Oh Order and Peace it had great potential then the dice came into play. But yeah IRL dice seems like a good solution.
Hey everyone. Sorry for keeping you all waiting, had to get the doctors a blood sample for a test. Nothing serious. Will go to sleep after answering these questions!

Can you point out where the hints are or are these part of the "have not been put in"?

They were put in.

"Peter Ahnsicht, speaking."

"Peter, Otto Remister here. You are seeing what I am seeing, correct?"

Peter snorted, his mood improving slightly, keeping one eye on the now-muted television. "If you mean the total collapse of order and complete anarchy, yes. The commies are rioting, but Pyotr is already on it. A simple show of force, and those rats will crawl back into their burrows." Possibly lethal force, but what was one Communist more or less? Not like he cared.

"'Bloody Schöffner', huh? When and how did you manage to get permission for his deployment, old friend?"

"I did not, and the Chancellor does not know. The perks of being effectively the shadow minister of the Reichswehr - Hencke is in my pocket, and with his signature I can do anything I want...well, within reason."

The Chancellor did not control the deployment of the Reichswehr here - As Peter so nicely said, he did not get permission, and Kurt was kept out of the loop. A conclusion can be drawn here that if certain units and officers can be deployed without the knowledge of the most senior member of government, namely the leader of the government and the nation at large, that the Army can be corrupt and have ulterior motives and loyalties.

Question how would the Valois be part post-WW2 Russia?
Their lands were never even touched?

Their lands were touched, even in canon Valkyria Chronicles. In the maps after Operation Northern Cross, you can see that the Empire has invaded in the south, and part of their controlled territory overlaps with that of territory from the Valois Republic. Further, I have...made changes to the pace of the war, because otherwise you have Maximillian invading Gallia in the middle of the largest rout/retreat ever seen in Imperial history. And while no Generalplan Ost-style plans were drawn up, and while largely, there were no such reprisals like that in Russia during the bitter fighting on the eastern front, when fighting did break out in unevacuated towns, villages and cities, neither side cared for the civilians. It is just the Valois being able to pin their share of carelessness on the Imperials.

I think the QMs talking about the political and social aspects

And that, yes. Post World War Two France does not fit: The nation was not entirely occupied with collaborators running a puppet state. The Soviet Union, how it emerged afterwards, does fit more.
Well then, having read over the discussion in this quest, I have hoped to have an absolute monarchy. However, I will compromise on my position for a monarch with powers that can intervene in the nation if needed, while a body of electors or as such is there to represent the people, moving on from that...

However, if any goal that supersedes them all, it is the unification of the Eastern Europa Imperial Alliance through any means necessary, conquest, diplomacy, or economic, any and all methods shall be used. After we have united, we must push all our efforts to unite all bureaucracies, militaries, and economies to allow for a more unified and stronger state to be able to have the Eagle rise as one, united under One Nation, One People, and One Emperor! Hail the Valkyur!
Having tried upwards of a dozen random number generators, I am going to resort to using IRL dice for this. Seriously, not funny this. It happens every bloody time, it is annoying as all hell: It happened with A Restoration of Order and Peace (my first quest, it...has a mixed reputation on my side), it happened with the other SW quest which is kinda dead, it happened with the reboot of the first quest (is also dead)... Really, it sucks.
Personally theirs nothing wrong with roll generators, besides the fact that they are random, which doesn't work well with systems when one dices roll can mean one severe negative affect and the next an inexplicable positive one that the author now has to balance against the previous negative effect. Also RL 1D100 seem like they'd be pretty heavy, and unreliable as all hell.

Well then, having read over the discussion in this quest, I have hoped to have an absolute monarchy. However, I will compromise on my position for a monarch with powers that can intervene in the nation if needed, while a body of electors or as such is there to represent the people, moving on from that...
There is the possibility of an electoral monarch. The people would vote in a candidate to rule for life. This could be balanced out by forfeighting a certain amount of direction of the state to indipendent imperial diet initiatives. This allows us to neatly sidestep the weakness of democracy of stagnation and voting in leaders of compromised goals.

