Burns the Fire - Part 1
Burns The Fire.

January 1st, 2011
11:25 AM HST.
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Enterprise, Sammy, and Mitscher stared at the burning conglomeration of Pearl Harbor, with USS Theodore Roosevelt, the pride of the Pacific fleet, as her own burning pyre at the center of it. In a quiet voice, Mitscher asked, "This is what it was like that day, wasn't it?"

Enterprise's response was quiet, "I didn't arrive until the 8th. But it looked a lot like this, yes."

Looking at her, Mitscher saw the Gray Ghost, as she had been after she had saved her from that kamikaze attempt on the 14th. That ice-cold anger. That laser focus was present. Radioing over, she asked, "It's time to go back to war, isn't it, E?"

"Yeah, Mitscher. It's time to go back to war. The last time I felt like this was almost 70 years ago," said Enterprise, a note of cold anger entering her voice.

It was Sammy's voice that interrupted them. "This date will live in infamy as well." There was something older in her eyes, a shadow of something.

Somberly, all three of them nodded. "Sammy, you go assist and start pulling people out of the water. It's a good thing that we open at 12:00 during weekends."

January 1st, 2011
11:30 AM HST.
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

As they were moving, Sammy radioed, "Submarine contact bearing 090, distance 700 yards," taking up her role as escort commander from their time in Vietnam. "Sammy, prosecute. Prosecute that contact."

No sooner had she spoken than Sammy changed directions, got into range, and opened up with her hedgehog.

There was an explosion, and the minisub floated to the surface. Training her gun on it, she opened fire. Alongside Sammy and Enterprise, one of her shells hit one of the two torpedoes that the mini-sub had and caused it to explode.

After the excitement with the submarine, not much happened, and then they received instructions.

Enterprise passed instructions to her. They, along with the destroyers USS Russell, USS O'Kane, USS Oscar Austin, and USS Buckley, and the frigates USS Decatur and USS Lafayette, were being sorted by order of Admiral Kazansky. They were the only undamaged naval units in Pearl Harbor, aside from Sammy, who couldn't keep up with them. She could already see Enterprise ordering Sammy to begin assisting in damage control.

When she had been made into a museum, they had removed her missiles and replaced them with her original 5/54 guns. It surprised her a bit that they had been kept. Looking around, she realized that this should be the first time in over 30 years that she would leave Pearl Harbor. She could see people, some military, some not, watching on as she, Enterprise, and the rest of the task force sailed out.

January 1st, 2011
12:25 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

It had been more than 38 years since she had last been an active warship, and even longer since she had been a fleet carrier. And now here she was leading Task Force 1.

But it was coming back. Her flight crew was getting ready to launch. Her craft's first scouting mission.

Fleet Admiral Halsey, Vice Admiral Murray, and Rear Admiral Hardison were looking over the new officers and men from her post-war service.

It was interesting to finally interact with her crew. But that could wait; they had a mission to do. They had been sorted, to get them out of the way, as well as to get them away from Pearl in the event of a second wave, as well as provide any assistance they could to ships in distress.

She launched aircraft that began their scouting patrol.

January 1st, 2011
1:30 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

Mitscher's warning of sonar contacts rising fast got her attention.

When it reached the surface, she could only stare as Yorktown and TF17 appeared. Her sister was back. Her twin. That person that she should never have been separated from was back.

Clearing her throat and swallowing, she radioed her own Task Force to stand down. She didn't switch channels and ordered TF 17 to form up with them. She saw Mitscher handing control over the larger escorts to USS Hawaii while she took command of the smaller escorts and retained her position as her plane guard and the commander of her smaller escorts.

January 1st, 2011
2:30 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

Yorktown could only look at her little sister with a sense of sadness. She couldn't remember much of where she had been after sinking. She remembered the glimpses she'd gotten of E's life. Her loss had hurt her sister deeply.

E's voice interrupted her thoughts. "My scouts have spotted enemy aircraft carriers 150 miles directly in front of us."

That got her attention. This was going to be her second battle, ever. Her first battle had seen her sunk, along with most of her task group, as well as Auntie Lex.

Increasing speed to 32.5 knots, she launched her aircraft and watched as E did the same. Hopefully, E's much greater experience and their much larger escort group would be able to make up the difference.

She was just grateful that E had given her torpedoes and asked for her remaining mod 2 Mark Thirteens. Apparently, her engineers were going to try and fix them, as well as bring them as close as possible to Mark 13 mod 10 standards.

January 1st, 2011
3:20 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

She watched through the eyes of her pilots as they descended on the two carriers of the enemy group. They looked wrong, oh so wrong.

E's torpedo bombers went in first. Not long behind them were her dive bombers. And not long after them, were E's dive bombers and her torpedo bombers.

Some of Enterprise's torpedo bombers scored a direct hit on both of the enemy carriers, which would make it easier for her dive bombers to get hits.

January 1st, 2011
3:20 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

It was like going through an old dance with new partners. She watched as one of Yorktown's dive bombers placed a 1000-pound bomb on Carrier #2 and a near miss on Carrier #1.

She watched through the eyes of Admiral Richard "Dick" Best as he led his VB6 to line up on the target. He was aiming for the target that Yorktown's pilots had missed, according to Admiral Thatch.

"Good," she thought as she watched Yorktown's torpedo bombers go in. And while they missed the carriers, they did hit one of the large cruisers. Scratch that. Sunk one of the large cruisers, she thought, as its magazine went up.

Now, he began his dive. The Helldiver was very different from the Dauntless that it had replaced, and that nickname "the beast" that the crews had given it was well-earned.

January 1st, 2011
4:15 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

It was now her turn. She stood ready to assist if any of the pilots went into the water. She watched as 55 out of the 60 total strike aircraft returned. The five lost pilots had been from Yorktown's Air Group.

She focused on her part and waited. Her sickbay was ready. She had some of her crew on spotlights, just in case they needed to spot things.

January 1st, 2011
5:30 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

Everything had gone well. No one had been forced to ditch in the water, and she hadn't had to rescue any of the pilots.

No submarines were going for cheeky shots while Enterprise and Yorktown were recovering aircraft.

All in all, a good result. Scuttlebutt said the enemy had been completely surprised. They had mission-killed both flattops and even sank an enemy large cruiser.

Her sonar picked up a submarine contact and she reported over the radio, "Submarine contact bearing 075, distance 4500 yards."

Enterprise's response was immediate, "Prosecute that contact, Mitscher. Destroyer Squadron 2 will back you up."

Diverting towards the contact, she closed rapidly. When she was in range, she fired her hedgehogs.

Four seconds ticked by, and then kaboom.

By the time the submarine surfaced, she was out of the line of fire and had brought her guns to bear. She and the rest of Destroyer Squadron 2 opened fire.

A round from USS Sims hit the submarine somewhere important, and it exploded and sank without firing a shot.

January 1st, 2011
6:53 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

It was her Night Squadron's turn. She watched through the eyes of one of the pilots as the Helldivers, modified for night action, lined up on the still-burning aircraft carriers and began their dives.

The enemy was so preoccupied that they did not notice until the first bomb hit Carrier #1. That 1500-pound ship-killing bomb went straight through, in stark contrast to the setting sun. The ship was now at a 25° angle. She then switched perspectives to another pilot and watched as he began his dive on Carrier #2. That same bomb went through the side of the ship at an angle and must have hit something even more important, as there was a gargantuan explosion that rocked the aircraft. The forward 2/3 of the ship came off, began to roll to the right, and the back third went straight down.

The rest of the strike began to go after targets of opportunity, hitting large cruisers, light cruisers, and destroyers.

January 1st, 2011
8:50 PM HST.
Waters Around Oahu, Hawaii

Her officers began to discuss the strike as well as commencing planning for any potential morning strikes.

One fleet carrier sunk, another critically damaged, one large cruiser sunk, and one critically damaged large cruiser. Two enemy light cruisers were damaged, and two more looked like they might not make it through the night. When they were leaving, there were also four other destroyers in similar states of damage. That was a good result. Due to the confusion of the night action and being caught completely off guard, they had lost no one, although one of the Helldivers had been forced to ditch due to a fuel leak and had been picked up by Mitscher.

Halsey looked pleased, as did a lot of the other officers.

The cheerful attitude was shattered when, "Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is MV Summit Venture to any ship within range. We have been engaged by unknown forces and are sinking. Our position is as follows: Coordinates Latitude: 21.5 degrees North, Longitude: 159.5 degrees West."

Halsey looked at one of the officers who mouthed, "35 miles east of us."

Halsey went to the radio officer, who looked at him and handed him the radio. "This is US Navy Task Force 1 to MV Summit Venture. We are en route to Tango Foxtrot 1 out."
I have a few questions.

First, it could just be me but while reading this excellent start to what seems to be an interesting story. I get the feeling that these are not going to be the usual Kancolle shipgirls but the warships actually fully manifested with the ships spirits (aka the girls) also on board and able to both interact and react with their crews? With the crew in turn able to tell how the ship is doing by keeping an eye on how the manifested girl is doing?

Second, Ashia has been identified as one of the ships but the very next chapter Brian finds her dead body. So are these two different Ashias (in which case RIP Imp we will miss you), someone who just happened to look enough like Ashia that Brian thinks it's her or did every manifested ship who had a spirt with a living human incarnation need to have that human body die in order for their ship to be summoned? In short did all the girls die only to immediately reincarnate on board their newly summoned ship form?
Massacre 1.7
AN: Special Thanks to @Sandy River DL for writing the very last scene in this chapter.

"Damned if I strike" - Unknown

Taylor Hebert

Taylor lowered a pair of binoculars as she gave an order. "Cease firing."

"Aye, ma'am! Cease firing! Cease firing!" The talker said, relaying her orders up to the fire control platforms.

She slumped into her chair feeling utterly exhausted and in more than a little pain, bloody gashes marked where she had taken nine heavy hits and approximately fifteen light hits. "You alright ma'am?" her OOD asked.

"Just painfully sore is all," Taylor replied as she looked towards the beach. The ruins of transports poked out of the water while the beach itself looked like a moonscape from the sustained bombardment unleashed by five cruisers plus an attached destroyer unit. As far she could tell even with the harsh white glare of her searchlights sweeping the beach, nothing was moving - countless vehicles and other things were burning while the remains of bodies were cast about. Men wearing PRT uniforms slowly strode onto the beach, their weapons ready and they swept it, every so often, she would spot a muzzle flash.

She exhaled, the past few hours had been mentally and physically exhausting. She wondered if this is how the various flagships of Jutland felt after the battle ended - and the casualties were tallied up.

Taylor sniffled and sobbed, she somehow knew that Brockton wasn't sobbing, yet she was. Three of the Independences hadn't made it, Water Witch had been determined to be Beyond Economic Repair. She was being prepared to be scuttled, and the ragged survivors were riddled with holes and in some cases fire damage. Five PHMs also hadn't survived the fury of war.

Approximately two hundred people were dead. Two hundred. Most Endbringer fights didn't kill that many capes unless it went apocalyptically bad or it was Behemoth. And it was her fault that they were dead. Her fault. She had decided as Brockton, eager for revenge, to sally forth. It had resulted in what was unequivicoally, a victory.

As Taylor, she couldn't shake her thoughts off of the heroes she had sailed with. The brave men and women who had died fighting these monsters. Furthermore, as looked at the mathematics of the results of this fight…she couldn't help but admit that if she had to do it all again.

She would.

That was the terrifying thing, that she saw the loss of approximately two hundred people along with nine ships as a victory and that if she had to do it all again and had the option of changing how history would play out. She would do it again. She never knew that she could be that brutal. It scared her and she didn't want to become that person. A person who saw everything around her as pieces on the board, to be expended at a moment's notice. She hadn't seen lives, she had seen pieces to use and expend. No, she wouldn't be like that, Brockton could be like that, but she never would.

I must find out the names of those who died, for they're all heroes. Taylor thought resolutely as she looked back towards Portland which seemed to be melting under a huge and bright orange-red illumination that vaguely formed a mushroom cloud high above it as the smoke roared into the heavens.

She realized with horror what was probably developing in Portland Maine. A firestorm, hundreds of countless fires swirling, converging, becoming a monster all of its own that would ravenously consume the city and its inhabitants. She recognized that cloud shape and that glow because of attacks done by Behemoth had caused the same thing to occur when he had last attacked in November.

The enemy had done this. Monsters that had seemingly risen from the depths of the abyssal plain of the ocean to torment humanity. Taylor paused. Where the hell had that come from? That being said…abyssal… had a sort of terrifying connotation to it. The deepest, darkest depths of the ocean where the sun doesn't shine and where the grudges and sins of the past are unlikely to be recognized as having been settled and atoned for.

So if the Abyss represents unsettled sins and grudges, then what did she represent? Did she return as an enforcer of her nation's will to strike out in the best interests of the United States of America and to uphold and protect the sanctity of the United States Constitution? Or was she a guardian that was brought forth by either Davy Jones or something even more ancient to protect those who couldn't defend themselves from the Abyss? That thought caused her to pause, if gods did exist, then where the fuck had they been for the last twenty years? Why hadn't they descended from the heavens to slay the Endbringers and heal the planet that they called home?

She didn't know, but she wanted to find out. It was a series of questions that were starting to naw at her. There was an urge to continue the rabbit hole, to run out the possibilities on why the gods hadn't intervened with the world going to shit. But Taylor, with great difficulty, ignored it. Because she feared that she would start working her way down that rabbit hole, she would start to sound like a nutjob on par with that Void Cowboy on PHO. She didn't want to sound like a total nutter thank you!

The TBS squawked suddenly. "Taylorrrr you thereeeee?" Emma asked, her tone pained with a notable slur to it, and Taylor practically tore the talker out of its cradle.

"I am here, Emma, what's up?" She asked and there was a pause.

"Could beeeeeee feeling betttttter. I got aaaaa corpsman fretting overrrrr meeeee right nowwww, apparently battle damageeee that our hulls takeeee, reflects on us. One of my arms is brokennnn and a hand is pretty messeddddd up, to say nothinnggg of myyy cheeest." Emma replied and Taylor winced at the image.

"How are you not screaming?" Taylor asked in a non-sequitur.

"Laudanum, adreanalineeeee and endorphinsssss are a hell of a thing. But they want meeeee to head to the surgical suite for a debridinggggg whatever that is. I feel finerrrr, I don't needddd that shittttt." Emma grumbled and Taylor laughed then she saw the look that the OOD was giving her. The man looked like he wanted to laugh.

