Of Space Whales and Battleships

Chapter 5-13
The sun was starting to rise in Brockton Bay.

Taylor had managed to extract Amy though most of the fighting was coming to an end. The city was still partially burning, luckily the girls had fire suppression equipment.

"I can't believe we were invaded by Nazis." Amy says.

"There has never been a more acceptable target." Taylor responds with a grin.

"I should probably head to the medical tents." Amy says.

"I'm coming with you." Taylor states awkwardly.

"I didn't say you were not going to Taylor. Afterall what is a maiden to do without her destroyer escort." Amy says in a serious tone.

Taylor looks sourly at Amy; her attempt at humor was dumb and at a horrible time.

Amy of course giggled at the face Taylor had made. The past 5 hours was spent being escorted by the ship girl and it was a 5 hour date of violence and adventure.

Georgia was back at the Brockton Bay ship Museum, the place had weathered the Invasion.

New York, Texas, and Nevada were with her in a massive planning room with a highly detailed map of the city.
"What has you so spooked little cousin?" Nevada asks

"Leviathan does, he is the next big foe we are to face. I do not know for certain how to kill him." Georgia states

"Have you reached out to Admiral Avatar?" Texas asks

"That's not a bad idea. Though his tungsten shell idea wasn't too bad I don't know if the guns will handle the pressure well. Especially if I try to hypershot them. Although my retrofit was done recently I am honestly terrified of the big gun." Georgia admits.

"Why not bring in more ships?" New York asks

Georgia holds out her hand and starts stacking wisdom cubes, knowing that by the end of the month they are going to have a small army.

"Is that Penny's cube?" Nevada asks, seeing the newest cube.

"Wait, I had Pennsylvania this entire time?" Georgia says in shock.
President Evan's was sitting down at a Joint Chief of Staff meeting holding a docket which was a combat breakdown of the first combat action by foreign invaders fought on American soil since the Japanese terror bombing during the second world war.

"Can I just start off by asking what in the hell happened?" Evans asks.

"Congress cut our budget in favor of the PRT is what happened." Admiral Avatar says.

Evans nods along knowing that the Navy was gutted by budget cuts before looking over at the General sitting across from him.
"After Tagg managed to steal some helicopters from us we were undergoing a command restructure in the North East and the radar pickets were unmanned because we thought the coast guard had it covered." General Akbar explains.

Evan's looks at the Director of the Coast Guard who shrugs before looking back at the army general.

"If we had known we needed to cover the area the army usually did we would've done so with no problems."

"I just want to say, It is extremely lucky that those girls are on our side." Evans admits.

"Tell me about it." Avatar admits
"Well, it's obvious we need to build up Brockton Bay." The Coast Guard member says.

Avatar Nods agreeing.

"Oh? Why so?" Evans asks having his own reason

"Well the port facility is nice and many of our ships are there. On top of that I am willing to bet that those Ship girls would probably listen to us as long as we keep it reasonable. They want to obey command structure afterall it is all they have known their entire life." Avatar says

"Be careful though they might be used to the older autonomy that the navy used to have compared to the strict meetings and everyday video calls." Evans adds

"Either way, I don't want the PRT getting command over them after the recent string of botches and considering they consider themselves to be Navy why not do it officially. I have already seen several other countries try to tell us they can't be part of the armed forces but us forcing the fact that they are quite literally our commissioned ships seems to have shut them up." Avatar answers.

"Georgia is scary. Are we to assume she is the flagship of the fleet?" The Coast Guard representative asks.

"Are you guys sending reinforcements and relief?" Evans asks.

"The entire Atlantic Fleet is coming to Brockton Bay and Boston. On top of that several of our NATO allies have shown interest and at least waiving the nato flag there as well." Avatar answers.

"All in time for the trial of the century." Evans mutters.
Comments and active disscussions would probably keep me more active on this site
also Im kinda sad that there has not been an Omake or sidestory from any of my readers on this site yet. SpaceBattles has a few of them
List of Ships
Ships that have appeared in the story so far.

USS Georgia BB-70
USS Iowa BB-61
USS Salt Lake City CA-25
USS Independence CVL-22
USS John C. Butler DE-339
USS Archerfish SS-311
USS Enterprise CV-6
USS Cassin Young DD-793
USS Constitution
HMS Dreadnaught
USS Atlanta CL-104
USS Knight DD-633
USS Abercrombie DE-343
USS Gregory DD-802
USS Prinz Eugen
USS Missouri BB-63
USS Texas BB-35
USS Monitor
USS Enterprise CVN-65
USS Fletcher DD-445
USS Kidd DD-661
USS Clamagore SS-343
Stalingrad (Project 82 Battlecruiser? Dead anyhow)
USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG-58
USS Porter DDG-78
USS Nitze DDG-94
USS New York BB-34
USS New Jersey BB-62
USS Wisconsin BB-64
USS Zumwalt DDG-1000
USS Taylor DD-468 Hebert
Space Shuttle Enterprise
Space Shuttle Challenger
IJN Nagato

There are also some in omake which are not included in this list along with several of the omake not being on this site because I haven't got permission to post them here yet.
Just found this love it
What a date for Amy
If I read that right every other group was more effective then the prt in the battle and was the hostage taker that killed armaster a trigger and if so did he effect powers like speedster not dodging and happened to hit him on right angle to kill when his chin was only part exposed properly change there rules about not fully covering there faces at lest for tinkers hope they still free dragon
Did the empire join the battle or did they leave town to not be involved and did they kill lung
Chapter 6-1
May 2nd 2011

Georgia was in a dress today, it was rather difficult to find her in one outside of her battle dress. However today was the first day of what is to be a very long trial. Georgia sits down in the. Viewing platform next to another battleship.

Nevada looks over at Georgia before nodding.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to keep the other destroyers from coming to the trial? I mean Fletcher is still upset about it." Nevada says

"Could you guarantee that she wouldn't take offense to the mess that is about to go down in front of us. That she wouldn't summon her rigging and cause the trial and case to be called off?" Georgia asks

Nevada pauses thinking for a minute before nodding. "It is probably for the best."

"All rise for the honorable Judge Lawson"

The entire courtroom stands up as the judge in his official robes walks in from the back room. He was built like a swimmer and appeared surprisingly young.

He sits down in his chair. Prompting the entire courtroom to take their seats.

"I would like to hear the opening arguments." Lawson says

Taylor was sitting next to her father and a lawyer up at the desk for the plaintiff. While the defendant had Director Piggot and 2 PRT Lawyers.

"We would like to argue for several charges against the defense. Among which there are multiple counts of harassment, criminal negligence, dereliction of duty, abuse of a minor, aggravated assault, and several more which you saw on our filing." The lawyer says sitting down.

"You're honor we would like to have a motion for qualified immunity as a law enforcement agencies and have these charges dropped."

'Objections your honor! Qualification only applies to police, sheriff's, and a handful of other direct governmental agencies which the PRT is not a part of because their agency is not listed on the document which lists times and places in which said immunity can be applied! They are bullying average citizens and covering up years of systemic abuse! Blackwell had taken a plea deal admitting her guilt. Meaning this is a bold attempt to get away with criminal behavior!"

"Your honor! There have been several cases in which qualified immunity had already applied to the PRT; there is no reason as to why it can not!"

The gavel hit the block causing the courtroom.

