Harry And The Shipgirls: Prisoner of Shipping (A HP/KanColle Snippet Collection)

I think that, one, Bastion should probably put passwords on his computerized technology and, two, that the headmaster forgot about the oversights that geniuses tend to make.

Bastian is learning his lesson here, and if he hasn't, Daisy and his family have learned it for him.

Headmaster Bronson is reasonably intelligent. Or more precisely, he's smart enough to get himself into trouble and not smart enough to get himself out of it.
A. N. -- And a return to yet more members of Team Yellowhammer as I pick up this plot thread. Malfoys and Carrows make with the planning over breakfast (as one might expect). Prior snip here.

Nimue's Covert Carrow Companionship (XIII)

'Ohana, Disney's Polynesian Village Resort, Orlando, Florida

Thursday Morning, 9th April 2015

'I have found out there is no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.' -- Mark Twain

MUSIC -- A Very Malfoy Planning Meeting

"Now this is the proper way to start your day!" Flora Carrow declared joyfully as she surveyed her selection of favorite dishes from the 'Ohana breakfast menu. "Even better that we don't have to fight Ehren for access to the coffeepot, of course!"

Sitting beside her sister in their normal seats as part of the 'Malfoy Vacation Coordination Breakfast Meeting' that Narcissa had instituted as a feature of this shared vacation, Hestia giggled and nodded while buttering her Mickey Mouse waffle in preparation for slathering it in maple syrup. "Oh yes, it's worth your life to get between our favourite Hufflepuff and the breakfast coffeepot in the mornings back in Hogwarts!"

Rita LaRoy grinned and commented. "Ehren sounds like the kind of girl who would love free refills on her coffee to get going. I know that kind of customer from waitressing at Denny's as a summer job. Betcha she's a great tipper too."

Nimue chuckled at her Mundane school friend's wit. "Oh have no doubt of that, Rita. Ehren's an awesome future sister-in-law like that when it comes to the whole noblesse oblige kick that she's on. The next time she heads to the Panhandle for deer season I'll be sure to introduce you; you'd love her." Then the blonde girl glanced over to the Carrows. "You two are invited to bag fresh venison on the hoof alongside me and Ehren next fall, Hestia, Flora. I'll show you the ropes on how to deer hunt even."

The Carrow girls looked at each other and whispered back and forth then smiled and nodded at Nimue's invitation. "We'd love to visit Idaho and hunt deer with you Nimue." Hestia declared with a smile.

Flora nodded along then spoke. "By the way, I was thinking--"

Nimue interrupted Flora. "Don't hurt yourself, girlfriend! Thinking's tough and dangerous work, believe you me!"

The table broke up in laughter (and a raspberry from Flora sticking her tongue out at the giggling Nimue) before Flora managed to get the conversation back on track.

"Annnyway. I talked this plan over with Hestia and I'll be showing my House Pride by picking up a pet snake when we get back to England. I thought about hitting a pet store here in Florida, but Hestia pointed out that we have to fly back on a Muggle aeroplane and that wouldn't be fair to the snake getting hauled from this tropical paradise to Soggy Old London." Flora got out, along with a stink-eye directed at Nimue for zinging her over breakfast.

Chuck added in thoughtfully. "Might have a mort of trouble with customs too if you bought a pet snake home. Found that out tryin' to sell cattle cross the border in Canada; they get huffy about invasive species and licensing. Didn't Saint Paddy throw all the snakes out of England anyhow?"

Nimue nodded along with her own interested and thoughtful look.

Hestia shook her head as she responded to Chuck. "Saint Patrick was about Ireland, actually. We're Welsh, which really isn't the same thing as the Irish. But Little Sis is sure that there's a pet store in London that has snakes for sale and she'll just do her research on the plane ride home using the Muggle internet connection in our First Class cabin. Then she'll cash in her IOUs with Draco to get him and Ehren to take us there to shop for a snake."

Rita violently shivered at the thought of a pet reptile. "You can have a pet snake but count me out! Snakes're so... so... sooo ICKY!"

Chuck nudged his fiancee in the ribs and spoke teasingly to defuse the mood. "Even my 'pocket python', sweetie?"

The table broke up in laughter once more as Rita blushed redder than the watermelon slices in the fruit bowl and spluttered in mortified embarrassment.

Narcissa, who had been smiling benevolently while the children chattered, finally raised her voice to take command of the family gathering. "Since we only have two full days remaining on our vacation before I need to fly back to England with the Carrows and Murglais takes the rest of you back to Idaho, I believe that we should make some plans on how to fully enjoy this time. I shall, of course, schedule a spa visit for Friday afternoon followed by a second meal at Victoria & Albert's to serve as the capstone of our vacation. Between then and now, though...."

Nimue hummed around her broad grin at the news of yet another trip to a five star spa to get pampered and primped. "I figure we'll hit our favorite rides, shows, and attractions one last time to soak them in. So definitely the Haunted Mansion, Tom Sawyer's Island, Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse...."

"And Mister Toad!" Hestia chimed in while Flora nodded rapidly with her own big smile at the mention of one of their favorite rides.

Rita added in excitedly. "Totally Space Mountain too!" Chuck nodded and kissed her at this demand.

Nimue groaned and facepalmed. "Oh no, I always get motion-sick on that one...."

Hestia patted her fellow pure-blooded witch reassuringly on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Flora and I will help you keep from 'tossing your cookies' on Space Mountain again, Nimi."

Murglais spoke to add his thoughts into the mix. "I confess extreme partiality for the Hall of Presidents. I do believe that the plan to visit the Magic Kingdom today to enjoy the attractions is being passed by overwhelming approval, Lady Malfoy. Shall we depart for it as soon as breakfast is finished?"

Narcissa smiled and nodded. "Let's. Be a dear and set up our reservations at Cinderella's Royal Table for a late luncheon for us along with dinner at Be Our Guest, Murglais. I confess when we 'dined with the princesses' there last week was one of my favourite experiences of this trip. And their food is first-rate -- and I'm sure the children will work up an appetite at the park's other attractions."

"At your command, Lady Malfoy!" Murglais bowed to Narcissa. "I live to serve -- and arrange fine dining with Disney royalty. I shall, of course, notify you as to the times for our slot as well as insuring everyone makes it to their meals as a group."

Nimue added in a snarky editorial comment: "At least we get primo American cuisine for lunch before we have French for dinner." The broad smile she was showing at the prospect of 'having dinner with Beauty and the Beast' once more put the lie to the pro forma grumbling over the menu.

