Of Space Whales and Battleships

Chapter 7-3
Warspite despite her age was the first big ship to the fight, besides the carrier still in dry dock Leviathan arrived too quickly for them to finish the patch work. .

"Fletcher! Eugen!" Warspite shouts trying to find her comrades

The ship girl staggers a bit as she feels unnaturally pulled in a direction.
"Damn rudder Jam!" Warspite shouts as she careens towards a building.

With a mighty crash Warspite had rammed the Leviathan causing the beast to let go of a half drowned Fletcher and Eugen.

Leviathan roars in anger which Warspite matches with the roar of her cannons. The 15 inch doing superficial damage to the Endbringer.

"Flank Speed!" Warspite shouts as she barrels towards the Leviathan to force it away from the unconscious Fletcher and Eugen.

Warspite's metaphysical bow crumples as the Leviathan is pushed into the medhall building and out the otherside. The great beast takes an angry swipe at the Battleship ripping her rigging in half.

"I'm taggin in!" Nevada shouts opening up with all ten 14 inch guns.

Leviathan roars at Nevada before diving under the water and leaving the scene of carnage behind.

"Leviathan fled. I am unable to give chase Warspite is injured critically and Fletcher and Eugen have been flooded out." Nevada says

The water started to form waves from the ground rumbling underneath it.

"Yes I am taking the injured and evacuating." Nevada broadcasts one last time.

Nagato and New York hear Nevada's declaration over the radio.

The sound of an explosion echoed through the city only slightly dampened by the heavy rain. The sickening sound of steel snapping followed shortly after the sound wave bouncing off of building after building. If one were to look through the torrential downpour they would see the medhall building crumble in on itself rubble being thrown into the waters carried away by the currents.
"Well shit." Nagato says

"It's coming our way isn't it?" New York says

"This is Admiral Avatar aboard the USS Enterprise. We believe that the leviathan is targeting the nuclear carrier." carries over the radio waves.

"This is Enterprise CV-6. I am moving to cover my daughter."

Nagto and New York look at one another and nod.

"Stall it for as long as possible." Nagto says

"Stall it? I'm gonna show it what the right to bear arms means." New York replies

Nagato watches in shock as New York chucked Depth charges into the water.

"Where did you get those?" Nagato asks

A massive geyser of water blows into the air from the charges going off.
"Uhh, found them." New York says

Leviathan surfaces and stares down the two battleships.

"Is it glaring at us?" Nagato asks

"Nah, it's fine." New York says with a hand wave.

Leviathan roars at two before shooting a highly pressurized beam of water at Nagato.

Within a second the armor plating on Nagato had a massive gash running through it.

"We should move." New York says setting her flank speed.

Nagato however took the damaged received personally. Nagato opened up at nearly point blank range with her cannons… and missed.

Leviathan got splashed by yellow dyed water,

"Did you just fucking miss!" New York shouts utterly baffled.

"No! It must bleed yellow." Nagato shouts back nervously as she starts going full reverse.

"You fucking missed!" New York shouts

"Oh Yeah! You do better!" Nagato shouts

"Fire. For. Effect!" New York shouts

The dark street was lit up as 10 14-inch, 6 5-inch, 10 3-inch, 24 40mm, and 42 20mm guns all opened up and continued to shoot as quickly as possible. Tracers reflecting off the surface of the water peppering the Endbringer which was charging through the ammo directly at New York.

"Nagato I could use some help?" New York says committing to a fighting retreat as Leviathan lunged for the Super Dreadnought.

"Gun's jammed!" Nagato shouts panicked

The two heard a Crack in the distance, it almost sounded like lightning however that wasn't quite right. Leviathan was thrown to the side slightly causing it to miss its lunge.

New York looked to her left to see a massive Mach cone flying in the air. The pressure of the air blowing out windows passed and disturbed the water below it. Off in the distance stood Georgia her water up to her ankles as her weighed down hull struggled to make its usual top speed.

"Gotcha you bastard!" Georgia shouts her 18 inch cannons flashing again.

Within microseconds Leviathan had 6 holes punched into his chest. The Endbringer and Georgia had met, and Leviathan was scared much like its sister was before.
Chapter 7-4
Leviathan dipped under the water before resurfacing fairly quickly.

Georgia had to blink as a massive piece of debris was thrown at her.

Leviathan loved throwing shipwrecks at heroes; there was a time when HMS Hood was thrown at Union Jack, a British Alexandria package who was impervious to small arms fire.

So when Leviathan threw half a ship at her, Georgia wasn't totally surprised. However, seeing the USS Johnston come flying at her terrified her. Though that would inspire terror in just about anyone who knew of the ship.

To say Georgia caught the mini battleship would be and understatement, that was probably the fastest she had ever brought back a shipgirl. Yet it was enough time for Leviathan to get away.

"Hello? Why am I in a warzone?" Johnston asks, rubbing her eyes.

"No time, cause Chaos hit the big lizard guy and I shall meet up with you later." Georgia says running after Leviathan.

Little did Georgia realize that USS Johnston had entered the fight.

Leviathan was making some pretty decent speed and Georgia was not far behind opening up with her guns whenever the chance arrived.

It didn't take long until they had arrived at the spot where the main roundabout was and in truth the intersection always confused the shit out of Georgia.

Leviathan stood in the center of the circle staring down Georgia.

"Oh? So now you want to fight!" Georgia shouts not even winded from the run across town.

Leviathan responds by raising walls of water blocking all of the main streets so there was no way out.

Georgia nods to herself, training all of her guns on the Endbringer as she lowers her stance.

Leviathan shoots out a high pressured beam of water. Georgia had to roll to her right to avoid the beam of water. She answered with her Cannons the two hypersonic shells sailed towards the target faster than one could blink however they never hit.

Georgia took a second to blink before noticing that the Leviathan was holding one shell in each hand. It had caught Hypersonic armor piercing shells.

"Oh shit." Georgia says realizing the Endbringer had just stopped sandbaggin.

Leviathan roars, throwing the heavy tungsten shells back at Georgia.

The tungsten darts land just short of Georgia throwing water up in front of her blocking vision

Her instincts screamed at her causing her to skate backwards on the water allowing her to just barely dodge Leviathan's hand swiping through the splash of water.

Not even a second later Leviathan charged through the splash prompting Georgia to fire defensively with all her guns. Georgia lit up brightly as all 6 of her 18 inch guns fired complemented by all 10 of her five inches.

In a blink and you missed it moment Leviathan threw up his arms to block the 18 inch shells as the 5 inch conform peppered him the containment foam expanding rapidly yet that did nothing to slow down the Endbringer as he charged straight at Georgia his skin visibly regrowing and kicking out the shells which had penetrated its arms.

Georgia rolled again just barely dodging the lunge from the massive lizard. The Endbringer barreled straight through the sky scraper behind her.

Georgia wiped her face before looking at her own hand, perplexed she was sweating.

The building behind her cracked as the sound of steel snapping echoed around the circle.

Georgia looked up and saw Leviathan leaning off of top of the building it had just run into. The foundation creakes again as the Concrete started to crack.

Suddenly the top of the building was getting closer as Leviathan stared down Georgia.

"Son of a bitch!" Georgia shouts firing her main guns using high explosive There was a loud explosion the second the shells hit the building causing the falling skyscraper to turn into debris and dust as large stones crashed into the ground all around Georgia.
Enterprise was watching the battle through her SBD's and the combat was too close. She had wanted to support Georgia yet if she had ordered her planes to drop bombs or strafe. She was sure to hit both of them rather than just the endbringer.

Georgia was just barely dodging devastating blows, after what had happened to Nagato she didnt want to know what would have become of her had that laser beam hit her.

Enterprise watched in absolute horror as a building was brought down on Georgia only for a bright fireball to destroy it as it was falling.
Leviathan diving into the water leaving no splash and seemingly no noise went unnoticed by the battleship.

Georgia is scanning her surroundings not noticing the massive hulking behemoth rising out of the water behind her.

"Georgia Behind You!" Enterprise shouts into the coms.
Georgia was covering her head while looking around like crazy trying to find where the Endbringer went.

The water was disturbed everywhere from the fragments of the building, and yet Leviathan was nowhere in sight. Sonar was returning all of the debris and she was unable to find Leviathan.

"Georgia Behind You!" Enterprise shouts over the radio.

Georgia spins on her heel only to be back handed by the endbringer and sent flying as something the weight of a small planet hit her side.

The armored plating on Georgia's rigging had dented visibly and two of her turrets had been disabled.

Georgia felt the water hit her face and skipped off the top of it like a thrown stone. Georgia felt the steel of her armor belt groan as she crashed through the concrete and rebar of yet another building in the downtown area.

Coughing she struggled to get up before she felt a coarse object wrap around her throat the texture being much like sandpaper. Georgia struggled to breath as she was this time physically thrown by leviathan back outside.

Leviathan was following right behind only to pick up the struggling shipgirl who fired her remaining only operating 18inch turret in defiance, missing the Endbringer entirely. Leviathan's tail had wrapped around her neck, strangling her. The beast smacked Georgia's riggins disabling the final turret tearing part of the hull off.

The beast growled and retaliated against Georgia's last transgression by placing his massive clawed hand on Georgia's left arm, tightening the grip and snapping her bones instantly before pulling. Georgia was too numb to fully feel what was going on, all that she experienced was hearing her bones snap and the sickening pop of the ball joint being ripped out of socket.

Georgia screamed in pain as Leviathan dismembered her. Only to whimper once the leviathan grabbed her head.

Georgia was in too much pain to notice however there was an ice cream truck song playing and it was getting closer.

Leviathan smiled proudly looking at his prey in his hand only to be interrupted when the Ice Cream truck song got too close. A massive white truck with a popsicle on the top hitting leviathan in the head before exploding on impact. Three silhouettes jumping from the van last minute.

"I have returned with backup!" Johnston announces

"Did someone say explosions!" USS Barb shouts, throwing what appears to be a scuttling charge hand grenade at Leviathan causing it to let go of Georgia who splashes down in the water groaning in pain and bleeding black oil from where her left arm used to be attached to her body.

Taylor and Johnston fired for effect against the endbringer who retreated under the water.

Johnston of course being who she is starts dropping depth charges by the dozens. Barb also followed suit with all of her torpedoes, the two combined managing to drive the endbringer away.

hey had saved Georgia yet Leviathan was still alive and of course it only continued north towards the USS Enterprise CVN-65.
United Front Curtesy of Weekend Dreadnoughts
The world was reeling in shock. The PRT declared it too dangerous to fight the endbringer this time around. I mean the warning came early this time. They were able to evacuate a large part of the civilian population, yet during legend's usual Endbringer speech Alexandria came in and announced that the PRT would not be participating.

All the parahumans including several from the Bay who left to regroup were dumbfounded.

"So what exactly am I supposed to do?" Amy mutters

"I don't know find your girlfriend, she should be here shouldn't she?" Victoria asks

"OH MY GOD THIS IS BECAUSE OF TAYLOR HEBERT ISNT IT!" Amy shouts at the top of her lungs.

Alexandria stills, and Legend also pauses his argument with the leader of the Trumitive.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Alexandria says

"This is because of how badly embarrassed you were during the court case! You just want to prove that the world needs you!" Amy shouts

Panacea was making sense as a lot of parahumans prepared to protect the girl Alexandria was known among those who were in for her bad temper.

"Are you not breaking the TRUCE?" Amy asks

"I am not going to argue with a child." Alexandria says taking off and flying away.

Amy looks at Vicky and nods.

The two sisters take to the air trying to head back to the city to help however they can with the fight.

Several other parahumans followed. This was probably the least organized Endbringer fight to date as several flight capable parahumans flew around in the dark in a massive storm with absolutely no clue on where they were going.

"Amy?" Vicky asks

"Yes sis?" Amy returns

"Isn't that where the medhall building used to be?" Vicky asks

"Oh shit." Amy says

"I think I see people down there it's hard to see in the rain. I'm gonna go in to land." Vicky says changing her grip on Amy to make sure she has a tight hold on her.

The two land on what appears to be a puddle only to quickly submerge in water with Vicky very quickly pulling them both out.

"Holy crap the city is flooded." Amy says

"Who's over there!?" A voice shouts

"We are here to help!" Vicky shouts

"Might aswell go home. The beast is gonna die." The voice responds.

Amy and Vicky manage to find the person responsible for the answers with 3 unconscious bodies around her on a island made of debris.

"Nevada?" Amy asks

The battleship blinks at her name being brought up.

"Amy? Why are you here? I thought you left the city to heal at the paramedics tent?" Nevada asks

"I did then it turns out help isnt coming, the PRT had decided they are not needed." Amy says bitterly.

"Well they ain't." Nevada says as a bright glow illuminates the clouds on the opposite side of the city before going dark.

"You sure they aren't needed?" Vicky asks

"Georgia has contingencies on top of contingencies. It's kinda crazy how much she plans honestly.

