, drawing the large crowd's attention. "You'll be witness to the City Lord's command! Abbot Everett, you have ignored the Lord's command to exit the premises of this shop! What do you say to this?"

"Bah. Nobody can force me out of my own shop." Everett shakily stood back up and turned around to walk back inside. "Just tell me how much I have to pay and move on."

Darvis glanced at Lucy to his side. "Your move."

She snapped her fingers with a calm smile on her face, and just as Everett was about to enter the shop, a thick white-blue wall of System authority materialised in front of him. He slammed into it and landed on his bottom.

"As the new owner of the Magisterial Treasure Emporium, I'll be taking back this shop," Lucille stated pleasantly. "Also, you're fired for business malpractice."

He turned around and went red as he recognised her, as she had put her mask back on. Lucy took a rose crown out of her pocket and threw it at him. "I'll give you that as severance pay."

"Ah, let me give it to him, Commission Head." Darvis walked forward and smirked. He picked the coin up and crouched near Everett again. "Here, a rose crown. Quite generous, don't you think? Only…" He held the coin up. "We need to take away the worth of the items you scammed off of people too. So, that young orphan five years back… his item was worth 10 silver crowns… and the young lady's family inheritance was worth a hundred silver crowns…" He continued listing the people out, until the remaining value had dropped. "Oh, look at that. All your severance pay is gone. How sad."

Darvis stood up as Everett glared at him and passed the coin pack to Lucille. "Here, as a thank you for your efforts."

She smirked and casually tossed the coin as she glanced at Everett. "We seem quite cruel from an outsider's point of view, don't we?"

"Don't worry." Darvis scoffed. "He's lined his pockets more than enough to keep him going until he finds a decent job in this City. We haven't taken away his house."

Lucy nodded. "It's time I leave then. I have to go meet up with some people."

Darvis held out his hands. "Good luck. I look forward to the changes the city will undergo with you sponsoring us."

She took it to shake and then stepped back.

"Will I be seeing you again?" Darvis asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Maybe when I come to check on the enclave once I'm Rank-3," Lucy replied with a smile. "Until we meet again."

With that, they departed. Lucy had left the keys in the City Lord's hands to pass them onto the next shopkeeper there, and the only thing left to do was meet with Marellen's party. She walked a little further down the main street until she came face to face with Sedric and Scytale.

"Took you long enough," Sedric complained.

"Have you found any materials you believe will be useful?" she asked, not inclined to respond to his attitude.

"Yeah. I should be able to do something with them." Sedric nodded down the street. "Is it time for dinner?"

"Yes. Let's meet with the others."

"So that old guy finally got kicked out?" Garthe asked with a grin.

Lucy smirked and shrugged. "He still lives in the city, but it's up to luck whether he'll be able to get employment here."

"Lucy," Roa politely interjected. Lucy had made them all use her nickname to ensure it was that tad harder for interested third parties to find out about the avalanche investigation.

Lucille looked around and nodded when she saw that the number of people in the inn had gone down significantly, as it was still a work night. She snapped her fingers and the silencing barrier was cast on them all. She steepled her fingers and leaned forward. "Is everyone prepared to return to the Permafrost Glacial Abode Region?" she asked with a smile.

The others traded glances and nodded. "Do we have to bring any evidence back with us?" Larena asked seriously.

Lucy shook her head. "No, I trust your testimonies. You were all victims of the attack, so you don't have a reason to hide the truth. This is an internal Commission conflict as well, so being caught with evidence could backfire."

"Hey, Lucy." Scytale walked up to their table. "Could I sit this one out? I don't think I'll contribute much. Sedric's distracted with his crafting upstairs too."

She waved him off. "Away you go. You're officially an adult, Scytale. You don't have to ask me about every little thing."

"Cool. Bye." He left the inn.

Lucille leaned back in her chair, tapping on the table. "Marellen, your task will be to confirm the mana signature of the Merkenia. It may have faded too much, but in the Beast Realm, it's much more likely that the mana signature will persist. And I want you to confirm it at the source too. That means climbing the mountain to find the point where it was cast."

She pointed at Roa. "You were the most sensitive to the mana of the convoy, correct? I need you to locate all the items and determine their characteristics. Once Marellen returns from the mountain with Garthe, he'll help you document their details."

Lucy spread her hands. "And then you'll be responsible for restoring it to how it was before you dug up the convoy. It doesn't need to be perfect, because very few people have the perfect memory I have," she said with a smirk. "But just enough for it to appear undisturbed at first glance."