The diet would be forced to negotiate agreements on what actions they want taken quickly or forfeight their control over a turns actions to the monarch. The monarch in turn would still have maintain relations with the diet, but the lack of need to campaign so long as he lives would take the edge out of the need to compromise and make unfavorable deals come campaign season.

Of course we can also do the equivalent with the diet being on top instead. The point I'm making is a full democracy has just as many pitfalls as full monarchy and maybe a compromised system might help us avoid some of the pirfalls of both.
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There is the possibility of an electoral monarch. The people would vote in a candidate to rule for life. This could be balanced out by forfeighting a certain amount of direction of the state to indipendent imperial diet initiatives. This allows us to neatly sidestep the weakness of democracy of stagnation and voting in leaders of compromised goals.

The diet would be forced to negotiate agreements on what actions they want taken quickly or forfeight their control over a turns actions to the monarch. The monarch in turn would still have maintain relations with the diet, but the lack of need to campaign so long as he lives would take the edge out of the need to compromise and make unfavorable deals come campaign season.

Of course we can also do the equivalent with the diet being on top instead. The point I'm making is a full democracy has just as many pitfalls as full monarchy and maybe a compromised system might help us avoid some of the pirfalls of both.
I strongly disagree with the idea of an Electoral Monarch especially one that serves for life. As far as I'm concerned on that point you my might as well have a republic with a President for Life as you've got practically that same thing with extra pagentry and more to hide behind.

It doesn't work that well as a counterbalance as all it does is ensure that the throne goes to whomever can play the public opinion the best and rally enough support behind them for that single election, it significantly raises the chances of someone like Trump coming to power, except this time you can't remove them next election when reality ensuses.

While there is still a chance of that happening with a more conventional monarchy it's significantly lower than it is with an electoral monarch as it has to overcome a standard of education, responsibility and duty that should be instilled in someone who's raised for the role. At the very least they'll still act with more dignity and composure.
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It doesn't work that well as a counterbalance as all it does is ensure that the throne goes to whomever can play the public opinion the best and rally enough support behind them for that single election, it ignificantly raises the chances of someone like Trump coming to power, except this time you can't remove them next election when reality ensuses.
Yes, and sometimes the person born to the throne is an idiot, selfish, or irresponsible. The electoral monarch has to be someone the puplic can put their trust in longterm, rather than playing on the ability to remove an incompetent come the next election. It allows a bit of meritocracy to become a factor, as whoever is put forward as a candidate needs a long history of mutually successful endeavors not limited to his own financial growth.

Repeatedly making sure an idiot isn't voted in is less viable than making sure the right person gets voted in once. Campaign costs are a major drain on a nations resources and focus and I'd like to surcomevent them to some degree relatively soon.

There is also the plain fact that the average citizen cares only about his personal problems and not those of the nation. This is typically a negative on election out comes and general government activities as leading the nation becomes a game of adressing relatively insignificant issues concerning the layman to stay in power rather than acting in the interests of the nation to solve genuine problems.

We see this today with a number of issues I'll not get into, do to the fact that poletical issues not related to the quest aren't meant to come up in discussion.
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Yes, and sometimes the person born to the throne is an idiot, selfish, or irresponsible. The electoral monarch has to be someone the puplic can put their trust in longterm, rather than playing on the ability to remove an incompetent come the next election. It allows a bit of meritocracy to become a factor, as whoever is put forward as a candidate needs a long history of mutually successful endeavors not limited to his own financial growth.

Repeatedly making sure an idiot isn't voted in is less viable than making sure the right person gets voted in once. Campaign costs are a major drain on a nations resources and focus and I'd like to surcomevent them to some degree relatively soon.
I think you're placing far more faith in the public to make a good decision than I'm willing to, it places far to much emphasis on their campaigning ability rather than their other characteristics.

Yes there is always a chance that the person is not suited for the role but it can still be compensated for and in the event that isn't enough it's still a lower chance than the an elected Monarch.