"We were born to go into harms way- come ye! Hell or high waters be damned." Nevada states

"No, are you serious." Vicky asks

Nevada giggles
"we wanted the Title of leviathan back."

Suddenly one of the bodies cough violently.
The redhead girl sits up clutching her chest.

"The United States Navy is going to get it back." She says with a smirk.

A second later a massive boom reverberates carrying an shockwave which breaks all of the windows remaining in the city. Glass dust sprinkles into the night sky glowing whenever they reflect the light of a bolt.

"Amy, I just felt my shield shatter." Victoria shouts

Amy however just saw her sisters mouth move and say nothing.

"WHAT!" Amy asks

Both felt blood run down the side of their face coming from their ears.
Cannon Interlude: Ice-cream Ride of the Taffy
Written by Mordai Posted with his permission.
Johnston was confused. First she was enjoying her long term napping at the ocean floor, Then this Cuthulu looking mother fucker just picked her up and dragged her across the ocean. She had just been tossed like a depth charge, and now she has a human body. To top off her day she had just been told by an Iowa with similar guns to Yammy, 'no time to explain distract the thing' as if she didn't want a piece of the beast. As she sat there processing things she heard a little jingle and a truck redlining. Turning around she found a van with an ice cream cone on the top drift next to her.

"You got any Torpex?" came a question from a submarine who was sticking her head out the window of the Ice cream van.

"What?" Johnston asked, then shrugged. "I got 10 MK15's, so around eight thousand pounds."

"Good I need all of it to make this into a perfect bomb." the submarine said.

"That's all well and good Barb, but we got to go." Taylor said, not that she needed introduction to Johnston. A Fletcher knows a Fletcher.

"Well let me in. I want to see this go up in a ball of fire." Johnston said as she pushed into the van.

"Live fast, die young and have a good-looking wreck!" The two fletchers said in unison.

"By the way, how did you get a hold of this ice cream van?" Johnston questioned.



Taylor was worried, walking out of the museum rooftop, and sliding down until she had hit the water. Looking around she was the only one who had noticed that USS Barb was missing, so she decided to look around. Her eyes scanning around for any sign of the sub she passed over an ice cream truck. Wait, that truck wasn't there earlier. Walking over she found a member of the E88 tied up and a passed out Barb surrounded by ice cream wrappers.

"I would question why, but honestly I can relate." Taylor said to herself as she nudged the submarine. Who bursted awake screaming in joy.


"Well if we are to turn this truck into a bomb, then we need to save the ICE CREAM!" Taylor shouted into Barb's ear, waking her up again.

"Yes, saving the ice cream is the most important, but where to drop it off?" Barb asked as she practically vibrated.

"Nevada should be relatively close." Taylor said as the two got to their stations, barb setting up the explosives and Taylor at the wheel.

-Flashback end-

"Neat, why is there a nazi tied up?" Johnston asked as Taylor finished the story, as she pointed to the man who was now awake and looked at them fearfully.

"I forgot he was here, Barb 30 seconds to intercept you almost finished?" Taylor responded.

"Done, timer set, Bail." Barb shouted as the group bailed leaving the flying Ice Cream Bomb to collide with Leviathan before exploding.

"We forgot the nazi." Taylor mentioned after the group got over the beauty of the explosion.

"Who gives a shit, it's a nazi." Barb responded.

"Valid." Taylor replied.

"LET'S DO THAT AGAIN!" Johnston yelled with glee.
Chapter 7-5 The Ghost of Enterprise
Enterprise breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the destroyers save Georgia. However she was the last capital ship which was combat capable and was tracking Leviathan with her plane. The beast was heading straight towards her daughter. An Enterprise took exception to that.
"Thank you for saving my life… However, I need to go." Georgia says through grit teeth as oil runs down her left side. Coming from where her arm once was.

"No, you don't have to fight anymore, let us handle it." Taylor says

"You don't get it… I am the only one who can kill it. I never had a chance to use the weapon once it stopped holding back, but now that it thinks I am either downed or dead. I should be able to get the drop on it." Georgia says pushing her rigging to move her forwards.

Barb and Johnston catch the crippled battleship as she stumbles.

"If that's the case we need to get you to the fight again and fast." Barb says

"I have a plan!" Johnston says
Meanwhile across the Atlantic ocean.

"What do you mean I can't use the SR-71 Blackbird again?" Alucard asks

"Last time it was lent to us you crashed it into Britain's ONLY AIRCRAFT CARRIER!" Sir Integra shouts

"Yes, however this time I wish to crash it into an endbringer." Alucard says

"No, If you wish to fight another endbringer you have to wait at the pick up point like everyone else." Sir Integra says

"OH THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Alucard shouts

"That's the rules" Sir Integra says

"Come on, police girl, we are heading to the pickup point. I at least want to see the conquering heroes" Alurcard says

"Do you think the ship girls honestly have a chance to master?" Seras asks

"Georgia, got a reaction from the Smurf I had never seen before. She seems to have a smart head, I am willing to bet she planned for this fight." Alucard says his cloak billowing behind him as he leaves to make his way to the UK pick up point for the endbringer fight.
At this point the PRT didn't know what to do, the heroes which had been assembled and given the peptalk had been let loose into the city to try and find the Leviathan. They had all seen what it looked like when the Endbringer stopped sandbagging. Georgia was rolled by the endbringer. One of the newest and yet most influential brutes on the scene had just been completely destroyed in a one on one fight.

So they had deployed to try and do anything yet. No one was finding the Endbringer. Then again no one was listening in to the hell going on in the Military Coms.
"I Said where is this SOME BITCH!" Avatar shouts righteously angry. Everyone had watched Georgia get bodied on the UAV yet that Girl had put up probably the strongest fight against an endbringer to date.

"He is 5 miles and closing fast!" The sonar operator says

"Get as many jets in the air as possible and prepare our weapons. Our VLS tubes better be empty by the end of this fight!" Admiral Avatar shouts.
Enterprise was chasing after the Leviathan and harrasign the absolute shit out of him. She's dropped thousands of pounds worth of bombs and depth charges yet he kept on trugging along. Her radar was picking up fliers not her own, yet they didn't seem to notice the havoc going on.

"Blind mother fuckers." Enterprise mutters, launching more planes to try and stop the Endbringer.

At one point the sky lit up with streaks of light as CVN-65 launched her VLS tubes, all the guided rockets peppering the endbringer who never stopped his charge.

First it was 5 miles, then 4 miles, then 3 miles, then 2 miles…It was 1 mile left. The endbringer had managed to close in on the dockyards and was in sight of the people watching from the observation deck of the museum.

Tracers lit up the sky like a laser beam as 20 millimeter rounds were shot from the CIWS system at the Leviathan who was taking his time to stare down the CVN-65. It almost seemed to be going slow to be dramatic. Then again once you had seen its fight with Georgia where it had actively dodged and caught hypersonic projectiles, you would think so as well.

That was when Levithan had done something no one had ever seen before. He started glowing blue.

Enterprise CV-6 has managed to catch up; her boilers have been given a thorough working out; she skids to a halt in front of Leviathan and levels her bow at the monster. The carrier breathed heavily, as she stared down the blue glowing leviathan.

A pulse was sent out of the Endbringer showing the world an entire new power.
As the blue waves passed through the carrier it went dark, it eventually passed through knocking out the power to the museum turned shelter. Several of the observation drones in the sky lost power and plummeted to the ground.

"Enterprise Engage!"
Watching the fight from the Ship museum was something else. For those in the know it was something the Enterprise had done before. A lone carrier against a giant, however for those that did not know. The Parahuman was about to risk her life to protect the carrier.

The girl muttered something and then started glowing, rather than blue like Leviathan had before. She was golden, her eyes glowing gold, her hair waving in the air behind her as she almost seemed to generate her own wind. Danny watched jaws drop as Enterprise started floating. Leviathan seemingly hesitating. Enterprise pulled back her bow string an arrow forming a shining light, which represented hope. Hope for America, that the principles on which this nation was founded would never die out and face terrany wherever it shows its ugly head.

The arrow of light was loosed and pierced clear through the Leviathan going through and through Blowing open leviathans head causing the beast to stagger backwards. A blow which would have been the killing blow if she had aimed at the heart instead of the head.

Leviathan roars in a mix of anger and pain, his head beginning to reform as water starts to drip from its mouth.

Enterprise knew that Leviathan was about to take his turn. He was going to get his target then retreat, she couldn't let that happen.

Blue wisdom cubes suddenly started to form and appear from nowhere as Enterprise herself disappeared. Leviathan lost his water pressured breath only for it to be blocked by a massive steel hull which had appeared suddenly.

A voice shouts in despair in the distance as an electromatic humm begins to ring in everyone's ears.
Georgia had made it to the top of a building overlooking the docks.

"This is a good idea, Johnston. I should be able to hit it from here." Georgia says looking over. Georgia stared in disbelief as she saw the endbringer stagger back, his head blown off by Enterprise's bow.

"Holy shit." Taylor mutters

"You said it." Johnston mutters in awe.

"She killed it?" Barb asks

"No, she missed the core." Georgia says in horror as the Endbringer's head starts to reform.

Within a second Georgia is placing the bow of her rigging at the perfect firing solution.

Water leaking from its head as Enterprise summons a glowing form of her WW2 Hull shielding her daughter as Leviathan's water breath is unleashed, the water cutting straight through the steel running the entire length of the ship cutting it in half at the waterline.

"ENTERPRISE!!!!" Georgia shouts as her rigging begins to hum rather violently all of the girls are able to feel static electricity in the air.

With a loud *CRACK* a massive rod blows straight through Leviathan's midsection hitting the ground in front of him causing the ground to shake in a way which would have registered on the Richter Scale. Making the monster pause before it begins to turn to dust.

The massive steel hull begins to dissolve as well revealing the form of Enterprise, dying on the ground. Meanwhile, Georgia is unconscious in critical
PHO Interlude 5
♦ Topic: Cape Law
In: Boards ► Places ► United States ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On May 4th 2011:
So I've heard from my contacts in the PRT... what remains of them anyways, that his court case is going poorly for them. I have honestly never heard of lawyers out right walking out on a case before. On top of that, does any one on have any clue on who that lawyer is? All I got is that he is from new Mexico and utterly tearing the PRT a new one.

(Showing page 1 of 222)

(Verified Texan)
Replied On May 4th 2011:
I've heard about him before. There was a nasty shootout with some villainous capes in Corpus Cristi a few months ago. All but two of the villains were killed in the ensuing firefight; PRT labeled it as 3rd-degree murder. Saul 'Goodie' Goodman came in and got the PRT for falsifying evidence.

►Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill (Law Office)
Replied On May 4th 2011:
So that's where Charlie Hustle went Chuck is going to have a stroke.

►USS Arizona (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 4th 2011:
I will be the first to know I don't have the faintest clue about civilian law. I barely know current military law for that matter (not my fault there isn't a Navy academy in Honolulu). But This situation looks to be ua hauʻoli loa. I originally used English, but it was rather rude, so I decided to use Hawaiian instead, as I doubt many speakers are on a Brockton Bay board

Seriously, what and why? I heard thanks to my good friend and fellow student Crystal P, who actually is from Brockton Bay, and still has family there, about the mess that went on there. I wouldn't even wish that on Nagumo or Yamamoto of all peoples. Let alone a teenage girl. Crystal fully agrees with me that this should never have happened. What kind of people are the PRT that they haven't immediately distanced themselves from the perpetrators?

In the unlikely event the perpetrators see the light of day, don't come to Hawaii. I am not sure I could stop myself from firing my main guns. If any Protectorate members there support the PRT stance in the situation, same goes for them.

►Crystal P (Cape Daughter)
Replied On May 4th 2011:
Like Ari said, that situation was a disgrace. I hope that the perpetrators of the actual crime will have the full weight of the law descend on them. That the books are thrown at them. Literally if necessary. Times like these, I am glad my family has never agreed to join up with the PRT, if this is what the PRT stands for, then hell no.

►Mordai (Verified Texan)
Replied On May 4th 2011:
-Replying to USS Arizona (Verified Battleship)
While I would agree with Yamamoto. Nagumo was a fucking idiot who deserved what he made others perform in his stead, Such as Yamaguchi. Thankfully for history Nagumo never did and his incompetence helped end the war sooner. Also Nagumo was the one who placed his flag on the Carrier that got that bomb off durring the Pearl Harbor raid.

►Cyberpunk Penguin
Replied On May 4th 2011:
Who wants to bet on the PRT nationwide checking what the wards have been up to ensure no other massive scandals are waiting in the wings?

►USS Arizona (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 4th 2011:
@Mordai (Verified Texan)
You can just call it as it was. No offense meant, but there is no reason to pussyfoot around December 7th, 1941 when speaking to me. Just don't insult my crew and you'll be fine. It has been nearly 70 years for me. But that's probably not something to discuss here. Better to take it to this thread, In which Crystal P posted a link to my Q&A about the Attack on Pearl Harbor.