Narcissa gave Nimue a gently chiding maternal look paired with a fond smile for her daughter's spunk. "Behave, dear. Yes, I know it is not what you are used to currently, but the French do have a justified reputation for excellence in the culinary arts. You can do worse than be exposed to fine cuisine as I prepare you to become the next Lady Malfoy."

"Yes, Momzilla! I'll be good and allow you to civilize me into the next Lady Malfoy!" Nimue snarked back at her mother as the table dissolved in joyous laughter once more at her rapier wit.
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Yeah, sure has been a bit since we saw the Magical Thief Nimi-chan and her vacation with the Carrows.

Yeah, I needed to get back on team Disney, sooo....

Someone has definitely never actually interacted with an actual snake.
Shiromizu: "Slander detected.

Someone is a member of the ~1/3 of humanity who has a phobia of snakes thanks to evolutionary reasons.

(Rita's phobic, Nimue isn't. Draco OTOH.....)

The U got turned into a Y, and a second P was added.

Indeed so, fixed it!
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For the other rival of the Ono, they also add the Inu clan from which Natsumi's classmate who ois her school rival/childhood friend and future daughter-in-law come from.

And given this rivalry came from the fox vs dog thing, the nature of a third rival clan would be obvious.

The name of the snippet introducing them would probably "A Vengeance Most Fowl".

Or they could be Tengu to stay birdie and then Europeans would ask the Ono if at least the cheese was worth it.
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Someone has definitely never actually interacted with an actual snake.

Shiromizu: "Slander detected."

Someone is a member of the ~1/3 of humanity who has a phobia of snakes thanks to evolutionary reasons.

(Rita's phobic, Nimue isn't. Draco OTOH.....)
It should be noted as well that Idaho is also home to two different species of rattlesnake, so there is also that as well. Rita has likely encountered them out on the farm and knows how dangerous they can be.
Nimue's Covert Carrow Companionship (XIII)

Now this is the proper way to start your day!" Flora Carrow declared joyfully as she surveyed her selection of favorite dishes from the 'Ohana breakfast menu.
I agree with Flora, that looks yummy and filling. :D
Even better that we don't have to fight Ehren for access to the coffeepot, of course!"
Never get between morning zombie Ehren and the Kaffee.
Rita LaRoy grinned and commented. "Ehren sounds like the kind of girl who would love free refills on her coffee to get going. I know that kind of customer from waitressing at Denny's as a summer job. Betcha she's a great tipper too."
Yes to both Rita.
Rita violently shivered at the thought of a pet reptile. "You can have a pet snake but count me out! Snakes're so... so... sooo ICKY!"

Chuck nudged his fiancee in the ribs and spoke teasingly to defuse the mood. "Even my 'pocket python', sweetie?"
Kek! Good one there Chuck.😁
Murglais spoke to add his thoughts into the mix. "I confess extreme partiality for the Hall of Presidents.
Murglais is a sword of culture.
Behave, dear. Yes, I know it is not what you are used to currently, but the French do have a justified reputation for excellence in the culinary arts.
Say what you want about the French but they certainly do good when it comes to food and fashion.
Going through the usual checks and the like as he made his way through the Administration Building for the shipgirl part of the base, Harry became slightly thoughtful as he thought back to all the different times he had visited. Not just in the past few years, but also as a young boy as he often showed up to visit his adoptive Mother along with uncle and aunt figures who worked there. Well, once he learned how to get through the various check points and the like, though as a child he didn't really understand why. But he didn't really care either, seeing it as an adventure of sorts every time.

Now as he made that same journey once more, the teen softly hummed as another thought struck him, Jiahao speaking up from the back of his mind, '{Ah, considering the same for your own children?}'

Lightly blushing at being so easily caught out, the wizard shook his head a little bit, 'Maybe a little?'

It was then Natsue who spoke up, her voice warm, '{And there is really nothing wrong with that, Harry-Kun. Nothing at all, and to be quite honest? It speaks well that you are thinking about extending the same courtesy that you have been shown to any children you might have once you join the JMSDF.}'

Very slowly nodding, Harry released a slight sigh, 'I… just can't see myself not doing so. What if they need to talk with me about something? Like I have with Mum or Goto-Oji?' Placing his hands into his pockets, he frowned thoughtfully, 'So… when I become an Officer, I am always going to be leaving my door open to any kids that I might have once they're old enough to understand what they need to do.'

Moments later, he blinked some as he got a nod from his female incarnation, '{And that, Harry-Kun, is what will make you a good Otou-San to any children that you may have.}'

Blush deepening some at that, Harry scratched his cheek, 'Um, thank you.'

Rather than a full reply, he got a bit of a giggle before he shook his head. Soon reaching the door to the office belonging to Goto, his Mum, and Ooyodo, the teen took a deep knock and heard the Admiral speak up from inside, "Come in."

Opening the door and poking his head in, Harry gave a bit of a smile, "Good…" He glanced at the clock before nodding, "Morning, Goto-Oji, Mum, Ooyodo-Oba."

Soft smile on her face, Nagato gave him a nod, "And a good morning to you as well, Harry. Have a good sleep?"

Lips twitching, the wizard nodded happily, "Had a pretty good sleep…" Remembering why he was there, his smile fell slightly and he cleared his throat, "Mind if I talk with you about something?"

Just raising an eyebrow as he glanced at the others, Goto slowly nodded, "Of course, you know that our door is always open, Harry-Kun. Did something happen?"

Parsing both the words and tone, Harry shook his head slightly, "Nothing bad, just… strange."

Dry tone to her voice as she raised an eyebrow, the lone Light Cruiser glanced at the others, "Ah, so then the usual for you."

However, seconds later she blinked a bit as Harry shook his head, "Well… even for me, this is a bit of a strange one."

To his amusement, that made each of the three adults glance at one another with slightly concerned looks.

Clearing her throat, Nagato frowned slightly, "Well, come on in and close the door behind you, Harry." Once he did, and sat down in one of the chairs after getting a bottle of juice from Ooyodo, the Battleship folded her hands in front of her, "What happened?"

Not saying anything right away as he thought out his answer, the teen rubbed the back of his neck, "Well… for one thing, I still have my ID, but… I'm going to need a new one."

Eyebrow raising at that, Goto gave him a bemused look, "Why?"

Just continuing to rub the back of his neck, Harry took a deep breath and then released it, "Remember, Mum, how I told you that Natsue-Chan left behind something for me last December? A 'Gift', which would take some time to activate?"

Very slowly nodding as she frowned, the name ship of the Nagato Class narrowed her eyes before her eyes widened slightly, "Hai… it was supposed to activate once the peaches bloomed… I take it that they have in Kyoto have to do with why you're here?"