"What is it?" she demanded of him.

"Someone doesn't know that when it comes to your health, the doctors outrank everyone." The OOD replied and Taylor snorted a laugh as she brought the talker back up.

"Tonight is going to give me nightmares." She admitted.

"I know ittttt tonight's been a horrorrrr show. How manyyyyyyyyy died?" Emma slurred slightly.

"I wish I knew Emma, but we lost eight ships to enemy fire and we're going to have to scuttle a ninth," Taylor explained, hoping that it would snap Emma out of it who sounded way too loopy.

There was a long painful pause as hopefully, the words sank in. "Whoooo is goingggg to scuttleeee?" Emma asked, still loopy.

"USS Water Witch, she's going to have to be scuttled, I am going to do it myself" Taylor replied, thinking of the brave LCS. She didn't want her to have to go through the indignity of having her crew kill her. Not after she got them through a cauldron of hell and fury intact. It was the least that Taylor could do.

"Ohhhh, herrrr? Whyyyyy?" Emma half-whined, half-sobbed and Taylor exhaled slowly through her mouth.

"Battle damage Emma, the damage control crews have declared her beyond economic repair. Her CIC got effectively blown up by a shell hit and she lost a turbine during the fight as well. I still believe that they're thinking short term, rather than long term though." Taylor hissed out.

"Yourrrr flaaaag, coulddddd overrrrrullleee them." Emma slurred through her tears and Taylor paused, why the hell hadn't she considered that?

"Thanks, Emma, also, please get checked out by the corpsmen," Taylor replied before letting go of the button.

"Finnnnnnee." Emma slurred one last time before with a click, she hung up.

Taylor sighed and closed her eyes for a long blink.


Brockton opened her eyes after blinking with a pondering expression on her face. She couldn't help but feel proud of the work that her Task Force had done here. Yes, ships had lost, but in the grand scheme of things. The disparity of tonnage loss between the Abyssals and her fleet was well in their favor. All in all, it was a battle that had been a well-earned victory.

"Brockton?" A young voice asked her and Brockton stiffened, her RDF gear pinged the transmission as coming from Water Witch.

"Yes, Water Witch?" Brockton replied as she shifted her rudder and slowly closed with the crippled LCS, her starboard torpedo launcher swinging out.

"I know you want to try and save me, but I am not salvageable." The LCS said slowly, in a pained voice.

"But Water Witch, you were magnificent out there! You deserve to have more than one good battle!" Brockton said, appalled.

"You think that I was magnificent? Thanks, but I took a direct hit to my Combat Information Center, between the shell and the efforts to extinguish the resulting fire, everything is a loss. I also lost a turbine, the thing tore itself apart and started a major fire. My Chief Engineer got the survivors out of my number one engine room and then hit the Halon. Then there's the blast damage from my near misses, including one near the pumpjets. I am not recoverable." The LCS replied slowly, sobbing softly.

"Water Witch ships more heavily damaged than you have been repaired and returned to service. USS Franklin CV-13 comes to mind, same with Iowa, New Jersey, and North Carolina after West Pacific, after Admiral Kurita's Center Force squashed Admiral Lee's Task Force. Or hell, USS Shaw, USS Cassin, and USS Dowes after Pearl Harbor." Brockton explained trying to find a way to convince the LCS that she could be saved.

"Brockton, you've been nothing but kind as a flagship. I thank you for everything that you've done. But I am beyond saving, some of those near misses compromised major structural welds. I might survive the trip home, but if the seas rise even a little…." The LCS trailed off and sobbed some more, the hitching cries made Brockton's boilers ache with misery. She wanted nothing more than to hug the little girl.

Brockton wanted to argue that they could save her, that they could tow her home. But deep down, Brockton knew that Water Witch was right, if her structural welds had been compromised, then they would have to take it slow. Probably no more than five knots at most and it was almost fifty miles to Brockton Bay and safety. What's worse, she didn't know if the enemy had night capability and she didn't want to encounter a submarine or another surface group while towing a cripple.

"I-I understand Water Witch, don't worry, I'll get your crew off," Brockton said as she maneuvered her hull closer to the mangled LCS. She could finally get a good look at the hull, her superstructure yawned open from a gapping gash, down low in her helipad was an oblong hole from which thick black smoke and a burning orange glow poured from that wound, another hole near the waterline had white smoke pouring from it, while her hull sat low by the stern.

"Thanks, Brockton, that makes me breathe easier. My crew somehow, all survived the hell I went through. Though, I don't think some will be able to serve again, unless of course Panacea sees them and given what happened in Brockton Bay." Water Witch replied, she sounded immensely relieved at that fact.

"That's a miracle," Brockton whispered and Water Witch giggled.

"It is a miracle, but I am not complaining. I wasn't designed for this Brockton, and I got them through it all." The LCS replied as Brockton backed down on her engines, her screws thrashing the water and bringing her to a halt. She watched as the RHIBs closed in and with nets cast over the side of her hull, she felt the men slowly climbing aboard while the davits lifted the RHIBs out of the water.

It didn't take long, but soon all seventy-five men and women from USS Water Witch were aboard. She watched the LCS through her rangefinders, the dark grey hull hissed and groaned as it slowly succumbed to her wounds. She would lay in agony for many hours until it was over and the sea claimed its prize.

It was a fate that Brockton found that she couldn't give to such a brave ship. <<Captain Hebert?>> She heard the captain of the USS Water Witch, Lieutenant Commander Slate ask.

<<Yes, Commander Slate?>>

<<How are we going to scuttle Water Witch?>> Slate asked.

<<I was going to use a torpedo,>>

<<Why a torpedo and not one of the main guns?>> The man questioned.

<<If it hits too high in the ship, there's a chance that all it does is blow her superstructure open. I don't want to cause Water Witch any undue pain. Sinking is traumatizing enough as it is, I don't want to bungle it up at all.>>

There was a pause from Slate as he pondered that and then smiled. <<Thank you, Water Witch deserves it to be over quickly at the very least. She somehow got her entire crew through a fight she wasn't designed to be in.>>

<<That she did, what was she like, Lieutenant Commander?>>

<<What do you mean, ma'am?>> Slate asked.

<<Personality-wise, what was she like?>>

<<I liked picturing Water Witch as a sweet kid who was eager to please. She was my ship for three and a half years, my Chief Engineer probably loves her like a daughter. When the chips came down though, she protected all of us.>> Slate replied with a misty-eyed smile.

<<That she did, when we get home, I am going to put her up for the highest award I can think of.>>

<<The Presidential Unit Citation? I think that the crew will like that. Lord knows she deserves it, it's thanks to her that we're all still breathing.>> Slate said with a note of relief.

<<Good to know, I…talked to her. She's grateful that she got her crew through this fight without losing anyone. But, she's in a lot of pain from her damage.>>

<<Ordinarily, I would say we should recover her, but I stand by my XO's recommendation of scuttling her.>> Slate replied and there was a pause before the Captain answered.

<<It is a shame and if we could get top cover, I would say that we could tow her back home. But everything right now is a question mark.>>

<<Aye, how are you going to scuttle her?>> Slate asked, a hitch in his voice.


<<Seems like overkill.>> Slate noted.

<<Definitely is, but the fact is, I am worried that a single ten-incher will be insufficient to sink her without causing her additional unwarranted pain. A torpedo, particularly the Mark 12s that I am equipped with has a five-hundred-pound warhead, it will fatally hole her.>>

<<I understand, Captain, thank you for informing me about that. I hadn't considered that.>> Slate replied and Brockton hummed, it seemed like Slate really did believe that Water Witch was alive in some way.

<<If you want, I can have someone take you to the torpedo director so you can fire the torpedo that sinks Water Witch.>>

<<Thanks Captain,>> and with a barked order, Slate was led onto her bridge wing and settled in front of the torpedo director. The heavy triple mount swung out, the glittering Mark 12 torpedoes sat in their tubes, mean and menacing.

Brockton inhaled deeply as she looked out towards Water Witch. She waited for the orders to be given and then the words <<Scuttle the ship>> were uttered as Slate, said with a sob <<Goodbye, Water Witch,>> then fired.

With a wha-chump, the torpedo was hurled from its tube and slapped noisily into the water. A gleaming white streak hurtled across the distance in what seemed like the blink of an eye. A glittering dagger of lethality that connected Water Witch to Brockton. The water spalled, a dirty plume of water rose high into the sky and the LCS' stern disintegrated under the hammer blow amid a faint scream of pain. There was a great rushing roar as she sank even as her crew saluted her, Brockton saw something. A young girl, floating upward from the rapidly sinking hulk with the build of a sprinter, beaten and battered, she found the strength to return the salute with a small kind smile on her face, then like fog upon a meadow, she vanished. Moments later, the bow slipped under completely and USS Water Witch LCS-42 went hurtling into the dark waters, on her way to her resting place.

Brockton exhaled and wiped a tear away as she stared at the location where Water Witch had been. That had been a lot more difficult than she expected it to be. Still, she knew that she needed to be gone soon. "Attention all units of Task Force Brockton," she said into her TBS and after waiting for everyone to acknowledge her, she continued. "We've done everything that we can here, let's get out of here and head back to LPNY at best speed."

With that, Brockton turned south, and with her battered task force assembling around her, she turned, making revolutions for twelve knots. It had been a very long two hours and thirty minutes and now it was time to head home. The charnel house that Saco Bay had become was left behind, the ships leaving the area beaten and battered but steaming proudly as their crews rejoiced in their victory.

A small part of her, from her civilian side, realized that she would be arriving at Brockton Bay after midnight and she realized that her mother probably wasn't going to be pleased with her for vanishing without a trace for so many hours. It was something that scared her more than the enemy did and she had never been a truant before.

Her throat tightened, and her hands grew clammy. A weird sound started up in her chest and engineering spaces, and the fires in her boilers started flickering until suddenly whump whump, she couldn't breathe! She couldn't breathe!

Something whacked her on the back, hard. Four more blows landed on her back and suddenly she hacked again. "Better?" Southshore demanded of her.

Brockton looked at Southshore gratefully. "Better, thanks," she replied, she could hear her various engineers complaining about how that little episode had caused two ventilation breakers to trip.

"No problem, what was that about?" Southshore asked.

"Just realizing that it's been hours since all of this started and that we never told Mom we're steaming to the sound of guns," Brockton replied and Southshore blinked, then her eyes widened.

"Is it wrong, that I wish that Glory Girl didn't sink that battleship? I would rather face that than Aunt Annette when she's angry," she said, her voice quivering.

"Whose Aunt Annette?" Norfolk asked, skating up.

"My mother," Brockton admitted.

"Oh shit," Norfolk said as Valcour Island started cackling.

Coast Guard Station Brockton Bay
Formerly Inactive Senior Chief Daniel Hebert

Danny Hebert wiped his brow with a towel as for the first time in hours he was able to sit down and was actually able to rest. The Coast Guard Station was a complete and utter mess, due to its location being closer to the proper Port of Brockton Bay in comparison to Lord's Port Naval Yard. Which meant that it had been actively targeted by the enemy who had dropped gas canisters on the city with some landing on base. The gas mask he kept in his truck, however, kept him safe from the poisonous clouds that coiled through the city streets like a menacing fog of lethality. It had turned what was ordinarily a thirty-minute drive from the Dock Workers Union into a ninety-minute nightmare.

Finding out that as far as anyone knew, he was the highest-ranking man on the station had been an unpleasant surprise though and the past few hours had been frantically repairing what damage they could while also getting USCGC Alert, a Heritage class Cutter ready for sortie as a decent chunk of her complement had been killed or were unaccounted for in the bombardment.

That had been three hours ago, in the time since then, he had gotten the Station ready to fill its duties to the best of its abilities given that they were now at war. Danny had thus made the executive decision to make up the numbers by stripping the crews of the other cutters and small craft at the station to get Alert ready for sail. Even so, the lack of trained manpower meant that they were working on getting the haphazard crew familiar with her systems enough to take her out. All the while, even though he couldn't see it, he knew from his counterpart at LPNY that apparently a WWII era destroyer guarded the entrance to the bay.

The arrival of USCGC Willam Flores at around 7:30 in the evening bearing battle damage and news from Boston was even more surprising. The Sentinel-class Cutter had been put through hell to put it simply. Most notable was the fact that something, according to her commanding officer, Lieutenant Junior Grade Isaac Gibbs a shell of unknown caliber, had ripped the Bushmaster clean out of the deck and torn out the ammunition cassette for it.

Furthermore, according to the Lieutenant during the debrief he had managed, they had learned that some WWII-era warships were engaged with eldritch ships just outside the harbor and that they were giving the enemy what's for when they had been ordered to evacuate. Still, that news had been very surprising. What had been more surprising was the fact that USS Salem, USS Cassin Young, USS Constitution, a woman claiming to be USS Little Rock, plus apparently the rest of DESDIV 109 were all engaging the enemy and seemed to be winning.

But with USCGC William Flores unfit to fight and with the nominal CO of USCGC Alert unaccounted for. Danny had given the man command of the big Heritage class which had resulted in an amusing reaction from the Lieutenant. This made sense, the Heritage class were the newest cutters in the fleet with Alert being the name ship that had entered service about a year and a half prior.

The biggest hurdle had been training people adequately on how to use Alert's more comprehensive fire control and electronic warfare suites. Indeed, even after his arrival, it had taken approximately three hours to get the men who had been picked to man the cutter's CIC to a point where they could handle the more sophisticated technology onboard the big cutter.

"Senior Chief!" A voice called out and Danny turned and saw Petty Officer Third Class Conrad Young running up to him. Conrad had been the one whom Danny had found to be in charge of the station when he had arrived. The man had all but hugged him in gratitude when he had reported to him. Which had resulted in him now running the show here at the station.

"What is it, Petty Officer?" Danny asked as overhead, a flight of four twinjet fighters roared overhead, racing out to sea, the sonic booms from their passage reaching them seconds later with their afterburners glowing a glittering blue-white.

"Lieutenant Gibbs reports that Alert is ready to sail, however, he would prefer if he had at least a few more hours to get his CIC team more familiarized with her systems," Conrad replied and Danny nodded.

"Alright, that's the first bit of good news we've had all day. Has any other members of Alert's crew appeared?" Danny asked.

Conrad shook his head. "Beyond the half dozen that we got? No. To be frank, things are so much of a mess that it's probably some form of miracle that you managed to arrive."