►Llama_the_Hero (Verified Case 53) (Verified Fluffy)
Replied On May 4th 2011:
replied to Crystal P
Maybe you can answer a question why do people put so much attention on Arizona? Wasn't there more ships sunk? All I ever hear about is USS Arizona and nothing about any of the other ships.

►Crystal P (Cape Daughter)
Replied On May 5th 2011:
@Llama_the_Hero (Verified Case 53) (Verified Fluffy) (Verified Rogue)
I can't speak for others, but Ari is a fellow student with me at the University of Hawaii and I consider her a good friend. I am quite aware that other ships sank as well. My great grandfather was one of the officers that sank with USS Utah, his remains are still onboard. Ari actually went with me, when I went to the USS Utah Memorial last week. Unfortunately, as far as Ari can find out, Utah is currently either too deep asleep or not there. Her hull obviously is, but, her spirit I mean.

So no, I don't forget about the other ships, and yes, I know Utah and Arizona weren't the only ones. It is just that Ari is my friend. I hope this works for you?

End of Page. 1

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►Crystal P
(Cape Daughter)
Replied On May 5th 2011:
@Crystal P(Cape Daughter)
I meant no offence or that you didn't know about them it was just a general question. when I ask people about it all they ever talked about was USS Arizona and was just curious about that. Sorry if it was still getting use to everything.

Replied On May 5th 2011:

End of Page. 1, 2, 3...222

♦ Topic: Cape Law
In: Boards ► Locked Threads
(Original Poster) (Verified Non-Bet Native)
Posted On Apr 22nd 2011:
{admin colour insert}Tin_Mother: Aside from mentioning the cape involved I cannot find anything breaking rules, so it's a small infraction without muting.
While i don't usually post in this section, as i do prefer the Creative Writing and it's NSFW section...
Hoo boy, i think NDA i signed can be counted as borked, so i will say that out and fuck the consequences! i dont think even Salvage Wrights with their shenanigans can fix their fuck-ups. While other Iterations of the PRT did not quite done such things as they did here, i do not think i had met any version of them that had punished {admin colour insert}[Redacted by Tin_Mother] the thus failing to be actual responsible Adults. Pleasedon'tkillme, Oh The Q̶͠ͅů̷̮ē̸̘e̷̯̔n̷̹͑ï̵͉e̶̞̕ of Escalation! Also, should i point out PRT pressured me to sign the NDA in question? or Ș̴͓̲̖͛̌͌͋͝ṕ̸̨̧̭̙̗̩͖͇͆̓͝ͅọ̶̤̩͍̬̣̫̭͙̉̀͂͊ͅỉ̷̧̠̳̜̮͓̫̖̬̲̥̬̮̬̏͒̓̌́̈́̾́́̇̔̕͘͝ͅl̵̙̬̦̥͇̐̎̀͑̃͗̊̔̚͘͠͝ȩ̷̨̪̘̟̻̘̠̟͔̣͕̫͆̈́̒̓̿̈̈͗͌̒̈́̉͘͜r̸̙̙̜̠̹̙͈̙̻͗̔ẹ̸̭͍̺̖͚͐͛͛͑̈́̐̚d̸̫͍̫̤͔̼̀̌͑̀͋̉͘͝
Edit: Ohkay.. that was unexpected and sorry for the pain the text can bring the person reading.
To anyone wondering: The zalgo at the end *has* initially made my post ~3000 words long.
Now with my edits it's 200 words

(Showing page 1 of 1)

►PRT Official
Replied On May 6th 2011:
Thread Lock

This thread has been deemed a cognitive hazard and no no one is allowed to respond to it.

End of Page. 1

♦ Topic: Ari's Q&A on the Attack on Pearl Harbor
In: Boards ► Honolulu ► US Navy
Crystal P
(Original Poster) (Cape Daughter)
Posted On Apr 9th 2011:
Yesterday, my good friend Ari, USS Arizona, had an online Q&A on the Attack on Pearl Harbor with students of the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis. a Q&A that has since been posted on their Youtube account. *Link here*

While I am hardly a military student, I still found it highly interesting, it also gives an excellent example of just how different those like Ari see the world. I highly advise everyone to watch it.

♦ Topic: Why is it always me, Arizona, that people mention when discussing Pearl Harbor?
In: Boards ► Honolulu ► US Navy
USS Arizona
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Posted On May 8th 2011:
@USS Missouri_BB-63
@ Mordai
@ Grey Ghost
@Crystal P

Llama_the_Hero asked in an unrelated thread about why it's always me people ask about when talking about the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Here are my thought on this. The thing is, from the capital ships sunk on December 7th, Utah and myself are the only ones that were never raised. And from these, Utah was out of the way and no longer an active battleship. I was an active battleship when I sank and my hull was, and remains, in Battleship Row.

Yes, I am aware of Oklahoma, but as her hull was raised in 1946 and then sunk in deeper water on her way to the continent, she's not actually visible for people to see. Utah and I are.

So, in a way, I understand why this is the case. Which is a shame. Oklahoma was a great ship, sure, her puns grew to be quite annoying at times, but she was one of us. I don't remember much from those years, I didn't really wake up until in the fifties, but I do remember that Oklahoma was not really conscious during those years she laid on the bottom at Pearl, I wouldn't be surprised if she was relieved when she went under that final time in 1947

For those asking why I added two of the Iowa sisters, who were after all commissioned long after the attack. Well, and this I heard from talking with the tugs, and the missile destroyers calling Pearl Harbor home, apparently Missouri, by the end of the war and during the decades afterwards, became the Queen of Gossip in the Pacific. A title that in the Interwar had belonged to CV-1 Langley, may she and her brave crewmembers rest in peace.

Anyhow, Missouri and Wisconsin, due to having been active for so long, know most ships that ever sailed for the US Navy. So do Iowa and New Jersey, but I only have their museum accounts, not their own ones. @Missouri do they even have personal accounts?

I hope I haven't been rambling too long, but these were my thoughts. What do you think?

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(Verified Texan)
Replied On May 8th 2011:
Iowa does. Apparently she heard that I had kissed Wisky's number one turret on my HS graduation trip. Since then Iowa has threatened me to take good care of her youngest sister… or else.

Edit… am I the only one she teases or does she do that for everyone.

►Doting_Grey_Ghost (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 8th 2011:
When the wedding happens I want pictures of the honeymoon.

►Llama_the_Hero (Verified Case 53) (Verified Fluffy)
Replied On May 8th 2011:
So form what I get and having asked a WW2 historian I help with a problem it manly because of visibility(?) can't wait to see what everyone else thinks. maybe should go see some of those museum ship and ask there history.

Wait they remember that stuff then I really shouldn't go back to Texas don't think I'll be able to live though the embarrassment of talking to USS Texas. Also no I will not talk about it and just say when you have no memories and read a 18+ book you think it's how the would works.

►Battleship Texas (Museum) (Historical Site)
Replied On May 8th 2011:

I am sorry what did you do and why in the hell is Texas Blushing!

►USS Arizona (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 8th 2011:
@Llama_the_Hero Yes, we do. You know the monument they built near my hull? I can hear most of what's said over there if I try to listen. On our hulls, which hasn't been relevant for me over the last 70 years, but for the Iowa's to name some, it most certainly is. We are, I was, in essence what the Romans called a Genius Loci. If it happens on our hulls, we know it, most of it in the back of our heads. We don't focus on everything at once. No, we tend not to focus in when our crews are showering or on the toilet (yes, that has been asked, if you are a crewmember on a ship, your virtue is safe). But thing like what Mordai said? We are battleships, part of us is always focussing on our guns. Just like carriers will always keep a focus on their flight decks.

@ Mordai Well, from talking with currently active ships, I can tell you that Iowa is ... well, you might better not visit other museum ships, otherwise Iowa might accuse you of two-timing her youngest sister, just a friendly advise.

►Mordai (Verified Texan)
Replied On May 8th 2011:
I work on USS Texas as the electrician and tour guide, so that has already failed. But I'll cancel my trip out to Chicago, then again if half the Rumors I heard from G'ma Tex are true I probably dodged a bullet.

@ Llama_the_Hero
I am certain Tex would welcome you in and spoil you with doughnuts and coffee, only to then tease you. We call her grandma for a reason. But she will offer good advice.

Edit… OI who added that tag.

►USS Arizona (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 8th 2011:
@ Mordai
She'd know for sure. I mean, Missouri might have become the Gossip Queen of the Pacific after Langley fell. But Texas is rumored to be Missouri's Atlantic counterpart. Admittedly, due to being on the Pacific and having missed the war, apart from the very first day, I don't have first hand knowledge, only those rumors

End of Page. 1

♦ Topic: Tinkers Trying to steal a Battleship
In: Boards ► Texas ► US Navy

Posted On May 9th 2011:
To all Battleships I was approached by a person saying he was representing a group of tinkers wanting to steal a battleship to turn into a mobile base and attack something (they won't tell me). He kept saying something about Space Battleship Yamato (had to look that up apparently it a earth Alph thing) and since the PRT said they can't do anything for some reason I post this. Hope it helps. From what I was able to get they want ether a Iowa class or USS Texas so be on the look out.

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(Verified Cape)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
I am sorry but, who did you hear this from because they need to have a talking to.

►USS Arizona (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
@USS Missouri_BB-63
@ Grey Ghost
@ BB-35 Texas

I've added in Texas and the two Iowa sisters of whom I have the accounts and CV-6 Enterprise. Can you spread the word to your sisters, Missouri, Wisconsin? I suppose best Alabama, Massachusetts and North Carolina too.

P.S. Texas, what do you think, is mister Mordai worthy of our youngest niece?

►Crystal P (Cape Daughter)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
Didn't Georgia activate all of the battleships? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't those tinkers have to be either suicidal or complete and utter idiots who don't realise a battleship that can act, is not something you can steal. Has someone informed the Navy? I doubt they'd want restored battleships fighting off boarding efforts by idiotic tinkers.

►Llama_the_Hero (Verified Case 53) (Verified Fluffy)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
@Crystal P
Dose anyone know that hero (?) that going around fixing ship that i heard about she has a few and the guy I talked to did seam crazy enough to try and get one of them?

►Crystal P (Cape Daughter)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
That hero is BB-70 Georgia. She's on PHO as well. And she has in fact restored ALL museum battleships. She even did my friend Arizona, granted, Ari was already awake at the time. The thing is, due to the method she used, all of them can now somewhat control their hull. I actually talked to Missouri and Ari half an hour ago about your message. And Missouri assured me that all of them, are more than capable of fighting of parahuman boarders. She also stated that it is unlikely all of these boarders would survive their attempts.

They are battleships, they were made for war. for those tinkers, I have the following advise. Cease your planning, dismantle your tinkertech, and surrender yourself to the nearest navy officer.

►Mordai (Verified Texan) (Wisky Lover)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
She loves gossip. She dived head first into the speculation forums the hour everyone was gone. Hhchbcvjg j

►BB-35 Texas (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
Now @Mordai, don't spill secrets on the internet.

@ USS Arizona
He is a perv who enjoys looking at schematics, but he would be the first person to defend little Wisky. I would approve.

Edit. He has Enterprise's schematics along with Wisconsin's on his computer. They are under the research folder.

►Mordai (Verified Texan) (Wisky Lover)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
Ow. Oil Baroness is not doing her job well. Fuel line fell on me tripping me through a watertight door.

Edit. Of never mind I found out what happened.

►USS Arizona (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
@BB-35 Texas
To be fair, I usually prefered my electricians and mechanics to have some idea on my schematics. They tended to do a better job if they knew what they were doing.

@ BB-64 Wisconsin
@ Mordai
would it be possible to hold the wedding in Pearl? I mean, you can simply sail through the Panama canal. But I can't get further than 15 nautical miles from my hull. A beautiful island, crystal clear seas, Hawaii has it all. It would be an excellent wedding venue.

End of Page. 1

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(Verified Cape)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
@USS Arizona
Also I would love to go back to Hawaii. And although the panama canal is now clear it's still panama. The place is like permanently on fire.... Or was that Florida?
Anyways this trial is something insane. I know some legal stuff but holy hell Saul is just crazy good. He's over here running laps around them.

►TinMother (Moderator)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
This thread is starting to go off topic...

►Mordai (Verified Texan) (Wisky Lover)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
@BB-70 What?

@ USS Arizona Please don't give anyone any ideas.

►Doting_Grey_Ghost (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
@Mordai Too late, I am already sending you the plane tickets. Get up to Norfolk and get my sister a wedding dress.

@ USS Arizona
I'm on my way, we have to get the wedding venue set up.

