Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

I actually don't know if you're liking the direction of the quest so far. I'm currently leaning more into more narrative and character-driven segments and away from the descriptive segments I started the quest with. I feel like the current direction is more impactful, emotional, and dramatic as well as being more creatively freeing. What can you comment about the writing style of the quest?
Genuinely, I think the way you've been handling he past couple of turns has been great. A narrative is easier to follow and characters are easy to latch onto. Plus, seeing how ones acts affect those plots and characters is really fun.
Is this not the last turn? If not… uh, I'm not sure what else to give the Void Inchlings. Maybe a third eye that… does something? I'll have to think about it.
I was too tired to notice before, but isn't this supposed to benefit from Artisan? Or are you no longer allowing us to stack perks?
Oh. Wait. I completely forgot. I'll review.

Yep. Benefits from Artisan. The Act threadmark has been updated accordingly.

Also, your comments have been quite insightful. I'm putting them close to heart. I'll continue trying this quest to be as best as possible.
Oh, right, and re: POV change: If you can swing it, go for it. I'm looking forward to the reactions to the Power's Bane stuff.
Hmm actualy, @MangoFlan, would Violent Transporter be a Big act? I want it to be found in moment of great suffering by some really desperate, bitter, the lowest of the low being to start some trouble. :drevil:

Although, I am not sure, if it would count as Treasure or Artisan work. And I don't know if its capability of transporting things into random places above the Blue Ocean should put it into Great Act category. 🤔

Edit: Just imagine some poor dudes thinking they are gonna die, but instead appear in the middle of the endless blue ocean of water. Can they survive? Can they strive in this place?​
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