Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Now I want the Bridge to slowly get it hands on the remains of the Dragon to forge/grow new body for it, using its adamantine skeleton. Maybe he would never be as powerful as before, but his body at least would be unyelding. 🤔
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Well, that all happened!

So, In total, how bad are the damages to the Uneven Island @MangoFlan ?
Apocalypse levels bad. The platforms are in bad shape with some collapsing to the sea. Monsters roam without their leader. They are highly religious and xenophobic.

Crab settlements on the surface momentarily abandoned and defenseless. An entire ruinarine tribe dissolving. Nocturnes in hiding. Grimhaven in turmoil. Marrow Town a crater.
Wait, is The Nightmare of the Old World the last one standing in terms of the big powerhouses of the Uneven Island?

Well, not counting the Bridge.
Don't forget Project Overseer. So, Leviathan, Project Overseer, and Derzor the Scaled Fish Leader.

The Rebar Dragon is dead for the most part. Anwik is dead.
The attacks of the rebar dragon before his ¿death? Nuclear Fire, Redditor Rant. Somehow the nuclear fire is the less dangerous one of these.

Mango you are amazing.
Thank you very much.

Yeah, somehow, the rant somehow became the rebar dragon's strongest attack.

I had Anwik and the Rebar Dragon fight in my outline, they fight, they both go down, the Leviathan gets involved, probably swallowing the Rebar Dragon and potentially saving Anwik. I even had the idea of the Leviathan becoming wholly mechanical after all its biological parts died because of the Necro-Scepter.

Then I got to writing that part, and I realized that the rebar dragon does not physically match Anwik. I wrote Anwik and his ilk making craters in concrete, and the rebar dragon is made of concrete. Then again, physicality was never the rebar dragon's strongest suit.

Also, I may have forgot DERZOR'S THOUGHTS, and I couldn't fit the sinking of the Rebar Dragon's platforms. Project Overseer purposely sank it. It really did not want anyone getting terrible ideas from the rebar dragon's reddit posts drafts.
Apocalypse levels bad. The platforms are in bad shape with some collapsing to the sea. Monsters roam without their leader. They are highly religious and xenophobic.

Crab settlements on the surface momentarily abandoned and defenseless. An entire ruinarine tribe dissolving. Nocturnes in hiding. Grimhaven in turmoil. Marrow Town a crater.
This shall be etched into the collective psyche for generations.

Also, how fitting that an Apocalypse happens shortly after a massive beast with the symbol of the Apocalypse in local culture shows up!
Red Debris and Artisan are in the Lead.

Artisan will help in making suitably grand treasure(s) for the inhabitants to hunt down.

@MangoFlan , could I make a weird Eldtrich cosmic ocean to "fill in" the space between "islands" of the debris field?
That was intense. Probably my favorite chapter so far!

Also, Rebar Dragon rethtoric is op!

Edit: On a completely unrelated note I had an idea of The One Who Will Be giving their future self their current dust. Giving your dust to yourself normally probably dosn't do anything but considering TOWWB is reborn they might be able to use it!

Unless MangoFlan says otherwise of course.
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Welp, unless there's a big and sudden change in votes, looks like Red Debris and Artisan will be the ones claiming victory.

Hmmm…what kind of Treasures is everyone thinking of setting up to be found/hunted?
Got any requests for the specifications of the Ship?
Not particularly. As long as the robot pirates can use it, it's fine.

I have pretty much decided they won't be the standard two-arms two-legs body type (or at least a majority won't), though I'm currently uncertain whether to go for a six-legged centaur or something more exotic.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by MangoFlan on Dec 18, 2023 at 9:15 PM, finished with 33 posts and 12 votes.
[] The Lady Luck: A emerald green and gold spaceship with special "cosmic sails" that absorb cosmic background radiation along with any other ambient energies for back up power generation. The Lady Luck has a complement of twenty cannons that fire spherical masses of plasma that explode on contact. She contains both a captains quarters and crew quarters that adapts to the crew's physiological needs (becoming recharging stations for robots for instance). She has a spacious cargo hold capable of holding 100 Tons of cargo/treasure. She also has a sick bay, a mess hall with bar, a workshop, and a navigation room with a full map of the region that updates if the debris field changes. The Lady Luck also has a faint enchantment of giving her crew better luck in dangerous situations, as long as they aren't being stupid and reckless. Finally, the Lady Luck has something of a Will of her own, and can take control of itself to protect her crew if they're away and in danger.

@Sir Plusse , how's this?
Im thinking of a creature based of a certain pokemon...

Masquerain looks like it could be a cool alien
[] Inch-Drakes: These greedy little creatures are roughly the size of a human hand though their wings and tails are both several times larger, although their exact appearance varies greatly even among close family, the only true constants are the beautiful scales which can be almost any single color and are nearly unbreakable, the clever arrogant and quick witted mind which is always just a little to greedy for its own good, the terrifying breath weapon which is a lance of purple energy that can pierce a drake's scale with ease, and off course that each and every one of them can fly through space with speed and grace. They can also all breathe in space.

Any thoughts?
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