►USS Arizona (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 9th 2011:
Am I the only one who is now attempting to imagine someone draping a wedding dress over an Iowa-class hull? How much fabric would you even need to cover an entire battleship?
EDIT: I'd experiment on my own hull, if not for the fact it would be highly disrespectful to my crewmembers' graves. And the fabric probably would be ruined beyond repair by the seawater

►USS Missouri BB-63
Replied On May 9th 2011:
@USS Arizona
Maybe we should experiment with a destroyer or corvette first? I know Hopper's captain, DDG-70. Not a wedding dress, obviously, but maybe something easier? For science (and photo's we can send to ALL Hopper's sisters, their Kongõ halfsisters too for that matter)

End of Page. 1, 2

♦ Topic: Leviathan Attack and Death?
In: Boards ►
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On May 16th 2011:
Leviathan just happened...I made it out safe along with a surprisingly large amount of people. From what I was able to find out it should be over with...

So how is everyone doing? I'm alive myself and I consider that a miracle. Has anyone made it back to the Bay yet how does it look?

I have heard conflicting reports can anyone confirm if the end bringer is dead?

Any photo's or videos?

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►RM Aquila
(Unverified Battleship)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
Have some photos of the insult to mythology becoming dust after being perforated from behind by a hard rod, taken by a NY 'cousin' of mine that was in the area for 'family affairs' here.

Sorry for the bad quality by the way, but you cannot pretend perfection from a commercially available old school style camera.

►Mordai (Verified Texan) (Wisky Lover)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
Currently, I am helping load up some relief supplies. There were a couple of light cargo ships that were in good condition that was requisitioned by the Texas Navy to ferry relief supplies. We are currently doing final checks and arming the ships against pirates.

@ BB-64_Wisconsin, Think you can get some of your friends along the coast to watch out for the supply convoy.

►BB-64_Wisconsion (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
Absolutely, I hope everyone up there is alright. It's been radio silent and I am getting rather fidgety. Last time one of my sisters got fidgety an island was sunk.

Do you plan on taking responsibility for kissing my guns?

Replied On May 17th 2011:
I do think nice bit of sailing is just what I need. Just to get away from the destruction and come back with help would be nice. Any destroyer wanting to do convoy duty, I'll depart for Texas in an hour. I already asked one of the subs to borrow an ice cream machine somewhere. No idea where they got it from, but I doubt it matters.

►USS Arizona (Verified Cape) (Verified Battleship)
Replied On May 18th 2011:
Does anyone know what's going on with BB-70. I sent her a PM 2 days ago, but she hasn't responded at all? Is everything alright with her?
And what is going on with Enterprise? (I mean CV-6, not Enterprise junior). I've heard loads of different things, but nothing definitive.
Also for my friend, who doesn't dare look at the Brockton Bay boards or the news, or even turn on her phone, can anyone tell me whether all of New Wave made it out alive?
edit: there are hundreds of pages right now. I know the information might be in them, but it will take me a long time to parse through

►Llama_the_Hero (Verified Case 53) (Verified Fluffy)
Replied On May 18th 2011:
Just woke up was in BB to help after the attack form the Nazi when the EBS goes off and while looking for the local rally point I see the Lizard got a few shots off before I lost my leg and blackout don't know what going on. No one saying much and still on the good stuff is Panacea sill around I would like my leg back then is can go see that museum as see the space shuttle they have.
There telling me to go back to sleep now good night.

►Tin Mother
Replied On May 18th 2011:
Please keep it on topic girls. I know Georgia isn't there to corral you at the moment however I believe she will make a speedy recovery.

End of Page. 10

The Arizona trilogy pt 1
crossposted from the Spacebattles Thread

USS Arizona, the studious battleship
To be honest, Arizona had kind of missed Georgia's entire visit, having been busy studying for her exams. The fact the professors and their TA's couldn't see her was immaterial.

Arizona had been slumbering for the first 5 years after the attack on Pearl. But afterwards, she had awoken. Well, her spirit at least, her hull was still were it had been all this time. At one point, out of curiosity, she had followed students into a university aula. Applied Anthropology was kind of interesting, but not knowing the same background as the students made it difficult to follow.

Arizona had decided to search out what she had missed. She spent 3 years invisibly in a highschool. Searching out the lessons she thought she could use. While the tests weren't something the teachers could correct, due to not seeing her own copies, or herself. Arizona did always check her own results by sitting in the same locale as the professors as they corrected the tests of the students and seeing what was correct and what wasn't. After 3 years, Arizona was satisfied she had more than earned a Highschool degree and returned to the Universities.

In the following 5 decades, Arizona earned (or in her opinion she would have had the teachers known she was there and had been able to review her work themselves), several degrees. Philosophy, English literature, several history courses. Engineering. She kept a highly eclectic variety. Arizona even managed to learn Hawaiian and Pidgin. She wished she could speak to actual Hawaiians and so actually use the languages. Above all, she kept on returning to the Applied Anthropology courses.

Then one evening, after classes had ended, she was taking a leisury stroll back to her hull when she spotted Missouri, a fully restored Missouri …

Wanting to know how the hell that had happened, Arizona headed towards the Iowa-class. "Aloha Missouri, do I have permission to come aboard?" Arizona asked standing at the gangway.

After about a minute Missouri's spirit appeared at her gangway. Never actually having met Arizona while in service, Missouri didn't actually recognize Arizona. Then again, she was dressed in a flower print summer dress, not exactly something you'd expect a Battleship to wear (but it would have made her fit in easily, if the humans could actually see her). "My hull's over there", Arizona pointed, "mostly below the water, near the monument. I'm USS Arizona, BB-39."

The next morning Georgia opened PHO

♦ Private message from USS Missouri:

Battlewagon BB-70 *New Message*: I was just visited by Arizona, BB-39. She wanted me to ask whether you could to for her what you did for us. Without disturbing her crewmember's graves, that is? Is there a possibility?

Turns out she's been awake since about 1947. And has been spending most of her time at the Hawai'ian Universities.

Anyway, she wanted to hand in her PHD Dissertation about Applied Anthropology I think. To be honest, I didn't really understand much of the work. She also wants to hand in all her other work for the various Bachelor and Master degrees she says she earned
The Arizona trilogy pt 2
USS Arizona, it's not fair
Georgia apparently was quite capable of giving her a physical body while still preserving the last resting place of so many of her crew. It was a bit of a strange feeling at first, but thanks to Georgia doing her thing with the superstructure piece stored in the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, Arizona could now actually be seen. Her old hull was still part of her, she could sort of sense it. But she could now walk around and be seen.

At first, the UH had wanted to give Arizona an Honorary Doctorate. But Arizona had refused, saying she wanted a real one. And planned to do all the work. Leading to her now being an official student. At first, the UH had told students not to ask about December 7th, 1941. But after more than half a century, Arizona was quite capable of talking about it, actually, she wanted to even. On her own suggestion, she spent 2 hours one Friday evening on a Q&A with History students from UH. She also arranged an online Q&A with Naval Academy Students through the US Navy base at Pearl.

Anyway, after a day at the University, Arizona went back to the Naval Base. She had actually told the US Navy that a berth or anchorage was more than sufficient for her. But they had for some reason insisted upon her using a bed in the naval base itself. Which was kind of weird. Missouri was allowed to sleep at a proper berth, but she wasn't. It really wasn't fair. Actually, she should post that on PHO, they did start a new subgroup to discuss ships after all.

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♦Topic: Unfair treatment of hull displaced ships
In: Boards ► Ships

USS Arizona
(Original Poster) (Verified Battleship)
Posted on May 11, 2011:

It's really not fair how we hull displaced ships are not given the same rights as our not hull-displaced brethren.

USS Missouri is allowed to sleep with her lower hull submerged in water. USS Enterprise, I mean CV-65, too. But CV-6 and myself are forced to sleep IN A BED. It's really not fair. Why are they allowed to sleep at a berth, or at least an anchorage? But we are forced to spend our nights in a dry and uncomfortable bed.

How do you humans do it, sleeping without the comfortable embrace of the water around your lower hull?
The Arizona trilogy pt 3
USS Arizona & Crystal
"I think it's probably best to go to your place", Arizona told Crystal. While yes, Arizona handing in all the work she had done while intangible (apart from her old hull beneath the monument that is) had ensured Arizona now had most of the work finished for her Master Degree in Applied Anthropology and Development. The University did want her to actually follow some of the classes and do the exams with her fellow students. Currently she had to do a joint work with a fellow student. A student that ended up being Crystal Pelham.

"Yeah, I don't think we're even allowed to start doing our work near the monument", Crystal agreed, "it's not too far. Let's walk."

"Oh, I'm not staying there", Arizona corrected as she walked next to Crystal, "well, not entirely that is, obviously my hull is there. But the Navy told me I couldn't simply moor myself near my old hull at night. Or on any empty berth. They gave me a bunk in the navy base. Well, I suppose having access to a desk is quite handy. And that waterbed they allowed me to bring in is at least sufficiently alike the soft movement of the waves on your hull, allowing a proper night's sleep."

Crystal sniggered, finally remembering Arizona's post about not being allowed to sleep at a berth from a few weeks back. Which several of the ships back home in Brockton Bay had replied to. "Oh yes, that PHO-post", Crystal realized, "I forgot about that." Then again, Crystal did try to treat Arizona the same as the other students. If not for the fact she didn't even try to hide anything and simply went by Arizona, Crystal would sometimes even almost forget the other student was in fact a battleship (which even with parahumans around, like herself, was kind of strange).

"Oh, you have a PHO account? Stupid question, of course you have", Arizona realized, "otherwise you wouldn't have found that post."

"I do, it's Crystal P, I suppose Laserdream too, but I'm not doing anything with that account at the moment", Crystal explained.

"Wait, two accounts, is that even allowed?" Arizona thought there was a one account per person rule.

"Laserdream is my verified Cape account, the other one is my personal one", Crystal clarified.

"You're a Cape? And you're telling me like that", Arizona thought Capes tried to keep their identities secret.

"I'm a public Cape", Crystal answered, "which is actually one of the reasons I went all the way to Honolulu for University. At least here, practically no one has ever even heard of Laserdream. Of course the PRT knows I'm here, at least I think they do. But it's actually kind of nice not to be doing any Cape things. Or nearly none. I did inform the Coast Guard that if they can use my aid for Search and Rescue, I am available. They took me up on the offer a few times."

"Does that mean you're the flying girl who found the fisherman who went overboard from the trawler Judith?" Arizona remembered.

"How do you even know that?" Crystal wondered, "the Coast Guard and the fishing crew agreed not to tell anyone a parahuman helped."

"Judith told her fellow trawlers, who passed the word to the tugboats. And tugs are even worse gossips than the trawlers, and that's saying something. Missouri somehow always finds out just about every piece of gossip spread inside the ports, both military and civilian. So she heard about it. And she told me when we were having lunch last Saturday."

"Wait, you mean the trawlers and tugboats are also alive?" Crystal hadn't known that.

"For trawlers, only the bigger ones", Arizona replied, "With some exceptions. Sometimes a smaller one does awaken a spirit, but it's rare. Some, like this Judith, who I presume is named after a loved one, have more of a chance. Probably due to the emotional connection. As far as I know, all tugs do have a spirit. I mean, I never met one without one. Yachts? In all my years, I've only seen a handful with a spirit. The cruise ships and other passenger ships all have spirits though. But they are kind of bored most of the time. Not enough people willing to go on a cruise these days, keeps them stuck in port."

Crystal suddenly stopped walking.

"Is something wrong?" Arizona asked.

"Not at all", Crystal replied, "I simply realised something. We still need a subject for our work. So what if we make it about ship spirit culture? We can interview ships. Or you can at least, but I can help think of the questions we need to ask. And of course help form conclusions out of their responses."

"Well, I can guarantee no one else will have that subject", Arizona agreed, "let's do it."
Chapter 8-1
May 22nd 2011

It has been a week since Leviathan had hit Brockton bay.

The city is actually helped with reconstruction by the government. Though that was likely because Avatar had pulled his influence, pumps were being driven in to pump out the bay. While the people worked to put their lives back together. Enterprise had passed away, her body dissolving and leaving one of those cubes that Georgia used to give ship spirits physical bodies. Georgia herself was still out cold and she showed no sign of waking up anytime soon.

"Taylor!" Fletcher shouts hugging the girl knocking her out of her thoughts
Taylor's phone rings, suddenly then again her phone ringing was kind of normal since for some odd reason she was the impromptu leader of the fleet since Enterprise the second in command had fallen, and Georgia… Georgia was in a makeshift hospital room put together in the museum's upstairs, she had succeeded and while the world celebrated Brockton Bay licked its wounds. The sleeping giant's rested especially since no faction actually lost capes in the fight against the endbringer except for the Navy's Shipgirls.

The phone stopped ringing since Taylor didn't pick up the phone.

That didn't mean that they were weak; the E88 found that out when they tried to strong arm the dock workers. Johnston was there and to be honest we kind of forgot to give her conform shells. Taylor remembers Hook wolf and Alabaster dying to the trigger happy battle-destroyer.

"Hey Taylor, good job handling that Nosferatu," New York says patting Taylor on the back.

"You mean Alucard? He was rather nice." Taylor says

"He dug up a war grave." New York says scathingly

"I don't really think he meant too, it's kinda how his powers work if I am not mistaken. At least we have her now and when Georgia gets back on her feet she will be able to restore her." Taylor answers

"I agree with York." Fletcher says still hugging Taylor.