"But what if the site has been disturbed since the avalanche?" Larena pointed out. "For instance, they dug up all the items to take back."

"That's fine too." Lucille shrugged. "It means the items were too important for them to take a loss. Then we'll have another clue to track."

Garthe tossed his fork and caught it. "Are we looking for something in particular? Like, a hint at what the Archmage was trying to do?"

Lucy shook her head. "Not at this stage, at least. I'll have to do some investigation on my side, and then I might need you to follow up on some information. We don't know enough yet for that."

"If the items have research purposes…" Marellen spoke up hesitantly.

The others gave him dull looks while Lucy observed him. Then she gave him a bright smile. "You may keep them if you wish. But I hope you know that will be your neck and the neck of your party on the line, not mine." She raised her chin in mock pride and pointed to herself. "I am the Aurelian Commission Head, and so I'm valuable. But you four are mere raffle in comparison. Who do you think they'll kill first?"

Marellen shrunk down. "Okay… that was a bad idea…"

"Do you have any apprehensions about the mountain climb you'd like to make clear?" Lucy asked him. "You haven't said anything about it yet, but I don't want to pressure you into something you feel incapable of doing."

He blinked and shook his head. "Oh, no. I've nearly reached Level 299 and will soon be Rank-3, so I've been considering this as a kind of trial for me to undergo before Rank-3."

Lucille blinked. "Rank-3? You've made more progress than expected." She looked at Roa and Garthe. "If you don't mind, what about you two?"

"I have reached the maximum level for Rank-2 before arriving at the Commission," Roa announced calmly. "I have been working to consolidate my gains through evolving my skills. I presume that when you give Marellen leave to go to the Tartarus Realm, I may go as well to advance my Rank."

"Max level for me too," Garthe said while raising a hand. "Larena's been stingy and won't let me Rank up."

Larena rolled her eyes and Lucy hummed. "Then perhaps September will be when you should go." She paused and gestured to them. "Ensure you have familiarity with expelling elements outside of your affinity from your body. When in Tartarus, you need to continually push the death mana out of your bodies to survive."

It must be because of all their combat with monsters on the Sundown Continent plane shard. This makes me miss having a class, as they gain additional experience from combat. I guess I'll have to start putting the Casket of Boons to work.

They glanced at each other and nodded. Lucy considered something else and leaned forward. "You all have access to my finances, but none of you have the authority to purchase skills at noble auctions. Are there any known skills you'd like me to buy for you?"

Surprised, they slowly began voicing what they were interested in. Their discussion continued for a while.

"Three for ten bronze crowns," the stall owner offered.

"Eight bronze crowns," Scytale shot back.

The stall owner slowly narrowed her eyes. "Nine bronze crowns."

"Okay, how about this – five for thirteen bronze crowns," he countered.

The stall owner considered it and then smiled. "Fine. Five it is."

He handed over five skewers of meat which Scytale gleefully took and thanked the man for. Then he wandered into the marketplace, looking for somewhere to enjoy them. He spotted two Truth-Seizing Serpents in human forms in front of a stall, arguing about why the storekeeper wouldn't give them a cut of roast me in exchange for the low-grade natural treasure plant they had.

Would it be fine to help them? Probably. Their bloodline purity is pretty weak, so they might live in the outskirts of the enclave and don't know me.

He walked up to them and tapped the male of the two on the shoulder. "Hey, guys. Humans use these things called 'crowns' to trade." Scytale held up one for them.

The male blinked his indigo eyes and gave him a grateful nod. "Any idea where we could get these 'crowns'?"

Scytale pointed across the marketplace at a vendor who was trading monster parts and natural treasures for money. "Those types of humans will give you crowns for treasures. Some humans still trade in natural treasures and materials, but they're the crafters. Humans can't eat natural treasures."

The couple thanked him and walked off to exchange their bounty, and Scytale wandered for a while, enjoying the scene of the city he spent time in when he was younger. He spotted one of his clan sneak a snack off of a shelf while cloaked in their invisibility bloodline magic in their serpent form and slither off into the shadows of an alleyway.

Scytale rolled his eyes.

Whenever a clan gets introduced to a human city for the first time, they always forget they're not allowed to go around in their beast forms. Not even if they're an intermediate beast- wait, intermediate?

He leaned back to peek into the alleyway and stared at the serpent who was munching away on their meal. It was definitely an intermediate beast of the Truth-Seizing Serpents, and clearly a kid too. Adult Truth-Seizing Serpents would be too big to fit in the alleys, even with Incongruity Inversion.

