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Quests Archive

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The year is 1950 and the sun is about to set on the British Empire. But that only concerns the muggles. Magical Britain still stands firm as an example for the rest of the Wizarding World. Yet it does not know of the trouble that awaits but a decade later. In this riot quest, you play as grassroots political organizations. Not political parties, but instead minor groups that would seek to either influence electoral politics or create change from outside of the system.
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The year is 1921 and the world has been changed in many ways in the last year, an Aurora shown in the night sky across the entire world and under its light the first super erupted with power. Will you petty wonders destroy your city or save it? Who knows and who cares, we’re just here to watch.
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Opening Post: Character Creation
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This is a quest. About what, you might ask? Well, it's a quest about the quest you are reading right now. Obviously.
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Humanity (With the help of some psychic connections to a sorta eldritch force of incredible power and potential source of all existence) has managed to reach the stars Then a bunch of wars happened among those stars since getting along may be a part of being human, but it is not a very strong part when it comes to billions spread out across multiple galaxies You're a colony landing on a distant world trying to carve a way for yourselves in a...
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Become a disciple of the Red Dew Sect. Explore a xianxia world, do sect missions, make friends, destroy enemies, and impress the elders all while progressing your cultivation.
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This is a World of Heroes, A World of Legend. An Earth Born from the stuff of legends and the ideals of dreams and the mad. Make your Hero or villain, Become Powerful, Popular and Influential. Forge the World in your image and be a beacon that will inspire all Mankind.
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Starting out as a cloud of dust and gas in a very Earthlike orbit, you are now a super-Earth with a burgeoning biosphere restored to your birth orbit after a long trek in the icy reaches of your system. Only one problem, though: your oceans are freezing.
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The First Quarter Quell has ended, The Capital of Panem has reached its Zenith, its rivals destroyed, and its enemies torn asunder. Now there is only one thing left to do rebuild and finally end this madness.
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This is a quest that is based off a fanmade version of Infinite Craft. Except, there's a character that has to survive. This is a reboot of my last quest.
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A redo of my caveman riot quest
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This is a quest that is based off a fanmade version of Infinite Craft. Except, there's a character that has to survive. Will update at least 5 times per week. Note: New people might want to write down the recipes that have and haven't been done.
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A riot quest based around taking Brockton Bay away from the villains - including the PRT. Second attempt.
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A barren platform floats in the middle of an equally barren ocean. Furnish it with buildings, creatures, and people in 5 turns. Based on Gods of Chaos by Photomajig and From Chaos by Mannan.
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To grow your Forest, learn Magic, rediscover Lost Technology, and hopefully avoid any Apocalypses. (This is all Raising Kittens' fault.)
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The year is 1890, in the United States of America. Revolutionary movements are about to sweep the world in the coming decades: what's the fate of yours? In this riot quest you play as a grassroots political organization. Not political parties, but instead minor groups that would seek to either influence electoral politics or create change from outside the system. Examples you may be familiar with would be the Democratic Socialists of America, or the Black Panthers.
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You are a group of extradimensional writers capable of remolding entire universes into whatever you may desire by simply coordinating your efforts and joining your powers to set such changes into existence. Create a strange, wonderous but ultimately fantastical cape setting that can hold all sorts of superpowered adventures. From crisis events that may redefine the entire universe, to tales of suspense filled with psuedoscience and phlebotium, or even folk stories of horror within the woods...
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The new gods on a new world the creation of creation anew. Welcome divinity's to your own little slice of reality in a riot style god quest
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase You're a group of extradimensional comic writers capable of remolding entire universes into whatever you may desire by simply coordinating your efforts into doing so Create a fantastical and wondrous superhero universe, full of superpowered adventure, drama between god-like individuals, and made-up overcomplicated pseudoscience to help explain why Blasto-Bite fires lazers out of his teeth
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Come and join the Squirrel Cultivation Sect. Updates when I got the time.
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The Beginning of a New Creation.
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In which SV tries not to get their forest burned down, fall into any swamps, or sucked into a black hole.
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Welcome to a world much similar to ours during the primitive age Control the various tribes wandering the lands and have them develop cultures and stories, war with eachother, develop in full civilizations Then watch as the stories they tell spring to life, bringing wonders and terrors aplenty How will YOU shape Tapeki?
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A young mage discovers an aptitude for spirit magic. Unfortunately you are the spirits. Do you answer?
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It is the year 3 AFE (16 BBY in later reckonings) of the Imperial Calendar. In the dying days of last year the Empire completed the Western Reaches campaign, crushing the last hold outs of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and ending any formal armed resistance to Imperial Rule. In this riot quest you play as a grassroots political organization. Whether that be a clandestine insurgent cell, a clique of like minded military officers, an illegal political party (parties and elections are...
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Everything is bigger in Texas. The hats, the hair, and the biggest attitudes around. It's no secret that the Texans love to brag about their state in all it's greatness. What is a secret however, a big secret like everything else in Texas is what a certain company has finally achieved. Join us in this quest to explore the divine and exploit it for the company and see how well you do in a pot of rapidly boiling water!
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Come and join the Squirrel Cultivation Sect. Updates when I got the time.
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The war has been won, now the peace must be won as well. Lead France properly through the uncertain fields of a country that has won its revolution.
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Zero-to-hero in an alternate 40k where Isha escaped
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Once upon a time, there was a mysterious isle. On this isle, there was a quaint town. It was quite a small town, sporting only a school, a general store, and a cafe. The people of this isle was quite gray and loveless. Every so often, one could find a resident sighing in longing... for love. On the outskirts of the town, there were houses. These houses had been empty and loveless for many many years, and the townsfolk just hoped that one day, some pretty hunk would just mysteriously move...
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