Blood and Iron (Kancolle)

Chapter 69
Ma Dang, New Guinea

A young woman hummed to herself, brushing a lock of ghost white hair away from her face. Picking up the last platter of sandwiches she had brought to the blood soaked beach, she placed it on the picnic blanket she had set out for her children.

She waved at the first pair of figures gliding to shore. A pair of sisters, who had been sold off by their… her old masters after the war, then turned into refugees after their new home was sold out and collapsed. The girls, about the same size as the average destroyer and dressed in grey mechanics overalls, gave exhausted waves back.

"Food!" The one with long greyish-white hair cheerfully called out as she collapsed at the edge of the blanket. The other, one with a pitch black bob cut, stumbled over to the woman and collapsed in a heap. The woman smiled as she gently guided the tired girls onto her lap.

"Everything alright Cook?" She asked the girl, noticing the numerous cuts and bruises on her face and arms.

Cook nodded. "Had a run in with a nip scout force off the Bonin Islands."

"It was a pair of those weird all-forward eight-inch floatplane cruisers the Japs seem to love." Her sister replied between mouthfuls. "They probably just figured we were using the islands as our supply base and came to chase us off. It's nothing you have to worry about, mom."

Langley couldn't let the matter rest though. "What was the force composition Yakutat?"

The seaplane tender shrugged. "Two, maybe three DESRON's with light cruiser support. Hard to tell given how quickly they all scattered when our squadrons came across them. Got a few good licks in… I'm pretty sure I saw one of their destroyers dead in the water. Then the return strike found us, and Cook took a few near misses."

"I'll be fine after a couple days rest." Cook added.

Langley frown grew as she gently stroked Cooks head, making a mental note to pass the information up to her sister. "I still don't want you two sailing that close to Japan. It's only a matter of time before they start hunting you with carriers like the others." She saw the dismissive looks in her adopted daughters' eyes and sighed. "Just promise me you'll stay within range of Wake's air cover."

Both tenders nodded, digging back into their meals like ravenous animals. Yakutat was midway through her third sandwich when her mouth suddenly dropped open at the sight of someone behind Langley. She and Cook jumped to their feet and raced past her.

Turning around, Langley gasped at the sight of two girls, barely in their teens, stumbled out of the forest in torn and bloody sundresses. "Niagara, Hilo." She cried out as Cook and Yakutat carefully helped the two figures stumble over to the blanket. "What happened to you two?"

"Fucking Polack destroyers decided they were Piorun." Niagara growled. She bit back a scream as Yakutat set her down, blood pouring from a hole in her abdomen. Langley calmly ran a hand through her blood soaked hair as she pressed a bandage against the wound. "We were off Jera, getting ready to sit on the Torres Strait, when those monsters crashed the bay."

"The whole thing was over before Niagara and I could even get our guns turned around." Hilo added as Cook started bandaging her up. "PT boats are cheap, but they still smoked both my squadrons." She snapped her fingers. "Just like that, all twenty gone. We made a break for the forest as soon as we hit shore, but those bitches followed us on land. Jamestown stayed back to buy us some time…"

The fact that only the two had come back told Langley all she needed to know. "Take as much time as you two need, and then we'll come up with a plan to deal with those destroyers."

"We just need to feed them to Guadalcanal." Niagara grumbled earning a few concerned looks from the others. "What?" She asked, looking around. "Those bitches tore her apart with their bare hands Langley. Whatever that witch can cook up will be the least they deserve."

"No… They're just brainwashed, confused, just like my daughters are." Langley replied, running a hand down Niagara's cheek. "They just need to be shown the truth like we were…"

"And in the meantime, they'll gladly keep shooting us in the head the first chance they get." Niagara grumbled. "Your dear daughters included."

"I know you don't want to hear this Langley." Cook added. "But we might need to kill your daughters first in order to save them."

Langley hung her head as several more figures sailed up to the beach. "I know… I just don't want to have to resort to that unless it's absolutely necessary."

"I don't think we'll be able too, Lang." One of the newcomers, an old Clemson class destroyer wearing an aviation jacket, responded. "Your daughters are now escorting convoys in response to all the raids we've been doing, and there's more of them now."

A shudder went through Langley. "How many Belknap?"

The destroyer shrugged. "Four Essex's and Hornet. Don't worry Lang, Lex and Sara are still in the Atlantic."

Langley Breathed a sigh of relief before noticing Belknap shifting uneasily. "What is it?"

Belknap fiddled with a lock of her jet black hair. "Me and the girls were talking on the way back to base, and we think we might have an opportunity here. We each have over a dozen planes with us at full strength, and these carriers are operating solo. If we operate as a group, we might be able to sink one or two of them."

Langley paused for a second. "No, it's too risky. The last thing we need is to try and get into a large scale naval battle. Our job is to weaken and delay, not try to win the war by ourselves against overwhelming odds."

"But they're not over-" Ballard grumbled, before seeing the look on Langley's face. "Fine, but we have to come up with something." She grabbed a bottle of soda from a cooler. "A lot of our old friends are starting to come back, and I've already had to resort to suicide tactics off Hawaii because of the Atlanta now stationed there."

"I know you mean well, Mom." Cook told Langley, putting a hand on her shoulder. "But we can't keep hiding like this." She looked out onto the horizon. "If we don't do something soon, that great battle you're so worried about will be coming to us."

"I know." Langley replied, seeing a woman with long black hair waving to her from a little ways away. "Excuse me one second." She walked over to the figure and gave her a hug.

"We lost Jamestown, Cyclops." She said, a few tears running down her face. "And the humans are getting better at countering our attacks. I don't know how long I can keep the rest of them safe."

The figure pulled her in closer. "I know sister." Rubaul Princess told her, hiding a vicious smile. "I'm sure you'll figure something out. You were always the smartest of us. Just hang on for a few more weeks, and I'll have the forces to back you and your girls up."


Pearl Harbor

"Thank you for taking the time to meet me, Commanders." Enfield smiled as he addressed Exeter, Ajax, Heemskerck, and Atlanta. "I'm sure the four of you were looking forward to a relaxing weekend after all the work you've put into training these past few weeks."

"Think nothing of it, Sir." Ajax immediately responded with a smirk. "It'll be nice to know what the bloody hell we're gearing up for." A not so subtle smack echoed though the room as Wales's hand flew to her forehead while Nevada and Enfield chuckled.

He powered up the projector next to him. "Ladies." He said with a smirk, making a sweeping gesture with arm towards the map onscreen. "Welcome to Operation Tsunami!"

"Mien God." Heemskerck muttered under her breath as the four cruisers looked over the map of the South Pacific and accompany organizational chart. She turned towards Atlanta. "That's every carrier you have in the Pacific, isn't it?"

"No." Atlanta immediately replied, a small shudder running through her frame as she found her own name on the chart. "Lexi and Sara are supposed to be in the Atlantic. Where's Hornet and Franklin?"

"Launching an attack of their own against the Attu Princess." Enfield told her. "Sara and Lex will be assisting us in going after a much bigger prize." He moved to the next slide. "We're going to hit Rubaul."

Wales stepped forward. "Task Forces 34 out of Pearl, and 54 out of Panama will board LHA's and rendezvous off The Marshall Islands and attack Rubual from the northeast. At the same time the remainder of Task 79 still in Australia and the RAAF will do the same to Guadalcanal, while US and allied squadrons out of Singapore and Taiwan will attack the Philippines. We used similar attacks to buy ourselves breathing room in Europe and the hope is that we'll be able to do the same for Australia."

"Because of the strength defenses at Rubaul, all five air groups will be required for this strike. This means the four of you will be crucial for the defense of the carriers during launch and recovery. Exeter will have overall command of the escort force, as well as direct command of the heavy cruisers. Ajax, Heemshreck, Atlanta. You three will each oversee a DESRON of ten destroyers… Everything alright commander?"

Ajax and Heemshreck both turned to Atlanta, who was now visible shaking with her eyes clenched shut. Nevada started moving when Wales motioned her to stay back. Slowly walking over to the cruiser, she gently put a hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry ma'am." Atlanta apologized after opening her eyes to find Wales. "I just-"

A small yelp escaped the cruiser as Wales gave her a hug. "I know Atlanta." Wales replied. "I was like you once too. It's easy to fall into a hole of self-doubt after a night like that." She looked up at Exeter. "How is her training going?"

"Straight A's." Exeter replied, giving Atlanta a smile. "She knows what she's doing ma'am, even if she doesn't always trust herself until after the fact."

"See Atlanta?" Wales said with a smile. "Everyone has faith in you, you just have to have some faith in yourself too."

Atlanta nodded, her nerves finally calming down. "What can we expect for fighter coverage?"

"The LHA's will be loaded with as many F-35's as we can fit on them." Enfield assured her. "But beyond that you three will have to talk to the carriers. Anything else?" The three British cruisers all shook their heads, while Atlanta nervously rocked back and forth but didn't say anything. "Alright, you ladies have a good night and try to keep the destroyers out of trouble."

"They're destroyers sir…" Atlanta and Heemshreck both replied in unison, earning a chuckle as the group started to depart. Atlanta held back for a second, waiting for the door to close before turning back to her admiral. "Sir, what's the real goal of this operation?"

Enfield looked back at Wales and Nevada. "Don't look at me." Nevada replied between chuckles. "Told you light cruisers are too sharp to be bullshitted. What are you thinking 'Lant?"

"Just humor me sir." Atlanta said as she walked over to a map of the Pacific on a table in the office.

Enfield followed her, grabbing a chess set off his desk. "So you don't have to draw on it." He said handing it to her.

Atlanta nodded. "The five main Princesses are Guadalcanal, Rubaul, Philippines, Wake, and Attu." She began, placing a black pawn on each location.

"Six actually…" Enfield corrected her. "Manilla are twins. But continue."

"We're attacking Rubaul." Atlanta continued, putting a white rook next to the base. "Australia's going after Guadalcanal, and the Philippines is being dealt with by Singapore and Taiwan." She put the King in Australia and the Bishops in Taiwan and Singapore. "That all makes sense if the plan was just to take some pressure off Australia… but the rest of this doesn't."

She took the other rook and placed it in Australia. "There's no reason for Alaska to be going on the offensive against Attu in this plan. Even assuming the abyssal are a hive mind, it will still take weeks for any forces transferred to get anywhere useful. If anything, Yorktown and Franklin should be rotating down to cover us and Conus from a surprise attack by Wake."

"I'm not sure I get where this is going Commander?" Wales said as she leaned Atlanta's shoulder.

Atlanta just rolled her eyes. "Well, I might be seeing things, but it looks more like we're trying to pull all of Abby's attention away from Wake and isolate it." She replaced the pawn with a black king. "Which brings up the other elephant in the room… where is Japan in all this."

She put the white queen on the island nation. "The IJ… JSDFM." She quickly corrected herself. "Is the largest navy in the Pacific at the moment, so why aren't they drowning the Philippines with six carriers worth of Val's and Kates?"

Enfield looked over at the cruiser. "You figured out all that from one comment?"

"There was also part of an arrow on your first map leading well north of any of the targets." Atlanta admitted with a smirk.

Enfield nodded. "Japan asked us to tie this op in with their planned invasion of Wake. Are you alright-"

"Acting as a decoy for the navy that sank my sister, admiral, and destroyers." Atlanta finished with a smile as she started cleaning up the pieces. "Yeah, I can live with that."

"We're serious 'Lant." Nevada told her. "You don't need to put on an act if it bothers you."

"No… I'm fine." Atlanta replied, handing the chess set back to Enfield and heading towards the office door. "It's not their fault I screwed up as bad as I did."

Enfield and the two battleships could only stare at her in disbelief as the door closed. "You were really that bad?" Nevada asked Wales.

The British battleship nodded. "Hood and Georgette had to drag me away from my desk kicking and screaming, and it was a bloody kraut of all people who finally talked sense into me."

"Well, we're fresh out of those." Nevada chuckled. "And Sandy and her sisters isn't around yet either to brighten her day."

"She has cousins though." Wales reminded the two. "When Dido first came back it was Ajax and the other Leander's who looked after her."

Nevada seemed to ponder that thought for a moment. "You know, Helena's up in Washington right now." She turned to Enfield. "Want me to see if my mom can pull a few strings?"

"Worth a shot." Enfield replied, looking back at the map. "Just don't go looking for miracles. We need to save those for the next month or so…"
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Chapter 70: Operation Tsunami Part 1
Mutsuki idly swung her legs over the bright blue waters surrounding Chichijima, letting the volcanic rock warm her in the cold autumn winds. Her gaze wondered to the southeast… towards Wake.

Every time she thought about the upcoming mission, a ball of melted ore formed in her stomach. She knew she shouldn't doubt the commanders, After all, if the Americans and their beleaguered forces could secure Midway, why couldn't the mighty IJ… JMSDF do the same for Wake? And with the rest of the Pacific lighting the staggered abyssal empire aflame, who would come to help the isolated island princess?

She couldn't shake the feeling of doubt though. Their mighty fleet of carriers wouldn't be joining them though, the navy too starved for resources to risk sorting them even for this crucial operation. The same went for the battleships, only the Kongo sister battlecruisers could be budgeted for. Ultimately, it was up to the cruisers and destroyer to weight of the nation on their backs…

Just like the last war.

The red haired destroyer bit her lip, forcing down the nightmares that still haunted her. She vividly remembered the last time Wake's defenses had been underestimated. The sight of Hayate blown apart by point blank artillery fire and her own magazines. Her dear sister Kisaragi eviscerated by her own depth charges set off by a lucky bomb hit. The utter shame of retreating with her tail between her legs all the way back to Japan, a shame she never managed to live down by the time three American bombs gutted her off Guadalcanal.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her, a familiar curtain of violet hair blanketing her eyes as Kisaragi rested her chin on Mutsuki's shoulders. "Are you alright Mutsuki?"

Mutsuki let her head drift back until it was resting on Kisaragi's shoulder. "Just thinking about the operation."

"You know it won't be like last time, right?" Kisaragi asked, wrapping the hug a little tighter. "Tone and Chikuma are only planning on getting close enough to launch their seaplanes. We'll never even see the island until after the other have captured it."

The two slowly stood up, Kisaragi turning Mutsuki around as she did so. "And if anything happens, I'll be there to protect you. I promise."

"Mutsuki, Kisaragi…" The two turned to look at a somewhat plain looking teenage girl in a white sailors blouse and navy blue skirt. "Jintsu sent me to tell you dinner was ready."

"We'll be back in a few minutes Fubuki." Kisaragi replied, waving her along. The destroyer ran off, leaving the two alone again. Kisaragi looked down at Mutsuki, ruffling her hair again. "Everything will be alright Mutsuki, I promise."

The two made their way back to the small campfire the invasion fleet had set up on the beach. Hiei handed them both a bowl of curry and white rice, causing the two to pause for a moment and look at her. "Relax, I had nothing to do with making it." The battlecruiser reassured them before turning back to the pot sitting on the fire. "Honestly, my cooking isn't that bad."

Kisaragi and Mutsuki just exchanged glances before heading over to where their destroyer squadron were parked in the sand. "There you two are." Uzuki called out. The auburn haired destroyer racing over to greet them. "We were getting worried we might have to send out a search party for you two."

"Just getting some pre-mission nerves out of the way before we set sail tomorrow." Kisaragi assured her.

"You worry too much Mutsuki." Tone groaned, brushing a few grains of rice off her green and orange stripped dress. "You know I'll always protect you girls." She pulled a similarly dressed girl with long black hair in next to her. "Just like I'll always look for my little sister."

Chikuma just rolled her eyes as she brushed one of Tone's pigtails out of her face. "And I'll always keep you safe."

"Come on sis, you're ruining my image." Tone grumbled.

The group destroyers giggled at the sisters' antics. Just for the day, they relaxed, had fun, and forgot about the weight of a nation that sat upon their shoulders. They did so not knowing it would be the last time most of them would ever get the chance too.

Because the next day they sailed into the mouth of hell itself…


"See, told you she'd be down here." The young woman with long blond hair dressed in marine khaki's said as Helena and Ajax watched Atlanta attempt to balance tray upon tray of food in her arms. "She always comes up here after her desron's watch ends to get them food."

"Figures as much, Heemskerck does the same thing." Ajax replied with a smile. "Must be something in that mom boat DNA of theirs."

"So that's who the other one was." The marine grumbled. "Well tell those two to at least start changing their shoes before making their meal runs. All the sea water they keep bringing in is driving my chiefs up a wall."

"Sure thing…" Ajax stopped, realizing she didn't know the marine's name.

"Just call me Bonnie." The woman, who towered over the two cruisers, offered.

Helena on the other hand nervously glanced around the room, her dark brown ponytail darting behind her as she looked everywhere but where Atlanta was standing. "I don't know guys, she seems pretty busy and I don't want to bother her." She tried to take a step back.

"Oh no you don't." Ajax's arm shot out to grab her wrist. "The whole reason you're on this ship is to talk some sense into the poor girl and get her out of her rut. I don't even see why you're so scared of talking to the girl."

"That's because you're not the one who left her sister's crew to the sharks." Helena muttered.

Bonnie's hand immediately smacked her forehead. "I swear to god, your entire generation is convinced you all hate each other over this slight or another. Is this what I'm going to be like in a hundred years?" She shook her head. "Consider yourselves lucky my little cousin Anna isn't here, or she'd be chasing you around the ship with a sandal."

"She's right you know." Ajax added. "Not the sandal thing, I have no idea what the fuck that's about. But Atlanta doesn't hate you." She moved her hand up to Helena's shoulder. "You made a tough call, if anyone's going to understand that it'll be her."

Helena took a deep breath. "Well seeing as you two aren't letting me leave anyways, so lets just rip the bandage off already." She said, leading the two over to Atlanta.

"Oh hey." Atlanta greeted the three as she peaked around the covered food tray stacked eight high. "Does someone need a report from me?" The trays wobbled briefly before she steadied herself. "Just let me drop these off for the destroyers and I'll head down to the ops center."

"Nothing like that silly." Ajax giggled grabbing a pair of trays from the top. "We just wanted to see how you were doing. Here let us help you with these."

"Wait!" Atlanta, Helena, and Bonnie all shouted as Ajax attempted to hand the trays to Bonnie, only for them to fall through Bonnies arms. Helena managed to swiftly snap her hands back out to keep the trays from hitting the floor.

Ajax's gaze darted between the two cruisers and 'Bonnie'. "So you're the…"

"Yep!" Bonnie replied. "And no, I don't think my crew can see me."

Ajax gaze shifted over to Atlanta and Helena. "And you two were okay with me looking like a complete bellend handing a plate to a spot of empty air!"

"We thought you knew steel hulls had their own spirits." Atlanta innocently replied as Ajax took a few more trays off her hands. "Anyone who's worked with them knows that."

"Yeah well, Royal Navy's a little short on those at the moment." Ajax replied. "Well, we should probably get these to the destroyers. Little rascals are probably dying of starvation right now."

"I'll see you guys around then." Bonnie replied. "Mechanics are working overtime making sure all those F-35's are ready to fly tomorrow, and someone's got to watch their backs. She turned to walk away before turning back around. "Oh, and Commander." She said, looking at Atlanta. "Shower and change after you drop off that food. I just got out of refit."

Atlanta looked down her at her sopping wet skirt and stockings. "Right sorry…" She shyly apologized. Bonnie just smirked before disappearing into the ether. "So Helena?" She asked as the three made their way to the well deck. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well um… why don't we wait until we drop these off and you get cleaned." Helena immediately deflected. "In fact here, hand us the rest of those trays, and get a shower. I'll be waiting in the well deck when you get back down there." Atlanta hesitated a second, before handing over her trays and running off.

"Smooth." Ajax grumbled. "You do realize I'm going to make sure you don't ghost her."

"Figured as much." Helena answered. "I wasn't planning on ghosting her, honest."



"Feel a little better?" Helena asked Atlanta as the cruiser came and sat down next to her. "I don't get how you stand running around in wet clothes like that."

Atlanta just looked down at her at her clothes with a shrug. "I don't really mind it, and its more important my destroyers get their food. Part of being a leader…"

"Is putting the needs of your subordinates before your own." Helena finished. "That doesn't mean screwing yourself every time the opportunity presents itself. The destroyers can walk to the mess hall with their own two feet."

Atlanta went to protest when her own stomach interrupted her with a loud groan. "You're also allowed to grab a meal at the same time as you're grabbing food for everyone else." Helena added, sliding a tray of food over to Atlanta.

Atlanta hesitated for a second, before hunger took over her and she tore into the food in front of her. "Had a feeling you needed that."

"So…" Atlanta asked after she finished chewing. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

Helena froze. "Listen Atlanta…" She began, her hands fumbling for the bottle of water nearby. "I'm sorry about Juneau and her crew."

Atlanta reached across the table and grabbed Helena's hand. "Don't be." She smiled. "Even if you knew some of her boys survived, you still couldn't risk the rest of the task force with a sub nearby.

Her smile dropped. "Besides, it's my fault you all ended up in that situation anyways."

"Bullshit." Atlanta jumped back as Helena growled at her. "Sorry Atlanta, didn't mean to scare you like that." She quickly apologized. "But that's bullshit, and you know it. We were behind the eight ball from the moment Halsey sent us to stop battlecruisers, and unless you had a plan to frag Franny and Callaghan things weren't going to get any better."

"I still should have done something." Atlanta muttered bitterly as she picked at her food. "I made mistakes Helena, why the hell am I the only one that can see that?"

"… And how do I know I'm not making the same mistakes as last time?" She added quietly.

Helena pushed her chair over to Atlanta, putting an arm around Atlanta. "Because it's not like last time. We have carrier support at our backs, battleships to our shoulders, and all the lessons from the last war already at our fingertips without having to relearn them the hard way."

She pulled Atlanta in for a hug. "You have people watching your back. Just focus on the air, and we'll take care of the sea. Think you can do that?" Atlanta just nodded. Leaning her head on Helena's shoulder, she tried to let her worries melt away knowing what was in store for the next day.
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Chapter 71: Operation Tsunami Part 2
Langley felt a chill run down her spine as the thunder of hundreds of radial engines began to fill the skies. For a brief moment, her mind flashed back to her sinking, only for it to correct itself. This wasn't the high-pitched whine of overstressed Japanese engines, but the deep throaty roar of Wright radials.

Her daughters had finally come to kill her.

A single tear ran down her cheek as the realization hit her. She had wanted to save Lex and Sara, convince them to join her side before Cyclops and those like her brought the full tide to bare and crushed the humans and all who stood with them. Instead, now she'd have to live with the cold comfort that one day soon the two would join her in the dark abyss again.

Rubual appeared beside her as Cook and the other tenders rushed over. "Take your planes, boats, and other equipment, and hide in the forest." She told the young seaplane tender. "Cyclops and I will buy you time to gather everything and escape."

"But what about you?" Cook began. All eight girls were crying now.

Langley put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "I don't think I'll be able to join you. Someone has to stay and draw fire, and I couldn't live with myself if it was one of you. Now go! That's an order!"

Cook nodded, rubbing her eyes with her sleeves as she joined the others in ferrying toy PBY's and PT boats out of the water and into the forest 500 meters away. "How many fighters do you have?" Langley asked Rubaul as she manifested her rigging.

"Nowhere near enough." Rubaul grimly replied. Across the harbor three squadrons worth of fighters took off into the air as ground crews pushed bombers into the forest. In the harbor, the handful of cruisers and two dozen destroyers inside started up and began making their way to open sea. "I'm not sure how much a help a seaplane tender like yourself will be though. You should go hide with the others."

Langley gave her a smile as her rigging manifested. A short flight deck appeared on her arm, bustling with machine guns on the edges. A pair of small pistols appeared on her waist, and a rifle popped into thin air in he hands. "Who ever said anything about seaplanes?"

She raised her rifle, aiming for the approaching swarm on the horizon and pulling the trigger. The grumbling sputter of V-12 piston engines heralded a P-40 slowly but steadily climbing up and way. Langley cycled the bolt of her rifle and fired again, and again, and again, and again.

The swarm grew closer and closer as she reloaded and continued to launch plane after plane. Thirty of the shark's mouth nosed fighters tore into the air as the first Hellcat fighters made their attacks, the last fighter barely clearing her barrel before it was torn to shreds by a hail of machinegun fire. Langley's anti-aircraft opened fire, along with those around the base and ships still inside the harbor.

Dropping her rifle, she pulled the two pistols, fashioned after her open five-inch mounts, and pointed them to the nearest fighter. The plane was rocked by the explosions, its flaming carcass smashing into the harbor.

It was only delaying the inevitable though. Her pilots were brave and skilled, but they could only do so much against the overwhelming odds. Waves of pain ran through her body as her pilots fell one by one.

The Americans were arriving in force now, their formations now blotting out the sun. Langley watched as a salvo of rockets tore apart a nearby anti-aircraft emplacement. Across the Harbor a destroyer, its superstructure wreathed in flames, ground ashore as its torpedoes began to cook off.

Bombers were now circling overhead, picking out their targets as what few surviving guns fired at them in futility. Langley could only watch as Dauntless's and Devastator formed up with even larger monstrosities. Then on some unseen signal, the vultures stopped circling and all hell broke loose.

The airfield was the first thing knocked out, over a dozen explosions walking down the flight line as a squadron teed off on it. The destruction was capped off by the field's ammunition depot taking a direct hit. The resulting explosion sent a shockwave across the harbor that tore at Langley's dress and hair.

She had just recovered when she was hit by a second shockwave as a nearby ammunition barge took a direct hit, evaporating the two destroyers trying to tow it to safety and raining shrapnel around the harbor.

Shaking her head to clear it, Langley stumbled towards the harbor entrance. She pulled out her pistols again, dropping a torpedo bomber that tried to make a run on her. Two more came in from the right, and Langley threw herself into a hard turn trying to skate in between their torpedoes. She let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding as she watched the sail past her and into a cruiser sitting behind her. Only to be sent tumbling as a pair of two-thousand-pound bombs went off on either side of her.

She bit back a scream as the ordinance buckled plates and tore her black leggings, bruises already forming on her skin underneath. Fighting through the pain, she kept pushing for the harbor entrance even as more of the vultures circled overhead. Escape was out of the question now, but every bomb and torpedo she dodged, shot down, or took was one more she spared her new children…

She was lifted out of the water by an explosion as a torpedo finally struck home. Hitting the water hard on land, she tried to crawl to her feet only to stumble and fall again as a searing pain radiated from her knees. Flipping over, she gasped in shock at the tattered remains of her leggings floating where her lower legs had once been.

The cold grip of death slowly began to consume her as she sank below the surface inch by inch. A resigned sadness took over Langley as shock set in, tears running down her face. She didn't blame her daughters. They were only doing their duty, as misguided as it might have been. Looking up, she nodded at the three circling bombers overhead.

The three planes slowly winged over, the roar of their engines drawing closer and closer. The lead plane was close enough that Langley swore she heard the clang of the release mechanism. A small yellow circle appeared as the plane pulled up, growing larger, and larger…

… And then the world went quiet and dark.


Tears ran down Cooks face as Belknap returned to the beach, Langley's bloody and torn jacket dragging from her hand across the oil-soaked waters of Rubaul. "She's gone." The destroyer muttered as she handed the jacket to Cook.

"She's in the harbor, right?" Hilo said hopefully. "If we can raise her maybe Cyclops can-"

A loud slap echoed through the harbor. "She's not down there!" Belknap growled as the former yacht stumbled back in shock. "When I say she's gone I mean she's gone! The only thing I could find of her was this jacket and the fucking arm still inside it!"

Dead silence fell over the group. "Sorry Hilo." Belknap finally said. "I just…"

"You're rattled." Cook said as she put an arm on the destroyer's shoulder. "We all are. That tends to happen when five carriers kick down your door."

"Speaking of that…" Yukatat shyly replied. "I managed to get a PBY up just as the strike was leaving. If we hurry, we can probably catch them with a strike while they're refueling."

"No. Even if one flying boat could accomplish something, it's too risky." Niagara countered. "Listen, I want to pay them back for what they did to Langley as much as the rest of you, but that was five carriers at least that just jumped us. Attacking now just puts up a giant sign saying, 'please bomb the hell out of us again' We don't have the planes, or the fleet needed to pull this off."

"Alone you don't." Rubaul came limping up behind them, clutching a broken arm. "But with my help, we can make this a fair fight."

Cook snorted at the offer. "No offense." She said, pointing to the shattered and smoldering remains of the base. "But you just got your shit kicked in even harder than we did. I'm not sure what help you think you can still give us."

Rubaul just smiled as a high-pitched whine began to fill the sky overhead. Over a dozen bombers quickly passed overhead as ground crews pulled even more out of the forest surrounding the base. "What can I say? Unlike the Japanese vermin who once occupied me, I learned from their mistakes."

Cook watched as a handful of ships crawled back to the entrance of the harbor, waiting for her and her cousins to lead them. She looked at the others, who all nodded, and pulled out a knife and started cutting strips from Langley's jacket and passing them out. Each one to the strip of fabric and tied it around their arm, before setting off to ready their squadrons.

Cook smiled as she went about her work, knowing that come hell or high water, they were getting revenge for their mom…
Operation Tsunami: Wake
Kisaragi shivered as the roaring, rolling world around her abruptly slammed into quiet burbling. Then the wave washed over her, ending her brief foray as a submarine and letting her grab a harsh gulp of air. Brushing away the hair plastered to her face, she looked around.

Mutsuki was right next to her, or at least the faint outline of her sister was since that was all she could make out in the unending downpour of sleet and freezing rain. Turning back a little more, she could make the forms of Tone and Chikuma as they struggled to get their planes onto their catapults.

"Where the hell did this storm come from?" Uzuki's voice carried through the formation, its owner lost in the storm at the back of the formation. "The briefings said the skies were clear for a thousand miles around Wake."

Uzuki's words hung over them like the blade of a guillotine, and another shiver ran down Kisaragi's spine. Though she couldn't see her sister's reactions, she knew they were all thinking the same thing too…

...This storm wasn't natural.

"No way in hell we're getting any planes in the air in the middle of this." Tone grumbled as the slick metal skin popped out of her grasp and plopped into the foaming surf. Wincing, she reached back down and grabbed it before it sank to the depths and stashed it back onto her deck. "Alright, I'm calling it before we lose our entire squadron to this soup."