Kids aren't supposed to be in human cities. What are they doing here?

He hesitated and looked around for any hapless parents looking for their missing child, but nobody from his clan was in sight. Scytale grimaced as he scratched the back of his head, considering what to do, and then let out a groan.

I can't leave them there. They're still a member of my family.

He threw his finished skewers aside and ran into the dark alley. "Psst! Hey!" he called out to the young serpent, crouching down behind them.

The serpent yelped and spun around to stare at Scytale.

"What are you doing here?!" Scytale hissed, glancing behind him. "Forget that, stop stealing from people! Don't you know how much trouble you'll be in if the enclave hears you've been stealing from humans?! If this blows up too much, the city might not want to trade with us anymore!"

"But I was hungry!" the young serpent exclaimed with indignance, his voice unnervingly familiar to Scytale. "What was I supposed to do? I don't have any money because I don't have pockets!"

Scytale froze when he realised who was in front of him. "Wait, Skulker?"

The snake hesitated. "Do I know you?"

"…it's Scytale, as in formerly Glimmer." Scytale mentally facepalmed as he should've recognised Skulker from his magic signature alone, but the thought didn't cross his mind because he never expected to meet someone he knew.

"Don't lie!" Skulker yelled, hissing at Scytale. "Glim- Scytale wouldn't look like you, his hair and eyes would be-"

"Would be what?" Scytale rolled his eyes when the younger snake backpedalled, realising he shouldn't be saying anything. He sighed. "I disguised myself with illusion mana, because I can't be seen going around with my normal appearance." Scytale passed a hand over his face and showed how his eyes briefly flickered gold. "There, see?"

"…you're really Scytale?" Skulker blinked and then raised his snout haughtily. "I-I knew it was you all along! I was just fooling you and-" He let out a gasp and quickly wound himself around Scytale's foot. "Scytale! Scytale! You've need to help me! Dad worked out I snuck into the city and now he's here looking for me! I saw him! Please, you have to help me sneak back out!"

"Verdilast is here?" Scytale looked back and then tried to shake Skulker off his foot. "I'd say you deserve what's coming for you. I just caught you stealing."

"But this time I'll really die! Come on, you've GOT to help me!" Skulker thrashed around frantically. "I've been a really good boy and kept your secret all this time. I only wanted to see how humans lived! Please, help me just this once!"

Scytale hesitated and was about to refuse when-

"There! That's the snake who stole from me!" a voice cried out.

They spun around to see a tall woman with a rolling pin in her hand, gesturing to Skulker with it. On either side of her were two city guards.

The guards looked at each other. "The boy is another one of their clan, ain't he?"

"Must be in on it," the other grunted. He pulled out his sword. "Stay right where you are and don't move!"

Skulker went wide-eyed and stared at Scytale. "If Dad hears of this, I'll never be able to leave the enclave for the rest of my life!"

After a split second of thinking, Scytale gritted his teeth and picked up Skulker. He speed down the other end of the alley with the shouts of the guards close behind.

"Forget Verdilast, Lucy's going to kill me after she hears about this," Scytale muttered. "My first act as City Lord is to help a thief because he's my distant relative. And why are you so damn heavy?!"

"Wait, Lucy's here?!"

Scytale shot Skulker a withering look. "Do you think she'll be happy to see you after all of this mess?"

"…oh." The young snake sagged.

Scytale took a sharp turn, putting Skulker on the ground in the process. "Why did you even think you could sneak into the city? You do realise that every single Truth-Seizing Serpent is immune to our illusion bloodline spells? I could instantly see you stealing from that shop."

"What! Our invisibility spells don't work on members of our clan?!" Skulker yelled in shock.

"What do you think our eyes are for?" Scytale grumbled, ducking low under a hanging strip of silk. "We can see through any illusion. The only clan who are better at using illusions than us are the nine-tails, and they're a royal bloodline."

"…but I've used invisibility so many times to sneak past my grandparents!"

"Obviously they were pretending to be unaware."


Scytale skidded to a stop when a third guard dashed out to cut them off at the pass. Skulker slowly pulled back and then tried to lunge at the guard.

Scytale hastily pulled the snake away. "What in the realms do you think you're doing?!"

"Attacking a threat!"

"We do not attack a human in a human city!" Scytale argued back. The guard made a move to grab them and Scytale looked around for the nearest exit. He grabbed Skulker by the neck – who made a choking sound – and leapt onto the canopy of a shop. He threw Skulker on top of the building and jumped up after him.

Skulker raised his tail to look at it and let out a sob. "I think I have a bruise."