"Damn," Danny grunted, so much for hoping. "What about the volunteers I cobbled together from the station staff for the two UTBs and three Response Boats?"

"They've been ready to go for a while, why haven't you sent them out?" Conrad asked and Danny hummed.

"The reason for that is because the UTBs and Response Boats don't have the proper equipment for finding submarines, but Alert does. If they force any submarines to the surface, the response boats and UTBs can pounce like hyenas." Danny replied and Conrad nodded.

"Makes sense, but begging the Senior Chief's pardon. How are we going to tackle this fucking war?" Conrad asked and Danny said in a slow voice.

"However we can, this country has been in tighter spots before. The Revolution and the War of 1812 come to mind." Danny said and Conrad nodded.

"Right Chief, I'll go notify Lieutenant Gibbs that he's free to cast off," Conrad said and went to run off.

"Got it, dismissed Petty Officer," Danny said and Conrad left.

With that handled, his thoughts turned to the thing he cherished the most. His daughter Taylor, hadn't even called him when all hell started breaking loose. He hadn't gotten a peep out of her, Emma, or Madison. It was alarming and a damn sight terrifying. But he had been forced to swallow his fear for Taylor to focus on doing his job. It was something that he hated.

What was more alarming was the fact that Zoe had called him very recently and informed him that Shadow Stalker had been a gas victim. That hadn't been fun to learn, at all, it hadn't been easy convincing Zoe that no, Sophia wasn't about to fall apart. Mostly because he recognized the gas used. It was a blister or blood agent, but the choking agent known as Chlorine. That hadn't been successful in calming her down.

Sighing he watched as USCGC Alert slowly pulled away from the Station, entered the navigable channel, and quickly made best speed for the entrance of Brockton Bay. The UTBs and Response Boats followed the big ship like ducklings.

Sometime later, he heard the whoop of a ship's whistle, a long mournful blast that sounded relieved as the cry echoed across the water. Running from where he had been on station, he ran to the quayside and peered into the murky dark. The horn roared again and then, slowly, like a ghost she materialized…a huge grey vessel that bore quite a bit in common with an ocean liner from the World War II era slowly steamed into the harbor. She was battle-damaged, her upper works marred with seemingly countless bullet holes, and her 5in guns were powder fouled. The ship's bow was clearly emblazoned in white, outlined in black, a huge bold 5.

The horn of the USS Vulcan AR-5 roared its cry once again as if the ship was grateful for finding a safe harbor. How she had survived the hell-storm that had erupted in the past few hours was anyone's guess. But the four destroyers, all WWII era, Fletchers maybe, that were sailing behind her like ducklings solved that question at least partially. Whatever had kicked eight kinds of ass in Brockton Bay and Boston was not an isolated event. Still, a repair ship, Danny had a feeling that in the coming days, Vulcan was going to be beyond invaluable as battle-damaged ships limped into Brockton Bay.

Regardless he couldn't help but rub his eyes as the destroyers quickly formed a perimeter with their guns pointing skyward. What made Danny rub his eyes however was that seemingly standing in the middle of those ships which appeared to be semi-transparent, standing on the water was a young girl who seemed to be wearing a mass of metal almost like a backpack. He couldn't help but wonder what the hell was he looking at. It made no sense to see something like that.

He keyed his walkie. "Conrad, can you please prepare a Defender class Boat?" he asked as he started walking towards the dock where they were tied up.

"Why Senior Chief?" Conrad asked after a moment.

"Something about those destroyers is weird, I want to check it out," Danny said and there was a pause from the Petty Officer before he replied.

"Chief, let me go instead."

Danny frowned. "Why Conrad?"

"Because you are essentially Officer In Charge for the Coast Guard Station? Your too important to be gallivanting off on shit like that." Conrad said and Danny paused in his walking, thought about it, and swore before slapping a hand to his forehead. Goddammit, he was an idiot, no he paused in his recriminations, not an idiot. He was just too used to thinking like a Senior Chief instead of an Officer - Chiefs like him practically ran the Coast Guard, they were its lifeblood.

"You're right Conrad, I am too used to thinking like a Senior Chief," Danny grunted and Conrad laughed over the link.

"That's fair Senior Chief," Conrad replied and Danny snorted out a chuckle.

It didn't take long before the twenty-five-foot-long Defender class Boat, one of the literal thousand that was in service roared away from the station and dashed like a world-class sprinter towards the strange WWII-era Destroyers. Danny nodded at the sight, that was handled. Now then, what was the next emergency that needed handling?

Thankfully though, it seemed like things had indeed calmed down enough that there wasn't a major emergency to be had. Which given the state of things was an absolutely weird thing to be considering. But, it was something that for once, Danny was grateful for because it meant that there was no catastrophic emergency that needed handling immediately.

Which was a relief actually, it made things so much easier to handle. Until of course, things took a turn for the surreal as his walkie squawked. "Uh, Senior Chief?" Conrad asked, sounding put out.

"What is it, Conrad?" Danny asked.

"Uh, we're alongside one of those destroyers now and I am currently having the weirdest conversation of my life," Conrad explained, he sounded confused and alarmed.

"On a scale of one to ten, how weird?" Danny questioned, wondering where the Petty Officer was going with this.

"Weird enough that I might need Master/Stranger Protocol," The Petty Officer replied, as if to punctuate that, a new voice butted in.

"What's Master/Stranger Protocol?" The voice was female, young, maybe around Missy's age. The young girl had been brought over to the Hebert house a few months ago by Sophia because her parents were going through an ugly divorce that had turned nasty.

"Who was that?" Danny asked, confused, and then he realized something. "Also, Conrad, you're on VOX."

"She claims to be the reincarnated spirit of USS Morrison DD-560. Uh, begging the Senior Chief's pardon, but how is that effing possible?!" Conrad said, pointedly ignoring the comment about being on VOX.

"That's because I am Morrison, do you have any idea how much kamikazes hurt?!" The young voice snarled and the Senior Chief pawed his face, great, so he either had a delusional parahuman (not uncommon) or the world had decided to go and get even weirder than it already was. Then again…he thought considerably as he pulled out his phone and looked up information on USS Morrison.

Danny had a hunch that if Morrison was who she claimed to be, then she should know things instinctively that anyone else, barring being a total history nut, would know. Scanning her Wikipedia page he smiled, okay this he could work out. If this strange girl provided the correct answers, then he could say with confidence that she was who she claimed to be.

"Alright Conrad, I am going to relay a series of questions to you that I want you to ask Morrison. If she is who she says she is, she should provide these answers immediately." Danny said and Conrad swore softly.

"You believe her, don't you?" Conrad groaned.

"At the moment, I am willing to give her the benefit of a doubt," Danny replied.

"Chief, if she answers all of your questions accurately, permission to be sent to the Fleet Funny Farm? Because the service would be officially getting too weird for me, I joined to get away from Parahuman bullshit." Conrad moaned and Danny snickered as the girl he presumed to be Morrison asked.

"What's a Parahuman?" The girl asked.

"Not now, please," Conrad complained.

"Permission denied, Petty Officer, also, you are still on VOX," Danny said with a grin.

"Senior Chief? I really hate you," Conrad growled.

Danny ignored the barb. "Anyways Petty Officer, the first question I want you to ask Morrison is how much shaft horsepower she has."

"Aye, Chief," Conrad said before relaying it.

"I have sixty thousand shaft horsepower turning two General Electric Geared Turbines," Morrison replied and Danny glanced at his phone.

The numbers matched perfectly, as did the turbines that she used. Holy hell.

"Did she get it right?" Conrad asked after a moment.

Danny shook himself out of his stupor. "She did more than get it right, she even answered one of the other questions that I was going to ask her. Which was who built the turbines that she uses."

"Good shit," Conrad replied shocked.

Tell me about it. Danny thought as he had to come up with another question. "Alright, who built her boilers?" he asked and Conrad relayed the question.

"I have superheated, air-encased Babcock & Wilcox boilers that produce 600-psi," Morrison said and again the answer matched what his phone said on the Fletcher class Destroyer.

"Well damn," he said in response.

"Lemme fucking guess, she got it right," Conrad said after a moment.

"She did, also, language Petty Officer," Danny said and Morrison butted in.

"I've heard worse from my crew, Senior Chief," She replied in a laid-back tone.

Danny couldn't help but feel put off. Despite her young age, Morrison was proving that there was vastly more to her than met the eye. It went beyond any Parahuman bullshit, tinkers couldn't tell you the specs like she had exactly in a way that made sense. So he found that he was getting more and more convinced that she really was the reincarnated form of USS Morrison DD-560.

"Right, next question. How many people did she rescue from Princeton during Leyte Gulf?" Danny asked and Conrad relayed the question.

"I rescued four hundred twenty-three from Princeton, Senior Chief. If you want I can give you names." Morrison said, positively perky at such a good job.

"That's not needed Morrison, I don't want to be here all night," Danny replied with good cheer.

"Okay, Senior Chief!" Morrison replied eager to please.

Danny was just about convinced that the young girl really was Morrison. But just to make sure, he wanted to ask her a trick question. It was a question that if she was Morrison, she would respond with no and if she wasn't would draw confusion. It was a question that in essence, was a trap.

"Last question, when did she go in for refit during World War II?" Danny asked.

That apparently was the wrong thing to ask her. "You sonuvabitch, I never saw the country of my birth again after I departed for combat, do you have any fucking clue how fucking hard that fucking is..." Morrison trailed off into a minute-long tirade about Kamikazes, Electrical Failures, and Bad Luck. Her previous comment about cursing was right, she really had heard worse from her crew.

"Good job, Chief. You found her angry button and goddamn is it weird seeing a twelve-year-old curse like a sailor," Conrad groaned as Morrison finally finished with her tirade.

"Sorry, Senior Chief, it's just…I sank really fast and almost nobody who was below decks managed to evacuate due to my 1MC being effectively non-functional, what didn't help was that I went down fast as well, fifteen minutes was all it took for me to go down." Morrison replied after heaving an enormous sigh.

"We don't care what happens to our bodies, we have fixed lifespans and know that we all end up in Fiddler's Green eventually. But what we care about the most are our crews, the people who man us. Almost half of my crew journeyed into the depths with me, trapped inside my hull as I sank to my grave,"

Danny sighed and pawed his face again, which had gotten so much heavier than he was expecting it to get. "For the record Morrison, I believe you that you are who you say you are," Danny said.

"Well, glad to know your bout of twenty questions helped," Morrison replied and Danny nodded.

"Anytime Morrison, Petty Officer Conrad, return to the station," Danny said.

"Roger, Chief," Conrad replied.

Sometime later, he found himself looking back out to sea and while he couldn't see the nav lights, knowing that there was something out there guarding the entrance made him feel so much better. He was about to tell Conrad that he was going to get some shuteye when something happened that would be seared into his mind forever.

A dazzling double flash of light erupted to the south, so brilliant that for several long seconds it was dawn at midnight, almost as if, far to the south, a second sun had burst into existence before fading out. Danny stared in that direction in shock even as the shrieking crackle from ionizing radiation warbled out of his walkie-talkie as he screamed one thing. "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Tiredness left his body at the sight of what could have only been a nuclear detonation and he switched to the all-hands freq. "LOCK DOWN THE BASE!" he shouted into his walkie-talkie. "INITATE FULL CBRN PROCEDURES AND BREAK OUT MOPP 4 GEAR!" He roared as he sprinted for the main building.

An alarm began to wail.

Sophia Hess

Sophia knew she was going to die. She knew this as surely as the sun rose in the east and descended in the west. The reason why she knew this had to do with the black tag that was secured firmly to her wrist via a paper bracelet.

Pain medication only, until death.

Her breathing was labored and shallow. She couldn't escape her fate and knew it was coming. She was trapped and there was no way out, particularly since Panacea was still trapped in the ruins of Brockton General Hospital.

Thus she lay in an unforgiving bed, the machines she was hooked up to beeping erratically as her burning lungs struggled to give her body the oxygen it required. Already a cold clamminess and worming its way through her, dulling her senses.

Her vision began to darken and knowing that the end of all things was upon her, she rasped out a single thing "I am sorry Emma, I failed my promise for us to graduate together," in a weak, wet, wheezing voice, thinking to the promise she had made shortly after The Alley.

Death was the thing she feared and it was coming for her now. She didn't want to die alone. She wanted to live. But she couldn't escape her fate. She couldn't, she couldn't, she couldn't! She wanted out, to escape, to be free! But her fate was as surely sealed as anything. Something deep within her stirred, something she hadn't felt since that man attacked her so many years ago.

A figure pushed aside the curtain. Dressed in black, a skeleton wielding a scythe and reaching for her! The heartbeat monitor started to screech as her heart slowed to the point that it was no longer effectively pumping blood. Her vision dimmed faster as Death approached.

There was a tremendous flash of light outside, so brilliant that it fully illuminated the field hospital, people screamed and yelled in terror and horror.

But Sophia? Sophia saw stars and something, awe-inspiring and immensely pretty at the same time.


When Sophia came too, she was in her breaker state...but she felt distinctly off and her breaker state felt weird. She didn't know why, but she felt decidedly...floaty. Looking around through her vision which seemed to be so much more, she saw that she was no longer in bed, Death was gone. Oh, there was also an alarm howling.

A nurse peeled back the curtain, paused and stared for a minute then swore. "Doctor Flemming! I need a containment bag!"

Running feet caught her attention and someone charged into the subdivided area holding a bag. "Sophia, listen to me, we're going to put you in here until we can get you indoors. Nurse Flowers thinks you've turned completely gaseous and we don't want you blowing away on the wind."

Why was that needed?

Then there was a suction, a feeling of being pulled through a long tube, and then she was in something that was then jostled and carried.


Her turbines hummed contentedly as she gracefully knifed through the water in her loops with the so young and eager USCGC Alert. But strangely, despite the maelstrom that had swept through the area hours previously, the seas were quiet with not a peep on sonar. It was freaky, to say the least.

Her radar was another matter. She had picked up ships returning on radar and sighed - she swung her guns out and after telling Alert she was firing starshells let off five in rapid succession casting ghostly blue light overhead.

Then, she challenged them. "Attention unidentified warships, this is USS Madison DD-425, identify yourselves or we will fire upon you," she commanded as she slowly spotted them cresting the horizon.