"Tone to Kongo…" Tone was greeted by nothing but static on the radio. "Useless piece of crap." She grumbled as the four destroyers pulled in closer to maintain visual contact. "Tone to Kongo. We're caught in a typhoon over here. No way in hell we're going to get any planes off. We're going to have to call it off and try again in a couple of days."

"Dess… Izumo…Link up…. you soon…" Kongo's broken reply came over the radio.

"The hell did she just say?" Tone asked as the radio went dead.

Chikuma just shrugged her shoulders. "I think she said they were coming to pick us up. That's weird though… I thought they were supposed to be a hundred kilometers east of us."

"Maybe they already started to turn around and head back." Mutsuki replied, her nerves creeping back into her voice.

"Doesn't really matter as long as they get us out of this soup." Tone grumbled as she wrung out her pig tails. "I have never wanted a hot shower more in my life."

"Even more than that time Kongo accidentally tackled you in the mess hall and you ended up covered in soy sauce." Chikuma chuckled, ignoring the growl coming from Tone.

Lightning began to streak through the sky, the roar of thunder following it as the squadron continued to muddle along in its near blind state. "I think I see something!" Yayoi called out, squinting through the sleet.

The rest of the formation turned to look, barely making out the shadow slowly approaching. "Damn. That was fast." Tone grumbled, as she fiddled with her radio. "Hey Dess boat, how the hell did you get to the south of us?"

The figure stopped, tilting its head. "Oye, Bongo!" Tone called again, stepping out past the destroyers. "You take a lightning strike to your bridge or something?"

"Tone!" Chikuma nervously called out. "Don't go too far!"

"Relax sis." Tone called back moving closer and closer to the figure standing before them…" It's just someone's idea of a messed up pra-" Tone's message was cut off as a lightning bolt slammed into the sea right next to Chikuma. Behind the crash of the thunder, Kisaragi swore she heard the deeper rumble of cannon fire.

"What the hell was that?" Uzuki called out as everyone's vision returned.

"Just lightning." Mutsuki tried to reassure her. Kisaragi could see her older sisters frame shaking from the near miss. "Is everyone alright?"

"No!" Uzuki protested. "Something just flew passed my head when the lightning hit. It sounded like one of those bullet trains." Everyone froze at Uzuki's description. "What?"

Chikuma turned back towards Tone. The older sister now slouched over with her arms pressed against her abdomen as a black stain grew on the back of her dark green dress. Kisaragi couldn't tell for sure if she was seeing things right, but to the destroyer it almost looked like the left side pigtail had been torn off the cruisers scalp. Tone turned around, revealing a large gash running down the side of her head. "Chikuma…" Tone struggled to talk, a wet cough interrupting her as smoke began to rise from her figure. "Run."

Pulses of white light flashed all along the strangers rigging, the roar of cannon fire reaching Kisaragi's ears a moment later. Tone crumpled as the wall of metal hit her, screaming as flames erupted from her clothes and rigging.

The figure calmly strode over to her while their four turrets slammed flat and two gleaming shells swiftly loaded into the guns by hand. Now the Japanese ships could see their foe was flanked by a pair of the slab-sided, triple-turreted Abyssal Ta-class battleships that had emerged from the storm. The flagship's dark gray coat flapped in the wind, revealing her grey thigh height dress and black stockings. She brushed a lock of her short white hair out of her grey eyes. The battleship kicked Tone, knocking the cruiser on back and rigging. Tone was still writing from the blow when the Abyssal pressed her foot to the cruiser's stomach with an almost genteel pressure. A turret mounted sideways on the monsters rigging rotated down, its barrels almost touching Tone's chest. The roar of thunder filled the air once, then twice.

"Tone!" Chikuma let out a heart wrenching scream as Tone's body jerked once from the coupe de gras, then went motionless.

"Yayoi!" Kisaragi called out to grab the destroyer's attention. "Help me lay down a smoke screen. Once you're clear Uzuki and Mutsuki will put down a torpedo spread."

"No!" Chikuma shouted as she fired a volley that just sparked off the battleship's midsection. All three abyssal were now firing, a steady hail of battleship-caliber shells falling amongst the disorganized formation. "Tone's still out there!"

"Chikuma!" Yayoi called back to her as she started circling the cruiser and laying smoke. "Tone's gone!"

"But..." Chikuma's shoulder slumped as she stared at her sister lifeless form, tears running down her face. "You're right… prepare to fire on my mark." Mutsuki and Uzuki nodded, forming up with Chikuma as their launchers swiveled into position.

"Forgive me." Chikuma whispered as the torpedoes left her launchers followed by Mutsuki's and Uzuki's. The torpedoes raced into the smoke cloud, and a series of loud crashes on the other side drew a few smiles.

Those smiles grew as the smoke screen parted to reveal both abyssal battleships rolling over, their superstructures already touching the waves. "Hell yeah!" Uzuki yelled triumphantly, flipping off the monstrosities as they fully rolled over and exposed their belly. "That's what you get for messing with us!"

Kisaragi let out a sigh of relief as a few strips of black fabric fluttered down around them. She looked over at Chikuma, who shot her a smile through a steady stream of tears. Tone's death still stung them all, but it would be easier going back to base knowing she'd been avenged.

A sudden flicker in the smoke behind Uzuki drew Kisaragi's attention. Before she could shout a warning, the Abyssal flagship from before burst out of the smokescreen. Uzuki was only just turning around when the figure came to a stop mere feet from her, four twin rifled guns locked and loaded.

The destroyer barely got to take another breath before she disappeared in a cloud of gun smoke, leaving only a few burning strips of her navy-blue sailor's uniform where she had once stood.

The battleship looked up at them with her one good eye, the pitiless red glare on its face further accented by the spiderweb of scars that ran across it. Kisaragi could see even more scars running down the figures exposed arms and upper chest, her white strapless dress covered in soot and burn marks. The figure took a step forward, her long, open-mount secondaries peppering Kisaragi and the rest of the formation.

"Kisaragi." The destroyer looked up at Chikuma, who frame now shook with fear. "Take your sisters and get out of here."


"Kisaragi!" Chikuma shouted as she fired a salvo at the approaching battleship. The figure stumbled for a moment as the shells struck, an expression of momentary surprise breaking the flagship's former stoicism. Reaching to where the shells hit, she dug the unexploded AP shells out of her skin. The Flagship's face twisted in sadistic delight as she crushed them in her hand, ignoring the small pops of the filler, then continued her advance. "Go!" Kisaragi could only nod, grabbing Mutsuki and Yayoi as Chikuma charged the demon behind them.

The trio took off through the waves, not daring to look back even as Chikuma's dying screams reached them. The storm now seemed to dissipate just as quickly as it had set upon them, the swells subsiding and allowing them to make a little more headway.

Kisaragi was just letting herself believe they were in the clear when a shell exploded at her feet, knocking all three destroyers down. Mutsuki and Yayoi quickly got up, Kisaragi trying to as well when a searing pain at her knees stopped her. Flipping herself over, she found both her legs mangled by the shell strike.

Mutsuki and Yayoi wasted no time grabbing the straps of her rigging, trying to carry her to safety. Kisaragi could see it was going to be all in vain though. Rapidly approaching them was the battleship, blood dripping from her as she dragged the two halves of Chikuma's corpse behind her by the limbs. The abyssal smiled at them, and Kisaragi knew it had no intention of letting any of them escape.

"Mutsuki, Yayoi." She choked. "Save yourselves."

The two dropped her out of shock at what she had just said. "No!" Mutsuki screamed, grabbing the straps of Kisaragi's rigging and desperately pulling her along. "I'm not losing you!"

Kisaragi reached a hand up and ran it across Mutsuki's cheek. "As long as you live, so will I." She said with a smile.

Yayoi nodded, grabbing Mutsuki's shirt and pulling her away. A few tears ran down Kisaragi's cheek as the two sailed away, before focusing back on the approaching battleship. She reached behind her into her rigging, grabbing one of her torpedoes and keeping the hand tucked behind her back as the other fired her five-inch gun at the abyssal.

The battleship slowly sailed over to her, barely annoyed by the shells that hit her. With a feral grin, the pale monster deliberately threw the bloody remains to either side so he could grab Kisaragi by her throat. As the destroyer was painfully hauled out of the water, one of the secondaries made a pin-point shot to destroy her handheld turret and the extremity holding it. "So much for a warrior spirit." It said in English.

Kisaragi grinned, her grip on the torpedo tightening as she thought of her siblings' safe arrival home. "Sink." She whispered, jabbing the torpedo into the abyssal's abdomen. The small destroyer screamed as the stump that had once been her left hand fell limply back to her side, waiting for her attacker's grip to slacken after taking a long lance to the gut.

Instead, it only tightened. As the smoke cleared, Kisaragi found herself staring at the battleship's old intense baleful gaze. Her attacker looked down in close examination at the bloody laceration on her abdomen before looking back up at Kisaragi. The bloodthirsty grin was fully back.

"Now that's adorable." She replied, before punching her fist through Kisaragi's chest.


USS Washington watched as Kisaragi's eyes went lifeless, the destroyer's body spasming a few more times before going still. Pulling her hand out, she tossed the lifeless body aside before looking off to the horizon.

She focused her eyes off into the horizon, where the other two destroyers had run off too. She couldn't chase them down, not after the damage their suicidal little shit bird friend had done to her with her last act.

She was perfectly content with the carnage she had caused though, the only thing that disappointed her was that her Japanese counterparts hadn't been amongst those who had fallen to her. She was sure they'd come eventually though…

…And when she was done tearing them limb from limb, she'd have a chance to find her dear departed sisters…
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Chapter 72: Operation Tsunami Part 3
"Mom…" Lexington numbly muttered to herself as her planes continued to land. She reached into the pocket of her jacket for a piece of gum and threw it into her mouth, chewing harshly. Glancing over at Saratoga, she could see her sister fighting a losing battle against the tears running down her cheeks. She turned back to Bunker Hill. "You sure it was quick?" The raven-haired girl fished around in her pocket as the last of her Helldivers touched down, finally pulling out a piece of gum and popping it into her mouth.

"We put four thousand pounders and a pair of torpedoes into her." Bunker Hill stated. The flatness in her voice was all too noticeably forced. "Can't get much quicker than that."

"Sorry." She said a moment later. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know…" Lexington replied, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Sorry for making you and Tico the ones to finish her off."

"Better us than you." Ticonderoga responded. "We didn't know her like you and mom did."

Another twang of guilt hit Lexington. Langley had never had the chance to meet any of the Essex's, and now she never would. She clenched her fists, anger bubbling inside her as tears ran down her face. Langley should have been back in DC, training the next generation and shooting the shit with South Carolina over lunch. Instead, she was dying in some Pacific hellhole being bombed by her own kids.

A soft tug on her sleeve drew Lexington's attention back to the real world. Looking down, she saw Atlanta holding up a handkerchief for her. "Thanks Kiddo." She said, whipping away the tears.

"You know Lex, Sim's is one hell of an artist." One of the destroyers called out to her. "Once we get back, I'll have her call you about making a portrait… You know, for Annapolis."

"And why the hell would you want to have her waste her time with that?" Augusta spat out. "Langley sided with the enemy."

"Not by choice." Atlanta muttered.

"What was that pipsqueak?" Augusta immediately called out, already sliding closer to the light cruiser.

Lexington watched as Atlanta immediately wilted, her gaze drifting back to the horizon. "Stow it, Augusta! Get back to your watch!" Missouri called out. The cruiser grumbled but slid back into formation.

"I just don't get why Langley of all people would turn on us?" Sara muttered to no one in particular, staring off into space as her Devastators started to land. "She was always so nice and happy."

"You know what they say about the nice ones." Ajax chuckled, only to shut up after a stern glare from Wales and Exeter.

"The battleships that attacked The Channel all had… sordid history." Wales added. "Maybe her time in ABDA pushed her over the edge."

"There's girls who got a real raw deal that chose the colors, like Like Atlanta or Arizona. This just can't be explained by broad strokes." Missouri replied. "And it sure doesn't do any good speculating in front of Lex and Sara. Let's get all the planes back and get aboard, and we'll leave the mysteries to the intel spooks paid to ask those questions."

"Don't worry Mo." Lexington shrugged. "Nothing we haven't been thinking ourselves." Her gaze shifted back to the sky. "But yeah, let's get everything packed and get the hell out of here."

"Agreed." Wales added. "Rubaul won't just rely on her own airfield. She's already planning her counterattack as we speak."

"Hey guys…" Hoel said cautiously. "How many planes do you all have to still bring in?"

All five carriers looked at each other, a sense of dread washing over them. "Check your radars!" Lexington called out, closing her own eyes.

"Shit!" Bunker Hill cursed. "I've got approximately forty contacts on compass heading three four zero, fifty miles out, altitude roughly twenty thousand feet!" She looked over at the others. "Where did that bitch scrounge up all this so fast? I watched Lex and Sara plaster that airfield with their Devastators."

"Probably had secondary 'strips out in the interior." Wales responded as her gun mounts swiveled towards the threat. Her and North Carolina dropped back behind the Essex's as Missouri and Wisconsin surged forward, completing the defensive square around the carriers. "Rubaul's many things, but she is most certainly not ill prepared or stupid."

"How many planes does everyone have ready?" Saratoga asked.

"One flight of Hellcat's and a flight of Helldivers armed and ready, with another flight of Hellcats being refueled as we speak." Bunker Hill called out.

"Same." Intrepid timidly replied.

"Two flights of Avengers with a flight of Helldivers on the way!" Ticonderoga proudly called out, ignoring the glares from Lexington and Saratoga.

"Alright." Lexington pinched her brow. "Get the Hellcats in the air. Helldivers too, just make sure they drop their bombs once their clear of the fleet. Tico, ditch those Avengers overboard and clear your hanger."

"But what about the second st-"

"Forget about the second-strike Tico!" All three Essex's flinched as Lexington went back into drill instructor mode. "It won't do you any damn good if you don't survive this one."

Lexington watched as Ticonderoga slinked back into formation, a trail of torpedo bombers in her wake as Lexington reached into her ammo pouch and pulled out a magazine for the tommy gun underneath her rigging's flight deck. With the quick pull of a trigger, a flight of Wildcats was in the air.

If there was one thing Lexington would never get used too, it was viewing air battles through the eyes of her pilots. "Could've used this back in '42." She watched as the last of the F-35's formed up with the few fighters she and the others had managed to get up into the air.

"VMFA-211 to Lexington." The lead pilot radioed as the black swarm of abyssal aircraft approached them. "You ladies ready for us to start the fireworks show?"

Lexington couldn't help but roll her eyes at the flyboy schtick. "Ready when you are."

"Copy that, Fox 2! Fox 2!" A volley of missiles erupted from the jet fighters, racing towards to approaching cloud of bombers.

Lexington crackled as the missiles streaked through the abyssal formation, explosions dotting it as planes were swatted out of the sky. "So, when do we get those beauties?"

"I don't think you can Auntie Lex." Ticonderoga teased. "You would have been a little old for jets… but I'm sure Medusa or Vestal and whip up a -125 refit, you know magical bullshit and all that." She quickly backtracked as the older carrier gave her another glare. "So, how do we want to play this?"

Lexington's gaze returned to her pilots as the F-35's broke off and returned back to the fleet. The approaching abyssal were less a coherent formation and more a swarm of angry bees jockeying for targets. Single engine Kate's and Val's weaved around twin engine bombers as angry Zeroes circled the swarm.

She looked over at Sara. "You up for playing a little rope a dope?" Saratoga nodded. "We'll take the Zeroes then. You girls give those bombers hell."

"Sure you don't want us dealing with those fighters?" Tico asked, exchanging glances with her sisters. "It was what the Hellcat was designed for."

Lexington and Saratoga exchanged smirks. "I think we'll manage. Remember girls…" She said as the fighters descended on the abyssal swarm. "It's not always about the plane, but the pilots."

Sara's fighters struck first, the quartet of Wildcats swatting a pair of Zeroes out of the sky as they dove through. The remaining fighter cover, a paltry escort of five more Zeroes, immediately broke to chase after them as Lexington's fighters slipped into position.

Lexington watched as her fighter lazily began mirroring the shallow turns Sara's Wildcat was drawing the Zero behind it through. A few machine-gun and cannon tracers danced behind Sara's fighter as the zero grew impatient. "Anytime now sister." She heard Sara grumble over the radio.

"Can't rush perfection." Lexington chuckled as her fighter pulled its nose in and fired a long burst as the Zero passed through her windscreen. Flames ripped through the thin-skinned fighter as the wall of lead slammed into it, its right wing ripping off as the plane spiraled into the sea. Three more Zeroes quickly followed, along with one of Saratoga's Wildcats that had taken an unlucky cannon shell to the engine. "See that, kids." Lexington shouted over the radio. "That's what true skill looks like."

Her boast was cut short as a falling Nell flashed across her pilot's windscreen, the rear of the bombers pencil shaped fuselage a sea of flames. "Hey old timer!" Bunker Hill radioed back. "Quite yapping and bring that skill up here."

Lexington just rolled her eyes as her fighters climbed to join the fray, watching as a steady stream of broken and burning aircraft began to follow the abyssal formation, slotting in behind a twin engine G4M 'Betty'. She stitched the wallowing aircraft from engine to engine and back again. Flames ripped through the bomber as its engines cut out and it rolled over into a death spiral. "How are we on ammo?"

"Starting to run a little low." Intrepid immediately replied.

"Two Winchester, and the last two down to their inboards." Bunker Hill shouted.

"I'm out." Ticonderoga grumbled.

Lexington looked around as the last of her fighters ran dry. Less than a dozen aircraft remained, and even down to only their guns, Lexington knew the F-35's would make short work of them. "Clear out so the flyboys can have some fun."

Lexington sighed in relief as a couple F-35's swung back in looking to finish what her fighters had started. Reaching into her pocket for another piece of gum. "Just a couple more minutes." She mumbled to herself as she popped the tobacco replacement into her mouth, quickly reducing the stick to a comforting mush.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" One of the destroyers on the other side of the formation started shouting as her main battery let loose. "Seaplanes approaching one nine zero at wavetop height."

"Catalina's?" Atlanta quickly cut in before Lexington could say anything. When the carrier glanced over to her, she could see the anxiety running up and down the cruisers frame. "Go evasive Hudson, now!" She screamed over the radio.

"Relax Atlanta. It's only a pair of Catalina's." Hudson replied over the staccato of her Bofors.

"Atlanta…" Lexington nervously asked as she watched the cruiser anxiously drum her fingers on her rigging. "Why do two flying boats scare you?"

Before Atlanta could respond, a gust of wind suddenly whipped across the formation followed by the roar of an explosion. Lexington looked back at where Hudson had been stationed only to find an ominous black cloud that the destroyer stumbled out of a moment later. "Wvat ta Fyuck." The red head slurred, one hand on her temple as the other wildly fired at another approaching floatplane.

More destroyers opened fire now, attempting to close on their wounded sister and provide cover for her. It was to no avail though as Hudson disappeared in another explosion, her motionless body floating in the waves. Heemskerck and a pair of destroyers quickly sprinted over to her along with a navy zodiac.

The trio worked as a well-oiled machine, cutting off Hudson's rigging. "She's still breathing." Heemskerck assured over the radio. Contact reports were in from across the formation of more wave skimming seaplanes, and Lexington could see a trio of the damn things already making a bee line for the group. The trio cut the last of the straps without a moment to lose and handed Hudson off to the zodiac.

They weren't fast enough though. The Catalina's dove on them as they broke and ran. One of the destroyers, a Benson class with a pair of blond braided pigtail, turned around to cover Heemskerck and her sister. Finding herself staring almost nose-on with the first of the seaplanes, she barely had time to call out as the plummeting aircraft collided into her midsection.

Silence fell over the formation as bits of steel and cloth fell from the sky. Lexington and Atlanta instinctively flinched as a five inch mount loudly splashed into the dark water between them. "Boyle!" The girl's sister screamed as she fought Heemskerck to sail back into the explosion to look for her. "We need to go back!"

"She's gone Lansdale." Heemskerck grunted pulling the destroyer out of the way as another Catalina dove into the sea where they had been standing. The brown-haired girl numbly nodded, tears in her eyes as she took her fallen sisters spot in the formation.

The distinct sound of diving radials caused Heemskerck to look to the sky. Another Catalina was bearing down on her, and even as her guns attempted to wheel around, all she could do was close her eyes and accept her fate.

The resulting explosion sent her stumbling, blood flowing from the cuts on her head and face. Atlanta sailed over to her, guns still smoking as she grabbed Heemskerck's arm. "Drop your rigging!" She shouted. Even in her stupor Heemskerck nodded, letting her rigging disappear as the sharp movement of Atlanta's throw carried her to a waiting zodiac.

Her friend safe, Atlanta sailed back to her spot in the formation, only stumbling as another bomber crashed behind her and threw another geyser up into the air. Emergency calls were filling the airwaves as the suicide planes reaped their horrible toll on the outlying destroyers and cruisers. "How did these things sneak up on us like that?" Wisconsin asked.

"Who cares!" Missouri shouted, her rigging nothing but muzzle flashes. "Kill the fuckers now, solve the mysteries later."

In the middle of the formation, Bonhomme Richard lurched as a torpedo impacted into her port side. The steel hull groaned as she came to a halt, a slight list becoming notable. Lexington barely dodged another torpedo, as well as the plane that had dropped it as it spiraled into the sea.

"Sully!" Another destroyer called. Lexington watched as Atlanta's demeanor changed. The cruiser's gaze frantically looked back at where the destroyer must have been stationed. For a second, she started drifting out of formation herself, before shaking her head and returning to her post, a steady stream of tears running down her face. Another scream behind her drew Lexington's attention back to the Essex's.

The sight of Ticonderoga in flames greeted her and Saratoga. The carrier continued to scream as tongues of bright crimson raced along her rigging and though the gaping holes in her clothing. "Tico!" Bunker Hill screamed as she raced over to the thrashing carrier. "Drop your rigging!"

Ticonderoga weakly nodded, falling back into Bunker Hill's arms as her flight deck and island disappeared. "Now what?" She whimpered, flames still licking at her clothes and skin.

"Now comes the part that's going to suck for you." Bunker Hill chuckled, before dunking her sister in the cold Pacific. Ticonderoga came up shrieking like a banshee as saltwater hit her burnt flesh, Bunker Hill and Intrepid gingerly picking her up and moving her into a waiting zodiac.

Just as soon as the attack had started, it was over. The few surviving Catalina's drift back over the horizon, leaving the ship girls to pick up the pieces of their shattered fleet. The injured were carted off to USS Wasp and a waiting Medusa, while those that were still on their feet looked for the ones that weren't answering radio calls.

All the while their eyes stayed glued to the horizon, waiting for whatever other surprises the Abyssals still had in store for them…
Chapter 73: Operation Tsunami Part 4
"You know baptism by fire is suppose to be a figure of speech." Medusa muttered as she placed the last of Ticonderoga's dressings, causing a wave of laughter to ripple through the surrounding group of carriers.

"Please." Ticonderoga groaned. "No more jokes."

"They say laughter's the best medicine." Medusa replied.

"Not when my hanger decks been turned into an oven." Tico muttered.

"Could be worse." Lexington told her as she handed the wounded carrier a glass of water, earning a look. "You could have still had those Avengers in your hanger when that Cat hit ya."

Ticonderoga's eyes dropped down. "Yeah, good call there Auntie Lex."

Lexington smirked and put a hand on Ticonderoga's shoulder. "Us old hags do know a thing or two. You did good work Tico." She turned to Intrepid and Bunker Hill. "All three of you did. Quick thinking on that fire management Hill."

"What can I say." The Essex replied, cleaning the soot off her glasses. "I've had a lot of time to think about that after the last time. So what's the plan Lex? We getting that bitch back or what?"

Lexington looked around the well deck turned medical bay. "We don't have anything left to pay her back with."

Saratoga nodded. Rabaul's attack had reaped a deadly toll. Three destroyers, two American and one British, had been lost. Their sisters and division mates all told the same story, low level kamikaze style attacks by flying boats or seaplanes targeting amidships. Little more than scrap metal was left when the dust had settled. A dozen more destroyers had been severely damaged by near misses, some looking at possible retirement from the damage inflicted on them. And even among those that were still combat effective, most were some form of walking wounded.

The group spotted North Carolina and Wales wondering back into the well deck, an exhausted look on North's face as she surveyed the carnage. "Hey North!" Lexington beckoned her over. "What's the situation?"

North Carolina shook her head as she walked over to the carriers. "Bonnie snapped a shaft when that torpedo hit. Best she can make is ten knots."

"Gonna be a long trip back to Pearl." Ticonderoga groaned. "Please tell me the movie theatre at least survived. I'm going to die of boredom if I have to stay on this thing for weeks without anything to watch."

"We should just break south for Sidney." Bunker Hill muttered.

"I wouldn't recommend that." Wales replied. "Guadalcanal will be a bit displeased with us trying to sneak past her like that, especially after the walloping Victorious and Melbourne gave her."

"We're sitting ducks either way." Hill remarked. "Might as well get it over with rather than spend the rest of the month looking over our shoulders all the way back to Pearl, waiting for those tenders to jump us again."

"How are your destroyers holding up?" Intrepid asked.

Wales glanced over at the small gaggle of destroyers surrounding one of the hospital beds. "They'll pull through, stiff upper lip and all. I am not looking forward to informing Quadrant's sisters though."

"At least you've been through this before with the Channel fight, the closest we've even been to losing somebody was South Carolina." The group watched as Atlanta led a gaggle of destroyers up the launch ramp. A few of the girls grabbed towels to dry off before heading inside for food, but most immediately went to talk to the few wounded that were awake.

Atlanta limped over to where the Taffies and few other destroyers were getting ready for their patrol. "Hey Atlanta." Intrepid beckoned her over. "Are you alright."

"Yeah." Atlanta replied with an exhausted smile. "Just a loose rudder and a couple buckled hull plates. Medusa already looked it over."

"I also told you to stay off it if you could help it." Medusa grumbled under her breath.

"When we find another AA cruiser or get back Pearl, then I'll be able to." Atlanta rubbed her eyes before turning back to the destroyers.

Intrepid grabbed her by the shoulder. "Johnston?" She called out, the destroyer in question popping her head up as she continued checking her rigging. "You'll be alright if Atlanta takes this shift off?"

Johnston nodded. "We'll manage." She looked over at Atlanta. "We pick up anything on radar besides that tailing seaplane, you'll be the first to know."

"How's everything going?" North Carolina asked.

Atlanta rubbed her eyes. "We're holding together the best we can. A few of the girls like Chandler that haven't seen action like that are a little rattled, but we're pulling together. I already rearranged the rooms so no one was sleeping by themselves."

North guided Atlanta to a chair that Wales had pulled up for her. "You know that's not what I meant."

Atlanta let out a long sigh. "I failed them North. We knew the playbook these tenders were using. Hell, we've fought off attacks just like this dozens of times before. We should have seen this coming. I should have been expecting this, should have been watching the horizon." She looked over at where Sullivans was sleeping on a cot, face plastered with bandages and her right arm in a sling. "Instead, I fucked up again, and my destroyers paid for it."

North Carolina knelt down and gave Atlanta a hug. "We did what we could Atlanta."

"And it's our fault for not bagging the bitches in the harbor when we had the chance." Lexington added. "Next I come back here, I'm bringing enough napalm to burn all of New Guinea down to bedrock."

"I'm sure if you asked nicely, the Ohio's might let you barrow a trident or two." Bonnie replied with a chuckle as she quite literally popped into the middle of the group. "Less sorties needed that way."

The three Essex's looked at each other. "Let's keep that particular genie in the bottle shall we?" Intrepid cautiously remarked, noticing the blood seeping out of the tears in Bonnie's pants. "Are you alright?"

Bonnie grimaced. "I'll live. I know it could have been hell of a lot worse."

"Your sisters?" Saratoga asked.

Bonnie shook her head. "We were all back in port, waiting for the flat tops to clear the way when news of Midway and the other battles hit us." She let out a chuckle. "Now we're jewels of the fleet, at least till Abe gets out of her refueling and Ford and Teddy get out of drydock."

"What are we?" Tico joked. "Chopped liver?"

"Nah, just too old fashioned for the boys." Bonnie smirked, before turning back to North Carolina. "The old man's going to want to talk to you, sounds like something big is coming our way."

The group nodded, bidding Ticonderoga their well wishes and making their way out of the well deck and heading towards the briefing room. "You don't have to come with us Atlanta." North said, noticing the cruiser limping alongside her. "We can bring you up to speed later, get some rest."

"If this is a fight we're about to get into, you need me getting the destroyers ready, not sitting in my cot staring at the ceiling." Atlanta told her. "I'll be fine for a few more hours."

The group made their way to the briefing room, where Bonnie's captain, Wisconsin, and Missouri were already gathered around the table inside. "Good news or bad news?" Bunker Hill asked rhetorically as Exeter, and the rest of the cruisers filed in behind her.

"Depends." Missouri replied, pulling up a picture on the screen behind her. "Recon drones out of Australia picked this up an hour ago."

"Couldn't leave us alone for five minutes." Lexington grumbled, looking at the six tenders on the screen surrounded by a smattering of escorts. "Looks like it's going to be a running fight all the way back to Pearl."

Missouri shook her head. "Based on speed and position, they'll catch us in a surface action around 0200 local time. Which means we have two options."

"One." The captain, a thin man with grey sprinkled into his short black hair, said. "I ain't abandoning my ship to be a war trophy for those things."

"I mean it's only a couple heavy cruisers, three lights, and eight destroyers." Missouri added. "Even with some of our destroyers split off to guard Iwo, the carriers, and the wounded, we'll still have more than enough to smash this little group."

"Don't forget the PT boats." Helena added. "I recognize Hilo and Niagara, and they're bound to have a squadron or two."

North Carolina was growing uncomfortable with this idea. "I don't know if we have enough destroyers for this Mo. We're already pushing Atlanta and the destroyers pretty hard trying to keep a decent escort up and running." She looked over at Atlanta. "You think we can do this?"

