Not A Story The Jedi Would Tell You: A Legions of Lettow Quest

The vote isn't quite over yet, but absent a few extra votes, I know which plan will likely win, so starting on the next update now. If a surprise result wins I can easily modify it.
Prologue 2 and second set of choices
Vote over! Winning vote was as follows:

Plan Mechanical Know-how
Species: Rodian, a reptilian species
Name: Ryzall Tarquis
Gender Identity and Pronouns: Non-Binary, They/Them
Role: You're a gearhead, a natural whiz at technology, even the rather antiquated machinery the Legions managed to spirit away (OC is Research Advisor)
Lettow Geography: Oceanic World

Lettow and the Triumvirate

You took a deep breath as you stride out of the starship onto one of the few larger islands of the oceanic world of Lettow. It is a world nearly entirely covered in water, crowned only by what would generously be called an island chain, with no true continents or large landmasses, and certainly no sentient habitant before the Legions… you think. Even if hyperspace travel is new, the galaxy is certainly quite ancient, the Jedi themselves ten thousand years old… and your love's new Legion a scant few months. Shaking your head clear of the enormity of Xendor's renunciation of the Jedi, you concluded that you are most likely the first Rodian on Lettow. The sea air felt good on your skin, moisturizing but less humid than your jungle-like homeworld of Rodia. Not that you ever lived there, you were born on Ossus, the Order's current headquarters.

What do you know about your origins-1?

[] Very little. The Jedi took you when you were young, and while the Temple's holocrons provided some scan details on Rodia, you felt little connection to your people. Few other Rodians resided at the Jedi Temple even now. You always felt a sense of bitterness towards that, and that shared sense of exile drew you to Xendor, for while he was Human, his people, the Kashi Mer Dynasty, were lost to him.

[] Very much. Your parents were Force-sensitive, but never strong enough to be considered full Jedi, working as menials in the Temple. They told you a great deal of your homeworld and gave you a sense of what it means to be Rodian. They were both dead now, killed by wildlife and heart problems respectively within a week of each other. Xendor was one of the few that comforted you in your grief, let you vent your sorrow without censure, unlike your teachers, who counseled you not show your emotion.

But you were not the only unique thing on the shores of Lettow. In escaping the Jedi, you managed to acquire or steal an item or multiples of items, squirreling it away for the Legion and your own personal research. The Legions might not have the resources the Jedi do, but they shall not be defenseless, this you vow.

Your item:

[] An artillery piece from the Rakatan Infinite Empire, a massive bulky thing more like a cannon of antiquity than one of the emerging handheld beam-tube blaster weapons. When you touch it, you can feel an energy to it, a sense of power… (+10 to Legionary Temple Defense, unlocks Blaster and Rakatan tech trees)

[] A dozen Madog Steel blades, a relic of Tem Madog, a Cathar Jedi swordsmith on Tython during the rebellion against the Infinite Empire, as well Madog's holocron on how to create them. (+10 to personal combat for Xendor and Arden, unlocks Saber and Forcesmithing)

[] A reprogrammed Guardian Corps war droid from old Xim the Despot's arsenal. It lacks Xim's plethora of weaponry mounted upon it, but instead has a linguistic module installed on it, probably installed by a Jedi Master who liked the poetic nature of making a weapon of war into a weapon of peace. It can replicate around three hundred languages… and is likely stolen from a Hutt trophy palaces. (+5 to diplomatic communications with the Republic and Tionese Union, -5 with relations with the Hutt Empire, unlocks Droid tech tree)

[] Shipjacker kits, specialized tools to hijack a ship or two… quite useful for a piratical bunch such as the Tionese or Hutts, less acceptable to the Republic, who view themselves as more legalistic than their rivals. (+5 to diplomatic relations with the Tionese Union and the Hutt Empire, -5 with relations with the Republic, unlocks Smuggler Tree)

As you and the other mechanically-inclined Legionaries toiled away at the beginnings of the Legionary Temple, you chattered in Basic, joking about "roughing it", several of you hoping that others of your number knew how to fish. Slowly over the next few weeks, a rough structure arose upon the island, a durasteel fort or castle of sorts, more militaristic perhaps than the great Jedi Temple on Ossus, but then, you neither have the time nor resources to spare on making it pretty (Gain Rudimentary Legion Temple!).

Not long after you put the finishing touches on the Temple, you see a familiar starship with the Jedi Order's iconography scratched off; Xendor and Arden must have arrived. As the ship opens and disgorges several hundred pairs of feet, paws, hooves, and flippers attached to your fellow dissidents, you look amongst the semi-chaos for signs of your two greatest loves. Here a Twilek, there a Cathar, there a Sullustan, there a Iktotchi, more species than you could shake a stickle tree at. Finally, as the last of the new arrivals stepped off, you saw them. Muscular, lithe Arden Lyn and regal, strong Xendor. As both saw you, their eyes lit up and they walked faster, arriving in your workspace, looking up at your admittedly crude attempt at a Legion Temple.

As if sensing your thoughts, Xendor grinned. "Ryzall my love, it's nearly as beautiful as you!"