As Harry nodded, Goto raised an eyebrow, "Natsue… as in the former incarnation you had back in the Heien Era?"

With a bemused look on his face, Harry nodded, "Hai… and just to let you know, I'm not on Polyjuice, but you can use any questions to confirm that it is me."

Deeply frowning, the Admiral was about to ask when he watched as the teenage boy in front of him shifted. As his… or as it was soon apparent, her chest grew a rather impressive bust for a teen and her hips widened, he realized why Harry was wearing a pair of cargo pants alongside a rather loose grey shirt. Finally, where had been seated a young man was now a young woman, "…" Leaning back, Goto then gave a small nod, "Well, I can see now why you would need a new ID. Though, I will admit that this ranks perhaps an eight on the Harry Scale."

Very much amused, Harry cocked an eyebrow at that, "An eight?"

Cocking his own eyebrow, Goto gave a hum, "Much stranger has happened with you over the years after all. This is actually… rather normal in some ways and to be expected."

Rather than comment as she rubbed the side of her head, Ooyodo sighed and pulled out some papers, "Well, as you said, we need to make sure that it is you and I have the notes for such an event here."

If anything, that only made the teen even more amused, "You have actual paperwork for this?"

Ooyodo simply raised her eyebrow at him and gave him an even look over the rim of her glasses, "Of course I do, Harry-Chan. We are speaking of you, after all."

With a glance at the Battleship, who seemed holding herself back from something, the Cruiser soon began asking question after question of the teen. She was soon joined by both Goto and Nagato as the two also interrogated the girl in the chair. Finally, after quite the exhaustive amount of questions, the Admiral leaned back in his chair and nodded, "I'm fully convinced that you are, indeed, Harry-Kun. Nagato-Kun? Ooyodo-Kun? Do you concur?"

Slowly nodding as she adjusted her glasses, Ooyodo smiled slightly, "I concur, this is indeed Harry-Chan in front of us."

Before anyone could say anything, Nagato launched herself from behind her desk and hugged Harry tightly, picking her up and swinging her around, "Ahhhhh! My cute and adorable son has become a cute and adorable daughter!"

Extremely amused as he watched the teen get swung this way and that, with his Battleship Secretary Ship going on about various mother-daughter bonding things that they could now do, Goto shook his head some.


In the afterlife, James slowly shook his head some and mumbled, "Is it odd that I agree that this is not even the oddest thing that has happened to our son… daughter…?"

Pursing her lips some, Lily slowly nodded, "No…"

There was something about her tone that made the wizard turn away from what was happening and turn towards his wife. Seeing her expression, it took a moment before James slowly raised his eyebrows, "… You're even more jealous of her now, aren't you? And wish that you could come back?"

Sputtering some, Lily shook her head at that, "No!" Then, she sighed and leaned against a fist and her rails as she looked down into the water where the view of the world of the living played, "Besides, I gave up that possibility…" Then, a sigh broke free of the witch as she continued to watch, "… Though, we were talking about having a daughter."

With a slow nod, James placed his hands behind his head, "We were. I wanted Harry to have a bunch of siblings. Being an only child was… lonely." Looking down at the image as Harry finally got free of her adoptive mother's embrace, he took in the looks of his transformed son before twitching, "Dammit…"

Confused, the witch-shipgirl turned and looked at her husband who had a scowl on his face, "James?"

Eyebrow twitching, James gestured at their currently a daughter, "Just… Look at her!"

Utterly lost, Lily turned towards the image and looked at her before tilting her head, "What?" Then, she became thoughtful and rubbed her chin, "Though, you know that if it wasn't for the fact that I know she got it from her previous Incarnation, I'd definitely think that she got at least the bust from me as well as that arse."

Throwing his hands into the air, the wizard beside her shouted, "Exactly the problem, Lils! I was a teen myself and I can tell you, a lot of horny bastards are going to be leering at my daughter! They'll be undressing her with their eyes and her girlfriends! You know what they're going to be thinking-"

Before he could finish, Lily pushed him over the rails and into the water with a twitching eyebrow, "Fuck off, Potter." She then leaned against her chin as she continued to watch what was going on as she ignored the splashing and sputters down below, "Hmm… some of my old clothes would look good on her though… maybe nudge her towards them so that she has at least outfits to shop in…?"


Doing the necessary paperwork for a new ID, Goto hummed a little bit as he watched with bemusement as Nagato was still in a happy daze, "So, are you going to have the same name on the new ID?"

Just blinking for a moment as she turned some in her mother's embrace, Harry gave a small shrug, "Harry is fine, it can be used for a girl's nickname after all since it is short for Harriet or Harietta."

Only nodding at that, the Admiral continued the paperwork in order to get it done before he continued, "Out of curiosity… any particular plans?"

Leaning back a little bit, Harry hummed some before shrugging, "Not really? I know that I am going to be using a fake name when I am like this back in Britain as it would be pretty damn useful to prevent people from knowing that it is me."

That got him an approving nod from Goto at that before Ooyodo spoke up, "You will likely be asked to report to the base hospital in a few days, Harry-Chan."

Utterly confused, the teen turned towards her with an odd look on her face, "Um, sure? But why would I need to report?"

Very slowly, Ooyodo raised her eyebrow at that, "Mainly so that we can add the health information to your file regarding your female form. Much like we did with regards to the health information about your Animagus form to the same file."

Grimacing a little bit, Harry shook her head at that, "Right… I mostly blocked out that visit, thank you."

A laugh escaping from her, the Cruiser shook her head, "I do not really blame you on that matter, Harry-Chan." Suddenly, a thought occurred to her and she frowned, "Wait, when you are in this form, can you also use your Animagus form?"

Mouth opening, Harry was about to answer when she stopped and considered the question. A moment later, rather than a teenage girl, there was the winged fox that was so familiar to people. Then, a brief glance down made them all correct that.

Because, rather, it was a female winged fox.

Transforming back, Harry gave a small nod, "Well, that definitely answers that particular question."

Eventually, she did transform back into her usual male self and left after being informed that their picture would be taken. After Harry had been gone for a few minutes, Goto leaned back with a thoughtful look, "Hmm… you know, that will be rather useful for him later on if he joins the JMSDF."

Raising an eyebrow at that as she finally snapped out of her thoughts and various imaginings, Nagato frowned, "What do you mean by that, Teitoku?"