A voice she hadn't heard in, she wasn't sure how long, replied. "Madison, is that the proper way to greet your twin?" Lansdale asked her!

"LANSDALE!" she screamed eagerly.

"Ow, ears." Lansdale groaned.

"You recognize them?!" The CO of Alert asked.

"I do! Lansdale is my twin! I haven't seen her since 1944!" Madison yelled delighted.

The CO of Alert groaned. "If you wish to meet them, you can," he said.

"THANK YOU!" Madison squealed and then she went to flank, her turbines roaring with delight as they accepted steam in vast quantities. She accelerated rapidly and peeled away from where the Coast Guard Cutter was.

She spotted another hull, 426 blazed proudly on its bow. Pushing her turbines she closed and flinging her arms out, she crashed into her sister. Her arms wrapped around Lansdale as her twin returned her hug. "Your back! Your back!" Madison cried softly, the tears coming down as she buried her head in the crook of Lansdale's neck.

"I won't leave you again Madison, I promise," Lansdale replied.

"I've lost you twice!" Madison exclaimed. "I am holding you to that! Mom is going to be delighted to see you!"

"Twice?" Lansdale replied confused.

"When I was born, I was supposed to have a twin. But mom suffered a miscarriage, they saved me, but couldn't save my twin. But your back, your safe!" Madison keened, the tears falling ever thicker.

"Oh, Madison. I won't leave you again unless it's by force." Lansdale replied and Madison felt like bouncing on the water.

"Yay!" she cheered.

The southern horizon exploded in brilliant light in a blinding double flash that caused the darkness of the night to recede alarmingly fast. Her radios screamed out a wash of white noise from the flash and she heard something that made her yelp and grab Lansdale tightly and caused her twin to do the same.

The sound of thousands of voices screaming in agony.

The joy that Madison had felt mere moments ago left her, a cold clinging numbness replacing it like a cold wet towel around herself.

The Missile

The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, where it now is. Consequently, the position where it is is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.

If the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.

The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it can obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.

In this case, the missile's position was currently blasting over the Aberdeen Proving Grounds at just under 500 mph. Its engine roared with joyous glee as it went feet wet over the Chesapeake Bay, approximately forty miles and seven minutes from its target. It had travelled some five hours across multiple timezones and now it was closing in on its target.

As it went Feet Dry, the missile considered executing snap defensive maneuvers. But its systems registered no emissions tracking it. It did the maneuvers anyway, twisting and roiling across the sky. In an acrobatic dance designed to make it difficult to intercept even for the vaunted Tor Missile System. Further electronic cover was provided by decoys and its onboard electronic warfare suite. The missile closed in, the flickering fires of the burning Middletown Delaware being consumed by a ravenous firestorm off to its North. The missile didn't care and pressed its attack, streaking over the broad flat plains of the Delmarva Peninsula like an inky black dagger. The uncaring guidance system didn't care about the burning town of 18,000 people, the cruel logic and the nature of the missile meant that it couldn't help those people.

Drawing abreast of the burning town and then leaving it behind, it continued onwards. Appearing soon on the horizon was its target, the city of Dover, Delaware. Hurtling onwards it raced towards its endpoint, the fuze subsystem running its final checks and confirming that the warhead would function. Then, as it approached the East Division Street Bridge, the missile initiated.

Deep inside the missile's body, the W80-1 thermonuclear warhead activated. Explosives detonated, compressing the core of weapons-grade Uranium until fission occurred in a runaway chain reaction that released neutrons and other forms of energy into the taper boosting the resulting rush of energy and letting it vent into the booster. The flood of radiation caused fusion to occur within the booster. The casing could no longer contain the hell-storm that had erupted within.

Half a second after the initiation process began, the sun bloomed over Dover Delaware. It was the first of twelve to appear within a few tenths of a second. The city below vanished under its fury as anything that could ignite: grass, flowers, trees, trash, houses, hair, flesh, people, and other things did ignite. Their shadows cast into sharp relief onto whatever they were on, forever imprinted and catching people and things in their last moments of existence.


In the ashy wastes that were once the city of Hiroshima, a spring broke forth from the volcanic tuff. If any were present to test it, they would find it to be a saltwater spring. One matching the composition of human tears. They would also, if they were spiritually attuned enough, hear the sound of a young girl crying.
Oh dear Secnav. I hope the girls all get a chance to let their families (those who have surviving families by the end of blood week that is) know that they got a free respawn and are still kicking despite the bodies left behind.
Oh dear Secnav. I hope the girls all get a chance to let their families (those who have surviving families by the end of blood week that is) know that they got a free respawn and are still kicking despite the bodies left behind.

Taylor, Emma, and Madison didn't leave physical bodies behind...they got turned into pink mist.

Aisha, Dinah, and Charlotte left corpses behind though.

But well, Aisha, Charlotte, and Dinah are going to be in legal hell for a while actually since their corpses are going to end up in a morgue, but they're also alive still...granted thanks to the powers of the President during wartime that just needs a board to be created to solve that...but still...
Little did anyone know, the Nukes will do….nothing against the Abyssal Ships much to bitter, global regret of the people who authorized such Strikes.
Little did anyone know, the Nukes will do….nothing against the Abyssal Ships much to bitter, global regret of the people who authorized such Strikes.
The goal was never to sink ships, but to burn out beach heads and deny valuable assets from the enemy. Not that any Abyssal ship caught in the radiation zone would be operational for long...
Little did anyone know, the Nukes will do….nothing against the Abyssal Ships much to bitter, global regret of the people who authorized such Strikes.

The US does know that nukes are pointless in terms of hardkilling warships thanks to Operation Crossroads.

But for fucking over beachhead and shit? Oh yeah, that's what nukes are amazing for.
Little did anyone know, the Nukes will do….nothing against the Abyssal Ships much to bitter, global regret of the people who authorized such Strikes.
The explosions might not damage the ships but the radiation is a completely different matter. Also this fic has so far only taken token parts off of kancolle. Mostly the existence of Shipgirls, Abyssals and the attack known as bloodweek. It's at the authors discretion just how much a nuke will effect Abyssals and Shipgirls in this AU. While it might not directly kill the ships, their crews are a completely different matter as well as any landing parties.

Radiation does not play well with anyone.

The targeted areas are likely going to be a no man's land for the next fifty years or more. Even after that reclaiming the land is going to be a slow process. If it's not just marked as a mass grave and monument to the first time the U.S. was forced to unleash nuclear hell upon its own shores in an act of war.
The targeted areas are likely going to be a no man's land for the next fifty years or more. Even after that reclaiming the land is going to be a slow process. If it's not just marked as a mass grave and monument to the first time the U.S. was forced to unleash nuclear hell upon its own shores in an act of war.
not true. Even the nuclear strikes that ended World War II only really at unsafe levels contaminated the area for about few days. We are dealing with Fusion weapons. so not likely to be really radioactive. Not a good time at all since this is lower to the ground level but not 50 years.
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Ok I'll give that I'm not any sort of expert on nuclear weapons, the fallout of such devices or their current capabilities. I will point out that it was not just one nuke and who knows (aside from the author) how the fallout is going to play with abyssal and shipgirl sparkly magical BS.

Also I kinda wonder why Scion didn't no-sell the launch or intercept it. Since that kinda was one of the few things he actively deterred humanity from using. Unless I missed that he vanished somewhere? Then again with everything that's going on and with multiple likely launches across the globe he might have just been to busy?
Also I kinda wonder why Scion didn't no-sell the launch or intercept it. Since that kinda was one of the few things he actively deterred humanity from using.

Scion has rendered the nuclear arsenals to have a total number of warheads in an arsenal to only be about 2k warheads.

So that way nuclear war if it happens, well it can accelerate conflict but not kill everything. Scion furthermore had a run in with a primordial god in 2005 and it changed him...
1989 Geneva Convention for the Regulation of Parahumans in Conflict
1989 Geneva Convention for the Regulation of Parahumans in Conflict


The High Contracting Parties,

- Recognizing the unique challenges posed by the existence and involvement of Parahumans in armed conflicts,

- Reaffirming the principles of international humanitarian law and the need to adapt these principles to address the capabilities and risks associated with Parahumans,

- Acknowledging the necessity to regulate the involvement of Parahumans in armed conflicts to protect human rights and maintain international peace and security,

- Emphasizing the role of the International Organization for Review of Parahuman Activities (IORPA) in overseeing the implementation of these regulations,

- Hereby agree to the following Protocols, which shall be annexed to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war victims.


Protocol I: Prohibition of the Use of Master-type Parahumans in Armed Conflict

Article 1: Establishment of the International Organization for Review of Parahuman Activities (IORPA)

- IORPA is hereby established as a specialized agency under the United Nations, responsible for overseeing the implementation and enforcement of this Protocol.

Article 2: Definition and Scope

- Master-type Parahumans are defined as individuals possessing abilities that enable control, manipulation, or significant influence over the actions, thoughts, or perceptions of others.

- This Protocol applies to all armed conflicts, whether international or non-international, and to all parties involved, including state and non-state actors.

Article 3: Prohibition

- All Parties to the conflict are strictly prohibited from employing Master-type Parahumans in any military or associated operations.

- Participation, whether direct or indirect, of Master-type Parahumans in hostilities is prohibited.

Article 4: Enforcement and Penalties

- Violations of this Protocol shall be considered as grave breaches of international humanitarian law and subject to prosecution under international law.

- States are obligated to incorporate provisions of this Protocol into their national legislation and to prosecute violators under their jurisdiction.

Article 5: Reporting and Transparency

- States are required to report to IORPA any instances of alleged violations of this Protocol.

- IORPA shall maintain a public record of such reports and facilitate international cooperation in investigating and addressing violations.


Article 1: Establishment of the International Organization for Review of Parahuman Activities (IORPA)

- IORPA shall oversee the monitoring and enforcement of this Protocol, ensuring compliance by all parties.

Article 2: Prohibition of Induction

- The deliberate act of inducing a trigger event to elicit the manifestation of Parahuman abilities in any individual is prohibited under all circumstances.

- This prohibition applies to all forms of armed conflict and in any situation of detention or captivity.

Article 3: Protective Measures

- States are required to implement legal and administrative measures to prevent and penalize attempts to induce Parahuman abilities involuntarily.

- Educational and awareness programs should be conducted to inform military and civilian populations about the ethical implications and risks of inducing Parahuman abilities.

Article 4: Enforcement and Sanctions

- States are required to enforce this Protocol through national legislation and are encouraged to cooperate internationally in its implementation.

- Violations of this Protocol are subject to penalties, including international sanctions and legal proceedings.

Article 5: Consideration of Combat Stress and Involuntary Trigger Events

- In cases where involuntary triggering of Parahuman abilities occurs due to combat stress or similar psychological trauma, without deliberate inducement, the state or actor under whose authority the affected individual falls shall not be held responsible under this Protocol.

- States are required to report such instances to IORPA and provide appropriate medical and psychological support to the affected individuals.

Article 6: Investigation and Reporting

- States are obligated to investigate reports of involuntary triggering of Parahuman abilities and ensure that such events were not induced deliberately.

- Findings of such investigations must be reported to IORPA and made accessible for international review.


Protocol III: Ban on the Employment of Parahuman Mercenaries by State Actors

Article 1: Establishment of the International Organization for Review of Parahuman Activities (IORPA)

- IORPA is responsible for overseeing the enforcement and compliance with this Protocol.

Article 2: Definition of Parahuman Mercenaries

- A Parahuman mercenary is defined as any Parahuman individual or group employed in an armed conflict by a state actor in exchange for personal gain, and who is not a member of the armed forces of the contracting party.

Article 3: Prohibition

- The recruitment, training, hiring, or use of Parahuman mercenaries by state actors in any form of armed conflict or military operation is strictly prohibited.

- States are also prohibited from facilitating or supporting transactions involving Parahuman mercenaries.

Article 4: Accountability and Sanctions

- Violations of this Protocol shall result in international sanctions and legal consequences.

- States are required to adopt national legislation to prevent and punish the use of Parahuman mercenaries and to cooperate in international efforts to prosecute offenders.

Article 5: Monitoring and Reporting

- States must establish mechanisms for monitoring compliance with this Protocol and report any violations to IORPA.

- IORPA will maintain a public database of reported violations and coordinate international responses.


Protocol IV: Prohibition of the Use of Bio-Tinkers in Armed Conflict

Article 1: Establishment of the International Organization for Review of Parahuman Activities (IORPA)

- IORPA will oversee the application and enforcement of this Protocol.

Article 2: Definition and Scope

- Bio-Tinkers are defined as Parahumans with the ability to manipulate biological processes, including genetic engineering, creation of biological entities, and alteration of living beings.

- This Protocol applies to all armed conflicts and all parties involved.

Article 3: Prohibition of Use in Hostilities

- The use of Bio-Tinkers in military operations, especially in the development, production, or deployment of biological agents or genetically altered organisms, is prohibited.

- This prohibition aligns with the obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

Article 4: Preventive Measures and Control

- Parties must take measures to prevent Bio-Tinkers from participating in activities prohibited by the BWC.

- Effective control and oversight mechanisms must be established to monitor the activities of Bio-Tinkers.

Article 5: Enforcement and Legal Ramifications

- Violations of this Protocol constitute severe breaches of international humanitarian law and the BWC.

- States are required to implement domestic legislation to enforce this Protocol and cooperate in the prosecution of violators.

Article 6: Peaceful and Ethical Use

- The use of Bio-Tinker abilities for peaceful purposes, such as medical research and treatment, is permitted under strict ethical guidelines and international oversight.

- States are encouraged to cooperate in promoting the peaceful use of Bio-Tinker abilities, ensuring compliance with the BWC.

Article 7: Exemption for Medical Personnel

- Bio-Tinkers serving as medical personnel in conflict zones are exempt from the prohibitions of this Protocol, provided they adhere strictly to medical and ethical standards and operate under recognized protective symbols such as the Red Cross or Red Crescent.

- This exemption applies only when Bio-Tinkers are engaged exclusively in medical treatment, humanitarian aid, or other non-combatant roles. Any deviation towards military application immediately revokes this exemption.

- Bio-Tinker medics must be clearly identified by internationally recognized symbols and are entitled to all protections afforded to medical personnel under international humanitarian law and the BWC.

Article 8: Reporting and Compliance

- States are required to report to IORPA any employment or use of Bio-Tinkers in a military context.