The cruiser ran the numbers quickly through her head. "The overtime and ice cream bills will be enormous, but I think I make some magic happen. The hard parts going to be picking who goes with Heemskerck to guard Iwo, and who stays with me and fights." She caught the worried glance North Carolina was giving her. "I'm the only cruiser with radar right now. You need me for this North, and I need this after what happened with Sully."

"Come on North let her live a little." Augusta called out.

"Alright." North relented, before glancing back at the two Iowa's. "I assume you have a plan Whisky?"

Wisconsin spread out a piece of paper. "Our best bet is going to be to use Bonnie as bait, leave out a small escort to fool them into thinking we were abandoning her. Then once the escorts pick up the Abyssal force on radar, the rest of the fleet will deploy."

"And if Abby decides to run the second the see four battleships and a half dozen cruisers appear out of nowhere?" Wales asked.

"That's where my flyboys come in." Bonnie's captain replied. "Before you deploy, my F-35's will overfly the Abyssal position and deploy countermeasures. Between the chaff and IR decoys, they won't be able to see shit until well after you're out on the water." He looked over at North and the others. "At least, that's if my ship's up for this?"

The captain chuckled as he watched the astonished reactions of the crowd. "I may be old, but I'm not blind ladies, and neither are my crew. We see you girls talking to thin air all the time, notice how you always seem to know what's going on before I can send runners out to talk to you, and well…" He motioned to the ship girls in front of him. "You were all around during the last war, so why wouldn't she be here now?"

As one, the room looked over at Bonnie, who was perched on one of the desks twirling a pen in her hand. "Well I wouldn't be doing my namesake any favors ducking from a fight after one little torpedo."

"Let's get to work then." Missouri replied. "Lex, you and the carriers want to start helping Medusa get the wounded ready for the trip over to Iwo?"

"We're on it." Lexington replied as the carriers filed out. "Make sure to grab a pound of flesh for us while you're out there."

"I'll go help them." Atlanta meekly added, following the carrier out of the room. Wales leaned over to Exeter and Ajax, whispering something to them before they left the room.

"I know I shouldn't need to say this, but don't do anything stupid out there ladies." Missouri finished the briefing. "We go out, take care of the threat, and get home to some well-earned R&R." As the other battleships and cruisers filed out of the room, she pulled North Carolina and Wales aside. "Whisky and I have been cooped up in here too long reading after action reports, any problems we need to worry about?"

"Atlanta's beating herself up over what happened to Sully and the other destroyers." North admitted. "She's right though, the only chance we have of pulling this off without casualties is to keep the spotlights off. I wouldn't be surprised if her list is nothing but Fletchers and Gearings."

"Ignoring all our experience once again." Wales teased her American counterparts.

"Hey, we got pretty good at it ourselves by '44." Missouri smirked back. "But keep on your toes. If any part of our old friends came back, it died when Langley did. You don't go destroyer hunting over carriers unless you're looking for a body count." Missouri looked back at the picture. "One way or another, this ends tonight."
Chapter 74: Operation Tsunami Part 5
"So," Helena asked Exeter as the two stared out into the inky darkness. "You ever wonder why we're here?"

"Well, we're waiting to pay Abby back for the thrashing they gave us earlier." Exeter said, turning to the light cruiser. The two watched as flashes of light sparkled in the distance as Atlanta and a handful of destroyers finished off the last of the PT boats, strings of tracers arcing down from the sky to the water's surface as Bonnie's air wing provided an assist.

"Of course, if you talking in the metaphysical sense, I suppose that is one of life's great mysteries, isn't it? Are we here because of some sort of cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a god watching everything with a plan for all of us?" She took a deep breath of the cool night air as she glanced up at the stars. "I don't know Helena. It keeps me up at night."

Exeter giggled as Helena scraped her jaw up off the deck. "You yanks aren't the only ones who know what the internet is."

"Just internet about as old as you are." Helena said, giving Exeter a smirk. "You mind if I ask you something serious though, cruiser to cruiser?"

"We have a few minutes, Commander." Exeter gave Helena a smile. "Fire away."

"How do I help Atlanta?" She gave a sigh. "The girls one unlucky moment away from a mental breakdown, and if we manage to make it back to Pearl without that happening Medusa's medical diagnoses will finish the job. What the fuck am I supposed to do to stop that?"

Exeter stopped, trying to figure out what to say. "Honestly, there isn't much we can do for her. You, me, and Atlanta might very well wish we could push a button and shut our minds off. Go back to being like any other piece of equipment. But that's not what we are anymore, we're like our crews now. And those problems they had, involve the same solution for Atlanta: All we can do for her is let her know we're there if she wants to talk."

"I liked it better in the last war." Helena grumbled. "At least back then all our problems came in easy to shoot at sizes."

"They also shot back." Exeter reminded her.

Helena let out a little chuckle. "True." She looked back off into the horizon where the gunfire had stopped. "Everything alright Atlanta?"

"Just finishing with the last of them now." The cruiser responded over the radio, her voice barely audible over the drone of the helicopter hovering nearby. "We should be back to the ship in a couple minutes."

"Sounds good." Signaling a group of nearby sailors, Helena sent them down to the mess hall. "We'll have hot food ready for you girls when you get back."

It took a few minutes for the helicopter to make its way back to Bonnie, more than enough time for food to make it back to the flight deck before it landed. Atlanta and Exeter were the first ones off, pulling the night vision goggles off their heads and handing them back to the crew chief.

Both Helena and Exeter noticed Atlanta's limp being more pronounced as she directed the quartet of destroyers over to the makeshift table that had been set up on the flight deck. "Those little shitboats give you any problems Atlanta?" Helena asked.

Atlanta gave a small shrug and she dug into her plate. "Only a few windows shot out by machinegun fire. We basically deployed right on top of them, too close for torpedoes." She turned to Ajax. "Thanks for telling me about night vision goggles. Between them and the choppers, it almost felt like cheating."

Ajax threw her arm around Atlanta. "Would I ever steer you wrong?"

Atlanta rolled her eyes as she weaseled her way out from under Ajax's arms. Sitting back down at the table she took a revolver out of her coat pocket and emptied it. "And what about that bar back in Pearl you though was a 'fine upstanding establishment'?" She asked as she loaded fresh bullets into it.

"It said Gentlemen's Club." Ajax pleaded innocently. "And you can't say your crew didn't enjoy the view."

A chuckle went rolling through the quartet of cruisers as Atlanta continued rearming, the British cruisers slowly turning more and more nervous as their American friend continued to pull out pistol after pistol. "So, ah…" Ajax asked, slightly dumbfounded. "How many of those do you have?"

"Eight." Atlanta said, shrugging her shoulders. "One for each turret."

"Not even going to ask where you hide them all."

"Probably for the best." Helena chuckled, cradling her shotgun in her arms. "Not everyone's not as sensible about it as I am." She looked down at the weapon in her arms. "Though I do wish this was a automatic rifle, would have made the joke easier.

"What Joke?" Ajax asked.

Helena smiled. "Three abyssal walked into a bar." The three cruisers jumped as Atlanta and her destroyers hit the table with their heads and let out a groan in unison. "What, it's a good joke."

"Everything go to plan?" Wales asked the group as she walked over to them, her voice barely audible over the sound of helicopters and F-35's landing and taking off.

Atlanta nodded as she returned to reloading. "Torpedo boats dealt with, and the main force should be none the wiser. As far as they can tell, it's just Ajax, myself, and a handful of destroyers protecting Bonnie. Those night vision goggles were a godsend."

"My girls do know a thing or two." Wales said with a polite smile. "Which is why I was a tad disappointed you didn't include them more."

"Iwo needs competent sub hunters to get back to Pearl in one piece, and I need girls who have been in knife fight before." Atlanta responded. Helena took a quick look around the table, noting the familiar faces at it. Chevalier and Strong might not have had the fame of Laffey or The Taffies, but both had fought and died in these waters before. Spence and Converse meanwhile, had fought as part of Burke's legendary DesRon 23.

"What are we defining as knife fighting territory?" Ajax asked as she began nervously rocking back and forth. "Fifteen thousand meters? Ten?"

A chuckle rolled across the table. "Try five thousand and change." Spence remarked, the blond-haired destroyer giddy at the thought of upcoming battle. "Get in close, drop torpedoes, then role through at fifteen to twenty RPM's until you run out of shells or run out of targets."

Atlanta stood up and walked over to Wales. "I know you and the others are worried about me, but I'll be able to keep it together until we get back to Pearl."

"And after that?" Helena asked as she walked over and gave Atlanta a hug. "I know you're putting yourself under a lot of pressure Atlanta. Just..." She tried to think of something more. Something to get at the heart of the matter. But Exeter's words were all that flowed. "Just know we're ready to listen when you want to talk about it."

Atlanta nodded calmly, walking back to the table as she and the rest prepared for the coming battle ahead.


Cook couldn't help but grin as her meager fleet closed in their quarry. Yakutat grabbed her hand, barely containing her own excitement at the thought of avenging Langley. The tender held up three fingers, confirming her own radar image. The lone American carrier, surrounded by three destroyers with maybe a fourth hiding behind the vessel as it slowly lumbered along to its doom.

Up ahead of her, Belknap and her Clemson sisters had returned to their destroyer roots, their torpedo launchers already swiveled into their firing position as they raced ahead with the vanguard. Behind her, Hilo and Niagara staggered along leaning on each other for support. The loss of their torpedo boat squadrons a short while ago had taken so much out of the girls, but it didn't feel right to Cook to leave them out of the coming revenge.

Cook's only regret was that they hadn't managed to catch up in time to kill the entire formation. Still, nearly two dozen destroyers and a light cruiser was a decent start that would send her former countrymen reeling to their shores.

Up ahead on her radar she could see the destroyers and their cruiser minder scrambling to form a battle line as they finally noticed her approaching formation. As the two formations got closer and closer, she bristled with anticipation of the slaughter to come.

She was so caught up in her excitement she missed the flight of aircraft take off from the carrier and raced towards her. All of a sudden, the sky lit up as dozens of flares sprang out of the aircraft like a swarm of mosquitoes as they raced overhead. She grunted in pain from her radar dissolved into useless static, opening her eyes to find the world a blinding white. "Status report!" She called out.

"Everything's blind." Yakutat immediately called out.

"Same he- son of a bitch." Belknap screamed, swatting at her shoulder as one of her light AA mounts had its ready ammunition start cooking off. "I think those bastards just firebombed us."

"And not even the good stuff either." Hilo shouted, her crew joining Niagara in stamping out spot fires on the two torpedo boat tenders. "What, haven't we done enough damage to earn a little napalm thrown our way?"

"Don't think they have any." Ballard called back. "Must be down to the bottom of the barrel if this is all they can throw at us. "Should have waited until we were closer, might have given those destroyers a chance to do something besides die pointlessly."

Cook blinked a few times as her vision and radar began to return. Her crew reported the last of the spot fires had been put out. "You see anything?" She asked her sister.

Yakutat shook her head. "Radar's just coming back online." She squinted, looking past Cook and their escorting cruisers. "What's that?" she asked, pointing to the horizon. Cook turned around just in time to catch the last twinkles of light on the horizon.

She felt her stomach drop as her radar came back online, revealing a line of new contacts in the direction the flashes of light had come from. "Ambu-"

Cook's warning was drowned out by the cacophony of violence that landed right in the middle of the formation. Eight- and Fourteen-inch shells fell into the sea all around them, towers of water shooting into the sky before falling back down and drowning the tenders as sixteen's detonated over their heads. Shrapnel tore apart radars and smashed optical sights as crewmembers caught on deck were torn limb from limb by the maelstrom.

Cook blindly reached out for her sister with one hand as the other wiped the blood from her eyes. "What the hell just happened?" She heard Yakutat call out as she blindly stumbled about.

"They were fucking waiting for us!" Ballard shouted, right before she was tossed around by a near miss from one of the battleships. Next to her, one of their disposable minions groaned to a stop as a battleship shell punched through its stern and snapped both propeller shafts. Another round of air burst shells burst overhead, sending shrapnel pinging off everyone.

"This wasn't supposed to be like this." Niagara muttered numbly as five-inch shells began falling around them like sheets of hail. Behind her a destroyer slowly drifted out of formation as fire began to spread across its ravaged deck. "They ran away, we watched them…"

Cook flinched as she felt the heat from a nearby explosion bubbled her paint. A turret slammed into the sea just feet from where Hilo and Niagara were huddled. "Well, they're here now!" Cook shouted back. "We need to retreat and regroup." She turned to order the heavy cruiser that had been sailing next to her a moment ago, only to stop herself as she watched the now bowless monstrosity slide below the waves.

The traitors were only a scant ten thousand meters away, their silhouettes visible in the flashes of the guns. The night sky lit up once more as two of the three light cruisers under Cook's command suffered near simultaneous magazine explosions. Its sibling cut across the formation, deck awash with flames as it threw itself at the enemy battleline.

Grabbing her sister by the hand, Cook dragged her out of the formation with Hilo and Niagara right behind them. Belknap and her sisters quickly joined them as their last handful of minions threw themselves at the enemy. Cook turned just in time to see one of the heavy cruisers, a Northampton by the silhouette, double over and grab her abdomen as Cook's last defender fired its final salvo before disintegrating under the battlelines fire.

Cook let out a sigh of relief as she watched the traitors ignore her in favor of mopping up the last of her minions. If they could just put a little distance, maybe they could…

"Watch out!" Yakutat shouted as she tossed Cook to the side. Cook skidded to a stop, ears ringing as explosions raced up and down their makeshift formation. Something heavy landed right on top of her, and even in her dazed confusion, she realized to her horror that it was her sister.

A wall of fire greeted those that had remained standing. Panic set in as Cook realized what was happening.

The battleships and heavy cruisers that had merely been the distraction. The light cruisers and destroyers were now upon them, looking to avenge their fallen friends.

Cook scrambled to her feet, grabbing Yakutat by the collar as she tried to drag her sister away from the murderers row a scant five thousand meters away. Off to her side Hilo and Niagara screamed as their gas tanks ruptured and set them ablaze, their burning figures staggering from additional hits as they drew the firing squads' attention.

Belknap rushed over to her, one arm hanging loosely at her side as blood ran down it. "Don't bother Cook." The destroyer shouted. "She already gone." Cook looked down, stumbling back in horror as she realized everything below Yakutat's waist was gone. Yakutat's dead, unblinking eyes stared up at her, begging Cook to leave as her body began to slide below the surface. "We have to get out of here now!"

Belknap's words had just left her mouth when the destroyer was struck by a dozen shells, ripping her shattered body right out of Cook's arms and sending it skipping across the ocean's surface. "Bell!" Ballard screamed, unaware of the destroyer sneaking up behind her.

"Watch out!" Cook shouted. Ballard swung around; gun raised. It was too late though, as the Fletcher was already within arm's reach. The figure swatted Ballard's gun to the side before pushing her own under Ballard's chin and firing. Six more shots hit Ballard in the chest as she fell backwards and began to sink below the waves.

"You bastards!" Cook screamed, bringing her last working gun up and firing a series of shots in the destroyer's direction. The girl jumped to her right to get out of the line of fire, catching a shell in her leg in the process. Cook leveled the gun at her one last time, when a pair of shells slammed into her right arm and tore it off at the elbow.

Clutching the bloody stump, Cook turned back to the three cruisers now staring her down. An eerie sense of calm settled over the water as the shooting slowly died off. Her grip tightened around the wrecked turret in her left hand as she stared down the nearly three dozen guns pointed at her.

With only a sneer, she swung her arm up towards the three.

And the roar of cannon fire was the last thing she heard as she returned to the darkness of the abyss.
Chapter 75
Pearl Harbor, two weeks after Operation Tsunami

The mood was far from celebratory as the Enfield's watched Bonhomme Richard limp into Pearl. "How long do you think you'll need?" The admiral asked as a steady stream of Shipgirls began limping over to Ford Island. "Just so I know much time I need to try and buy for you."

Elizabeth gazed out into the harbor and let out a sigh. "You know that's not up to me." The two watched as Augusta and Northampton were the first to reach the pier. Augusta handed her sister over to a waiting corpsman before skipping up to the admiral and saluting. "So, whose door are we kicking down next sir?"

"Let's take a moment to recover and celebrate this victory first Commander." Chris replied as diplomatically as possible. "How's your sister doing?"

Augusta scoffed. "Took a lucky hit that sent shrapnel through her boiler uptakes. Put in some new piping and she'll be back in action in no time." She let out a yawn. "Sir?"

"Get some rest Augusta." The Admiral politely dismissed her. As Augusta skipped off to the hotel, the Enfield's watched Atlanta hobble over to them. The cruiser, clothes and hair caked in sea salt and eyes half awake, didn't even seem to register the admiral as she walked up to Elizabeth and buried her head in the doctor's chest.

Chris took a step back to give the two some space as Atlanta let out a wordless, voice-cracked wave of emotion all three knew she had been bottling up for far too long. He signaled to a waiting corpsman as Atlanta let go of Elizabeth and turned to salute him. "Sir I…"

"Go see Medusa, get your leg looked at, and take the rest of the week to rest." He told her. "The reports can wait; now's the time for you to care for yourself as much as you care for those under your command." Atlanta nodded, blinking a few times from exhaustion. Her leg, seemingly understanding the admiral's words better than the rest of her, chose to buckle as she tried to turn around.

"Easy there." The young corpsman remarked as he rushed to catch her. With a slight grunt, he picked her up into bridal carry.

Elizabeth let out a giggle as the two locked eyes for a second before turning away with illuminating blushes spreading across both their faces. "You're the one in charge of dealing with that." Enfield said to her after a long sigh as the cruiser was carried off to the medical bay.

"But you're their commanding officer." Elizabeth teased.

"Which is why I'm delegating the job to you." Enfield jokingly replied. "I barely survived our daughter starting to date. I don't have the spare blood pressure needed to deal with that twenty times over." Elizabeth just giggled as North Carolina and Wales walked up to them.

"Hell of a job, commanders." Chris greeted the two.

"It's a shame the rest of the operation didn't go as smoothly." Wales solemnly remarked, much to Enfield's shock. "The Royal Navy Attaché in Tokyo passed along word of what happened at Wake."

"We haven't told the destroyers or Atlanta yet." North Carolina added. "Morale's already low enough with them knowing their sisters died with only a secondary objective complete." She looked over at the admiral. "So, what's the plan now?"

"Rest up, retool, and repair." Enfield replied. "Japan might not have taken Wake, but you and the other strikes punched enough holes in the blockade for us to run some bigger convoys through. Last I heard over one hundred steel hulls and shipgirls made it to Japan before the door slammed shut again."

"Still doesn't feel like it was worth three whole Desrons sir." North Carolina remarked, glancing back at the med bay.

"It wasn't." Enfield agreed. "But you two know better than anyone that sometimes all we can do is roll with the punches and look for the silver lining in the clouds." He handed Wales a letter. "New Orders from Australian High Command."

"Oh joy, convoy escort." Wales replied in mock excitement as she read the letter. "I suppose we do need a vacation, and it is summer down there."

"I'll get to planning the going away party." Elizabeth said with a smile before giving Wales a hug. "Thank you… for everything you and your girls have done for us."

"Your navy would be doing the same thing if our situations were reversed." Wales stifled a yawn, North following right behind her.

"Get some rest commanders." The admiral said with a chuckle. "I can hold down the fort for one more day, and Liz will make sure a good home cooked meal now that you're all back." The two battleships nodded, making their way up the hill along with Elizabeth as the admiral made his way back down to the command center.


A chorus of whistles and cat calls followed Atlanta as she was carried into the medical bay. "Wow, not even fifteen minutes." Ajax teased from her spot in the repair bath. "Maybe there is something to that shy girl routine you got going on after all."

Atlanta's blush grew even bigger as she tried to bury her face in the corpsman's chest. "Please put me down now." She mumbled in embarrassment.

"No can-do ma'am." The twenty-something-year-old sailor replied in with a slight southern accent. "You fall to the floor, and Medusa's going to have both our heads." He gingerly placed her on an open gurney. "Got another one for you doc. Looks like whatever counts as a sprained ankle for you ladies."

"Loose rudder." Medusa replied as she finished bandaging up Spence's leg. "I'll be right over."

"It's really nothing." Atlanta tried to reassure him, a hiss escaping her as her ankle rotated slightly. "My crew are already working on repairs. It's really just a few loose bolts."

"Don't believe her for a second Medusa." Spence told Medusa as she started hobbling to the changing room on a pair of crutches. "She lost all steering at around midnight."

The growl that came from Medusa could only be described as inhuman. "Wilkins." She called out in an unnaturally calm tone. "Please cut away Atlanta's tights. I need to see how badly she fucked her rudder up."

"I'm telling you it's not that bad." Atlanta protested as Medusa walked over to her. "Spence is just overreact- SON OF A BITCH!"

"Really," Medusa deadpanned as she casually dodged the reflexive kick Atlanta threw at her and took her hand off Atlanta's foot. "Seems like she had the right amount of reacting to me." With Wilkin's help she removed Atlanta's shoe and cut away the fabric of her tights, exposing a heavily bruised foot and ankle. "How long were you sailing on this?"

Atlanta's gaze dropped to the floor like a scolded child. "We didn't have the destroyers to run a rotation, and it didn't feel right sitting on the ship while they were out there."

"So, you've been up for nearly two weeks straight sailing on that?" Medusa gave a resigned sigh as she began wrapping Atlanta's foot. "Well, you're going to need at least two days in the docks to fix this up, and another couple days with a brace just to be safe. And get some rest too."

Atlanta nodded, accepting the crutches from Wilkins. As she hobbled her way over to the changing room, she glanced at the sparsely populated repair baths. Her shoulders slumped as she turned back to Medusa.

"She's already back in San Diego, getting a full machinery rework." The repair ship assured her. "It might take a couple months, but she'll be back to you good as new. "Oh, and Atlanta…"

The cruiser turned back around.

"Wilkins." Medusa smirked. "He is single, so…"

Atlanta quickly turned away, the color of her face matching her hair as Medusa let out a small chuckle.


Yokosuka Japan, 0700 local time

Ever since her return to the world of the living, Nagato had taken extra care to keep her appearance befitting of a Flagship of Japanese Navy. She felt it was important to be the living embodiment of the ironclad discipline and bottomless willpower held by a true warrior, whether she was giving orders to subordinates, giving speeches to the press and politicians, and especially during meets with the other navies of the world.

That went doubly so for a meeting with South Carolina, even one over a computer. One didn't greet the highest-ranking ship girl in the United States Navy dressed in a tank top and miniskirt looking like you had just rolled out of bed. As such she'd put on her best dress uniform, taken a comb to her long black hair with the same ferocity as her old crew removing barnacles from her hull, and touched up the area around her hazel eyes with makeup to hide the bags under them from many a sleepless night.

All that preparation melted as soon as South Carolina began to speak.

"How are you, Nagato?" South Carolina, wearing a plain dress and her greyish brown hair in a loose braid, asked her counterpart.

Nagato was taken back. She was no fool, she knew that some in the United States viewed her the same way Europe initially viewed Bismarck. Nagato had expected the vengeful glare befitting the mother whose daughters she had helped to kill and mutilate.

Instead, South Carolina gave her the same warm smile Mikasa did when Nagato came to visit her. Her eyes held no hatred in them, only concern.

Nagato just sat there, for what felt like a lifetime. "The funerals were yesterday." She finally said as tears began rolling down her face. "I'm going to miss all the headaches they gave me."

She looked up at South Carolina. "I can't help but feel like I sent them to their deaths. If we had sent more support with them, even two of the Kongo's might have changed things."

"We both know that's not true." She heard South Carolina reply. "We've both read the reports, and we both know what my daughters are capable of." Nagato could hear the bitterness in the battleships voice. "They would have just been more bodies to the pile."

"How are Mutsuki and Yayoi?" South Carolina asked.

"Resting in Maizuru." Nagato cracked a smile. "Shigure was very adamant about those two being moved from the front lines, in fact you could say she was like a dog with a bone." South Carolina politely smiled, the joke clearly going over her head. "We're hoping to get them helping out with the day trips to Busan by summer, just to get them back into some form of routine."

"How did the rest of the operation fair?" Nagato asked after another awkward pause.

South Carolina bit her lip as she shuffled through the papers. "Six Destroyers and five Destroyer Escorts sunk; one carrier, four cruisers, and over two dozen destroyers and destroyer escorts damaged."

"All that blood…" Nagato took a breath to steel her resolve, her hands digging into the wood of her desk. "I must apologize for wasting your people."

"It wasn't a waste though." Nagato looked up at South Carolina. Once again that warm smile graced the old battlewagon's face. "Neither of us are naïve enough to believe wars can be won without losses. While Wake might still holdout, we couldn't have moved the merchant fleet to the Western Pacific without the damage those raids did creating the window to do so. I assume you're putting them to good use."

Nagato nodded. The wave of Victory and Liberty ships had arrived in Japan as if sent by the gods themselves. It might have been a long way to true prosperity, but for the first time in what felt like a century for Nagato, Japan was doing something more than struggle to survive.

"These raids taught many lessons as well, the most important of which being that we can't win this war fighting our own separate battles." An uneasiness settled over Nagato as South Carolina spoke. "It's time the pacific came under a unified command."

Nagato was speechless. Did South Carolina realize the madness she was proposing? "Impossible, even if our governments agreed, it would never stay together. There's too many grudges and bad memories, fallen sisters and friends, promises of vengeance and oaths of retribution soaked in blood."

"That remains to be seen." South Carolina sternly replied, the silk in her voice giving way to steel. "And even if it is true, we still need one solitary plan to win the war. We have to stop flailing around in the darkness as five separate navies, or the best we can hope for is a bloody stalemate."

Nagato took a moment, fingers drumming along her desk. She knew South Carolina was right. That for the Pacific to ever be clear, Japan and the United States both would need to let go of their pride and anger from the last war. "What do you need from me?"

South Carolina smiled. "You and a small group of shipgirls you attached to the next convoy the west coast would be a good start."

"I'll need a couple days to get everything in order, and we'll have to take the southern route to get there." Nagato reminded her.

"Then I'll let you get started." South Carolina signed off with a smile. "I'll see you in a month, commander."

Nagato immediately reached for her phone as soon as the meeting ended. With everything she needed to get done, she knew she needed help. Especially as this would be as much a PR mission as a strategy meeting. There was only one person she trusted with that. One girl who had enough energy, charisma, and force of willpower to convince a room full fifty-year-old men, and Nagato herself, that a shipgirl idol livestreaming division was a good idea.

"Light cruiser barracks." A voice replied at the other end. "What can we do for you Nagato-san?"

"Good morning Jintsuu." Nagato greeted. "Have your little sister report to me at her earliest possible convenience. I have a mission that requires… her particular skill set."
Chapter 76
Even after the year and half Elizabeth Enfield had been taking care of the young women that now made up the backbone of the navy, the duality of ship girls still caught her by surprise. One moment they were the living embodiment of both power and grace.


And other times they were worse teenagers than her own daughter. She watched as Nevada trudged in, a scrawl running across her face. "Everything alright?" Elizabeth asked with a smirk, pulling out a chair. "Or have you finally learned the present-day custom of not wanting to talk about it?"

Nevada looked over at her. "Sorry Liz, just… my mother." She growled as she sulked over and sat down with a thud, the chair groaning under her. "Sometimes I swear she forgets how much the world changed after she was scrapped." The battleship looked up at Elizabeth. "She decided it was a good idea to invite Nagato of all people to San Diego for a meeting, and is bringing her through Pearl…"

"At least she's not bringing the carriers." Elizabeth offered, earning a glare from Nevada. "What?"

"I have to keep reminding myself how much of Nagato's role is overlooked." Nevada replied, rolling her eyes. "Nagato was the flagship for the Combined Fleet when Yamamoto gave the signal. The carriers might have pulled the trigger on Ari, Okie, and the rest of us, but she handed them the gun and their marching orders."

"That wasn't Yamato?" Elizabeth asked.

Nevada snorted. "Her, we didn't even have anything concrete on her until…" She pondered the thought for a second. "Late '42 if I remember right. Or was it early '43? Either way, they weren't even commissioned when the attack happened."

"Okay… so a Japanese Flagship is coming to Pearl." Elizabeth calmly replied. "There's more to it than that though, isn't there?"

"Oh yeah." Nevada gave a long sigh. "She's gotten it into her head to try and pull the same shit Dreadnought did in Europe, just with the fucking IJN!" She threw her hands up. "Basing rights, joint operations, a god damn unified command. The whole fucking shebang."

"And that's a problem because…" Elizabeth asked, giving Nevada a cup of tea.

Nevada took a deep breath. "Seventy-five men killed. That's what I lost during the war, sixty-two of those were at Pearl. Okie lost four hundred and fifteen. Atlanta lost a hundred seventy men, her admiral, her sister, and her fucking dog!" She looked back at Elizabeth. "Every night I see them… we see them. You tell me what's so good about forcing them to be all buddy buddy with those girls knowing we're spitting in the face of our dead?"

"It'll end the war for starters." Elizabeth offered.

Nevada just shook her head. "We crossed the entire Pacific the last war, we can do it again."

"After three brutal years of fighting." Elizabeth reminded her. "How long do you think it would have taken if Japan could replace her fleets on a whim. How many more lives would have been lost?"

She sat down next to Nevada, watching as the realization hit the battleship like a full salvo. "We're not going to win this war by ourselves within this decade, at least not at the current rate you girls are coming back. You really think putting girls like Atlanta through another decade of hell, and creating how many more like her, is the right choice?"

Nevada nodded. "Maybe you both are right, but that doesn't make ignoring the voices… ignoring my instincts and feelings any easier."

"If it was easy, my career wouldn't require a doctorate in traumatic stress psychology." Elizabeth put her hand on Nevada's shoulder. "If I can offer some advice though. Focus on the threats in front of you commander, not those in your past."

"I'll try too, doc." Nevada replied with a smile as she stood up.

The two heard the front door open. "Sorry ma'am, I'm not intruding, am I?" The nervous sailor asked as he shuffled over.

"Just an old warhorse sorting some stuff out. Nothing you need to worry about." Nevada replied, spinning around. "Shit… Wilkins? So, I take it Atlanta finally asked you to the party?"

"For a certain definition of asking." Wilkins chuckled as he slid a piece of paper over to her. "She kinda just hobbled up, handed me this piece of paper, and mumbled something about a party here tonight before darting off as fast as she could in that boot."