With a glance at her, Goto cleared his throat, "One of the ideas being bounced around, to help with the integration of women in the military, is to use certain potions to switch a recruit's sex for a day. So that they'll understand things from the other side, as it were. Male or female." He then gave a small shrug, "Harry-Kun won't have that particular issue, even leaving aside that he's had a large number of female role models in his life. I also fully expect him to cause more than a few twitches as it is highly likely that some days he would be female and others male without much thought on the matter."

About to say something, Ooyodo then closed her mouth and considered it. Then, a small sigh broke free as she pinched her nose, "… Harry-Chan would do exactly that, wouldn't he?"

Meanwhile, the lone Battleship shook her head as she could hear Yamamoto snickering a little on her bridge.

Outside, Harry stretched a bit as he left the Administration Building behind and got into his velomobile. Soon driving off, he hummed a little as he thought to himself, 'At least that went well enough…'

Lightly chuckling, Natsue spoke up in full agreement, '{Which was not unexpected.}'

Simply nodding at that, the teenage wizard chuckled some, 'True.'

Hum escaping from her, Natsue then spoke up once more, '{Anyways, have you given any real thought about what sort of name you might want to use for your other form in Britain? Especially if you want to hide who you really are from people like you want.}'

Considering the question for a few moments, Harry shook his head, 'I've given it some thought, and have a couple of names in mind that will work. But… one thing that I am going to do is get in contact with Yukina-Obaa.'

Rather lost, he could feel his previous incarnation mentally furrow her eyebrows, '{Yukina-San? Why would you…}' Trailing off, he could then feel her eyebrows widen as she came to a realization, '{You want to ask permission to use the Arashi name!}'

At that, Harry smirked some and nodded, 'Hai, it would make a lot of sense and it isn't like anyone looking at said clan would not realize that my hair as a girl fits in with the rest near perfectly.'

Unable to help herself, Natsue laughed, '{Very, very true!}'

Before he could answer back, a thought suddenly struck the fourteen-year-old and he hummed for a moment.

Grin appearing on his face, Harry reached out for his phone in its holder and tapped it, "Call, Natsumi."

While the phone began to ring, Natsue gave him a mental raise of the eyebrow, '{Why would you…}' Realizing what he was doing, she began to grin and laugh, '{Oh, this will be very amusing!}'

Smirk on his face, the teen nodded, 'Exactly~'

Right then, the phone connected and Natsumi's voice came through the speaker, "{Moshi, moshi, Harry-Chan. Didn't expect for you to give me a call.}"

If anything, that made the smirk on Harry's face grow, "Moshi, moshi… No worries, Natsumi-Chan. I was wondering if you could come by my apartment in a bit."

Confusion, and more than a little suspicion, coloring her tone, the Kitsune answered, "{Well, I'm not currently doing anything at the moment, Harry-Chan. Why? Did something happen?}"

Lightly laughing, Harry nodded even though he knew that she could not see it, "Oh, you could definitely say that. If you could, bring along Huixing-Chan as well as maybe see if Ren-Chan could join us."

Needless to say, that only made Natsumi all the more suspicious of things judging by the tone of her voice, "{I'll see if I can get in touch with Ren-Chan, Harry-Chan. Though, I expect that she won't mind coming by, probably the complete opposite. All I'll do is go and pick her up before making our way to your apartment. As for Huixing-}"

Even before she could finish, said weapon spirit then spoke up, "{I'm already here, Harry-Kun, woof! And I'll go with Master and Ren-Chan to come and visit your apartment! Jiějiě might come along with us as well, if that is okay?}"

Unknown to them, that made Harry's smirk widen into a full blown grin as he laughed a bit, "I don't mind at all, Huixing-Chan. What I got to show you and tell you about is something that will likely catch her interest!"

Vocal tone one of deep suspicion, Natsumi hummed a little bit, "{I see… well, we'll see you in about… give us an hour or so, will you, Harry-Chan?}"

With a nod, the wizard smiled at that, "No worries, Natsumi-Chan. Go ahead and take your time, I'm in no real rush." A thought then occurred to him and he nodded, "I'll even make you all some lunch, how does that sound?"

Chuckle coming from her, he could almost imagine Natsumi nodding as she answered, "{Sounds good on our end, Harry-Chan. Looking forward to seeing you then.}"

Grin returning, Harry laughed lightly, "See you then, bye!" Once the call was disconnected, he hummed a little bit and looked down at himself, 'Well, at least the clothes that I am wearing will work out well for what I got planned.'

Laugh escaping from her, Natsue gave him a mental nod, '{Oh yes! And even better as these cargo pants have just enough stretch in them to show off a bit. Which I am sure that Natsumi-Chan, Mikuzume-Chan, and Huixing-Chan will certainly like!}'

A small blush rising in his cheeks, the fourteen-year-old nodded, 'Probably…'

While he was making his way towards the Nagato-Potter apartment, Natsumi was staring at her phone with a frown on her face, "Hmm…"

Head tilted a little bit, Huixing raised an eyebrow, "Master? Is something wrong?"

Dry tone to her voice, the Kitsune turned to her and raised an eyebrow, "No, just trying to figure out what Harry-Chan is up to. Because I know that tone."

Giving a shrug, Huixing shook her head, "Hai, but whatever it is, it will be interesting just the same, mreow!"

From within the teen's mind, Tamamo then spoke up, '{My Flying Claws are quite correct in this, Child. Harry-Kun would never hurt us on purpose, so whatever it is will likely be something that we'll look back upon with some amusement… and possibly some embarrassment.}'

Slowly nodding, Natsumi nodded as she answered both, "True enough, it is just that sometimes Harry-Chan really makes me think that he should have been born a Kitsune due to his humor."

That only got her nods of agreement from both Huixing and Tamamo.
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Leaning back, Goto then gave a small nod, "Well, I can see now why you would need a new ID. Though, I will admit that this ranks perhaps an eight on the Harry Scale."
And where would you rate the Scooby Doo chase he did with Hoppou that ended with him all the way inside Iku?
Before anyone could say anything, Nagato launched herself from behind her desk and hugged Harry tightly, picking her up and swinging her around, "Ahhhhh! My cute and adorable son has become a cute and adorable daughter!"
Clothes shopping time where Nagato is going to pick ALL the cute outfits.
Throwing his hands into the air, the wizard beside her shouted, "Exactly the problem, Lils! I was a teen myself and I can tell you, a lot of horny bastards are going to be leering at my daughter! They'll be undressing her with their eyes and her girlfriends! You know what they're going to be thinking-"
Poor James. Don't worry, his mum comes packed with naval artillery to scare away the boys. And girls.
Mouth opening, Harry was about to answer when she stopped and considered the question. A moment later, rather than a teenage girl, there was the winged fox that was so familiar to people. Then, a brief glance down made them all correct that.