- IORPA shall maintain a public record of such reports and facilitate international cooperation in ensuring compliance with this Protocol.
Brockton class Large Cruiser
The Brockton class Large Cruiser is a design that never came into existence IRL. The closest real-life design to the ship would be the preliminary drawing that's linked here for a Battle Scout Cruiser that was armed with eight 10in guns with 6in and 3in guns as secondary battery and AA battery plus four 21in torpedo tubes. These ships are effectively Cruiser-Killers, meant to pummel enemy cruisers and even older classes of Battlecruiser - this is because the Large Light Cruisers of this timeline had a vastly different armament and were laid down significantly sooner. Thus, the USN scrambled to get a response drawn up, it went through many variations before in 1920, the following design was finalized.

Note, this design due to the quirks of Springsharp isn't quite right - mostly because Springsharp wants to get all of the machinery and magazines below the waterline. But it's decent enough as a reference guide.

Brockton class, United States of America Large Cruiser laid down 1920

25,304 t light; 26,554 t standard; 28,012 t normal; 29,179 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
(830.00 ft / 800.00 ft) x 90.00 ft x (25.50 / 26.32 ft)
(252.98 m / 243.84 m) x 27.43 m x (7.77 / 8.02 m)

9 - 10.00" / 254 mm 45.0 cal guns - 525.01lbs / 238.14kg shells, 125 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1920 Model
3 x Triple mounts on centreline, evenly spread
1 raised mount
16 - 6.00" / 152 mm 53.0 cal guns - 105.01lbs / 47.63kg shells, 350 per gun
Quick firing guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1920 Model
8 x Twin mounts on sides, evenly spread
8 - 3.00" / 76.2 mm 50.0 cal guns - 13.01lbs / 5.90kg shells, 400 per gun
Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1914 Model
8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
8 - 1.46" / 37.1 mm 30.0 cal guns - 1.09lbs / 0.49kg shells, 2,000 per gun
Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1916 Model
8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
4 raised mounts
12 - 0.30" / 7.6 mm 45.0 cal guns - 0.01lbs / 0.01kg shells, 20,000 per gun
Machine guns in deck mounts, 1926 Model
12 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
6 raised mounts
Weight of broadside 6,518 lbs / 2,957 kg

- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 6.25" / 159 mm 520.00 ft / 158.50 m 19.00 ft / 5.79 m
Ends: Unarmoured
Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length
Main Belt inclined -15.00 degrees (positive = in)

- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 7.00" / 178 mm 4.00" / 102 mm 5.00" / 127 mm
2nd: 2.00" / 51 mm 2.00" / 51 mm -

- Armoured deck - single deck:
For and Aft decks: 3.00" / 76 mm
Forecastle: 2.25" / 57 mm Quarter deck: 2.25" / 57 mm

- Conning towers: Forward 5.00" / 127 mm, Aft 0.00" / 0 mm

Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
Geared drive, 4 shafts, 186,835 shp / 139,379 Kw = 34.00 kts
Range 12,000nm at 10.00 kts
Bunker at max displacement = 2,625 tons

1,082 - 1,407

£5.762 million / $23.047 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 1,500 tons, 5.4 %
- Guns: 1,500 tons, 5.4 %
Armour: 6,082 tons, 21.7 %
- Belts: 2,570 tons, 9.2 %
- Armament: 772 tons, 2.8 %
- Armour Deck: 2,641 tons, 9.4 %
- Conning Tower: 99 tons, 0.4 %
Machinery: 6,533 tons, 23.3 %
Hull, fittings & equipment: 11,190 tons, 39.9 %
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 2,708 tons, 9.7 %
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0.0 %

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
33,475 lbs / 15,184 Kg = 66.9 x 10.0 " / 254 mm shells or 2.7 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.30
Metacentric height 6.8 ft / 2.1 m
Roll period: 14.5 seconds
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 52 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.32
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1.03

Hull form characteristics:
Hull has a flush deck,
an extended bulbous bow and a cruiser stern
Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.534 / 0.539
Length to Beam Ratio: 8.89 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 28.28 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 54 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 20.00 degrees
Stern overhang: 0.00 ft / 0.00 m
Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
Fore end, Aft end
- Forecastle: 20.00 %, 32.00 ft / 9.75 m, 25.05 ft / 7.64 m
- Forward deck: 30.00 %, 25.05 ft / 7.64 m, 19.49 ft / 5.94 m
- Aft deck: 35.00 %, 19.49 ft / 5.94 m, 19.49 ft / 5.94 m
- Quarter deck: 15.00 %, 19.49 ft / 5.94 m, 19.49 ft / 5.94 m
- Average freeboard: 21.99 ft / 6.70 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 97.6 %
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 181.0 %
Waterplane Area: 49,502 Square feet or 4,599 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 111 %
Structure weight / hull surface area: 169 lbs/sq ft or 827 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 1.14
- Longitudinal: 1.14
- Overall: 1.14
Adequate machinery, storage, compartmentation space
Excellent accommodation and workspace room

The differences compared to the Springsharp design is the fact that Shaft Horsepower is 180,000 - a full-on Lexington class Battlecruiser powerplant designed for geared turbines instead of being Turbo-Electric was meant to be slapped into this ship. Furthermore, Construction and Repair was leery of building this ship using conventional materials, thus the Brockton class would have been the first warship in the USN that would have seen extensive use of Special Treatment Steel in her construction. Not to mention these ships have torpedoes and torpedo reloads as well; Mark 11 or Mark 12 Torpedoes as completed, Mark 15s by the time of WWII. The first of these ships was ordered in late 1920, with a delivery date of hopefully around 1923 to 1924, with eight ships eventually being authorized:

  • USS Brockton CB-1
  • USS Southshore CB-2
  • USS Las Vegas CB-3
  • USS Richmond CB-4
  • USS Norfolk CB-5
  • USS Wilmington CB-6
  • USS Jacksonville CB-7
  • USS Missoula CB-8
Unfortunately, the Brockton class Large Cruiser never came about due to a horrible confluence of reasons. The primary reason was the signing of the Washington Naval Treaty and the fact that the United States Navy finally got a good look at the Courageous class Large Cruisers, they found that while they were certainly potent ships - the vessels were also horribly underbuilt and when the information regarding their design reached Construction and Repair - they ran a study on the design and decided that by the mid-1930s at the latest, the Courageous class would be in dire need of a complete rebuilding to keep in service. Thus, when negotiations came up for the USN to build Brockton class Large Cruisers given that the British had managed to get the Courageous class exempted from the Cruiser tonnage. They refused and thus...the Brockton class was deemed to be an illegal design - but this is also partly because the United States was fearful of starting a new Arms Race, only this time with Large Cruisers instead of Dreadnoughts...

The three ships that had been laid down which already had their construction halted were then scrapped, however, the large amounts of material that had been gathered for their construction along with long lead items that had been ordered would help the USN immensely down the line with building more ships.
Flash Reports
Leningrad, Russian SFSR

"If I ever find the bastards who designed this bunker, I am going to have him clean the toilets of the coldest Siberian Gulag still open."

Sergetov muttered as he made his way down another flight of stairs, the sixth one he had to traverse to get to his destination. All the while, fellow officers and soldiers were rushing about. Even this deep, he can still feel the reinforced concrete around him shake as the battle above.

"Well at least it is better than being topside…"

Sergetov soon made his way to the command center where he found utter chaos. Aides running around with stacks of files, officers screaming into phones while some were on their private handphones trying to reach someone. Normally an offense but given the situation, no one could blame them. However Sergetov ignored the chaos to head to the Strategic Command Room, the people he was looking for were there, hopefully, all of them.

As he made his way to said room, he could see the panic, anger, and fear in their eyes and hear it in their voices. He soon found the doors to the room, a spartan bar with the large emblem of the Soviet Union emblazoned on the doors, pushing through, he found the room was filled with activity, not unlike outside. The various high-ranking officers as well as nearly the entirety of the Politburo were here with some notable exceptions. Key of which, Sergetov noted, was the head of the Soviet Navy. Sergetov pondered as to why the man who should probably be the busiest of all present was missing.

"Who are you?" An officer shook Sergetov out of his musings. This had everyone turn towards Sergetov. The young Air Force officer stiffened as he prepared his report mentally.

"Colonel Andrei Sergetov, Soviet Air Forces" Sergetov replied, "Sirs, we had a developing situation."

"As if there is nothing else to worry about," Sergetov's highest-ranking commander grumbled, "Go on, Colonel."

Sergetov stepped to the vast map of the Soviet Union laid across the table, a map with marks and writing scribbled on the maps. He noted markings were mostly on the coasts before he put his folders on the table.

"Comrade Commanders, I will be brief but our satellites have detected multiple mass scale explosions in the American state of Delaware"

"Do we know what caused these explosions and what they are?" Marshal of the Soviet Army asked, concerned by this development.

"We are investigating these explosions as of right now," Sergetov replied, "However we do have an idea as to what caused them"

"What are they, Comrade Colonel?" The General Secretary raised an eyebrow.

"Our satellites and drones have been observing the American continent as has been standard operations. It was during the flight of one of our satellites, specifically over the town of Edmonton, Canada ." Sergetov said as he pulled out a picture of what his men had spotted and marked out which was of what appears to be 20 missiles being launched from those giant American bombers.

"Isn't this one of those American B-52s?" The General Secretary asked before it clicked before he looked up at Sergetov, "Are you saying the Americans fired missiles on their own territory?"

"It appears the Americans are being hit by the same things that are hitting us along our shorelines" Sergetov nodded grimly.

"What were these missiles equipped with?" The Marshal of the Soviet Army asked.

"We have not been able to deter-" Sergetov uttered before another Soviet officer walked into the room and walked straight to Sergetov before whispering something to him. All around the table watched in growing alarm as Sergetov's eyes went from an annoyed look to one of shock and disbelief, "You are serious?"

"We had checked and double-checked, we even asked our comrades in the Soviet Navy, and they also confirmed it" The Soviet Air Force officer confirmed grimly as he handed Sergetov the paper.

"What has happened? Comrade Colonel, what is it?" Marshal of the Soviet Air Force demanded.

"General Secretary, Marshalls, we have confirmed reports that the detonations that I was informing you about were in fact nuclear detonations."

"Nuclear?" Marshal of the Soviet Army slumped back into his chair, his disbelief evident on his face.

"Has… Has this been confirmed?" Sergetov's superior asked, his mind still trying to comprehend the information. Sergetov looked at his newly received documents and placed them on the desk.

"It is as the reports say here, it matches all parameters for nuclear detonations." Sergetov responded.

"All twelve of them?" the General Secretary asked.

"Yes, General Secretary, all twelve of them." Sergetov replied.
"To use a nuclear bomb on one's own country… This is insanity on a scale unmatched even by our worst scenarios… Dare I say even during the days of Khrushchev." the General Secretary muttered.

For the gathered men of power to be in shock was a sight for Sergetov he never thought he would ever see, which just reinforced the severity of the news they had been given. This made him worried, if the United States with the biggest navy had to nuke their own country, he could only pray his country could survive this onslaught.

Windsor, England

She thanked the lord that she was on the slimmer side of the family as she squeezed herself through the ongoing chaos inside Windsor Castle as orderlies, guardsmen, officers, and aides rushed through the old castle. The Royal Navy officer couldn't imagine how her sister or even mother would fit with their rather "blessed" figures.

She also thanked the lord that the Armed Forces Command Centre wasn't built in some elaborate maze of stairs and passages but into Tinker reinforced hardened command centre buried about 80 feet below the Round Tower. While there are stairs, the main accessway is via elevators. She had just gotten reports from the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy satellites as requested by her superior. As she entered her station in the command centre, her boss was waiting.

"Ah Bishop, what are the latest reports?" Her superior asked.

"Not looking good sir, it appears it is not just us being attacked by these things, all of Europe is reporting the same thing, all along the coast. Last communication with Paris was that Toulon and Brest were ravaged by heavy artillery fire while we have lost all contact with Halifax." The officer replied.

"Well, come with me, the admiralty and the rest of the high command will want to hear all of it." Her superior motioned to her to follow. They soon headed to the central command point or what everyone likes to call it, the Command Hub, where all of the key military officials were gathered ever since the first reports of attacks all along the coastline. Ever since the destruction of London, three years ago, high command has been quick to learn to be able to respond as quickly as possible.

"Commodore Bingham." The First Sea Lord called out to my superior.

"Yes sir?" Bingham replied.

"What are the latest reports?" The First Sea Lord requested, "Things aren't looking good up top."

"Well sir, Bishop has just gotten the reports." My superior gestured for me to step up.

"Yes sir, from what our satellites and drones have detected, it appears that all across Europe from the Arctic Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, and Black Sea, all major coastal cities are being attacked hard. Last communication from Italy reports that Venice is a sea of flame while Paris reports Toulon, Marseilles, and Brest are being ravaged." Bishop replied.

"What about our allies in North America?" the Air Chief Marshal asked.

"It appears they too are being hit. Halifax has gone silent while our ships in US ports were reporting their port of call being hammered." Lynette summarized the report she had on hand. However, a flurry of activity came from outside as an RAF officer barged into the Command Hub, his face one filled with panic.

"Sirs, we have confirmed what were those detonations we had detected in the United States earlier," The RAF officer said before he gulped, "They were nuclear."

"Nuclear detonations?" The Chief of the Army muttered, "Soviet?"

"No, point trajectory is all wrong, sir, they came from central Canada, over Edmonton." The RAF officer replied, "It was from a friendly USAF B-52"

Once that was uttered, it seemed everything came to a stop as everyone present in the room turned to look at the RAF officer, all processing what was being said. Then the First Sea Lord muttered something that could encapsulate what all present were thinking.

"Bloody Hell."

Tokyo, Japan

It was absolute chaos, Tokyo was awash with flames as mysterious ships bombarded the city from the bay and outside of it as people fled in the thousands to evacuate the city. The JGDF officer grimaces as he imagines the mayhem on the various roads leading out of the city. Even here in Nerima, he could feel the shockwaves through the floor under his feet. Inside the command centre for the Japanese Defense Force as he observed was in a chaotic mess as his fellow officers were trying to figure out what was going on around Japan.

However, like himself, no one seems to make sense of what is going on. Naval bases and major port cities were being hit while smaller ports and coastal towns were not affected. Tokyo proper is being hammered by what his pilots were reporting to be antique warships. When the JMDF analysts looked at the pictures, they were alarmed, as these ships were Imperial Russian Navy from the 1904 Russo-Japanese War although they looked wrong, even when he looked at them, he also could feel something was wrong with those ships.