"Christ that girls hopeless." Nevada moaned. "So, did you say yes?"

"He's not sure it's the right thing." Elizabeth answered for him.

Wilkins leaned against the table. "I just want her to be happy. I'm just worried that this is just the destroyers and Ajax trying to play matchmaker between us, and Atlanta's just going along with it to make everyone else happy even as she's miserable."

"Don't sell yourself too short there, doc." Nevada chuckled. "You're not too bad in the looks department if you don't mind me saying so, and you ran here to see the doc rather than going straight into skirt chasing mode so you can't be all that bad. She likes you. She might be shit at expressing it because she's never seen a day of peacetime in her life, but she likes you."

Elizabeth though wasn't quite as assuring. "You understand what you're getting into right?"

Wilkins nodded. "I know what she's going through ma'am. If I can help her get a little happiness in the meantime, that's good enough for me."

Elizabeth nodded. "Just making sure, the last thing girl needs is a broken heart."

"You and the other guys need any transport over here tonight?" Nevada asked.

Wilkins shook his head. "The boat crews already have a taxi service set up for tonight." He made his way to the front door. "Thanks doc. See you at five."

Elizabeth just shook her head. "I'm beginning to see why my husband put me in charge of this."

"So I take it's a bad time to mention that my sister and the Northamptons invited marines?" Nevada replied with a grin.



"Oh Geez." Wilkins groaned as he noticed the two marines walking over to him and the other sailors waiting at the pier. "Don't tell me some of the girls had to settle with you jarheads?"

"What can I say." Corporal Javier Esposito shot back as he and Corporal Kevin Ryan walked over. "Some ladies like shopping in the men's department."

"Please tell me you didn't use that as a pickup line." Wilkins groaned as he shook both their hands.

"Hey, if it works." Ryan chuckled. "But seriously, Augusta and Northampton were less asking, and more 'be here or else' mode."

"Who would have guess that for a bunch of girls who never went to high school, they'd take to the concept of a Sadie Hawkins dance so well." Esposito leaned in. "So, was it really as bad as what the fly boys were saying?"

"You guys know I can't say anything about that." Wilkins replied.

The two marines, and the other sailors around them, just gave him a blank stare. "You know what you just said only confirms what they've been saying, right?" Esposito reminded him.

"Yeah, that's as much rumor mill catnip as 'I can neither confirm nor deny.'" Ryan pointed out.

"Go easy on him fellows. He's just doing his job." Wilkins turned around to see a group of aviators walking over. "What's the matter Wilkins?" The leader of the group smirked, running a hand through his short cut brown hair. "Surprised to see me?"

Wilkins politely smiled. "Just surprised you'd agree to date a girl with more kills than you?"

"Only because she gets to count her whole air group." Hangman chuckled. "Now where are my manners?" He offered out his hand. "The names Seresin, but you all can call me Hangman."

Hangman threw his arm around the pilot next to him, a man who looked like the spitting image of Goose from top gun right down to the 80's mustache. "Rooster." He then pointed over another pilot that had splintered off the group to make a phone call. "Coyote. And last but not least… where did he wonder off to this time?"

"Hey guys!" A short curly haired pilot with government issue coke bottle glasses popped up behind the group. "Boats here!"

Hangman sighed. "Everyone, that's Bob."

"You sure he's not a Seal?" Ryan asked.

"No, just a stealth pilot." Hangman grumbled as they all boarded the makeshift water taxi. As the boat started puttering along, Hangman pulled Coyote aside. "Everything set?"

The other pilot nodded. "The Doc said they came in this morning."

"What did?" Esposito asked as the group crowded around the flyboys.

Hangman just flashed that flyboy trademark shit eating grin. "And let you ruin the surprise for your girlfriends." He looked over at Wilkins. "Everyone from our base still here."

Wilkins shook his head. "Sully's back in San Diego. One of those seaplanes went off within ten meters of her."

Hangman nodded, his smirk disappearing as he patted Wilkins shoulder. "At least she's still in one piece thanks to you. Just wish we'd noticed those bastards sooner."

A crowd of ship girls was already waiting for them as the boat pulled into the dock. Rather predictably, the carriers seemed to have dibs on the pilots, helping each up onto the pier. A chuckle rolled through the boat as poor Bob was practically dragged uphill by the normally bookish Bunker Hill.

As everyone one else filed out, Wilkins saw Atlanta dressed up, hanging back as she waited for the crowd to disperse. She was dressed in a royal blue short sleeve blouse with a black skirt and leggings, the outfit only ruined by the bulky walking boot on her left foot. "Hey." He greeted her. "You're looking pretty nice."

"T-thanks." Atlanta stammered, looking down at her clothes. "Ajax insisted I buy it when we went shopping a couple weeks ago. Never thought I'd actually have a reason to wear it." The two slowly wandered up to the hotel. Atlanta's gaze kept drifting back to the harbor's entrance.

"Who's on patrol tonight?" Wilkins finally asked as they made it to the front door.

"Johnson, Hoel, and Lansdale." Atlanta responded, stopping in her tracks. "You know, I should go down there and check on her. Boyle's death really hit her hard."

Wilkin's put an arm around her. "Even ignoring the fact you aren't cleared for anything besides emergency sortie, hovering over her isn't doing either of you any favors. It's good you look out for them, but you can't keep bottling all your own feelings up until they boil over." He guided her towards the hotel door. "The war will still be here tomorrow. So take tonight to relax and decompress." Atlanta nodded, slowly making her way through the front door.

"There you are." Helena ambushed the two as soon as they entered the hotel's event hall. "We were beginning to think we'd have to drag you out of your room."

"We'll take it from here, doc" Ajax cheerfully added as the two cruisers guided their friend towards the bar. "You're welcome to tag along though."

"Here." Helena handed the two a pair of small glasses filled with a brown liquid. "It's Whiskey, it'll loosen you up a little."

"Hey, pass us a couple of those." Augusta called out as she and Northampton crowded around the bar with their dates. "We've got Atlanta's first gunfight to celebrate, and my sister and I have a couple marines we need to drink under a table."

"Yeah right." Esposito chuckled. "Ain't no way we're letting navy beat us." The group all turned to Wilkins as he began to chuckle. "What's so funny doc?"

"They can't get drunk." He said with a grin. "At least not at a bar this small. We have to use IV bags full of Fentanyl to perform surgeries on them because they're metabolism would burn through the vials faster than we could push them."

"So we down the glass, they down the bottle." Ryan offered as he brought his glass to his mouth. "Easy enough."

"That still isn't enough to knock them out, just dull the pain." Wilkins added, dodging the spray as Ryan coughed up his drink.

"Way to ruin the fun buddy." Augusta scoffed as she grabbed a bottle from behind the bar and turned to Atlanta. "You really know how to pick em don't ya."

Wilkins watched his date's demeanor change in an instant. Atlanta stepped up to Augusta, glare fixed on the heavy cruiser and hands balled into a fist. "And just what did that supposed to mean?"

Augusta just looked down at Atlanta and chuckled. "Easy sport, just busting on ya a little. Christ, if I had known all it took for you to grow a keel was to get one of your precious destroyer's paint scratched-". That was as far as Augusta got before a fist from Atlanta caught her on the left cheek and nose. She stumbled back, grabbing a cocktail napkin and pressing it against her nose.

"Augusta…" Atlanta growled. The area around the bar went quiet for a second, and even Ajax and Helena edged away from Atlanta with uncertain looks in their eyes. "For once in your life, shut the fuck up."

Augusta tried to step back up towards Atlanta, but her sister pulled her back. "Not now." Northampton growled before passing her off to their dates. Northampton walked over to Atlanta and the others. "Sorry doc, she's just been vigorously testing that little theory of yours." She then turned to Atlanta and gave her a hug. "You did good kid." She whispered into the light cruiser's ear.

Atlanta slumped in Northampton's arms. "It wasn't enough." she muttered.

"It never is kid." Northampton whispered back before pulling away. "It never is."

As Northampton followed her sister, Atlanta turned back to the bar and downed another shot. "You alright girl?" Ajax asked, passing her another shot. Atlanta nodded. "Good, let's get you on the dance floor then. You do know how to dance right?"

Atlanta just tilted her head in confusion.

"Right, forgot you were a war child." She grabbed Atlanta and Helena by the hand. "Just follow my lead then."

Wilkins chuckled as Ajax dragged Helena and Atlanta over to the dance floor. "She seems to be having fun." He looked over to see Elizabeth, who had joined him at the bar. "I must say swing dance and modern pop music is an interesting combination."

Wilkins shrugged. "Music is music when you get down to it. As long as you can keep the rhythm, it's not even that hard to dance to." He caught a smirk from Elizabeth. "What can I say, it was one of those things my mom insisted I learn before I started dating."

"Sounds like a smart woman." Elizabeth took a sip from her wine glass. "I couldn't help but notice Northampton in the ladies room fixing her sister broken nose."

Wilkins shrugged. "What can I say. She finally managed to find one of Atlanta's buttons." They watched as Atlanta skipped back over to him with a slight blush on her face. He offered out his hand, letting her lead him into the middle of the dance floor.

"Smile!" Atlanta flinched at the flash from a polaroid camera hit them. "Aww!" Heemskerck cooed as she handed Atlanta the picture. "You two look so cute together."

"Hey there." Wilkins chuckled as Atlanta rolled her eyes. "How's the head?"

"Better." The cruiser smiled. "Headaches finally stopped, so I think my crew are done with the wiring up there. Can't say the same for my turrets…" She waved braced arm. "But all the guns are back in working order." She looked back over at Atlanta. "Besides, it could have been a lot worse. Next time you're in Sidney, I'm buying the first round."

"I'll keep that in mind. Just try to stay alive until then." Atlanta's smile disappeared. "I know what Guadalcanal's capable of."

"That was then ma'am." Hangman popped up behind them with Intrepid right behind him. "This is now."

He handed Atlanta a crisply folded green flight jacket. "Back before you girls came back, everyone gave Pearl a week to live after Midway. Our own little Alamo in the Pacific to fight to the last man over and buy San Diego time to rearm and get their defenses up." He glanced down at the boot on Atlanta's leg. "You girls have poured your fair share of sweat and blood over this little island, only fair you share the glory too."

Atlanta looked down at the jacket, a unit patch featuring an old Spanish mission surrounded by the outline of Oahu. Above that, in bright red letters, were the words Task Force Alamo. "Fitting, don't you think." Hangman smirked. "Check out the back."

Atlanta unfolded the jacket and flipped it over and was greeted by a stylized drawing of her. Whoever the artist was, they had some fun reimagining Atlanta as a dime store novel detective complete with a light blue suit vest and navy-blue trench coat. Even her rigging hadn't escaped, having been transformed into a combination of her front hall and Thompson submachine gun. Across the bottom ran a quote.

"If it flies, it dies!"

"What can I say." Hangman chuckled reading Atlanta's and Intrepid's expressions. "The only thing us flyboys know how to draw is pretty girls." He pointed to the six sewn on stars that ran across the top of the image. "A local guy did all the tailoring. Intrepid has his info if you feel like added more battle stars as you get them."

"Thanks." A few tears ran down Atlanta's face. She put the jacket on, modeling it for Heemskerck as the cruiser snapped a few more pictures. Hangman and Intrepid just retreated into the crowd, the pilot throwing one last informal salute to Wilkins before he disappeared.

He turned back to Atlanta, a smile on his face as he watched the waves of happiness radiate away from her. A slow ballad began to play, and he stepped forward once again and offered his hand. The two embraced, and for once he could tell that Atlanta was just fine living in the moment as they danced the night away.
Suao Township, Republic of China

Over a Year ago…

Tears ran down Yukikaze as she sat on the dock, watching as the sun set behind the mountains that surrounded the naval base. "Why'd I have to return here?" She muttered, grabbing a piece of rubble and skipping it across the surface of the harbor.

It wasn't that she hated Taiwan, far from it in fact. The Republic of China had given was a second home. It was where she had found purpose again after the war. Where she, along with so many others, had learned how to move on from the atrocities they had seen over those four years. The American destroyers she had served next to for over twenty years were as much her sisters as the rest of the Kagerous.

No, she wished she was in Japan because it would have made her choice easier.

Yukikaze looked around again at the damaged buildings scattered amongst the harbor. The admiral had told her she'd just missed an air raid by less than an hour. She knew Japan must be desperate for Ship Girls like herself, but so was everyone else.

Yukikaze was a girl of two nations, of two navies…

And no matter who she chose to serve with, she'd be letting someone down.

"There you are!" Yukikaze turned around to see a girl little older than her with blond pigtails jogging up to her with cold bottles of Coca-Cola in each hand. "Here, you look like you could use this."

"Hey Plunkett." Yukikaze smiled. "Here to make sure I don't run back to Japan?"

"Just making sure you didn't do anything to stupid." The American destroyer replied, unbuttoning her sky blue blouse to expose the white tank top underneath. "Well, that and to get a little fresh air. Even six months later I'm still not use to the humidity here. I have no idea how you're not dying in that dress."

Yukikaze looked down at her white sailor's dress and shrugged. "You really think going back to Japan is stupid?"

"Running off by yourself is. At least give us a couple days to get an escort set up so you to Okinawa in one piece." Pluckett chuckled at Yukikaze's shocked expression. "In case you haven't noticed, the humans really can't make us do anything we don't want to. And there ain't a girl on this island who wouldn't blame you for wanting to go home."

"So why do you stay?" The words were out of Yukikaze's mouth before she even realized it.

Pluckett leaned back and gazed at the harbors entrance. "Because we're all the people of the Republic have left." She turned back to Yukikaze. "The Navy has Battle ships and Carriers. Taiwan's got three light cruisers, four if someone with no knowledge of naval warfare squints real hard at your cousin Yoizuki." The two destroyers chuckled at the thought. "If we don't stay, then who's going to replace us?"

Pluckett helped Yukikaze back to her feet. "Just take the night to think about it, and whatever you decide to do in the morning we'll make sure to help you any way we can."

Yukikaze nodded, having already made her decision then and there…


Present Day

"Yuki!" Yukikaze barely had time to turn around and spot Urakaze right before the blue haired destroyer collided with her. The moment was enough for Urakaze to pick her older sister up and spin her around a couple times before finally setting her down as the rest of Destroyer Division Seventeen caught up to the two.

"Urakaze, Tanikaze…" Yukikaze couldn't help but smile at the gaggle of girls in blue trimmed sailor shirts that now surrounded her. "I didn't know you were all part of the convoy."

"Well Naka kinda told us that we were joining last minute. Isokaze and Hamakaze are off getting food but they're here too." Urakaze scratched the back of her head. "I guess this is why she was keeping things under such secrecy."

"Yup, family reunions always look so much cuter in the photo's that way." The three turned to see Naka standing there in her now famous safety orange dress and short brown hair done up in symmetrical buns at the top of her head, cell phone up and taking a video. Next to her another cruiser with pink hair tied back in a pony tail dressed in a similar sailors shirt to the Kagerou's and a pair of blue shorts snapped away with a digital camera.

"Oh don't mind us." Aoba cheerfully replied even as the camera continued to go off.

"So Yuki." Tanikaze asked. The short haired tomboy wrapped her arm around Yukikaze and brought her in for a noogie. "You don't call, you don't write. Did the Americans kidnap you or something?"

"Honestly Tanizake." Urakaze sighed as she broke the two up. "She was probably just scared the officers would yell at her about being a deserter if she got any attention." She began dusting off Yukikaze and straightening her uniform. "You don't have anything to worry about Yukikaze. Things are different now. The officers are all supportive and respectful. Even Nagato is a lot nicer."

Yukikaze felt a shiver run down her spine at the sound of the battleships name. She looked back at Naka and Aoba. "How did you find out I was here?"

A mischievous smile ran across Naka's face. "Really now LeaveittobeaverDD12, I'd figure such an avid fan of my streams would remember that your comrade Ping-Hai is one of my favorite guest stars."

Both of the younger destroyers burst out into gut wrenching laughter. "Oh god Yuki!" Urakaze snorted. "You are so lucky Isokaze didn't hear that, or she would have blown a gasket."

"What? It was a good show." Yukikaze innocently replied.

"Ahem." The five looked behind Naka and Aoba to see a tall woman in a purple blouse, black pencil skirt, and white leggings. Her black ponytail, which reached almost to her ankles, twitched back and forth like a cats tail. "Naka, Aoba, you've been requested the repair docks. There are some fans of yours who could use the visit from their favorite idol."

Yukikaze noticed Naka's friendly facade to crack for the briefest moment, a look of sorrow flashing in her eyes before returning to a practiced smile. Yukikaze couldn't blame her. Taiwan and South East Asia's part of Operation Tsunami had been a hard fought victory, the retaking of the Spratley Islands at the "low" cost of two destroyers, a corvette, and three LST's along with another dozen wounded. Yukikaze could only imagine what Japan's butcher's bill had been.

"Very well Nachi." Naka replied. "An idol's work is never done. Come along you two." She motioned to Yukikaze's sisters. "Lets go find your sisters and tell them the good news."

As the quartet wondered off, Yukikaze found herself alone with Nachi. "Follow me." The cruiser ordered. "Nagato wishes to speak with you."

Another shiver ran down Yukikaze's back. Her thoughts drifted as she followed Nachi down the hall, her memories drifting back to August 1943. Important figures were arriving at Truk. The secret battleship, Yamato. The twelve guns that bore the nation's name, Fusou. And the pride of the nation, Nagato. While the other two make their own connections, Nagato had decided to make sure the warrior spirit of the fleet was still strong. She had talked about how victory was only one more battle away.

Yukikaze, fresh from the nightmare that had been the "battle" of the Bismarck Sea and the disasters in the Solomons, had let loose a tirade on the flag ship of the Combined Fleet. "And where was this victory suppose to come from?" She asked. "The enemy controls all! The Air! The Sea! Even the Depths under the waves!"

Nagato's reply still shook her to her core. "If you must insist on letting defeatism infect you, at least have the decency to take a bomb or torpedo for those still willing to fight before you let it spread further."

God how she wished Nagato had been right. Nothing had been worth the next two years. Not even watching as Nagato's pride shattered until she was barely a husk of her old self after it was all over, begging her captors for the bullet that would end her pain.

"Yukikaze, we're here." She snapped out the daydream and walked through the door Nachi was holding open. Nagato stood with her back to Yukikaze and Nachi, gazing out the window to the harbor below. "Yukikaze, as you requested." Nachi curtly addressed her before spinning on her heels and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Yukikaze saluted out of instinct as Nagato turned around. Her waist length black was frazzled from the travel, and her red eyes showed not scorn, but a mixture of sorrow and pride. "Yukikaze?" Nagato greeted the destroyer. "Or do you prefer Dan Yang?"

Yukikaze's mind spun in confusion. Why would Nagato ask her which name she wanted to be called? Was this some sort of loyalty test? Was she looking for an excuse, no matter how small, to label her a traitor and drag her back to Japan. "Yukikaze is alright." She nervously responded.

Nagato nodded. "I hear you're still a lucky ship. Over a dozen combat operations, a only a few errant machinegun rounds have managed to find you." A thin smile spread Nagato's face. "We could use some of that luck in the home islands, but I understand why you decided to stay here."

"I… what?" Yukikaze's mind froze, unsure of what to make of the response that was the exact opposite of what she was expecting. It took a second to even register that Nagato had knelt down in front of her and given her a hug.

"There's so much I must apologize for in my last life, to you and the other destroyers most of all." She whispered. Yukikaze swore she felt a few tears hit her shoulder. "I scorned you for nothing. Pushed you away because I was so blinded by my pursuit of glory I didn't see what I'd allowed my navy… and my country to become. I understand why you would never want to return to Japan after that."

"I do want to return though." Yukikaze replied. "I just couldn't abandon my friends either."

"Of course." Nagato stood up and saluted Yukikaze. "You've brought honor not just to yourself through your actions, but to Japan as well. And I thank you for that." She walked over a grabbed a notebook that had been sitting on the desk. "I think Japan could do more to help its southern allies though. Care to bring me up to speed on how things are going down here?"
Chapter 77
A cloudless sky greeted Nagato as she stepped out onto the containership's deck. She brought her hand up to block the glare of the sun as her eyes adjusted, uneasiness growing as the convoy approached Hawaii.

It didn't feel right for such a perfect day to mark the return to the site of her greatest shame.

She made her way towards the bow, where Naka was interviewing Plunkett. "So?" The cruiser cheerfully asked, holding up her phone. "You two excited to be back in the United States?"

"Yeah." Fletcher looked off into the horizon, tapping a lollipop against her arm. "It'll be nice to see some of my sister again."

Nagato caught a glint in Naka's eye. "And have you put any thought into transferring back to the US Navy?"

Nagato and Plunkett both smiled at Naka's question, catching on to what the media savvy cruiser was trying to get at. The question really wasn't about the American girls, no sane politician or member of the media would dare question any of their commitments where their stateside sisters would ever hear.

Yukikaze and Yoizuki didn't have that benefit. Even now Nagato's sister Mutsu was burning favors to keep the idiots inside the Diet from creating an international incident over those two.

"Not until we get everything settled." Plunkett confidently smiled. "Don't get me wrong, we don't hate our home countries, whether they be the US, Japan, or the UK. We just know that if we all bail now, Taiwan wouldn't have any navy left. Once Abby's been kicked to the curb, and the PRC given a thorough explanation that 'no means no' if they value their coastline, then we'll all be happy to settle back down in the home country."

"Perfect." Naka cheerfully smiled as put her phone away. "These interviews are going to help so much."

"Anything for Yuki and Yo-yo." Plunkett replied, finally noticing Nagato. "Hey." She waved, before reaching into her satchel and handing Nagato a binder. "Forgot to get this back to you last night. You sure you can't let us borrow a battleship or two?"

Nagato's dipped her head in shame. The fools in her high command had been more than happy to hand out destroyers like candy, but after Wake even getting heavy cruisers reassigned had been like pulling teeth and battleships had been out of the question. Even the Kongos were now too valuable.

It almost made her miss the old days when the government danced to the navy's tune. Almost.

"I'm sorry." Nagato sighed. "The best my country can provide are heavy cruisers."

Plunkett shrugged. "At least you got us a few flat tops. I'm sure Bering and her sister will love not having to run strike packages with their flying tubs anymore."

Naka went to comment on that when the sound of American radials filled the air. A flight of torpedo bombers soared overhead, before circling the convoy. Naka instinctively flinched as the planes, grabbing the railing for support.

"Easy their love." The Australian first mate standing next to them called out, his eyes never leaving his binoculars. "Just a standard sub hunting flight. I doubt the carrier they're from even left the harbor." He turned to Nagato. "You and your girls might want to get in the water though. If those planes are here, The Angel and her destroyers are not far behind."

Nagato caught a twinkle in Naka's eye. "An angel? You don't say." She leaned over the railing, squinting off into the distance where the first specks of the American fleet were beginning to appear over the horizon. "Let me guess, the blond battleship who looks like she should be on Broadway, not a combat zone?"

"Nah." The first mate called out, pointing off into the distance. "See the red headed cruiser with more guns than God herding the destroyers around? That's the Angel of Pearl. You see her, you know you're safe." He turned back to Nagato. "They must be really worried about you lot making it port though. Never seen the battleship on convoy escort before."

"I'll go wake the others." Plunkett called out to Nagato as she raced back towards the bridge.

Nagato pulled Naka aside as the two followed her. "I trust you and Aoba will be on your best behavior once we get to Pearl?"

"What do we look like?" Naka snorted. "Some two-bit paparazzi hacks. We're only planning on doing a couple puff pieces anyways. Some nice slice of life vids to help sell the "we're all the same" narrative you're going to have to sell when we get home."

"Of course." Nagato sighed. "I'm sorry for questioning your ethics. I just..."

"Don't worry about it Naggy." Naka smiled back. "You're nervous. Hell, everyone besides the Akatsukis are, and that's only because those four are permanently stuck at adorable."

"I suppose you're right." Nagato chuckled as they approached the railing where the crew had lowered the rescue ladder. The two made their way down to the ocean's surface, hitting the water in full rigging just as the American formation joined the convoy.

"Princess!" The battleship, a North Carolina class by the rigging, called out as she sailed over to HMS Prince of Wales and gave her a hug. "Didn't expect to see you back so soon."

"Well, orders are orders." Wales replied with a smile as she straightened out her dress coat. "Though I would prefer my superiors to make up their minds over which side of the Pacific they want me on." The two wondered over to Nagato as rest of the American flotilla began forming up on their Japanese counterparts. "Caroline, allow me to introduce you to Nagato. Flagship of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force."

"USS North Carolina." The battleship replied, holding out her hand. "Sorry for making you take the long way around."

"An understandable precaution, given our adversary." Nagato replied as she shook the battleship's hand. "As is your presence this far from Hawaii, I'm sure."

North Carolina gave her a smirk. "What can I say, be a shame to lose our perfect record because of something stupid on the home stretch. You run into any trouble on the way over?"

"Just a few submarines that our friends in the Royal Navy were kind enough to take care of." Nagato smiled. "Otherwise, it's been a rather uneventful-"

A loud shriek drew all three battleships' attention. Off to the outskirts of the destroyer screen, Akatsuki dove behind Naka. The purple haired destroyers long sleeve sailor blouse and navy-blue skirt fluttered from her body's tremors; her gaze fixed on the American cruiser from before, hand outstretched.

Chaos erupted as Akatsuki's siblings and the other Japanese destroyers all trained their guns on the American cruiser, which in turn caused the American destroyers to do the same towards them. "Check fire! Check Fire!" North Carolina called out.

Nagato felt her secondary barbettes swivel towards the perceived threat, but one look at the poor girl in question told her everything she needed to know. All eight of the red-haired girls' turrets were aimed as close to straight up as they would allow, her torpedo tubes too. Even her light AA weaponry pointed away from Akatsuki and Naka.

"She just looked hungry." The cruiser answered innocently, her hands still raised to show the offending articles: Candy bars.

Naka let out a long sigh as she peeled Akatsuki off herself and sailed over to the cruiser. The two talked for a minute in a hushed tone, the cruisers eyes going wide as something clicked for her. "Sorry." She stammered, handing Naka the candy bars and drifting away from the Akatsuki's. "I didn't know that was you."

Naka quickly handed out the candy bars before sliding up next to Wales and North Carolina. "You could have mentioned you had The USS Atlanta stationed here." she muttered. "Akatsuki almost had a heart attack."

"Was she the destroyer that was spotlighting…" North began to ask when Naka nodded her head. "Oh, Atlanta never mentioned anything about that." She turned back to Nagato. "She wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless it tried to suck on one of one of our destroyers. She's not going to give anyone any trouble."

"I'm sure it was just ghosts of the last war that hadn't faded away." Nagato calmly replied, looking back at the Akatsuki's and wondering if the same response awaited her in Pearl.


"At least they didn't bring the fucking carriers with them." Nevada seethed under her breath as the flotilla arrived in the harbor.

First came the destroyers. American and Australian with a sprinkling of Japanese Kagero class destroyers scattered amongst them, all joking playing around as they stepped onto dry land. The Taffies and Laffey were already busy dragging one of the Kageros off towards the base.

"Is it true you fought off the Chinese navy too?" Hoel asked as the mousy, brown-haired girl tried to hide even further into her oversized sailor's blouse.

"The PLAN wasn't quite as big back then." Yukikaze admitted, still a bit overwhelmed at all the attention she was getting from the four.

"Well, aren't you four cute as a button." Nevada whipped around to see Oklahoma talking to more destroyers. The four were sisters judging by their matching long sleeve sailor blouses and navy-blue pleated skirts, and somewhat shockingly looked far younger than the rest of the destroyers. And of course, Oklahoma had fallen for their cuteness hook, line, and fucking sinker as she pinched the cheek of the purple haired girl who seemed like the leader.

"Thank you for letting us stay in your base, nanodesu!" One, her brown hair done up in a bun, shouted as her identical twin handed Oklahoma a homemade bracelet.

"Aw, of course." Oklahoma squealed, taking the bracelet. She looked up to see Nevada frowning at her and rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on Nevada." She said, picking up one of the destroyers and holding her out towards Nevada. "How can you be mad at something so cute?"

Nevada let out a sigh as the girl smiled and held out her arms for a hug. "You're lucky you're all cute." she muttered, letting the purple haired sibling tie a bracelet around her wrist.

"Aaaaawww, making friends already Akatsuki?" A Japanese light cruiser in a safety orange dress cooed as she made her way up the ramp with Ajax and Atlanta. The cruiser continued over to Atlanta, stopping well away from the group as Akatsuki's sisters noticed her and immediately went into a defensive formation around the purple haired destroyer.

Nevada's blood began to boil, not helped by the two Zeroes that buzzed her and Oklahoma as they came in to land on their carriers. She caught the involuntary flinch that shook Oklahoma's entire frame as the two planes streaked overhead.

"Hey!" Nevada shouted to the two girls, causing them to drop their planes into the harbor. "Watch where you're flying those things! " Both girls, who were roughly the same age as the Kageros and dressed in those white short sleeve shirts and red skirts that seemed to be standard issue for Japanese carriers, hastily grabbed their aircraft and raced up to the base entrance.

"What?" Nevada grumbled as she noticed Oklahoma's rolling her eyes.

"You know they weren't purposely trying to scare us, right?" Her sister asked as the cruiser rounded up the Akatsuki's and got them away from the two battleships.

"They shouldn't be flying those damn things over our base anyways." Nevada growled back her gaze settling on Her. Nagato looked a lot better than the last time the two had seen each other. In all fairness though, the last time had been after the chair force had detonated two nukes on them trying to convince congress the navy wasn't needed. Nevada had said a lot of things that day, and truth be told she didn't regret a word of it.

Nevada pulled North aside as she made her way up the ramp with Nagato. "So, what's the deal with Atlanta and those destroyers?" She whispered.

"Well Atlanta kinda… blew her away with about a dozen broadsides back during the war." North Carolina admitted. "It seems they didn't know who was at our base when they put the convoy together." She jumped as Nevada squeezed her hand, shaking it out as she looked at the old Standard. "We weren't the only ones to lose people last time Nevada."