"Silence both of you, this is opening arguments not a legal debate… Mr. Goodman, I had heard rumors about you and I dreaded having you here in my court today. I'll be damned if you aren't a good lawyer, speak out of turn again I'll see about hitting you with a contempt charge. Mr. Dickson your motion for qualified immunity has been denied. How do you respond to the charges brought forth today." Judge Lawson says

"Where did you find Mr. Goodman?" Nevada asks

"He was in some city in New Mexico. I figured that if the PRT would fight dirty we could as well. Lewis welcomed the help especially since he was a union lawyer." Georgia says

"What does Mr. Goodman specialize in?" Nevada asks

"He is a criminal lawyer who specializes in going against police and PRT." Georgia says

The Ship Museum.

The main lobby, which was the size of a warehouse, has some tables set up while in the two slots for smaller ships sat a landing craft and USS John C Butler. The tables from the opening Gala were set back up for a private party.

There was after all, a party being held. They had managed to continue the suit, and it wasn't dismissed. The PRT had this coming especially in this city.

Georgia holds up a glass of Gin and Tonic.

"To the first of many 'fun' days ahead! Cheers!" Georgia announces

""Cheers!"" Is the response of what must be nearly a hundred people.

"Mr. Goodman, come on up here and give a speech!" Georgia says motioning for the lawyer.

Saul walks up in his tan orange suite glass in hand and a smile on his face.

"I started up in a mailroom. I worked hard to put myself through law school. I started out by representing those without any money. I was never one to work for a big firm representing large companies and corporations. I had alway worked for the individuals, for you all. Not for them. So although we have a long way to go. Let us hold a cheer for us, the little guys!" Saul says, holding up his glass.
Chapter 6-2
Inside the Brockton bay PRT offices.

Coil or Thomas Calvert was pulling his influence within the PRT.

The lawsuit should've seen Piggot at the very least suspended yet the stubborn woman was still going strong.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear. How can this consultant help you today Emily?" Calvert asks the East North East PRT Director.

"Help me bury the Protectorate while keeping the Parahuman Response Team alive. This is our revenge for Ellisburg." Emily says with a smile.

Calvert pauses, wishing he had been wearing a wire.

"Emily, about Ellisburg. I am happy you survived, that place was hell and the reason I went from a team lead to a consultant. I didn't take being left for dead as a reason to stay with the PRT you know?" Thomas says


Emily stiffens, grabbing her chest before falling forward. The portly woman just barely manages to be caught by Thomas.

"Medic! Someone call a medic!" Thomas shouts at the top of his lungs.

Back at the Ship Museum Taylor was in one of the living rooms which had been put together upstairs for the dorms.

"That's right folks. Today was only the opening arguments on what is sure to be a landmark case. Back to you in the studio Tom."

The tv suddenly cuts off, causing Taylor to sit up and look over the edge of the couch.

"You did well today." Amy says holding the tv remote.

"How did you get up here?" Taylor asks

"Georgia told me how to get up here… You can't be mad at your father forever you know?" Amy says

"You managed to make your way up with directions from Georgia? You know, I think you did the impossible, on top of being the miracle healer." Taylor says with a giggle.

"It wasn't that bad, I only got a little lost." Amy says.

"A happy little adventure?" Taylor asks, patting the couch cushion next to her.

Amy sits down touching Taylor's face.

"You are getting shorter you know? You look younger too. I'm worried about you Taylor." Amy says

"I was too tall and lanky anyways. I feel more like myself, like this." Taylor says.

"Taylor you're almost 5' 5" now you were just over 6 feet tall a week ago." Amy says

Amy however is pulled into a hug by the Navy Ship before she could bring up another point to argue.

"I'm a few inches taller than Fletcher, she had said that it was likely to stop soon. So please stop worrying Amy." Taylor explains.

"I'll always worry. When I touch you or any of the other girls my powers don't make sense and I cannot see anything, I used to be able to see you and I just can't anymore." Amy says with worry.

"How do you think I feel knowing you'll eventually go to old age while as long, as I take care of myself. I'm essentially immortal?" Taylor asks.

Amy goes silent looking into Taylor's eyes. "I don't honestly know if I can die as well?"

"… What?" Taylor asks

"My powers although they do not heal me from immediate injuries and wounds. I am unable to get lung cancer. It is the reason I smoked before I met you, I haven't gotten sick since the day my sister was shot and I triggered. I am honestly terrified t-that one day my power is going to decide the degradation of genetic information when cells split is a disease and that I should no longer be sick." Amy says.

"Well, shit." Taylor says

"I guess, I will just have to join you in eternity," Amy says with a smile.

"Taylor and Amy sitting in a tree K I S S I N G!"

"Fletcher!" Taylor shouts, throwing a pillow at speeds that are way too fast for the average human eye to track.

The red-headed destroyer caught it with a mighty Thoomp.

Amy giggles while Taylor glares at her older sister.

"So Danny is asking to see you again… What should I tell him?" Fletcher asks.

"You should definitely see him… He saw you for the first time in like a week at court today. You can't do this forever dear." Amy says consolingly.

Taylor looks between her redheaded sister and her redheaded unconfirmed girlfriend.

"Fine, I'll do it. Tomorrow after court." Taylor answers.
Back at the Hebert household.

Danny was wallowing in his depression, after all he wasn't the kind of parent that wondered why his kids didn't want to talk to them any more. He knew why. One doesn't keep a secret like that and not expect it to backfire. Although yesterday was probably the greatest in a while. He saw his daughter again for the first time in nearly two weeks. The only good thing to come out of this trial.

The news crews outside was rather annoying to deal with though.
Outside suddenly got louder and Danny could've sworn he heard some cheering.

"What in the hell is going on out there?" Danny mutters

A second later there is a strong and resounding knock on the front door.

"The news crew should know not to come up and bother me…" Danny says walking over to the door.

Danny makes his way across the house and swings open the front door ready to yell at the one disturbing him while he was trying to think.

"Hi Dad… Long time no see?" Taylor asks uncomfortably standing by the door.

"You are shorter than you used to be." Danny says

"Yeah, before I woke up as a ship and got my memories of the wars... I was mostly human after all." Taylor admits

Danny decides to ignore Taylor's trauma and hugs his daughter.

"Welcome home Taylor." Danny says

"Danny... Dad, I'm older than you." Taylor says

"You will always be my daughter. You may have 15 battle stars however you will always be my daughter." Danny says

"23 Dad.... Vietnam and Korea." Taylor says

"So are you moving back in?" Danny asks

"Dad, I'm nearly 70. On top of that according to Georgia. Old age won't be the thing to get me. Unfortunately there will be no grandkids either. " Taylor says

Danny feels the world falling down around him.

"You know, we should've expected this. Your mother always said you were special. However even I don't think she knew just how special you were." Danny says

"I have a girlfriend. I think, our actual status hasn't been worked out yet." Taylor says

"Taylor, I've known you were gay for awhile." Danny admits.

"What? I didn't even really know." Taylor asks dumbfounded.

"Really Taylor, how many times did you get married to Emma while playing house. You even tried to wear my Tux." Danny says

Taylor flinches before blushing remembering the old days.

"That doesn't mean anything." Taylor says

"Of course however there are the other signs too." Danny says

"What other signs?" Taylor asks

"I honestly don't know however Annette saw them." Danny says with a smirk.

Taylor is silent trying to think.

"So when can I meet Amy?" Danny asks

"Stop by the dorms at the Docks, she's there whenever she has a fight with her foster mother." Taylor admits.

"That often?" Danny asks a little concerned

"Too often in my opinion..." Taylor whispers.
Chapter 6-3
Brockton Bay Courthouse

May 3rd 2011.