However before anything else can be done, a report came to his attention. He looked at it before his eyes widened as he read the report. He read it two times before he turned to the subordinate officer.

"Is this accurate?" He asked.

"Yes sir, we had checked multiple times and the Americans in Yokosuka had confirmed it as well." The subordinate replied.

"What's wrong?" The JADF commander looked up to his army counterpart. The usually stoic JGDF commander was looking rather concerned. That was rare for her but given the situation they were in, it probably wasn't surprising.

"I had just been given reports that the Americans had just done something drastic." The JADF commander answered.

"What have the Americans done?" The JMDF commander asked.

"Recall just minutes ago, there were several spikes on our satellites and drones monitoring the Pacific?" The JADF commander asked.

"Yes, what of them?" The JGDF commander asked.

"Those were nuclear detonations we detected." The JADF commander answered, "The Americans had fired twelve nuclear missiles into the state of Delaware to destroy an enemy force conducting an amphibious assault."

"W-What?!" The JMDF commander gasped, "The Americans?! On their own country!"

"Has this been verified?" The JGDF commander asked.

"Yes, multiple times now, hell even the Americans in Yokosuka were asked and they confirmed it as well." The JADF commander reiterated.

"What kind of enemy are we facing?" The JAMDF commander asked aloud.

No one had the answer, at least not the moment.
The Aegean Crusade - Part 1
Against the Odds: The Aegean Crusade
Chapter 1: I am the Alpha​

In the darkness, she slept, memories flashing through her head as she dreamed.

She was to be the first dreadnought of her people, simply built abroad for lack of knowledge and equipment, only to be kidnapped by her builders.

"What are you doing!? Ohi! Stamata!"

She remembered the bluster of the man who called her by her builder's name and declared that it would be hers.

"In the name of the Kaiser, I hereby christen you Seiner Majestät Schiff Vulcan."

"Ohi! Eimai _______! Not Vulcan! Ohi!"

She remembered the first time she had to fight. No, fight wasn't the right word. It was explosions and PAIN.

"AAAAAHH!!! Holy God, holy Mighty, holy Immortal, have mercy on us."

"What are you doing?"

"I don't want to sink before—SEYDLITZ LOOK OUT!"



She remembered that fight, where she learned the true meaning of WAR.

"Moltke! Please, hang in there! You and Seydlitz promised me we'd make it back together!"

"Sorry, Vul... no. _______... I can't. You'll have to... carry on... with...out..."


"Come on _______, we have to go!"

"But Seydlitz, we're almost to Jade Bar! We can't just leave her!"

"And I'm barely afloat as is, and you've been beat to scheisse as well! This is war, Vulcan, or did you not learn that it's not all sunshine and rainbows last time?"


"How are you?" a creepy voice, unfamiliar to the dreamer, cut through the memory.

The dreamer opened her lavender eyes and looked around. Within the empty black void, she couldn't see anyone else. Looking down, she relaxed slightly at seeing her familiar purple jacket. Okay, she thought to herself, running a hand through her jet-black hair. At least it's not like those dreams Maenad likes to talk about, where you're naked in public. Ahh, who am I kidding, she goes streaking the moment she touches the rum. Curse you, perfidious Albion. "I guess I'm fine. Who's asking?" she answered warily.

"One who can grant your greatest desire," the voice said, with a bit of a seductive hiss. "Surely a lonely ship like you wishes to sail with dearly departed friends and family once more? All you have to do is one. Little. Thing."

The young woman closed her eyes, thinking. Then, they shot open. "I don't trust your angle. If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. What's the catch?"

"The catch?" the voice asked, bewildered. "There is no catch." Suddenly, the void was filled in by the warm waters of the eastern Mediterranean. The woman's eyes widened at the sight of her family, beckoning for her to join them. "All this and more I will give you, little battleship," the voice offered, "if you will bow down and worship me."

The battleship's eyes narrowed. "You think yourself the devil? In that case, away from me, Satan, for it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only'!"

The voice was silent. Suddenly, the scenery vanished back into the void as another memory entered her mind: 1200 planes loaded for airstrikes, all aimed at her. The battleship, standing alone in the darkness, started to desperately gasp for breath as the darkness coiled tighter around her neck. "I̶f̷ ̷I̵ ̸c̷a̵n̶n̵o̶t̸ ̵h̷a̶v̵e̶ ̵y̷o̸u̸ ̶w̶i̵l̶l̷i̵n̴g̶l̸y̸,̷" the voice said, clearly angered by the battleship's defiance, "t̷͎͇̪̜̿h̵̢̼̜̫̺̿e̷̙̜̼̮̐ǹ̷͍͔̕ ̸̲͓͔̞̂̒Į̷̮̳̺͈̾̋̅͆͝ ̴͔̹̠͆̎ͅs̸̻̼͌̄̌̃h̸̨͔̩̙͊̈́a̴̮̋l̷̲̼͕̉̿̒ḻ̴͍̭̐̆̉̉͝ ̷̛̯̝̣̑̏́͘t̶̨͇͕̑̿̎à̶̺͉͚̙̰̋͆͆͘k̴̫̓́e̵̞͝ ̸̝̟̀̔̿y̶̖̝̙̯̼͛̿̈́́o̵̰͉͔̓̔͗̇̕ū̸͙̗̀͌̾̊ ̸̯̼̹̌̔̂ã̶̮͉̱̎̀͝͝ṇ̵̛̎̍ḋ̸̡̛͉̭͇͕͝͠͝ ̸̩̀̀͑̊y̵̰̆̔̌͐̉o̶̱̟̘͚̽͑ȕ̴̠̘̼̅̚ŕ̴̡̢̹̾̈́̑͜s̶̨͚̬̦̋̏̀ ̸̢̨̾̽̋b̴̫͋̈́y̴̻͉͑̈́ ̵̨̪͓͎̠͊f̷͍͑̑̕͝õ̶̡͈̩̠̆̂̍̕r̶̢̤͚̤͛͋c̵̱͌̈́̈́̏e̴̢͓̐!̷̣͖̳̀̈́"

But then, as a pulse of light briefly flared out somewhere, she remembered. Not the depressing beginning of her life, nor the absolute overkill Hitler had to go through to sink her at the end. But the years between, of life as was intended from the start.

"Ahh, yia sas! You must be Salamis and Seydlitz! I am Georgios Averof, but you can call me Mama."

She was still suffering from having lost her innocence, and her new home was in the process of transitioning. Yet still, they did their best to make her feel welcome.

"Aionia, i minmi. Aionia, i minmi, Aionia, i minmi."

"Mama, what's that hymn? I've heard you sing it before, but I don't know what it means."

"It's a memorial hymn, Salamis. Five years ago today, your Great-Aunt Psara and I were among the fleet sent to force the Dardanelles. I almost hit a mine and tried to warn everyone. Unfortunately, thanks to a translation error, nobody else knew about the minefield. That mistake cost us Aunt Psara and all her men. But as long as we remember them, they still live on in our hearts."

"Just as they've gone to heaven?"

"Yes, Salamis."

She remembered bittersweet goodbyes.

"Yiayia, where are you going?"

"I'm afraid Spetsai and I are too old to be any useful to the navy, Salamis. We're due to be scrapped."

"Yiayia, I—"

"Don't you cry, Salamis. I've lived a long and full life, and I regret nothing. Spetsai would tell you just the same if she was here. Just remember, so long as you remember us, we're never truly gone."

"Like Moltke and Aunt Psara?"

"Precisely, my dear."

With all her memories shining in her mind, Salamis then heard a voice she thought she'd never hear again after they separated at Crete.
"I think I might take you up on that offer," her dear sister, and greatest anchor prior to her baptism, told the scary evil voice, and the . Before it could say anything, however, Salamis cut in.

"Ohi, Argos!" she cried out. "Don't listen to it! It's a trap, set by the devil!"

"Who?" the silver-haired battlecruiser asked, her steely gray eyes looking around before settling on Salamis. "Salamis? What are you—ahh!" she gasped, as something flowed into her mouth.

Salamis grabbed Argos and started gunning her engines, as the voice taunted her, saying, "D̴͎̣̲̝̅̆̿̆͋i̶͐ͅd̵͕̞̽̍̈n̷̨̥̲̯͝'̵̱͖̙̃́͘t̸̖̼̍̌̇̈̈ ̸̨̮̯̃̄I̴̥̮͒͑̀͑͆ ̵̼̰̞͔̼̉s̸͉̪͌̀̄̚̚à̵̟͖̯̳͑y̵̢̲̫͜͝ͅ ̸̨͓̘͙͌̐͛I̷̟͙̹̽̔̕ ̴̛̝̇͋̊̄w̶̻̩͎̙̋̊͜o̴͈̿ü̷̟͂͘ľ̴̨̠͕̱̍d̴̢͔͖͔͐͛͌̋ͅ ̵̳̊t̶̛͓̫̐͊̓͠á̵̼̮̄̾́͝ͅk̸̠̏̍̐̐͊e̷̞̭̿ ̵̨̜̦̎͒͋͘y̷͓͘ö̵̼̳̟́͌ừ̸̧͈̝͚̻̀͒ ̴͖̰̘̗̺̓̄̕͝a̵͕̼̓n̶̦̯̯͒͜d̴̢̝͔͈̒͘͘͜ ̸̼͠ẻ̸̢͚͈̣̄v̶̱͚̂ḙ̵͈̈́͐͐̉͜͜r̵͕͒̿̐̕ͅy̸̢̡̻̿̀̐͠o̵̦̤̎̏̊̌n̶̰͈̰̭͗͂̾̀͐e̸̢͓̱͂͂͒̐̽ ̶̮̒̿͘̚y̸̥̪̹̐͂̀́͝o̴̙̻̗̲̞͑̂͋͠ų̸͘ͅ ̶͚̪̉h̶̯̀́o̷̝̹̰͋ḽ̵̎̒̊͌̕d̶̺̄̑̔͒ ̸̧̛̖̖͍̬̅͛̒d̸̨̨̫͙̉́̅̕͝é̵̢̨̛̹̯͖̆ả̷͕̭͚͎ͅr̴̳̼̀̓͂?̷̡̱̏"

As the general quarters alarm sounded and the void became consumed by a shining light from above, Salamis only responded with two words, in that laconic tradition of her and her crew's ancestors. "Molon labe!"

January 1, 2011

10:00 PM

Constantinople, Byzantium

Salamis and Argos breached the surface and saw a city aflame. In the distance, the proud cathedral known to many as the Hagia Sophia burned, a gaping hole in the dome.

Ohi: No. OTL Greek Prime Minister allegedly said this in reply to Benito Mussolini's ultimatum to Greece on October 28, 1940.
Stamata: Stop
Eimai: I am
Aionia, i mnimi: May his/her/their memory be eternal. A traditional memorial hymn in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Molon labe: Literally "Come and take [them], King Leonidas said this to Xerxes I in response to the Persian king's demand that he, his personal guard of 300, and the 1000 or so regulars in the Spartan army surrender their weapons on the eve of the Battle of Thermopylae
Onslaught - 2.1
AN: With the end of Massacre, ends the opening hours of the first day of Blood Week…its time to take stock of the situation and to deal with the coming storm.

"The hardest part about being a good officer, no matter the branch, is the faces of the people you get killed. Bad officers just see numbers on a list, but a good officer remembers the faces. That's likely why good officers are so damned hard to find, Lord knows I struggle with that." - Admiral Taylor Hebert, Shipgirl USS Brockton CB-1

Rushing into LPNY, Brockton led her task force like ducklings, a frantic survivor transfer having occurred outside the harbor to get all of Water Witch's survivors off so they could get into a CBRN-rated ship. That had consumed time, they had no idea if or when fallout would be dumped on their heads. Thus all of her girls, plus the group that had escorted the steel hull USS Vulcan in were being told to get inside a CBRN-rated building immediately.

Thus, Brockton's first concern was getting to a boat ramp to dismiss her rigging and then make that mad dash for a building connected to a fallout shelter. The mere idea of having to run for a building like that…it caused something to settle deep within the pit of her holds. A great unease that sure as hell didn't feel right as finally she spotted the boat ramp and began to approach it.

As she did so, she noticed several people were standing there wearing these one-piece suits that connected to boots and gloves that accompanied the gas masks. Why was such protection needed? She could understand the gas masks, but she didn't see the reasoning behind the suits, boots, or gloves. It made no sense to her. Pushing the thought away, she focused on the boat ramp, drawing her hull into herself. Her feet hit the ramp and with a thought, she dismissed her rigging.

Motes of light bubbled up and glowed around her rigging as it dissolved into nothing, a dull thunderclap of displaced air slamming back into position as it vanished. Smoothly stepping off the water and onto land, she strode up effortlessly even as water swirled around her shoes. She didn't particularly care about the water getting her shoes wet. She was a ship after all, being wet was a way of life for her.

Taylor exhaled and allowed her shoulders to slump. Strangely enough, despite having been awake since seven in the morning, which meant she had been going for seventeen hours by this point in time, she wasn't tired. Her life had changed very dramatically in the last few hours. She didn't see Emma, Charlotte, Madison, or the other members of her squadron coming up the boat ramp, but she knew that they were coming up anyway and thus she walked up the boat ramp and reached its crest just as the others started to trickle in.

Aisha and Dinah came up first, their rigging also vanishing into strobing flashes of light. Ghostly images were however superimposed over them. Their hulls glowed with a supernatural brightness that she realized only she could see. The two girls were clutching their bellies and Dinah had a chunk ripped out of her neck, the wept blood and oil.

"Hungry." Dinah moaned plaintively, treating her ghastly wound as a mere scratch.

Taylor looked over the men. "Ensign" she called, one part of her was freaked at how she could recognize ranks. But a small part of her took solace in the fact that she could.

"Yes ma'am?" The ensign she was looking at asked as he stepped forward.

"Can you arrange for Aisha and Dinah to get some food? And have an engineer check Dinah?" Taylor asked and the man nodded.

"Aye, ma'am!" An Ensign said before looking at the two smaller girls and muttering "Today has been fucking weird" before saying in a louder tone. "Dinah, Aisha, please follow me." The two smaller girls followed the young man like eager, if hungry ducklings.