There can still be more methods to compensate and rectify ways to prevent an unsuitable monarch from taking the throne. Perhaps requring a vote in Parliament or the equivalent with a Super Majority required to reject them or something else. Requiring a certain minimum of grades or time served in public service or the armed forces perhaps. There are many potential checks to prevent an unsuitable monarch from taking the throne in a hereditary monarchy but I maintain that an Electoral Monarchy is an idea that leaves the role far to open to abuse by individuals like, Hitler, Stalin or Trump (I wil include Trump in the list as they exploited people's fears and prejudices to get into power)
if we debate which form of government is less open to abuse we will be here all day cause on the one hand we get cruel people like king Leopold or stupid people who get power cause they are born on the other hand we get people who either exploit fears, racism or invent some greater time or they could start good and end up being corrupted by power or cant handle it
If anything, right now all we have to truly worry about is what we need to do to improve upon our failures and succeed where our predecessors failed.

The wait for the next turn goes on.
He lies cataconic on his deathbed, alone except for the half-asleep nurse seated beside him, eyes closed and breathing steady. For weeks now, the man has been in a coma - for all the might he once held, he is now alone, no sliver of his former power present.

And while he lays motionless on the hospital bed, he sees his life flash in a slow stream before his eyes, images and memories flashing in a reverse like a broken piece of film. He sees the flashes of a pistol aimed at his chest by a man with a mad grin before the door to his office slam open, hears the funeral bells toll as his wife is buried alongside the rest of the family that they once had, he smells the ashes of Schwartzgrad with her once beautiful cathedrals now forever empty, the lights extinguished in the shadow of a gigantic blue flame: He remembers the war and the fights against the Federation in central Europa, the great celebrations after the grand victories in the southern front, the cheers and jubilations as the Imperial Army once more drove into the Atlantic Federation with verocity and speed unmatched after years of waiting, as a pair of coffins lowered into the ground while even more funeral bells ring - the stream ends with one last shot of morphine, the injection giving his worn eyes the strength to open.

The room is empty, most of the extravagant paintings and decorations having long since been removed after the march eastwards ended in Klanisgrad, the last stronghold of the Empire, only a soft breeze and the golden sunlight falling in through the window. In the distance lurk the mountains, and after them the Pacific Seas, but the old man does not see them: His eyes search the room, looking for something to assure himself that in the end it will be alright, for himself and his people - but there is nothing, apart from a vague sense of dread, that of uncertainty and regret. A torn Imperial flag reminds him of all that once was - and which was now little more than a memory.

As the golden sun shined on his face, he closed his eyes. There was no point fighting it now.

The dream, the feverish desire of an once-mighty nation, had finally ended in defeat, the fight against destiny irrevocaly lost.

And as the clock sounds the twelfth hour, Emperor Frans Karl III, the King of Kings, the last Emperor of the East Europan Imperial Alliance, breathed his last.

Scheduled vote count started by Ojou-Sama on Dec 27, 2021 at 8:28 PM, finished with 53 posts and 30 votes.
Farewell, Mein Kaiser

Also why is that chapter reminds me of this ?
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Also RL 1D100 seem like they'd be pretty heavy, and unreliable as all hell.

You could get around the physical restrictions of an actual d100 die by using two d10 dice instead. Just designate one of them for the tens digits (ie. 00, 10, 20, ... 90) and other for the ones digits (ie. 1-10) then add them together (ex. You rolled a 1 for the tens digit which translates to 00 then you rolled a 10 for the ones digits, then just add them together: 00 + 10 = 10; rolling a 90 instead gives you: 90 + 10 = 100). In fact, think there are d10 dice that actually labelled as 00 to 90 in some games shops.
The Chancellor did not control the deployment of the Reichswehr here - As Peter so nicely said, he did not get permission, and Kurt was kept out of the loop. A conclusion can be drawn here that if certain units and officers can be deployed without the knowledge of the most senior member of government, namely the leader of the government and the nation at large, that the Army can be corrupt and have ulterior motives and loyalties.
Huh question about this I assume due to the Nat 100 we got on military roll and the resulting purge we no longer need to worry about this do we?

Edit that funny the QM left on this question makes me paranoid, I now want to continue investigations in the army.
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