Thomas Calvert was sitting at the defense table.

"Let's get this court into session. The time 11:50 May the third, the case of Hebert Vs PRT & Protectorate. Now the first order of business, where is Director Emily Piggot?"

"She had a medical emergency and is currently in the hospital. Deputy director Renick and I will be sitting in until she is medically able to do so again." Calvert explains

"Alright, that is acceptable for now. Shall we start with the Plaintiff?"
Meanwhile at a coffee shop on the boardwalk.

"I can not believe that plan actually worked," Sarah says

"Well, at least they'll discover she was being poisoned once Amy gets to her in a week's time," Georgia says

"Are you certain Saul said this was a good idea?" Sarah asks

"Yep, we submitted the evidence we have on Thomas Calvert as evidence of PRT corruption last week and no one's the wiser. With any luck we call the bastard to the stand then make a fool out of all of them." Georgia says slipping Sarah a manila folder

Sarah giggles ecstatically.

"You will see why Mr Goodman has several nicknames among which are Slippin Jimmy, Charlie Hustle, and A Criminal lawyer." Georgia says with a smile.

" I need to sit down with him, maybe we can make some great plans," Sarah says with a smile.
"I mean he's the equivalent of a precision Sledgehammer. " Georgia says with a smile.

"Then since my powers have told me that most of the current sitting judges all have a bias against parahumans. Due to an Illuminati type organization, this ought to be a legal slaughter." Sarah says with a smile.

Principal Blackwell was on the stand and prison orange suited her rather well.

"So, Miss Blackwell, as part of your plea deal. You are required to testify, anything you lie or purposely obscure the truth on any of these questions could see your sentence extended." Saul asks

"Objection Your honor, the witness is already aware of the plea deal she had made not even a week ago." Dickson says

"What was the point of that Mr Goodman?" Judge Lawson asks

"Of course your honor, this is just so that the Jury can understand that everything Miss Blackwell says is the truth as she knows it and if we manage to prove otherwise then her sentence may get worse." Saul Goodman says, staring down Blackwell.

"Yes, that is part of my plea deal." Blackwell answers

"Former Principal Blackwell, were you aware that your student Taylor Hebert was being physically assaulted and tortured regularly by a WARD?" Saul Goodman asks

"… Yes. I was aware that such a thing was happening." Blackwell says into the microphone

"And you were asked to cover such things up by Shadow Stalkers' handler actively?" Goodman asks

"No, although it was heavily implied," Blackwell says

"Would you be willing to state for the record that they intimidated you into covering up the ward's crimes?" Goodman asks

"That ladies and gentlemen is what I hope to show you all, what we hope to prove to you all, again and again, is that. This type of behavior has become routine within the PRT is scare tactics and intimidation. Over this trial we hope to show that the PRT is as bad, if not worse than a gang. HOW THEY GET AWAY WITH CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR WHILE USING THE GOVERNMENT AS A SHIELD! Making all of us pay for it." Saul Goodman says

"Mr Goodman," Lawson says, staring down the lawyer.

"I am so very sorry, your honor, I just can't help but sometimes get emotional," Goodman explains

"Very well, though no more outbursts like that Mr. Goodman. This is your one and only warning." Lawson says

The PRT Lawyer gets up rather weakly trying to comprehend how one could even follow a show like that.

"Miss Blackwell, we would like you to confirm that, when you were briefed about Shadow Stalker attending your school. That you were made aware of her status as a Probationary ward." Dickson asks

"No, I was not informed of such a thing. This would actually be my first time hearing about it." Blackwell says
Chapter 6-4
"Sophia, you certainly seem calm considering the mess that you caused." Miss Militia says

"I have Youth Guard stopping me from getting anything lengthy. I'll be out of this cell in a month's time and halfway across the country in another branch free to do what I like." Sophia says with a smile.

"This is serious, if this suit on the PRT ends up with charges against you, you very well could end up in the BirdCage." Milita says

"Yeah like that little weakling is gonna convince anyone of anything. No one cares about her!" Sophia says smugly.

"Ma'am are you sure you should be talking to Shadow Stalker? You are going to be on the bench as a witness tomorrow." A guard asks.

"To be honest I wish I hadn't. I just wanted to see if she had any remorse at all. If she knew she might have just sunk the PRT." Militia says

"So, would you agree we were in the wrong here?" The guard asks

"I don't know what to think anymore, I just know the wards program isn't what it used to be. It is no wonder Mouse Protector left." Militia says

"Glory, Glory, what a hell of a way to die. Glory, Glory, what a hell of a way to die."

Miss Militia picks up her phone.
"Hey York what's going on?"

There is a pause while Hana looks at the guard.
"Yeah? You sure?"

Miss Militia covers the input on her phone and looks up at the guard. "I have to go, make sure she gets her dinner in an hour. No desert." Miss Militia says putting the phone back at her face.

"Sure thing ma'am." The Guard

Hana walks out of the holding area.

The Guard reaches up into his shirt picket and an audible mechanical click rings through the room.

"Saul, you are so lucky I owe you this favor." The Guard mutters before leaving to grab the warden.


At the Boardwalk.

"Hana, welcome!" New York

"Hey York, what is the reason for the call?" Hana asks

"I wanted you to meet my sister Tex here before she headed back to Texas with David." New York says

"Hello… Are you two twins?" Hana asks

"No, of course not. I'm the older sister." New York says

"I came out first." Texas corrects.

"I was conceived first." New York says back

"Yes, however you took your sweet time to finish." Texas says with a smirk.

York groans in frustration looking at her sister.

"Should've called us the Texas class." Texas says

"At least I don't get stuck in sandbanks. Come on Texas." New York

"Because the planet Venus is a weather balloon." Texas says

"3 inch gun atop an anti aircraft tower. Seems like the perfect anti air system." New York says
Texas flinches and looks at New York betrayed. " That was too far, little sis."

Hana looks at the two girls in realization.

"I should've put it together much sooner, Texas and New York. Of the New York class?" Hana asks, not fully certain if she was correct.

"*cough* Texas class *cough*" Texas

"For an immigrant you certainly know alot about naval history if you know about us old ladies." New York says with a smile.

"She probably has to deal with all of the trouble Georgia is stirring up." Texas comments.

"True, I mean who would manage to find a lawyer like that in the middle of the desert and fly him across the country. Let alone taking this case." New York

"Georgia would. It's a good thing too since Lewis is mainly a contract lawyer." Texas says

"Georgia, wait are you telling me BB-70 is the biggest Naval History nerd on the continent?" Hana asks

"Ah, so you follow her YouTube channel?" Texas asks

Georgia had become this world's drachinifel because in all honesty, the world needed the engineer more than it needed the historian.

Saul was in his makeshift office at the Ship Museum.

"Did you manage to find any lawyers who would be happy to help, because as much as I would love to keep you as a retainer Jimmy, I don't honestly know if you are able to handle the amount of crap I am going to have coming my way. The EPA, The Nuclear regulatory commission, OSHA, The VA, Transportation, and probably the Department of education." Georgia says listing off the government agencies she is expecting to give her trouble.

"The PRT and honestly Congress might get involved considering what you did to the angel's face." Sarah adds

"The PRT is going to end up gutted in a while, did Taylor and Amy take care of the evidence?" Georgia asks

"Amy is still upset about having to attach that camera to the cockroach; however, Taylor managed to find the base. It was exactly where you said it would be." Sarah says

"Great, now we need to figure out how to get the footage of Thomas Calvert as coil into evidence," Saul say

"I mean, why use it as evidence? The court is a great idea, however what about the court of Public Opinion?" Georgia asks

"PHO?" Sarah asks

"I owe Dragon a favor." Georgia clarifies

"Dragon runs PHO, wait you owe her a favor not the other way around?" Sarah asks

"It'll work out in the end." Georgia offers

"The amount of confidence you have in that statement is frankly scary." Saul offers.