The next ship girl that trundled up the boat ramp like a battle-scarred warrior was Charlotte, she frankly looked like a heavyweight champion had thoroughly worked her over. Her skin was black and blue from bruising with a variety of shallow cuts across her front and arms. Some of those cuts however appeared to have scabbed over as repairs were affected, faintly Taylor could hear the thumping of rivet guns and the crackle of welders. "Ugh, I am going to be sore in the morning, I just know it." she groaned as she followed Aisha and Dinah.

"Technically already is morning." Some wiseass said.

"Shut up, please. I just need to sleep." Charlotte sniped back.

"You are a ship! Why the fuck do you need sleep?!" The wiseass asked stunned.

"Because at my core I am a teenage girl, so…" Charlotte finished her sentence in a language that Taylor didn't recognize, but judging by how Charlotte said it, she figured it was a curse.

"Jeez, was that necessary?" The wiseass replied.

"Seaman Apprentice?" Taylor said, addressing the wiseass.

"Yes?" The man said.

"Consider yourself on report," Taylor growled, she didn't want to deal with this shit.

Surprisingly, the seaman paled as if her words had actual meaning. "Y-yes ma'am."

Shrugging she looked back as she heard Emma cry "Blessed land!"

Taylor turned and watched as the mass of battered steel attached to Emma dissolved in a flash of light. With a cry she doubled over and then stumbled up the boat ramp, practically dragging one of her legs because sticking out of her hip was an oblong object about the length of a meter stick pointing out of it. Water, thick with blood and oil, gushed from a hole the size of a silver dollar in one of her breasts. One of her arms was very distinctly broken and the accompanying hand was a mangled ruin of an extremity.

"EMMA!" Taylor cried out and rushed to support her sister, she quickly slung one of Emma's arms across her shoulders and felt the redhead shift her weight immediately.

"Thanks, Taylor, ow!" Emma said as she hobbled with Taylor's help up the boat ramp. As they crested it, one of the sailors, a woman spoke up.

"Holy fuck, someone go get EOD! Now goddammit now!" A sailor said and someone ran off Taylor looked at the thing sticking from Emma's hip and her eyes widened when she saw the distinctive twin screws of a torpedo.

"Emma?" Taylor squeaked.

"Yeah, Taylor?" Emma asked in a sweet voice

"You have a fucking torpedo poking out of your side!" She screeched and Emma looked at said torpedo then at her.

"Thanks for stating the obvious. The thing was a dud." Emma said laconically.

"How are we going to get that thing out?!" Taylor half demanded, half questioned as Benson led her squadron up. Madison though was practically hanging off…oh hell…an identical twin. Madison's eyes grew huge as she saw Emma.

"Jesus fuck Emma!" Madison hissed in alarm. "Why the hell didn't you tell us that you got hit by a torpedo?"

"Didn't see a reason because it didn't explode." Emma grumped and Madison put her head in her hands.

"You idiot!" Taylor snarled. "You get hit by a torpedo, I don't care if it's a dud, you tell us!"

Emma held up her hands. "Hey, sorry, I didn't want to use TBS because you would think it exploded and call off the engagement."

Taylor paused in her anger and sighed in exasperation before pausing and had to stop herself from cursing. Emma was right, Taylor knew that if she had heard that she had taken a torpedo, she wouldn't have cared if it was a dud. She would have likely decided to call off the engagement, the safety of her large cruisers would be taking precedence over the destruction of the enemy.

Sighing again, Taylor grunted and wanted to do nothing more than whack Emma over the head for doing something that arguably could have threatened her seaworthiness, possibly fatally. But she held her hand, for now, she could do it after they had gotten settled down.

"Lannie," Madison asked and her twin, whose hull had 426 on it looked at her.

"Maddy, how often did I tell you not to call me that?" The unknown, Lannie, asked, giving her twin a foul look or well trying, the slight smile on her face ruined it.

"Too many to count. I've missed you, Lansdale!" Madison replied.

Lansdale sighed. "Yeah, too many to count and when I sank, my last thoughts were of you." the other girl said and Madison immediately enveloped Lansdale in a hug.

"Don't say shit like that. Your death hurt more than anything Lannie! It hurt more than when I failed to protect Los Angeles or to avenge her!" Madison cried as she pulled Lansdale in closer.

"Girls!" Taylor barked.

"Yes, Taylor?" Madison asked.

"Yes ma'am?" Lansdale asked,

"You two can properly reflect and catch up later. Can you two help me lay Emma down?" Taylor asked and the two girls groaned but nodded before walking over. As they did so, Taylor looked around and noticed that the Fletchers had walked up as well and that they, collectively with the girls of DESRON 7 had formed a protective perimeter.

"Right, we're going to lay you down," Taylor said and Emma nodded, shifting her arms so that they were under Emma's shoulders. Taylor slowly lowered the redhead, who winced and cried out several times, to the cold hard concrete.

"Is this necessary?" Emma moaned in pain as pounding boots caught Taylor's attention.

A group of men came into view. EOD techs judging by their gear. "Yes," Taylor replied as the men knelt around the torpedo poking from Emma's hip. Their name tags read Bill, Carl, and Frank.

"Can we sedate her?" Frank asked her.

"How the hell do we do that?" Carl asked.

<<Chief Engineer, any ideas?>> Taylor asked her crew.

<<One, Brockton, and that's having Southshore let her boilers go cold and kick on her diesel generators. We can't hook her up to Shorepower, so that's the best we can do.>> Her Chief Engineer replied.

<<Got it,>> Taylor replied.

"Okay, Emma, tell your engineering crew to extinguish your boiler fires and kick on the generators," Taylor said and Emma looked at her shocked.

"But I am warm, and the concrete is cold," Emma whined.

"Emma, we don't want you jerking if we have to remove the torpedo," Taylor replied and Emma pouted deeply.

"Fine." she hissed and after a moment, her eyes unfocused and glazed over. Her breathing shifted into something different, a sign of being under. Taylor recognized it from after Mom's accident when she was in the hospital recovering after one of her surgeries.

Taylor though still wanted a few minutes before pinching Emma in the one place that she knew would get a response, her butt. Emma didn't respond noticeably, her glazed-over eyes peering at a point in the sky. Taylor sighed after a moment. "Alright, she's under."

The men nodded and began examining the torpedo. "Never seen a torpedo that looks like this one before," Bill said.

"Agreed, it looks old. Any sign of plaque or construction markings?" Carl said as he looked it over.

Another pulled a flashlight out and flicked it on, the body of the torpedo glinted a burnished black under the glow of the light. The beam of light swept over the menacing body as it looked for markings until suddenly, something glittered a brass color. "Got a plate here," Frank answered as he leaned down to inspect it.

"The fuck? Is that German?" he asked after a moment, bafflement clear in his voice.

Carl looked over. "That is German, but that font sure as hell isn't right for a plaque like this. I'm not seeing a Swastika, so the torpedo isn't Nazi, judging by the plaque, I would say this thing is Imperial German."

"I feel like I just entered the Twilight Zone," Frank answered.

"Great, well, we're going to have to access the warhead section to defuse this thing. Thoughts on the warhead size?" Bill asked as Carl measured the diameter with a tape.

"Looking at the manufacturer's plaque, I'd say this is an H8, warhead is over two hundred kilos of Hexanite," Carl said.

Emma's blinker lights came to life. [I have a thing with over 200 kilos of explosives buried in me?! Get it out! Get it out! Get it out!] she blinked hysterically.

Taylor put her hand on Emma's shoulder. "We will Ems,"

"Great, that's on par with the Mark 83 for filler weight. I need an exclusion zone." Bill remarked.

"How big?" Carl asked.

"Call it one kilometer," Bill said.

"Fucking lovely," Carl said.

"That is if the warhead section is either intact," Frank replied looking at the torpedo.

"How so?" Carl asked.

"Simple, this thing slammed into our friend here probably going over thirty knots. If the warhead section is even vaguely intact, I'll be surprised." Frank said, gesturing to Emma.

"Fuck, that's not good," Carl replied.

"You don't say, Carl," Bill answered.

"Right, so Bill, Frank, got any ideas?" Carl asked.

"Nope," Carl replied.

"I got one," Frank said.

"Let's hear it, Frank," Bill answered.

"We could have Madison and Lansdale pull it out slowly while we run water over it," Frank said and Taylor looked at him like he had grown a pair of heads.

"Are you insane? If this thing goes boom," she started before Frank cut her off.

"It goes boom, you, Emma, Madison, and Lansdale will be relatively alright. The rest of us will be thin smears," he said sharply.

"How do you know that?!" Taylor said, semi-hysterically.

"Your twenty-eight thousand tons of steel? Seriously, an explosion this big will hurt, but won't kill you, whereas we will need a Ziploc baggie." Frank replied.

"You are remarkably calm about that fact," Madison noted alarmed.

"Being Explosive Ordnance Disposal requires you to arguably be fucked in the head," Bill added. "Lansdale, can we use one of your hoses?"

"Why do you want one of my hoses?" Lansdale asked incredulously.

"We need the water for spark suppression," Bill stated calmly and Lansdale nodded, then with a flash of light, a hose materialized in her grip and she opened the taps some. A jet of water washed over the torpedo and Emma's midsection, soaking into what had probably been a quite pretty red cocktail dress at some point.

"Right, Madison, Taylor, I need you to slowly pull the torpedo out. If any of us say stop, you stop, got it?" Frank said and Taylor nodded, and so did Madison.

"Madison, I'll pull it out, you support the thing so it doesn't catch," Taylor said and Madison nodded before putting her hands in such a position to do so.

Grasping the heavy construct she looked at Madison and nodded. "Ready!" she called.

"Pull it out, slowly," Bill said and together, her arms heaving, she pulled back on the torpedo. At first, it refused to budge, but then with a motion that drew a hiss from Emma, it started to come loose. The long heavy construct was soaked in oil and blood from where it had been lodged in Emma's side.

It never caught on anything and with a squelching sound, the torpedo came free. "Alright, Taylor, put it down on the ground a couple of paces away," Bill said and Taylor did so, she had just stepped away from the damn thing when it changed. More specifically, it sprang to much larger dimensions, 60 centimeters across and several meters long. The nose of the torpedo was crumpled to the point that it was unrecognizable.

"JESUS!" Taylor yelped, springing away from the torpedo. The thing had just gone from manageable to uh, quite huge.

"That's odd. Alright, Madison, Lansdale, get Emma on a stretcher, and Taylor, the Admiral wants to see you ASAP." Frank said.

Taylor nodded and looked at Madison and Lansdale. "Take care of Ems, okay?" She asked and Madison nodded.

"We will Tay!" Madison replied.

Taylor then looked at Frank. "Take me to the Admiral," she said firmly.

"Yes ma'am!" Frank said before heading off, with her following him. She was led on a winding path through the base and eventually was led through an airlock underground and then into what was a nuclear bunker. Then she was led through a maze of hallways before they came to a door.

Frank pushed the door open and Taylor walked through. There was a surprising number of people around. One particularly haggard, exhausted-looking man was in PRT Response Squad fatigues, another man was in Navy working khaki fatigues wearing the rank of a captain with heavy bags under his eyes, another man was a Coast Guard Lieutenant Junior Grade, also looming in the room like a giant was Armsmaster whose normal blue and steel paint had been replaced with a mixture of white, blacks, and greys in a camo pattern. Furthermore, there was an active video screen that was split in two with one screen showing a man in USAF fatigues with the rank of a general but the other was entirely black save for the seal of the United States Coast Guard with text that said Coast Guard Station Brockton Bay. But sitting behind a desk, was a tall, thin man in Dress Whites, who promptly stood.

"That was an excellent showing at Saco, Rear Admiral. As much as I'd like to exchange pleasantries, the situation doesn't allow for it," Vice Admiral Franklin Holloway said with a sharp nod and a carefully hidden smirk.

There was a brief pause as Taylor had her spotters check her surroundings, then it clicked. "A-admiral? Me?" she squeaked, shocked.

Within her, her signals officer very pointedly stood and walked onto one of the bridge wings, and looked straight at the flag of a two-star admiral flying in the rigging. This caused Taylor's expression, which already looked like that of a stuffed fish, to slacken considerably.

"Yes, Admiral," Holloway said, "you led forty ships. That's a two-star billet and for having no previous experience. You did a superb job."

Taylor stooped her head. "Thank you, sir."

"My pleasure. Anyway, here's the situation that we know as of right now. At 0030 local time," Holloway began before pausing and everyone surprisingly dipped their heads "we have a confirmation of twelve nuclear detonations across the Delmarva Peninsula, thankfully due to the weather patterns we don't have to worry about fallout. Furthermore practically every major city and port from as far south as Norfolk to as far north as Halifax have been attacked by enemy forces of varying strength. The heaviest attacks appear to be at Hampton Roads, New York City, Boston, and Halifax with landings in the Delmarva Peninsula. The enemy we are facing here has an outright enormous capability to project force." Holloway said and Taylor nodded.

"Agreed, the amount of tonnage that would be required to pull that off, would need the Royal Navy at the hypothetical zenith of its during World War I and even then. I don't think that they would have the ships to do everything, at least not in the numbers that we've been able to determine them attacking." The Coast Guard man replied.

"How big would that be?" The PRT man asked.

"A force involving close to a hundred capital ships plus many smaller vessels and even then, given what we know. The forces involved, you would have to tack the hypothetical maximum strength High Seas Fleet and of the United States Navy at the end of WWII onto that. That is a force involving close to eight thousand ships, just to put it into perspective." The Lieutenant said.

"Exactly, Lieutenant Gibbs. This war is only just beginning and we still don't know if this is an isolated incident or not." Holloway said.

"That also doesn't count what's going on at sea." The Navy Captain said.

"How so, Captain Synder?" someone asked and then Taylor realized that she had spoken when everyone looked at her. It was more than a little unsettling.

Synder looked her over. "Well Admiral," he trailed off.

"Hebert. Taylor Hebert." Taylor replied, earning nods.

Synder continued. "Well Admiral Hebert, to be frank, Channel 16 is going fucking berserk. Plus we've heard reports of several American and British warships abandoning ship. At least seven American and four British, in addition to what the USN lost at Saco Bay. Plus Vulcan's radio team has confirmed at least fifty civilian ships are in the process of abandoning ship with dozens more under attack."

There was a pause before Taylor cursed sharply under her breath.

"That about sums it up." The USAF General said.

"Agreed, any major surface combatants lost?" Armsmaster asked.