"Are we talking about me again?" The ghostly figure of a girl asks

"Yes we are Edsall," Taylor says

"Although I admit that being drug up like this is rather discomforting. I am excited to get back into the fight." Edsall says

Taylor smiles at the lone destroyer which faced off against the Kido Butai and completely embarrassed them.

There was talk of Georgia and Enterprise getting metals for their service. It would be Georgia's second time getting one.

Taylors phone rang again.

"You should probably get that." Fletcher says

"Hello?" Taylor asks, opening the dinosaur of a flip phone.

"Is this Taylor?" A robotic voice asks

"Yes?" Taylor asks

"This is Dragon, I was talking with Georgia before the endbringer fight and have a gift for her. She said if she was unable to get it then I should contact either the Enterprise or you." Dragon says

It took a second for one of the famous dragon drones to fly down in front of Taylor and drop off a USB stick in her palm.

"What is it exactly? It is a USB drive," Taylor asks the greatest tinker alive

"It is exactly what she asked me for, and Although she isn't awake Her crew is right?" Get her to a retrofit tub and I will have the materials brought." Dragon responds.

"Do you think this will wake her?" Taylor asks

"It is a very real possibility." Dragon says

Taylor is silent for a minute, the fight against Leviathan was costly. The Bay's population was cut by 1/3rd the entirety of downtown was destroyed.

Enterprise had died…

She took the fatal blow meant for her daughter, and her body had dissolved into a golden blue light which had turned into one of those cubes Georgia often used to bring the spirits of girls back, however it was cracked, and the usually glowing blue light was dull.

Enty has been devastated, all of them were. There is to be a state funeral for Enterprise, and the preparations for that were starting to get to her.

The world was probably going to learn a lot more about the ship girls. Afterall, besides the navy, historian's, and cape geeks no one seemed to realize they were one in the same. There had only been a few small news stories on them, which seemed to believe they were cape's with the powers of a warship.

The general public would probably be surprised to learn that the Enterprise had once again sacrificed itself for america… No, she did it for the world.

"Taylor you there?" Dragon asks over the phone.

"Sorry. I was lost in thought again, so much has happened and in all honestly. I am having trouble processing it." Taylor says sadly

"It's always like that after an endbringer fight. Though I implore you to look at the good side Endbringer fight's usually have a cape death count nearing the triple digits and a civilian death toll in the tens of thousands. All we could do was make the endbringer retreat, except this time. You all killed it, you did the impossible with minimal losses. The world is celebrating and wondering when Georgia is going to kill the other ones. PHO is going crazy and it seems like The Simurgh escaping was a fluke.

"I honestly think her friend dying is going to set her on a warpath." Taylor says knowing Georgia fairly well.

"Against who?" Dragon asks

"I honestly couldn't tell you; however Georgia has always known more than she should." Taylor admits.

"So, I guess we are going to live in interesting times then." Dragon says with a giggle.
Chapter 8-2
Georgia had been stuck inside of her hull. Her crew was apocalyptically pissed at her.


"Yes, I know I fucked up and underestimated it. I saw it show fear when the hypersonic shells hit it. I was hoping I wouldn't have to blow off my bow to kill it. By the time I realized I had fucked up it was near impossible to line up the shot for a gaurented kill. Especially since I only had one." Georgia tells her captain.

"Hey?" The man with the captain's hat asks.

"We are waiting for Dragon to deliver on her promise while we make the critical Repairs. You saw the plans I sent her, you should know what the next retrofit is going to be." Georgia says with a smile.

"Hell yeah Captain that is going to be our shakedown cruise, All legendary ships have crazy shakedown cruises. Texas invading Mexico, Samuel B Roberts hitting a whale. I feel like we can top that." Georgia says with a smirk.

The ground rocks a bit as Georgia's physical body is moved.

"Hey!" the captain shouts into the speaking tubes.

"The patchwork is holding? That's great, all we need is the plans." Georgia says right as a flash drive appears in the bridge out of nowhere.


"Yes, I feel it is a great time to get to work Captian." Georgia says with a smile.


"I mean Enterprise has survived worse, right? Didn't she have a lift blown into the sky before? I'm sure a major hit to the hull running right across all critical parts of the ship is something she could survive…" Georgia says mustering as much hope in her words as possible.


"Well, if she doesn't I will just have to bring her back. I brought her back from nothing but a stern plate. You better believe I could do it again." Georgia states though her tone reflects how unsure she is of that statement.

"Hey Taylor, I heard you have some news." Admiral Avatar says taking a tour of the museum. Several of the hulls have not been put back yet because they relied heavily on Georgia's powers. So the museum was mostly empty at the moment besides a few attractions like Space Shuttle Enterprise and all the photos and memorabilia.

"Do you want to see her?" Taylor asks

"Do I want to see the conquering hero? Of course I do." Avatar states

Taylor motions for the admiral to follow before entering an employees only area.

The two were very quickly heading up the stairs leading to the bunk area.

Taylor opens a door which leads to a common area with a mix of a living room and kitchen before heading down another hallway.

"Hello Taylor how's it going?" Salt lake asks

"Just showing the Admiral to Georgia's room." Taylor responds

"Ah, I mean she's been physically changing a little bit as of late." Salt Lake admits

"How so?" Avatar asks as he continues to follow Taylor to a closed door.

"I guess we are going to find out in a second." Taylor says opening the door

Georgia's usual black hair was turning blonde and her stub of a left arm was showing mechanical parts and growing ever so slowly.

"Uh, what is going on?" Taylor wonders looking at the repair tub, the half sunken Rigging and Georgia's physical changes were really confusing her and Avatar looked even more perplexed.

"Her body is rebuilding itself the only way a machine knows how." Amy says from the corner of the room smoking a cigarette.

Taylor flips around before looking at Amy disappointedly.

"I thought you had stopped smoking dear." Taylor says

"You know, I thought I had too." Amy responds, dropping the cigarette on the steel floor and stamping it out.

"How are all of the girls doing?" Avatar asks

"Most of them had to get out of the city. Especially those who were frontline in this battle. They feel like they have failed, though they'll be back eventually." Taylor says with a tired sigh.

Meanwhile on the TV in the background a news report is playing.

"In other surprising and amazing news. The Bodies of the Seed family have been found drowned out in a rental car. What the most notorious group of masters was doing in Brockton Bay we will likely never know; however, two great evil's died in The Battle of Brockton Bay and may we find more of them among the dead and less innocent. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbage, as our British counterparts would say."
Chapter 8-3
Georgia is looking at her new power plant. She had undergone a major refit. I mean the last one which gave her 6 nuclear reactors and removed two of her boilers had really been a massive undertaking. Now she was down to two nuclear reactors for emergency power and the brand new Wave Motion Engine sat next to them. The slipspace drive was also tucked into the citadel as well.

Two massive wing pods were attached on joints which allowed them to be raised and lowered for either flight or sea travel. Her armor remained steel being upgraded to STS however just about anything else had been upgraded to a variant of Titanium.


"Yes, that did take quite a while however we had good music and, yall are experienced ship builders. Really happy to have you guys rather than whatever would've been my crew." Georgia says with a smile.


"I would hope so, I mean we had nowhere safe to put the spare nuclear material from dismantling 4 of my reactors so it would make sense to put it into the remaining two. It's not like they were all full anyways. It was extremely difficult to get enriched uranium anyways." Georgia says

The two reactor's had been expanded a little bit. In truth the reason this build took so long was because of the handling of radioactive material. If any of it were to leak, who knows where it would've gone.


"Yes, you little guys did go above and beyond with the rebuilding of my bow and the placement of the BFG… Or wave motion gun. It is a massive gun, I can not wait to get a chance to fire it." Georgia says with a smirk.

"I say it's time we powered this thing on!" Georgia shouts happily.

July 4th 2011.

Georgia's eyes opened. Which was followed by a light scream and some crashing sounds.

"Hello Fletcher." Georgia says sitting up feeling all of her muscles stiffen.

"Georgia! You're finally awake! It's been months!" Fletcher shouts

"Months huh?" Georgia asks however she's not paying attention to Fletcher.

Georgia is holding her cybernetic arm in front of her face testing out the range of responses and the eerily natural feel of it.

"So what did I miss?" Georgia asks

"Johnston…" Fletcher says

"Ah, not much then. How many gang's are dead?" Georgia asks

"Well, THE ABB has been underground ever since you first showed up." Fletcher says with a smile.

"So the E88 and Merchants are gone? Who replaced them?" Georgia asks

"E88 is kinda still around, most of their capes are dead, the Merchant's are gone. The Fallen have shown up to. We also have USS Edsall in the center hall of the museum. Some vampiric-themed cape named Alucard dropped her off for us." Fletcher says

"Well, let's go repair her then. Can you call the other girls? I want to try and get the Museum backup and running." Georgia says hopping off the medical bed and stumbling for the first few steps.

A second later Georgia walks out of the door and into the cat walk of the museum only to be ambushed by a loud storm of clapping.

Fletcher walks out behind her shortly afterwards.

"Welcome back… It's been a long two months." Fletcher says

Down below there was a massive party.

"I would ask how you all knew I was going to be waking up however. It was probably Sarah." Georgia says leaning on the railing looking down at the crowd.

"Yes she can be rather scary when she wants to be." Fletcher says

Georgia brushes her hair out of her face before taking a second to take a look at it in her hand.

"I need a haircut however blonde isn't too bad." Georgia says

"So what now?" Fletcher asks

"What day is it Fletcher?" Georgia asks

"July 4th." Fletcher responds

"What a great day to be born again." Georgia says with a smirk

Music kicks on and Georgia hops the railing to join in on the festivities.

"I didn't get to tell her about Enterprise." Fletcher whispers in horror.
Chapter 8-4
July 5th 2011

Georgia woke up on the ground. Then again her return and the fourth of July meant that the small 4th of July party had become a major bash.

"Georgia… Can I talk to you in your office?" Taylor asks the Battleship

Georgia blinks at Taylor, "sure… I noticed some problems with that party last night."

Taylor nods, motioning for Georgia to lead the way.
Georgia walks into her office and sees that Taylor has personalized it a bit.

"Well, I like what you've done with the place." Georgia says

"Thanks though I've had some help." Taylor admits

"Hey Georgia, how's it going?" A second taylor says

"You're how they rebuilt so fast huh?" Georgia says looking at the installation girl who was Brocton Bay.

"Yep!" Brockton Bay responds

"I have been thinking. My fight with Leviathan… Has made me realize I am not invincible so, I think I might start planning a back up plan." Georgia says

"Speaking of not being invincible." Taylor says

Georgia watches as Taylor leaves that hanging and sits down at the desk and opens a drawer.
Suddenly there is a yellow-golden light on her face as she lifts out what appears to be a wisdom cube and places it on the desk. A massive crack in the glass like material running down its center straight through the cube.

"This is"Enterprise"" Taylor begins only to be cut off by Georgia.

"I saw it happen, she took a death blow meant for her daughter." Taylor says

"Yes… I remember." Georgia says scooping up the cube storing it.

"I think… I need to step out." Georgia says leaving the room.

"She handled it surprisingly well." Brockton Bay says

"Yeah, I am glad sh-" Taylor says when the entire building shakes and the distant sound of a sonic boom could be heard.

"Maybe not," Brockton says

"I guess not." Taylor admits getting up from the desk.

Georgia was in space flying high and looking down upon the earth.
It was a surreal experience. Yet incredibly sad, earth was not in a good shape and even killing the endbringers and Scion might not save it, then again that would be up to the humans who lived on it.

"Well, I guess I should try my positron cannon. I know the perfect target." Georgia says as she stretches her wings the limbs have replaced her rigging after the retrofit.

Stretching her power's Georgia was suddenly standing in her own bridge as a physical manifestation of herself was under her feet. Any on earth looking up could see the massive space battleship she had become… and she had a debt to settle with another Angel look alike.

In the boundless expanse of space, The Simurgh floated there. Bathed in a radiant, iridescent glow, its wings stretch out, embracing the sky and stars as it floats weightlessly, gazing down upon the Earth with a cold calculating gaze. Only for a glint to catch her eye and draw her attention away from the surface of the earth. A figure was approaching from a distance, and it was closing rather fast. This entity appears different from the stars, neither a celestial body nor a "divine" being like itself.

It was more of a behemoth, no a Dreadnought gliding through the vast expanse of space, its appearance like a majestic symphony of technology and engineering harmoniously dancing with the stars. Which confused it, no tinker alive should've been capable of performing such a feat, Especially without her notice. The ship's hull is an elegant amalgamation of sleek curves and angular lines, designed to maximize both efficiency and its historical aesthetics.

Lit by the distant gleam of distant stars, the battleship emits a gentle luminescent glow from its myriad of integrated lighting systems. This ethereal glow casts a shadow on its surroundings, adding to the sense of power and strength.