Georgia's phone rings.


"Enterprise, sure what's up?"

"Yes, it's the opposite of down. I am aware of that. I mean what is happening, how could I be of assistance?" Georgia asks

"... Sure, I'll be right there," Georgia says putting away the smartphone.

"Flagship duty calls, I have to go see something Enterprise found, and Avatar wants to talk with me," Georgia states.
Subtheif doing Subtheif things
"So Archerfish you got the stuff?" Questioned Clamagore

"Yup, think the client will show?" Archerfish responded with a question of her own.

"Yup I see him bearing 113 at half a knott." Clamagore said pointing her finger.

"You gals got the pants." A man spoke with a thick Italian accent.

"Yup, you got the navigation compass?" Archerfish returned.

"And some of ma's fettuccine alfredo." The man nodded as he passed down the compass and two to-go containers.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Clamagore responded.

"Next time I'm payin ya in Whiskey." The man said as he walked off. Leaving the tow submarines with their pay.

"So whats up Barb." Clamagore asked with a grin.

"You get me to the museum right now, or so help me I will demonstrate revolutionary on your asses." Barb responded with a ghostly echo.

"Let's get her to Georgia pronto." Archerfish stated as the duo turned around.

"Oi Eugen." Archerfish said as she seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Scheisse!" Prinz Eugen jumped at the chuckling submarines.

"We secured 60 liters of Weihenstephan that we will give you. Provided you deliver this compass to Georgia without mentioning how you got it. Deal" Clamagore responded on the other side with an arm outstretched.

"Deal." Eugen said as she thought of the joy of drinking some good beer for once.

"Too easy." the Subs said as they slipped out of sight.


"Yes, now you get the beer. I will get the tinker shit." Archerfish said while Clamagore sulked.

Archerfish stalked through Squealer's safehouse with practiced ease. She found her target, the EMP pulse cannon ready to be mounted but left laying around. Taking a look around she grabbed the weapon and snuck out of the building, barely missing Squealer's shocked look as she came back in the room and found the gun missing.

"Firing in 3, 2, 1. Firing EMP." Archerfish called out the EMP pulse wave to the warehouse in front of them.

"We have 5 minutes till the police show up." Clamagore pointed out.

"Clear this place of TP and valuables, then RTB." Archerfish responded.


Roy Christner came back to his house only to find it covered in Toilet Paper with a note taped to the door. 'YOU STILL OWE US'

"I got out of debt to the mob, and now I am in debt to the submarine mafia. Out of the pan and into the fire I guess." Roy mumbled to himself.
Chapter 6-5
May 4th Recess day

At the Brockton Bay DryDock

Georgia walks up already inside the shadow of the massive carrier, its flight deck looming over her head blotting out the sky above.

"I'm here, why did it sound urgent?" Georgia asks

"Come aboard." Is the only response Georgia gets on the short-range radio.

Georgia looks over at the gangway plank which connects the hanger bay lift.

"Alrighty then," Georgia mutters walking down the long waters edge towards the locks to the dry dock.

Amy was at Taylor's dorm in the Ship Museum once again.

"Amy, you need to stop coming over depressed every few nights." Taylor says

The redhead just snuggles into Taylor as the two relax in the destroyer's bed.

"It wasn't a fight with Carol this time," Amy whispers

"What was it then?" Taylor asks

"I had to put someone who was on the other end of Georgia's guns back together," Amy whispers, horrified.

"Really? Someone survived her guns?" Taylor asks in shock

"His name was Gunther, apparently he was known as the human panzer. The guy was mostly ground meat and metal shrapnel when I got to him. It was amazing he was alive." Amy whispers, shivering a little bit.

Taylor hugs Amy tighter.

"Why do you think she tries not to fight? There is no holding back for a lot of us." Taylor answers

"She doesn't seem the type to cause that amount of damage. They call my sister Collateral Damage Barbie but the wreckage of the latest battle scarred the bay." Amy Whispers

"It was a clash of titans, Amy there were literal dreadnoughts in that fight. The girls are used to flattening mountains and Georgia's cousin even sank an island twice. When they come to fight, there is no holding back." Taylor answers to justify the mess that had happened last month.

"I mean I understand that but still, it was more like an Endbringer fight than it was a normal cape dual," Amy says

Georgia was aboard Enterprise sitting at a conference table.

"Admiral Avatar… How can I help you sir?" Georgia asks

"Enterprise, could you bring it in?" Avatar asks

CV-6 nods before walking out of the conference room.

"ONI, has several thinkers on its books unofficially of course. Brockton Bay is very likely to be the next target of Leviathan. So we want you to kill it." Avatar says

Enterprise walks back into the room carrying an 18-inch shell. The thing is massive and the floor almost warps under her feet.

"Is that an 18-inch sabot round?" Georgia asks in disbelief.

"18 inch tungsten sabot. We are hoping you can supercharge the shot and manage to kill an endbringer by piercing its core." Avatar says

"You are probably wishing I installed that railgun during the last retrofit," Georgia says

"Yeah but looking back at it now, I don't honestly think you could have fit that thing inside your hull." Avatar says

"It was a rather big railgun, it would've run the length of the bow and I would've had to move an entire magazine. Not to mention when it does fire It will blow the bow clean off. Not to mention before I got the reactor I wouldn't have been able to charge the massive capacitor bank. " Georgia says

Avatar stares at Georgia, the BattleShip smiling back at the old admiral.

"Any way we think Supercharging one of these sabot shells could get the round to hypersonic speed. Considering the fact that they are tungsten the amount of force should hopefully be able to break through the endbringers skin." Avatar says

"How many of these shells am I getting?" Georgia asks

"One hundred and fifty six, If they work expect a few thousand," Avatar explains

"Mission is accepted, sir. Leviathan won't leave the bay alive." Georgia says with a smile.

"Great, I can't wait to tell this to my boss," Avatar says standing up giving Georgia a salute.

"Of course sir," Georgia says standing up and returning the salute.

"GodSpeed Georgia, GodSpeed," Avatar says putting down his salute before he walks out of the room.

"Alright, what is the other thing you two needed to show me?" Georgia asks

Enty materializes into the room smiling at the battleship. I am going to show you the brainchild of my head engineer before he left us. I think he would be happy to give it to you." Enterprise CVN-65 says

"Honestly, it's something insane. But I guess that's what happens when an engineer gets a tinker power." Enterprise CV-6 says

"Well, let's go see it." Georgia says
Thomas Calvert has successfully usurped Piggot, the woman was currently in a medically induced coma while her insurance company fought off the hospital's attempt for parahuman healing. Piggot never really got over her bigotry for the evolved humans.

There is a lot of bad blood between the Wards and the Director who had to take medical leave.

"This place is literally falling apart!" Calvert shouts

Rennick looks at Calvert.
"Armsmaster went and died on us and Piggot didn't even manage to get through all of the paperwork that caused this before her stress-induced organ failure," Renick says

"So, are you doing that then Deputy Director?" Calvert asks

"It is your job, Mr. Interim manager," Renick says with a smile.