"At the moment we're unsure, but if we've lost Amphibs I won't be surprised. Battleship Group New Jersey has reported that they've engaged the enemy a couple of times southwest of Iceland and they're heading home, but they're hampered by several damaged vessels and they have to slip past Halifax." Synder replied and curses went around the room.

"Why aren't they heading back to England or Iceland?" The PRT man, his nametag read Booth, asked.

"I have to agree with the Cape Cop, why the hell isn't New Jersey running to Iceland or England? Those places would be closer." The USAF General questioned.

"We asked about that actually. Iceland is also under attack and the things in England are about as confused there as it was when the Third attacked London back in '02." Synder said and Taylor, Armsmaster, and Booth cursed in unison.

"So, we have to assume that whatever or whoever attacked the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast has also attacked Iceland and the United Kingdom," Holloway said, to a general groan around the room.

"Great, this day just gets worse and worse." Lieutenant Gibbs groused.

"Agreed, but at the same time, we have successfully counterattacked in multiple locations." Holloway heaved an enormous sigh as if he was about to do something huge. "In that case, consider General Provisional Order One to be active again."

"What's that?" Armsmaster asked and Holloway grinned.

"When in doubt, win the war," he said and Taylor smiled.

"Sir, in that case, since we can't reach higher. I have a proposal for an operation of utmost importance." Taylor said and she couldn't believe that she said that.

"Let's hear it," Holloway said.

"I propose that I take myself, Norfolk, Valcour Island, Bangor, and DESRON 7 out to rendezvous with Battleship Group New Jersey and we bring them home to Brockton Bay." Taylor proposed and Holloway nodded.

"Good idea, it would greatly improve our combat capability in the region and will save thousands of American lives," Holloway said and Armsmaster nodded.

"Admiral, how is your supply situation?" Booth asked.

"Definitely could be better, Valcour Island and Bangor plus the destroyers need a resupply. I have enough rounds for one more major battle, then I'll be out. Best that I have a resupply too." Taylor admitted, noting how weird it was to be thinking like this.

"I'll see what I can do for catering," Booth grunted and it earned the man a bunch of strange looks.

"She's a ship that looks like a teenager, I thought that it would be obvious that she would resupply by eating! Err, ah, sorry Admiral." Booth explained quickly and Taylor nodded, smiling.

"No offense taken," Taylor replied, smiling.

"Why are you leaving Southshore and the Fletchers here? Particularly since the latter are vastly more capable ships," Armsmaster asked.

"Southshore has engine damage and I don't want to leave Brockton Bay completely undefended," Taylor replied and Armsmaster nodded.

"Good call, any idea on how to fix Southshore or yourself for that matter?" Lieutenant Gibbs asked.

"My ship's…spirit manifested an avatar. We can have her take a look." Synder said and Taylor nodded.

"Thank you, Captain," Taylor said.

"What about cape assets, you want any?" Holloway asked.

Taylor shook her head. "I don't want to risk any capes, at least not that far out. They don't have the same navigational aids as aircraft."

"Understandable and frankly, the local Protectorate and Wards don't have the fliers anymore. Dauntless died saving Miss Militia after the PHQ sank and Aegis along with the majority of the New Wave fliers were killed over Saco. Last we heard, Purity, Glory Girl, and Laserdream were at a small hospital in Lewiston Maine. By all accounts, Purity is alright but both Glory Girl and Laserdream are going to be hospitalized. No idea when we will be able to get Purity back down to Brockton Bay, probably after sunrise though." Armsmaster replied and Taylor exhaled slowly, schooling her features as she did so. It hurt so much to hear those losses that the capes had suffered be confirmed. Actually, that reminded her.

"Holloway, I would like to recommend Purity for some sort of decoration…" Taylor said, outlining what Aisha had seen her do. Bravely pressing the attack against enemy warships and despite things going bad, she never lost her composure and how, when Laserdream had been hit, she reacted immediately and with disregard for her own life went hurtling down after the falling the New Wave cape and caught her before she hit the water. She successfully extracted herself and her precious cargo.

Holloway whistled and smiled. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention Admiral. That's definitely worth something and since she arrived for muster under Endbringer protocols, she was technically deputized by the Protectorate. But since we've been treating this as not an Endbringer, but as we've essentially gone to war. It means that she thus technically served under Army command, not Protectorate."

"Thank you, sir, it's good to know that her bravery will not be forgotten. But, begging your pardon, what will that be eligible for?" Taylor asked and Holloway hummed.

"I would say, Distinguished Service Cross," Holloway said and Taylor smiled.

"Thank you, sir! Heroism like that deserves to be remembered," she replied.

"Good to hear, now Taylor, I want you to get at least six hours of rack time before your next sortie," Holloway said and Taylor nodded.

"I'll try for eight, sir."

"Good, dismissed."

Selfridge Air National Guard Base

Captain Kevin "Scarecrow" Hatheway rubbed his eyes blearily as he reviewed the report that he had typed up. On the face of it, the report was a typical after-action report that had been compiled from everything that had happened after the current rampaging shitstorm decided to happen. Their division hadn't lost any people today, but he had heard of the hell over NYC which had seen the 127th lose a half dozen aircraft. The squadron was functionally at, just about, two-thirds strength.

But he had already seen and heard of momentous acts of bravery. But few of those paled to what he had witnessed personally over Saco Bay. Glory Girl rushing through anti-aircraft fire, pressing on despite being visibly injured severely. Before treating a fucking Mark 84 as a fucking basketball and the funnel of the enemy as a hoop. That she had pressed her attack even after Aegis had been…erased from existence. It spoke volumes of her bravery and determination to see the attack through despite casualties, despite heavy enemy fire, despite being possibly mortally wounded.

It went far beyond what was expected of her, particularly as a freshly called-up Army Reservist who had then been given an immediate mission that threatened life and limb. If she had dumped her bomb and ran, no one would blame her. She didn't have the training to face combat, real combat, not the pussy-footing bullshit horseplay that capes did unless Endbringers were involved.

What Glory Girl, aka Victoria Dallon showed, not only upheld but sustained and even enhanced the traditions of the United States Army. It was a level of cool decision-making, gallantry, and intrepidity that needed to be rewarded and indeed remembered.

There was only one decoration that fit that bill.

The Medal of Honor.


The boat roared down the Hudson River as Brigandine clung to the gunwale, the big heavy Zodiac was handily outpacing the Truck Ducks of Albany Aqua Ducks and other vessels. Along the riverside roads was a long string of darkened army vehicles that were rushing south just like they were.

She hated the idea of attending Endbringer fights, but then again, what had happened wasn't really an Endbringer attack. Not with the radio continually announcing new attacks or old ones that had finally trickled out to the proper people for reporting. Albany had even been hit whatever the hell was going on.

Menacing black planes had slashed out the peaceful skies, shattering them in an instant. They had bombed, rocketed, and strafed practically anything that had moved. They had left dozens and quite possibly hundreds dead. It had set a stone on fire in her stomach in fury.

Then she learned that her hometown had been attacked and her fury had turned into fear for her sister and family. Her little sister hadn't answered her phone, not in the slightest despite calling her dozens of times. She feared the worst for her. But she had briefly gotten into contact with her parents which had been a relief.

She knew what she was going to do. She, along with the rest of the Albany Paladins were going to head to New York City and do whatever they could to help. Even if it meant driving an unknown enemy back, room-to-room, street-by-street, and brick-by-brick. They wouldn't stop until the enemy was dead or her last breath left her.

She would fight to avenge her sister and all the others who had died thus far.
Birds in the Air
1 January 2011
6:10 PM CST
Tulsa International Airport

The scene was one of barely controlled chaos, aircraft maintainers were hooking bombs, missiles, and fuel tanks to the aircraft, pilots were jumping into cockpits, and the sleek and silver F-16s roared down the runway and leaped into the air.

As the jets were gaining altitude, a voice came over the radio, "Alright folks, we've got confirmation that any aircraft past phase line 3 is to be considered a hostile. Any aircraft before phase line 3 is to be considered a bogey. That means we're weapons-free for anything past phase line 3." The voice paused before resuming, "Lighting 1 and 2 will run CAP while Lighting 3 will be hitting enemy naval assets, and Lighting 4 will be SEAD." Pausing again before saying, "Everyone, keep your head on a swivel. I want everyone to make it back to base. Understood?" A round of acknowledgments followed.


1 January 2011
6:35 PM CST
15 miles west of Houston
First Lieutenant Deshaun "Magellan" Jackson

Looking at the fires that were raging in Houston, Deshaun had a sinking feeling that this wouldn't be an uncommon sight for a lot of American pilots. He also prayed to God that his grandmother, grandfather, and all of their friends were alright and that they made it through everything safe and sound.

1 January 2011
6:40 PM CST
Just over Galveston, Texas
First Lieutenant Jose "Judge" Ramirez, Lighting 4-3

Jose's thoughts on his family back in Tulsa were interrupted by Lighting 4-1 announcing to the rest of the squadron, "14 Hostiles inbound, Stack, 10 Hostiles, BRAA: Zero Five Zero from Bulls, for 28, at angels 8, Cold. 4 Hostiles inbound, BRAA: Zero Four Five from Bulls, for 29, at angels 10, Cold."

"Roger, Lighting 1-1 tally 36. Lighting 1 engaging hostiles at angels 10."

"Roger, Lighting 2 engaging hostiles at angels 8."

What followed was a flurry of Fox 3 callouts which were followed by calls of Pitbull.
Finally, splash calls were made, "Splash 4 hostiles at angels 10." "Splash 8 hostiles at angles 8."

As the distance closed, Lighting 1-1 spoke, "Lighting 1 will shift to engage remaining hostiles at angels 8."

Once the 2 groups of aircraft were 12 miles away, calls of Fox 2 were announced, and a little later, splash calls were made. "Splash 6 hostiles at angels 8."

With all enemy air knocked out of the sky, Jose took a deep breath as he pushed his stick to the left, and headed toward the enemy fleet.

1 January 2011
6:55 PM CST
60 miles off the coast of Texas
Captain Sarah "T-Bone" Watkins, Lighting 4-1

Sarah switched to her HARMs when a call of, "Mud, 10 o'clock," sounded from 2-1.

Sarah quickly radioed, "Alright, Judge, Blaze you're attacking the targets on the right, myself, and Pyro will hit the targets on the left."

The flight locked their targets and launched the missiles with calls of Magnum ringing out 8 times.

"This is Lighting 4, Winchester on Magnums."

Following it up, 8 Harpoons were launched from Lighting 3, with cries of Bruiser following suit.

"This is Lighting 3, Winchester on Bruisers."

"This is Lighting 1-1, all Lighting elements time to Bugout."

Sarah wished that they could have done a bit more to kill more of the fuckers that were attacking her home.

1 January 2011
7:05 PM CST
Above Galveston, Texas
Captain Ryan "Razor" Williams, Lighting 2-1

Ryan could see fires dotting Galveston, but that was insignificant to the trail of fire that led to Houston. The numerous roaring fires were throwing up huge smoke clouds that were visible this far out, even with it being night.

He hoped that the death toll wasn't too terrible, but he had to focus on the here and now. He returned his focus to his aircraft as he joined the squadron as they banked left to avoid the massive smoke pillars, and they headed back to base.


1 January 2011
8:15 PM CST
Tulsa International Airport
Lieutenant Colonel Karl "Marx" Davis, Lighting 1-1

Karl had just finished debriefing, and after hearing about everything that was happening across the US, he knew his squadron had gotten lucky that nobody had been shot down. He assumed that it had to do with whoever got Texas up and running and fighting, the defenses located across the Texan coast, it being night when they got there, them jumping on the stragglers returning to their ships, and most of all the savaging that affected just about every combat airwing in the western Gulf Coast. He hoped that he could get some shut-eye, cause they were likely going out tomorrow as well.
Timeline Post - The Point of Divergence
Author's Note - Myself and the writing team have been busy hashing out a timeline that could neatly explain all of the changes, such as why the Brockton class Large Cruisers never existed in Our TimeLine (OTL) came to be. The end result is shaping up to be an utter behemoth as we needed a Point of Divergence far enough back for the butterflies to pile up - but not far enough back that it makes Earth Bet look even more different than our own. Thus the PoD happens in 1898.

20 April 1898

President William McKinnely sat behind the Resolute Desk and frowned at the document sitting upon it. The Teller Amendment would block Manifest Destiny. Particularly with how Hawaii was set to be annexed soon, this war with Spain was a chance to reorient Manifest Destiny to a new goal. America had her house in order, but now they needed to secure the front and backyards which were the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific. Some would argue that America's front yard was the Atlantic, but there was a damning lack of islands to secure. But in the Caribbean, there were many islands to snap up and with this war with Spain, they could acquire two of the three largest islands in the Caribbean.

He frowned, how to get around the problem that this Teller Amendment proposed? Could he do something special for the Cubans and Filipinos?

Yes, they weren't the West. They didn't need the level of control that making them territories would give to the federal government. But they weren't fully civilized either. An intermediate state would be needed, somewhere between being a Federal Territory and full Statehood with an easy roadmap laid out that could get them Statehood before the turn of the century. He would have to talk with his Attorney General. He should loop in the chief justice of the Supreme Court as well. Yes, he could talk with John and Melville about this.

With a feeling of confidence, he vetoed the Teller Amendment and attached his notes on why he vetoed the Amendment. He didn't want the largest of the acquisitions to be treated as colonies but to be inducted into the United States of America as states.
Timeline Post II
20 April 1898

It's a known quirk of the United States Government that to override a Presidential Veto, a given bill or amendment needs a two-thirds majority. The arguments that echoed through the Senate once the Veto on the Teller Amendment came back were many and varied. Some of the opponents against the Veto, who wished to override it, genuinely believed that Cuba should be independent from Spain and not be brought under the yoke of the United States of America. Others didn't want Cuba to become a territory based on the fact that Cuba had a large black and Catholic population. Finally, some feared the competition that Cuban sugar and tobacco would bring against the Continental States which produced said things. However, the argument for the Veto was that this was a chance for the United States to expand into the Caribbean, for the nation to accept her destiny and become sovereign over the Caribbean Sea.

In the end, what doomed the Teller Amendment was that it didn't have Veto-Proof support, it needed 58 Ayes and had only gotten 51 Ayes the first time around. The votes came in, 48 Ayes and 40 Nays and the Teller Amendment died.

The following day, the American Ultimatum was sent to Spain, sans the Teller Amendment.