"The difference was they fucking deserved it." Nevada shot back as they made their way into the base. "Those kids killed her sister, and she's the one that has to walk on eggshells in her own base…" Ducking away from the group, she made her way over to an empty conference room. She needed a minute, at least if the navy wanted to avoid an international incident.

"Is everything alright?" Nevada froze at the voice behind her. Turning around, she found herself face to face with Nagato. The battleship towered over her as she stepped forward, red eyes locked on Nevada's. "I understand our presence here is unsettling given what happened."

"You mean what you ordered." Nevada snarled, pushing Nagato away from her. "Listen. I don't want you here, and I don't want to be your friend. In fact, if I didn't have orders from my mom otherwise, you'd already be on a plane to San Diego and out of my hair. So please, unless it's of actual military importance, leave me alone."

Nagato looked genuinely hurt by the remarks, but dutifully backed away and headed back down the hall as Nevada entered the conference room and closed the door. Sliding down the wall next to it, she buried her head in her arms.

"What are you thinking mom?" She muttered to herself.


"So, you really didn't know who she was?" Ajax asked Atlanta as they sat at a table with Naka, watching the Akatsuki's huddle over at another one nearby.

Atlanta shook her head before taking a sip of water. "It was dark, and I had four searchlights being shoved in my face. I kind of stopped the process at 'Japanese Destroyer.'" She looked over at the Purple haired destroyer. "How is she dealing with that night?"

Naka shrugged. "The odd nightmare here and there. Honestly, I'm not the one to ask about that. Tenryu's their caretaker."

"So why isn't she here?" Ajax asked. "I know you Destroyer Leader types have a knack for babysitting, but I figure you have more important things to do than play tour guide for a month."

"Tenryu is…" Naka struggled to find the word. "Hot blooded shall we say. Great for battles, not so much international goodwill tours. I don't think we would have made it to Singapore without Tenryu getting her katana fed to her."

"I know the type…" Atlanta muttered, glancing over to where the Northampton's were busy regaling Nachi and Aoba with their exploits.

"So how have things been since I last left?" Ajax asked. "Abby's not interrupting any private time between you and Wilkin's, are they?"

"Wilkin?" A shudder ran down Atlanta's spine as she noticed Naka's smile, one she routinely saw on her own destroyers.

"Atlanta's Boy-" Ajax began before Atlanta's hand clamped over her mouth.

"A good friend of mine." Atlanta politely replied as she tried to put the British cruiser in a sleeper hold. "And absolutely nothing else besides that."

"Whatever you say love." Ajax grinned as she pulled Atlanta's hand off her. "So how are things on this side of the Pacific?"

"Calm since the carrier raids." Atlanta admitted. "There's even talk about letting the families of base personnel return soon."

"Aye, Abby's been lying low after our house call." Ajax added. "We must have really kicked her teeth in there."

"Yeah…" Atlanta caught the sadness in Naka's voice. The cruiser idly swirled her glass of water around. "Really got our shots in."

Atlanta felt a tug on her sleeve and turned to see Akatsuki. The girl nervously shifted back and forth on her heels; gaze fixed on the floor. "Sorry for how I acted earlier." She shouted, holding out one of the friendship bracelets she and her sisters had made. "I didn't act with the grace and elephants of a true lady."

Atlanta looked over at Naka as she let Akatsuki tie the bracelet around her wrist, the confusion visible on her face as she tried to figure out what Akatsuki meant. "She meant elegance." Naka cheerfully added between giggles. "She confuses those two words sometimes."

"That's so cute!" Atlanta squealed as she reached out to ruffle Akatsuki's hair. "Apology accepted!" The table erupted into laughter as Akatsuki hastily straightened out her hair.

While not everyone on the base might have approved of it, around the room the animosity of the last war slowly gave way to the friendship and mutual respect of the new one.
Chapter 78
"Coming!" Nevada called out as she finished straightening out her dress uniform. "I swear Okie, if you left half your dress blues at your boyfriends place again…" She walked over to the door and cracked it open.

"The hell do you want?" She grumbled, seeing Nagato on the other side.

"We may have a situation." Nagato replied in a hushed whisper. "No ones been able to find Inazuma and Ikazuchi. They weren't in their room, and the door was propped open."

Nevada just tilted her head as she opened the door fully. "And it's my responsibility to keep track of your destroyers while they go crawling around my base because…"

"They aren't the only ones missing." Oklahoma replied as she popped her head out from behind Nagato. "No one's seen Atlanta either all morning." Nobody got another word out as Nevada bulled past the two, racing down the hall towards the stairs. Oklahoma spun with the hit and was hot on her heels. "We're pretty sure those two didn't drag her off to avenge their sister." Oklahoma yelled to her sister. "Even ignoring how nice they are, we all know Atlanta could handle them in her sleep if push came to shove. Hell, I'm more worried about the opposite."

"You can't be serious." Nevada replied as she made her way down the stairs to the floor where all the destroyers and cruisers had their rooms. "We both saw her last night. Those four had her wrapped around their fingers with that little act they had going on. She would never…"

"Can we really be sure sis?" Oklahoma asked, causing Nevada to grind to a halt and wheel around. "I know she looked like she was fine, but we both know we she's damn good at burying shit until it boils over."

"There's a big jump from hiding her feelings to outright kidnapping." Nevada grumbled as she turned back and opened the door. "Besides, she'd never go against the admiral's orders regardless of her own feelings." She saw Ajax and Naka were already at Atlanta's room, snickering as they peaked into her slightly ajar door. "What the hell are you two giggling about?"

"Come see for yourself." Naka giggled as she stepped back. Nevada cracked the door open a little more and poked her head in. Atlanta was still peacefully tucked into her bed… along with both Japanese destroyers. One, Nevada couldn't tell the two apart, was wrapped up in the cruiser's arms like a teddy bear. The other lay across the bed, using Atlanta's stomach and hips as a pillow.

"I should have known this is where they had run off too." Nagato said with a breathless chuckle, finally caught up.

"Ahhh…. So cute!" Oklahoma squealed.

"Yeah, until one of them wakes up and puts a five inch shell through the roof." Nevada scoffed. Her keen sense of shenanigans had her drop her gaze down, to catch a smartphone trying to angle its lens past her. The dreadnought's hand snapped out and clamped around a light cruiser-sized skull. "I'm only going to say this once Traffic Cone." Nevada glared at Naka from the corner of her eye, her voice a dull rumble. "I catch wind of a single picture getting out, and I'll hit over your head with that phone hard enough to split you in half."

As Naka slinked back into the hallway, Nevada's warning caused Atlanta to stir from her slumber. She looked over at the trio hovering at the door with a confused expression on her face, at least until she noticed the destroyer in her arms. "Those two weren't in my room when I fell asleep." She whispered over to Nevada as she slowly began to extricate herself from the bed.
"Kinda figured." Nevada whispered back. "Just try to get out of there without waking them."

As quiet as she was, Atlanta couldn't avoid waking to two sleeping destroyers. As one, they popped up and smiled at her. "Morning Nanodesu!"

"Morning." Atlanta replied as the two hopped of her bed and began collecting their blankets. "Ikazuchi, Inazuma… what are you two doing in my room?"

Inazuma turned around, a worried expression on her face. "You were screaming in your sleep." She said. "A lot, like Akatsuki does when she's dreaming about that night."

"This happen often I take it?" Oklahoma asked, doing her best not to pass out from cuteness proximity as the twins trudged past them and back to their room.

"Yeah." Naka giggled. "They're kinda like our emotional support destroyers. Any time someone's having a bad night, they always seem to wind up waking up in the morning with those two on picket duty."

"What time is it?" Atlanta asked as she stumbled over to the door.

"Almost time to get on the plane to Dago." Nevada replied, ruffling Atlanta's hair. "You overslept a little bit. Rough night?"

Atlanta just nodded. "I'll be down in ten minutes after I get a quick shower in and dress uniform on."

"You have a little more time than that." Nevada assured her. "Take all the time that you need, and don't worry about the uniform. Okie and I only have them on because we have to take care of all that boring flagship stuff."

"How bad?" Nevada heard Nagato ask as the door clicked shut. Spinning around, she caught the sadness in the battleships eyes.

"Lost her admiral, her destroyers, and half her crew in The Slot, and then when she came back found out that her sister had bought it the same day she did." Nevada admitted. "Honestly, I think Juneau was the only thing to keep her sane floating in that soup."

"And she still continues on even with that pain." The admiration was evident in Nagato's voice. "She has the spirit of a true warrior."

"Just do me a favor and don't tell her that." Nevada growled. "It's bad enough the Abyss is already taking a pages out of that stupid Bushido handbook of yours."

"You mean that perversion of our code?" Nagato practically spat out.

"Like that code was ever really about honor." Nevada mumbled, earning a confused look from Nagato. "I got to finish getting ready." She added, heading back towards the stairs. "Try not to lose any more destroyers until we get to San Diego."

"You know, you could be a little nicer." Oklahoma said as she followed Nevada back up to her room. "And I only left my stuff at Jake's one time."

Nevada slammed her suitcase shut. "You're really taking their side on this?"

"Well seeing as you're the one threatening, yelling, and being a bitch in general too them even when their helping us… yeah, I kinda have too." Oklahoma let the door slide close with a click. "You know, sometimes I think you forget I was the one that died that day, not you."

Nevada spun around, giving her sister a glare that peeled the paint off the wall behind Oklahoma. "Okie, just what do you actually remember from that day."

"Ah, lets see." Oklahoma replied as she sat down on the bed. "Air raid sirens, those damn washing machine engines, then a torpedo… another torpedo… and a whole bunch of more torpedoes… then smacking my head on the bottom and nothing after that until I ran into you and Penny on the other side."

Nevada let out a pained chuckle. "That quick huh. I always forget how lucky you and Ari were. Your war was over in a half hour instead of four years." She looked over at Oklahoma. "I suppose it makes sense that you never could hear all the times I called out to you, hoping you'd woken up."

Nevada fell back onto the bed next to Oklahoma. "You know… I wanted the invasion to happen. I wanted to burn that entire fucking island to ground and fulfill Halsey's promise. Hell, even now I wouldn't exactly shed many tears if Japan sank below the ocean tomorrow. I've got to much hate still to try and be friends with them."

"Well, when you do feel like trying, just talk to them." Oklahoma patted her sisters head. "You might just find they have a lot more in common with us than you realize." She got up and made her way to the door. "I'm going to go make sure Atlanta packs something besides uniforms for San Diego." She said with a smile as opened the door. "Meet us down stairs when your ready."
yeah, someone needs some decompressing stat. I know Nevada had some of the worst fighting to do, and that having enemies that are easy to recognize causes you to demonize them to the point of practical racism, but damn girl, at least learn to be more professional
Chapter 79
"So, what's the big deal with this place?" Atlanta asked, as Ajax, Naka, Helena, and her entered one of the iconic locations at Naval Air Station North Island: The "I-bar". The old bar was cramped, with ship and squadron insignias decorating the walls and ceiling beams along with an armada of model planes hanging from the ceiling.

Naka just blinked at her in surprise. "You don't… This is the Top Gun bar, but real!" She practically shouted, earning the side-eye of the few patrons inside for an afternoon drink. When Atlanta just tilted her head in confusion, she turned back to Ajax and Helena. "You haven't introduced her to Tom Cruise yet, what are you two doing to this poor girl?"

"Don't look at us." Ajax protested. "We're not based with her."

"Sorry ladies." One of the patrons, a young man with a military style buzzcut interrupted. As he got out his seat and blocked their path, he kept a polite but firm smile on his face. "No tourists allowed here with the war on. Navy and merchant marine only."

"Yeah, about that…" Helena replied as she and Atlanta fished out their ID cards. The man looked them over before motioning to Naka, and Ajax. "They're ship girls too." Helena assured him. "Just not our navy."

"Don't worry Jimmy." A familiar voice called from behind the bar. "If they're lying, I'll know and kick them out myself."

The four cruisers shuffled over to the bar, where a girl who looked like she was a couple years too young to be working behind it greeted them with a smile. "Atlanta, Ajax, Helena…" The destroyer said as she wiped off her thick black rimmed glasses. "Long time no see."

"Same Philip." Helena said, sliding over to the bar with the others. "What are you doing over here?"

"Keeping myself busy in retirement." Philip replied, turning around and pulling her jacket up to show the back brace she was wearing. "Turns out having a ton of depth charges go off underneath your keel and driving a jeep over a bomb do the same thing to your spine." She handed out a group of coasters to the quartet. "Let me guess here. Two bourbons, a scotch, and… sorry honey, no sake here."

"How..." Naka stuttered, her fake glasses falling off her face.

"I think I can recognize a Sendai class when I see one." Philip smirked. "So, what are you doing on this side of the Pacific?"

"Showing the flag, so to speak." Naka shrugged. "And I'll take a bourbon as well."

"PR bullshit?" Philip asked. Naka nodded. "I'll make it a double then."

"So, what do we owe ya?" Ajax asked, pulling out her wallet.

Philip waved her off. "First round's on me." She looked over at Atlanta. "I owe you at least that much for saving my life." Atlanta didn't react, her gaze focused on the bar as he finger idly traced the coaster in front of her. Philip's expression tightened. "I'm serious, Atlanta. All that emergency evac training you and Sully put us through on the way down there saved my life." She passed Atlanta her drink and started pouring the next. "You weren't around for the newest round of kamikaze attacks, Atlanta. Those things, all you can do is fill the sky with lead and pray."

"Besides, she gets to kick back and drink beers all day." Ajax butted in. "Sounds like she has a better gig going on than we do."

"Hey now!" Philip chuckled as she finished pouring. "I'm still working as a training ship, this is just my off the clock gig when I'm not screaming my head off at my little cousins about not staring down their radar too long. So… what are rest of you girls here in Dago for? R and R, or business?"

"Little time off until shit hits the fan again, or the admirals make up their mind on which rock in the Pacific we're invading next." Ajax idly mused before downing her glass. "What…" She said as the others just stared at her. "Atlanta's boyfriend told us we can't get drunk."

"Doesn't mean we have to drink like sailors on shore leave before we step off base." Helena grumbled. "So, Philip, you've been in town for a bit. Any good tourist tips?"

Philip tapped her fingers on the bar. "Let me see. I'll tell you right now to avoid the waterfront. All the ships were put on lockdown after People realized how Texas came back. We can tell people a group of modern pleasure yachts aren't going to help the war effort, but some rich idiots only see that as half the reason. I wouldn't bother with Sea World either, they shut down all the rides because of lubricant shortages and they still do the dolphin shows. The Zoo and Air and Space Museum are cool."

"What about shopping?" Naka asked, smirking at Atlanta. "I couldn't help but notice you packed a little light compared to the rest of us."

"Malls are pretty well stocked all things considered, and most of the stores offer us veteran discounts." Philip added, throwing another smirk at Atlanta. "Though you might want an escort, the experience can be a little overwhelming, especially a certain store." Atlanta tilted her head in confusion. "Trust me, you'll know it when you see it."

"We'll keep that in mind." Helena said with a giggle. She pulled out her debit card and slid it over to Philip. "I insist." She politely smiled. "What's the point of all this backpay if I can't spend it on friends?"

"You get back pay?" Ajax asked, a little jealousy in her voice.

Atlanta nodded. "For our past service time too."

"Well, I'm sure it can't be all that much at a 1940's pay scale." Naka tried to assure herself, before finishing her glass.

"Actually, we're all paid at the same rate as our official rank." Philips corrected her. "Backdated to include our last lives."

The destroyer was rewarded for her honesty with a bourbon shower. "The Iowa's must be rolling in cash then!" Naka shouted incredulously.

"Kinda sorta." Helena admitted. "Only active service years count, so all their time spent in mothball doesn't get added to the bank."

"That… makes a lot more sense." Naka admitted as she got up from her seat. "Thank you, for everything." She bowed to the destroyer.

"Don't mention it." Philip smiled. "Though I wouldn't mind you signing a napkin or something for me so hang on the wall."

"We have some group photo's back in Yokosuka I can send." Naka offered. "It'll look a lot better than a crumpled up napkin."

"One signed by the whole team." Philip beamed.

Helena and Atlanta noticed the smile Naka wore on her face dim a little in response, but she nodded. "So, where are we headed first?" She asked as the group made their way out of the bar.


"Are we sure this thing was built during the war?" Oklahoma asked as she looked straight up at the museum ship USS Midway. "I feel like it should be so much smaller."

"It is small, Okie." Nevada reminded her. "You saw how big Ford was when we drove past."

"Yeah, but Midway's as old as we are. Hey Nagato, everything okay?" Nevada glanced over to the Japanese battleship, who was staring in awe at the post war carrier.

She turned back to the Standards. "This was built at the same time as all the others…" Both nodded, Nevada barely hiding her smirk. Nagato dropped her head. "What were we thinking?" She lamented.

"The same thing most newcomers believe when they go off to war. That you'll fight one battle, win the war, and everyone will be home in time for Christmas." The three turned to see South Carolina walking towards them, with two younger women in similar full dress uniforms to Nevada and Oklahoma right behind her. "But considering the first sixty years of the Imperial Japanese military, that impression is understandable. Nagato, allow me to introduce some of my other daughters. Pennsylvania, and Arizona."

Nagato cautiously approached the two. The veterans of Pearl Harbor saluted, Pennsylvania's was forced and robotic compared to her sister's energetic and genuine salute. Nagato never let on if she noticed though. "Thank you for inviting me here." She replied with a smile.

"Thank you for coming here." Arizona cheerfully replied as she shook Nagato's hand. Even Nagato was surprised by Arizona's sincerity, to say nothing of the shocked expressions of the other American battleships.

Oklahoma immediately took Arizona's unspoken cue that the ice was broken, joining her little cousin in excitedly chatting with the flagship as they made their way up the gangplank. Meanwhile Nevada hung back with South Carolina and Pennsylvania. "So… Ari's here." She sighed, glaring daggers at her mother.

"By her own choice." South Carolina shot back.

"Don't bother Nevada." Pennsylvania groaned. "Anything you're thinking of saying, I did at least three times already on the plane ride over."

"And I'll tell you the same thing I told your sister." South Carolina added. "This war is bigger than our grudges from the last one. Your sisters seem to understand that, I only wish you two would."

"Easy mom, we're not planning on starting a shooting war over dessert." Nevada scoffed. "Just don't be surprised if we spend most of dinner chatting with the Brits."

"Also, keep the shutterbugs away from us." Pennsylvania added, eyeing Aoba and a USN Destroyer snapping away at Nagato, Arizona, and Oklahoma with their cameras. "Not wasting any time, are you?"

"I'm slowly picking up a thing or two from my Pentagon colleagues." South Replied with a smirk before joining the three battleships further ahead.

Nevada and Pennsylvania waited for the crowd to head inside before making their way up the gangplank. "Hey Ticonderoga." Nevada called out, spying the carrier sitting at the makeshift reception desk. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking any chance I can to get the hell away from Medusa." The Essex carrier replied, her body still covered in bandages. She threw her arm around the woman sitting next to her. "Also, I get to spend time with my little cousin."

"Little…" The woman, whose sandy blond hair had streaks of grey running through it, groaned as she lowered her aviators. "I'm only two years younger than you!"

"A very important two years." Tico replied, nodding sagely.

The woman smirked. "Whatever you say grandma." As Ticonderoga sputtered from the joke she had just walked face first into, her cousin held out her hand. "USS Midway."

Nevada smiled and shook her hand "Thanks for hosting this."

Midway just shrugged. "Eh, it gives me something to do. Kinda quiet lately with those things scaring off all the tourists. Foods over by the old Vietnam exhibit, but everyone seems to be gathering over by the memorial your mom set up at the far end of the hanger."

The two made their way into the hanger, where a growing crowd was gathering at the aft end. Along the wall in two rows were pictures of the fallen ship girls of the world, their names and the dates of their sinking in gold plaques underneath. The pictures weren't you're standard official portraits either. Destroyers sat on piers eating ice-cream without a care in the world. An Italian cruiser sat in front of a video game console with her sister, a look of determination on her face as she tried to claim victory in FIFA.

Nevada's eye drifted to the last picture, where a pair of heavy cruisers in green dresses talked on a podcast with that damn traffic cone. "Quite the memorial." A brown haired woman in a German officers uniform said as she stopped next to Nevada. "I'm surprised to see something this… thorough."

"She's pulling out all the stops." Nevada agreed, eyeing her colleague's familiar features.

"Tirpitz, right?"

The German battleship squeaked as she jumped back a little in surprise. Fixing her glasses, she glanced back over at Nevada. "You recognize me?"

"Not like I didn't waste a year of my life waiting for you to come out of whatever Norwegian Fjord they were hiding you in and put up their dukes." Nevada smirked. She watched as her German counterpart tugged at her collar and wiped her brow. "I take it that your time there made you a little cold blooded?"

Tirpitz nodded.

"Word of advice. Loosen the tie, undo the top button so you can breathe a little, and when you get back home, start beating up the supply clerks until they give you a jacket made from anything other than wool."

"I'll take that under advisement." Tirpitz muttered as she pulled her coat off.

"A vivid reminder of what this war has already cost us." South Carolina called out, gathering the crowd's attention as she and Dreadnought made their way to the memorial. "The longer we stay divided, closed off in nostalgic fantasy worlds where only our individual navies are needed to tame the seas, the longer that list of names will be when the war is finally won."

"Those of you who came with me from Europe have already seen how crucial unity and teamwork between our nations are to victory" Dreadnought continued. "A lesson I hope those of you in the Pacific don't need to spill nearly as much blood to learn."

"You're all here to plan a path to the end of this war." South smiled. "God willing, the work we will be doing over the next few days will be spoken the same way as Casablanca, Tehran, and Yalta are. That's for tomorrow though. Today, eat, drink, and get to know one another. If you have any questions, or wish for a tour, my daughters and Ticonderoga will be more than happy to oblige."

"Dammit mom." Nevada grumbled under her breath as the crowd looked back at her.

Tirpitz gave her a sympathetic pat on her back. "Beer?" The German Battleship asked.

Nevada nodded her head. "Beer."
Chapter 80
"So, you're telling me that this entire building is one store?" Atlanta asked as she spun around in childlike wonder, her mesmerized gaze fixed on the rows of stores around them.

Naka couldn't help but giggle at the young cruiser. Ever since they'd stepped off the base Atlanta had been a never ending parade of oohs and ahs. It was adorable, even if keeping her out of traffic was beginning to become a chore. "Kinda." She pulled Atlanta off to the side to keep her from stumbling face first into the fountain ahead of them. "Think of it as like a barracks for stores." She chuckled. "You should see the ones in Tokyo."

Naka saw a sparkle in Atlanta's eye. "I might have to take you up on the transfer request."

"Oh, no you don't." Helena's voice danced the border between mock and genuine outrage as she pulled the two cruisers in close. "I'm only going to say this once Traffic Cone." She whispered. "I already have to deal with Wisconsin quoting Dragonball GT-UVWXYZ-Super-Duper every other fucking hour. You are not turning my little cousin into a weeb too."

"But I already watch all those shows with my destroyers anyways." Atlanta protested. "We've working our way through One Piece for the last month."

Naka smirked. "So, how far along are you?"

"Just finished Marineford."

"Oh." Naka grinned like the cat who caught the canary. "What do you think so far?"

Atlanta pondered for a few moments. "Two questions. Am I allowed to call Sanji the worst character of The Straw Hats? And is it normal to want to sail the capital of the world government, and run fire missions until my magazine runs dry?"

"Well as long as you don't say the former within earshot of Akagi…"

"Oh god." Helena muttered. "It's spreading…"

"It's not any worse than those campy kung fu movies you love." Atlanta protested. "And unless my sisters start coming back soon, they're going to have to send me to Japan." She turned back to Naka. "No offense, but I'm not trusting any of our carriers with your AA."

"Hey now!" Naka mockingly protested. "We have like…" She started counting on her fingers. "Four destroyers and a cruiser who provide more than just moral support."

"You say that like it's not proving… my… point…" The cruisers face suddenly matched the color of her hair. Her hand flew to her face to cover her eyes. "What is a store like that doing here?"

Naka's gaze drifted to the Victoria Secret store a few storefront down from them Atlanta was pointing at, a sly smirk forming on her lips. "Yeah, people are a lot more open about those sorts of things nowadays." She blinked in surprise. "How do you know about…"

"My officers invited their wives aboard when I was making my way down to the Panama Canal." Her blush deepened. "They weren't very quiet."

"Well come on then." Naka smirked as she grabbed Atlanta's hand. "Just think of it as a gift for you and your boyfriend." She promptly lost her balance, falling backwards as her arm went taught. Dusting herself off, Naka walked behind Atlanta and began to push. "It's really not that bad."

Once again, Atlanta refused to budge.

"Alright." Naka grumbled as she took a dozen steps back. "Hard way it is."

Naka would have described the resulting impact as hitting a brick wall but said wall would probably have had more give to it compared to Atlanta when they collided. "Light cruiser my aft." She muttered as she slid down Atlanta's back.

"Okay," Helena chuckled as she grabbed both girls by their collars and began dragging them into a nearby department store. "Stop trying to give the poor girl a boiler explosion. She has actual clothes shopping to do." She plopped Atlanta on a bench next to the changing room. "You stay here, and I'll be right back."

Naka saw Atlanta give out a sigh. "You don't want to be here, do you?"

"I just don't want to waste money on myself when the destroyers have so much stuff they need." She pulled out a notebook from her satchel and handed it to Naka.

"Shouldn't most of this be on a requisition form, not coming out of pocket?" Naka asked looking down at the list.

Atlanta shrugged. "Takes too long. Besides the destroyers have been hard pressed after we got smacked outside of Rubaul, and they could use an early Christmas. It's not like I need fancy dresses while I'm at a combat base anyways."

"I know the feeling." Naka chuckled. "You wouldn't believe how many leggings I've blown through in the last few months alone." Suddenly an idea popped in her head. "Say, your list had a PlayStation on it... It just so happens I need a new one too. The communal one was destroyed in a freak FIFA accident, so mine keeps getting borrowed. After this we'll swing by the Best Buy down the mall, grab a couple systems and a spare monitor or small tv, and have a good old fashion LAN party and stream it."

Atlanta frowned. "I don't know, I mean what if people complain about me and Helena not being on base."

"Oh, don't worry." Naka threw her arm around Atlanta. "Aoba runs moderation on all the streams so if any wannabe tough guys complain, we'll just bounce them from chat. But if it makes you feel better, let me make a call."

She pulled out her phone. "They should be on lunch break right now… Hey Naggy!"

"Naka," Nagato grumbled. "What trouble did you get into now?"

"Nothing yet. I just need to talk to South Carolina about something if you can find her."

"She's right next to me… and you're on speaker phone." Nagato warned.

Naka grinned a little. "So South, that cute little light cruiser of yours I'm with. She's not going to get in any trouble if she shows up on a charity stream I'm running, will she? I mean like angry four star admiral official trouble?"

"Traffic Cone!" Nevada grumbled from the other end of the conversation. "I swear if you're dragging her on there to hum-" She was cut off in some unseen scuffle.

"Shush you." Another voice, Oklahoma if Naka remembered right said. "Let the girl have some fun. Are you okay with this Atlanta?"

"Yeah." Atlanta squeaked.

"Perfect, as long as your happy, so are we." South Carolina replied, Naka could already picture the smile on the old battlewagon's face. "You girls deserve more opportunities to show the world you're more than just your rigging."

"One more thing commander." She added after a brief pause. "I expect nothing less than Naka's unconditional surrender tonight. Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war."

Atlanta just blinked in shock as the line went dead. "Did she just order me to kick your butt in videogames?"

"I believe she did." Ajax wheezed between laughing fits. "Old battleaxe still has a competitive streak. Oh, to be a fly on the wall when her and Dreadnought go at it in bridge."

"What did I miss?" Naka looked up to see Helena was back, pink floral sundress in hand.

"You just got volunteered for a gaming stream tonight." Naka glanced at the dress, a frown forming on her face as she watched Atlanta gingerly take it from Helena's hand. With a sigh, she disappeared into the dressing room. "She's not going to like it." Naka whispered to Helena.

Sure enough, Atlanta came out a few minutes later with the dress still in her hand. "Sorry." She whispered, handing it back to Helena. "It's just not me."

Helena went to protest but was cut off by Naka. "It's alright, you just stay here, and Helena and I will be right back."

"I swear to god Traffic Cone." Helena grumbled. "If you stick her in neon…"

"Oh please." Naka responded. "I know what she needs. You just stand there and hold things while I pick out the wardrobe." Helena just looked at her. "She's a war born, isn't she?"

"She was launched before Pearl!"

Naka scoffed. "You mean late 41. That wasn't peace, that was our two nations taping up the gloves and waiting to see who would throw the first punch." She put the dress back on the rack." The point is girls like her, they're not thinking about what looks cute. They're more focused on function over fashion."

"So what?" Helena grumbled. "We're just going to hand her a pile of cargo pants and navy t-shirts."

Naka just shook her head. "Leggings and jeans." She said throwing a pair of each to Helena. "Easy to fix if put a hole in them, cheap to replace if they get to trashed by gunfire. Throw a tank top on, and you have a base layer she can sortie in if emergency orders come in. Than you can add a skirt and blouse over it, and there you go. Outfits that are quick, easy to take off and store in an emergency, and something that won't get in the way of her rigging and she won't feel guilty about if it eats shellfire."

She saw the look of guilt on Helena's face. "You're not doing anything wrong, at least not intentionally." She reassured the cruiser. "It's just she didn't get to experience peace time like the rest of us. Girls like her, they're going to need peace to come first, before they get what it means."

Atlanta was noticeable more receptive when they came back, rushing back into the dressing room. "What do you think?" She said, stepping back out in a blue dress blouse and jeans.

"If you're happy." Helena admitted as Atlanta twirled around with a smile on her face. "So where to next?"


Later That Evening

Naka held back a curse as she was backed into a corner. Street Fighter was her game. She was the undisputed champion of Yokosuka, and the only reason her claim to the title of the entire JMSDF could be disputed was because Musashi insisted on being a sore loser and rage quit half through the last round of their match.