"It can't be that bad can it?" Calvert asks

Renick walks across the room to the closet and opens the door. Three stacks of paper about waist height come tumbling out. The top pages slinging across the floor.

"Well, Shit," Calvert says

"I leave you to the meeting with the lawyers now," Renick says walking out of the office.

Enty opens up the hatch to the reactor room motioning for her mother and Georgia to follow.

"We are nearly there now," Enty says

Once the trio enter the room the door closes behind them as Enty walks towards a wall over by the reactor.

Georgia and Enterprise flinch as Enty pops a panel off of the main reactor.

"This is it!" Enty says Reaching up into the hidden compartment.

Georgia stares in stunned silence at the small object that Enty is holding rather precariously above her head..

"Is that a Wave Motion Core?" Georgia asks dumbly.

"How could you possibly know its name already?"Enty asks in shock, holding the infinite power source above her head.
Chapter 6-6
Aboard the USS Enterprise.
"Enterprise, who made that," Georgia asks

"Ethan did, though I think everyone knows him as Hero." Enty says

"Hero like hero, The Tinker?" Georgia asks

"Yes, that's my Ethan before he triggered he was my nuclear engineer," Enty says

"So, he's an example of what would happen if an engineer became a tinker huh," Georgia mutters
May 5th 2011 Thursday.

Miss Militia was on the stand as a witness.

They had already been in the courtroom for 5 hours, and the case was starting to get heated. Thomas Calvert had managed to convince Costa Brown to fully invest in this case so the entirety of the PRT's Legal team was there in the court room and it was Saul's goal to chase them out.

"Miss Militia, how would you describe Armsmaster? I would have gladly had him up here however, he mysteriously died before the trial in a way that is completely unlike him." Saul says

"Armsmaster wasn't killed to cover anything up. I don't like how you are insinuating that." Milita says

"Yes, the man has braved gunfire several times and been fine. How would you describe him as a coworker, a person?" Saul asks

"Armsmaster… Was a great planner and a very logical thinker." Militia
"So he wasn't a people person. Would he be able to tell if children were lying to him." Saul asks

"I heard that the wards had gotten away with lying to him several times," Militia says

"Your Honor Hearsay."

"Gallant told you that didn't he?" Saul asks

"Mr Goodman…" Lawson says

"You're honor, is it really hearsay if she heard it from the subject in question. If a Ward told her something along the lines of that always worked with the Armsmaster, or I wish you were like he was before he made his lie detector helmet. Which I would love to get into the legality of." Saul asks

Hannah was wondering how Saul had known about that.

"Does Shadow Stalker even show any remorse?" Saul asks

"Your honor, why would Miss Militia even know that?" The PRT Lawyer asks

"Because she got to see Sophia yesterday, was she showing any remorse at all or was she proud of her actions, she probably even boasted about them. You all knew of her mental issues yet your boss insisted on keeping her a Ward." Saul accuses

"In all honesty she has full faith in the Youth Guard protecting her." Miss Militia admits

"The Youth Guard protecting a violent criminal? Really? She does realize that the district attorney wants to charge her with bioterrorism right?" Saul asks, baffled.

"Your Honor! Sophia Hess's crimes have nothing to do with this case!"

"You're absolutely sure that a corrupt criminal of a Ward would have nothing to do with PRT corruption?" Saul asks completely

"You can not call a juvenile delinquent a corrupt criminal, it's entirely different!"

"She was put in juvie because she killed a person!" Saul counters back

"Mr, Goodman! Mr Jameson! This is a court of law! Not a goddamn soap opera! Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury I think we are going to call it here for today. I will be seeing council in the chambers." Judge Lawson Says standing up.

Saul smirks and gives a thumbs up to Taylor before standing up and walking towards the back of the courtroom following the Judge, three PRT lawyers following behind.
"Sarah, what in the world was the plan today?" Taylor asks

"To make the PRT seem childish. You just have to go up there and act like the abuse victim that you once were while Saul will work to drag their name through the mud. Humans either trust or distrust authority, however, our goal isn't to get them to distrust the PRT just to make them realize they distrusted the PRT the entire time." Sarah says

"Ah, so that's why we recorded Coil unmasking himself," Taylor says with a smile.

"Exactly."Sarah nods in affirmation.
Chapter 6-7
Taylor was walking down one of the sketchy streets at night.

It was the quickest way to get to Amy's Hospital. Although Victoria would still be the one to pick up Amy, the two alternated who got her most nights.

Taylor was humming to herself with a smile on her face when the sound of glass smashing can be heard above to the side and across the street.

The deafening crack of gunfire rings out, echoing off of the buildings. As several snipers had opened fire on the shipgirl.

Small caliber of course did nothing to the girl who responded with a 5 inch shell. There was a massive boom caused by the 5 cannon firing, ultimately ending in the shell hitting the building, causing the entire structure to shake before self expanding foam shot out of the windows.

The Firing comes to a stop as Taylor trains her guns on the one down the road which had also been shooting at her.

Police sirens can be heard getting closer. As Taylor stares down the building across the way.
"It failed!" Doctor Mother shouts

"I told you it would. The path never lies" Contessa says

"I sure know that, it's not that often I become a speed bump." Alexandria says

"What did you try to do?" Legend asks

"Assassinate Taylor Hebert." Contessa says

"How did that go?" Eidolon asks

"Rather poorly." Dr mother says turning on the tv to show an entire apartment complex covered in containment foam.

"Excuse me sir!" The female reporter shouts.

"Ah, yes?" The man says

"What can you tell us about what happened here?"

"Well some idiots thought shooting small arms at a destroyer would make the thing flinch. Honestly we are lucky that the response didn't level a city block. 5in guns are actually pretty scary, i mean any one can find a video explaining the destructiveness of a 5in shell on tubeyou." The man says

"Do you think its alright for capes to have this much fire power?" The reporter asks

"This much? I mean thats nothing. Some of the bigger girls are able to flatten cities yet they follow naval command to the T. BB-70 is friends with Georgia who runs the museum and the two take commands directly from an admiral. I personally think we have nothing to worry about with them as compared to lung, or kaiser. Hell, even the trumiatve could go evil today if they so wished, but if those girls believe in one thing it is the command structure. Afterall several of them have been following it for over 70 years.We have nothing to worry about with them."

"The police and naval intelligence are still working to get the assailants out of the containment foam, however this should just show everyone that the navy and its ship girls are not to be messed with." The reporter says

Brockton Bay police station
Taylor was sitting down in a chair. In the office area while the police officers were running around frantically. She had caused quite a mess.

"Well, I would honestly recommend witness protection, however I don't know if they would honestly help you or hurt you." The officer says

"Probably try to hurt me however, the navy is going to find those responsible and make an example of them. After All the Navy takes care of its own." Taylor says with a smile.

"ONI can be pretty scary sometimes." The officer says with a nod.
Chapter 6-8
The Seed family had safely landed in Boston.

"4 god damn days to get a rental car." Joseph says angrily

"It's Hertz, I don't exactly know what you expected." Faith replies.

"How are they still in business?" Joseph asks

"They scam people, Faith, you took full video of the condition of the car right?" Jacob asks

"Of course!" Faith replies with a smile.

"Great let's head on up then." Jacob says
May 7th 2011
The court was in session once again, and although this case is a legal case it was playing out how one would expect a civil case to go.

The court watched in fascination as Saul Goodman was dragging a TV on a stand with a VHs player below it into the center of the courtroom.