Because, rather, it was a female winged fox.
Yup, very thorough transformation.
Rather lost, he could feel his previous incarnation mentally furrow her eyebrows, '{Yukina-San? Why would you…}' Trailing off, he could then feel her eyebrows widen as she came to a realization, '{You want to ask permission to use the Arashi name!}'
Arashi Harriet it is!
Slowly nodding, Natsumi nodded as she answered both, "True enough, it is just that sometimes Harry-Chan really makes me think that he should have been born a Kitsune due to his humor."
What, combine Potter madness with Kitsune mischief!? What has the universe done to deserve that?
Deeply frowning, the Admiral was about to ask when he watched as the teenage boy in front of him shifted. As his… or as it was soon apparent, her chest grew a rather impressive bust for a teen and her hips widened, he realized why Harry was wearing a pair of cargo pants alongside a rather loose grey shirt. Finally, where had been seated a young man was now a young woman, "…" Leaning back, Goto then gave a small nod, "Well, I can see now why you would need a new ID. Though, I will admit that this ranks perhaps an eight on the Harry Scale."
They have a Harry scale? Not surprising fo be honest.:D
Rather than comment as she rubbed the side of her head, Ooyodo sighed and pulled out some papers, "Well, as you said, we need to make sure that it is you and I have the notes for such an event here."
More overtime paperwork for Ooyodo to do!
If anything, that only made the teen even more amused, "You have actual paperwork for this?"

Ooyodo simply raised her eyebrow at him and gave him an even look over the rim of her glasses, "Of course I do, Harry-Chan. We are speaking of you, after all."
It's the bureaucracy Harry. Somehow,someway there will be paperwork for even the most unlikely things.

Before anyone could say anything, Nagato launched herself from behind her desk and hugged Harry tightly, picking her up and swinging her around, "Ahhhhh! My cute and adorable son has become a cute and adorable daughter!"

Extremely amused as he watched the teen get swung this way and that, with his Battleship Secretary Ship going on about various mother-daughter bonding things that they could now do, Goto shook his head some.
Nagamon! Nagamon is here!
Throwing his hands into the air, the wizard beside her shouted, "Exactly the problem, Lils! I was a teen myself and I can tell you, a lot of horny bastards are going to be leering at my daughter! They'll be undressing her with their eyes and her girlfriends! You know what they're going to be thinking-"
Heh! Suffer like every other father with daughters James.

With a glance at her, Goto cleared his throat, "One of the ideas being bounced around, to help with the integration of women in the military, is to use certain potions to switch a recruit's sex for a day. So that they'll understand things from the other side, as it were. Male or female.
Good idea that.
About to say something, Ooyodo then closed her mouth and considered it. Then, a small sigh broke free as she pinched her nose, "… Harry-Chan would do exactly that, wouldn't he?"
Yes,yes he would and have great fun doing it.
Grin appearing on his face, Harry reached out for his phone in its holder and tapped it, "Call, Natsumi."
Heh! Operation Troll the Natsumi commences.

Smirk on his face, the teen nodded, 'Exactly~'
A solid 7 Juuchis on the smug o meter.
From within the teen's mind, Tamamo then spoke up, '{My Flying Claws are quite correct in this, Child. Harry-Kun would never hurt us on purpose, so whatever it is will likely be something that we'll look back upon with some amusement… and possibly some embarrassment.}'
Kek! Oh you have no idea just how right you are Echomamo. No idea at all. 😉
Slowly nodding, Natsumi nodded as she answered both, "True enough, it is just that sometimes Harry-Chan really makes me think that he should have been born a Kitsune due to his humor."

That only got her nods of agreement from both Huixing and Tamamo.
Gift him a kitsune costume and a certificate proclaiming him a honorary Kitsune.
You forgot to have Harry call over Louisiana as well, considering how she swings both sides of the fence in that she's into Natsumi and Harry equally.

And while I'm finding this hilarious, I'm still curious if the other alternative - Natsue's echo gets 'punched' out of Harry (willingly or unwillingly) - and put into one of Tamamo's artifical flesh golems, might occur. Because that has even more hilarious options to blow ppl's minds, as Natsue & Harry would effectively be twins and/or one mind in two bodies. It'd fry Natsumi, Huixing, and Tamamo on the spot via getting tag-teamed.

As in, Natsue/Harry still share their headspace, but Harry has 'primacy' in his body, while Natsue has 'primacy in the other body/golem, but their mental/spiritual communication link is still fully intact & unchanged from how it is right now. Of course, both could still gendermorph flip at a moments notice, and Natsue can always fully rejoin Harry back in his body if the golem is damaged or if there is a spiritual strain at being separated too long.

Both methods used together could be an Intel/HUMINT bonanza for the JMSDF and allies as not only could Harry flip into Natsue's form to trick a third group, but then use the golem trick + both flipping at times, to cause massive distractions/chaos in any tails following him/them. To the point of pulling off a Scooby-Doo 'hallway of doors' grade of stunts. Would also raise havoc if both can flip to Natsue, and someone tries to check if she is using Polyjuice (there is such a spell iirc), and gets a null value or negative return. Or vice versa, in both morphing into Harry. And, if things get dicey for one, setup a meet where Natsue is yoinked back fully into Harry, and all the pursuers find is an inanimate ballistics gel dummy flopped onto the ground which makes no sense to them. And considering Natsue is a trained kunoichi? That could cause havoc (especially if she's willingly to be 'wounded' on the golem, until pursues think she's about to drop, she knocks over and runs past some random guy and promptly collapses moments later as the guy runs off screaming/calling police....and pursues don't realize its Harry).


As a guess? Jinhao is content to stay where he is. Benefits of being older/wiser before dying, he can guess what the kami (and Shiromizu) are planning once Harry passes on. And has guessed that the rest of Daji will be waiting to see him, so no need to interrupt her two subsequent reincarnation love lives.
This one wanted to be written very soon after the last one. It's honestly a little strange.

Humanities 201​

She stumbled forward, past whispering children who pointed and stared at her. She ignored them. There wasn't really anything here to care about. There wasn't any pain anymore, yet her legs still felt weak from her infirmity.

She didn't really know where she was going. All she knew was that she had to go.

She saw him as she stumbled around a corner.

The mayor.

The false mayor.

The… the… she didn't know what.

He was standing in front of a man in vestments, speaking quietly.


He turned to face her.