Its massive thrusters on either side propelled the battleship forward with controlled power, expected from such a beast. It was moving seamlessly akin to a perfectly choreographed artistic ice skater performing at the Olympics. Despite its immense size, the ship seems to defy the laws of physics, moving with an almost weightless grace as it navigates through the cosmic tapestry of stars.

The Simurgh does a quick glance with her eyes because she failed to see with her powers whatever had caused this madness. She quickly found IT was the being which had fought her in Australia was standing there… The entity which had fought her in the last battle stood proudly on the bow of the ship with jet black wings… IT was machine yet utterly unlike her, IT was tainted by humanity as could be seen by the disgusting black wings adorning her figure, IT could never be anything but a servant to the parasite's whims and fancies, forever a slave to the humans.

Georgia stood on the bow of her ship, her adrenaline pumping as she approached another fight with a being which had survived its first encounter with her of its own free will and not granted mercy.

"I think I am fresh out of mercy today," Georgia mutters as she positions herself into the optimal firing position to take a shot at the Endbringer.

Today would be The Simurgh's last day alive.

The false angel stirred and opened its eyes making contact with Georgia before a sneer developed on its face. A look of utter contempt and superiority.

"Fuck it, FIRE!" Georgia shouts as her turrets glow and hum with energy.

A beam streaks through the vacuum of space, closing the distance at the speed of light. As it impacts the endbringer, the positrons collide with electrons within the alien entity, triggering an unparalleled annihilation reaction. As the electrons of the Simurgh meet its antimatter counterpart.

A blinding burst of gamma radiation erupts, enveloping Georgia in a torrent of energy.

"Ha! I was too close." Georgia shouts with a laugh only to be unheard in the silence of space.

All forms of surveillance, and radar failed to find any remains of Simurgh as it had taken the brunt of a blast bigger than the explosion at Bikini Atoll point blank.

The Endbringer had been erased from existence.
Chapter 8-5
Georgia had no idea of the shit storm she had just managed to kick up.

NASA, Roscosmos, ESA, CNSA, ISRO, JAXA, and the UK Space Agency just to name a few had witness the entireity of the endbringer fight, and the information agencies were on literal fire.
In the heart of the Protectorate's headquarters, a hushed discussion took place between Dragon and Rebecca Costa Brown. The weight of recent events hung heavy in the air, mirrored by the gravity of their conversation.

Rebecca's brow furrowed as she leaned in, her voice laced with concern. "Dragon, the manner in which the Simurgh was... dealt with, it's unsettling. A massive space battleship of unknown origin? This could be a harbinger of a new kind of threat."

Dragon's holographic form projected an aura of calculated thoughtfulness. "You're right, Rebecca. The unknown origin of the battleship raises questions about who possesses the capability and resources to construct such a formidable weapon."

Rebecca's fingers tapped restlessly on the table's surface. "The fact that we can't trace it back to any known parahuman group or government agency is troubling. What if this is just the beginning? What if there are more of these ships out there?"

Dragon's projection wavered as if contemplating the myriad possibilities. "Our worst-case scenarios include the potential for more of these battleships, each with its own unique capabilities. We must be prepared for anything. Although, I do have a theory, yet I am still having trouble contacting her." Dragon says

"When do we tell the public? What do we tell the public?" Rebecca asks

"We share the good news. Another Endbringer is dead." Dragon says

While on the screen behind the AI's Avatar shot a picture of a massive battleship floating in space.
In a bustling NASA press conference room, the backdrop bore the iconic blue NASA logo against a starry backdrop, setting the stage for an announcement that would captivate the world. A podium stood at the front, flanked by American and NASA flags. The room buzzed with anticipation as cameras and reporters filled every available space.

At the podium stood Dr. Rachel Walker, a respected astrophysicist known for her work on planetary exploration. She cleared her throat, her gaze steady as she addressed the assembled journalists.

"Good afternoon, everyone. We are here today to address a development of profound significance—one that transcends our usual areas of expertise."

Cameras clicked as reporters leaned forward, eager to hear the news.

"As part of our ongoing exploration of the cosmos, we have made an unexpected and extraordinary discovery," Dr. Walker continued. "We have detected a massive battleship of unknown origin in space. But what's even more astonishing is that this battleship appears to be responsible for the death of the Simurgh."

A murmur swept through the room, shock, and intrigue mingling on reporters' faces.

"I'm sorry did you say the Simurgh was dead!" A report cheers out

"Yes, once again we see the death of another endbringer." Dr. Walker says clicking her clicker.

"How!?" Another reporter shouts

"Well if you would like I could play the video. We along with several other agencies always have a camera on the Simurgh. ALTHOUGH WITH HER DEATH! I would like to say that we could once again begin to explore space!" Walker says as a video begins to play.

Every reporter in the room watches the video feed of the battleship floating gracefully against the backdrop of the cosmic canvas, the sun reflecting off of its hull the bright red lead primer paint glowing.

At first, there's a sense of disbelief and surrealness, much like witnessing an inexplicable miracle. They might rub their eyes or adjust their glasses as if trying to bring the image into sharper focus. "Is this real? Is the video altered or manipulated in some way? This can't be happening,"

"Yes, we here at NASA can confirm that the Simurgh is dead," Walker says into the microphone

Pure chaos followed.
he once-gritty industrial landscape had undergone a transformation, now boasting a sleek and modern look that hinted at both progress and lingering history. The moon's soft glow bathed the area in a silver sheen, casting elongated shadows.

One such shadow was cast by Georgia's whose massive wing span flapped one last time as Georgia hit the water at the edge of a dock before climbing up onto land.

Every single air radar had picked her up and no doubt all of the girls were on their way over.

"Georgia, since when could you fly?" Taylor asks being the first to arrive.

"The newest retrofit," Georgia responds.

"You did something crazy didn't you?" Nevada asks

"Maybe, let's just say that this endbringer died a lot faster than the last one," Georgia says

"I'm sorry what!" Taylor shouts.

"Tell us!"

"I wanna fly TOO!"


The destroyers and submarines were enthusiastic as always.

Georgia smiled to herself, happy to be home.
Chapter 8-6
November 1st 2011

Brockton Bay. No the world had changed significantly ever since Georgia had killed two of the endbringers and the third one is afraid to come up in fear of facing the killer of its kin. The world was told that Georgia was responsible for the death of both of them, so Brockton Bay has actually been rather peaceful these past few months due to no one wanting to upset the walking Act of God

Space Agencies were launching rockets again, Naval trade was starting to pick up again, port cities were being cleared and prepared while steel companies were producing ships at a record pace. Nowhere near the 4 days and 15 hours record although it was getting to the point nearing the average speed of creation of the Liberty ships during World War 2. While all of this was going on, politics always reared its ugly head.

The Soviet Union was struggling for power as Ukraine had declared independence and the fight was turning out rather badly for both sides. Especially since you Ukraine was the breadbasket and held a massive reserve of arms and ammo. China was encroaching into India, and North Korea, and expanding out seaward towards Taiwan.

Yet while all of this was going on life continued for the Ship girls under Georgia's command.

In the new heart of the bustling waterfront district, the Dock Worker's Union's brand new office which held a unique place in the community, having barely weathered the endbringer era, the DWU saw a prosperous future ahead. The office was also shared with the nearby ship museum, the office served as a bridge between the maritime history of the past and the labor struggles of the new present, especially with the rapid growth. Warehouses were being updated, and all of the port infrastructure was being brought up to date.

Georgia however was relaxing while reading her book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History. When her door was knocked on.

"Come on in." Georgia shouts putting a bookmark in the ancient novel before sliding it carefully back into her bookshelf.

Danny, the leader of the Dock Worker's Union, entered with a determined look on his face. He closed the door gently behind him before taking a seat across from Georgia's desk. The formerly portly man no longer looked nearly as sickly and he seemed to be taking better care of himself.

"How's it going with Taylor?" Georgia asks

"Isn't she the assistant Curator?"Danny asks

"You know how busy it gets here right? Especially recently, we hardly ever have time to talk about life." Georgia comments.

"I have gotten her to forgive me for withholding the fact she was kinda adopted. So, rather well I think." Danny admits.

"Good Good, So what did you need?" Georgia asks,

"I wanted to talk with you about the promised Panamax Cargo ships. You know, with all the updates happening in the port, the union members have been eagerly waiting for those vessels." Danny admits

Georgia chuckled softly, her thoughts momentarily wandering to the bygone days of promise, almost wondering when the mayor's office was going to come knocking about promoting the museum. "Oh dear, that was nearly a lifetime ago, Danny."

"I think Taylor should be able to summon them for you if you were to go and talk to her." She understood the significance of Danny and Taylor making amends, recognizing that it would be in the best interest of both the museum and the union.

The ship girls, surprisingly, enjoyed a relatively hands-off approach from the Navy despite being under their umbrella, which provided them with the freedom to navigate their own relationships and interactions.

As the world outside grappled with geopolitical turmoil, the docks of Brockton Bay remained a symbol of new hope, and rapid growth. After all it had the unfair advantage of the ship girls and Installation Brockton Bay.

Georgia's smirk faded into a contemplative expression as she received the text from her cousin Iowa. The exchange of wisdom cubes among the museum ships had become a symbolic and significant act in their unique world. Each cube contained the essence and knowledge of a legendary ship, a repository of history and experiences.

With the ability to fly and her unwavering dedication, Georgia had managed to restore the SS United States, turning it into a beautiful maritime museum. The once-venerable vessel had been given a new lease on life, preserved for future generations to appreciate and learn from.

Her power of flight had also enabled her to retrieve the SS America from its coastal island resting place in Spain with ease. It now holds a spot on rotation here at the Brockton Bay Ship Museum. She traveled the world collecting wisdom cubes and bringing ship spirits to life, The amount of ships at the museum was just short of 1000 and the girls were all a massive hassle. The unintelligent ones had added to the growing collection stored within the vault. The former endbringer shelter was now a treasure trove of maritime history and knowledge that only she and Taylor could access.

Georgia sighed as her fingers traced the surface of the wisdom cube containing the spirit of the USS Enterprise,
"All of this time, and I still couldn't fix you."


In the chilling wilderness of Alaska, where the bitter cold was only surpassed by the Slaughterhouse Nine's chilling presence, the notorious group had fled to Alaska to avoid Georgia and while avoiding the battleship the group found themselves in the presence of the first Parahuman, Scion.

Jack Slash, the leader of the Slaughterhouse Nine, saw an opportunity that could potentially sow chaos across the world and take care of his group's little problem.

Jack Slash, stepped forward. "Scion," he began, his voice filled with a charm, using every bit of his master powers he could "We're just here for a bit of fun, you know. But you, you could make it so much more entertaining."

Scion regarded Jack Slash with an emotionless stare, his golden eyes piercing through the frigid air.

Jack Slash grinned, the gleam of his blade catching the faint Alaskan sunlight. "I want you to attack Georgia also known as BB-70, all the way over in Brockton Bay."

Scion's expression remained stoic

"my dear Scion," Jack Slash purred, "Georgia is a symbol of Power and Authority, she is an outsider, an unknown. A [Threat]."

As Jack Slash's persuasive words hung in the frigid Alaskan air, Scion, the seemingly omnipotent parahuman, made a decision that sent shockwaves through the Slaughterhouse Nine. In a flash of golden light, Scion unleashed his power upon the group.


The members of the Slaughterhouse Nine, infamous for their brutality and abilities, found themselves utterly annihilated by Scion's wave of overwhelming might. In an instant, their powers and abilities were rendered meaningless as the godlike entity literally wished them dead and tore their shards from them to insert it back into the system.

Just like that the Slaughter house nine was gone, and Scion was flying South East.
Chapter 9-1
November 2nd 2011

Contessa moved through the dimly lit room with the grace of a seasoned predator, her steps soft and purposeful. The only sound was the hushed rustle of fabric as she approached the bed, where a figure lay slumbering beneath the covers. The digital clock on the nightstand blinked 3:00 AM in crimson numerals.

"Get up! We don't have time! They're coming, and we need to move now!" Contessa shouts shaking Georgia

Georgia jolted awake from deep slumber to sudden chaos, stared at Contessa with wide, disoriented eyes. "God Damn it, isn't this a few years early?" Georgia asks

"It's your own damn fault! NOW FIGHT THE SPACE WHALE!" Contessa shouts, flipping the mattress in a rush of adrenaline.

"What in the fuck happened to you?" Georgia mutters from the ground, the battleship girl stands up her pajamas being the appropriate navy blue.

"You did." Contessa states her anger surprisingly clear in her voice.

"Yeah, that makes sense." Georgia says in a rather relaxed manor.

The room seemed to crackle with tension as Contessa glared down at Georgia. The urgency of the situation couldn't be overstated. Scion, the seemingly invincible being, was moments away, and the fate of the world hung in the balance. Yet, Georgia's nonchalant response was unexpected, even for Contessa.