"I would like to apologize for the last minute entry of evidence into the case. I do have to thank Judge Lawson for approving it last night. As we know the crimes talked about in this case are still under investigation and sometimes new info comes to light." Saul says with a smile

Judge Lawson gives a nod while Saul turns on the TV to static snow before he enters in a VHS tape.
The video playing looked to be from a security tape. It seemed to be recording from a corner of a ceiling having a full view of a dark unlit room at an unknown location.

A ray of light swings across the room which could easily be attributed to a door being opened before the entire room lights up brightly. The White painted walls give off an almost hospital-like feeling.

"Why! Why does my plan to kidnap Diana Aclott never work! Now I have that new Ship girl running around and my timeline abilities are getting worse whenever BB-70 is involved!" A voice shouts angrily.

A few seconds later said voice is revealed to be a man in a black bodysuit with the pattern of a snake on it. The villain by the name of Coil walked on to the screen. He was facing away from the camera and with a sigh his arms reached around behind his head and pulled off the head part of the suit.

Inside the courtroom Thomas Calvert gets up from his desk in a panic and tries to run as his identity is revealed to the world.

The villain is stopped by the police at the door and Thomas grabs a pistol and is nearly ready to kill himself to end the timeline.
Meanwhile in Coil's other timeline.

He sits up from his desk in a panic and looks up to see a bug with a camera in the corner of the room.

"What the HELL!" Thomas shouts when suddenly the entire bunker rocks cutting the power and a red emergency light comes on.

A second ground shaking explosion happens and the timeline ends
Thomas freezes with the gun already in his mouth.

He looks at the panicked police who smile back at him.

A quick glance at the observer stands and he can see that Georgia is smirking at him.

Thomas is forced into cuffs and marched out of the courtroom while Saul Goodman smiles at all the gawking from the jury and the viewers.

"Now, I am confused. Was he not the one who was in charge of the PRT while Director Piggot was out on sick leave?" Saul asks aloud to the jury.
"You made your point Mr Goodman." Judge Lawson says

"I don't think I have your honor, in fact why don't we call Thomas Calvert to the stand and ask him why." Saul

"I feel like we should call it for the day. In fact everyone takes the next two days off and we will be back next monday." Judge Lawson announces
Chapter 6-9
Georgia was currently in a warehouse. The place was just a massive explosive hazard. The over charge powder shots and tungsten fsds(fin stabilized discarding sabot) rounds were strewn about.

Avatar's main plan to try and kill the Leviathan honestly wasn't bad considering what they knew about the end bringer; however, it was fundamentally flawed considering that all of the endbringers were sandbagging. The only reason Georgia was able to do what she did to the Simurghwas because the Simurgh's future sight was unable to predict her.

Georgia's rigging was getting heavier by the round. The tungsten weighed a lot, then the depleted uranium 5in didn't help much saving weight/buoyancy either.

Though the biggest culprit was the massive tungsten rod in what used to be her oil bunker at the bow of the ship.

"Well, I just wish the other girls had stuff they could use." Georgia mutters, putting more tungsten rounds into her magazine.
May 9th 2011

Saul was in the Judge's chambers.

"Mr. Goodman, that stunt you pulled last week has me tempted to call a mistrial. Yet I can't… There are too many eyes across the nation watching this. I wouldn't be surprised if this went to the supreme court no matter what I ruled." Judge Lawson says

"I might actually get to play on the highest court in the land! YES!" Saul says with an enthusiastic fist bump.

"The dream of every lawyer is to play on that basketball court isn't it?" Lawson says with a smirk
"Of course it is." Saul says with a smile.

"So between us what's the goal?" Lawson asks

"Is this in official capacity or something else?" Saul asks

"Nah, person to person, not lawyer to judge." Lawson says

"In truth, a ton of settlement money. I also want to bring up the PRT as a villain instead of the heroes they constantly claim to be. If Armsmaster had followed rules and orders he would've been alive. If they had been watching Shadow Stalker she never would've gotten away with bioterrorism. I truthfully just want them held accountable for all of the wrongs they have done." Saul says

Lawson nods to himself.

"You do realize your running roughshod all over them is going to make a lot of enemies." Lawson says

"Making enemies is a talent of mine. I make them all the time." Saul says with a grin.

"Can I also just say that your Paralegal is highly skilled." Lawson praises

"Sarah? Nah she helps out the lawyer for the DWU I'm just borrowing her for the trial." Saul says

"If she ever wants to pursue a legal degree, give her my card will you. I would be happy to assist her in doing so." Lawson says

"I will certainly pass that on to her." Saul says surprised.

"Good.. We got what 30 minutes before this trial starts back up?" Lawson says

"That seems correct." Saul says

"Well, let's get to work. You know, I got a formal letter from Chuck Mcgill warning me about you. Personally I don't see why you are a rather pleasant person to talk with. Straight and to the point." Lawson says

"Well thank you." Saul says

Taylor was once again sitting down in the court. Constantly setting off the metal detectors had finally stopped bothering the police and they let her come and go as she pretty much pleased at this point. Mostly because the police, who where veterans, respected the girl.

"Mr Goodman, which witness would you like to call to the stand?" Lawson asks

"The prosecution would like to call Taylor Hebert to the stand." Saul says

In truth this was mostly for formality. Even the best lawyers wouldnt aid the PRT after the Coil incident the defense had folded and Saul was running them ragged just trying to keep up to the lawyer. With Sarah pitching in only the biggest firms in the country stood a chance.

Taylor got up from her chair and moved towards the witness stand. It was time to put the final nail in the coffin.
Chapter 6-10
Taylor had been called to the stand for the first time this entire trial. Then again when you had Saul Goodman and Sarah working together this case was a slam dunk. This according to Saul would be the final nail in the coffin.

"Alright, so Taylor… Since I have already heard all of this from you and the court has all read your journal. I am going to skip that part since the defense is likely to ask you about that." Saul says

Taylor nods resolutely knowing that bad memories were going to be dredged up however it was all in the name of attaining justice.

"My first question is, Are you aware that since this trial had started that Emma Barnes was detained by the boston branch of the PRT for a master stranger protocol?" Saul asks

"No.. I was not, however it makes sense considering how much her personality had changed within two months." Taylor admits.

"Would you say that the PRT is directly involved in your trigger?" Saul asks

"Objection! Leading!"

"Overruled, go ahead Miss Hebert." judge Lawson says

"I believe that they were directly involved. After all, was Sophia not their ward? Were they not responsible for her? Did they not allegedly purposely overlook her actions in favor of having her continue to be a ward?" Taylor asks

"I think I am done with my questions for my witness, your honor. Anything she could talk about has already been covered extensively in this case." Saul admits

"Are you absolutely certain you would like to give up your time, Saul?" Judge Lawson

"I would prefer to be able to use it with our next witness." Saul says

"... I shall grant that motion. Defense it is your turn to cross examine the witness." Lawson says

The new PRT lawyer gets up from the desk. The government agency having gone through 3 different law practices by this point several of the lawyers having given up.

"Ms Hebert, you claimed to have triggered during the locker incident." The PRT Lawyer asks

"I never claimed that, and I do not believe it to be the sole cause of me getting powers, it may have been the final straw however I think the year and a half bullying campaign against me." Taylor says only to be cut off

"So it wasn't the locker incident. The locker incident wasn't the sole cause of your triggering… Was it bullying? Weak." The PRT lawyer states

"Your Honor! Objection!" Saul shouts exasperated

"I am just trying to paint a picture of your honor. I imagine quite a few of us were bullied in school. I should know , I was called 4 eyes. Bullying is a normal thing in life." The PRT Lawyer says

"Bullying!? name calling!? IT WAS SYSTEMATIC ABUSE!." Saul shouts

The gable is banged on the stand.