"Small price to pay for freedom." Scytale dragged the snake behind him and climbed onto the next rooftop. He looked around, trying to come up with a plan to escape their situation.

Skulker let out a whine. "See, this is why I want to have wings like you! Then I could fly anywhere I want and nobody could catch me."

Scytale stared at him. Skulker blinked. "What?"

"I've got a plan, but it's going to look really dumb…"

"Weee! We're flying!"

"Stop making noise or you'll draw attention to us!"
Scytale told him.

Scytale, still using illusion mana to disguise his body as a normal Truth-Seizing Serpent, had turned into his serpent form and wrapped himself around Skulker, lifting him into the air with the force of his two pairs of wings – wings which were invisible to anyone else.

With Skulker being 20 metres long and Scytale needing to increase his size to 30 metres just to lift the massive snake, they were both flying in the sky as one tangled, inelegant mess.

"I swear this has been the dumbest thing I've ever done!" Scytale complained, trying to haul Skulker over to the distant city walls. "I knew it. Snakes should never fly! Not unless they have spectacular wings to show off, and my wings are invisible right now!"

"I'm sorry…"

"Well, it's too late for that! I just want to eradicate this from my memory as soon as possible,"
Scytale grumbled. His body shimmered and then matched the colour of the air. "There, I used my invisibility magic to hide me, so nobody can see me. You should do the same."

"Um, okay. By the way, Scytale, is that a bir-"

"And if you get put in charge of babysitting your siblings until you become an advanced beast, you'll have deserved it!"
Scytale yelled, ignoring his younger companion.

"Scytale, it looks like there's a bird heading-"

"If by chance you happen to meet Lucy before we leave this city, you will tell her nothing, you hear me? Understood?"

"I understand but the bird is-"

"No buts! I'll never be able to touch a natural treasure again if she knows about this! While usually I don't care, I will excersize my one right of mental privacy to prevent her from knowing what happened today! She'll definitely mock me for this stupid plan, I just know it!"


"Ugh. Fine, Skulker. What is it?"
Scytale looked down onto to notice Skulker was looking in a different direction altogether.

"There's a bird right ahead that we're about to crash into!"

Scytale looked up and noticed the colourful bird of paradise lookalike, then hastily attempted a dive to get out of its flight path. Unfortunately, the bird tried to do the same.

They both slammed into each other and were sent tumbling through the air, the invisibility spells flickering out of existence. Scytale wriggled and squirmed, trying to let go of Skulker so he could fly again.

"Skulker, let me go already!"

"You're the one hanging onto me!"

"I can't fly like this and- look out!"

Scytale's yell made the people below look up and let out shouts of shock before they quickly ran out of the way. The two snakes slammed into one of the shops below, smashing it to pieces and leaving a small crater in the pavement.

With groans, they slowly got up and shook their heads to remove the disorientation. Then Scytale stiffened when he realised where they had landed.

"Huh? Scytale? What's wro…. Oh." Skulker noticed the five guards and one woman with a rolling pin staring at them. He looked down to see the remains… of the shop he had stolen from.

"Skulker, I give up," Scytale said in a dead voice. "Any bruises and injuries we receive because of Lucy or Verdilast will be nothing compared to the eternal shame that comes with this failure."

Skulker let out a sob.

"Haaaa….." A dark-haired woman let out a long sigh, standing in front of a cell while she pinched her nose bridge. Standing behind her were the City Lord and Darvis, both with strange expressions on their faces.

In the cell was Scytale in his human form, manacled and sitting on the stone floor with his back against the wall, and Skulker, crying quietly in a corner while inside a single handcuff that was too big for him.

"Is this the part where we explain?" Scytale sheepishly spoke up.

Lucy didn't answer and just glanced at Skulker as he let out another sob. "Does he even realise he can slip out of the handcuffs?"

Scytale glanced at the crying snake and shrugged. "Probably not. But he's resigned to his fate ever since he heard Verdilast is coming."

Lucille rubbed her temples and turned around. "How much do we owe the shopkeeper?"

"…three hundred silver crowns should cut it," the City Lord replied.

She passed him a rose crown. "Tell her to keep the change as an apology for the scarring this event has caused." She turned back to the two snakes. "I don't know what to say. You two seem to understand how stupid you both were, otherwise, you wouldn't have stayed here."

"…yeah. We're taking responsibility." Scytale glanced at Skulker. "Uh, Lucy, do you think you could put in a good word about Skulker to Verdilast for me?"

The pitying look she gave him made him wince. "Not happening, huh? Figures…"