Which made the losing streak she was now on unbearable. Helena alone would have been somewhat understandable, after all dealing with Wisconsin was a forge that would produce only the sharpest blades. Atlanta though…

Naka let out a sigh as she got hit with the finishing move. The girl had gone from needing to read the combo lists to juggling her in little over three hours. "How are you two so damn good?"

"Language!" Aoba chimed in from her little workstation. "Besides," The purple haired cruiser flashed her a cheesy grin. "With what they're helping us pull in, they can keep kicking your butt for the rest of the month."

"Traitor…" Naka seethed.

"Hey, the only way to survive a revolution is to kiss the new ring." Aoba defended. "The queen is dead, long live the queen."

"Don't feel bad Naka." Helena called from her spot behind Atlanta. "Your tech's leaving you behind the eight ball against us."

Naka's eyes narrowed. "Why do I sense an age joke coming on?"

"Because you are old!" Aoba shouted.

"You're only a year younger than me!" Naka shot back.

"Whatever you say grandma!"

"Don't worry Naka." Helena chuckled. "At least you're not pretending to be a heavy cruiser." Next to Naka, Ajax spat out her drink. "But I wasn't going to make an age joke." She pointed to Atlanta. "Our guns are tied directly to our directors. By the time you get to the turrets, all the boys have to do is load the shells, then smile and wait for the flash."

"And that means better reflexes and hand eye coordination." Naka glanced over to her. "That… makes a lot of sense actually." She glanced down at her controller. "Not to distract from my much-awaited downfall, but if you all were in a fighting game, what would your finishing move be?"

"Oh…" Ajax, plopped down next to Naka, idly kicking her feet in the air. "I could dress up in Greek armor and act like my namesake. Maybe summon a giant shield and throw it at my enemy."

"Because the Greeks totally had guys acting like Captain America during the Trojan War." Helena busted out laughing. "As for me, I'm thinking a wall of light with a hundred gun barrels sticking out of it that fire on my opponent, all while I stand there with a smug grin on my face."

"Oh really?" Naka's head snapped to Helena. Her eyes narrowed as she crawled over the bed towards the cruiser. Helena tried to back up, only to find herself pinned against the bed's headboard with Naka hovering just inches away. "I thought you didn't like anime Helena-chan."

"Fate's not anime…" Helena nervously defended as her face started to flush.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Aoba chuckled. "And knock it off Naka. You're giving your fans ideas and fanfic material."

Naka pondered the idea and shrugged. "I could do worse." She commented with a grin as she climbed back over the bed. "And it's not like I can steal Atlanta from her boyfriend."

Naka quickly filed away the blush and mouselike squeak Atlanta produced as the cutest thing ever.

"Just great." Aoba muttered under her breath. "This is going to be all over youtube tomorrow morning.

Naka glanced down at her screen.

These three need to be regulars. Once a month at least!

Scout Cruiser Saturdays! Who says no?

Just add Tone to the mix. She would have great chemistry with Helena.

Naka caught herself on the last comment. A few tears began to well up in her eyes as that name brought up all the sorrow and pain she'd been holding for the last month. "Guys…" Her voice cracked. "How many times am I going to have to keep telling you that Tone's been deployed down south for the duration-"

"Why don't we end the stream for the night?" Helena cut in rather forcefully. "It's been a long day for us, you know, with travel and all."

Naka wanted to protest, to call bullshit on Helena's excuse seeing as they had flown in yesterday… but she suddenly felt like all the energy had left her body. Glancing around, she saw the concerned faces on her friends. "Yeah." She sighed. "We've raised a good amount." She did her best to smile, striking an elaborate pose as she did so. "Thanks for watching everyone!"

"And we're offline." Aoba called out, spinning around to the quartet. "Sorry Naka, I completely missed that post."

"No no. it's alright." Naka tried to muster up the energy to smile again as Atlanta and Ajax the camera and microphones and threw them in the hotel room closet. "I shouldn't be letting it bother me by this point."

"So, what happened?" Helena asked, returning with a glass of water. Naka looked up at her, tears running down her face now as Atlanta manifested her jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Wake happened." Her voice was barely a whisper. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. We'd just turned back her last assault on Japan. She was down to scraps, and the weather was perfect. We'd even managed to drive off those stupid seaplane tenders from our staging area. It should have been easy."

"We didn't see what happened." Aoba continued. "I was with the Kongos and the rest of the landing force, Naka the advanced screen. Both of us damn near capsized in the typhoon that appeared out of nowhere. The Tone's and their screen were about a hundred or so clicks behind us." Her expression darkened. "At the time we thought they were the lucky ones."

"We found Mutsuki and Yayoi floating at sea two days later on our way back to Japan." Naka sobbed. "They'd cooked their own turbines running away from the battleship that had jumped their group. They told me about what had happened to Tone and Chik-"

Naka broke down in tears. Everything seemed to flood her head at once. All the anger and despair she felt towards Tone's death, all the plans for the channel they never got to try. How much she wished she could talk to her one last time, to thank her for everything she had done and to tell her how much it had meant to be her friend.

She felt someone wrap their arms around her, followed by another. Opening her eyes, she found Atlanta and Ajax clinging to her. Helena sat across from her, fingers idly drumming her chair.

"It was one of ours, wasn't it." Dread hung over the cruiser. Naka just nodded. "So is that why no one on your side has said a damn thing about it?"

Aoba just snorted. "The government's too worried about appearing strong after the last year and a half. Can't risk public moral falling over a couple of cruisers and destroyers." Cynicism dripped from the heavy cruisers words. "They already threatened to shut down Naka's entire channel if we mentioned Tone's death."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" All four jumped as Helena seethed. "How many fucking times are dipshit desk sitter going to do that before they realize it does more harm than good?"

"We should tell Nevada and Oklahoma about this." Atlanta offered. "Maybe they can get their mom to help."

"Worth a shot." Helena remarked.

The two Japanese cruisers looked on in stunned silence, both knowing the damage this request could cause to South Carolina's plan. "Why bother?" Naka finally mustered the courage to ask. "They aren't your friends."

"They are yours though." Atlanta answered without a moment's hesitation. "And that's enough."

They chatted for a little while longer before Atlanta, Helena, and Ajax went off into the respective rooms for the night. For the first time in months, Naka didn't need the emotional support destroyers to watch over her while she slept.
Chapter 81
Nevada let out aggravated sigh, rubbing her temples as the meeting went on. She was beginning to envy her old admiral's ability to do staff work. The special meeting South Carolina had ordered her to attend hadn't even started yet, and she was already damn near hoping Abby would be dumb enough to sail into the harbor so she would have something to shoot.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spied Arizona sliding into the seat next to her. "Thought you and Penny were meeting with the Europeans?"

"Meeting's already done." Arizona whispered. "Hood and Dreadnought already had a plan before they even got here."

"Let me guess." Nevada rolled her eyes. "Take Malta this winter, than swing north during the summer and retake Greenland and Iceland before they come here and teach us how to really fight?"

"Besides the fact they have another princess in the Canadian North, not far off."

Nevada turned to her sister. "Really?" Arizona shrugged, passing a photo over to Nevada. "Damn."

"Europe is far ahead of us when it comes to burying old grudges." South Carolina firmly reminded her as she entered the room with Nagato in tow. "As I explained to our allies in Southeast Asia and Australia, our first priority must be the reestablishment of a secure supply line between North America and Japan."

"Which is why we need to begin planning to retake Wake immediately!" Nagato quickly growled. "If we hurry, we can begin the invasion at the start of the new year."

Nevada caught a disapproving glance from South Carolina. She understood exactly what the old battlewagon was thinking. Nagato was letting vengeance get in the way of sound decision making. Nevada could understand why all too well. After all it wasn't far removed from her own thoughts regarding the Europe First strategy.

Of course, it didn't mean she wasn't going to enjoy bursting the Flagship's bubble…

"It won't work." She said, looking over the map of the Pacific that was spread across the table. "Even assuming throwing another slapdash assault at Wake doesn't get the entire strike force killed again, we couldn't hold it. Wake wouldn't be able to support anything bigger than a Desron, so there's nothing stopping Attu from just swooping in behind us right after we leave."

She moved her finger from Wake to the Alaskan coastline. "Attu, once the island falls, we'll have a whole string of naval and air bases to cover the sea lane from Seattle to Japan."

"The weather won't clear for another six months at least." Nagato grumbled.

"More than enough time to train for a joint operation between our two nations." South Carolina cheerfully replied.

Nevada let out a small chuckle. "No point in bringing them along unless you want to show them how a proper contested landing is done. I was there when we kicked them out in 43, so I know how much of a cake walk the place is."

South Carolina let out a sigh as she grabbed another map. "I'm well aware of your time off that island's coast. That was then." She said, spreading it across the table. "This is now."

Nevada felt a chill run down her spine as she looked at the map. "How recent are these?"

"Last week by the look of it." Arizona said as she peaked her head over Nevada's shoulder. "I'm guessing all these weren't there the last time?" she innocently asked.

Nevada shook her head. The last time she had been off Attu, it barely had a trench line to its name. The landscape and weather had been hell for the marines, but little more than an annoyance for Nevada and the others that had sailed its waters.

Now though, the island was a fortress to rival Corregidor or The Atlantic Wall. Every possible landing point now had at least three different emplaced naval gun mounts staring it down with interlocking fields of fire. Her old stomping ground of Massacre Bay now sat under the gaze of a pair of fourteen inch guns housed in an armored turret at the top of the mountain that dominated Attu. Which didn't consider however many coastal artillery pieces were dug into camouflaged bunkers a plane couldn't see.

"A little more difficult than last time, wouldn't you say?" South smirked at her daughter. "And then there is this…" She added, sliding a photo across the table.

Nevada's eyes immediately went to the figure's rigging. She knew American Iron even with that obsidian paintjob. The stubby bow and stern, angular turrets, and thick lattice masts of a post-Jutland Standard-type Superdreadnought were hard to miss. She felt her heart jump into her stomach as she recognized the turrets of a Colorado class.

"No…" She glared at the two battleships across from her. "Colorado would never turn on us."

"We can't be sure." Nagato flinched at the glare Nevada gave her before continuing. "We still don't know any plausible single explanation for the defections in the first place."

"And I'm telling you Colly wouldn't turn on us like that." Nevada growled. "She got her got her sisters back from that day, they all got to enjoy retirement after the war."

"Not all of them." South Carolina replied. "Or have you forgotten all about your dear sister Washington?"

Nevada let out an audible swallow as she studied the figure's torn dress and exposed scars. "Yeah… she'd have a damn good reason to want to come back and kick our asses. Probably lucky for us she didn't storm into the gulf and tear Texas limb from limb." She caught a confused look from Nagato. "Not the Washington you're thinking of. This one died on the slip thanks to The Treaty."

"That's what attacked the Japanese Landing Force off of Wake, and we have to assume by the time we invade Attu, she won't be alone." South Carolina told the three battleships. "Wake will send everything she has in defense of her sister, because she knows she will be next."

Nevada started doing the math in her head as South Carolina continued on, and didn't like what it was adding up to. As it stood, the navy only had only a half dozen carriers, with a dozen each for battleships and both types of cruisers. Once all was said and done when it came to escorts, the fast battleships and most of the cruisers would off protecting carriers. That left the bombardment force with only the standards like herself, and a screen almost entirely made of destroyers.

She shook her head. No, asking destroyers to run a week long gun duel with those gun batteries was suicide if she was being generous with the description. "You're right." She told South as she stared at the map. "We don't have enough ships for this."

"Neither do we…" Nagato added.

"At least not by ourselves." South Carolina agreed. "But together, we might just have enough forces to pull this off." She turned to Nagato. "Would you say that a fleet built around the Kido Butai, both Yamatos, and all four Kongo's would be a good starting point for a blocking force against anything Wake could drum up on short notice?"

"Of course." Nagato smiled. "I would be honored to lead that myself."

"Unfortunately, I need you for something else." South politely rebuked before turning to Nevada. "With that sorted out, we can keep our carriers and fast battleships together to escort the landing force and cut down on the escorts needed for that group."

"Doesn't solve how under gunned the bombardment would be." Nevada grumbled. "Even if we combine what's left from both navies, we'll barely have enough for the escorts there."

"It's a start though." South Carolina assured her. "At least provided you're both willing to work together on this."

Nevada looked over at Nagato. As much as even just staring at the battleship hurt her soul, she knew the losses they'd take at Attu without the Japanese providing some skin in the game would hurt far more. "As long as you don't shoot me in my sleep again." She muttered, taking Nagato's hand.

"Perfect." South Carolina smiled. "Now of course we still have the finer points to work out, like basing right and force composition…"

As her mom began to drone on, Nevada couldn't help but smirk as she spotted Arizona slowly shuffle out of the room. She turned back to Nagato, who was already looking equally overwhelmed from South's planning. "Beer?" She whispered.

Nagato quickly nodded in agreement.



Washington idly hummed to herself as she took a blow torch to her rigging. It had been over a month since those Japanese vermin had attempted to take her new home, and she was growing bored with the toys they had left behind.

She grabbed the last three inch gun that had been on her rigging and tossed it aside into the other pile of broken guns that lay on the beach, wincing and grabbing her side as she did so. That last destroyer's stupid suicide attack had left a nasty scar that remained even after she had welded two of the aviation cruisers belts together and patched it into the wound.

She reached up and adjusted the two pigtails she had tied her hair into, tightening the red bows she had taken from those two cruisers to keep them in place. At least they had been nice enough to leave plenty of souvenirs for her. That and five inch gun mounts to replaced her torn apart barbettes and useless anti aircraft guns… who knew, maybe with some luck she'd be able to take those torpedoes as well.

"Washington…" The battleship turned to see Wake island standing a bit of distance away from her. Washington wasn't surprised. She knew her behavior… well she understood that Wake was scared of the monster she had summoned. "How are you today?"

"Can't complain. Just finishing up the last of the repair work." Washington nonchalantly replied. "I managed to salvage a bunch of gun mounts from the ocean if you want to use any for shore defenses." She said, pointing to the pile of violently disassembled ordinance on the beach. Wake flinched again, and Washington only realized at that point that she was holding a severed hand.

"I'll…pass." Wake cautiously replied. "I have some…" She bit her lip as if mulling over whether or not what she was about to do was really a good idea. "Friends I'd like you to meet."

Washington watched as a pair of Japanese girls shuffled over to her. They weren't sisters, that was clear. One was tall and lean, a battlecruiser to be sure, her brown-bordering-on-black hair rolled down her shoulders and the back of her black kimono in waves. The other was more stocky like her, her white hair tied up in a bun, and dress similar to those Japanese carriers liked to wear.

Washington tilted her head, the unsaid question to Wake being if the two were friends or food. "These are your new division mates, Battleship Tosa and Battlecruiser Amagi."

"These are IJN turrets." Tosa glared at Washington, eyeing the pile of scrap beside her.

"They attacked me, I took care of them." Washington shrugged before returning Tosa's glare. "That going to be a problem?"

Tosa went to say something, but Amagi cut her off. "Of course not." The battlecruiser politely tried to broker a peace between the three as she and Tosa sat down next to Washington. The two were scared like her, a spiderweb of stitches running across their face and neck. "We were just… curious."

Washington looked up, but Wake had already disappeared. By the time she was looking back at the two, Amagi was already poking around her rigging. "You do all this yourself?" Amagi asked.

Washington shrugged. "Most of it at least. You like what you see?"

"The craftsmanship is excellent." Amagi turned back to Washington, and for a second the battleship understood just why Wakes was always so scared of her when she smiled. "I'm told you're looking to find some wayward siblings and returning them to the cold embrace of the deep." Amagi's smile grew even wider. "It just so happens we're looking to do the same thing for a couple of IJN carriers."

Washington's smile grew now. "Just so long as you stay away from any Colorados, we'll be fine."

"Perish the thought." Amagi replied with the wave of her hand. "I love what you've done with your hair."

"Thanks." Washington felt her cheeks grow a little red, and while these two weren't her sisters, they'd settle as pretty good substitutes in the meantime.
Chapter 82
"You sure you can't take the neon orange idol with you?" Oklahoma sarcastically asked as she walked Nagato down to Pearl's pier. Looking out over the harbor, the two battleships watched as American cruisers and destroyers bid their Japanese and Commonwealth counterparts goodbye.

Nagato just gave her a smirk. "I can always leave the 'intrepid reporter' with you instead."

"Point made." Oklahoma started chuckling. "Just don't be surprised when the prank war between her and the destroyers hits YouTube."

Nagato's face returned to being a mask. "Are you implying my subordinates are anything but saints?"

"About as much as my destroyers are angels, only as long as someone responsible has eyes on them." Oklahoma grinned. "Speaking of that, you might want to tell the Influencer to watch her back. The Taffies had a whole weekend without supervision, and I already heard the words 'glitter' and 'slingshot' uttered through the grapevine."

The grin that crossed Nagato's face sent a shiver down Oklahoma's spine. "Now where would the fun be in that?" She asked in the same tone of voice one would handing out punishment duties. "We'll call it a learning experience for her."

Oklahoma could only let out a nervous laugh. "Hate to see how you treat your enemies."

"You'll find out off the coast of Attu." Nagato replied, glancing over at the hotel.

"If you're waiting for my sister, I wouldn't hold my breath." Oklahoma sighed. "She locked herself in her room as soon as we got back. Said something about needing a little 'me time'."

"Your mother does seem to love handing us all matters of surprises." Nagato replied with a sigh. "Tell her we appreciate everything your navy has done for us, and that she has nothing to worry about from Nachi and Naka."

"Oh, I know." Oklahoma smiled as the two glanced over where Naka and Atlanta were handing out care packages to the destroyers. Akatsuki was quick to give the anti-air cruiser a hug, followed by Hibiki and the twins. It took until the last one hopped on, but the quartet finally had the tonnage to knock Atlanta off balance and sent the whole pile crashing to the ground as Naka watched, giggling. "Honestly while I doubt Nevada will admit it right now, we could use Naka for a couple months. Be nice to have another destroyer leader to take some of the load off Atlanta for a little bit."

"The irony." Nagato chuckled. "We have nearly our entire navy back, but only enough supplies to keep a fraction of them combat ready."

"And we have enough food to feed every navy in the world, and no where near the mouths to feed." Oklahoma replies with a sigh. "At least they're starting to pick up speed. Every damn week it seems another DESRON comes in, and I'm lucky if I can keep a third of their names straight even counting the girls who share names."

"The tides turning though, if a few months too late."

"Damn if I don't know it." Oklahoma agreed, lighting up a cigarette before holding the pack out to Nagato. "Need one for the road?"

Nagato politely shook her head as she stepped into the water. "See you in two months time." She said with a smile, before heading out to join the growing convoy.


A few hours later.

The evening sun was just beginning to set as Naka dragged herself onto the concrete launch ramp. "How much sugar do you feed those girls on a daily basis?" She groaned, looking over at Atlanta as the American cruiser glided up to the ramp with far more grace.

"My destroyers," Atlanta gasped in mock outrage as she collected a pair of soda bottles from a waiting soldier and passed one over to Naka. "They are nothing but angels."

"Weeping Angels maybe." Naka muttered as the two knocked their bottles together. "How do you manage it?"

"A lot of ice cream bribes, figuring out what is and isn't important to have a line in the sand on, and having the scariest destroyer alive as a loyal attack dog when someone crosses it." She glanced over at Naka with a smirk. "Honestly, they're just excited to meet a celebrity."

"I honestly didn't think I was that popular." Naka admitted. "At least it means all the hard work we've put in means something." She turned back to Atlanta. "I don't know how to thank you though. I don't know what South Carolina said to our government, but they're finally letting me announce Tone's death."

Atlanta eyed the news suspiciously. "What's the catch?"

Naka just shrugged. "Can't announce them all at once. Need to add some details how they went down swinging to make it sound better. I think I'm going to tell them Tone took a pair of battleships with her; she'd like that version."

"You need to hire a better writer." Atlanta chuckled, shaking her head.

Naka smirked. "You volunteering?" Pulling herself upright, she followed Atlanta up the path to the hotel. "I don't know if I want a nap or a meal more."

"Definitely the food." Atlanta smiled as she turned back. "Dr. Enfield's cooking is to die for."

"If you say so." Naka said as they through the front door. "I at least need a shower though." She said, wiping of some dried sea salt from the hem of her skirt.

"Second that." Atlanta agreed. "I liked it better when the waves just… Sully?"

Naka turned to see Atlanta staring off into the dining room at a destroyer setting up the dining room table. The girl, a Fletcher class destroyer with short brown hair, idle hummed to herself as she went about her work. "Oh, hey Atlanta."

"Sully…" Atlanta repeated numbly as she stumbled towards the destroyer to give her a hug.

"Easy Atlanta." The destroyer said, pushing Atlanta away. "Not a hundred percent yet." Both cruisers saw the outline of the bandages around her abdomen under her t shirt. "It's good to see you though. And paling around with internet royalty huh. You're really moving up in the world."

"Right, where are my manners." Atlanta smiled as the trio started making their way upstairs. "Naka, this is USS The Sullivans, or Sully for short." She looked over at Sully. "So when did you get back in Pearl?"

Sully let out a nervous chuckle. "I was on the flight back with you. Oklahoma thought it would funny if they dressed me like one of the C-130 crewmembers to sneak me back without you noticing."

"That's a good one." Naka cackled as the trio made their way to her room. "I'll have to remember that one if they end up flying back to Japan."

All three were too busy laughing to notice the subtle click from inside the room as Naka opened the door. By the time she noticed the tripwire running from the door handle, a water balloon was already flying at her face.


Naka blinked a few times as she tried to wipe off as much orange glitter off her as possible. "Well, the orange glitter is a nice touch." She turned around as the door behind her squeak open just enough for a pair of destroyers to catch a glimpse of the chaos they had created before slamming shut again, muffled giggles of excitement coming from the room.

"Angels huh?" She deadpanned towards Atlanta, who along with Sullivans was busy cleaning off the backsplash they had caught from the destroyer's prank.

Sullivans balled her fists as she took a step towards the door, only for Atlanta to put a hand on her shoulder. "Brooms." She mouthed to the destroyer before walking up to the door as the destroyer ran off. She walked up and knocked on the door. "Alright you two, time to come out now."

"No!" came a shout from the other side of the door.

Atlanta rolled her eyes as Sullivans returned with cleaning implements. "Let me rephrase that…" She growled. "Come out now, or I bring Laffey up here to drag you out."

The door slowly squeaked open. "We surrender, don't shoot." Two destroyers shuffled out, hands raised as they trudged into the hallway. "Oh come on Atlanta!" One with short blond hair in a ponytail, tried to argue. "It's harmless fun."

"Spence." The glare Atlanta directed at the two destroyers was powerful enough to peel the paint off of buildings on the other side of the harbor. "Harmless fun isn't ambushing an allied liaison on her first day here!"

"Technically its her fifth day." The other girl squeaked, earning Atlanta's ire.

"Now now Atlanta." Naka quickly stepped in. "No need to blow this out of proportions." She smiled at the irate cruiser, putting the idol charm on full blast. "It really was harmless fun."

Atlanta glanced over at her, before grabbing the brooms from Sullivans. "Clean by dinner." She hissed, pushing the brooms into the two girls' hands with enough force to back them into the hallway wall. "By Elizabeth's standards."

The three watched as Atlanta stormed off into her own room. Sully looked back at her two sisters and mouth the words "Lucky." before heading back downstairs. The two girls waited for all the doors to close before letting out a sigh of relief.

"I wouldn't count my blessings just yet." Both destroyers jumped at Naka's voice, and if anyone took a picture of her at that moment, she was sure she would have the same grin her older sister Sendai did when night battles were mentioned in her presence. "I was just making sure the war didn't end before I had a chance to retaliate."

She sauntered over to her room, making sure to stop and glance back at the two before she closed the door. "It's been a while since I had a worthy opponent." She cackled as she slowly closed the door. "This is going to be fun."
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Sidestory: Malta

So, what do you think our target's going to be? Argonaut asked Nautilus. The V-boat looked at her dumbfounded, hand slowly inching towards her face. Argonaut shook her head, before tracing a question mark in the air and pointing to the map of Malta hanging on the wall. No, where in Malta?

Nautilus just shrugged her shoulders. The hell if I know.

"Oye!" A destroyer wearing a British army uniform called out behind them. "The two of you mind using your words so the rest of the class can understand what the bloody hell you're talkin' about?"

The two subs exchanged glances and snickered. "Sure thing Campbelltown." Nautilus replied. "Just as soon as you stop with the queen's English."

"Goddamn Brits." The former USS Buchanan seethed as Argonaut and Nautilus broke out into laughter. "Bad enough they took my guns."

"Are you guys always like this?" The three turned to see two destroyer sized girls dressed in Marine uniforms huddled in the back of the room. "Sorry, LST-595." The leader said, walking over and offering her hand. "This is my sister, 555."

"Nautilus, and this is my sister Argonaut." Nautilus replied as she shook her hand. "Don't mind Bucky. She's just pissed she's back to being the glorified transport the brits turned her into. As long as she keeps from literally blowing her top, we'll be fine."

"Hardy, har, har." Buchanan rolled her eyes. "Casually joke about the several thousand tons of high explosive I needed surgery to remove why don't you?"

Nautilus just shook her head before looking back at the gaggle of LST's. "Did they tell you guys what the hell is going on?"

The African American girl shrugged. "Nope. Some Brit passenger liner pointed to me and my sisters and told us to report to this room."

"Ah, you're all here." The group looked over at the door to see a middle aged woman in a blue dress uniform. "Ladies, my name is RMS Ben-my-Chree. Allow me to welcome you to Operation Megara."

The projector kicked on, revealing a map of the northern section of the Malta Archipelago with various landing zones already marked out. "Thanks to the hard work of fleet girls like yourselves, we've been able to come up with a few tactics to get the leg up on the Princess that controls it. We'll be going in prior to the first wave of conventional forces, and with a little luck we'll have half the Archipelago under our control before the sun comes up."

The image changed to a picture of an obsidian fort with a set of Schematics right beside it. Sitting high over the crystal blue waters of the Mediterranean. "Fort Campbell…" Ben shuddered. "Or at least what the location used to be. As you can see, Malta's made a few improvements over the original design specs."

"I'll say." Buchanan whistled, looking at the three monstrous turrets that now dominated the fort. "Are those battleship guns I see?"

Ben nodded. "With enough reach to cover every single one of our landing sites. Until that fort is neutralized, none of the other landings can happen. Normally this would be a job for the Commandos or Paras."

"But they're busy elsewhere." Nautilus cut in as she stood up and walked over to the map. "As long as we can eliminate this gun battery over by Mistra bay, it should be a cake walk to deploy there and attack the fort from the south."

"Think you can make the swim?"

"Is the queen human?" Nautilus scoffed. "As long as someone prepositions a weapons stash with enough guns for a couple squads, it shouldn't take us more than a half hour to take the battery. Once we give the all clear, you four paddle in and deploy in the bay."

Ben-me-Chree nodded as Nautilus took her seat. "Once we're ashore, Nautilus, Argonaut, Campbelltown, and the Provisional Rangers will assault the base while LST 595 and 555 set up blocking positions in Selmun with their US Marines."

With that, the projector clicked off. "If you all would follow me to the truck outside," Ben motioned the rest of the group to follow her out of the room. "The Spanish government has been nice enough to give us a stretch of coastline to train on. We only have two months before the invasion, and I want this as perfect as possible once we leave the submarines to head ashore."


Mistra Bay, Malta
Two Months Later

The soldiers that made up Malta's defenders sat in a peculiar state between the world of the living and the dead. Their flesh was cold, their movements jerky and rote. Yet far from unflinching killing machines, they still had human emotions lingering inside them. As such it wasn't surprising that when the two that were patrolling the Mistra Bay boat launches noticed a few bubbles floating to the surface, they waded into the water to get a closer look.

By the time they had properly spotted the two subs hiding in the shallows, they were already being dragged under the surface and crushed by their grip.

Two girls emerged from the water moments later, dressed in navy blue duty uniforms with tan ammo pouches hanging on a belt around their waists. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but what are the chances we can get our old swimsuits back from Medusa once we get back stateside?" Argonaut muttered as she dragged a waterproof bag up the ramp.

"Could be worse." Nautilus replied, her Springfield rifle aimed up the road towards the battery. "Narwhal's being making these swims nightly with a winter coat and a balaclava."

Argonaut grunted in agreement as she opened the bag and tapped one of her ammo pouches. Ten fairies quickly climbed out, growing to full sized humans as their feet hit the ground. The eight figures, dressed in the same blue uniforms as the subs were joined by ten more from Nautilus as they collected the weapons inside the bag.

The first thing Nautilus and Argonaut noticed was the lack of a sentry outside the battery's entrance. Quietly approaching, Argonaut nodded to her squad leader. The ten man team swept inside the structure just like they had trained countless times over the last few months. Unlike the training though, no suppressed gunshots echoed from the structure. The squad leader stepped back outside, shaking his head.

"Nothing." Nautilus hissed as she and Argonaut summoned their rigging. More fairies were climbing out of their webbing and pockets now, and soon over two hundred US Marines were organizing themselves. "Nautilus to Benny, we have a dry hole here."

"Come again?"

"Position was empty, but we have to assume this was because we hit them while we were changing watches. You guys need to hurry up here before a patrol runs into us." Nautilus replied, doing her best to control her frustration. Looking over at the two company commanders with her and Argonaut, she motioned them over.

"Get your weapons platoons set up on the ridgeline here." She ordered, taking a map and pointing to where she wanted them to go. "And put a squad here with suppressed weapons in case the soldiers that were supposed to be here are a little late getting to their post."

"Maybe they don't man the battery at night." Argonaut half hoped, and half offered.

Nautilus just her sister an eyebrow raise. "We're not that lucky."

After what felt like ages, Buchanan finally trudged up the road in full rigging, a combination of a Thompson submachine gun and her old bow cradled in her arms as another two hundred plus Royal Marine Commandos raced up past her and took up their positions for the assault. "What's the situation?"

"Waiting for the other shoe to drop." Argonaut replied as the two subs led Buchanan up the hill where the weapons platoons were set up. "We're all set up for the push once your boys get in position, but we don't know when the next patrol will come down to man the battery."