"Calm down both of you or I'll have you sit out for the day. Mr. Moore if you ever try to pull this kind of psychological manipulation again I will have you disbarred." Judge Lawson says

"Your Honor Permission to approach the bench." Moore asks

"Ask me again later Mr Moore… Are you okay Miss Hebert?" Judge Lawson asks

"I don't know…" Taylor says, her hair covering her eyes, her voice quivering.

"I am declaring a recess, I will see you all in 30 minutes." Judge Lawson says

The Jury watches in shock as the judge leads Taylor out of the courtroom to the judges chambers.

"Taylor… I know it's hard… I just want to let you know the next witness is going to be Sophia Hess. After Saul does his thing... I am going to have to declare a mistrial and this case is going to get picked up by the supreme court. Sophia is going to prison. Emma is in juvie and Maddison has several hundred community service hours she has to do. Your tormentors have faced justice and you are a survivor… I would also like to say that I appreciate you not going full fletcher class and ending that lawyer's life." Judge Lawson says calmly.

Taylor sniffles and nods.

"Gather your thoughts and be brave alright." Lawson says leaving

Sophia is the next one.
Chapter 6-11
Georgia was having a rather riveting text based mental conversation with an AI that she may have scammed in the past.

'So, if my crazy plan works. You will send me the newly made non tinker black boxed designs?' Georgia asks

'The designs? I would give you the material's too. If you actually managed to kill an Endbringer that would change everything.' Dragon responds

'If you could also adapt the positron cannons for 18 inch shell fire and have them alternate between physical shells and the positron rounds that would make my day'' Georgia states

'If you can do the impossible, so can I.' Dragon responds

"Our next witness is to be Sophia Hess." Saul Goodman says

The doors to the courtroom open as two guards flanking either side of the girl escort her into the room. Wearing full chains and a shock collar set to go off whenever she tries to use her powers.

"Sophia Hess, If you could please raise your right hand." Judge Lawson asks

"I still don't see what the point of this is. She is a weakling and you are all freaking out over nothing." Sophia says, raising her chained hands.

"Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth and nothing but the truth?" Judge Lawson asks

"Yeah, sure whatever." Sophia says

"It is a yes or a no question, Miss Hess." Judge Lawson says

Sophia lunges at the judge before her shock collar kicks in and knocks her to the ground.
"This is all about that stupid little worm isn't it! She is a weakling! She Deserved Everything I DID TO HER!" Sophia shouts wrestling with the security guards.

The jury and the Gallery watch in utter bafflement as the chained girl manages to knock a security guard onto the ground still shouting nonsense.

"Mother fucker she bit me!"


Saul watches it happen, jaw dropped as Sophia was shot with a taser and starts convulsing.
The ex-ward wearing prison orange, is dragged out of the courtroom in utter silence.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury. I have to ask… How in the hell did the PRT not notice her obviously psychotic behavior? Any reasonable person would have realized that she was not right in the head. Yet she was one of our heroes?" Saul asks, being the first one to speak up.

"I find myself agreeing with you Mr Goodman." Judge Lawson says looking over his glasses at the PRT Lawyer.

"Your honor, I would like to motion for a mistrial based on that public display and the media bias towards us." The PRT Lawyer asks

"Submit your motion and we shall see. I believe that at this time we can call it a day and all head home to our families. I shall see you all here next week for closing comments and deliberation. Remember not to discuss the case with any one, this includes your family and friends. Also, do not discuss the case with the other jurors until your deliberations begin." Lawson says before getting up from his seat and walking out.

"I am really happy Taylor wasn't here today." Sarah says

"You and me both, Sarah." Saul says
May 12th 2011

The entirety of the Ship Girl fleet was in the gallery of the courtroom.
It was deliberation day.

The Court room was packed and the streets were filled with those demonstrating mostly against PRT Brutality and over reach.

"Alright we are here for closing arguments however I have to make an announcement." Judge Lawson says

Everyone is on the edge of their seats while those that know law have known that the amount of bullshit that had happened in this courtroom should've seen it declared a mistrial. Especially when Thomas Calvert was arrested in the courtroom.

"Due to circumstances I must say that the jury and I the judge are unable to be impartial and therefore must declare a mistrial. This however is not the end. The circuit court wanted to pick up the case however the Supreme court had decided to hear this case personally. It shall be the first jury trial of the Supreme Court period. Ladies and gentlemen you all have just witnessed history." Judge Lawson announces
Chapter 6-12
May 14th 2011
Georgia had just gotten off of a "phone call" with Dragon the topic being her next retrofit, after she had gotten her hands on the wave motion core, she had the idea that the gun which was a literal planet killing weapon would be able to kill Zion or Scion or whatever his name was and save the planet once and for all.

It was the perfect ending to worm, then from there she could grow her fleet and help humanity recover from the space whale. I mean they kept their powers and everything. With what she just gave Dragon to work on. Humanity should easily be able to reach their destiny among the stars.

"Boss! I have a gift for you!" Archerfish announces walking into the museum's office.

"How many times must I ask you to stop calling me boss." Georgia asks

"Never gonna happen boss." Archerfish responded before pulling out a box from inside of her hull.

"Fine, what is that exactly?" Georgia asks

"Eugen was meant to give it to you; however I apparently didn't give her enough Weihenstephan." Archerfish admits.
" That was because she heard you mutter too easy under your breath. Hello, I was told you can bring me back." A ship girl says she appeared as soon as the box came out.

"What is your name?" Georgia asks to take the box, making sure to be careful with it.

"I am the USS Barb, and you are holding my compass." Barb says

"The submarine of one Eugene B Flucky?" Georgia asks

"The one and only." Barb affirms

"You needn't ask then." Georgia says summoning a wisdom cube and shoves it into Barb's chest.

"Welcome to the team Barb." Archerfish says with a smile.
Dragon was once again talking to Georgia, although the 5 inch confoam shells were in the works and had been tested successfully the mass production had seen several delays.

However this new email was something utterly insane. A mix of tinker tech and modern that was designed to be used in ways never tried before.

"Positron shock cannons, a wave motion core, engine, and gun? A slip space drive, how does she have two different tinker tech versions of FTL. Nano machine integrity field, and self repair. Hard physical force fields plasma, based force fields, hard light force fields some of the stuff is just straight up insane." Dragon says aloud in shock

'I know it's a bit crazy now.' George sends over text

'Crazy how in the hell did you get some of these!? Like this gravity hammer schematic is just bat shit insane.' Dragon responds instantly.

'So, if my crazy plan works. You will send me the newly made non tinker black boxed designs?' Georgia asks

'The designs? I would give you the material's too. If you actually managed to kill an endbringer that would change everything.' Dragon responds

'If you could also adapt the positron cannons for 18 inch shell fire and have them alternate between physical shells and the positron rounds that would make my day'' Georgia states

'If you can do the impossible, so can I.' Dragon responds

'Great just make sure it gets to Enterprise, or Taylor if Big E is too busy with her daughter.' Georgia responds

Dragon is just staring in wonder at some of the scanners.
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Chapter 7-1 Leviathan

View: https://youtu.be/lLFL4hyXV4U

May 15th 2011.

The sun had set and storm clouds were rolling over the bay. It was a torrential rain storm.

It was raining hard. In the bay waves were crashing into the shore. A dull siren which was almost familiar at this point was ringing in the background.