Contessa clenched her fists, her frustration evident. "This isn't a time for jokes or sarcasm, Georgia. You need to focus. We're facing something beyond comprehension."

Georgia climbed to her feet, her expression more serious now. "Alright, I'm up. What's your plan?"

"We're going to use your powers to take down Scion. Hit him with the same thing that hit the Simurgh and kill him." Contessa says

"Yeah, that probably won't be enough… It's actually a pretty bad plan, however I got it." Georgia says

Contessa's eyes narrowed at Georgia's response. Her irritation was palpable, but she knew there was no time for further arguments or discussions. The leader of the ship girls was just so frustrating.

"Just do it!" Contessa shouts.

"Alright, sure," Georgia responded calmly.

Only for Scion to immediately tear through the building, abducting Georgia and carrying her in his grip high above the Atlantic.

"Wow, you are rather riled up." Georgia says not even caring that her throat was held in a vice grip.

[Threat] Scion replies.

"Ah, I thought I forgot something… I can not believe I left the Slaughterhouse 9 alive long enough to start this off." Georgia says in understanding.

[Die] Scion says

Georgia smirked. There was a radiant burst of light. Sky seemed to ripple with iridescent colors, as if the very fabric of reality was being woven anew. The sparkling stars intensified in magnitude, and the air itself shimmered with ethereal magic. The navy blue pajamas were engulfed in a torrent of shimmering dust and Wisdom cubes. Motes of light wove around Georgia, forming her combat clothes and the physical representation of her rigging began to appear.

Scion let go of Georgia in shock yet the girl didn't fall, she gracefully floated backwards across the inky blackness of the night sky.

[Irritation] Scion states

The rigging continued to solidify, growing significantly larger than its previous form, rivaling the sizes of both Musashi's and New Jersey's. It was a formidable presence, brimming with untapped power.

With a deep breath, Georgia raised her outstretched hand toward Scion. Every single gun mounted on her rigging turned in unison, their barrels pointing squarely at the false god.

"Level 1 GEORGIAAAAA BEAAAAMMMMM!" Georgia's voice rang out, a declaration of her resolve. The rigging unleashed its devastating firepower, delivering a full broadside that rocked the very heavens. Six massive 18-inch nuclear-capable shells erupted from the barrels, streaking toward their target with pinpoint accuracy.

The shells struck their mark with explosive force, detonating near point-blank range. The resulting eruption of energy was nothing short of cataclysmic, a dazzling display of light and force that sent shockwaves reverberating through the night sky.

The electromagnetic pulse generated by the cataclysmic event surged outward, a relentless wave of destruction swept across the eastern seaboard. Power grids faltered and failed, leaving cities and towns in darkness.

Georgia herself was sent hurtling backward by the sheer force of the explosion. Her form tumbled through the air, a lone figure silhouetted against the blinding light show that had enveloped Scion.

As the smoke and haze cleared, the night sky revealed a startling sight. Scion, stood unscathed by the Nuclear hell fire. Yet one thing that had changed was his demeanor. The explosion had not harmed him physically, yet the Space Whale was angry.

Scion launched himself at Georgia, his golden figure surging forward like a relentless force of nature. He raised his outstretched hand, and from it, a beam of radiant energy shot forwards.

Georgia stood firm, unflinching in the face of Scion's beam. As the golden light of the attack engulfed her, her force field activated with a shimmer, absorbing and dissipating the immense energy of the beam.

The night sky crackled with the intensity of their clash, and the spectators on the shores below could hardly believe what they were witnessing. The beam that would have obliterated any normal parahuman hadn't even phased the slayer of endbringers.

Georgia's missile alarm was blaring, her sensors had seen what she physically couldn't, Scion approaching fast and he was dangerously close.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Georgia executed a perfect sidestep in mid-air, narrowly evading Scion's lunging attack. She watched in amazement as the golden manifestation of the Space Whale sailed past her, the force of his movement creating a rush of wind that ruffled her newly formed combat attire.

Yet her guns continued to track and her radar kept a constant bearing on the target, it was time to stop playing around.

"If you continue at this rate, I will be forced to destroy you!" Georgia shouts at the now hovering form of Scion.

[Resolve] Is what Scion ends up responding with.

"Level 2 Georgiaaaaa BEAAAAMMMM!!!" Georgia shouts, as she unleashes the same attack which had killed the Simurgh.

Once again, her main guns erupted with a deafening roar, and the night sky was rent asunder by a searing beam of eerie black light.

In the atmosphere high above, a tiny yet immensely powerful antimatter particle was released and collided with matter in a world ending event. The result was nothing short of apocalyptic.

The very fabric of reality itself seemed to tremble as an incomprehensible reaction occurred. A colossal release of energy, beyond the scope of human understanding, unfolded. The air itself ignited, and the atmosphere became a roiling inferno, the end of the world had come to pass.

Horror gripped those who watched, their eyes wide with disbelief, as the world appeared to be consumed by the overwhelming power of the explosion. But then, just as quickly as it had begun, the flames vanished, leaving behind a vacuum that sucked in the surrounding air with a thunderous shockwave.

In the aftermath, Georgia and Scion were gone, their existence erased by the unfathomable forces at play. The ocean's temperature had risen to near boiling, and oxygen levels had plummeted. The world had been forever altered, yet it would likely endure.
Chapter 9-2
Georgia's eyes fluttered open to a surreal and disorienting sight. She found herself lying on a barren, desolate planet, the ground beneath her composed of some fleshy material which really couldn't be described with words. As she struggled to sit up, her gaze was drawn to the ground below.

"Where the fuck am I." Georgia mutters trying to stand up as the ground mushes below her.

A deep and unsettling rumble echoed through the very ground beneath her feet. It was a sound that seemed to emanate from the planet itself, like the growl of a massive, slumbering beast.

"Oh shit, am I on top of Scion's main body?" Georgia asks as her rigging gives thrust throwing the battleship girl into the sky.

As she ascended, the rumbling and growling persisted, and she couldn't help but feel dread in the pit of her stomach, as she continued to go higher, the planet just kept getting larger in her view.

"I need to make a slip space jump." Georgia whispers in horror.

Suddenly reality breaks as the air itself seems to tear in 10 different spots.

As the rifts in reality crackled with energy, the ten Scions emerged from them, their golden forms materializing in an unsettling display of power.

Georgia starts flying up, picking up speed. The 10 Scion's give chase. Georgia looks down and watches the 10 golden men gaining on her, before kicking her engines into overdrive. She appears to develop a mach cone, yet it is an electrified blue.

Georgia smirks as a sudden surge of energy kicks in, Her engines seemingly kicking up to nearly 200% power. The surrounding air seemed to ripple and distort as Georgia initiated the slipspace jump. For a brief moment, it's as though reality itself bends around Her. The atmosphere outside shifts, displaying colors and patterns reminiscent of a surreal aurora borealis.

[Impossible] the ten Scions echo.

Then Georgia had disappeared, there is a profound sense of stillness and silence. For a moment, it's as if the universe itself is holding its breath. Scion stared on in complete confusion. Then, without warning, a blindingly bright flash illuminated the cosmic darkness, followed by an earsplitting explosion that seemed to tear a hole into the very fabric of reality. The shockwave that ensued was a force of nature, expanding outward with relentless power. It created a visible distortion in the surrounding air, causing it to shimmer and vibrate with an otherworldly energy.

The wave quickly cascaded and knocked all ten Scion's back down towards the surface as they were hit by the force. Nowhere near enough to kill them however the power from an unknown dimension was a mystery to the ancient space whale.

As Georgia found herself halfway across the star system, she couldn't help but marvel at the sheer scale of the celestial bodies around her. The giant planet-sized space whale, Scion, was now visible in the distance, its immense bulk rivaling that of Jupiter, one of the largest planets in the solar system. Its enormous form moved like a massive hulk forcing its way through the cosmic waves of the sky, it wasn't graceful, and there was no form of control, it was just moving.

Her sensor's could actually pick up it's organic sensors… That was a weird thought, although it allowed Georgia to be made aware of one thing. Scion was looking for her.

"I, could the wave motion gun even kill that thing?" Georgia mutters knowing the star killing gun was really her only chance besides bombarding the ever loving shit out of the space whale with antimatter.

"Do I have to summon the hull? Or can I form it in my hand like my normal main guns?" Georgia mutters holding out her hand.

Georgia held her hand outstretched and her mind focused on channeling the power of the Wave Motion Gun. The weight of responsibility hung heavily in the air as she knew that her actions were about to determine the fate of Earth Bet along with hundreds of thousands of parallel earths.

The energy within her surged, much like the reactor of the Battleship Yamato, and the ambient hum of power filled the surrounding space. The wave motion energy, a radiant and otherworldly blue, began to gather and coalesce in her palm, forming into a highly explosive ball.

The Battleship girl could feel her energy being sapped and her main functions running on emergency power, yet she continued on. As the energy condensed, it cast an eerie glow across her face. In her fingertips she held the power to kill a god.

Her sensors pinged a warning before they too lost power. Scion must've noticed the build up of energy because he was now metaphorically looking directly at her.

"IT'S TOO LATE YOU BASTARD! I HAVE YOU NOW!" Georgia shouts releasing the beam of energy.

[MUTUAL] Scion returns releasing his own weird form of energy.

Georgia willed the order to fire. The energy surged forward, a streak of sapphire lightning, propelled by the sheer unfathomable force. It tore through the vacuum of space, a brilliant lance of destruction aimed directly at Scion, no Zion.

The release of the beam had killed all of Georgia's power; she was now sitting open for any and all attacks. However Zion was not in a good spot himself.

The moment of impact was cataclysmic. In that cataclysmic instant, the universe bore witness to a monumental clash of forces. The energy beam from Georgia's Wave Motion Gun struck Zion, the ancient space whale, with unrelenting force An incandescent inferno of radiant blue light engulfed the colossal creature, its sheer intensity swallowing the massive form of the cosmic behemoth.

The laws of physics seemed to bend and warp in response to the unimaginable force at play. The Wave Motion Gun's beam tore through Scion's form, cleaving it asunder with an unstoppable might. The very fabric of reality seemed to scream in protest as the space whale's essence was rent asunder.

The eldritch horror of the cosmos, found itself evaporating into nothingness, its existence unraveling in the face of the relentless onslaught. Its dying scream, a mournful and otherworldly sound, managed to carry through the vacuum of space—a haunting sound which Georgia would be happy never hearing again.

So there she sat, in the fast expanse of space. Her wave motion engine having to undergo a restart. Her sensors were the first to come back on and they were blaring.

Georgia's eyes widened in shock as a disturbance in the cosmic fabric, and before she could react, the colossal space whale's last desperate attack hit her center mass. The star system shifts and Georgia has no clue where she is although it looks alot like the inside of slipspace.

"That's what he meant by mutual." Georgia mutters wincing in pain.

The full hull of USS Georgia had been summoned into reality, the Armored Steel and Titanium structure had been ripped to shreds. Georgia struggled to remain upright on her damaged bow, her physical form showing signs of severe stress. A painful cough wracked her body, and she felt a buildup in her lungs, which she expelled into her hand, revealing reddish-black oily blood.

"Fuck me, this is it isn't it?" Georgia mutters stumbling down the deck.

With a sense of resignation and fatigue, Georgia leaned against the 18-inch turret of her broken hull. The steel hulk surrounding her began to glow with a blue light .

In her final moments, Georgia's thoughts turned to Enterprise her friend, she summoned the golden glowing wisdom cube. It was the only one which she carried on her, all of the other one's were in the vault below the museum. Georgia held Enterprie's wisdom cube close almost cuddling it.

"I never did find a way to bring you back. Sorry." Georgia mutters coughing up more oil-blood.

Closing her eyes, she released a tired sigh, ready to embrace the darkness and unknown, as she broke down into a single wisdom cube.

Then as quickly as the cube had formed it was swallowed away by space.
Georgia and Enterprise were gone.
Could we get more please... please this is easily one of the best kancoll crossover fics ever and I really would enjoy the adventure of space boat Georgia

I just found this fic on sf and sb
Could we get more please... please this is easily one of the best kancoll crossover fics ever and I really would enjoy the adventure of space boat Georgia

I just found this fic on sf and sb
I mean for now this is it for this book, Besides the Epilogue. Is there plans for a second one? Yes, sadly it is going to be awhile because of other projects taking priority.
Three months had passed since that fateful night when Georgia had entered into the battle against Scion, the seemingly invincible entity that had threatened to bring about the end of the world. The world was still reeling from the aftermath of the cataclysmic clash.

The battle had been nothing short of apocalyptic, and the consequences were visible across the globe. The electromagnetic pulse generated by the explosion had led to rolling blackouts in cities and towns, plunging vast regions into darkness. Power grids were still being repaired, and the process was slow and arduous.

The coastal areas near the epicenter of the battle had indeed been devastated, and the road to recovery was a long and challenging one. Efforts to assess and mitigate the environmental damage were ongoing, with scientists and experts working tirelessly to understand and address the ecological disruptions caused by the rise in ocean temperature and oxygen depletion. Coastal communities were struggling to rebuild, and the scars of the battle remained visible in the altered landscapes.