You barked out a laugh and are caught off guard as Xendor kissed your snout and cheeks, his rough stubble scratching wonderfully against your pebbly skin. Arden joins but a moment later, kissing the spots Xendor hadn't gotten to and pinching the rears of both you and Xendor. You all chortle and giggle at the impropriety, lost in the moment. Your joy was not only from flirting with your lovers, but with the establishment of the Legion itself. You had done it! You had escaped the Jedi, at least for a moment. The three of you rest against the durasteel, glad it was a relatively cool day. It wouldn't do for the most prominent leaders of the Legion to get scorched.

Xendor was the first to break the silence as he stretched out against a wall, his easy smile shifting to a thoughtful look. "So, what are we going to do now? What role will the three of us have in the Legions?"

Arden idly tapped at the durasteel, careful to not put dents in it with her immense strength from her Steel Hand of Palawa training. "I'm not the greatest diplomat, and nor am I a credit-counter. Give me something I can strike, something I can track. Front lines or shadows, that's my preference."

Xendor nods and turns to you. "I know both of you would kill me yourselves if I was injured on a diplomatic mission, but I can draw crowds and speak to people one on one. I'd prefer not to lead an army, but the Legionnaires already call me General, so I could certainly try. I could also lead our study of the Force; we have so many traditions here that I'm itching to meditate upon!"

You shrug. The grease and slime and whirring machinery was your greatest appeal, and beyond your fellow gearheads and your lovers, you weren't a great conversationalist. Fiddling with numbers sounded like a great way to become deranged with boredom. And both of your lovers were better at war. They already knew your preference and didn't give you a title for the time being, for there was no need.

Which roles do you suggest to Xendor and Arden-2?


[] Xendor will become a Captain-General, leader of the Legions in all things military. (Xendor will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Arden's Military Advisor choice)

[] Xendor will become Consul, diplomatic face of the Legions. (Xendor will become Diplomatic Advisor)

[] Xendor will become the Renunciate, the spiritual leader of the Legions and face of their rejection of the Jedi. (Xendor will become Attunement Research Advisor)

Arden Lyn:

[] Arden Lyn will become the Steel Fist, the warmaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Xendor's Military Advisor choice)

[] Arden Lyn will become the Silent Hand, the spymaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Intrigue Advisor)



-1- This is entirely cosmetic, mostly just flavor and fleshing out Ryzall and their feelings on being Rodian.