Red and Blue lights were reflecting off of the dark buildings.

Highways full of cars as traffic jams were clogging them trying to escape the city.

"Get inside!" Taylor shouts ushering people into the main hall of the ship museum.

"Are you sure the building can take an Endbringer?" Amy asks

"Dan-dad said it was built to withstand a category 5 hurricane. Let us just hope it is enough." Taylor says

The Storm Surge was nearing 3 foot waves when they came near shore and broke. The sea wall was having a fun time trying to hold. The waves were rolling over the edges of the peer and rolling into the bay.

Downtown the storm drains were backing up as water was flooding the city.
Brockton Bay Drydock

CVN-65 was hastily being prepared to sail. It would be her second encounter with the Endbringer.

The pumps were burning out trying to keep the dry dock empty of water while the constant and growing storm surge worked to flood it.

Avatar was aboard the Bridge watching out into the docks. Hordes of people were making their way into what was basically a hurricane shelter.

A flash of lightning Illuminated the roof of the building. Independence was up there holding her bow.

The entire museum peninsula was being guarded by the Destroyers and Cruisers.

The Bay was empty, all of the ship hulls had been packed away. After all, Nevada, Prinz Eugen, John C Butler, and Atlanta needed their hulls for the coming fight.

"Where are the battleships?" Avatar asks

"Radar is picking them up out at sea." The radar officer answers.
The PRT Rig was in a code red.

The place was being evacuated, because they did not know if the tinker tech shields would hold. They no longer had a tinker able to maintain them and the Endbringer would bring waves they probably couldn't survive.

A metallic clang reverberates up the structure as a ferry boat is pushed into a main support by the waves.

"Keep loading, If you can't carry it, leave it behind! Your life and everyone else's isn't worth paperwork!"

Lightning strikes the top of the rig causing the shields to flicker while several of the officers flinch from the deafening boom.

Renick the only senior officer and acting director ever since Calvert got arrested in court, was watching in sadness as they were forced to evacuate the rig. The PRT's untouchable seat of power was doomed against the coming of Leviathan.

The PRT ENE didn't even have the manpower to attempt and fight back against the Endbringer let alone organize anything significant.

From what director Costa Brown had said they might not even show up just to prove that they are needed.

In truth it's a gamble…

Off in the distance CVN-65 getting ready to set sail out of the bay hopefully the carrier would be ready in time, Dockworkers were hastily welding metal plates to quickly patch the areas that were being worked on. The rain only getting harder as time passed, the navy was a new power in the bay and they could hopefully put up a fight against the end bringer with their growing strength.

They truthfully had a chance.

Especially ever since those ship girls showed up.
Meanwhile at the docks.

Those who were not working on the carrier were setting up the shelter lowering things that could fall and covering up the glass windows.

Amy is hugging Taylor as the two watch the fan storm shutter lower covering the glass entrance door.
If one were to look up the Space Shuttle Enterprise is no longer hanging cargo bay open with the stars behind her. The ceiling was completely dark because the same metal sheets were covering the sky lights.

The building which had been built to withstand a high category hurricane was about to be put to the test.

Nagato, Warspite, Georgia, New York, Nevada, and Enterprise CV-6 had sailed out to sea.

"Why am I out here again?" Enterprise asks again.

"Because of your experience with Typhoon Cobra. That and I don't think this storm will be as bad because, I am willing to bet a retrofit that you can shoot a plane off right now." Georgia answers

Enterprise pulls back her bow and loose the string, Surprisingly an SBD-3 is able to take flight.

"Enterprise is scouting for us, let us head off this beast and finish him before he gets to the bay Remind him who trully rules the waves!" Georgia announces

"Whoorah!" all the girls respond as Georgia starts to play music

View: https://youtu.be/3TujdQWdofM

"HEY POLICE GIRL GRAB YOUR JACKET WE ARE HEADING TO NEW ENGLAND" Alucard shouts with glee leaving his lair in the basement.
Chapter 7-2
The city was empty, its streets and buildings abandoned. The only sounds were the wails of an old decrepit siren and the hard pitter patter of the monsoon like rain hitting the streets.
Suddenly, the sea began to recede, pulling back from the land with a force that seemed almost supernatural. The water drained away, leaving behind a vast expanse of sand and seaweed.
For a moment, everything was still. Then, a low rumbling sound filled the air, growing louder and more ominous with each passing second.
The first wave hit the city like a battering ram, slamming into the empty buildings with a force that shook the ground. The water rushed through the streets, carrying cars and debris along with it.
The second wave was even worse, a towering wall of water that dwarfed most of the buildings. It crashed into the city with a deafening roar, some of the damaged gas lines had begun to leak, all it took was a spark and several of the surviving buildings were experiencing a fire so intense it lit up the city.

Then, the third wave came. The third wave that was the worst, it was the wave on which the Leviathan rode.The massive lizard-like Endbringer proceeded to tear through the tops of buildings flinging debris into the far off distance.

As seconds turned to minutes it had become clear that the water would not recede and the city had become an aquatic battle ground. Home field for the leviathan.

Leviathan was planning to SINK the bay like he has to many coastal cities before.
Brockton Bay ship museum.

Danny was on the balcony with Taylor watching out of the second story warehouse window. The water was a solid four maybe five feet in depth. The rain also wasn't lightning up.

"I want to be out there." Taylor says over the radio.

"No, you are guarding the museum little sis." Fletcher responds back from across the city.

"Girls! It swam by us, it's coming!" Georgia shouts into the radio panicking.

The battle line was making full steam back to Bay Enterprise being the fastest would be the first one back. Georgia although her usual topspeed was significantly weighed down by the experimental ammunition.

Fletcher was with Prinz Eugen and was among the first to find leviathan.

The giant beast was clinging on to the medhall building roaring ferociously.

"I see ze beast!" Eugen says

"Blast it!" Fletcher shouts letting loose her 5 in guns 4 shells hitting the target and 1 star shell to assist fires in illuminating the city.

The 5 inch shells do next to nothing aside covering the endbringer in scorch marks.
Eugen opens up shortly after, the 8in high explosive blowing some small indents into the sea monster's skin.

Eugen and Fletcher both freeze utterly baffled by the lack of damage to the monster.

"This is Fletcher, we found it… We could use some help."

"Atlanta on route!'

"Enterprise I'm still 3 mins out. 1 min till I can safely launch my planes." Enterprise

The whistling sound of death rang from above. Corsairs launched from Independence The clouds flashed as 20mm cannon rounds hit the end bringer's hand forcing him to let go from the building and plummeting into the water. A second later an explosion rocked the Medhall building blowing several fires out before they started again even stronger than before.

The great beast hit the water with a splash.

"Sonar is picking him up… Below!" Fletcher shouts panicked

There was a large splash and Eugen wasn't able to see Fletcher.

"Fletcher! Where did you go!" Eugen shouts panicked

A second splash occurred and Eugen was gone as well.

"Girls this is Independence, My planes just reported that Fletcher and Eugen disappeared. They didn't see what happened to them." The carrier says nervously.

The waters calm by the medhall building as the Leviathan leaves the area. The sky darkens as the starshell touches down into the water.

"Girl's Sonar is picking it up and heading towards me. I could use some assistance!" Atlanta shouts shaken up over the radio.

"I'm shifting over to my hull form… I will be there as soon as I can." Georgia replies somberly.
Meanwhile, outside the city the Heros were assembling. It was the first ever night fight against Leviathan and it had the make up of a nightmare scenario.

Legend didn't even know how to start the debrief.