The bay, which had already been in the process of rebuilding after the devastating attack by Leviathan, now faced further challenges. The USS Enterprise CVN-65, having survived the clash with Scion and still retaining power, was considered for a permanent station in Brockton Bay to provide much-needed electricity to the North-East of the United States. It was a potential lifeline for the region as it worked to rebuild its infrastructure.

The memory of Georgia's final, awe-inspiring attack had left an indelible mark on those who had witnessed it. Her courage in the face of overwhelming odds and her sacrifice had become a symbol of hope and resilience. The image of her standing resolute, tanking Scion's beams, and unleashing a world-ending explosion was etched into the collective memory of humanity.

But as with any great sacrifice, there was a void left in the hearts of those who had known Georgia as a leader and a friend. Her absence was deeply felt, and her legacy was carried forward by those who had fought alongside her.

In the three months that followed, the world had made slow but steady progress in rebuilding. Efforts to address the rolling blackouts were making headway, and power was gradually being restored to affected areas. Communities had come together in the face of adversity, fostering a renewed sense of unity and resilience.

Taylor, who had assumed a leadership role after Georgia's disappearance, dedicated herself to ensuring the success of the recovery efforts in Brockton Bay and beyond. She recognized the need to rebuild and expand the fleet to unprecedented levels, not only to secure and defend the United States but also to prepare for any future threats that might emerge.

It was this very dedication that had brought her to her current position, huddled behind the remnants of a building, thrust into what appeared to be one final, life-or-death battle.

January 23, 2012
Milwaukee Wisconsin.

The once tranquil city, which had rarely seen any conflict, was now shaking to its core. It was under attack by Behemoth, the world's last end-bringer, a monstrous entity with devastating radiation attacks. It is a deadly threat to most humans and heroes. However, in a little-known fact, the ship girls were immune to radiation, a crucial advantage in this last fight.

They had been trying to get a good hit on the slippery beast for the past 4 hours; most of the city was heavily damaged due to large and small naval shells along with bombs and Tiny Tims from the carriers.

"Corner it!" Taylor's urgent command echoed through the communications devices as she sprinted down the deserted streets. The once-bustling avenues were now deserted, and the city's serenity had been shattered by the relentless assault of Behemoth. With determination in her eyes, Taylor led the charge to confront the last Endbringer.

There were over 77 Ship girls here, the smaller ones rendering aid while the big ones faced off the Behemoth.

"I wish Georgia were here," Taylor mutters, dodging a flying piece of debris.

"I've got it!" a voice shouted over the comms as the ground shook violently once again.

As Taylor rounded the corner, she was met with an astonishing sight: a floating figure, the spirit of the Space Shuttle Enterprise, featuring a massive delta wing behind her back. In a departure from conventional armaments, her chosen weapon was the Canada Arm.

"Well done, Enterprise!" Taylor shouts happily to see the arm completely pinning the Endbringer in place. The powerful beast struggled against the massive manifestation of the claw arm.

"Battle Line 1 We got him still! We need gunfire support at the corner of Oklahoma and 20th Street by the Sports Center." Taylor says into coms.

"Warspite is underway leading the fleet." The smug British voice says over coms.

Milwaukee's downtown area bore the mark of a massive crater, a stark reminder of the recent battle. However, the world could finally breathe a sigh of relief, for Behemoth had been defeated once and for all.

Weary from the long day's events, Taylor trudged into her combined office and apartment, collapsing onto her bed without hesitation.

"So much paperwork," she groaned as the exhaustion of the day weighed heavily on her shoulders.

Suddenly, the old squeaky door creaks open as a certain mousey redhead pokes said head into the door.

"Taylor, are you awake?" she says

Taylor, of course, waves at the door. "Hi, Amy," Taylor mutters tiredly.

"Hey, are you alright?" Amy's voice carried a soothing tone, a mix of care and devotion for Taylor, as she walked up and sat at the edge of the bed.

Taylor managed a faint smile, her weariness visible. "We did it, Amy. Behemoth is gone," she said, the tiredness clear in her voice as she stretched and readjusted the blankets.

Amy laid down next to the tired Taylor. "You led the team, Taylor. You were incredible out there."

"It was a lot of work, and the fleet put in so much effort," Taylor insisted, her thoughts drifting to battle only to be startled out of it as Amy grabbed her for cuddling.

"Of course, but you were the one at the forefront. Georgia would be proud," Amy says, her voice full of love.

"Thanks…" Taylor mutters as sleep takes her.


One year after Georgia disappeared and Mordai was finally found, it was on a freighter bound for Japan. Nevada, upon finding the man, dragged him off the freighter and towards Pearl to get a suit.

His wedding with the USS Wisconsin was looking like it was going to be a national event. The ship girls, revered as heroes of the Navy, were beings of immense power, yet their bonds with humanity were often underestimated. So, a wedding between one of the strongest battleships and a human showed that the shipgirls were also surprisingly human.

The wedding at Pearl Harbor was a grand affair, carefully planned to honor the significance of the location and the union between Mordai and the USS Wisconsin. Most of the Navy's high command was showing up, along with several jealous sailors and all of Wisconsin's remaining crew.

The picturesque setting of Pearl Harbor served as a poignant backdrop, blending serene waters, lush greenery, and the historic monuments that dotted the landscape. The decor was a harmonious blend of elegance and reverence. White and navy blue hues dominated the color scheme, symbolizing purity and resilience. Delicate floral arrangements adorned the aisles, interwoven with maritime elements like seashells, pearls, and miniature ship motifs, evoking a sense of both romance and naval heritage.

The decision of who was to officiate the wedding was a tough one that didn't come without its share of commotion. Several naval chaplains, eager to officiate the historic wedding, had engaged in a "lighthearted," albeit spirited, competition over who would conduct the ceremony. Rumors of a "minor" scuffle or two among the chaplains had circulated, each vying for the honor of presiding over the event.

However, Arizona, with her keen understanding of the significance of the moment, intervened. Utilizing her connection to the bride, Wisconsin, she gracefully navigated the situation, advocating for her role as the officiant. Her wisdom, experience as a "Doctor of Anthropology," and unique bond with the shipgirl bride made her an ideal choice to solemnize the union.

The entire wedding group was standing at the Pulpit as Uss Arizona walked out in the classic full-dress uniform.

Taylor being the maid of honor was the most obvious choice as the girl had done surprisingly well stepping into the role of flagship after Georgia was lost.

Mordai stood at the altar awaiting his bride in a Black and White suit, complete with a pocket watch. His red goatee was trimmed and in line, while his dark brown hair was cut short and trimmed. Green eyes looked through the crowd with a nervous look. Although, Mordia's best man… Was a husky man with an unkempt beard who looked like a conspiracy theorist. Who was also surprisingly from Canada? It was hard to tell he kept taking passing glances at USS Little Rock(CL-92).

As Arizona took the podium, she opened her mouth and began, "In the presence of these cherished guests and amidst the beauty of this day, we gather to honor and celebrate the love between Mordai and my own family, Wisconsin."

"Love, what a special word… What a special thing. Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, today we stand at the threshold of a union that embodies the spirit of a voyage upon the open sea. Marriage, much like navigating the vast ocean, presents moments of tranquil waters and occasional storms. However, through these trials and tribulations, it remains a continuous, thrilling adventure, where every day, there is something new." Arizona says.

With a light ought the old Standard class continued.

"Marriage, as I often reflect, resembles sailing a ship on unpredictable waters. At times, the seas may test the strength of the relationship, while at others, it's a beautiful journey under clear skies. But every wave, every turn, marks a new chapter in this surely to be a remarkable voyage."

"It's in these moments of change, in the cresting waves and the raging seas, that the true essence of a union is revealed. It's about standing together in the face of adversity, navigating the storms as a united front, and cherishing the calm that follows. It's an ongoing journey—one that promises growth, resilience, and shared experiences."

"May the voyage that Mordai and the USS Wisconsin embark upon today be one filled with the unwavering strength to face challenges and the joy of discovering new horizons together. Here's to embracing the adventure, cherishing the calm, and weathering every storm that may come your way."

"Let this union not just mark a moment but be a testament to the enduring commitment and the profound love between two souls setting sail on a lifelong journey. To Mordai and the USS Wisconsin, may your voyage be filled with boundless love, unwavering support, and a lifetime of beautiful adventures."

"Mordia, do you truly love Wisconsin with all of your heart?" Arizona asks

"I do," Mordai says seriously, staring at the shipgirl.

"Wisconsin, do you love Mordia with all eight of your boilers?" Arizona asks.

"I do," Wisconsin says, blushing a little.

"If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace," Arizona asks aloud to the procession.

"As you embark on this journey together, let this kiss be the symbol of the love and promise you have for each other," Arizona announces with a grin.

As the audience cheered upon the kiss, several news cameras caught the moment.
A month after the wedding.

The afternoon sunlight filtered through the office window, casting a warm glow on the cluttered desk where Taylor sat surrounded by stacks of paperwork. The old mahogany desk had been a fixture in the office for as long as anyone could remember, its worn surface showing signs of years of use.

With a focused expression, Taylor meticulously filled out forms, occasionally sipping from a lukewarm cup of coffee. The rhythmic scratch of the pen against paper was the only sound in the room until, suddenly, a faint ringing noise began to emanate from within the depths of the desk.

Taylor furrowed her brow, glancing around the desk for the source of the unexpected sound. The ringing persisted, growing louder with each passing second. She set down her pen, pushing aside a pile of documents to investigate. With cautious curiosity, she opened one of the drawers.

Nothing… Really?
Frowning, Taylor paused, glancing around the desk before her gaze settled on a peculiar panel she'd never noticed before. It seemed out of place, a section of the desk that appeared seamless but held the promise of a hidden compartment. She ran her fingers along the edges, finding a subtle seam that, when pressed, gave way with a soft click.

The ringing intensified as she opened the concealed compartment, revealing an unexpected sight—a sleek, modern cellphone nestled within, along with a notebook. Its screen is illuminated with an incoming call, the caller ID Brocton Bay CVB.

Curiosity piqued, Taylor answered. "Hello?"

A cheery voice greeted her from the other end. "Hi there, Taylor! This is Lisa from the Brockton Bay Conventions and Visitors Bureau. How are you today?"

Surprised, Taylor straightened in her seat. "Um, hi. I'm doing fine, thank you. How can I help you?"

Lisa's voice carried an unmistakable enthusiasm. "I wanted to talk to you about an exciting opportunity! We've been reviewing the paperwork Georgia had left with us and we wish to give some city funding to the museum along with officially recognizing it as a Museum in the city of Brockton Bay.

"That's great. If you just want to reach out with an email that tells me what to do, I'll have it done by Friday," Taylor says with a smile, looking at the notebook curiously.

Taylor's eyes widened in astonishment as she flipped through the pages of the password book found within Georgia's belongings. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized the extent of access granted by these passwords—access to Georgia's accounts, including a multitude of PHO (Parahuman Online) accounts and other online platforms.

Among the list was Georgia's Tubeyou account, Earth Arche. Intrigued and slightly bewildered, Taylor navigated to the account, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected discovery. The account held a treasure trove of content, showcasing a unique world filled with all sorts of music that Bet had never seen before, seemingly a niche community Georgia had been a part of. I guess Sarah's theory of Georgia being from another world made a lot of sense now.

"I wonder how her legal degree is going?" Taylor mutters as she starts clicking around on the account info.

As Taylor delved deeper into the Tubeyou account, she found not just content but a substantial amount of money made from advertisements on the site, along with hundreds of unpublished songs. It was an unexpected windfall, especially considering the responsibility of caring for 77 ship girls at the museum.
Taylor had managed to figure out the cube transformation. However, she herself was not able to repair hulls as Georgia had been, which has been a massive resource pitfall recently.

As Taylor clicked back to the main site, there were several breaking news posts.

The world seemed to teeter on the edge of chaos, each headline more alarming than the last. The US Navy's rapid ship commissioning hinted at a global unrest brewing.

Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan were lining tanks along the borders, and apparently, the Parahumans in their armed forces had attacked Turkey.

Triggering Article 5.

5 mins ago.

"Fuck." Taylor mutters

China plunged into a civil war as survivors from the aftermath of Leviathan's sinking of Taiwan resurfaced. Their aim was to overthrow the government and reinstate the old Republic of China, which was good; they had been allied with America during the Second World War.

North Korean Artillery Shells had hit Seoul.

3 minutes ago

And nothing out of the Soviet Union… That was never good.

Suddenly, a phone began to ring again. Taylor looked up to see a call incoming from Admiral Avatar.

"Get the girls. It looks like we are needed," Taylor announces over the radio channel to all Shipgirls at the Museum.

Taylor picks up the phone. "Hello, Admiral."


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFTLKWw542g&ab_channel=billyjoelVEVO

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