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Quests Archive

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What Would Happen if? A Dangerous Question that many don't ask is... Should we? The Future of Man has Come to the Past, to where we live and die The Future of Man has Come to Roost in the Past, and the consequences that come with it.
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In 2360, at the end of a blood-soaked war started by a martyred dictator, the power-hungry CEO of Stahl Industries unleashed a genocidal weapon on the inhabitants of Helghan. In the months that followed, blood and water flowed in equal measure as tyrant battled tyrant until, at last, the people cried out as one and those that would see them ground underfoot were silenced. Since those seven days in May and the Adenium Revolution that followed, much has changed on Helghan...
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Here is a Naruto Kage quest where we make the leader of a ninja village and play out their story. Sidestories are more then accepted and encouraged.
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Victoria Falls The world wakes from a fever dream into a nightmare. Try to find your feet in a devastated North America and find a way to end the dream for good.
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It is the dawn of 1930. The Combined Defence Committee of Reewiin has selected you to establish its military as pre-eminent in East and Central Africa. It is up to you and your fellow members to take a poorly organised and equipped gendarmerie and turn it into a modern fighting force that will survive the coming years and decades.
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Napoleon II is allowed to flee to Poland in the November Uprising of 1830, leading to its partial victory and diplomatic intervention. Questers are asked to lend their support to the various factions in Napoleonic Poland and chart the course of the Little Eagle. The game begins in the summer of 1840.
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A nation quest set in the world of Golarion from the Pathfinder campaign setting, readers will follow a tribal people from a "monster" heritage in their quest to become a nation, and what that means for them.
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It is a new year under the heavens, and a small nation in Asia is shocked by the death of their beloved leader. Your father. Now it is your time to rule and ensure your name is within the pages of History. Served as the inspiration of Digging for Nations in the Desert (No SV, You are a Micronation in the End of the World) by @Magoose. Reviews: @Magoose: Well you have a good idea and it got crazy, gay and left wing. You are the sv questers wet dream. @CyberEnby: Me: Oh, funni thread...
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This is a primarily narrative-based governance quest intended to depict the world after the end of the FONV main campaign from the perspective of the Courier, leader of a newly independent New Vegas.
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War, War never changes. Follow a post-apocalyptic nation in the wastelands of the Falloutverse
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Welcome to Lex Mechanica can you guide this forgeworld into a bright future ? this is a parliamentary Quest in the future of the forty-first millennium, inspired by Excellent quests of such type ( Paix Française, Little Trouble in Big China, and Springtime of Nations: A German Republic Quest) which I recommend you all give it the good once over to get an idea on the "structure" of the quest.
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Space Cold War with Mechas! Guide your spacefaring nation through a period of tumultuous political and diplomatic issues. All while attempting to manage the demands of an after-war period for the entire sector. Invest in Experimental Mechs, Inspire heroes to lead your armies, and more!
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With bombs dropping, the world came to an end. No such small thing can end the people of the Eagle.
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Due to a combination of factors, the 1848 revolution succeeds in western and southern Germany, allowing for the formation of a German republic. Over the next 30-plus years, the Republic weathers multiple crises, both internal and external, culminating in a brutal civil war that paves the way for the radical Second Republic. Questers are asked to lend their support to the various factions vying for control of the German National Assembly and thus chart the course of Europe's most tumultuous...
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The Tenth Crusade had succeeded. The Christian League formed by Aragon had led Venice, Macedonia, and Poland to victory against the Black Sea Pact. The soldiers of the Ottoman Empire, Iran, and Tatarstan had fought bravely and valiantly, and had suffered for it, while Egypt was annexed with a whimper. In its wake an uneasy status quo settled across the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. The peace can not last. How long until it breaks down?
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Introduction / The Peace Summit
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A quest about corporations going to war, with magic, mecha, and industry in the mix. This is essentially a nation quest which will involve designing mecha, fighting battles, and dealing with the industry. Use plans!
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With the Conquest of Constantinople on the horizon, the only hope for Byzantium may be beyond the Pillars of Heracles and into the uncharted West - even if it means leaving the known world behind and facing an uncertain future in the hands of fate. For the People of Rome!
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The year is 1875. Fifteen long years ago, a simple raid on Harper’s Ferry took place. Armed with advanced weapons and unnatural coordination, John Brown and his countless comrades seized the arsenal, the nearby town, and the surrounding plantations. What had been planned as the beginning of a guerilla struggle spiraled into a full-blown revolution. Now the Freedmen's Republic, governed from Atlanta, finds itself with an unexpected problem. John Brown, the Premier for the past fifteen years...
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When there is no more room left in Hell, you decide to make things interesting. By just... doing things your way. Take that dad, I'm starting my own country! Just to prove you wrong! Inspired by @HeroCooky That Time I Became A Dictator Of A Small Asian Communist Nation using a modified system with his blessing.
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The year was 1956 and the palace stood empty. For almost thirty years the nation of Atontierra had been under the rule of Presidente Alvar Vergara before death claimed him with no successor in sight. Now a new Presidente takes charge of the nation. Will he lead the small Latin American nation to greatness or to ruin?
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The 1920 the roaring 20 or the decade of the gathering storm is what many would call this decade. From the tide that is the war to the end of all wars to now the naval arms race where decisions can be expected from the world and where one can make decisions that would change world doctrine. (You know where I'm going with this) Welcome to rising eagle.
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Nearly twenty-five thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, there was the First Great Jedi Schism. On one side, the Jedi Council at Ossus. On the other, the renegade Xendor and his Legions of Lettow. This conflict ended with a Jedi victory, but in this Quest, the Force has rolled the dice and given Xendor a second chance. What will you make the Legions of Lettow? How will you shape the galaxy's history?
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In 1964, the American spacecraft Ranger 7 took the first close up picture of the moon and proved for the first time what many suspected: there was native life there. Within a decade, people from all across the world–mostly political dissidents and others whose governments would be glad to see gone–would go on a one way trip to the moon using amazing new technology invested in by the billions by the prospect of extraterrestrial life. These people set up the first colonies, making use of the...
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Due to a combination of factors, the 1848 revolution succeeds in western and southern Germany, allowing for the formation of a German republic. Questers are asked to lend their support to the various parties within republican Germany and thus chart the course of Europe's newest democracy. The game begins in the summer of 1853.
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A new dawn breaks on a horrified nation, once in a sunless, timeless realm. The Atlantic Ocean's waves now broke upon their shores, so different than their own sea. The island nation did not yet know it, but they were now on Earth, in the year 1840.
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A table of contents for Shattered Empire, which should be useful now that it has returned from the grave.
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The Second Europan War incinerated the old order in Europa - and from the ashes, the Atlantic Federation rises as a power unchallenged. From the shattered ashes of the East Europan Imperial Alliance rise nations, new and old, each setting their own unsure steps on the world stage: A world irreversibly changed by the collapse of one of the greatest powers the world has ever known, and where more than ever, might makes right. From Kingdoms to Republics, from the restoration of old nations...
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This quest is primarily inspired by the Springtime of Nations quest by etranger01. Like it, this will be a parliamentary quest, where you vote for both what party to support and their planks for what they'll do once in power.
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It is 1933, and the peace in Europa which had settled after the end of the Great War is slowly yet surely unraveling. The Orrusians in the east are calling for communist revolution, while Ildoa is a nationalistic hotbed - to say nothing of the Akitsushima Empire in Asia invading the Republic of China! Have you what it takes to guide your nation through the tumultuous 1930's, the 1940's, and even beyond? Set in an alternate Earth were many things have changed, this quest seeks to explore an...
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