"At least the shooting hasn't started yet." Buchanan innocently replied. The words no sooner left her mouth than the cracks of rifles rang out, followed by several bursts of a submachine gun. Wincing at the sound of gunfire, the destroyer looked over at two submarines glaring daggers at her. "Okay, you cannot blame that on me."

"It was your marines, so yes we can." Nautilus replied, pulling out a flare gun and firing it into the air to signal the attack. "Change of plans Benny!" She called out over the radio. "We've been made and are starting our assault. If you're boys aren't already on their way up, just stick with the LST's and hit the fort from the back end while we go in through the front."

"Understood commander. Godspeed and good luck."

Alarms could be heard coming from the fort, the blinking flashes of machine gun fire now visible as its defenses came to life. The marines answered in kind, .30 Caliber machine guns hammering away with short bursts while mortars began to rain down on the fort's walls. Buchanan hammered away with her three inch gun, cackling with glee as she tried to open holes in the wall for her troops.

Nautilus and Argonaut crept up next to the machine-guns, rigging at the ready. Argonaut spotted a machine gun nest hammering away at her boys and lined up both of her six inch guns on it. Her hands shook from the nerves creeping in, and she had to take a moment to steady herself before pulling the trigger.

The combination pistols-submarine hulls bucked in her hands. "Nice shot Argo!" She heard Nautilus call out as a series of secondary explosions began to pop off where she had been aiming. Nautilus' own shots smashed into one of the buildings being used as a barracks, sending the roof crashing down as flames began to roll out of the windows. She let out a breath she didn't even know she had been holding as she watched her marines make the slow, costly run up to the fort's walls.

Then, in the dim light of the flares and star shells drifting over the fort, she saw it. The massive turret slowly rotated towards them as rifle and machine gun fire pinged off its front.

"Down!" she screamed, grabbing her sister and Buchanan and throwing them down the hillside with her as Fort Campbell's shore batteries entered the fight. All three had their worlds turned upside down as the armor-piercing shell smashed into the hillside where they had been standing, tossing the remains of a machine gun crew into the air as it ricocheted off the hilltop and spun into the bay behind it. Dirt and rocks rained down around them as they struggled to regain their bearings.

"Come on!" Buchanan shouted as she shouldered her weapon and began throwing shells at where they had seen the muzzle flash. "We need to deal with that gun!" Scrambling for their rigging, Nautilus and Argonaut followed her tracers as they began throwing rounds at the gun mount. They fired as fast as they could, knowing they only had a minute at most before the gun finished reloading.

The three dove to the ground again as a series of smoke shells landed in front of them. "You girls look like you could use some help." Risking a glance back behind them, the three saw a company of M4 Shermans trundling up the hillside behind them. "Hope you don't mind us cutting in." LST 595 grinned as she and her sister hopped off the lead tank and summoned their rigging.

All around them two battalions of US Rangers stormed up the hill, the wave of reinforcements picking up their marine counterparts from the vanguard and carrying them towards the shattered walls of the fort. The two LST's, their rigging hanging from their shoulder like a satchel bag, raced over to the trio and helped them to their feet. "Benny called an audible seeing as our original plan went out the window." The two caught a few glances looking past them towards where they had come from and chuckled. "Don't worry, she's still out of sight. She just figured there wasn't much point to a blocking force if we didn't take the fort first."

The Shermans began to spread out as they approached the fort, all guns blazing as they covered the infantry assault. One of their number seemingly vanished as the fort's guns landed a direct hit on it, the fifteen inch shell leaving little more than scrap metal as it tore through the tank and buried itself into the hillside behind it.

As the quintet of shipgirls raced up towards the fort's walls, Argonaut's gaze drifted towards the scores of dead that now covered the hillside. She felt a shudder roll through her as they approached the remains of the wall as she spotted men who had been part of her crew.

"Hey!" Nautilus called out to her to grab her attention. Looking up, she saw her sister holding back tears herself. "We'll get them back soon enough."

"Alright, here's the plan." She said to the collection of shipgirls and officers. "LSTs and Rangers secure the fort entrance and Barracks. Bucky, my sister, and I will take the Marines and handle those gun positions."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Buchanan grunted as she reloaded her gun. "I'm sick of getting shot at by that damn shore gun!" She looked over at the LSTs. "You girls ready."

The two nodded.

Buchanan grinned. "Let's ram it down their throats then!" The three vaulted over the wall, all guns blazing at anything even remotely human shaped as they charged into the fort's interior with the rest of the task force hot on their heels.

A bullet from somewhere slammed into Buchanan as she turned towards the first gun position, knocking her on her back. "Fucking AT rifle." She called out as she stood back up, holding her shoulder. Another shot rang out, hitting Argonaut in the conning tower on her back and knocking her off balance as she ran over to assist.

"Fire control building!" Nautilus called out, ducking as a third shot narrowly missed her head. The two subs drew their weapons and put a full salvo of star shells into the control bunker, setting its interior ablaze. "You alright?" She asked Buchanan.

"I'll live." The destroyer grunted, ignoring the trickle of blood running down her arm. "Let's just get the job done already." Argonaut and Nautilus watched as the destroyer raced off with a platoon of commandos, before nodding to each other and heading off to their assigned guns.

Chaos ruled inside the base now. Gunshots and explosions rang out from all corners of it as defenders fought tooth and nail from any building and shell crater they were still holed up in. Argonaut caught movement out of the corner of her eye and swung around, catching a quartet of British soldiers in her sights. The men brought their own pistols up, before quickly lowering them. As they came into focus, Argonaut noticed the olive drab color of their uniforms. "You my demo team?" She asked the commandos.

"Oy!" The leader responded.

"Follow me then!"

There was already a collection of Marines and Commandos waiting outside the gun battery as Argonaut approached, the two closest to the door taking turns poking their Thompsons inside and firing off long bursts to keep the defenders' heads down. Argonaut let out a whistle as she ran up to them. The two marines nodded before they tossed in a pair of grenades.

Argonaut went through the doorway just as the blast wave from the grenades subsided, shrapnel pinging of her hull. Those closest to her fell to the ground as she fired off both her guns as if someone had flipped a switch on them, while those at the far side of the room were bathed in clouds of phosphorus. The humanoid abominations barely reacted to the fire and heat even as burning particles burrowed into their skin and set their uniforms alight, their rounds pinging off Argonauts hull as her marines stepped inside to finish them off.

One of the gun crew tried to ambush Argonaut as she made her way into the gun pit, narrowly missing her head as she ducked under the wrench he was swinging. Argonaut immediately popped back up inside his guard and smashed his head in with her rigging. She continued on her way towards where the crew quarters were, firing another star shell into each room to flush out any stragglers. While she secured the facility, the commandos set to work stuffing the firing chamber and aiming mechanism with thermite grenades. Their leader looked over at Argonaut, who nodded.

The whole gun erupted in a shower of sparks as metal slag ran out the breach. At the same time a tremendous boom shook the gun mount, throwing Argonaut to the floor as a cloud of dust erupted from a tunnel on the opposite side of the battery.

"Sorry, my boys found the main ammo storage and got a little carried away." Buchanan chuckled over the radio as Argonaut picked herself up and stumbled back outside. "Mount three's taken care of."

"Gun two is toast." Argonaut called out with a smile.

"Gun one, bagged and slagged." Nautilus added. "Make the call Benny."

A green flair flew up in the air from where the group had first landed. "Ben-Me-Chree to USS Texas, Fort is secure. Operation may commence."

"Copy that, Benny." Came a southern drawl. "You heard her girls, give em hell!" From their hilltop vantage point, Argonaut and the others saw the seas around the north tip of the island erupt in flames. Muzzle flashes rippled across the surface as Texas and the rest of the joint US-Italian task force began working over defensive installations that had been marked with IR beacons weeks in advance. LSTs swarmed the bays below them, auto-cannons and machine-guns suppressing defenses as their marine and Army units stormed ashore. Human transport helicopters and planes roared through the skies as they dashed further inland.

Nautilus walked over and put her arm around Argonauts shoulder. "Not a bad way to start an invasion!"

"Quit standing around you slackers!" Buchanan called out. "We still got a job to finish!"

The two looked at each other and nodded and made their way to the front gate. First up was taking the city of Mellieha and linking up with the invasion force. Then, south to Valletta… and an end to the war in the Mediterranean.
Chapter 83
December 7th, 2021

"You're not going to be extra moody today, are you?

Nevada glanced over at Oklahoma, who was already pulling at the collar of her Class A's to loosen it. "I know it's that day, I just need to know if I'm going to have to spend more time than usual running interference for you."

Nevada's gaze returned to the harbor, where the memorial wreaths were slowly drifting towards Hospital Point and her final resting place on that day seventy years ago. Seventy years, and it still felt like yesterday for her. She could still see Oklahoma's overturned hull, not fifty yards from where the two were standing…

She took a deep breath before turning back to Oklahoma with a smile. "Yeah, I'm good. What's the Sitrep for today?"

"Let's see…" Oklahoma reached into her coat and pulled out a small notepad. "The prank war between Naka and the destroyers seems to have hit a stalemate. I caught Spence and a few others setting up some fieldworks outside the lodge, but they all scattered before I could talk to them."

Nevada's disapproving frown must not have been all that subtle given Oklahoma's eye-roll. "Just let them have their fun sis." She scolded Nevada. "They all know where the line is and know better than to cross it. What's a little prank war we go back into the sawmill again."

"As long as they keep it clean." Nevada grumbled as she spotted a group of figures crossing the harbor from the drydocks. "We have any transfers coming in today?"

"Three cruisers and a dozen destroyers." Oklahoma replied, flipping through her notes. "Hold up." She looked back at Nevada. "Don't we already have a Walke on base?"

"That's the Sims." Spence called out as she skipped over, skidding to a stop next to the two battleships. "This one's a Sumner. Sorry, they made so many of us that even with 42 and 43 being really good years for famous dead guy names, we still had to do a bunch of repeats."

"Don't worry." Her sister Strong added as she skidded to a stop next to Spence. "Sully and Kidd have a plan to keep everyone's names straight. So…" She scuffed her shoe on the concrete. "We good to take the destroyers off your hands?"

Nevada just nodded, and the two Fletchers let out a whistle. Almost at once ever destroyer in the harbor raced over to the new arrivals and began peeling away their sisters and division mates away from the group.

"Hey, wait a minute you two." Oklahoma called out as the two jumped into the harbor. "What were you two doing out by the lodge the other night?"

The two destroyers stopped in their tracks, giving the battleship the biggest shit eating grins they could. "Sorry," They replied in unison. "We can neither confirm nor deny classified details about ongoing military operations."

"Still think we have nothing to worry about." Nevada grumbled as the two destroyers sailed past the approaching Baltimore and her two Oakland class escorts. "Alright girls." She called out as the trio made landfall. "Name, number, and service record. Starting with you Baltimore."

"Oregon City class, actually." The African American heavy cruiser replied with a rapid-fire Midwest accent. A florist's apron sat over her navy blue dress, and purple lilacs were weaved into her raven black hair. "USS Rochester, CA-124. Six stars in Korea, and two more since I came back. Point me at Abby ma'am, and I'll teach em a new definition of flower power."

"We'll keep that in mind." Oklahoma cheerfully replied as she went to shake the cruiser's hand. "USS Oklahoma, BB-37. The grumpy one over there's my sister Nevada."

"Not grumpy, I just have to be the responsible one all the time." Nevada grumbled as she shook Rochester's hand. "Listen, we're a little short on heavy cruisers at the moment. You okay working with a Japanese cruiser?"

"As long as she's okay working with me." Rochester replied with a smile. "Wouldn't be my first time working with the JMSDF."

It took a moment for Nevada to realize what Rochester was talking about, the idea of a shipgirl who had never been at war with Japan being that foreign to her. "That's…That's good to hear." She finally said as Rochester finally stepped back behind the other two.

The two nervously glanced between each other, silently arguing over who would go first. Finally the one on the right, a Hispanic girl with a large blue coat with padded shoulders draped over her NWU's, stepped forward. She took off her fedora, revealing a head of short choppy hair not unlike Atlanta's. "USS Oakland, CL-95."

"USS Reno, CL-96." Her sister added, her white duster billowing in the wind behind her as she tipped her Stenson towards the two battleships, Navy Colt revolver idly twirling in the other hand.. "Good to see you again Nevada."

"Good to see you two back." Nevada greeted. "How's the war going for you two?"

The two cruisers nervously glanced at each other. "We haven't been back all that long." Reno replied, flipping and spinning the revolver in more complex routines. "In fact, we were sent here so our sister could finish our training."

Oklahoma was absolutely giddy, and even Nevada couldn't help but smile. "Atlanta will be so excited to teach you two everything she knows."

Both the cruisers shoulders slumped at the news. "Why don't we get you girls set up with your rooms first, then we'll go track everyone down." Oklahoma offered, guiding the trio up towards the lodge.

"Wish mom had given us a little heads up." She whispered to Nevada. "Would have been nice to let Atlanta know her sisters were back."

Nevada frowned. "Probably better she didn't." She whispered back. "You know which sister her mind would have immediately gone to if we told her."

Glancing back at the two light cruisers, frowning again as she watched Reno continue to twirl the pistol, now swapping it back and forth between her hands. "Mind stowing the six shooter, Reno. Miss Enfield will raise holy hell if you put a hole in the ceiling."

"Sorry." Reno sheepishly replied as she quickly holstered the gun. "Nervous habit."

"It's just that we're not sure Atlanta's going to see us as sisters." Oakland added dejectedly as the group made their way into the lodge. "We're Oaklands, not Atlantas, and we weren't even off the slip yet when her and Juneau went down. She probably doesn't even know we exist."

The hotel was bustling now. Groups of destroyers and submarines hustled around as they grabbed a very delayed breakfast. Most of the girls were already out of their dress uniforms and back into their patrol clothes, and even the few who hadn't changed yet had at least lost the uniform coat. "Hello there." Elizabeth called out as she stepped forward, carefully balancing a serving tray in her hands as she dodged a pair of subs scampering upstairs to their rooms with a destroyer hot on their heels. "New arrivals I assume?"

Nevada nodded. "You know where Atlanta is?"

"Recreation room." Enfield replied with a smile. "Her, Nachi, and Naka are just finishing up their lesson."

Nevada was just about to ask what the doc had meant when a chorus echoed out from the repurposed conference room.

"She sells sea shells by the sea shore!" Around thirty to forty voices called out, their English ranging from good to passable if Nevada was being really generous. Poking her head into the door, she saw the three cruiser standing in front of a tv screen. On the other side was classroom of destroyers.

"Very good." Atlanta began, her heavily accented Japanese just on the functional side of indecipherable. One look from Rochester confirmed that yes, it was as bad as her crew was telling her. "Your lessons have progressing along quite…" At that point Atlanta went from stumbling through her words to flat out tripping over them. A wave of giggles escaped the destroyers, and even Nachi couldn't help it but let a smirk slip as Naka howled with laughter.

Something snapped in Nevada. Her fists clenched. It was bad enough those two were even in Pearl, spitting on her sisters graves as they sailed over them. They're very presence spit in the face of all the men that had died beating them back across the pacific. Now, as if that wasn't enough, th̆ey w̬e͓̚r͗e̶ moc̞̠͝k̲i̓͜ng̜ a͙ńd̂͟ ḑ̸͐ẻͥͩm̿eḁ̈̓n_͍̥i͙ng̦͉̊ a m̢̙͕eͨ̐͠ṃ̏b̬̂͆eͦr̩̬̰ o̵̳͐f h͊eͬr͗̅ͣ c͆ͬ̄õ̋̄m_ṁ̹̀aͣnd.͔ A̘̯ g̙̈i̲ͪr͍͝l͐̋ w̨͑̄hő̵̳ ha͊d̋̐ s_h̺̆ow̹ń̋ th͙͊e͍͙͋m͈̗̐ n̢͍͑ot̷͆h̖͆ì̤̅n͛̀̒g b̖ͩ_utͨ̕ fr̜i̩͆endsͪh͍̫ïͦp͓ͥ d̴͟e̷͛͞sp͖̑ī̮͖t̤̀͗e͖̲͡ ev̢̰ͯęr̳̞ͤy̅t̥͚ͅhi̮ng̈ t͇h̻͊e̛͉͟y ha͇̼̚d̀ dọͭ͠nͯ͢e to̔̑ h͆́̾er._͆.̳̣̦.͖͝

A hand on her shoulder brought Nevada back to reality. Turning around she saw Elizabeth standing behind her with a knowing look on her face. The three cruisers retreated behind the doc, and even Oklahoma had a concerned look on her face. "Sorry Doc, today just has me jumpy."

The look on Elizabeth's face told Nevada she didn't buy that excuse for a second. "See me once you're done here." The doctor sternly replied. "Doctor's orders."

"Is everything alright?" Atlanta asked as she walked over with the two Japanese cruisers. "You're bleeding."

Nevada looked down at her hand, where blood trickled down in a thin stream from where her nails had dug into her skin. "It's nothing kiddo." She tried to reassure Atlanta. "What's going on here?"

"English lessons for our destroyers." Nachi replied, holding out a handkerchief to Nevada that was reluctantly accepted. "Atlanta volunteered to help us."

"I just thought it would help if we all spoke the same language during the invasion." Atlanta nervously offered.

"No, you're good kiddo. Just an old war horse dealing with old warhorse things." Nevada ruffled Atlanta's hair with her good hand. "I see you're practicing your Japanese."

"She's actually not doing to bad for it being only a couple of weeks." Naka offered.

"If you say so." Rochester muttered.

"Right." Oklahoma quickly interjected, pushing the heavy cruiser to the forefront. "Nachi, this is USS Rochester. She'll be under your command until the Northampton's get back."

"It's an honor you would trust me with this duty." The Japanese heavy cruiser replied with a smile. "I will treat her as if she was one of my own sisters. Any news on when Northampton and Augusta will be back?"

Oklahoma and Nevada just shook their heads. "Still stuck on the outskirts of Valletta."

"I see." Nachi replied, glancing over at the two light cruisers behind them, and then back over at Atlanta. A thin smile spread across her face as she guided Rochester a little deeper into the room and out of the way.

"Atlanta." Nevada cautiously pushed Oakland and Reno to the forefront. "I have someone I want you to meet-"

That was as far as she got before Atlanta launched herself at the two cruisers and wrapped them up in a hug, tears running down her face as she brought them in close to her. The three silently stood there for minutes as Oakland and Reno returned the hug. Atlanta finally let up, her grip on her two sisters only loosening. "Oakland and Reno, right?" She finally asked the two.

Oakland and Reno were speechless, their eyes lighting up having not expected such a warm welcome. Finally, Oakland seemed to find her voice. "You know who we are?" She finally stammered.

"Why wouldn't I?" Atlanta replied with a smile, pulling the two in close again. "I wouldn't be a very good older sister if I didn't memorize your names after I came back. You two look just like what Juneau and I imagined when we heard you were being built."

"Really?" Naka asked from her spot off to the side of the room. "You don't look like sisters?"

Nevada watched as Oakland winced at the remark, and as one both Atlanta and Reno swung around to face the Japanese cruiser. "Care to explain?" They growled in unison, hands slipping into their jackets.

For her part, Naka just stood there as she tried to figure out where she had insulted a good friend and her friend's sister. Finally her gaze moved to Oakland, and something finally clicked in her head as she looked at the Hispanic cruisers. "Uh…I didn't mean it like that, I swear." She put her hands up defensively. "It's just that in Japan all the ships of the same class look… You know what, this will be easier if I just show you."

She pulled out her phone and walked over to the group, showing them a picture of her with two girls dressed in the same safety orange dresses and black elbow length gloves. "These are my sisters, Jintsuu and Sendai. See how we're all wearing the same clothes."

"That's what you meant…" Reno finally replied as Atlanta and her relaxed. "Sorry, usually when someone brought that up with us in the war, they were getting ready to make dumbass racist remark to San Juan or Oakland."

"Guess we've never really thought about our clothes." Oakland added, looking at her coat. "But I mean it's still a kind of a similar style, and technically we're only Atlanta's half-sisters."

"Not to me you're not." Atlanta quickly reminded her as she promptly squeezed the sisters to her sides again. She looked over at Nevada, who was standing off to the side with a smile on her face. "I'll have them on the patrol schedule by the end of the day."

"Actually, Atlanta?" Reno sheepishly replied. "We still need to finish our training first."

Nevada watched as a smile spread across Atlanta's face. "I think Sully and I can get that taken care of. Come on." She said, dragging her sisters back into the lobby with Naka right behind them. "I have a lot of destroyers I need to introduce you too."
1st Shipgirl Squadron, 2nd Fleet
Home Port: Norfolk, Virginia
Nickname: "The Old Guard"
Motto: "Age Before Beauty"

Notable operations:
United States, Eastern Seaboard Defense Campaign, 2020-
Operation Tsunami: Rubaul (USS Saratoga, USS Lexington) 2021
Operation Megara: Invasion of Malta, 2021
Operation Daybreak: Invasion of Attu, 2022

Atlantic fleet in all but name. Nickname comes from the near universal pre- 2nd London Naval Treaty construction dates for the squadron.

"You know what they say, fear those who grow old in a profession where most die young." USS Maryland BB-46
2nd Shipgirl Squadron, 4th Fleet
Home Port: Naval Base Kitsap
Nickname: "The Alaskan Express"
Motto: "Head on North"

Notable Operations:
Alaskan defense Campaign: 2020-
Operation Sandbar: Invasion of Midway (USS Missouri), 2021
Operation Typhoon: Aleutians, 2021
Operation Typhoon: Rubaul (USS Missouri,USS Helena), 2021
Operation Daybreak: Invasion of Attu, 2022

Northern Pacific Command. Technically a JTF since it includes RCN-Pacific fleet as well. As the nickname implies, most combat operations take place off the Alaskan Coast. Has a reputation for high op tempo's and aggressive tactics thanks to their admiral.

"You want to prove yourself under my command, Head on North!"- ADMR Robert Graff
3rd Shipgirl Squadron, 3rd Fleet
Homeport: NS Pearl Harbor
Nickname: "Task Force Alamo
Motto: "Still Waiting"

Notable Operations:
Hawaiian Defense Campaign: 2020-
Operation Sandbar: Invasion of Midway, 2021
Operation Tsunami: Rubaul, 2021
Operation Megara: Invasion of Malta (USS Augusta, USS Northampton), 2021
Operation Daybreak: Invasion of Attu, 2022

"They told me to expect a withdrawal order within a month of being promoted, I'm still waiting for that order."- ADMR Chris Enfield
4th Shipgirl Squadron, 3rd Fleet
Homeport: NS Panama City
Nickname: "The Iron Fleet"
Motto: "Look for Wisconsin"

Notable Operations:
Panama Canal Defense Campaign: 2020-
Primary Escort-Australia/South Pacific convoys, 2020-
Operation Sandbar: Invasion of Midway, 2021
Operation Tsunami: Rubaul, 2021
Operation Daybreak: Invasion of Attu, 2022

Losses: USS Boyle (Operation Tsunami, USS Frazier (Operation Tsunami)

"My command might not not have the scrappy underdog look of the 3rd, or a documentary crew permanently attached like the 2nd. What it does have is an AO that stretches all the way to Sydney and a group of girls willing to put in the blood sweat and tears needed to keep it open and help out wherever else they were needed. You want to know where the hardest fighting in the Pacific was at any point in the war... Look for Wisconsin and you'll find it!
Chapter 84
December 25th​, 2021

Reno's hands trembled at the controls of her rigging. Risking a glance over at Oakland through the downpour that was hanging over the seas around Pearl like a shroud, she saw that her sister was thinking the exact same thing as her.

Does anything want to work with us today?

She sent a pleading look to Atlanta, only for it to be intercepted by Lucifer in the form of a destroyer. The monster's ponytail twitched back and forth like the dorsal fin of a shark that had smelled blood as her steely grey eyes shifted between her two victims, sending a shiver around down their keels. Even Atlanta, who was well out of the line of fire, was slowly backing away from the impending massacre.

"Eyes down here you two!" USS The Sullivans called out. "Look at me, I'm the destroyer leader now. One more set of puppy dog eyes sent her way, and I'm sending Atlanta back to Pearl to wait for us. Understand?"

"Yes Satan." Oakland and Reno grumbled.

"Excuse me?"

Both cruisers scrambled to attention. "Yes Ma'am!"

"I don't know Sully." Atlanta hemmed and hawed. Reno could see her face contorting as her responsibilities as a division leader and being an older sister had a knock-down, drag-out fight inside her head. "It's pouring out, and it is Christmas."

"And we're going to be late to the party!" Reno and Oakland pleaded.

Their pleas fell on deaf ears. "Then it's a good thing we're only going to be out here as long as it takes you two to stop complaining and finish this evaluation. Think about it this way, manage to pass this test, and you'll probably break your sister's records next..." Sully's hand went to cover her mouth as she stifled a laugh. "What happened to you?"

"Your sisters happened." Naka groaned as she sailed over next to Atlanta. Light and dark blue splotches covered her orange dress, creating a rather interesting camo pattern as it mixed with the sea spray and began to run down it. "A whole Desron ambushed me on the way down to the pier!"

"At least now you have some Measure 12 like us." Atlanta replied, trying her best to hide her smirk.

Naka's eyes narrowed. "You knew, didn't you?" She hissed. Atlanta said nothing, but did make a point of averting her gaze. "It doesn't matter." Naka continued, her accent transforming into a more formalized English as she reached into her bag for her phone. "The dress is magic, and revenge is already in motion. No harm, no foul as they say."

"So why are you filming?" Reno nervously asked.

"Posterity." Naka replied, flashing that trademark idol smile of hers. "Years from now, you two and your sister will be able to watch this and laugh."

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Sullivans called out, sailing over to the two. "The drills simple. See those two targets over there?" she said, pointing to the two destroyer sized targets sitting approximately ten thousand yards away. "I want ten salvoes, and not a shell more. Straddles by salvo three, and at least 14 hits each. Do that, and we get to go inside."

The two cruisers nodded and took up their firing positions.


Reno closed her eyes, letting her radar take over. The scope was muddy from the storm, but even with the driving bands of rain the target was clear in her sights. Her guns swung into position and opened fire, spent shell casings rattling across her decks as she waited for her shell splashes to show up on her radar…

And waited…

And waited some more…

Panic began to set in as Reno realized the shell splashes were being lost among the waves and squalls from the storm. Her only solace was that Oakland seemed to be having the same problem if the lack of gunfire from her was anything to go by.

"Stop staring down your scopes!" Sullivans shouted. "You have two sets of eyes, use them!"

Taking a breath to steady herself, Reno switched to her visual rangefinders and fire along the same elevation and bearing. To her relief, the shells only landed a few hundred yards short of the mockup bobbing up and down in the waves. Her next salvo straddled the target.

At that point she sent down the order to her turret crews. Seven rounds rapid! By the time the last round had left the barrel, a nice cloud of smoke had enveloped both cruisers. "How'd we do?" She asked as the smoke cleared, shifting her weight to let the last few casings roll off her deck.

"Still relying on radar too much." Sullivans grumbled. "But by my count you both passed."

Reno and Oakland could barely let out a sigh of relief before Atlanta tackled them both, squealing for joy. Reno could hear clapping in the distance, assuming it was just Naka until she saw the look in Atlanta's eyes as she glanced past Reno. Turning around she saw a heavy cruiser sailing towards them. The girl with long red hair running down the side of her head in a simple braid, was slowly clapping as she approached.

"Well, well, well squirt." The cruiser said. "I guess it is true. Those who can't do, do teach."

The change in Atlanta was immediate as she pushed between her two sisters. Fairies swarmed over her rigging as they rushed to their combat stations. Gun turrets rotated into their ready positions, not outright aiming at the newcomers but close enough that she'd be the first to get a salvo off if things came to blows. "What do you do want, Augusta?"

"Just seeing what bad habits of yours I'm going to have to teach out of your sisters." Augusta replied with a smirk, pointing towards the targets they had just been shooting at. "I see you are already letting your cowardice infect them."

Reno couldn't understand what Augusta was getting at. Was she considering Atlanta a coward because she wasn't teaching Reno and her sister to death ride at battleships like she had been forced to do? She could read her sister though, and everything she saw told her the two had history.

"Augusta." Atlanta growled, her hair going from red to a more of a black with red highlights as she got right up in Augusta's face. "Never go near my sisters!"

"Or you'll do what pipsqueak?" Augusta chuckled. "I'm ready to go any time you are."

Atlanta suddenly recoiled from Augusta, revealing the two turrets that the heavy cruiser had been aiming at her head. Her breathing was heavy and ragged as she fell back into the water. Reno and Oakland both moved to protect her, their vision turning red.

Sullivans was even faster though. "Ex-fucking-cuse me you overgrown tin can!" She yelled, grabbing Augusta by the back of her neck and slamming her down under the waves. When the pair bobbed up, Augusta was gasping for air and Sullivans had twisted the offending limb to its limit in an arm bar. "In what fucking world do you think aiming a loaded gun at anyone is acceptable!"

Atlanta still seemed to be in shock as Reno and Oakland rushed over to her, not even seeming to notice the two as they helped her to her feet. "Lucky, get down." She muttered, cradling some sort of imaginary figure in her arms.

"Take her to the doc!" Sully ordered as she pulled Augusta back to her feet, whipping out a length of tow line to wrap around the cruiser's wrists. "Naka and I are going to take Augusta back to Pearl so I can have a nice long chat with the admiral."


"Augusta's really stepped in it this time!" Nevada grumbled as she and Oklahoma raced over to the admiral's office.

"Tell me about it." Oklahoma seethed as she finished buttoning up her uniform coat. "I should have tossed clear back to Dago when the subs first told us about this."

The two knocked on the door before quietly entering. Augusta stood in middle of the room with her back to the door, Sullivans standing next to her as her bailiff. Over in the darkest, most out of the way corner she could find, Naka did her best to blend into the wall as her orange dress would allow. "Ah, Nevada, Oklahoma." Admiral Enfield sat at his desk, their mother on a tv screen behind him. "Good to see you got my message."

"Didn't need to sir." Nevada replied, glaring at Augusta as she did so. "We were at the lodge when Reno and Oakland brought Atlanta in."

"More like dragged her through the front door." Oklahoma growled, looking back up at Augusta. "You know she still hasn't said a single word since your little fight?"