-2- You'll notice that there are a couple of advisor roles still missing; I didn't want to make too many more OCs right off the bat, but new advisor recruits will come quickly, and you probably won't need too many actions for the roles not included for the first turn or two. I really couldn't come up with a good justification for either to be a Stewardship advisor, or for Xendor to be an Intrigue advisor, so apologies if it feels kind of railroaded.
-3- For some reason I couldn't link the image of Xendor and Arden Lyn directly from Wookieepedia, so have the trading card image instead, haha.
[X] Proper Roles and Blasters
-[X] Very much. Your parents were Force-sensitive, but never strong enough to be considered full Jedi, working as menials in the Temple. They told you a great deal of your homeworld and gave you a sense of what it means to be Rodian. They were both dead now, killed by wildlife and heart problems respectively within a week of each other. Xendor was one of the few that comforted you in your grief, let you vent your sorrow without censure, unlike your teachers, who counseled you not show your emotion.
-[X] An artillery piece from the Rakatan Infinite Empire, a massive bulky thing more like a cannon of antiquity than one of the emerging handheld beam-tube blaster weapons. When you touch it, you can feel an energy to it, a sense of power… (+10 to Legionary Temple Defense, unlocks Blaster and Rakatan tech trees)
-[X] Xendor will become Consul, diplomatic face of the Legions. (Xendor will become Diplomatic Advisor)
-[X] Arden Lyn will become the Steel Fist, the warmaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Xendor's Military Advisor choice)
[X] Plan: Echoes of Rebellion
-[X] Very little. The Jedi took you when you were young, and while the Temple's holocrons provided some scan details on Rodia, you felt little connection to your people. Few other Rodians resided at the Jedi Temple even now. You always felt a sense of bitterness towards that, and that shared sense of exile drew you to Xendor, for while he was Human, his people, the Kashi Mer Dynasty, were lost to him.
-[X] A dozen Madog Steel blades, a relic of Tem Madog, a Cathar Jedi swordsmith on Tython during the rebellion against the Infinite Empire, as well Madog's holocron on how to create them. (+10 to personal combat for Xendor and Arden, unlocks Saber and Forcesmithing)
-[X] Xendor will become Consul, diplomatic face of the Legions. (Xendor will become Diplomatic Advisor)
-[X] Arden Lyn will become the Steel Fist, the warmaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Xendor's Military Advisor choice)
[X] Plan The Leader, The Warmaster & The Engineer
-[X] Very little. The Jedi took you when you were young, and while the Temple's holocrons provided some scan details on Rodia, you felt little connection to your people. Few other Rodians resided at the Jedi Temple even now. You always felt a sense of bitterness towards that, and that shared sense of exile drew you to Xendor, for while he was Human, his people, the Kashi Mer Dynasty, were lost to him.
-[X] A reprogrammed Guardian Corps war droid from old Xim the Despot's arsenal. It lacks Xim's plethora of weaponry mounted upon it, but instead has a linguistic module installed on it, probably installed by a Jedi Master who liked the poetic nature of making a weapon of war into a weapon of peace. It can replicate around three hundred languages… and is likely stolen from a Hutt trophy palaces. (+5 to diplomatic communications with the Republic and Tionese Union, -5 with relations with the Hutt Empire, unlocks Droid tech tree)
-[X] Xendor will become the Renunciate, the spiritual leader of the Legions and face of their rejection of the Jedi. (Xendor will become Attunement Research Advisor)
-[X] Arden Lyn will become the Steel Fist, the warmaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Xendor's Military Advisor choice)
[X] Plan The Leader, The Warmaster & The Engineer
-[X] Very little. The Jedi took you when you were young, and while the Temple's holocrons provided some scan details on Rodia, you felt little connection to your people. Few other Rodians resided at the Jedi Temple even now. You always felt a sense of bitterness towards that, and that shared sense of exile drew you to Xendor, for while he was Human, his people, the Kashi Mer Dynasty, were lost to him.
-[X] A reprogrammed Guardian Corps war droid from old Xim the Despot's arsenal. It lacks Xim's plethora of weaponry mounted upon it, but instead has a linguistic module installed on it, probably installed by a Jedi Master who liked the poetic nature of making a weapon of war into a weapon of peace. It can replicate around three hundred languages… and is likely stolen from a Hutt trophy palaces. (+5 to diplomatic communications with the Republic and Tionese Union, -5 with relations with the Hutt Empire, unlocks Droid tech tree)
-[X] Xendor will become the Renunciate, the spiritual leader of the Legions and face of their rejection of the Jedi. (Xendor will become Attunement Research Advisor)
-[X] Arden Lyn will become the Steel Fist, the warmaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Xendor's Military Advisor choice)
[X] Proper Roles and Blasters
-[X] Very much. Your parents were Force-sensitive, but never strong enough to be considered full Jedi, working as menials in the Temple. They told you a great deal of your homeworld and gave you a sense of what it means to be Rodian. They were both dead now, killed by wildlife and heart problems respectively within a week of each other. Xendor was one of the few that comforted you in your grief, let you vent your sorrow without censure, unlike your teachers, who counseled you not show your emotion.
-[X] An artillery piece from the Rakatan Infinite Empire, a massive bulky thing more like a cannon of antiquity than one of the emerging handheld beam-tube blaster weapons. When you touch it, you can feel an energy to it, a sense of power… (+10 to Legionary Temple Defense, unlocks Blaster and Rakatan tech trees)
-[X] Xendor will become Consul, diplomatic face of the Legions. (Xendor will become Diplomatic Advisor)
-[X] Arden Lyn will become the Steel Fist, the warmaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Xendor's Military Advisor choice)
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[X] Plan prepare for the Jedi
-[X] Very much. Your parents were Force-sensitive, but never strong enough to be considered full Jedi, working as menials in the Temple. They told you a great deal of your homeworld and gave you a sense of what it means to be Rodian. They were both dead now, killed by wildlife and heart problems respectively within a week of each other. Xendor was one of the few that comforted you in your grief, let you vent your sorrow without censure, unlike your teachers, who counseled you not show your emotion.
-[X] Shipjacker kits, specialized tools to hijack a ship or two… quite useful for a piratical bunch such as the Tionese or Hutts, less acceptable to the Republic, who view themselves as more legalistic than their rivals. (+5 to diplomatic relations with the Tionese Union and the Hutt Empire, -5 with relations with the Republic, unlocks Smuggler Tree)
-[X] Xendor will become the Renunciate, the spiritual leader of the Legions and face of their rejection of the Jedi. (Xendor will become Attunement Research Advisor)
-[X] Arden Lyn will become the Steel Fist, the warmaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Xendor's Military Advisor choice)

[X] Rakatan tech
-[X] Very much. Your parents were Force-sensitive, but never strong enough to be considered full Jedi, working as menials in the Temple. They told you a great deal of your homeworld and gave you a sense of what it means to be Rodian. They were both dead now, killed by wildlife and heart problems respectively within a week of each other. Xendor was one of the few that comforted you in your grief, let you vent your sorrow without censure, unlike your teachers, who counseled you not show your emotion.
-[X] An artillery piece from the Rakatan Infinite Empire, a massive bulky thing more like a cannon of antiquity than one of the emerging handheld beam-tube blaster weapons. When you touch it, you can feel an energy to it, a sense of power… (+10 to Legionary Temple Defense, unlocks Blaster and Rakatan tech trees)
-[X] Xendor will become the Renunciate, the spiritual leader of the Legions and face of their rejection of the Jedi. (Xendor will become Attunement Research Advisor)
-[X] Arden Lyn will become the Steel Fist, the warmaster of the Legions. (Arden will become the Military Advisor, cannot be taken with Xendor's Military Advisor choice)

made two plans because I couldnt decide between smuggling and Rakatan tech. Either way I definitly think Xendor should be our force guy, he founded this movement to discover other force traditions, he should get to do that