"You…" she repeated, trying to force her words out, then descended into exhausted coughing. After so long convalescent, and then scrambling madly through wherever this was, heaven or hell it may be, the air was gone from her lungs.

A shadow loomed over her. He was at her side.

She glanced between him and the (priest? He seemed to be a priest) as they turned to look at each other.

The priest smiled. "Do what you must. I'll be here when you're done—I have a lot to think about."

An arm wrapped around her, supporting her.

"Come with me," the familiar voice said. "There is someone you must meet."


"So, if what I've got here is correct," Malfoy said, drawing the last few lines of his diagram across the whiteboard, "they are… They're just here."

"No one's going to disappear in a puff of reality?" Daisy asked. She had a feeling she already knew the answer. She and Malfoy had a history of coming to the same conclusions.

"I don't think so," he confirmed. "I'm not sure how it was done, but…"

He grimaced. Neither of them had any idea what former Headmaster Bronson had done to Malfoy's pocket dimension projector, and it had melted itself into a solid brick of metal and plastic. The former headmaster was in no condition to explain himself, either. Figuring out what had happened would be a challenge.

At least the book was alright.


It just raised more questions!

Across the cafeteria from them, a group of young men was laughing and embracing each other. Closer, a few tables between the two groups, a pair of young women sitting across a table from each other, speaking almost silently.

Daisy had been a little surprised to learn that the absolutely wrecked girl who had appeared in her room was not in fact Fantine. Rather, she was none other than Eponine Thenardier. Which likely meant that the well-dressed brunette she was speaking to was Cosette? Apparently, Daisy's mental image of the two had always been Samantha Banks and Amanda Seyfried. Strange, that.

"So what happens now?" she asked.

Malfoy shrugged. "There's going to be some tests to make sure everyone's healthy. Maybe quarantine for a week or two. And everyone's going to be working on where to put them up."

"You could stand to care about the consequences of your actions a little bit more, you know."

"I care, I do! I just…" he grimaced again. "I wish I understood how the phenomenon worked. This isn't translating digital information into physical form, we pulled the people out of the book itself! Did they form out of peoples' ideas of the characters? Or did we reach into another dimension and draw them from there? I mean, there's a precedent for that, isn't there?"

"And how are we going to get Javert down from that wall?" Daisy mused dryly.

The legendary lawman had been half a second from going on an arrest spree that would have led to injuries. He had been prevented from doing so by several enterprising teachers, who had done so with duct tape, Gorilla Glue, staples, and an unholy number of sticking charms.

The man in question had been glaring at every passerby and leaving them utterly unsettled. Daisy could only imagine how it would go learning of the changes in law and government since his era.

"I'm pretty sure they have a spray for that," Malfoy replied.

The door swung open, and everyone turned.

Professor Marche was the head of Durmstrang's Literature department, a section that had been added following the collapse of the Statute of Secrecy and magic becoming more widely accepted in the world. He was a genial man, always willing to lend an ear, and a father of six. He was also ex-military, had the size and build of a polar bear, and was currently carrying a sledgehammer.

"Well, how's it going?" he asked casually.

Daisy shrugged. "Just figuring out how to tell the faculty that we're going to have to figure out living arrangements for the cast of Victor Hugo's most acclaimed classic. And you?"

"We've got the Thenardiers and their gang," he confirmed. "We're using the faculty bathrooms as holding cells until we can come up with something more effective." He released his hold on the sledgehammer, and it vanished into air.

Reportedly, the first character that Professor Marche had met was Azelma Thenardier, the rarely adapted middle sibling of Eponine and Gavroche (where had that kid gotten to, by the way? He'd been in here earlier, Daisy was sure of it), who had two distinguishing features—that she survived the length of the story, and that her father made her injure her hand in order to look more pathetic as a beggar. Something about the encounter had set the Professor off, and he had chased the girl's parents through the halls of Durmstrang like a slasher villain.

If only she could have seen it. And if only someone had the wherewithal to take a picture.

"Do you know what's going to happen to them?" she asked.

"Jail, likely."

Her head snapped up. Malfoy watched how she turned and gaped at Professor Marche, and gave him a scrutinizing look.

"The Thenardiers," Professor Marche clarified. "Everyone else… well, we're working on it."

"I believe we have some land in France," Malfoy cut in. "We can just set them up there."

Wait, when did he come to that conclusion… Oh. Daisy stopped herself from sighing—he had just figured that was how things were going to happen, and failed to realize what she was asking him in the first place.

"Something I'm sure your parents will bring up when they arrive," Professor Marche smiled.

Malfoy nodded, opening his mouth to respond. He froze, then turned a stunned gaze to Daisy.

The Malfoy parents.

Daisy wasn't really sure what to say. Or what to think.

Maybe just invent a reason to be anywhere other than—

The door opened again, and he stepped in.

Jean Valjean.

One-hundred percent real. The man himself, literally right from the pages of the book.

Daisy didn't still feel like the air had been pounded from her lungs when she saw him, but she still felt like she had to stare. What else were you supposed to do when you met a literary hero?

Someone had said something about a hearing, though she couldn't imagine for what. What were they going to pin Jean Valjean for…

He stepped forward.

The woman he was helping stumbled away from him into the room. Eponine looked haggard. This woman looked emaciated. Sickly, even. Her hair shorn short, only meeting the back of her neck—

Oh God.

Daisy turned her stare on Cosette. The girl had risen to her feet.

"Father? What is…"

She trailed off, registering the woman in front of her. Looking over her, searching for something that she would recognize.

Cosette took one step forward, then another. She returned her gaze to the woman's eyes.


Fantine took one step, and collapsed into her daughter's arms.


The first snippet was largely inspired by the idea of the cast of Les Miserables being summoned into Durmstrang, but as you saw, it didn't really show through. Maybe that's what led to this.

To be honest, I had a different ending in mind when I started writing this, an epilogue that was really more of a showpiece. Once I started writing that ending, though, I realized that Fantine and Cosette being reunited was…

Well, it was good enough.

I wonder what Bastian's parents are going to have to say to him about this.

Well, what do you

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hYZaqYCZyQ



Claire du Chasteler-Potter flopped back in the grass with a sigh of happiness. Every season had its own music, and spring had some of her favorites. And on the right day of the right week, when it was just the right side of mild temperature, it left her feeling…

Hmm… something with a lot of major chords. Something reminiscent of Vivaldi, in places, but overall its own thing?

Her fingers were itching for a keyboard again. She slipped her hand toward her pocket, reaching for—

"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry!"

Claire looked up from her thoughts at the young woman who had nearly stumbled over her in her hurry.

