Great story. I love how many moving parts there are that manage to exist with a solid balance in screentime. also how fucking slimy conlan is. absolutely disgusting can't wait for him to lose everything.

one thing that's been bothering me a little is the use of witch and warlock as magical genders. let them be their own things, y'know? at least it wasn't wizards and witches I suppose.

Yeah, I guess the witch/warlock thing might seem an issue on the outset. But tbh... there isn't much of a difference between them. They can both summon and form contracts with demons. The only difference is traditional inheritance of potion recipes/ritual methods.
But which chapter did I specify the gender of someone who had that class? I can't remember putting that in
But which chapter did I specify the gender of someone who had that class? I can't remember putting that in

I'm begining to wonder if seeing the pair phrased as a couplet made my jaded brain short circuit because I've seen it so often. if that wasn't intended and I've just read it in then, uh , sorry, I retract my complaint and offer the feedback of "might be worth stating that it isn't outright to avoid confusion"
I'm begining to wonder if seeing the pair phrased as a couplet made my jaded brain short circuit because I've seen it so often. if that wasn't intended and I've just read it in then, uh , sorry, I retract my complaint and offer the feedback of "might be worth stating that it isn't outright to avoid confusion"

Oh, wait. Found the source.

"Yep, those same guys who are the guy version of witches. Summoning demons, gaining demonic plants and materials from them, doing rituals for power…" Scytale opened his mouth to yawn.

Said by Scytale, which admittedly, shouldn't necessarily be a reliable source of information.
I should probably clarify that it's the difference between a Matriarchal/Patriarchal system of inheritance over straight up gender differences