Augusta just snorted. "Then maybe she should have thought of that before trying to pull a fast one."

"Commander. I would suggest choosing your words more carefully." Admiral Enfield warned as he motioned Oklahoma and Nevada to join him at his desk. He fixed Augusta with a stare that sent even Nevada's own crew running for cover. She struggled to remember a time she had ever seen an admiral this mad, other than maybe that time Arizona's crew smuggled a prostitute onboard. "I know the Uniform Code of Military Justice was invented after your time, but you've had plenty of time to adjust to your new orders."

"And just what charges are you thinking?" South Carolina asked. A chill went down Nevada's spine as she heard the icy tone in her mother's voice.

"Articles 93, 114, and 115 for starters." Enfield replied, grabbing some papers from his desk. "Naka, please step forward with the evidence."

"Yes sir." Naka cautiously approached the three and handed them her phone. "Can I just say…" The cruiser trailed off, nervously glancing over at Nevada. "I wasn't trying to catch anything. I was just trying to film Reno and Oaklands graduation for Atlanta when Augusta showed up and.."

"Tra-Naka." Naka's gaze snapped to Nevada. "You're fine. Just let us see the video."

Naka had thankfully skipped over everything up to when Augusta showed up. The three watched as Augusta sailed up to the group. While distance and the weather made it impossible for Nevada to make out what was said, she could still get the general gist from the body language. Atlanta moved to put herself between Augusta and her little sisters, getting within feet of the heavy cruiser. Her crew at battle stations and all weapons pointed generally ahead...

Then she saw Augusta's turrets rotate, her guns elevating until they were aimed at Atlanta's head. Atlanta noticed the imminent threat and recoiled in horror, at which point the video cut out as it transitioned into blurry movement.

"Please send me a copy, so I can forward it to South Carolina." Enfield calmly replied. Naka saluted, before turning back to Augusta. "Commander, I want you to understand what you did is no different than a service member training a loaded rifle at one of his compatriots."

"You saw the video." Augusta tried to defend herself. "She was coming at me, loaded for bear. I had every right to defend myself."

"I suppose that's one way to view what happened, and maybe someone who'll read a report will agree with that." Both battleships turned to Enfield, who signaled them to wait. "But given the numerous other incident reports we've received regarding your behavior towards Atlanta, and Sullivans' and Naka's testimony, allow me to paint a different one. You made statements that Atlanta rightfully took as threats aimed either herself or Oakland and Reno. She decides to stand up to you, if not for herself, than for her little sisters… at which point you decided to throw your career away be responding in the single most irresponsible way possible."

"Sir." Augusta faltered, the gravity of the situation finally hitting her. "You're taking the word of a coward."

A sharp crack echoed through the room. "Coward!" Oklahoma hissed as she let go of the admiral's desk and let the splinters clatter to the floor. Her hair and complexion were snow white, making her blood red irises stand out even more. She stormed towards Augusta with murderous intent in her eyes. "That's a pretty damning word to describe someone who lost more in thirty minutes THAN YOU DID IN THIRTY FUCKING YEARS!"

She grabbed Augusta by the shoulders. "She came back despite everything that happened to her, and since then she has performed every duty asked of her!" Oklahoma's voice was more a feral growl now. "But no, because she won't throw herself at the enemy like a suicidal fool, you've decided-"

"Okie!" Nevada grabbed her sister by the arm. "You've made your point!"

Oklahoma looked down at the shaken cruiser, the color returning to her. She quickly turned around and saluted the admiral. "Sir I-"

"Go take Naka back to the lodge and check on Atlanta." Enfield ordered. Oklahoma just nodded, swiftly exiting the room with Naka right behind her. "As for you Commander." His gaze fixed on Augusta again. "I want you confined to quarters for the night, and in the morning, I better see you on the tarmac waiting for the mourning resupply flight to take you to San Diego."

As Sullivans took Augusta out of the office, Enfield fell back into his chair. "One hell of a Christmas present, huh?"

"And I'm afraid I don't have a particularly good stocking stuffer for you two." South Carolina solemnly added. "Even with this evidence I can't promise a trial, much less a conviction."

"Navy politics?" Nevada asked, earning a nod from her mother. "The more things change…"

"It's still more than enough for me to transfer her out of my base, and away from Atlanta." Enfield reminded her. "I just wish we had gotten evidence like this sooner."

He got up and started shooing Nevada towards the door. "Your mom and I can finish up the paperwork Captain, go enjoy the party. I'll be with you girls shortly."


"Coming!" Atlanta called out as she heard the knock on her hotel room door. Taking a moment, she looked at herself over once again in the mirror. Naka had been nice enough to let her borrow an outfit, a really cute, if low cut, Santa themed red and white dress and cape combo. Of course, a cute outfit couldn't stop the feelings of self-doubt that had started seeping into her thoughts ever since her run in with Augusta.

"No, stop it." She told herself as she pulled the neckline of her dress up a little. "You're good enough, no matter what she says."

Somehow, those words felt a lot hollower than when Elizabeth had said them.

"Wow…" Naka replied as soon as the door opened, appearing a little starstruck. She didn't look that bad herself. Dressed in a red and green patterned kimono, the cruiser had let her hair out of her usual buns and tied it up with a cute red bow. "You need this more than I do." She said, holding out her makeup case.

Atlanta just chuckled as she led Naka inside. "That bad, huh?"

"Mostly just like you've spent the whole afternoon crying your eyes out." Naka offered, holding up the case so she could figure out which color worked best with Atlanta's complexion. "You'll be happy to know she's going to be out of your hair."

Atlanta's head dipped tears running down her face. "She was right about me though. I melted as soon as I saw those gun barrels. I'm weak."

As she continued to cry, Atlanta felt a hand gently push her head back up. Blinking away the tears she saw Naka's face inches away from hers. "You're not weak." She said, giving Atlanta a reassuring smile as she started drying Atlanta's eyes. "No one who has gone through what we have and still serves on the line is weak."

"Now hold still and close your eyes so I can get this done." She teased as she started applying makeup to Atlanta. "It'll only be a minute."

"Thanks Naka. I know this wasn't your fight."

"Think nothing of it." Naka replied as she finished up. "I still owed you for helping me with Tone. Now just keep your eyes closed for another minute so the makeup can set."

Atlanta could have swore she heard Naka run out of her room as she patiently waited, a little dread seeping in as she tried to figure out what the idol was up too.

"Alright. Open up!" Naka called out as she reentered the room. Atlanta did so… and gasped. "Merry Christmas!" Naka cheerfully greeted, holding a Katana and Tanto. The scabbards of both were decorated in the same camo pattern of Atlanta's rigging. She gingerly took the sword, popping the seal of the scabbard just enough to catch the glint of the steel underneath. "I know we're both going to be on the beach on Attu, and you can't be a proper officer without a sword."

Atlanta's hands trembled as she looked back up at Naka. "How did you?"

"Philip knew a guy in San Diego who does good work." Naka replied with a smirk. "Tenryu might pitch a fit about it not being authentic Japanese, but she'll teach you how to use it all the same when she gets over here." She placed the Tanto on the bed. "I just wanted to make sure I gave you this before the party."

"You mean you wanted to make sure you didn't have to leave two swords unattended in a room full of destroyers." Atlanta countered, reaching under her bed for a small box and handing it to Naka. "I should probably do the same thing too."

She opened the case, revealing a pistol. "Rock island Armory 1911." She cheerfully replied, taking the pistol out and clearing it to show Naka it was empty before handing it over to her. "Adjustable rear sight, ambidextrous controls, match grade trigger, and double stack magazine with fourteen rounds of 45 ACP. There's been talk about giving you and the other JMSDF girls spare M17's, but a lot of us feel like you girls need to carry a real pistol into combat."

"You mean a 1911 because none of you lived long enough to realize 9mm is more than good enough for the job." Naka teased as she worked the slide a few times. "Thank you."

The two began to put away their presents when the phone in her room rang. "Hello!" Naka cheerfully answered as Atlanta tried to scramble over her bed. "Alright Mrs. Elizabeth, I'll tell her." She hung up the phone. "You need to get downstairs, it seems your sisters found your boyfriend."

Naka's words sent Atlanta racing down the hallway and downstairs to the lobby. As reported Reno and Oakland had cornered Wilkins against the wall. Both were in their 'original' outfits. Black dress coat, red blouse, and black pencil skirt with stockings for Oakland, and the full cowgirl routine for Reno. "So…" Oakland said, catching Atlanta out of the corner of her eye. "This is the boyfriend?"

"Yes…" Atlanta groaned as she walked over and pulled Wilkins out from between the two. "Now, please leave him alone."

"I suppose so." Reno smirked as she gave Wilkins one last once over. "Just remember Doc, we've both got our eyes on you."

"They're a little overprotective." Wilkins joked as Atlanta led him into the conference room turned dance hall. "Heard about Augusta, you alright?"

"I'll live." Atlanta muttered.

"You look nice." Atlanta froze, a blush spreading across her face as she crossed her arms over her chest. Wilkins just chuckled. "Let me guess, Naka's idea as a Christmas present for me?"

Atlanta let out a sigh. "About that… I'm sorry. Just with my sisters coming back and everything, I forgot to get a present for you."

"Well, that makes things easier for me." Wilkins chuckled. "I kinda got caught in the invasion prep work too." He put his arm around Atlanta. "We'll just call a mulligan on this year and count our company as good enough."

Atlanta reached up on her tip toes and planted a kiss on Wilkins cheek, before guiding him towards their table. Black curtains blocked off about half of the room, with most of the rest taking up by circular dining tables and a mountain of presents in one corner.

The room quickly began to fill as more and more girls filed in. Naka, Oakland, and Reno quickly took seats next to Atlanta and Wilkins, taking turns mercilessly teasing the two as only sisters and honorary sisters could.

"Oh… that is so cute." Reno squealed as Naka showed them the picture she had taken of Atlanta underneath an Akatsuki cuddle pile. "Those four look so adorable."

"They really are." Naka giggled. :You both are going to die of cuteness overdose once they come over here next month."

"Hey Atlanta." The quintet looked up to see Northampton standing at their table in an elegant white ballgown. The cruiser's eyes were heavy, and she looked emotionally exhausted. "Is this seat taken?"

"Depends." Oakland grumbled before Atlanta could respond, glaring daggers at the heavy cruiser. "You looking to finish what your sister started?"

"Oakland!" Atlanta scolded.

"It's alright Atlanta." Northampton just smiled. "She's just being a good sister." She looked over at the five. "Augusta's made her bed, I just wish I had noticed it and put my foot down before it got this bad."

"You were just trying to be a good sister." Atlanta replied, pouring a glass of water for Northampton from the pitcher on the table.

"Augusta might be my sister, but she didn't sail the slot." Northampton replied as she accepted the glass. "To the new year and kicking that ice queen's ass in it." She added, raising it.

"Good, it looks like everyone's here." The room turned its attention to the front stage where Admiral Enfield and his wife were standing. "I know it's been a tough year for everyone here. We've welcomed new additions, gotten our first real victories, and taken more than our fair share of knocks. I've expected the best from you all, and you've delivered on the expectation."

The room raised their glasses.

"Now as I said, I expect the best." Enfield raised his hand towards the curtains. "And I deliver the best. Here's the food." The first set of curtains went down revealing a full buffet. "And here's the entertainment…" The next set fell to reveal a full brass band. "Have fun, that's an order!"

Needless to say, this was one order no one had any problem obeying.
Chapter 85
A light snowfall had dusted Yokosuka overnight. The faint white glistening in the morning over the base's natural and artificial environment was something like a work of Utagawa Hiroshige. Nagato took a moment to admire the view from her office window before she went for her phone. She steadied her camera slowly, then snapped a quick picture and sent it to one of the many group chat's she was a part of.

Mikuma: Sweet! I think we just found next month's group project!

Chitose: Aw, I was hoping for some cool pictures of Hawaii to paint.

Kuma: Shut up Chitose. We've painted nothing but tropical islands for the last few months. A little winter landscape won't hurt.

Nagato smiled as the art club continued to debate, glad to see a discussion about something other than fighting and war. She gazed out the window and took another sip of her coffee as shipgirls and sailors alike scurried about to finish last minute preparations for the voyage to America.

"Enter!" She called out as she heard a series of knocks on her door. A young woman, dressed in a white long sleeve sailor's blouse with a navy-blue color, matching blue skirt, and brown thigh high boots entered. A trail of papers drifted to the floor behind her as she raced over with a loose pile tucked close to her chest.

"Apologies." The light cruiser sleepily mumbled as she set the pile down along with her oversized travel mug of coffee and began handing them to Nagato. "Weather reports, submarine sightings for the entire Pacific… Force estimates for both Wake and Attu from the Americans that's hiding somewhere in here…"

An aggravated sigh escaped Nagato as she walked around her desk and grabbed the cruiser by her shoulders, eliciting a subtle squeak from the girl. "Ooyodo?" she asked, fixing the cruiser's glasses and matting down her frizzled black hair. A small blush ran across Ooyodo's face. "When was the last time you slept?"

"About a week ago." Ooyodo admitted, taking off her glasses to rub the bags under her eyes. "I'll get some sleep once I get all these reports done… and when your fleet's off to America… and when the next months' worth of duty schedules are completed."

"No!" Nagato sternly commanded, causing Ooyodo to go stiff as a board. "I didn't give you command along with Shokaku and Yamato, just to watch you burn yourself out before I even leave Yokosuka. Rest, that's an order."

"Hai!" Ooyodo instinctively responded, before setting one last report on Nagato's desk. "I just want you to know, there hasn't been a sighting of BB-47 or Am- The Battlecruiser in the past three days."

Nagato grimly nodded. While government officials and military higher ups were still dancing around the subject in the name of 'national security' and 'ongoing operations', the eyewitness reports from those lucky enough to survive the encounter with this new demon were very clear.

Akagi's sister now stalked the Central Pacific. Dozens of light escorts and transports had disappeared since her first sighting, their fate something no one dared even contemplate. Nagato just nodded, taking the report from Ooyodo and guiding the cruiser towards the door.

The two had just left the office when a high-pitched squeal resonated from the far end of the hallway as a young woman dressed in the white flowing robes, brown skirt and black thigh high boots of a Shrine Maiden raced around the corner in a full sprint. Before either could react, the approaching brown-haired figure had closed the distance, front flipped over a poor secretary diving for cover, and launched herself at the two.


Nagato felt the air get knocked out of her lungs as the priestess impacted her at full speed and knocked her to the ground. "Kongo." She wheezed, looking up at the battlecruiser now straddling her.

"Nagato." Kongo replied with a grin, her gray eyes looking at Nagato like an overly energetic high schooler around their best friend. "You didn't think you could leave without a goodbye hug, did you?"

It was at that moment Nagato became aware of two things. The squeak of the cruiser wedged between the two embraced capital ships whose face now had the same matching color as Nagato's socks, and the giggling of her sister from one of the offices behind her. "Kongo…" She growled.

"Dess?" Kongo asked, cocking her head and giving Nagato a carefree smile. Her eyes slowly followed Nagato's towards Ooyodo. "Shit, sorry Ooyodo!" she called out, dragging the cruiser to her feet and dusting her off.

Ooyodo bobbed back and forth drunkenly, her eye's half awake. "Ooyodo is okay." She mumbled sleepily. Nagato just let out a long aggravated sigh.

"Take Ooyodo back to her room and make sure she gets some sleep." Nagato's sister, Mutsu commanded as she stepped past Nagato. The battleship's emerald eyes glistened with mischievous glee. "Then get back to your sisters and make sure everyones prepared for your mission." Kongo smiled and threw up a sloppy salute, before grabbing Ooyodo and carrying her off down the hallway.

"Oh, don't give me that look." Mutsu teased as she brushed a few locks of her short brown hair behind her ear, ignoring the glare Nagato was giving her. "Kongo's just worried, you know how she gets whenever there's a long expedition."

"Doesn't mean you get to use her to embarrass me like that." Nagato grumbled as Mutsu helped her up. Her gaze immediately turned to the phone in Mutsu's hand. "How many?"

"Really." Mutsu gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth in mock outrage. "Me, take advantage and photograph my uptight sister in a scandalous position." She easily dodged Nagato's attempt to obtain the incriminating electronic device, flashing a cheeky grin as she did so. "Okay, maybe I took a few when Kongo and Ooyodo were sitting on top of you."

"Why must you insist on acting like a gossiping schoolgirl?"

"Probably because I was funded by them." Mutsu nonchalantly admitted as the two made their way outside towards the docks.

Yokosuka's docks buzzed with activity Nagato hadn't seen since Operation Sho-Go. Destroyers raced to and fro, loading up canvas satchel bags with energy bars and other rations for the long voyage to Hawaii. Their minder, a girl in her late teens with short purple hair and stylistic eyepatch over her left eye, squatted on a rock nearby with her katana resting on her shoulder as she chewed on a toothpick.

Further down the docks, Nagato could make out the teal school uniform and sea green ponytail of Yubari as she helped a quartet of US Navy fast transports push a pair of cruise ship lifeboats into the water. With a final push the two hastily repainted CRV55s slid down the ramp into the harbor. "Are you sure these will work?"

"Don't worry, seaweed brain." One of the repurposed destroyers put her arm around Yubari's shoulder as her sister went about triple checking the knots on the tow lines. "These things are designed to stay upright in a storm. As long as we avoid letting anyone put a hole in them, we'll be fine."

"Everything ready for the voyage?" Nagato asked, walking up to them.

Yubari and the destroyers dropped what they were holding and scrambled to attention. "Everything's set ma'am." One of the girls, USS Little if Nagato remembered right. "Shelters are loaded and secure, and we're loaded with enough extra rations to get you girls to New York City the long way."

Nagato gave her a curt nod. "Thank you for agreeing to this. I know our intended path is risky to say the least."

"Operating in the slot right after Savo was risky." Little replied as she flashed that classic destroyer smirk. "This is a fucking pleasure cruise in comparison."

"How soon can we be ready to sail?"

Little glanced at her watch. "You said you wanted to be on the road by 0800. I think we can manage that."

Leaving them to their work, Nagato and Mutsu continued on to the archery range. They had been expecting to find a gaggle of Escort Carriers all practicing. Instead a lone figure dressed in a scarlet kimono and navy blue hakama graced the water. The lone carrier was still as a statue, the faintest twitch of her ponytail in the wind the only movement as she let her arrow fly.

The arrow burst into flames before turning into a stubby Type 96 fighter. The fixed-wing carrier fighter zoomed around the range, strafing a few of the submarine targets before flying back to the flight deck on her right arm. "Impressive!" Nagato called out as Mutsu clapped.

The carrier jumped, nearly dropping her bow as she spun around. "Nagato-san, Mutsu-san. I didn't know you were watching."

"It's alright Houshou." Nagato smiled as the carrier climbed out of the water and dispelled her rigging. "We were just checking on you and your division." She looked around one last time, just to make sure she hadn't missed them. "Where are they?"

"Enjoying one last meal before the journey." Houshou smiled. "It's the least they deserve after all the hard work they've all put in." She reached into a knapsack beside her. "Here," She replied as took out a pair of rice balls. "You too look famished. When's the last time you ate?"

"Far earlier than my sister cares to admit." Mutsu preempted Nagato as she took the snacks and passed one to her sister. A small giggle escaped her lips as she bit down into it. "Delicious as always."

"How are you doing with the Americans?" Nagato asked, preferring to wait until her business had concluded before enjoying her meal. "I understand your feelings-"

A chill went down her keel as Houshou cut her off with a glare. "My quarrel is with the monsters that killed my daughters." she hissed. "Not children who barely even saw the war." Nagato and Mutsu took a step back.

"Sorry." Houshou added, taking a second to compose herself before turning back to Nagato. "It's just… This plan you and South Carolina made has me a little on edge. Do you think this master plan she has will work?"

Nagato reached out for Houshou's shoulder. "What I think doesn't matter. What I know is that we won't have peace until every inch of the Pacific is cleansed, and we can't accomplish that without more funerals than I'm comfortable with. I know this plan is difficult for you and others to stomach, but just remember you're doing so to save your daughters."

Houshou nodded. "Of course." She stepped back out into the harbor, summoning her rigging and firing off another arrow. "Something to dissuade any seaborne onlookers once our voyage begins." She said walking back towards the mess hall. "I understand the position you're in Nagato, and I appreciate you understanding mine. You've grown as a flagship since the last time I saw you leave this Harbor."

"All it took was watching my fleet sink and the country burned." Nagato bitterly reminded her.

"The price of youth and inexperience." Houshou replied to her as they approached the mess hall door. "Whither most of us want to admit it or not, the Yukikaze's were always the minority until it was too late."

Even with Houshou's parting words, Nagato still felt the pangs of guilt and self doubt creeping back in. Everything was riding on this upcoming invasion. She just hoped she wasn't placing another bad bet.

"Come on you stupid little thing piece of pig iron." Naka grumbled as she slammed another magazine into her pistol. Taking a deep breath she took her stance again. Feet shoulder length apart, left shoulder back at a forty five degree angle and left eye closed. Arm raised and locked straight so that the front and rear sights are in line with the target ten meters away. Gentle squeeze of the trigger.

The heavy pistol bucked into her hand as she struggled to control the recoil. Glancing over the sights she saw the untouched two foot diameter bullseye mocking her still as it bobbed up and down in the water. Letting out a low growl she aimed and fired again, and again, continuing until the black slide locked back in the empty position. Lowering the pistol, she glanced back at the target.

The clean, pristine, completely untouched target.

"I think you might have nicked the edges a few times." Atlanta tried to offer encouragement. Naka was done though, flipping the pistol around, she had cocked her arm back when Atlanta stopped her. "No throwing the thousand dollar pistol into the marina unless you want me to throw you in there after it."

"That piece of crap cost a thousand dollars!"

"It's not a piece of crap." Atlanta counters. "You just don't know how to use it yet." Taking the pistol from Naka and reloading it, the American cruiser took up her stance and began firing. Outside of the fact she was at least hitting the target, Atlanta's shooting wasn't all that spectacular if Naka was being honest. Bullets impacted with no rhyme or reason along the edges, with none landing within a half foot of the center.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Naka turned to see a very tall battleship with porcelain skin and snow white hair marching up to them. "Atlanta, why the hell are you still using bullseye? You want to hit anything worth a damn, you use Weaver, everyone knows…" The battleship, Missouri if she remembered right, stopped herself as Atlanta just gave her a confused look. "Right, you were about forty years too early for that. Draw one of your pistols."

Missouri walked over to them as Naka loaded her pistol. "Alright, dominant foot slightly forward. Wrap both of your hands around the grip, but don't cross your thumbs. The slide's liable to catch on it and jam the gun." She walked behind Naka and grabbed her wrists. "Now try shooting."

Naka's first shot was almost dead center on the bullseye, as was the second and third. Running through the rest of the magazine, she saw a grouping far better than her or Atlanta had managed before. She turned to Atlanta and smiled. "Your turn."

"I'll get another target set up." Missouri said with a chuckle.

"Why?" Naka asked. "That little thing can't…" Atlanta took her stance and fired, blowing a hole in the center of the target far closer in size to a thirty millimeter cannon shell than a thirty two caliber pistol round. "...Hit that hard."

Missouri couldn't help but giggle at Naka's shocked expression. "There's a reason we're not allowed to use indoor ranges." She looked past Naka. "You alright Atlanta?"

"Yeah." Atlanta's voice trailed off into a sigh as she re-holstered her pistol. "Just thinking. If I screwed this up, what did I forget to teach Oakland and Reno?"

Naka rushed to her friend's side and wrapped her in a hug. "No, don't think like that." She whispered in Atlanta's ear, trying to cut off the spiral before it started. "You were training them to be cruisers, not special forces wannabe's, and you did a good job." She wrapped Atlanta a little tighter. "Besides, those two have a safe job compared to us."

"You say that like we're in any real danger." Missouri joked. "Abby's gonna take one look at me and my sister, and book it south until they hit the Australian coast." Naka couldn't but roll her eyes at the Iowa's boasting, even as she chuckled. "Come on you two, lunch is almost ready and we're going to need to set sail soon if we want to make the rendezvous point."

"So Naka?" Atlanta asked as the two followed Missouri. "I forgot to ask before we left Pearl, but are you excited to see your sisters again?"

Naka let out a sigh as they approached the lunchline. "If they were coming I would be. Seems Command decided they would be better spent hunting down whatever Wake throws at us, so you're going to have to wait until you get assigned to Japan to meet Miss Perfect and the night battle demon."

"I thought your navy liked to keep classes together?"

Naka just shrugged. "Tenryu and Tatsuta are the odd ducks out by better suited for land combat, not to mention dealing with your destroyers. Tenryu and the Taffies are going to get along like ducks to water. She's almost as crazy and blood thirsty as they are."

"That's the one with the sword right?"

Naka smiled as she turned back to Atlanta. "Yeah, she's the delinquent who's going to gut you when she finds out you use a tanto for peeling apples." Naka was so busy teasing Atlanta she almost missed the shell crater in front of her and had to be pulled back by Missouri. Her gaze again fell across the moonscape that surrounded her. "This was all from the invasion?"

"What can I say?" Missouri chuckled. "Wee Vee, Mary, and the Nevada's had a lot of steam to blow off after what happened to our mom. I believe their exact words were 'hate the island out of existence.'"

Naka's jaw dropped. "Four battleships did all this!"

"Well that, two heavy cruisers, a couple lights, and about two dozen destroyers." Missouri admitted. "Not like that's anything comparable to what we used to throw at landings."

Naka was already beginning to tune Missouri out as the three continued to walk. Even if there were others involved there was no denying that a fleet only a fraction of the size of what she'd seen in Pearl alone. With both Japan and the United States bringing their full might to bear on Attu, there was only one outcome imaginable…

This princess was absolutely screwed!

"So," USS Washington mused as her fairies finished securing the last three inch gun mount on top of Amagi's X turret. "Where are you thinking of raiding next?"

The Japanese battlecruiser turned her head to look back at Washington, forcing her to hastily bundle up Amagi's long black hair lest the welders set it on fire. "Probably the trade routes near Taiwan. I heard IJN carriers are operating near there."

"A little close to the mainland don't you think?" Washington muttered as the crew finished its work. The small gray creatures swung the gun side to side, before giving Washington a thumbs up. Washington returned the gesture, but truth be told she didn't really know what she was doing.

Wake told her to put anti aircraft guns on everyone, so they were going on every flat spot she could fit them. After all, if she could survive the muzzle blasts of sixteen inch guns going off in her face, surely their crews could too.

"I'm sticking to the southern end of the island." Amagi replied, before flashing a grin that sent a shiver down the battleship's keel. "At least, that's what I'll tell Wake. If I happen to wander north towards Japan hunting down convoys well…" She shrugged, sending fairies tumbling down her back and arms. "I just happened to be guided by the Kami themselves."

"Just be careful." Washington grumbled as she looked for the box of light anti aircraft guns. "That might be a good way of finding your sister, but it's also a good way of finding all your little cousins too."

"All the better." Amagi mused.

Finally locating the blasted things, Washington dumped the box in the sand and began sifting through the pile. "Hey Stella!" She called out, turning around to look at the four Lexington Class battlecruisers behind her. "What the fuck happened to all our Oerlikons?"

The leader of the four stepped forward. She was a plain looking girl, slightly taller than Amagi with jet black hair dressed up in twin braids that ran down the sides of her head and steel gray eyes. "That's all we got left Wash. You used all the rest outfitting the four of us."

"Of course." Washington sighed as she began placing the Type 96 Model 1 single barrels and what precious few Oerlikons she had left on Amagi's rigging. "Say, while you're chasing down your sister, mind snagging us a few more American destroyers?"

"You say that like your countrymen ever make it easy." Amagi mused. "I'll see what I can do though."

"Could try down by Australia." Constellation offered. "The brits should have good guns on them."

"That would be ill advised." The trio turned around to see Wake strolling towards them along with Tosa, her black dress dragging back behind her in the sand. "My sister's down there can be rather… territorial. How is the repair work coming along?"

"Almost done." Washington responded as her fairies got to work. "Definitely need to go hunting soon."

Wake's smile grew. "Well as it would happen, I have an assignment for you all." Behind her, the sand began to shift and rumble, molding itself into a giant map of the central and northern pacific. "Our submarines reported multiple fleets moving from Japan and the United States."

"So the big one's finally happening?" One of the other Lexington's remarked, running her hands through her snow white hair.

"Can't be." her sister scolded her. "Only a damn fool would sail in the Bering Sea during winter."

"Assuming they're headed there, and not here." The first battlecruiser muttered.

A sharp cough from Wake drew the discussion back to her. "Reports didn't include troop transports, I believe this is most likely just a convoy run." She said, trying to reign the discussion away from wild hypotheticals. "But I'm asking you seven to find out."

She pulled a charred stick out of the sand and circled roughly where Guam and Midway were. "Amagi, take Constellation and Ranger, and patrol the sea lanes near the Mariana's. Constitution and United States, sail to sealanes between Midway and Johnston atoll and report what you find. Washington and Tosa will stay with me to engage anything that dares approach our little fortress."

"Rules of Engagement?" Washington looked down to see the look of delight on Amagi's face. Her eyes darted to Wake like a wolf's, and the dog ears atop her head twitched with excitement.

"Stragglers only." Wake sternly warned, causing a wave of disappointment to roll through not just Amagi, but the Lexingtons as well. "I know how much you all want to meet your sisters, but charging after their fleets recklessly won't achieve that. Observe, report, and most importantly keep yourselves hidden. If you get a chance, bring back prisoners, but do not throw your lives away to do so. Am! I! Clear!"

The Lexington's all sighed as one, gazes dropping to the ground. "Yes ma'am."

Wake smiled, walking over to Constellation and caressing her cheek. "Fret not. It is merely not time yet. When the enemy makes their true move, you all will be unleashed in a wave that will roll across the Pacific that will strike down all it falls upon. You will all personally claim your sisters, dragging them down to the depth to be reborn in our family."

"Of course." Amagi quietly replied. Judging by the look she had though, Washington was sure the battlecruiser intended to take that order as a suggestion.
Ok, I have to leave this comment....

Anyway want to explain why there is nuke powered Abby sub at the front gate asking to take Chiti out on a date and asking for more planes for the sea plane carrier anyway?