The interloper cut a sharp corner, and pressed herself against a tree. She yanked a pair of binoculars from her handbag, and leaned around her… hiding place? It seemed like a hiding place.

Curiouser and curiouser. Claire hummed to herself as she sat, then stood.

"Excuse me, Miss, what seems—"


The young woman stared intently into the binoculars, then reached into her handbag again. She pulled a smartphone out and fumbled with it, clearly unused to the device.

Well, she might as well make a second attempt. "I'm sorry, could I help you?"

The young woman started, then turned to face Claire again. Her eyes widened slightly, and her grip on both her binoculars and her phone slackened slightly. "Oh no, I am so sorry, that was very rude of me—"

"No, no, it's alright," Claire reassured her. "Claire du Chasteler-Potter. And yourself?"

Her companion extended a hand. "Euphrasie Pontmercy. But people usually call me Cosette."

The name came with a sharp jab to her memory. Bastian had been involved in a series of very unique antics surrounding the book… and the musical. The melody of "I Dreamed a Dream" began to play in her mind, and she hummed along.

A quiet minor note played across Cosette's face.

Claire blinked. "Hmm? Oh, sorry. Bastian Malfoy is my nephew. If you've met him?"

Cosette's grimace fell away to surprise. "Really?"

"Is that really such a surprise?"

"No, I'm just surprised at the coincidence is all—"

Cosette's tune trailed off, then she brought her binoculars to her eyes again in a rush of movement. She began fumbling with her phone again. It seemed that she hadn't quite grasped the science of opening it with just her thumb yet.

Right, that was what Claire had been curious about in the first place.

"What are you doing exactly?"

Cosette sighed, and handed her the binoculars.

"Could you please keep an eye out that way," she said, pointing. "Sorry for asking."

Claire waved it off again, and brought the binoculars up to her face. As Cosette unlocked her phone in the background, she did her best to bring her gaze up to the place where she'd been pointing. People walking along the sidewalk, a squirrel—Claire brought her gaze down a touch—a man and woman sitting on a bench.

She paused, and looked back at Cosette, then returned her gaze to the binoculars.

The three of them seemed to share a fashion sense. Something to the tune of present fashion, but with notes that harkened back to an earlier era. Long, full dresses, and a formal suit. She caught glances of their faces as they spoke between themselves. Something about them seemed a little awkward, like they weren't sure whether they should be playing a duet or not.

"Agent Marigold? Come in, Agent Marigold. Are you there?"

Claire lowered the binoculars and turned her gaze back to Cosette. The woman was holding her phone up to her ear with both hands, which seemed both cute and a bit silly.

"No, this is Eponine," a voice said over the phone with a staticky sigh. "And can I say again, this is ridiculous."

"Quiet, Agent Forget-me-Not!" Cosette lowered her phone and stared at the screen. She turned it over in her hands frantically. "How do I talk to Marius on this thing?"

"Do you just want to talk to him, or do you want to talk to several people at the same time?"

Cosette's head came up slowly. "You can do that?"

"Yes." Claire pointed at the conference call icon. "See this button here? If you press it, you can add other people to the call."

Cosette pressed it gingerly. Claire talked her through adding a second number, and soon a second voice joined them.

"Agent Violet, this is Agent Marigold. What seems to be the problem?" Marius Pontmercy, it seemed, had embraced his wife's silly little ditty wholeheartedly.

"Cosette made a new friend," Eponine cut in dryly.

"Really? Oh, that's wonderful—wait, right. No change in subject J and subject F's behavior, though I believe they may have been giving me some looks. I don't think I've been made yet, though. I'll keep you posted."

"Excellent work, Agent Marigold! Yes, keep—do that. Agent Forget-me-Not, anything to report?"


"Yes, besides the fact that you think this is silly. What's going on?"

Claire felt the music of the world fade away, as her mind began to compose an answer to the question she had been wondering about. The man and the woman, their clothes similar to Cosette, the strange spy game…

"Miss Cosette, forgive the question, but are you trying to set your mother up with Mr. Valjean?"

Cosette glanced towards her again. "Isn't it natural for a daughter to want her parents to be together?"

"Oh yes, of course!" Claire replied. "Of course…"

She paused. The music in the back of her head was increasing in tempo.

"Agent… Violet."


Claire felt the ghost of a Muramasa smirk forming on her lips. The music of their encounter had turned into the low roll of drums forming the heartbeat that would inevitably lead into the vocals of the lead singer, and the rest of the orchestra joining him.

Including a certain piano…

"You wouldn't happen to be recruiting, would you?"


Ha! Didn't expect that, did you?

you probably expected that

(The music of the encounter, as suggested by SisterJeanne)

Well, what do you think sirs?
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Yep I am talking about Harry.
Ah, okay.

As for them being interested in Harry? Maybe a little bit, but more in that they would be intrigued if other people can also gain the same ability.
I am now imagining a grown up Harry in a very nice suit.

"My name is Potter. Harry Potter." And backing him up are his family and friends (which seems to be nearly every shipgirl and allied abyssal in the Far East).

Random Villain : "I do believe I have erred..."
Villain's minions : "Run away!"

And quite a fair number of them outside of there, as well.
I got to admit, I did laugh here pretty much.
Why do I now see a bunch of shipgirls doing the 'peasant rail gun' with a torpedo on Harry's command?

Scientists: Physics doesn't work that way!
Harry Potter: Bet.
... I can see them try it.
Well, what do you think sirs?
Well, I have to say, I absolutely love how you handle Bastion and Daisy because it is always so freaking hilarious.
And where would you rate the Scooby Doo chase he did with Hoppou that ended with him all the way inside Iku?
Goto: About a nine considering the chaos that happened.
Clothes shopping time where Nagato is going to pick ALL the cute outfits.
I mean, this does go without saying...
Poor James. Don't worry, his mum comes packed with naval artillery to scare away the boys. And girls.
James: *Still splashing around* N-*Glub!*ot the sa-*Sputter!*ame!
Yup, very thorough transformation.
Which is going to cause more than a few heads to bang against walls.

Arashi Harriet it is!
Well, Harry is likely to have another name just in case...
What, combine Potter madness with Kitsune mischief!? What has the universe done to deserve that?
You need a list?
Looking, missing bracket.
The mind breaking begins!
Yes, yes it really does.
I don't believe I have words to properly express how much I'm loving this.
I am actually enjoying writing it as I had been waiting to do so.
I'd do a hull check real quick. Feels strike is absolutely incoming.
Oh, for sure. Which is why I've been at Condition Zebra since Harry go the new ability. I am, after all, the one who noted that the Kaiju of Authorness is clearly lining up a Feelz WMG...
They have a Harry scale? Not surprising fo be honest.:D
Nope, not surprising at all.
More overtime paperwork for Ooyodo to do!
Honestly, this is about five minute piece of work for her.
It's the bureaucracy Harry. Somehow,someway there will be paperwork for even the most unlikely things.
Especially when dealing with things like magic and the like.
Nagamon! Nagamon is here!
Yes, yes she is!
Heh! Suffer like every other father with daughters James.
And he very much will...
Well, as mentioned over on SB, the line of thought is: "We know that you bunch are going to be bitching about the other gender and how they're treated. Well, to cut that off at the knees and get it through you knucklehead's skulls, you'll be spending time as the other gender so that you'll understand their problems!"
Yes,yes he would and have great fun doing it.
Oh, you got no idea...
Heh! Operation Troll the Natsumi commences.
Not just Natsumi either.
A solid 7 Juuchis on the smug o meter.
There abouts, yes.
Kek! Oh you have no idea just how right you are Echomamo. No idea at all. 😉
Hehehe... you cannot know how much fun I am having with that.
Gift him a kitsune costume and a certificate proclaiming him a honorary Kitsune.
Naka technically gave him the first to be honest...
Meanwhile in England, Sirius wakes up sweating:
"I don't know why, but I need to buy a showel and a shotgun now !"
His two daughters just blink at him, mumble before scrunching their faces, and then sighing a bit as a smell fills the room.
Dammit Leferts! Now I want the payoff. Stupid cliffhangers being all effective and shit.

I aim to please.
You forgot to have Harry call over Louisiana as well, considering how she swings both sides of the fence in that she's into Natsumi and Harry equally.
That honestly comes later to be frank.
And while I'm finding this hilarious, I'm still curious if the other alternative - Natsue's echo gets 'punched' out of Harry (willingly or unwillingly) - and put into one of Tamamo's artifical flesh golems, might occur. Because that has even more hilarious options to blow ppl's minds, as Natsue & Harry would effectively be twins and/or one mind in two bodies. It'd fry Natsumi, Huixing, and Tamamo on the spot via getting tag-teamed.

As in, Natsue/Harry still share their headspace, but Harry has 'primacy' in his body, while Natsue has 'primacy in the other body/golem, but their mental/spiritual communication link is still fully intact & unchanged from how it is right now. Of course, both could still gendermorph flip at a moments notice, and Natsue can always fully rejoin Harry back in his body if the golem is damaged or if there is a spiritual strain at being separated too long.

Both methods used together could be an Intel/HUMINT bonanza for the JMSDF and allies as not only could Harry flip into Natsue's form to trick a third group, but then use the golem trick + both flipping at times, to cause massive distractions/chaos in any tails following him/them. To the point of pulling off a Scooby-Doo 'hallway of doors' grade of stunts. Would also raise havoc if both can flip to Natsue, and someone tries to check if she is using Polyjuice (there is such a spell iirc), and gets a null value or negative return. Or vice versa, in both morphing into Harry. And, if things get dicey for one, setup a meet where Natsue is yoinked back fully into Harry, and all the pursuers find is an inanimate ballistics gel dummy flopped onto the ground which makes no sense to them. And considering Natsue is a trained kunoichi? That could cause havoc (especially if she's willingly to be 'wounded' on the golem, until pursues think she's about to drop, she knocks over and runs past some random guy and promptly collapses moments later as the guy runs off screaming/calling police....and pursues don't realize its Harry).
I got plans for Natsue to be honest, though things will get interesting...

As for the other bit, well, Harry is a bit of a prankster...
As a guess? Jinhao is content to stay where he is. Benefits of being older/wiser before dying, he can guess what the kami (and Shiromizu) are planning once Harry passes on. And has guessed that the rest of Daji will be waiting to see him, so no need to interrupt her two subsequent reincarnation love lives.
Jiahao also has plans for him.
Well, what do you think sirs?
I absolutely love what you have done here, especially that bit at the end with Claire. Seriously, that was basically peak Claire.
It should be noted as well that Idaho is also home to two different species of rattlesnake, so there is also that as well. Rita has likely encountered them out on the farm and knows how dangerous they can be.

Chuck's farm and he may have lost a dog to a snakebite as a boy, but yes. Rita's dad is a manager at the local paper mill, Chuck's parents run a farm outside Bonner's Ferry.

I agree with Flora, that looks yummy and filling. :D

Actual image from 'Ohana according to my research. The Carrows are loving it.

Never get between morning zombie Ehren and the Kaffee.

Which Team Carrow has learned the hard way. This is also them all throwing shade on a very good friend of theirs, of course.

Oh yes. Rita part-time waitresses so she knows the type of customer.

Kek! Good one there Chuck.😁

Chuck has his moments and this is one. He zinged his girlfriend with it too!

Murglais is a sword of culture.

Murglais would enjoy the 'living history' aspect of it a great deal. He's actually really impressed by the Disney animatronics used in the Hall of Presidents and other places.

Say what you want about the French but they certainly do good when it comes to food and fashion.

Yeah, which Narcissa is underlining for Nimue's benefit. Of course Nimi isn't going to take that sitting down....

"Daisy, what are you holding?! Daisy, put that down, right now! Mein Gott! I swear in the eternal name of Doom, I had nothing to do with it! Not My Fault!"

Colombe: "That's my grandson! Oh the memories he brings back from my younger days!!" **wipes tears of pride away**

(Technically Bastian is Niobe and Draco's son, but he's viewed as Ehren's boy as well by the rest of the Malfoys along with the rest of the du Chasteler. And Colombe does not care from whence the Grandchildren flow, just that they flow in abundance. And Ehren* is on board with this plan to supply genius grandbabies....)

*Ehren also will be getting a killer migraine headache when she finds out about "Bastian's Book report' after arriving at Durmstrang for the parent-teacher conference.

I don't believe I have words to properly express how much I'm loving this.
I'd do a hull check real quick. Feels strike is absolutely incoming.

You and me both! I'm utterly loving Natsue's arc here!

I absolutely love what you have done here, especially that bit at the end with Claire. Seriously, that was basically peak Claire.

Second this too, and I'll do a more in depth dive on 'Bastian & Daisy do Les Mis' when I have the brainwidth to do so. I'm loving it!

Oh yes, of course Claire would immediately pick up on that tune for what's going on (and utterly adores the music of Les Mis, of course!) and want to help (Ehren will attest her best big sister is an inveterate shipper and a sneak when it comes to that).
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